-i ' ' ' DAIL EAST' CSSCCSIAN; f KI&LETOW, OREGON, FHIDAY EVXNIJra, 18, 1921. f AGS. I Vlst - 3 i r ' 3 t, - JI L-a. Imtmom L i L,,. 1 J ' " 1 J) ( v I ! ' Notices, Business Opportunities Locals, Lost, Found, " For Rent, Etc., Classif ied for Easy; Reference. ft CLASSIFIED AIIVKtlTISlKa . HATKg ' Bt In t point Counting sir or dlnary word to the Hut First insertion, per line...... $.1Q w r.i.i-ii suumnnsi ovnsecuuV I Insertion, per line .. One month, every Issue, , each lnsrtion, per Une.... j Six month. ontract. evwy issue, tech. insertion, per line u k .... Twelve month contract,- y every lasuo. each Insertion, X per line !.... Ada not run consucutlrely, each Insertion, per line , 4 No ads taken for less than 1 line. Minimum charge . .OS .0( .(I .03 .11' GIRL' wIhIics generut" housework lit town Phone 6-J. KOft, RENT I furnished houaekcep liMt roomsPit Ann at.-, .-. FOR RENT 1 sleeping room, team hent, hot and cold wateru-Cary Apt WANTED Flut-top office denk Phone 101, Pendleton Omh Market. I.OHT IxilU : diamond ring finder , leave at Kujtt Orcgontau-ltaward. FR HAIjK- Old faehloned walnut bed nd aprtnga t-heap Phone 205-M. HXlJHIEVNCKU man and wife wanta work on ranch. Inquire 401 Aura treet. FOR JtKNT office ruema In the Hiangtrr Bldg. Phone CSV, George Kiangler. . , FtR RB.NT J rooma forllght houae .keeping1 ground floor "04 Thomp son atreet. FOR RENT One furnished room apartment one furnished Jroom rpartnicnl 502 Water St, FOR 8AX.& Fifteen room apartment house furnished boat location good condition 4argatn. i03 Water tit. FOR RENT Furnished houaefcecpfng rooms, also Inrge bed room, reason able. Apply 41 5 Uarfiold, after 4 p. m. WA NTOD Middle age' handy man )ord and room, big wages to the ritht man work I fence building, clearing brush and general work on 12 acfe truct. lH-o, Hi Kddy, Box S04, La Orande, Ore. , MAKHW AT- ON'Clv W put you in correspondence With tlior.Banda of Charming and refined ladles who wish to marry, many worth from 11,000 to 825,000 and upward. Particulars free. Address Allen Ward, U 751,, Valley, Nebraska. FOR HAI.E ORTRADK room mod ern houae, barn, chicken house, $ Iota place cost 82.500.00, will take 81250. 8300.00 will buy everything, balance like rent or will trade for a good team, harness and wagon must be good Address L. W. HerbeVt, Wes ton, Ore, Box 88 or Phone 302. HPIttlAL XMt OXE wiaat , lvrnrti(' 4lMKolnicM, Regular lrlcc 73c pound. Special 30c er pound . We wnht everyone In Pendleton to become acquainted with Davenports nil i- . ( candles, conaetiuently. beginning thh. morn and continuing for one week we will place on sale the entire assort- men. of Daven.K,rta chi-win chocolate. mcnt of Davenirorts chi-wlng chocolate. TImi Pendleton lmg Co. Bargains In Homes 10 room house near high school. Part now rented bringing 335.00 per month. Price 32000.00 rive hundred will handle. ' I,, room house near high school, 'a swell buy. Price $3000.00. Folir hun dred will hamllo, 6 room homo, partly.urnlxhed. nenr depot, arranged for apartments and bringing In gwod rent. Price $200.00. - Eosy terms. If you want a HOME, Dairy or Poul try Ranch,-Wheat or Cattle Ranch, -see us. for We have' the best bargains in tho country. Snow A Dayton 117 E. Court sn. Phone 107 ' " ' "'LOST ANU FOUNtF 48t8jitlii LOST--Oray - and : whlto gander In West end of town.Phone 262-W. TAKEN March 8 from the foot of S. Main St.- hill, mana" ibicyclo siih-able- reward if returnod' to 80 Jaok sn street. . " " m ., ,1 1 ., - In an ttiltn nam ffflil 1 T. I11V...C, ... '-" " ' ' -- llll llUnll v., ,,,v-. . ...... - tariffed at a beawtiful' much mere to. et some water for- tneir car, rnerei was a mnn In the? front of the hous feeUIng some chlrtten und one or the lathVa aKked hint 'Tioo place it was" ho ntnlled and answered, "It Is where C. William Kob, of Kolb & Dill lives." She was very anxious to look over the place nnd snld that she knew Mr. Kolb Very well and she wa sure If he, had been there-he wnld have gladly shown her around, the man snld he would do so and after taking the ladles over the ranch, etc, and accepting a tip. resum ed his work. While they were still iri , alght, another car passed and the driv er Waved and hollered a "Hello Kolb" wonder -what the lady would have said hud she been there at that time, lipping Kolb a half dollar we won der; , . One cannot he too careful when the country so full of "Gentlentfen Farmer" even If they., do "Know Klh vcre well,";. , . p: m thy I NOTICES KSTRAYED Came to- my place on . Wild Home Creek, one white, faced bull, branded horaa (rnr k n rlhs mill In left ear J, E. Troxel, Vox 706, Fen- oieton, uregon, rhone 3F11. Photographer -To Introduce our kodak work will fltflah Free one roll aod one print ch. Ward Studio. . KUT1CK Notice of Paynit'nt of Oty of Pontile , toil Iniitrnvemcnt lkin4 " Notice la hereby given that City of J'endleton Improvement Borld No. 21, Seriee p will be paid upon presentation thereof to the undcralgncd at the Am orloan National Bank, Pendleton, ITinfttlUa County, Oregon, after Apr,li I, 19S1. , Intereat on the above named bond ceaaea April J, 1921. fated March 10, ml. r ' LK8 MOORHOU3B, Treaaurer of the City of -Pendleton, by H. W. pickaon. Deputy. ., ... ; " NfXTICE ' '' ' :' x . N'otloe of Pa j-nwnt of 0if.it Pctidle- on lmnrOTemmt Ttnnd Notice (a hereby given that Cftf df Penlleton Improvement Bond No. 19, Eerlca T; No. S, Series 16, will be juld upon' tnenentatlbnjhcreof" io the on. derafgned at the "American; National Bank, Pendleton,. Umatilla . County, Oregon, after March 1, mi. Interest on the above named' Sonde ceases Maretr t; liti.' ' ' . Dated February 11.U51.. . .. .1 i I , ., ; UBU MOORBOUSB,,. Treasurer of the City of Peodlton,,by i H. W. Dickson, Deputy. Ntnlwof Bhla f or fJCTrer Contniotlon ; Notice Is hereby given that sealed bids wilt be received at the office of th City Recorder lit Pendleton, Ore-' Kon up to i o'doclc P. It. on March' I3rd 1911. for the oonstruotlod of a Sewer Lateral on Arc. Street . from Jackson atreet 290 feet north, each blor! must be accompanied 1y' a certified! check' In t pel, cent: 0f the amount ot the bid, made payable to the order of the Mayor of The City of Pendleton, td be returned to the bidder if onsuc- ccsrftil. and to be forfeited If the bid is accepted anu tne uiaocr iaiis 10 enter, Into' ft omrtract In accordance with the .terms of hls.sniif bid, plans and speci fications may be seen at the office of the City" Surveyor. ,The Common Council reserves trie fight 'to reject any and all bids. . '"' 1 ... ; . Dated, alt . Pendleton- Qregon,,,.,thljH 1 0th, day of Murtb 1921., TIIOS. PITZ GBRALD, City Recorder. ,,. ,,. ,1 xotick of sTitrarr assfasmest INSTALLMENT 1'RIVlLFtiES, . Notice la hereby given that " the Common Council of The City of Pen dloton on February 23; 1821, made an asKeaament for the Improvement of that part of Mark street trom the east line of Matlock Htreet to the west line of Hush Street; Logan Street from' the Houth line of Raley Street to the North lino of Mark Street, and Perkins Ave nuS from the South lino of Rnley Street to the North line of Waiter Mill Jlaee, In said City and assessed the cost for making said improvements against the lots, parts ot lots and par eels of land especially benefited there by. All persona affected by such im provement and assessment who desiref to take advantage of the provisions ot Chapter 5, of Title 26, of Lord's Ore gon Laws providing that such aases . . hitj n ,n Annual In. " " " . viuiiiiiktiiio, n(w imv., .... ....t.. ,ai menis. aro PPUon m"f -, th Recorder of The City of made 14 Pendle ton as In said Chapter b . proviaen, within ten days from the date of this notice. Blank forms for such applica tions may be secured at the offiqe ot the City Recorder. J Dotted at Pendleton, Oregon, this 10th. day ef March, 1821. ! . THOa FITZ GERALD .,,'. City Recorder- USED CAR EXCHANGE VOn SALE Bulck D-44 roadster Phone 875. . TOR SALE W have a few rood used Fords priced from (138. to $375 rheae are all worth the tnoney-Hsall ind see them Simpson Auto Co, Pater and Johnson Sts. FOR SALE -caocaSM-joav FRESH MILCH COW3 tor sal mi , 1 Alia Barns. -.- ,.t.-v-.-. it- FOR SALE Dayton bicycle In good Condition. Phone 615. -. -t IfrOIU SALE V room ' plastered housaj ( aorthlslde Phone 283-w... ' ' FOR SALE Reed buby buggj' first .. . class condition .Phone 504-W, '. WHEAT HAY AND BARLEY for sal w. Ri RODerts,- Kietn, -uregon. t FOR- SALE All kind of Ineuranoet J, H. Estes, 614 Mala St., Phone 604, FOR SALE S. C. B, Leghorn egg for hatching Also day old ohlcks Phono 14 5-U, . 1 FOR SALE Slse XI dark pak Vlctrola nearly new 12 double records $100.00 Phone 968.. PRUNES Best grade 60,70s, 10 lb, box postpaid $6.00 King-wood Or chards, Salem, Oregon. FOR. SALE Self-propelled combine . harvester, 191$ model, good shape tnrttnt Sturgl Storle. , , , ... , FOR SALE Mc residence lot on paved street price , reasonable Pliono 295 after S p. m. FOR HALR Deerlnsr harvester wltlU motor. unly cut 800 acres. Phone 18F23 or see Louie Hansen. run baj.is ADout 130 tons aifairau hay, some mixed with barley. George. Geanokopulas, Rleth Ore. Phone 13F4. . Fon SALE Hirtehing egpt from thoroughbred single comb Rhode Islllil lleils- - SO0 W, Wobh, hnn-84 FOR 'SALES Effisa. for hatching Slri- glo Conch White Leghorn WUbur lirtHi., high egg-laying strain Phone lit. FOIL. KAI.L' Whlta WvimiliiltA Mcaa 1.00 per aettlng' also Old Trunty incuoBior, Zdv eggs, iiu.uu rnone 7K3-W. , ', .. ... 4 WORK. HORarca for aule or trade for. an automobile O.'A. Conit'ant, Rletli, Oregon.' FOR SAIJi Thoroughbred Rhode It land Keda. and' Buff Minorca, egg for hatching -ordcra taken for day old ch.cks Phone. 87-J. , . . . I FOR SAl,H-g room modern residence on iiiorth- aide excellent, location Tornm very renaonable for, Lamedlato .jiale.-i-Addrea "6" this office, FOR BALK Thoroored single comb Rhode Island, Rod cockerels. Extra, dark color, large and well matured. Mrs. A. E. Hard. Box-47, Echo, Ore, FOR SALW Potatoes, selected seed 1(1.(0 cwt.;' fine cooking, $1.2S per cwt.; beardleag barley at So lb.;, winter barley at 2 Vic lb. t. Andrews Hchool, Pendleton, Oregon R. 1, ISox 65. ... :, " a ' ' 1 ' ' ' ' 1 J FOR SALE OR TRADE One It it. P. fit over gas engine, mounted on wag on bed with wide Iron wheels. Guar anteed In first class condition. Will trade for Ford. Simpson Auto.Co. FOIf ftALB Very reaaonabie first class building lota one of the beat residential districts on north side. W'ater and gas at. property line s4de- walk In street paved 4 blocks' from Chrlatlan church. Terms to right partyi-Phone 768. I 'HAVB"fotI that 800 acre pasture and half block on Main street. The 4 HO acre wheat farm at 822.50 per acre' is as good as sold. I now have 175 acre alfalfa farm at (100 per acre irtat is equal 10 some tzvu per acre ot fr-jlr-gs. N. Berkeley., , v . Goo'd' reaiderrce- on LeVls-cornet kit and garage.. House In- all parts of the city. 640 acres good wheat land to, trade- for Pendleton property, Houses in all parts of the city. Some on easy terms. GEO. W. tt.VKR. -4M8Maiii tit.. . nca. Phone 9;2-W .Phone, 9 FOR RENT AJTS. AND ROOMS ALTA APTS. FOR RENT Furnished Act Phone J10-W. .. . Jf . , FOR RENT 2 room apt. .with sleep ing porch Phoeo 28-W, 307 Aura. ROOM and. BOARD tor men only 603 Hi Wetob, 1 -, :-. ; FOR RENT r Front Phonb.S23-M.If -v ted room FOR RENT Furnished apartments- Call 30 Tustln after 5 p. m. ... FOR RENT Two room downstair apartment 307 Aura St, Phone 288-W.. , BOARD BT WEEK $8.00, or by meal 50 cents, family style 777 Thomp son Rt. . FOR RENT One nice front bed room - batlt. adjoining close In Phone 278-J. ...... 1.; FOR RENT Sis room house with bath, hot and cold water Inquire 314 Tustin St.. . FOR RENT Furnished apt., 3 rooms and sleeping, porch Phone 216-M, 908 East Court.. . ............ FOR RXTJ( Downstairs 5 roonv apt. modern furnished, or unfurnish edPhone 204-if. . .. ,, . ... ... . . FOR RENT tA. steam, heated apart- mont hot and- cold water Phone 277, 11$ Ey High .St"-.- t " FOR RENT 2 furnUliteT- j- apart mentsPhone White' Doughnut Lunch 123 W. Atta. , . ,, D0EI63 Of tSB pum v vjhat kind oo IFTMP I ill h I UrdnM MM I . . riu t r rnt TV I( VJHAT KINO OO J I - It :, J -A i c. "' "f v" ' Handy Business Directory of Pendleton and Vicinity This Directory is especially handy for the out-of-town reader who may want the name and address of responsible business men. Who represent tilt following llneaa. Ail are reliable, responsible business concerns who stand ready to give you prompt service. FOR RENT One housekeeping room Phone J7-W. FOR RENT Furnished bed room In private family furnaced heated for one or two gentlemen. Inquire "B" thls-offlce. , FOR RENT 800 acres good pasture, well fenced and watered, on north fork of McKay, 16 miles from Pendle ton Earl Glllanders. FOR R EXT Two t room apartment furnished for light nousekeeplng In the Failing Bldg., (01 Main SI. Inquire Room ( upstairs. WANTED" WANTED Setting- hen Phone ' ; ' WANTED Small furnished: .Apt Call tVti WANTED Sewing plain or faoay Phone 101-M. WANTED Girl for .' work Phone 88. ' general bouse- WANTED Girl for (reneral ' work. Phone 3HJ-W. - v bouse- WANTED GOOD CLEAN RAGS AT The East Oregonlan office. - WANTED Experienced girl or wom an to work on ranch Phone I4F11, WANTED Experienced woman or girl cook on ranch give reference rhone 207-n. WANTED Young girl to help, with general housework on , ranch Phone 14F13. ' WANTED Two pool tables and fix tures size 4x8 Address A, B. P., Wallula. Wo. SCHOOL GIRL wants to help with general housework pnd $10.00 per month. 'Phone 7.99-J, . ..... WILL TRADE Ford touring car for span of young work, horses J. C. Hopkins, Weston, Ore.".' WANTED Salesman fOT Coffee Rome ' Big money for "producers Call Room 29 Senate, before 9 a. ro. WANTED Boy, about 16. years old. , for store, work and running errands -Inquire Crescent Drygooda Co. MARRIED COUPLE No children want work on farm references P. M Sauyer, $18 E. 2nd. 6W Aberdeen, Wn. WANTED TO BUY Good young.lead team of mules must be AtI Ad dress James Hill, Pendleton, or Phone lVANTEI-!-Elderly "woman., to help ' with general house, work arid, copk ing Phone 16J4. Address R. .F..D. Box 46. Echo. Oregon. ' :, . , W.tNTED-i-raderly man who knows cows, chickens and gardening,. Year round work for right man. .Address J. E. perringer Ranches Co., or coll 4060, 2F14 or 2F4. , ' . , WANTED Hdusekeeper woman to watch S little girls, 5 and 7 years old wages $2 5.0ft per month and board Write to Louis Churon. P. O. L-ox 28. Board man, Oregori. WE WILL BUY your automobile andH j pay you cash for JU Beck- & Co., 312 Johnson SA t- J! -t-WJi li-USCELUNEOUS MRS. ADA FEliripirellariere Phone 324-W. . Address 514 Jane. ALL KINDS of patients cared tor by experienced nurse 800 W, Webb Phone 884. , , -,..-; : ; ; .- LET, t'S CLEAN and wash your rugs , on the' floor. IlamUtun Bnach sys tem, Phono 514-J. w,. ,i,-.t Danny Feels a Vamp's Sting. AMD whay SFPl I T LA StI IT 'v . - w si 7Tf r th ' TIME CARD , Weston-Pendleton Aoto Stage , Leaves WesU.a for Pendleton at 7:19 tk to. and 11:45 p. m,. Leaves Athena for Pendleton at 1:90 a. m. and 1:00 p. m. Leave Adams for Pendleton at 8:20 a. m. and 1:20 p. m. 0 Leaves Peadletoa (Allen-Knight . Ca. Store) for Weston at 1:0. s. m. and I p, in., O O, H. MoPRKRRIN, Prop, TPiIE CARD , i Pilot Rock-Pendlcton Auto Stage ' ' Leaves Pendleton Hotel and ' French Restaurant 9:00 a. m.; I Leaves Pilot Rock Hotel fa.ni, 4 ' Leaves Pendleton Hotel and i French Restaurant 11:00 a. m.; Leaves Pilot Rock Hotel 11 a. m. " Leaves Pendleton Hotel and French Restaurant 2:30 p. m.; Leaves Pilot Rock Hotel 1 p. m. 4" Leaves : Bendleton' Hotel and ' French Restaurant 5:00 D. m.; Leaves Pilot Rock Hotel 6:30 pm.- ' We carry ; parcels and small express. ... FANCHO STUBBLEFIELD ' Tutoring Anyono wishing tutoring call Miss Irene Hawkes t'hone 126 First to X'Mi grade inc. SAG RUGS and carpets woven. Also first class crocheting and embroid ery. All orders promptly filled. See Wheelers) at 1300 W. Railroad. WE WASH and clean th finest rug satisfactorily. References given. We make fluff ruga from old carpets. Walla Walla Rug and Carpet Clean ing Co. Phono 1477. AUTO ELECTRIC WORKS WH REPAIR anything electrical on an antomoblle. W. K. Cbaa do. AUTO TRANSFER W. G. FISHER tttaod RUejr It Kemp, Pbono blzV C. E.. WILLIAMSON Stand at Griggs1 - Cigar 8tore--Phone 1073, . FOR QUICK SERVICE, Call Bud Cornfield, Phone (2, Crescent Cigar Stortw Residence, Phdn 1059-R. ' AUTO REPAIRING II. L. H.EDRICK Automobile and truck repairing car laundry In con nection. 717 Garden Street. THE "PIONEER" AUTO MAN Satis faction guaranteed. We repair any make. Glenn Long, 633 Cottonwood. AUTO TIRES PENDLETON CYCLE -CO. AJax, Re vere and Savage tires. 328 K Court Stseet. L. a BENTLEY & CO. Goodyear and Diamond Tires Tire service, oils and accessories Alt and Garden Sts, WALLACE- BROS. Flsk tires, cords or fabric. We do our own adjust ing. 08-11 Johnson St, . GERTSON & MARTY Gates Super- Tread tires-;-4l3 Cottonwood. Vul canizing and repairing. PENDLETON RUBBER A- SUPPLY CO Barnev Oldfield. Goodrich SUV vertown Cord and Pernsylvania Vaou- um Cup 305 fc- conn. SIMPSON TTRE SERVICB CO. Re public and Firestone tires,, cords or fabric. 22S E. Court SU Phone (51. AUTO TOPS GADWA'S AUTO TOPS,- Plate Glass, Backs,. Sid Curtain Ml East Court St.. .' ' BY ALLMAH t0 t mm mm ULjnsML'l at. N- AUCTIONEER COL. W. F. TOHNKA Auctioneer. Call at Sturgls h Storle's Implement Co., for sale dates. AUTO PAINTING- 7 MEN WITH TEARS ot experlenctv. Motor Inn Garage, 722 Cottonwood. Ward A. Uoagtand, Prop. ATTORNEYS GEORGE W..COUTT8,. Attorney . Law, Room 17, bcnmUli block. R. I. KEATOR, Attorney at Law, Room 21, Smith-Crawford Building. CARTER 6MITHE, Attorney at Law. Offices In rear ot American National Bank Building. ' FEES A- FEE, Attorneys at Law. Of- fices In Despaln BuUding. S. A. LOWELL .Attorney and Counsel lor at Law: Office la Despain Bldg. S. A. NEWBERRT, Attorney at Law, federal Building. PETERSON. BISHOP CLARK, At torneys at Law. Room S nod 4 Smith-Crawford Bldg. JAMES B. PERRT, Attorney at Law. Office ore layk Hardware Com pany. RAIJEY, RALEY STEIWER, Attor neys at Law. Offti: In, Ajnesicaa National Bank Building. FRED H. SCHMIDT, Attornay at Law. Room 24, Bmltb-Crawfcrd Bldg, - BATTERIES PHILADELPHIA DIAMOND GRID BATTERIES guaranteed for 18 month. W. B Chase- Co., 12k K. 'niirt. Telephonei 269, Pendleton. IREST-O-LTTE BATTERIES Best by competitive test. Service on all makes of batteries, guaranteed. Prcst O-Lfte Service Station, 40 E. Court Phone 88,4. CATERPILLAR WORK ' CATERPILLARS, harvtaters, ga en gines, automobiles- and, general blacksmithlng. - Round-Up Garage, Parka ft NebergaU, 211 West Webb. CONTRACTORS & BUILDERS PARKER & BAN FIELD, Designing, Engineering, Constructing, 16 years experience in concrete and brick con struction. 64 E, Tnlrd St North Port land, Oregon. CHIROPRACTORS DR. R- C. ELLSWORTH Specializing In nervous diaeaso smd diss as of women,- 9 to 12 a. m.. 1 to :ie pv m. Evening 7 to 8. Fbone T04W SmiUk- Crawford Building. CLEANERS AND DYERS- PAXTORIUM Phone 473 CLEANING AND PRESSING MODEL TAILORS CLEANERS Pressing and repairing. 204 W. Webb St. Phono 321, Pendleton, Ore. DRAYMEN ' CALL PENLAND BP.OS. Transfer Tan to move your household good. We also pack or store goods, W do ante try hauling. Telephone S3. ., DENTIST Dr. H. M. HaiutTam Dentistry Room 7, Temple Building. Phono 771 EYE SPECIALIST. Start the Day 7" " TAILORS . HT TITnl" r" ' Bread RIPE OLIVES one pint 20c PEACHES IN TIN good grade 25c ' FURGESON'S ORANGE MARMALADE 35c tin DAINTY CAKES , 20c each The Dean 86 FARM LOANS &VOWfc DATTON, 117 E. Court fiU Real Estate. Jlre Insurance, IMS Loan. 8 us about loan. JUNK. JUNK, JUNK BRING- your nk to the Pendleton Hid V Junk Co. See tut before jroa, sell. L, D. Cameron, prop. HEMSTITCHING HEMSTITCHING; at the Singer Bmn Mall orders promptly nuenoeei v HEMSTITCHING Mail erders Mr,. Ralph HaaeeU 117 Bush. , fhoi- 98. LAUNDRY EVERT Article Laundered Ferteow Thers'o an agent In yor tow a Troy Laundry, et9 Gsrdesi St. DOMESTIC LAUNDRY 401 E. Conrt SU PI tone CO We maintain a som plete roendlat department. . ' -V MADE TO MEASURE obuliuiillo1 Csurl E. FrsuMeeo, FJko KISS, ' OPTICAL fsrnnm American National Bank Bldg. Gtaases Ground to Fit your ' Eye i OSTEOPATH DR. O. B. HOLT Osteopathic, pnyai- dan and Surgeon, Judd Bldg. Teio phones, office- 508j ResMenon ai-w PLUMBING SHOP 70S LEWIS STREET Pbonej 722-JA Alex Burt.. ' ' 1. , POULTRY SUPPLIES CHIC FOOD, Scratch food, tonics, bone, shell, grit, corn. oat., roiled barley. Umatilla, Floor Groin Co, PIANOS AND PLAYERS -',i.-. - -1,- .- - "m HIGH GRADE PIANOS of pleasing tone quality. Player ot Individually, fy. - Its the construction that counts. See piano on display, writ or phono The Bee Hive. S28 Main St, Phong 107 J. P. DarnalL Factor Be Moler A Chaas- Piano Co. - Painting and Paper Hanging PAINTS, Wall Paper, Picture train ing. Lv t. McAteo, the pracucn Paint Uid. Lowa Bros. Faints, t - RADIATOR" REPAIRING VLTA AUTO RADIATOR WORKS Tin Kaat Alts, street. All makes ot radiator repaired. Work nuarantead,, & Blasberg, Prop. ' RESTAURANT IHB QUELLE A good place to SECOND HAND FURNITURE LET US DO YOUR REPAIR WORKt We buy and sell household good I'hone 522, Riley Kemp, 523 Slain. SECOND HAND DEALERS V-. STROBLB, dealer In new and see ond hand good. Cash paid to; second hand goods. Cheapest plo to buy household 0Ods,tU K, Conrt .., -a, -tB ' t 1IUIIQ , A & SUGGESTIVE THERAPEUTIC THH most up-to-date effectual lead ing science practised.E, F. G'hao" p g x N. D. Room 1 J Feebler Bldg. With Butternut DILL PICKLES Northern grown Something exfra good 40c can PUMPKIN Tho kind - that makes those good rich pies 25c can - .. WHOLE BEETS Del Monte Rraud small size 20c tin Tatom Co. ' Crocerj,Pt?.t. GS3 ear , omw 1 I I I ! I