t t KEEP ABRExST OF DOINGS IN THE WORLD OF SPORT DAILY IN ARTICLES BY STAFF WRITERS AND TWO NEWS SERVICES ON JIIIS PAGE TEN PAGES . SECTION TWO PAGES 7 TO 10 TEN PAGES SECTION TWO PAGES 7 TO 10 DAILY EAST OREGONIAN, PENDLETON, OREGON, THURSDAY EVENING. MARCH 17. 1921. F OPENI I Bees Will Tangle With Beavers in Roseland About April 19; i : Fans Are Watching 'Dope.' I ' ronTlAND, Or., March 17.--A.V. I',) The national glint will opeh lu . gates In the Northwest ahout Aprll'l.t , at Seattle and Portland, with the Renin holding forth up on tho ffciund, aicj , the Bea tangling with the Bfiiverx In . Itoxelund. ' ' Fans and Panettee in the wild and woolly wxt are watching the dally ' "dope" from Pomona, the training Kite of the Slwaahea, and from Hantii " Maria, the munlcle-srliiniiiK grounds of the Beaver. The "Inside dopemnn" of himchall ' agree that the eqiiad from the Bound City ha It on the f'ortlnndcrti a million , waya. Manager Kenworthy, tho well known "Kopeck" of tho Coast Lphsuo, ' had a gang of "vet" grinding; away In the Orange Uelt of California that will make the other Heven clmiia of the ; V. C. L. etep lively to head them off In a runaway-race fur tho gUiifubin of the McCarthy circuit. . While down In Punta Marin, where ' the Icy breeze from the Puclflc ocean ' nweepa over tho diamond, Manager McCredle, the gentleman . farmer, ha a large and Jucy bunch of "miHhera whirling away twice a dny in hope o carving their lumen in the Hall of Coant league Fame. , : limm Walter haa Dick Cox, outfield er; Wea Kingdon, inflelder; Tel naker, catcher: Itudy Kalllo. Harold PaullHon and Ham Rom, pitcher left from the wreck of the 1820 cellar champsVNew men algned for 1 92 1 are: J Catcher, King and Flnhrr. Infleld er, Umler, Payton, Young and Poole, flutflelder. Bour, Oenln, Frederick. WllHon and Cox, Pitcher, Harold Hon, Zlnk Conneel, Taltt, 1'llette, Johnnon ond Ilrohan. In Pomano, the Seattle club hag a "Ht of player drilling thai Mhooln caiiHe Joy to titiprlo lip und down the Bplm o( tho Siwaith clly baseball "aee." Manager Kenworthy hn tin following: Cntcher "Tub- i-'Tiencer and Jack Adam. Pitcher "Curly" Drown, Al Dcmaree, Kwartz, (iardner, "CXean Schorr. Inflelder "Hod" Murphy, Kenworthy, W'lmenell. Elliot, KMimriV. Smith. Outfielder "Brick" Eldred, Cunningham, Lane, Mlddleton. K F SEES NEXT FALL Gotham Euga Hope for Victory for Both Giants and Yanks ' in Race for League Titles. CHICAGO, March 17. (A. P.) Charles Comlpkcy, president of the Chicago American league bamhall to oay nevereo an relation with seven White Box player connected with the 1919 world' series scandal. In a communication addressed to the play ers Conilskcy notified them that a a result of the g.irfiMIng probe all con tracts between them and the club nre to bo ronsidcred null and void. Hi:iX TO PI.AV KT.XI'Olt FAN' KltANClSCO, March 17. (A. P.) Arrangement for a game hero Saturday between the Salt Uike team of the Pacific Coast Lcuirue and the Stanford Cniverslty nine were complet ed yesterday. This will bo the first local appearance of the Bees, who are in training at lioyca Springs, ItK.ITSKS TO MAKK PAVMKXT CIXCIXXATI, March 1 7. (A. P.) Tho chamber of commerce at Cisco, Texns, where the Cincinnati National league baseball club is In training, ha refused to make It second payment of $2,600 on It guarantee of 17,500 to the P.eil to train .there, according to ad vices yeslerday. The first payment was made when t be ten m arrived. SERVICE SANITATION j QUALITY Peach Special NIPPON BRAND YELLOW CLING ,, , .. Packed in 60 degree syrup? Only 25c Can NATIONAL BISCUIT DEMONSTRATION You are invited here Saturday for this event interesting and educational. Pendleton Trading Co. ri. a- "od At Uie Sign of a Service "If It's on the Market We Have It" combination. The Athletic looked good lam year at thi time. Washington, with a pUcher or Hvo. has a good club, one that will be a mark for none but It Isn't of pennanl speed. , Ty Cobb with the Tigers and Hugh Duffy with the Kcd Box may bring ihelr clubs higher up In the race, but it Is almost too much to expect pen nants from them in their first year. y i ' ill ion LET'S GO! WHERE? i TO the OLD TIME BALL ECHO CITY HALL, i .FRIDAY, MARCH 18TII Given by IMio Junior liawdmll Club X Mt SIC HY twrs OHClHXTItA Admission One Dollar, liiilmlfixr snn XKW VOItK, March 17. (Henry I j. Parrell, U. P. Stuff Correspondent) i'p and down Broadway, they're tulklng about a "private world's Be. rie" on the Polo ground next full. The Gotham buns are sure that the major league pennants will drop Into the arni of tho Giants and the Yan kees. In disposing of the American League pennant, however, there is Just the slightest concern to find out what Trig Speaker will have to say about evacuating the front line trenches that he look butt fall. Looking over the world's champion Indian, one nets fairly hit In the face with the imprersion that Tri Sprakei will have quite a lot to guy. Speaker thinks so well of his cham pions that ho didn't turn a hand all winter to linpruve the club. Oihei club went through a hectic winter ol trade and attempted trades, bu Speaker went hunting. On dope, unreliable a It may b sometimes, the Cleveland lr.be sbouk repeat and win their second pennant n a row. They fnce the same rosy prospecti that the Cincinnati iUd had las. spring but it i almost u certain fac that Speaker will not allow the Indi ans to follow" the wild ways thai wrecked the Moran bunch. 'Duster"' Mails practically won !hc pennant for the Indian last your That sterling southpaw came Just al the opportune moment when the greal Stan Coveleskle and Jim liagby wen about to break down under the ter rific burden of carrying the club alone. Mails stepped In and won every gamt he pitched. , He should he Just a good this sea son and working regularly with thi other pajr of stars. Speaker ought tc have about the best staff In the league The Indian boss says he would noi be surprised to see his trio turn in It victories during the season. If thej do and If the other members of the staff do no belter than break In theii atars, the pennant is ure for Ohio. 4 . was thought last fall that Speak er would try to get a more exper! enced short stop to take the place ol the game kid. Joey Sewell. but th Indian Chief Is going to stick to him and claims that he will be the star ofc tho year. Only the Xew York Yankees seem to stand in the way of the Indians anc: the rag. The White Sox are absolute ly gone and tho St. Louis Browns ar very uncertain. The Yanks aren't much better thar they were last year and they weren't good enough then. Manager Husgins has a brg outfielc! problem nnd even the return of Frank Baker does not make it sure that hu nfield will be any better than las year. He has a terrific hitting team of course, but it is so slow as F tank. His pitching statf is no strong er and although he has ridden the camp of "bolsheviks," there Is no cer tainty that he will have any more au thority than he had last season which was practically none. The St. Louis Brown nre one of those things that are liable to pop oul at any time. There was friction Ins' year between the. club owners and the management. This removed by the appointment of Lee Fohl, the clul may do better and cause trouble In the race. The Prowns have a good ball club and if Fohl Is able to get them working consistently, they must be figured. It may bring a laugh, but Connie Mack's club may he a big surprise. The lean old manager has been experi menting for five years and thre's no telling when he will strike the righi ! SPORT BULLETINS jj L: . ' - ' TinfYcur Gray Hair Trial Package Free! Just for a short time. In order to prove to many more thousand of women, that Brownatone Is In fact the perfect tint for gray, faded ftreaked hair, the manufacturer of thi really wonderful preparation, will nd a trial package freo to those who write at once. tsrownaione i positively gmran- injur teed Bnr fflnnnt re the hair in filtKIt WIXS IMX'ISIOX PITIH, la., March 17. (A. P.) Harry Oreh, I'lttsburg, won the nt'ttx paper decision over Jack Henault, Montreal, in their Ill-round bout lam night. The men aro light-heavyweight. Mr. Ford Owner Do you know that our shop is equip ped to do your Repair Work. That we have the most ' modern machinery money can buy to handle each and every job efficiently and quickly. That our . mechanics are trained the Ford way and are experts in' their line. That we carry a complete stock of genuine Ford parts amounting to $12,000.00. That our motto is service first, last and al ways. ; Let us do your Ford work, , it will satisfy you. The Home of the Ford. " Simpson Auto Co. Phone 40S . Water and Johnson S(s. I'AIAOXS AKK WIXXKltS rWLADRLPHlA. March 17. (A. I'.) The Faicon of Winnipeg, win ners of the Olympic Ice hockey cham pionship, defeated the All-Stars; 2 to I, last night. lH'TII liXtH KS 'Kit ' LAKE CHARLES, Iji., March 17. 'A, P.) "liabe' Jtuth headed a squad if four who knocked home runs here c-Bterday In an exhibition fame be tween tho New York Yankees und the it LoiIh Cardinal. The Cardinal .vere defeated 14 to s. Sill's, C. r 1 ! l.i: Afil i; TO sktti.k ihspiti: CHICAC'j March 17. (A. P.) lodge K. M. Landls. a commissioner f baseball, after considering the dis mte involving the franchise of the.Ak on, Ohio, club of the International "ague, ruled yesterday that the con roversy should be settled by the lea-rue. any way but will quickly transform f ray, faded hair In tho moHt arnal r.g mariner so that your friends will marvel to pee vou e.-owino I youngfr instead of older". tteguiar ooities can ba had from any dr'j.ri'i.-t at 60c and II. 60. Two colors: "LI-Tlit to Medium Brown" and "Dark Brown to Black." For a free trial bottle with easy, complete directions, end 11 cents to pay postage, packing and war tax to The Kenton Pharmacal Co.. Coppia Eldg.. Covington. Ky. TS COLOF.ll TOMORROW YA?HIX'GTOX, March 17. (U, P.1 Overcoats, "lieavies" and umbrel las will be in vogue tomorrow in all part of tho country except the far south and extreme southwest, the weather bureau stated. Generally colder weather is in prospect for the north p.nd contra) part of the United s-'talcs. White Shoes We have a complete line of Ladies' White Shoes, Oxfords, Pumps, Strap Ties, high or low heels, at the very low est possible prices. Come in and see these. PRICED AT S2.45 to $425 THE HUB 40 Cash Stores 743 Main SL PHONE FIVE FOR FUEL l 3 jiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiHiiiiiiiiiiniiiiiiiiiiiii'iiiiiiiiiiM iiiiiiiiiiiHnmiiiiiiiuii I CASTLE GATE COAL -i AIDS BABIES Couat33 Wllltamowlti-Moelleu-rtorff of Sweden Is touring U. 8 In European child rellnf work Many mothers bear tmo-pound , babies and consldw Uem normal, sne says. Kolb anil lill Standing in tho lobby of the theatre ho other nicht, after the final of Kolb i Dill in "The High Cost of Loving," me of the many patrons was heard to ay "Had Wrtster been working on a lew diitionary at the present time he A'ould no doubt give the definition of be word Liughter as Kolb & Dili in "The High Cost of Loving." It would be a hard job to figure out ust how many people they have made h.itW- v.-),!,; ,hln furr Kill fhn rirouft . .P., cava' h r,.t "rllv" Irvlnir lo I "S'ng f Or igure It out as they have played it i learly 601 times and most always to j japacity hotiHes. - "Tho High Cost of Loving' ,nn filnm- uitnnlirina it, it tll:in v nthr vhnw'nf'n, kind ever writ- physically, financially. SM OFF TOBACCO "No-To-Bac"' has helped thousands 10 break the costly, nerve-shattering i tobacco habit; . Whenever- you have a a cigarette, cigar, pipe, or just place a harmless No- To-Eac tablet in your mouth instead, to help relieve that awful desire. has per- i5hort'y tne habit may be completely uiuncu, uiiu you ait uriici uu mciiiai- It's bo easy In Greater Demand and Satisfying More People 5 i every day. 5 f B. L. BURROUGHSHe Has It! g UllllllIllllll!llllillllllllllllIIIIIIIIIIIltlllllllllllllllllllllllllllIIIII!llllllll!i:illllllllIllllit en as they are no soone straightened I so simple. Get a box of No-To-Bac ut than new ones' arise and continue land ,i dosen't refease you from all n that way all through the piece. Besides the two popular stars am", he large company of artistM carried to iroptrly cast tho play. Kolb & Dill arry their own, Symphonic Jazz irchestra and an Octette of singins .oloists who provide many most In cresting features. "Tho High Cost of giving" will bo at the Oregon theatre n March IS. '.craving for tobacco in any form, youi druggist will refund your money witnout question. auty Unsurpassed The wonderfully refined. pearly white complexion rendered, brings back the appearance of youth. Re nins are Instant Highly antiseptic Exerts a sod and soothing action. Over 75 years in use. Send 15 c for Tricl Sba Dr. Lynn K. Blakeslee Chronic and Nervous Diseases and Diseases of Women. X-Ray Electric Therapeutics. I Temple Rldg. Room 1) Phone 41 I FERD. T. HOPKINS ft SON I g La New York City ii-J J. T. HALE Licensed Electrical Contractor Mortors Repaired Electric Wiring Farm Lighting a Specialty. Phone 1029-R Estimates Furnished Oregon Theatre Friday, March 18 KOLB & DIL L In Their Greatest Success "THE HIGH COST OF LQVING A Whirl of Mirth Music and Girls Symphonic Jazz Orchestra Mail Orders Received Now Reserved Seats on Sale at the Peoples Warehouse Prices $1.00, $1.50 and $2.00, plus tax V? v $ lance ef our safe deposit system makes ywr valuables safe UR vigilant system of guard ing our vaults is your guar antee of the safety of our safe deposit system. Kit ' 4 SPECIAL FRIDAY AND SATURDAY ONLY 10 1-4 LBS. SUGAR $1.00 8 CAns Carnation Milk ......... 1.00 7 Cans Tomatoes S1.00 3 Large Cans Pineapple ........ $1.00 Wessen Oil, pt. 35e, qt. 65c, 1-2 gal. $1.25 IIILT RED COFFEE AND M. J. B. Fridav and Saturday Special 1 FOUND 15c; 5 TOUNDS $2.23 "CONROY'S CASH GROCERY