A ws 1.14 Jti? 'If Wt ' -A TEN PACES MltY JSASY GREGORIAN. PENDtSION, 0S.feGON, FRIDAY SVEKINQ, MAMfl 18, 1921. PACE F0U3 England's Mary Pickford Buy Now for 1 AM 1NDK1ENDEXT NEWSPAPER ! W Fubllsh'd IHUr and Seml-Werkly. at l,nli-lon, Oregon, h? Ihn AT OHWioXlAJt PCni-ISHlNfl CQ. Kntrrd t the r office si l'endls. tn, Oregon, u second clM null matter. ' ' ON 8 ALE IN' OTHEH CITIES Imperial llotl Nw Stund, Portland. ON Kll.K AT rhlcnKO Itumu, 909 Security Ttullding. Weahington. U. f. Unreal! 601 l-'our-t-Mh Hiwt N. W. . ' MtH Ik MM-ll- rrr. Th An-itrd Press is escliisively Milled lo Mi usfor republication or 11 news tfipatehf endued to It or ot olherwlss credited In thi paper nd also th local new published bore euBscrurTioN rates (IN ADVANCE) Dally, ono year; by mall ,, IriIv, aix monllivby mall . liailv. three months by mail..... Uailv, onn month by mail ...,. Pailv, one year by carrier Daily. months by carrier .. IMily, three montha by carrier.. Daily, one month, ty carrier .... .(0 . 8.00 . l.MI . .to . 1.! . S T. t. . n,i.lViklv. ona year bv mail . 1.00 d.mE.WuL W- Itiinlhi hv mail 1 nil Semi-Weekly' three months by mail .(id TeloDhona T1IK tXlXTUAKV ELEMKNT . r (Py Frank L. Stanton.) Weather's so contrary, ' " ; Ain't makin' any bets . Ain't a-propheayin' snow, ' Nor siiigin' violets. , Ist fc'me that I said "l would snow , Word cams across the wires: . . "People meltin' high an' low ." - , Summer's lit her fires"' . 1 - When I tor 'em It v hi spring Roses to deliver. - 1 '- Plimard blow ed like everything . Sent the worP to kiver: Weather's so contrary, ' ' Called off all my bets; , . y. . Ione with prophesv in' snow . "' An' sirutin". vkdets! ' . '.' i Coiyrishted for tho East Oregonian Pub. Co. ,.. 1 . ' - k t f : ' " - . it il ll ' ' ! v ' ' - I i 1 ii, if ' ' M.Jy . w , - M-i I . THE REAL ST. PATRICK (By William E. Barton.) ST PATRICK is believed to have been born about the year " 389. We are more nearly certain of the jrear than the day or the place.. .. ', , ' - ' He mav have been a Scotchman ; some declare he was born in France ;'but there is some reason to think that he was born in England. . " , , . , . - lt is said that he was born on the Right of the eighth ol March, but whether before or after mid-night, no one could tell, as it was before the age of clocks ' . - When his birthday came to be celebrated, one clan cele brated the eighth and another the ninth, and each endeavored to convince the otheriof bejng in error. ? A good and wise man suggested that "One man could not have two birthdays,'" and proposed that the eight and the nine should be added together. By this compromise all differences " were settled; the seventeenth day of March hence is celebrated as St Patrick's day. . ' " . . ... Wherever he was born his name is forever associated witn Ireland. Not that the Emerald Isle was the onlly place where he lived and worked. In the English Lake Region the name ' 1'atterdaye preserves the tradition if not the memory of his la bor in the north of England, not far from the Irish sea. " When he was 16, he was carried away by a band of marau ders. For six years he was held in bondage in- Ireland. At 22 he fled from Ireland. He landed after three days on the west coast of France, and spent some years in a monastery on the Mediterranean. " . .7."., Then he returned to Britain ; where he conceived the idea of returning as a missionary to Ireland-.' . In a dream he saw a man nam?d Victorious bearing many epistles, one of which was for him, and contained "The Voice of the Irish." He heard in his ear3 their invitation, "We pray thee, holy vouth, to come and walk again amongst us as before." 1 Although naturally oumaenc, ana in spue ui me .wjiiwai. of his relatives, Patrick sailed to Gaul, where he was ordained; and then he returned to Ireland. ., - He founded many churches, of which that at Armaugn is most intimately associated with his name. ' , St Patrick was a man who combined a deep spiritual nature with a strong capacity for action. He had a firm purpose, and. an enthusiasm which carried him over every obstacle. - He redeemed Ireland from paganism. He introduced the t i nmolfK loom in or st Ti A Ti hrou ch t th at J.auu lailguutic, w ibv is vi "e - ----- 4hen isolated island info touch with the civilization of western Europe. 1 - Tk one movie actress. Curl her hair. Let the ringlets hang down her back. Then you have a "Mar Pickford." Germany has one Norway has one. Sweden has or.e. Italy has one. England .hasonev England's Wary Pickford Ja Alma Taylor. Here she if. at left, . Doesa'l she look like our Alary r ; : t , 1 ! CRUSOE'S 1Y.BEC0ME GOVERNMENT RESOR i Vegetation is Abundant ; Many Kinds of Fruit Thrive There; Plenty " of Fish in Sea. VALPARAISO. March IS (A. P.). Juan Fernandez Island. 450 miles we of Valparaiso, widely re,garder as tho fciot around which the story Kotiin- j son Crtiso was written. Is to be trun- od into a health resort according to: present plans of tho Chilean govern- j ment. . The Island is 13 miles long and four miles wide. VcBetntioua is abundant.J Jlany kinds of fruits thrive there an! j the sea hi the vicinity swarms with a species tf codfish and quantities of seals, according to a' recent visitor. .The actual orginal of Defoe's story of Crusoe -was said to have been Alex ander Selkirk, one of a crew of buc aneers, who quarreled with his skip lr and was marooned, at -his own re quest on Juan Fernandez where he spent four lonely years. TheJ-grotto vhera Selkirk is "supposed to have liv ed with hW man Friday still is to be seen. ' A British warship visited the island in 1S68 and members of the crew erected a 'tablet in 'memory or Selkirk. ' . ffome years ago tho Chilean govern ment attempted to colonize the is land and" gave free passage to emi grants, 'but the scheme was a failure and the island now has only 200 inhabitants. YOUR Best guide To ; Shopping' Beauty Secret TTFP th avxtem clean. Eliminate the poismu. - If nature will not do it for you. help nature with a natural medicine l:Ua Dr. Caldwell's, SvrupPepsin.Take a teaspoon fill for a Few niutits and watch the results. There, will be a feeling of lightness, the eyes will be briuht and sparkling, the lips red, the cheeks piuk. Dr. Caldwell's Syrup Pepsin, is the recognized, standard remedy for constipation, and it ii nnaatipation that five, women hcha, ilullneas, lost of ipnatita and sleep, bad breath and bad com plexion. Tr. Caldwell's Syrup Pepsin will re Hera you over nitbt. tad do it enlly but thoroughly. It la Just a combraslion of simple laxative hei ba. with pepsin, so safe that it is given lo infants. A stit-cent boll Is will last for months, and last year eight million boltles ware bought at drug stores--. In iueli.a guarsnws of merit.. TRY IT FREE. Send mt 70iir name aid aietrns and I will send you a jrte tna', bottle of my Syrup Pepsin. Add'tss mt Dr. W. B. CoUuwII, jij Wash njton St, Montictilo, lit Everybody now arid then nteds a larativt, and it it well to knew the ben. Wriu mt today. the statement that advertis ing is the best of all shopping guides. ' Any doubt In that direction which might ex.'st would be quickly dispelled by suppos ing if it la possible, that Micro were no udvortsemental What a worrying task ' shopping would be! Spring Needs ' : SHOES Regulation Army Russett Shoe ................. Officers Dress Shoes...': - Officers Dress Shoes, with rubber heels ... Heavy Munson Last Work Shoes ..$7.50 ..$6.25 ,.$6.50 ..$5.65 Special! U. S, Navy Shoes CANNED GOODS Deli Monte Sliced Hawaiian Pineapple t . , No 2 1-2 can 40o ; case of 24 cana, $8.25 U. S. Army Roast Beef ; ' 1 . ..,..;..:..2 lb can 35c; 3 for $1.00;, case, $8.00" Del Mflnte Solid. Pack Free Stone Peaches ' .1.. .. ..No. - L-2 can, 35c; $3.90 doZ4: $7.50,cm U. S.Ajm'y Corned Beef...! I l-Zlb. canb3 for $1.0. Del Monte Tomatoes, solid pack , '' ' No 2 1-2 can, 20c; $2.45 do.; $4.20 per case Joy 0' Wheat Breakfast FoocU-'."....--"--------------1 00 Mission Brand Sugar Peas and Minnesota Corn .....2 cans, 35c; $2.00 dozen, or $3.75 per case Alaska Salmon, 1 lb, can 2 fc 25c; case of 48, .$5.75 FREE DELIVERY ON ALL ORDERS Army & Navy Sales CO. Phone 861 516 Main How everyone would miss the helpful information that snow guides In the selection of the best glods, and Informs of the shop where they can be" obtained. , Not Today An Adless Paper. Shoes and Soap Little Guide Posts , What Ycu Owe- , ' AN EDITORIAL ON- BUYING No procressive, thoughtful person todav will cliallenire .i-Jl -L-. U - Fortuiiatoly, the day of ex perimental buying is over. The dally" columns of- in structive advertising, an-, nouncementa have banUhed the slow process of learning by experience how to avoid , disappointment and dissatis faction, ' r.eaders find in the adver-. Using columns of the hewspa-' pers Just the infonuatlun re- . quired to make the best se lection .of msrchandlso. Leis urely, and In the comfort of 3 - " and I their homes, they rcad plun their purciiases. The present days offer splendid biiying opportunities to wise shoppers. Shops and stores are particularly attrac tive with seasonable thlnits to wear, and- things for the home. Interesting',- money saving sales in many lines of merchandise are featured. The attractiveness of stocks is reflected In the advertising announcements. Here you can find Information about everything from shoes to au tomobiles, from soap to Chip- pendale Jturnlture. ' ; " ' Th advertising columns in this paper.are accurate guide posts on the road to safe and udvantah-eous buying. v - '' Pcoplo ot forethought and, thrift will read the advertl.' ing columns every day.' Tliuy, know advertising's value lutd they will overlook no buy ' ing opportunity which, la pre sented tu them, through this medium. ' If you happen to be tine of the few who have not yet , learned' of the 'economic ad vantitKO to be derived from "wading . advrrtlsliiit . closely and constantly. It Is a duty you owevyour homo to begin "this very now." f THE PURCHASER HAS SOME RIGHTS ti t,;n nvnlolno in Vionalf nf tHp nnhlic service commis IX us uciug ... v...... l -sion's act in advancing telephono rates that during the war - - J i C i n.i the Uregon commission reiusea ine request, ui uic vov master general that rates be increased because of war costs - All that may be true, but what of it?' If it was right for the commission to refuse a rate advance during war time, why not .. .. . . ,-1 3 . .. 1 ... At follow the same logic now wiui iaoor aim Hiaini cs in clining? If fhe company did not deserve an increase while costs ..nnirr mku ia an infTonsp npressarv at thiatime? Vt CJC BUailllg, 1IJ o " ...v.. . " J " V ! Another factor in the situation is that the annual report of the Bell cpmpany fails to show the company m bad straits. This report which has ijeen sent out broadcast shows that after deducting $65,731,07- for depreciation and the further sum of $31,724,103 for interest payments the company still made a net; profit of $51,821,216, which was more than 6eve"n millions above the net revenue for 191 and $19,000,000 more than the net revenue for 1913. . ' ' , . Having rolled up a very satisfactory profit throughout the nation last year and, having endured the Oregon rates all i v v,;-rV, ora if wnnlH ecom tho rnmnanv mi tr tit very well suffice without an increase at a time when money is a.: 1.1. 1 . r.Y.iitw r.t iKn nvoro era enilRlimfir la Tf1- L : 111. uiiu tile jjuituaauig avuiij vi - .4 A uutcu, The.East Oregonian shares the general opinion that the pub it., on.-lnn onmrniuuisin m H O a miutnl.0 in allOWinC TlhOlie TateS SdV DC1 VitC t.UlliIll.os-'ivi. i hum v m '' -" ... - - J . to be advanced. This impression is increased by the explana tions made by the commissioners. There should be steps taken to rescind the action taken. If this cannot be had througn a rehearing there will still be opportunity to use the recall. , ! C. E. Ingalls, versatile editor of the Corvallis Gazette-Times, is being boomed for minister to China. The talents of lMr.'Itir galls qualify him for something better than that He would make an admirable ambassador to Kansas. v !! Bv eliminating unnecessary drives the Commercial Associa tion is absolutely on the right track; we have been overworked on this score and it is necessary to have some protection. The expected came to pas3 at Ardmore. ' EDITORIAL SPARKS It's easv to see the point of a joke that's on the other fellow. -Detroit News. .. - i That's a dangerous practice those Kentucky planter- are fooling with burning the real tobacco crop. A short cabbage mnd Iwtm'e crop now would put th rmkT in a precarioiin :.iluation,-Kaiis;ts City Star, . " NEGLECTED FAMILY, IE " IOS ANGELES, March 18 (U. P.) Sensational charges that Marshall Neilan, .the film. prxlucer and direc tor has abandoned his wife and baby and was unduly attentive to Blanche Swet't, a "motion picture yrtar, won a divorce for Mrs. Gertrude Neilan ot New 'ork. ' . i The urooerty .settlement introduced in. the court provided that Mrs. Neilan is t receive yiQ per week, an automo bile, and J5,per week in trust for the education of the six-year-old son. The property . is valued at $a0,000. IKISH SPEAKER TALKS ? CHICAGO, ."March 18. -(C. 1'.) -Folice reserves 'averted a near riot when Heckles' assaiiid Sir Phillip Gibbs, an Knglteh Joiirnalist, when he attempted to speak. Twenty-one per sons were ejected from the nail. Trouble was precipitated when Glbbs said: "1 am going to tell the truth about Ireland." "Who in hell made you Ireland's historian?" bellowed ths git 1 1 cry which was filled with Irish men. Cries of "kUl him and hang bim" went, up wbii Clbha menUoned Lloyd fli?rue. nrime. o G reat . Importance Piano Pt&rctiaser s , o DIAM0fD DYES DONT STREAK, SPOT, FADE Rnv "Diamond Dv'es." no other kind. Uben perfect rennlts are guaranteed. Each package of 'I)i(unnd Dyes ' con. tains simple directlons'to diamond-dye worn, shabby nklrts, watsis, dress!s, coats, glov-s. stockings. weaters, dra peries, coveriiigH, everything, whether woof- silk, linen, cotton or mixed :e'Oils, new, ricn, i.-toeicHs coioia. l-piggiit Ha? Color Card, . We are closing our Pendleton store simpljr be cause we are unable at this time to secure a suitable location. Every piano not sold in -the next few days ' will be returned to our Portland store. ; ,To those who. demand the best and yet wish to save,, this offer.will appeal The Best advice we know of is Buy a Piano or Player Piano NOW. ' You JK-liTt the piano or player-puuio that lilcnww you and ; usstire ou ttiat ttto price uinl ii will not lie Is disaiKilntmcnt. ' Wf linvc' wvcral iijkmI pianos, tiia"inicut that we have taken hs part pnynient for player., pianos un;l gramls, which will he soW on terms uikI at a p. ice tlint will' lsirmit of uo aiu nwui. ', ' , - v ' If. joh purchase Wuidi & Lauc l'latio . or Mnjoe-I'laiio you will luuc the best piano poc-, siblev to make and we rtro doiiKMistrnting this- faiit -'every day to the leading , inuslcujiut 'li, Iirtlainl, KealUe and eu-ry city wlu-re wc lm , a IM.iiiiannis f-toic. The liusli M Irnt la)i; t Kunrantced uncoiKlitiiniaUy for 20 years. ' agaiiiKt any, defect in woiknumstiip or inn-, U iial. The reason why -you save so niin.li, in purcluiNliig a Itu.sk La no piuno is owlnz lo Uiie Im-t tlutt your pun-liase Is dlcoot sm.. actJmi.'as wc manufacture the Hush & Lane piano and If ytm should buy oil time the m--; tract lit made dimt to Uic factory liistcail trf to some a;eiit or ilcaU-r. ' ' ... ; ,' This stock of pianos and player pianos was very carefully selected for their exquisite tone andbeauti- ful cases, W the-finest figured genuine Walnut, Ma hogany and Oak'f inishes, and there are a number of t the finest ai3' most expensive styles. , v I HII II' I What you should do' is- buy NOW and a visit to thestore will colivi nee ywi.r , ''.. u tr... . i. ii.. .,.i, mrin .mi r-eillun Plaver Pluno that Is Included Jn tfihi sale. Th -rhc rl.- mni-ked nlulnlv nn eaeh Instrument Is the cash price and time buyers will pay 7 per cent interest; this Interest becoming less with each monthly payment. The use of the piano while paying for it Is worth more than the interest. , You can own a pluno NOW. 'There Is one lute style Hush & Tno' Cecilliin Player Piuno that Is Included Jn tfihi sale. This piano has ben n used only In 'tire store for demonstrating and, as Hush & Lane pianos are sold strictly iip a one piioe hauls, you know Just the amount you are saving on this piano. There is also' a hits Victor piano In cluded in this siile. This Victor piano Is mtiitufactured by us and till piano was sightly daiyaged In shipping. . ; . : t . . it . '- . - - :, . v . Bush & Lane Piano Company 115 E. WEBB STREET Across street froBrtbc East Oregonian