East Oregonian : E.O. (Pendleton, OR) 1888-current, March 14, 1921, DAILY EDITION, SECTION TWO, Page PAGE TEN, Image 10

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1 1 ..... . , .
Special News of Umatilla Co.
(Kant Oregonlan Special.)
8TANFIEI.D, March 14-The Study
Club met Thursday aflemiHin at the
home of Mrs. C. W. Connor on Olon-J-nln
street. The meeting whs called
to trder by the president, Mrs. L. M.
IftllM. After the usual business worj
dispensed with they elected officers
for the coming year. Mrs. J. B. Rich-;
r.rds was elected president, Mrs. C. A.
Hssrn vice president, Mrs. F. E. Kv
erett, secretary, Mrs. James F. Lain,
treasurer. Mrs. V. T, Reeves, librarian.
The meeting then adjourned to met
in two weeks.
Mr. and Mrs. C. A. Haxen returned
Wednesday evening from a visit with
their son, C. I. Haxen and Mrs. Jlazen.
at Elgin, Oregon.
Mr. and Mrs. Thomas UK-hards mo
tored to Pendleton Monday.
Mrs. Jennie Sears of Cornonght,
Michigan, spent several days at the
home of her uncle and aunt, Mr. and
Mm. Thomas Richards.
business Interests.
The Merry-tiO-Rotind Club was en
tertained at the home of Mr. and
.Mrs. Charles llaim Wednesday even
ing. Cards and dancing was the di
version of the evening. Delicious re
freshments were served.
J. B. Richards and family are mov
ing back on their ranch utter spend,
Insr the winter in town.
Hen Keyea luui returned from an
extended visit with his-pnreiua In Mis
souri. Mrs. Kdith Van Denser) closed a ver
succeS!.r'.il millinery school here
VV. 11. HesNer and son Frederick
spent Sunday on their ranch near Her-
mistc n with aiij. Hesser. who has week at St. Anthony s hospital In Pen-
wru meic mr mi? pnsi iko weeKs. i uieton,
James u. Campbell of Xolln, was In
Kaat Oregonlan Special.)
J II.OT ROCK, March 14. Paul
Robbing, forest ranger for this district,
spent a few days In town this week,
Mrs. John Llnsner of Pendleton was
visiting friends here Tuesdav.
, A baby boy was bom to Mr. and
1 Mrs. Pat Doherty Wednesday of last
town Sunday.
SHANGHAI, March H (V. P.)
10,00(.iiu0 worth of da marc was rion.
E. 8. Severance is spending several! by a fire which burned U hours and
iaya in i-oriianrt looking after his' destroyed t warehouses filled with silk
Gassaway Miles Motorist
By Stanley
dder i
Your Financial La
There are always a few who can begin life iwith
plenty of wealth, but fortunately most mortals have
to Urt in at tlic foot rung of the ladder and do tlxvr
own climbing.. However, there Is a lot of satisfac
tion In making your own way and setting there. And
you can do it as well at the other fellow.
Ik'gl" today, save something and deposit
havings Account In this strong bank.
it in a
3M M X0-M
Penrfleton. Oregon, , ,
'Strongest Sank in Gastern Oregon'
I Glosin
g Out
I Only Two Left
" ' We are closing out our entire stock of Phono
graphs and Records and have just two Columbia
machines left to dispose of.
The regular $125.00 machine with 10 records
goes for $75.00. ; t -
The 140.00 size with 10 records goes fpr $85.
' All $1.00 records ........ 73c' '
t AU$1.50 records ....... .... $100
Cruikshank & Hampton 1
124-128 E, Webb Pendleton, Ore.
Your Old ruruHure Taken In Exchange an Fart Payment on New. 3
Dr. Oscar leVa-ll and rt.niirht.r
Miss Helen To Vaul returned horn
from Portland Tuesday evening-.
-Mrs. jean P. Kirkpatrick and son
Walter, who have been spending tho
winter in California, are expected to
return to Pilot Rook Friday evening.
Mr. Kirkpatrick has rented tho resl
lence. belonging to At. D. Orange on
the high school hill.
Henry Nye. formerly of fkinh and
Pilot Hock but now of Hpokane, Was
in pilot Rock Tuesday. Mr. Nye was
n route to Vklah to be at the bedside
or J. II. Wagner, a special friead of
the family.
ilrsj C. H. Hooper and little daugh
ter of Pendleton visited at the home of
Mr. and Mrs. John Stevenson during
me week.
Merschel Kidwell, who hns been
tuite 111 with scarlet fever, is much
Mrs. Fred Hnscall and Mrs. James
Hawaii were shopping In Pilot Kock
A new schedule for the Pilot Rock-
Pendleton stage line hns been an
nounced by Fnncho Stubblefield, pro
prietor. The stage will leave the Pilot
rvicii noiei hi a a. m., 11 a. m., 1 p. m.
ana :so p. m., and will leave the
French restaurant and Pendleton Ho
tel at a. m., 11 a. m.. 2:30 p. in. and
5 p. m.
Miss Lillian Cooper and Miss Portia
Kidwell, students of Willamette Uni
versity at Salem, are expected home
aboyt the first of April on a' ten days'
A son was born Wednesday, March
9th, to Mr. and Mrs. Carl Manning at
the home of Mrs. Charles Michaels.
Little Harriet Koutel was able to
return to her home here Tuesday aft
er being quite sick at St. Anthony's
hospital In Pendleton for several days.
Chas. Busbee was a business visitor
here from Pendleton Tuesday.
Harry ScTilcele, who has been em
ployed at the Cames Bros. Mercantile
Co. here for some time past, has ac
cepted a position in Pendleton.
Mr. and Mrs. P. O. Kester and son,
Harold, were Pendleton visitors Sat
urday. Will Matthews was In Pendleton on
business Wednesday.
Bruce Gilbert left this week for
Burns, Oregon, where he has accepted
a position. Mrs. Gilbert and baby will
Join Mr. Gilbert there in a few weeks.
Sirs. G. Kurlee and Mrs. Anna
Beranges were shopping In Pendleton
County Judge I. M. Schannep was In
Portland on business the first of the
Mrs. Garret of Pendleton Is a guest
this week at the home of her sister in
law, Mrs. O. T. Carnes.
A little daughter was born Tuesday
morning at the borne of Mrs. H.-H.
McReynoIds. to Mr. and Mrs. John
Harrison. The baby lived only about
twenty-four hours and was buried
Wednesday afternoon at the Pilot
Rock cemetery. Mrs. Harrison has
been very low but her condition at
this time is somewhat Improved,
K. G. Warner returned home the
first of the week from Portland where
he went in the interest of good roads
for this part of the county
Mrs. Frank Cable, who underwent
an operation for appendicitis at St
Anthony's hospital recently, returned
home the first of tho week.
Little Dorothy Smith, daughter of
-Mr. and Mrs. Walter Fmlth. Is suf
fering from a relapse of Bcarlct fever
and is quite sick,
r. T. Fanning Has accepted a posi
tion with the Carnes Bros. Mercantile
Co. .. .
J. D. Kirk of vklah, wag a business
vltitor here Wednesday.
Mr. and Mrs. Twig Hinkle celebrat
ed their wedding anniversary by en
tertaining a few of their relatives at
dinner at their home, here Thursday
ev Ming. The guests were Tllr. and
Mis. W. B. Hinkle, Miss Grace Hinkle
and Mrs. C. H, Beitel.
Mr. and Mrs. James Whlttakcr were
Pendleton visitors Thursday.
I see Wtevs Some Ivomm WgNf on a
HOM OlO vo o
Know THAT 1
Jl L j , ,u.. .L
Foley's Honey and.Tar
is an old reliable family medi
cine for the relief of cold, cough.
spasmodic croup, tickling throat, hosne
aew, whopping cough, bronchial cough
and the croup that lingers after the "flu."
Hde oi clean, wholesome and tuleful
pine ur and demulcent honey oi the
Dees.- Contains no opiates.
Ifrt. En M. Chvrck, M Howard It, Vtw
Zondin, Co. wnt thu: "Whm I fel a
ol4 toning on I la rl(h to takinf Wolor'm
Xosar v Tar. I h SMd It for 4 aiiAkaf
ml jooim u4 alirayt wit ( ei-mulU."
(East Oregonlan Special)
V'kluh, March 14. The little town
of fkiah was thrown In a tremor of
excitement Monday at noon when: it
was discovered that J. H. Wagner,
hardware dealler had made an unsuc
cessful attempt on his life by using a
razor on his throat, making a deep
Inclusion from his ear to tho wind pipe.
He had a room fitted up in the rear of
the hurdware store where he had been
sleeping but took his meals at the ho
tel, but on isocount of Illness he would
eat no breakfast and Henry Layman
who was rooming with him and also
attending tha hardware, would usually
call him for dinner. And when lie
went to call him Monday he received
no answer so he tried the door, finding
Is had been locked after he- left the
room, so the door was forced open,
when it was discovered that Mr. Wag
ner had committed the rash act. Mrs.
Mossie, nurse, was immediately sent
for, who began using restoratives and
by the time Dr. Spaulding of Pendle
ton reached here he had rallied and
was a)ble to talk. Tho doctor took 21
stitches In the wound. Chances are
good for his recovery and at this writ
ing he is resting easy but is very weak
from tho loss of blood. His despond
ency was due to ill health.
Petorson Bros., Ukiah's new mer
chants now carry all the fresh vegeta
bles and fruit, and expect to also calrry
fresh meats and fish which Is appre
ciated by ail their customers which Is
a great treat to the people of L'klah.
Jinks Howard made a trip to his
homestead Monday, returning Wed
nesday. Mr. Scroggins of Meadowbroolt farm
near Dale was In Uklah Monday night.
Itobert Bond came in Monday from
Yoakum to look after his Interest here.
J. T. Kirk left for Spokane Wed
nesday on a business trip returning
The home of Car! Balance who lives
near Hitter was destroyed by fire Tucs
day night with nearly all Its contents.
Arthur Mellobcrts manager of the
telephone office left Wednesday morn
lng for Pendleton on business, expect
Ing to return Katurday.
Clyde Helmick left Tuesday for
Bridge Creek with his cattle which he
expects to turn on the grass.'
On account of the snow melting rap
idly, the old stage coach was pressed
Into service again last Friday.
Frank Hilbert has turned several
hundred cattle out on the grass.
Mr. and Mrs. V.' B. Peterson "re
turned Saturday 'evening from Pilot
Bock, Pendleton and Frcewater. Mr.
Pttcrsoh ' visited his aged mother at
Freewater. i s
Miss Ma.ry Calverly of Oregon City
who has been visiting at the home of
Ker aunt and uncle, Mr. and Mrs. J. If.
Constants for the last three months re.
turned to her home last week.
Little Billie Allison who was so bad
ly sculdcd about the neck and should
ers last Sunda' morning was tuken to
Pendleton Thursdah' for treatment and
message from Mr. Allison Friday
states that he is doing, nicely under
the care of u. doctor and a special
nurse. . . .
Mrs. Kntma Lenz, son Bay and
daughter Norma returned Thursday to
Cklah after two years absence and
will now make her home here. She
will have charge of tho poslofflce here
after. Everybody welcomes Mrs. Leiu
and family back to l'klah.
L. O. Case returned from Portland
Monday, going on to his home at Dale
Tuesday. f
Dr. Spaulding made the trip from
i Pilot Rock to Uklah Monday in three
house: He came as far as he could In
his car and after he struck the moun
tain and the bad roads he was supplied
with fresh horses along the way In
order to reach Mr. Wagners bedside.
. 2 CANS 45c 6 CANS $1.30
CASE OF 24 CANS $5.00
Sweet Juicy Navel Oranges, 3 dozen .... . . 50c
White Laundry Soap, 20 bars . . ....... . :. $1.00
Extra Fine Onion Sets, 2 pounds ......... 25c
Complete Assortment of Garden Seeds.
The ,
The Most
in Value
221 East Court St
Phone 871
The Best
in Quality
, . .(East Oregoniun Special.)
HERMISTO-, March 14. The Her
miston people are very much pleased
owr-the fact that the experiment sta
tion one and a half miles northwest of
town fa to be kept on theVj-xperlmental
list for at least another year. Harold
Bean will continue in management as
well as to do the , civil engineering
work for the Irrigators of the project,
while a new man from the Oregon ag
ricultural college will carry on the dif
ferent experiments at the farm as well
as on other parts of the project.
Good cheer prevails all over the
Hermiston project because of the al
most unanimous vote given the new
contract with the U. 8. K. S. (a) Now
the "A" canai will be enlarged and
concrete lined almost the entire
length, (b) All supplemental con
struction" work; heretofore done and
(formerly) Intended to be paid for by
those benefited as well as that yet to
be done will be paid for by the project
as a whole, thus giving everyone an
equal chance, (c) All water payment
falling due In lill will not be payable
until June and December, 1923. (d)
All building charges, deficiency
charges, and supplemental charges aa
well as all original water right charges
not yet due will be extended to the 20
year limit on the simple graduated
payment plan of the U. 8. XI. ft.
Mrs. F. II. Taylor has been confin
ed to her home for the past week with
an attack of bronchitis. At last re
ports she was doing nicely.
The graveling on Hermiston avenue
is now completed from the depot to a
point one mile west of Hermiston.
This improves the appearance greatly.
The 1920 hay crop on the Hermiston
project Is nearly all baled, sold and
shipped. The only large holdings left
belong to Haddox of the Columbia dis
trict and consists of four or five hun
dred tons which is now being baled.
'.Mrs. Edith Van Deuscn came up
from Umatilla Tuesday evening where
she has been holding a millinery
school. Wednesday she held a milli
nery school In the library hore. Many
ladies were present and a- profitable
afternoon was spent. She will be here
again all day Saturday at the library.
Tho C. 8. McN'aught baling crew Is
now on Butter creek haling the Ham
ilton hay which Mr. McXaught recent
ly purchased.
A change has1 taken place In the
Klngslcy Mercantile company, in
which B. 8. Klngsley the senior mem
ber of the firm has sold out his Inter-.
eats to the junior member, E. J, Kings
ley. A. W. A damson, owner of the
Plahouso. will do the delivery work
for the new firm as well as fqr the
Hermiston Produce and.' Supply Co.
and the City Meat Market.
lit I
Fairy Soaplaf ge size, each 10c
Nippon Apricots and Peaches, No. 2V cans,
3 for $1.00; dozen $3.95; per case, 2 doz $7.85
Del Monte,. H. Home and Sun-Maid Seeded and
seedless raisins, each 30c; per doz.. .... $3.50
Tree Tea, uncolored Japan and Ceylon, lj.. . 65c
'...J,-', -T.
G. Preserves (except strawberry) each. 50c
Per dozen $5.75
Bulk Peaberry Coffee, per lb. 35c
3 pounds for , $1.00
Good Blend Coffee, 4 pounds for ..... . . . $1.00
Steamed Refined Borax Soap,. 2 for 2 c
XXXXBrand Evaporated Milk for
Cooking, each 10c; per dozen 81.10;
per case (4 doz) ....... . $4.40
Or any part of the electric
system on your car overhauled
nd repaired. Satisfaction guar
anteed. HARRY H. GRAHAM,
Willard Service Station,
Pendelton, Ore.
Thone IJ4. LETS COl
NEW-YORK. Mar. 1 l--(U.P.)-The
Erie railroad has Issued a general or
der restoring the wages, of common la
borers which were reduced on Janu
ary 81. The company has also re
stored the six-day per week employes
put 'on a five-day rate a few weeks
ao. ,
PORTIXD. March 14. "Love me.
love my dog." was the rule laid down
in the home of John McNeil.
Mrs. McNeil, however, decided that
It was John and not Ftdo McNeil that
ho bad married, -; and consequently
obtained a divorce. In her testimony
she said that her husband "scarcely
ever . drew a sober brea'h " "1
he frequently took his doc tf tr9
with him, and compelled lier to CO
cupy the same bed with tho animal.
Get Dr. Edwards' Olive Tablets
That it the joyful cry of thousands
'Since Dr.' Edwards produced Olive
Tablets, the substitute for calomel. No
piping result from these pleasant
little tablets. They cause the liver
r.r.d boweU to ait normally. They
never force them to unnatural action.
Dr. Edwarc'j' Olive Tablets are
toothing, healing, vegetable compound
'rx-Md with o ive oil.
If you have a bad taste, bad breath.
TH dull, tired, are constipated or
lilinus, you'll find quick and sure re
rtlts from. Dr. Edwards' little Olive
"laH-taat bedtime, 15c and 30s, t bo
East Oregoniari Printing Department.
Quality PRINTING at Reasonable Prices
Truo to tne Buick traditioiTof twenty years, the one feature
Buick engineers have particularly Bought to develop In the new
Nineteen Twenty One Buick Series Is high utility value.
You will find, in fact, whon ycu. Investigate these new models,
that Buick capacity for hard, fast, sure transportation Is even
greater than ever before, Tho high-powered, sure-working
Buick Valve-ln-Hcad Motor Is a feature of each of tho new mod
els. '
Added to their great service value are a beauty ' of contour
and appointment and comfort of movement and seating ar
rangement that appeal to the most particular.
Buick primarily, however, is a far of action. Built for busi
ness built to stand up Is a well known Buick feature. eBusi
ness men will find the hew five passenger touring car a happy
selection. ,. ' . ; .
Oregon Motor Garage
l , Phona 463