' TEN PAGE3 DAILY EAST OREGOWIAH, PENDLETON, OREGON,' WEDNESDAY EVENING, MARCH 16, 1921, PAGE TXBE3 News Notes of Pendleton CALENDAR OP EVENT, March 17 ana It Millinery school, her. ' May 11 to 14 Stat rarent Teacher Aaaoclation convention. May tl, June 1 and 2 State convention of Oregon Federation of Women'! cluhe. March St. University of Ore ton Women's alee Club, at high school auditorium under man agement of Pendletun' alumni. ffriptember 22, 22, 24 Annual Pendleton Ilound-Up. team In the annual Indoor meet at the Columbia University coliseum In Port land Saturday. About 250 athletes will be In the lists and the event prom iHee to be one of the biggest track and field meet of the season, i ,. Service t be Held A sunrise prayer service will be held at the Christian Church on Easier morning', March 27, at S a. m. The service will be a union service and all local churches have ibeen asked to par ticipate. Rev. George U Clark, pas tor of the Presbyterian church, will preside at the meeting. - Jiocal Men Enter .' Homer Heyden and Adnlph Heyden, of this city, who are students at Hill Military Academy In iTortjand, will contest as members of the Hill track Two Names Added Two additional names of Umatilla county men have been added to the state's honor roll of those -who lost their lives in the world war. They are Theodore R, Norvell, of Helix and (lien V. Walter, of Milton, 'both 'of whom died of disease. The state has secured 49 additional names In a state-wide checking up of war records by George A.' White, adjutant general of the state. The additions bring the total In Oregon up to 934. It la expected that a few more names mhy be added. Mock Is Sold The balance of the stock of the bid Rayres Btore was sold yesterday by Hond Brothers to Sarlat Brothers, who will ship the stock to Emmet t, Idaho, today. The location on the corner of Main and Alta streets will be ready by tomorrow for the carpenters and paint ers who will put the building In shape for the opening of "The Crescent." The store, with an entirely new stock i. 101 101101101 101 101 101 101 101 THE MOST POPULAR SIZE .", SumiMst ORANGES 60c Per Dozen Beautifully colored, sweet and juicy. KERR BROS. CEREAL DEMONSTRATION . Balance of this week. WASTE LESS-BUY THE BEST. Pendleton Cash Market, Inc. 801 EAST COURT STREET. ' ' ' PHONES "101" - ' ... Private Exchange Connects Both Departments.' -101 101 101 101 101 101 101 101 101 p of dry goods and ready-to-wear, will open during the first week of April. The Incorporators are R. E. Morse, Charles Bond and Wlllard Bond. Distillate Arrives. ,A cur of distillate Is being unloaded here today. It was ordered for local farmers through the Umatilla county Farm Dureau. Couple- Are Married. Herold Clarke of Pocatello, Idaho, and Grace Cornwall of Pendleton, were married last evening by Justice of the1 Peace Parkes. Wight Trace of Rain, A drizzle of rain fell today from a cloudy sky. The maximum today Is 59, while the minimum was 49. The barometer registers 29.90. Water Board Sleets. The regular monthly meeting of the ' water board was held last evening. Routine matters occupied the atten tion of the board all of the evening. Hearing to be Hold Next Monday, at 10 a. m., has been set for the date of the hearing of ar guments. for and against the creation of a new Justice court In the city. The hearing will be held In ythe count clerk's office. Exam is Given- Three applicants are today taking a civil service examination at the fed eral building for the position of post master at Echo. The examination is under the direction of T .C. Mangold of the Civil Service board. Janes Builds Home Work on the construction of the new home of 'Robert Jones on Lincoln street has started. The structure will cost in the neighborhood of 19000. The cost of the building a year ago would have been (10,000, It Is aald. Stores Have Displays. In honor of Bt Patrick, beloved saint of the "Little Green Isle," whose birthday Is tomorrow, a number of lo cal stores are showing appropriate window displays. Brilliant Irish green la featured In the decorations. Will Remodel Basement A building permit application was made at the city recorder's office yes terday by the Pioneer Educational society to do carpenter and cement work in the basement of the Catho lic church. The cost of the altera tions will be 1400. Drinks "Csnned Heat." Walter Schusler, an Indian, appear ed In police court this morning In answer to a charge of drunkenness. Schusler .told the court 'he drank canned heat" to obtain the necessary kick. He was fined 210 or five days and elected to serve out his time. Use the Phones Grocery, Two Phones :.' ' 525 t Other Depts. 78 and 79 QUALITY SERVICE! PEBiDLETON'B LEAPING TORH Use the i'hones Grocery, Two Phones 525 Othfir Depts. :. 78 and 79 ; I ,?jp5(;'' 'iff! - ftrmirmiai- a ""' - 1 1,1 "' 11 i "1 Vrifii T ' r- - fc?Sf l -!-' J In Our Art Bep't. On Main Floor Lots of new tilings just received to make the home beautiful, fancy art and needle work. Pay this department a visit often. Stamped Bed Spreads New and different these Bed Spreads. Stamped readjr to work. Either applique- or embroidery work.' Some special ones to be embroidered in yarn. Full size heavy weight sheeting specially for bed spreads, each . .... $5.00 Beautiful Madras for Curtains Plain shades and two toned effects. For any room in the house, 36 in. and 50 in. wide.. . $1.25 to $3.00 Are being used very much too for draperies, covers, etc. Wide range of patterns and colorings 50c to $2 Cretonnes Glossile Rope, all colors 6c Glossilla Ribbon, bolt 25c Glossilla Crochet, many colors, spool 25c Bucilla Crochet, all colors ,. ..... ..... . .'. ..... 15c Bucilla 6 Strand, all colors 4c Bucilla Perle, all colors ...... ........ 15c, 25c Royal Silk Rope Silk, all colors 8c Package Goods ...... I ............... 35c to $3.50 Stamped Goods . . 35c to $2.50 Stamped Towels ( . . 50c to $1.25 Yarns Bear Brand Shetland Floss, Germantown, Vicuna, Lady Fair, Saxony, reasonably priced. Wire Lamp Frames 25c to $3.00 Crochet Books, Knitting Books... 10c to 25c New Curtains at Modest Prices With Ivanhoe curtain materials a home can be practically remade. So cheerful is the effect of bright, clean curtains that they transform a room. It is economical to purchase goods from the bolt, as windows can be measured exactly. Ivanhoe Curtain Materials, famous for their lovely patterns, fine weaves and low prices, are here all ready to beautify your home. . ' :' Special This Week Fairy Soap, large size, each .10c Nippon Apricots and Peaches, No. 2 1-2 cans, 3 for $1.00; dozen $3.95; per case, 2 dozen $7.85 Del Monte, H. Home and Sun-Maid Seeded and Seedless Raisins each 30c! dozen $3.50 . Tree Tea, uncolored Japan and Ceylon, pound. . 65c. T. G. Preserves (except strawberry) each. ...... 50c Per dozen , . .. $5.75 Bulk Peaberry Coffee, per pound 35c; 3 pounds $1.00 Good Blend Coffee, 4 pounds for- $1.00 .. Steamed. Refine Borax Soap, 2 for 25c XXX Brand Evaporated Milk for Cooking, each 10c; per dozen $1.10; per case (4 dozen) $4.40. 1 J Si Now is yonr only opportunity of buying; Diamond, Watches,' Jewelry. Clocks. Silverware, Cut Ib.-4, etc. at tlie lowest price' you have ever known, berfdea you have only S days of whtch to ' get a chance on the S125.0O Ptayerphoue which has no equal in prXi plays all records; and a handsome $30.00 gold wauvh, either ladles' or gents. , v t We have a few wrt watches, I .V Jewel, $30.00 Value, (which we ' are offering for $17.85, and Rente' $30.00 values for tIS.M. Can you afford to overlook this great sole? Kvery article hi our , Urge. up-to-date stock goes at these low prices and every artU'le bear our guarantee, ... Diamonds, the finest of blue, perfect and I. K. we are also sac ritking DO.VT DEJ.AV, CO.MH KOW. .' PRIZE- AWARDED SATURDAY Itth, S M. ' , .. - . ' . ; . Hancom's Jewelry Store Ihone 328J Hotel Pendleton lUoclc Brock Heads Aociat(on. The new board of managers of the Umatilla County Merchants' Associa tion yesterday elected W. E. Brock to head the association for the ensuing termv Lster tlamley was re-elected secretary and treasurer and George Clark again elected manager. The board of managers of the association are V. E. Brock, Lester Hamley, U C. Scharpf, R. D. Syrea and Carl Cooley, Council IU Meet, The community service council will meet tonight in the club room at the county library for the purpose of de termining the work to be carried on this summer. The fact that the com munity service drive has been called off for the present time necessitating the work being carried on without the aid of a paid leader will change the plans of the organization to a great ex. tent. Universal Coal and Wood Range BIG VALUE AT RIGHT PRICE WHITt KKtUI MTfNTED MJUSttiU iUOINtOVHIMMKIIo MOD00a lit ,"2r:,- fT l ' JCOMBISATIOi SMOJt tCMCCR fsTIMTfO UfT Y UTI J( J' jiNUiUOKIIIlUPOKtlAMlMU $ouo asiN.- ITN. W Mm rwtcEuis doc nan ' esirrt ill 1 L-r" irunvi i t limn dim " t. f 1 I ECISTCN WMfW ':T" 1 SANITARY U $MI X tjfaj m i rv1N lEAVYASSCSTOS NIUMSO HEAVY rOtlSMIft. STEEL tOOY INSIDE rOKtUIN OVEN t00 IININC- rOKCCUIS auf S0TT0H A FULL LINE OF COMBINATION RANGES BURNING GAS, COAL OR WOOD Make Clubhouse Plana. Plans for the new clubhouse of the Pendleton Rod and Gun club were def initely aeciaea upon last night at a meeting of the club building commit tee. It was decided to push the pre liminary work on the building and start construction as quickly as pos sible. The building will cost S3000. The building will be of the bungalow type and wilK be , entirely modern throughout. Rotarlana Have Meeting- . C I. Barr, newly, appointed secre tary of the Pendleton Commercial As sociation, was a speaker at todaVs meeting of the local . Rotary. Club, Judge G. W. Phelps, president of the Umatilla Rapids Power Site Associa tion, spoke on the subject of the power meeting at Spokane. Harry u Kuck discussed the matter of the Mooseiaw baseball team's proposed training camp in Pendleton. . officiating. Interment will be at the Olney cemetery. , ' Pageant On Friday. Among the Indians who will appear In the historical pageant at the Pres byterian church Friday night for the benefit of the Christian Endeavor so cieties of the local and Tutullla churches are Mr. and Mrs. Parsons Motanlc, Allen Patawa, Miss Mamie Pa taw a, Mrs. Jason Wannassay and baby,. Wllma, Mrs. Dorcas Wlldbill, Mr. and Mrs. August Alexander, and Miss Sadie Knolles, who is a visitor from Montana at the home of Miss Mary Motanlc Mrs. Wannassey and Mrs. Wildblll are the daughters of Philip Minthorn, who In years gone by asked that Rev. I. M. Cornellson, the present Indian missionary, be sent to the Umailla reservation. . " MAKING HOMES HAPPY A course In how to keep your hus band well-fed and happy, and anxioue o come home to dinner nights, has re cently been placed In their curriculum by the West Side Branch of the Y. W. C. A. in Chicago. Of course its real name is "Trousseau Suggestions and Home Management," but it Is designed to help the bride to make her new married life and housekeeping a suc cess from the start. The old adage about winning a man's heart through his stomach has been given due tEonstoeration, so cul inary art takes first place. Prospec tive brides are painstakingly taught the newest methods of cooking and serv ing attractive meals. ' t The bride-to-be learns to budget the family income, to buy wisely and to get one hundred, pennies worth out of every dollar spent Dressmaking too, takes an Important place. The 'young wife who looks as crisp and dainty over a cook stove as sh did on the tennis court, sends her husband off ia the right mood to succeed. So a coursa in dressmaking la Included. Similar courses are given at the Central Branch Y. W. c. A. in New York. A i. rames Dies. John Josef Dames, of Adams, died last night at St. Anthony's hospital at the age of CO. Mr. Dames, who was born in Wisconsin, Is survived by his wife. The funeral services will be held Friday morn.'ng at 10:30 o'clock from St Mary's Catholic church with Father Noye, of St. Anthony's hospital ASPIRIN Name "Bayer", on Genuine Universal Stoves &Fumaces at Take Aspirin only as told In each package of genu lite Bayer Tablets of Aspirin. Then you will fee following the directions and dosage worked out by physicians during. 21 years, and proved safe by millions. Take no chances with substitutes. . It you see the Bayer Cross on tablets, you can take them without fear for Colds, Headache, Neuralgia, Rheumatism, Baraohe, Toothache, Lumbago and tor Pain. Handy tin boxes of twelve tab lets cost few cents. ' Druggists also sell larger packages. Aspirin Is the trade mark of Bayer Manufacture of Mono acetlcaiCldestcr of Salicyltcacld, 1 Sew Rules Given. According to the terms of an am endment to the agricultural appropri ation bill approved March S, grazing fees on national forests for which payment has hitherto been required in advance can now be deferred until September 1, 1921, acconding to word received today at the Umatilla Nati onal Forest office. 1 Grazing permits will be issued within a short time ex cept In cases where the forest service has agreed to hold up the grazing per mits until association assessments have been paid. The five year per mits will be automatically renewed unless a change In range description is to be made. No word has been re ceived here regarding the proposition of charging Interest ,on deferred pay ments and J. C. Kuhns, forest super visor, therefore assumes that no in terest will be charged on payments deferred until December 1. Stock placed on the forest and for which no grazing fees have been paid by Sep tember 1, will be considered as being in trespass. , KDt'CATIOXATj TOOTH TALK NO. S5 ". Father Time i If forever cutting away your teeth, impairing the most essential function for long life. Artificial TEETH . In twenty different styles to look, feel and fit prop- - erly requires many years of experience. My twenty- ' your years in plate making has developed my judgment and skill. Prices are as low as can be made for the : kind of dentistry you should have COXSrLTATIOX EXAMEXATIOX V" : FREJXY GIVEN r" ' ."'1 Phone 507 Over The Hub HOURS 9 A. M. to 5 P. M. Appointment to Suit You Taylor. Hardware Bid. Pendleton, Ore. POTJCE MAKE ARRESTS. SEATTliE, March 1. (U. P.) t Sixty-one men of IS nationalities, are facing gambling and disorderly charg es following the police raids in south end hotels. OLiYMPIA MAX HELD (Continued from page 1.) ised a dozen wealthy Portlanders some months ago. The detective bureau Is bending every energy to establish the connection. ' PORTLAND, March 18. (Associat ed Press) The police have a thumb print of "Shadow" which they ' will compare with the print of Herbert 1 Johnstone, who Is under arrest in Los Angeles In connection with Olympla blackmailing. ' - . STRONGER TREND SHOWN IN WHEAT A stronger trend wns noticeable In today's wheat price, the March wheat closing at 11.59 and the may at $1.51 1-2. Yesterday the March grain clos ed at 11.63 1-J and the May at tl.48 1-4. Following are the quotations re ceived by Overbeck A Cooke, local brokers, Wheat. Open. High. Low. Close. March IM l.BH 1.54 1.69 . May 1.49 4 1.5 1.48 1.51Va The Mecca THE PENDLETON For Shrewd Buyers BEE HIVE OREGON THINGS TO ' REMEMBER Good serviceable water glasses .:...;..10c each Hand decorated china cups and saucers 35c Wicker bird cages, spe - cial at $2.50 Coveralls all sizes at 90c' Ladies' percale aprons at .90c "SMILING SERVICE" is the sort of service that is prom ised you by this establishment. It is one of the things that lend the friendship side to every transac tion and help to make it a pleas ure to serve your wants. UNCOMMON VALUES IN QUALITY MERCHANDISE . Stamped goods In the latest of de signs, best of material. Our prices are much lower than the Portland prices for the same goods. It will pay you to give these goods a good look over, for we are sure to save you money on all of them. SMASHING SPECIALS Worthy Bargains You Cannot Afford to Pas Up Easter Egg dyes at 5c Easter Baskets priced from 10c to 35c Candied Easter Eggs at 50c the pound Easter place cards and greeting cards . Good designs, new sayings and rock bottom prices. SPLENDID BUYS Sewing cotton 5c (We have all sizes in stock all the time) Crochet cotton 10c Silk embroidery floss at... 5c the skein Girls' fancy and plain color hair ribbons at 3Sc the yard Largest pencil tablet in town at : ....5c QUALITY . It 1s QUALITY that people want. Cheapness is only desired when backed by QUALITY, for then only is an article cheap. We do not hesitate at any ex pense that will improve the QUALITY of our store service or our merchandise. We solicit your patronage on this QUAL ITY basis which insures your satisfac tion on all purchases. Meet Your Friends at THE BEE HIVE "MORE FOR LESS" AT THE BEE HIVE Quality-Service-Price at THE BEE HIVE