East Oregonian : E.O. (Pendleton, OR) 1888-current, March 18, 1921, DAILY EDITION, Page PAGE TWO, Image 2

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    Uttiiri- .KGyiino ,i;oTJUirf. -.1.
ft "IS Iff"" A .
; It will pay you to do yppr la4 iinmUe hopping )iVrpvhtn you get the best for tlie price, no matter what the.price, where you
receive the nitWl efficient and courteous treatment, and where you'll find the newest, most varied.and best stocks from which to
choose. - '
t M If j -tm m
Our idea in selling clothes to you
is to be sure that our part of the
deal is right; food quality, fair
price; and to be sure of your sat
isfaction with it
Hart Schaftner
& IlflarxClci1tftM$
for the economical
. V f
s u
I s
i . 1
:l sir! Mil
' 1 ' " '
1 rai;; ,,
'rV '-'lL Till
Vou dont want to spend any more money
for your clothes than is necessary; but "ne
cessary'' means that you want the right
thing; and that means style . and quality
that last '
- We have Hart Schaffner & Marx clothes
here; they're not the lowest priced clothes
you'll see. They cant be, because they're
the highest quality clothes you'll see.
They're the most economical clothes to buy,
because of the service they give.
Smart new styles; loose draping;
square shoulders; very snappy
models. i All-wool fabrics and best
tailoring. Exceptional values at
30, $37.50, $45, $50 and $65.
j u 'A jiS 'T & '-"
A mm mm.
mm :
GopJ tsstc In dress must find its first expression
in the proper corset in the harmony of beautiful
lines end right proportions. -
ere Resigned to accent the natural charm of every
type of figure. Whatever vouf corset needs, there
are many models created m accprdance with the
unchanging principles of beauty and good taste
that will assure you graceful lines and faultless
proportions with that unconsciousness of restrain?
that can only result from the healthful support
of a perfectly fitting corset.
Our thorough understanding of modern corsetry
makes certain your complete satisfaction.
... Every Piece of Our Ifine
Aluminum VJare
Regardless of the size ol the vessel, and
with no limitation placed upon your pur
chases. .'. " . . ., .
One-Half Price
The brands of Aluminum offered are
Mirro, Wear Ever, Quality, Ideal and Re
liance. The sale is held in order to reduce
our surplus stock, does not indicate a
greatly reduced wholesale decline. The
manufacturers inform us that their re
ductions to date are not more than 10 per
cent. .
It Will Pay You to Attend This Sale. .
Tin most Uauliful lint
of a womafTi figurt it
Ihf $racc'ul jr(4 from
Iht orrnpU to the an!e.
Jht btauty this line
ittttmitm the efedice
ntu of all your cloth.:.
Have you seen our
. For Boys? i. -They're
the best.
$3.75 to $6.50
Kilmy, djiuiy little. aff..i-s
that wf m to brpathe . the
very spirit of Hpring, villi
a variety that makPa chooa
trf fas?-. They're etduve,
umart Htyle that you'll not
find elsewhere.
50o to T.50
Silken under gar
ments that seem to
suggest refinement,
yet their prices are
extremely humble as
these will indicate.
$1.25 to $10.
That , you, will take
pride in carrying. Not
a desirable style miss
ing nor an undesir
able' style included.
$2.95 to $22.50
m--"m nil n in
Dainty, durable and
desirable, T with" ...as
many styles as there
are faces. A veil or
two will save a freckle
or two.; ' ,
25c Yd. to $2.00
It doesn't cost much to muke
1 1 - ri
ll raise these days when it
conies to a good umbrellu,
with a pretty handle.
- . $2.50 to $22.50 '
I'lenty of styles for plenty of
foeK whether the choice ins
to plain or fancy. Home of
the newer ones are most
bsuutiful. A large nhipment
of I'hoenix silks have Just
Cotton and I, We. . 2Ac to 7.1c
Silks . . l.25 to M IM
Youll always find the new things
shown here first.
JENnaeaa czextest deparxhent stssz '
At Popular Prfces.
Prime Steer
, i ' : ' ' :
Pot Kpats
pound;. .. . 13c
Cross Rib Roasts,
pound ... I8c
Rump Roasts, '
pound 18c, 22c
Pork Roasts,
pound . . . 22c
Mutton Roast,
pound . . . 10c
Leg Mutton,
pound . . .' 250
Round Steaks,
pound . . . 25c
Shoulder Steaks
pound . . . 20c
No. 5s Lard $1.15
No. 10s Lard t :,
Dill Pickles, 1,
dozen . . . . 30c
Phone 703
109 W.Webb
OHA.VTVt PAfW, Ore., March 18.
To stumlile onto a l!-ounr nuincet 0
nlrnnat pure gold wns the experience of
a Josephine county prospector last
week. The find was made In the IIH.
i nois valey on the dlvtda between
; Sucker and Althoiise creeks, but on
Uhe Althoiise slope. The. nusgot assay
0(1 more th;m I 1 1 Ml Th.
! other rich mines are Inanted In tl)
vicinity where the migfet wns found.
.oticc of Wri-ct Iniprnvi-nicti?
Notice is hereliy given th?t' at a
reuuhir meeting of the Common Coun-
Or any part tit. Oia electrl
system on your car overhauled
and repaired. Satisfaction guar
anteed. HARHT H. GRAHAM,
Wlllard Service Button.
pendellon. Ora.
Fkona S4. LKT8 GO!
ell of The City of Pendleton held at
the Council Chamber in 'Pendleton
Oregon on March 16th. 1921, the fol
lowing Resolution was duly adopted;
viss. -'
WHERBAS, tho City Burveyor of
the City of Pendleton did on the 9th.
day of March, 1921, under direction
and toy requirement of the Common
Council file in the office of the Record
er of the City of Pendleton, plans and
specifications for an appropriate im
provement of the followlnsT . named
Mreet in said city:
Thompson Street from the north
rlflrht of way line of the O. W. R. ft N.
Co. to the south line of High Street,
together with the estimates of the
work to be done and the probable cost
thereof with a statement of the lots,
parts of lots and parcelt ol land to be
ibenefited by such improvement ana
the percentage of the total cost of im.
provement, which each of such lots.
Parts of lots and parcels of land should
pay on account of the benefits to be
derived from such Improvement, and
WHEREAS, the Council has ex
amined such plans and specifications
and estimates and found the same sat
isfactory and the estimates therefor to
bo In " accordance with the probable
cost of such work, and,
WHBflEASl th property recom-
I mended by the City Surveyor to be In.
I have opened an up-to-date shoe shining par
i lor in Nye-Ward Co.'s new shoe store. The class
of shining parlor Pendleton people have long
needed. Open week days during business hours.
Saturdays to 9:30 p. ra. Sundays 9 a. m. to 3 p.
m. Shining Stand Phone 622. . r
Geo. W. Hooker, Oregon Journal AgL
eluded within the 'boundaries of the
district benefited is in Vhe Judgment
of the Common Council properly to be
Included within auch improvement
District and no property it excluded
therefrom which should properly be
inciuaeo. tnerein, and
WHEREA-H, the improvement of the
hereinabove , described ' portions of
Thompson Street either gravel Blthu
lithlo pavement, concrete pavement or
Warrenlte Blthulihlc pavement on
crushed rock or crushed gravel foun
dation is at this time necessary, there
fore, be It,
RKHOLVRD by the Common Coun
cil of the City of Pendleton that It Is,
expeoient to Improve and It la hereby
proposed to Improve Thompson Street
from the north right of way line of
a the p. Vf. R. jr. Company to the
5 1 south line of High Street, by paving
gjthe same with either gravel Bithulithle
R ! pavement or concrete pavement or
Kl Warrenlte Bithulithle pavement on
ft crushed rock or crushed gravel foun-
cation; sucn pavement to be con
which said, plana and specifications
ore hereby particularly referred to,
and be It further
RE80L.VKD that the Engineer's
estimates of tha probable total cost ot
such Improvement, whih said City
Engineer's estimates was made and
Prepared by P. B. Hayes, City Survey
or of said City, In the sum of $13,
34D.6H and was filed with the Record
er ot said City on the 9th day of March
1921, Is hereby Included and hereby
referred to particularly; and be it fur
REWCXLVEID that the plans and spe
cificatlons and estimates for such lnv
provement . as . prepared by the City
Surveyor and filed with the Recorder
of the City of Pendleton on the 9th.
day of March, 1921, 1e and they are
hereby adopted and approved, and be
It further
Resolved that the cost of making
such Improvement shall be a charge
and lien upon all lots, parts of lots and
parcels of land to be benefited by sucn
Improvement, and the owners of such
lots, parts of lots and parcels of land so
farts of lots an parcels of land so
specially benefited by such improve
ment shall be liable for the payment
of the eosts thereof, and be it further,
RESOLVED that an Assessment
District is hereby created to be known
as "Assessment District No. 78" em
bracing the property "benefited and to
be assessed fur the payment of such
westerly direction and. parallel with I, CITY Oft MfKPnW IC
lh Wtirti I1n Ar-nil,,... 'n.,..! " ' ' vl "'WuWII Id
13.05 ft. 2 5-S In. in a northerly direc
tion and parallel with the west Una of
Ti.ompson Strot, thence 260 ft. In an
easterly direction and along the south
line of the O. W. R. & N. Co. right of
way line to tha point of beginning.
And be it further
RESOLVFJD, that a copy of this
resolution together with a notice that
the surveyor's estimate of the propor
tion of the cost of said work to b
ichwged against each lot: part of lot
ana parcel of land Is on file In the of
fice of the City Recorder, be publish
ed for a period of ten days in the East
Oregonian, which newspaper Is hereby
designated by the Common Council for
the publication thereof.
And notice la further given that the
Surveyor's estimate of the cost of said
Improvement, to b assessed against
each Lot, part of Lot and parcel , ot
Land on account of sai4 Improvement
is now on file In the office of the City
Recorder, subject to inspection. Done!
and dated at Pendleton Oregon this!
17th. day ot March 1921.
BRIUJX, March 18.-(Carl D.
Croat, it!., P. Staff Correspond
ent; Authoritative1 dispatches
from Moscow described th'o city
In A criicaj condilon due o
food scarcity. Bolshevik au
thorities sre exertlna' themselves
o,kto quit threats of a general
strike, by extension of food and
clothing rations.
A ' wtrrir ted and the surface thereof to be! improvements, which Assessment Dis.
'A i finished upon the established grade of' 'net shall Include all lots, parts of
5 said street and the street to have curbs . and parcels of land lying and be-
end gutters and all other things In ac
cordance with and as shown In the
liana and specifications for the Im
provement of said portions of en id
Thompson Street from the north rk?ht
of way line of the O. W. R. k S. Com
pany to the south line of High Street,
prepared by F. B.'HJtyea, City Survey
or, filed with the Recorder of said
rTJt. Clt' on tUe tb- d' ot Mrch, 1921,
Ing within the district bounded and
described as follows, to-wit:
Description of Asscuxmrnt Dlstrki
- JiHITjlKT 7H.
Commencing from the northeast
corner of lot J2, block 118, Reservation
addition to Pcndletoh, Oregon, thence
1305 ft. 2 3- in. In a southerly direc
tion and parallel with the east line of
' City Recorder.
NEW YORK, March 18. (U. P.)
Receivers have been appointed for
Gaston, Williams and Wlgmore Inc.,
one of the largest exporting and Im
porting concerns In the I'nlted Slates.
WASHrXOTON, March 18. (U. P.)
Wholesale prices have dropped 28 Vx
psrcsni since tne peak of .the war
level, in May 1920, the labor depart.
ment has announced. During Febru
ry the wholesale prices dropped B
Percent. Fofld and building materials
each declined 7 per cent 4n February,
as oomaVd with January The do.
cllncs are also in other groups of com.
modules, Including tolmcco, lubricat
ing oil, newsprint paper and rubber.
Thompson" Street, thenc 260 ft. In a The liabilities are said to b ,vOO,O0O, blood It makes food health.
The Kidneys and tlio Kkln .' Tf tha
kidneys are weak or torpid, the skin
wlil be pimply or fclotchy. Hocd's
Sarsaparlila strengthens and stimu
lates the kidneys, and clears the com
plexion. , I)y thoroughly Durifvlni the
CincAO0,: ' xtar4j is, rc r. p.)
Representatives of the principal grain
Browing states will meet here April
o consider the American Farm Rureait
Federation's co-operative grain mar.
""ting plan. ' , . .
StHte meetinirs will st-'nef dtsnta
to the Chicago gathering. Farm Bur- ,
u memners will te Invited to attend.
The "improved rinin m..i,win.
Plan" creates a ''natlonnl sale agoney
controlled by . the memberahlo. Vh
agency will control terminals, ware
houses, export, finances' and aervlca
departments and is organised on a
non-stock, non-profit basis, its puri
I'obo s to shorten the road from con",
sumer to producer and .eliminates
chnrisos the farmer believes excessive.
For Blesisnsss
Sick Headsche. Sour Rin..k m...
log, Gat, Coaitipsikw.n toa die
MHinS conrequeneet ol iodieitioo era
avoided If the bowel, .re tept open
M refular.
eel promptly, without pam or bsinm.
Ibej clear the boweU, wuca tha
tomach and loot up lbs llrr. . . . i
B. It Whltthont. R. P, D. I. Norfolk V. .
food iIub any utdiclnt I ;er " '
' ' - I ' ... .
Dr. Lynn k! BlakeslM !
Chronlo and Nervous Diseases nl '
Diseases ot Women X-Ray Electrlo
' - Thraputtcj.
Tampu BIdg. Room 21
, , , PbSBg 411