East Oregonian : E.O. (Pendleton, OR) 1888-current, March 14, 1921, DAILY EDITION, Page PAGE FIVE, Image 5

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M.i :
-p'Aan n?s
tZll PACZ3
People Here and There
l (3 -
; aeons Ferguson of Hie Tcopicj
Warehouse In confined to Kin home on
account of Illness. ,
. Vf. M. Peterson, attorney, Is reported
III at his home. ' He was unable to bo
At his office thin morning, '
Mr. and Mrs. It. M. Hhriim and fam
ily of Vincent spent the veekend here
with Justice I'arkcg and family. 1
Junnlta Frletfly hn rotu'rned toher
school at Duncan after attending tench"
ers Institute and spending' (lie week
end with her pareniHj. ., .
where he will spend several days look'
Ins; after bitHlnewi matters. .
Mr, and Mrs, CI. R. O'Melvcny of
(lens Kerry are vlaltlng; here at the
home of Thomas Fits Gerald, city re.
corder. Mrs. O'Melveny Is a daughter
of Judge Kits Gerald. Mr. O'Melveny
Is an engineer connected wth the
maintenance of way department of the
IO. 8, 1 working out of CJlenns Ferry.
A.' U Hnrpes and O. D. Hurness of'
Hertnlston were umong the visitors In
Pendleton Sunday." They visited with chant of this city.
f Honda while hertf.
I J. IL .Jeffrie oi th. Pacific States
Fire Insurance .company left this
morning for the west end of (he connty t'nned Plat
Xot a, word of English speaks 14
ycirs old I'ng Cllm Poy, who hus ar
rived In Pendleton to Join his father.
I'ng 1). doey, well knokn Chinese mer-
Vug Oim Poy Is
(joey's adopted son. ' He will go to
school here, first to a prlvato-teocher
and later to the public school. L'ng
(Sim is a bright youth' and likes the
better than rn:na.. '
To Urge Buyers of JGroG6riis
It is Jo the advantage of people who can use
groceries in large quantities to buy them in q
large quantises. ' , -
We are' always ready to figure .' ....
on large amounts and we can gen- ' - g
" . ' , erally save you money. .When you , w
get ready to lay in your supplies m
i for summer just come in and talk 9
' the matter over. If we don't make . l,
, you a better price, you haven't lost n
" "anything, if we do you save just ' d
that much. , . ' ' H
Tlie Economy Grocery
113 WyWebb ; ' V; ! . Thone 409
Secure Marriage Ucctise 4 ' .
A murrlage license was Issued laU.
Saturday evening ta Ernest Ghormley
of Pendleton and Ida Bunnai of We
Seek to Quiet Tlthv
Hull to quiet title to certain lands ol
the county has been filed in the circuit
court by Frank Hullican against W. O
Thompson and others.
was Injured whil in llio calvary w hen
a horsa kicked him in the skull ail'
in elm or some tour operations on' hi
he is paralyzed i" one nlde of his body.
t'oiinlr Houd Work Hlai'fi'd ,
Work ha been started on the Cab
bage hilt road between hore and La
Grande according to the county road
master. Work of graveling the Helix
road Is started, It I said.
Ahk for (; n aid la ii
An application for the appointment
of guurdlan for Gale Scott will be
jonsidered In the county corfrt this
afternoon. The case has had consid
erable publicity In the newspapers and
IA certain mngnzines owing to the al
leged withholding of money due ricott
I by the lied Cross and for treatment he
jla supposed to havo received, Bcott
Name "Bayer'' on' Genuine
AlctanuVr niM Action
Action seeking the collection of an
account of f 1264.28 alleged to be due
Alexanders for merchandise sold has
been limtltuted In the circuit court
against Clarence L. Preston and Mabel
I'ruton. . , ;.i12ZJ
K nioiutrance la died
Pctltioim asking that the petitions
xeoklng the creation of a Justice of
tho Pence district to be known as the 1
West Pendleton Dlatrlct be denied hasl
been filed with the county curt. Tho
petition seeking the creation of the
district was filed severs! weeks ago.
The county court ha taken no action
in tho mutter to date but it is expected
thut the petitions will come before the
Court sometime this week.
Alleged h-nrgpr 111 Jail
Tom Pllvls is confined to (he county
jail awaiting investigation of an alleg
ed check which he la said to have tried
to paw on a local ahoe store Katurduy
r.firhU The check is for 125 and drawn
on the Inland Empire lnk. Husplci.
oua circumstances Connected with the
cose hitur(lav night rnroutfht about
the arreKt. I'livis asserta. the check
was for wages due him from N. Peter
son whow name 1 sgnea to the check.
Peterson up until noon today had not
been located to verify the signature,
biij it i Ktid by officials of the sher
iffs office that Peterson hajt no ac
count, at the bank.
Ilip f'liciiiiionla Month
March Is a typical pneumonia montn
and usually gives a high ruto of mor
tality fur the dlwi". Afler a
and hard winter, tho syMteni lose
much of its resiatance and people grow
carelew. When every cold, no matter
how slight, is given prompt and Intelli
gent attention, there is much lews
danger of pneumonia, ft should be
borne in mind that pneumonia Is a
i,erm disease and breeds in the throat.
Chamberlain's Cough Remedy Is an
expectorant and cleans out the germ
ladened mucus and not only cures a
cold but prevents Its remitting In- pneu
monia. ft is' pleasant to take. Chil
dren tuke It willingly,
Chamberlain' Cough Remedy
Xolhlng go Good for A Cough or Cold
"Everyone who ha used Chamber
lain Cough -Remedy speaka well of
It," writes Edward P. Miller, Abbotts
town, Pa. people who once use this
preparation are seldom satisfied with
any otner. It la excellent to allay a
cough or break up a eojd.
Excellent Itrmedy for Conatlpailon
It would be hard to find better
remeay tor constipation than Cham
terlaina Tablets. They are easy to
take and mild and gentle In effect.
Give them a trial -when you have nee l
Ftmid Cure for Indigestion
"I used Chamberlain's Stomach and
Liver Tablet for Indigestion and find
they suit my case better than any dys
pepsia remedy I have ever tried and I
have used many different medicines. 1
am nearly fifty one years of age and
have suffered a great deal from in .
gestlon, t can eat almost anything 1
want to now." writes George W. Emory
Rock Mills, Ala. These tablets contain
no pepsin but strengthen the stomach
and enable it to digest the food
' - r
plays no part in the adjusting of our prices
No truesswork no secret prices but
everything in plain figures. We know that
if you examine our store, investigate and
compare our prices even with city prices,
that you' will become a regular customer
A viit i U dire
Our Merchndite will convince.
, O Pendleton ' '
Mrs. Georgia Barnee, mother of Mrs.
lAffle H. Hanna. ana Mrs. O. D. Pur-
Take Aspirin only as told In each gesa, of Hermisfon, wha- have been
package of genuine Payer Tablets of
Aspirin. Then you will be following
the directions of dosage worked out by
physicians during 21 -years, .nd prov
ed safe by mlllionM. Take no chances
with substitutes. 'If you see the Pay
er Cross on tablets, you can take them
without fear for Cofds, Headache,
Xeuralgia, Rheumatism,. Earache,
Toothache, Lumbago and for Pain.
Handy tin boxes of twelve tablet cost
few cents. Druggist also sell larger
packages. Aspirin is the trade mark
of Payer Manufacture of Monoacetic-
acldester of Falicyllcacld. '
"IpV' .St " - .,v'Tfv y - , - , ' ' -m f
. I
ipnng i
Li ' : lit t"J
, - ' ,f " ' ? 1 .4 8
- , i ' ' J '
- -j '
Slip on Sweaters ... . . . ..... .
Blen's Heavy Khaki Coveralls ............, i .... . . . 1 . .
All Wool Army Underwear, the garment
Genuine, U; S. Army Shirts
0. D. Wool Slipon Sweaters
0. D. Army Blankets, and 4 Ib.s.. . . ............... . ...
Regulation Army Russctt Shoes.
Officers Dress Shoes
Officers Dress Shoes, with rubber heels
Heavy Munson Last Work Shoes ...... .
Special! U. S. Navy Shoes . . ....
$3.50 and $4.65
......... $2.50
. ' ' .v '. t. ' ' ' r, ti ' :
Del Monte Sliced Hawaiian Pineapple, No. 22 can 40c case of 24 cans. . $8.25
U. S. Army Roast Beef .2 lb. can 35p, 3 for $1.00 ; case $8.00
Del Monte Solid Pack f ree Stone Peaches, No. 2,i can 35c; $3.90 doz; $7.50 case
U. S., Army Corned Beef1 ...... . . . ... . . . ...... . . . .'. Vz lb. cans, 3 for $1.00
Del Monte Tomatoes, solid pack, No- 2 J4 can 20c; $2.45 doz; $4.20 per case
Joy ,0 Wheat, Breakfast, Food ............ .... . .T. . ..... ... . . . . . .... 10c
Mission Brand Sugar Peas and Minnesota Corn, 2 cans 35c; $2.00 doz. or $3.75
guests in Pendleton at the home of
Mrs. Hanna, wilt leave tonight for
Hermlston. Mrs. Barnes will be the
guest of Mr. Burgess before going to
Culgery, Canada for a visit.
The Loyal Worker Claaa of the
Christian Church (Will meet tomorrow
afternoon at the' homo of Mrs. Frank
GreuIIch, 712 Cosbts street. Definite
I Inns will be made fo visit the Chris
tian home In Walla Walla, Bed linen
which wa to have been donated to the
home will be presented at this time.
Mr. and Mrs. Roy B. Morse return,
ed yesterday froni a five weeks 'busi
ness and pleasure, trip In the Erist.
They were accompanied from Walla
Walla by their little soni Maxwell, Who
during hi parents' alweifce visited hi
runt, Mrs. Warren Henneburger. Mr.
on! MfV Morse were in New York anl
Chicago, and also visited fh Pennsyl
vania and at Oconomowak, Wisconsin,
where they were griests of a college
friend of Mfs. Morse's, Mrs. Charles
Pchuele,,, . ;
per case. . t, .
Alaska Salmon .' . ................ ... .... .1 lb. can 2 for 25c, case of 48 $5.75 N
m i
phone m
546 MAIN ST.
hoys StooK for Stow.
H. E. Morse, accompanied by Mr.
Morse, returned yesterday from a vis-
1t to New York and Chicago markets
vhere he purchased stock for the new
store, 'The Crescent," which will be
opened about April 1 on the corner of
Main and Alta streets. In the old
Sayres store location, The store,
which will deal In dry' goods ana
ready-to-wear, has fur Us incorpora
tors Mr. Morse, Charles Bond and Wil-:
lard Bond. In discussing tho condi
tions In the eastern markets, Mr.
Morse say that the output of manu
facturers was not so great this year,
as merchants; contrary to their usual
custom, did not order spring goods last
fall and consequently Jobbers were
unable to place orders with manufac
turers. Mr. Morse, however, says that
the spring goods are attractive and
prices lower.
PiwipitnfUm Is .23.
A fall of snow yesterday, which did
Hot disappear until. late evonlng, pro
duced a total precipitation of ,25, says
(Major Lee Moorhouse, (weather ob
server, ine maximum toctay is ti.
(he minimum S4 and the barometer
registers 29.62.
t'.ie past month, the guest of relative.
Mrs. Frank Robertson wa honor
guest Thursday afternoon at the meet-
1 ing of the Ladies Aid Society of the
Christian church. Mrs. Robertson,
who ha been a faithful member and
secretary of this organization will
soon leave Helix to make her home I
elsewhere. Dainty refreshments were
served. Mrs. Fred Oswald and Mrs.
Harry Hicks were In charge.-
Week-end guests at the L Lr Hutch
inson home were their daushter, iliss
America, and Mlsa Scott, both young
ladies are teaching near St. Johns,
A number of Helix young people,
chaperoned by Miss Ault and Mrs. A.
C. Mclntre, drove to Pendleton Sat
urday evening and attended the pho
toplay.. "Inside of the Cup." Those in
the party were Wanda. Alspach, Leoni
Dausner, Zelma Flock, Katheryn lie
Intyre, William Alhee, John Warren,
Gull Alspach, Myron Shannon and I)e
Loss Robertson.
.Marshal U D. Clark arrested Tom
."iK'lilng on a warrant from the Sher.
iff office, on a gambling charge. He
was released upon a one hundred and
fifty dollar bond.
' The W. C. T. V. will give a St.' Pat
rick's tea at tho home of Mrs. Victor
Mason on March 1th. from 2:30 to
6:30. The proceeds will be used for
civic purposes.
Mr. and Mrs. fc. Blinn and Miss
?e!ma Flock were visitors in Milton
Mrs. A. Pierce and daughter. Miss
Hazel Bayley, have been recent guests
at tho W. E. Potts homcv They .were
en route to their home near Spokane
after sojourning in California during
the winter.
Much interest was shown in the
meeting of the W. C. T. U. held on
Wednesday at the A. C. Mclrityre
home. Mrs. Minnie Walker is presi
dent of this organization. Thirty-six
ladies were present and seven new
members .being added. It was Ore
gon day. Mrs. Emma Zeuske was
leader of the program. Each mem
ber responded to roll call with a name
of a county of Oregon. The following
program was given .
Papers "Wonder Places of Ore
gon," "Crater Lake," Mrs. V. W. Ma
'Josephine County Cave," Mrs. D.
N. Mclntyre,
Piano Duet Katheryn Mclntyre,
Mrs. V. W. Mason. .
Paper "Oregon Historians and
Poets," Mrs. Bessie Reesc.i '
Conservation and Reclamation of
Oregon, Mrs, Minnie Walker.
Vocal solos, Mrs. E. L. Xorvell.
Mrs. Earl Ghormley of Pendleton is
guest of Mr. and Mrs; M. D. Smith.
Mr. and Mrs. W. H. Dale of Pendle
ton were Helix visitors Huesday of this
Tlie Largest Diamond Dealers In. fcastern Oregon.
Guliin Will Make! fet-ch
J. H., Gwlnn, prominent In Knights
of Pythi'a Circles in the state, has been
asked to deliver an address at the
celebration of the 31st. anniversary of
thp lodfe, at North Yrtklma net Mon
day. Mr. Gwinn will -leave the latter
part of the week for the Washington
city.. ', .
(East Oregonian Special.)'
HELIX, March 14. The , Ionic
chapter of the Eastern Star entertain
ed Thursday evening the Masons and
thuir families and families oftfhe East
ern Star members. An original pro
gram was carried out hi the fore part
of the evening and afterwards the en
(trtalnment commilta, coikalhg of
Mrs. R. E. Tozier and Mrs. John An
derson held the interest of all. . after
which delicious ref reshmcnts were
, Mr. and Mrs. Harry Rose and two
little daughters have returned from
New York whero they have been for
FOB SALE Sanitary couch Phone
WAXTKl-r-Flrst clnss automobile
mechanic' Oregon Motor Garage.
WANTED Experienced girl or wom
an to'work on ranch Phone 14F11.
WANTED Elderly "woman to help
with general hnu work and cook
ing Phone 1F4. Address R. F. P.,
By.Lydia E. Pinkham's Vege
table Compound, Restoring
I . Mrs. Benz to Health
i f i
Altoona. Pa. "I am writfnff to tell
you what Lydia K. Pinkham's Vegetable
jompounu naa uunt
for me. We have
had six children
die almost at birth.
From one hour to
nineteen days is all
they have lived. As
i was going to have
another, I took a
dozen bottles of your
Vegetable Com
pound and I can say
chat it is 'the great
est medicine on
earth, for this baby is now four months
old and a healthier baby you would not
Want. I am sending you a picture of
her. Everybody says, That is some
healthy looking baby.' You have my
consent to show this letter." Mrs. C.
W. Benz, 131 3rd Ave., Altoona Pa.
No woman can realize the ioy and
bapupinesa this healthy bs'je brought
into the home of Mrs. Benz, unless they
have had a like xp;rience.
Kvcry woman who suffers from any
ailments peculiar to her sex. as indica
ted by backaches, headaches, bearing
down pains, irregularities, nervousness
and "the blues should not rest unti'
they have given Lydia E. Pinkhcm'
Vegetable Compound a trial.
Plume 210-W P. O. 1U 3M
Umatilla Hydraulic Stone
General Contractor. Kuihling I Hocks
a Specially.
. HA. F1UCK, Proiwletor,
J.C. Penney Co., A Nation-Wide Institution g
Lower trices on Good
Work Clothes-Why
Pay More? iv-
Men's Khaki pants, good weight, belt loops,
cuff bottom, pair .......... i $1-98
Men's heavy khaki pants, cuff bottom, belt
loops, pair $2.49
Men's heavy khr ki Riding Breeches, lace knee
double seat, pair $3.49
Pay Day and Underhill, union made bib over
alls, heavy blue denim, pair $1.19
Four U- Bib Overals, fine tightly-woven Mas
sachusetts denim, the best overall that ever
came to Pendleton. Compare it with any
overall at any price you can buy anywhere,
pair $1-39
Shanhouse Motor Suits, extra heavy khaki
colored material, liberal size, all pockets re
inforced, suit $2.98
Medium weight khaki suits, each $1.98
Blue or gray chambray Work Shirts, sizes
14 1-2 to 18, each ,... 79c
Men's Flannel Shirts, gray or brown, ea. $1.98
Men's Heavy Wool Sox, pair .... 39c, 49c
Boys' or Men's Canvas or Jersey Gloves, the
pair 10c, 15c, 19c
Leather Faced Gloves, gaufitlet or wrist
length, pair 29c
Bovs' Overalls, sizes 3 to 10, pair . v ... . .'. 89c
11 to 17 ?Sc
Children's Play Suits, blue denim, red trim
med, blue and white Stifel cloth, red trim-.
' med khaki, ages 2 to 8, suit . . 89c
Children's Play Suits, extra heavy denim, red
trimmed, liberal cut, Underrhill brand, the
suit . 98c
Paris Garters, assorted colors, pair ... 29c
Men's Rockford Work Sox, pair.. .... 15c
Painters Overalls and Jumpers,.each 98c
Carpenters Heavy Overalls, pair $1.49
Boys' Waists, just received, sizes 6 to 13 years,
. each . 79c
. f i fill h X y.i '
J. C. Penney Co., A Nation-Wide Institution
Pay Cash . Receive More Pay Less
Despairing ee Cash Grocery
209 E. Court . Phone 880
Buy Cheaper
. .In this day of prices there's only one way to beat
them buy your GROCERIES at this store for cash.
You save whether you want to or not.
Pay Cash Receive More Pay Less
Despain&Lee Cash Grocery
209 E. Court ' Phone SS0
Box 46, EcUo, Oregon. ,