PAGE FIVE DAILY EAST OREGONIAN, PENDLETON, OSECON, FRIDAY EVEITINC, .MARCH 11, 1021. TEN PAGES i: NEWS0FTHEC0UN1Y lBEL!ESroAVQ OFFICES AND OFFICERS i PUtt; ' IlomlH to California nre fairly Rood to hlH homo utter apenilliiir Hevcrul with the exception of one hill tlir ulrto 3nyii In l'ondloton looking after prop er Urnut Vm, wiy J ilui?unln who accompanied by Mr. Huifunln ha Just returned frojn u two month' motor trip to California. At this par Iculur hill, Mr. Tiwiuiln Htuti'H, teuma nre employed to pull tlio curn out of the mud. After going over the hill, the mud on tin) radiator knd fender of the HiiRunln machine wan three Inchon thick. j'. Ira Scott of I-a Crown huB returned shake Into our Choei Alln'i Foot-Kaa, the nntiafiptie itowoir to bn ihnken Into the ! and aprlnk d In the footbath. The I'lattiiuurir amp Manual advlaea men in tralnlng o unt Koot-UaM tn their ahora each moruln;. it preventa bllatfra and aore nota and rultevca painful, awolln. martlnr tori and tk,.a the ating out t coma and nuniona. Alwaya uae Allen'a i'nnt-Eaae to break In - new hoea. i ,, , crty and vlaltlng with hla mother. Mr. (ftiott made tho trip y uuloiuolillo am) reports tho roudu only fair. 11, X. TnwnHond of the Portland Railway, IJirht and Tower Company tupped 111 Pendleton today on hia re turn from la Cinuido and linker where he has been trunwicllng IjjhI-neaa, Dun I. Hinythe iaa MtuVned from a bualncaa trip to Portland. " .' Much IiilrrCHt Slum it Much Intereat la shown In the lTma tllln county fluid and truck meet to be held here May 7,. with county puplla of the elementary and high achoolx aa contestant any W. V, Green, county Hohoul superintendent" Hnctlonnl meela nre to he held not;: Inter' thun April 10 and Mlltvn, freewutrr and Umnpln aect Inn will hold ihelr nvcet PHONE FOUR-O-NINE FOR BETTER QUALITY :; Saturday Specials 2 Bath Tablets, 3 for ... . . . . . . . . . .......... 25c O Monopolc Cane and Maple Syrup, li eal.. . . 83c S Macaroni. .per lb- 10c; 11 lbs. $1.00 g Head Rice, 12 lbs 41.00 Large Size Lilac Rose Talcum 20c Sugar, 10 pounds $1.00 w Large Lemons, per dozen l. . ;. ....... . ., 25c J Oranges, per dozen 20c We save you money on your groceries, day in n and day out Our name is Economy, that's our J1 policy too. 3 The Economy Grocery j Phone 909 , 113 We. t Webb St. Just Phone Around the Corner on Webb St. PHONE FOUR-O-NINE FOR BETTER .SERVICE April 25. Other aohoola will prolm bly decide upon a date aoon. New fea tures of thlH year's contnsla - will be the folk dnnclnff and . the tennla matches. Bectlona dlreetdra appoint ed by Mr. Green are MIhb Kvh Hansen for the central or firm district, of which I'endleton la a part; Howard Drew, the went end aectlon; U Mnck en, I'llot' Rock, and SlBfrld SlKrlat, Milton, Freewater and L'mnpine. ' , II ' ! IVpnty Aawwior Jli-re, Deputy Aaaeasor W. T. McLeod of Athena, wan a court houae tMtor this mornltiif. He will atart hla dutlea next week In thla aectlon of the county. Duff Appointed ik-putj. W, A. Duff haa been appointed ape lul deputy iiherlff by Sheriff Zoeth Houwr, to aerve in tne JYeewatcr 1Ih trlct. The appointment waa filfcd with the county clerk thla morning. Istlon lot Incorporates. Sianfleld 1'ost, American VcRlon, filed article of Incorporation with the couuly clerk yesterday afternoon. W. W. Wallow, Victor H. Martin and nob. ert Farley are named aa officers of the organization. BY DEPUTY SHERIFFS . i A search In the reaorvatlon for gtol eu articled of various kinds and de acrlptlon waa the tneana of DeputU-a ItldKeway anu Ijirenrter dlacoverlng what they declare to be one of the largeat Ulleit atllla ever found In thla county. James Ixmn was arrested n connection with the find and releaaod upon his payment of ball amounting to I3.i0. ' , ' the still was dismantled when the officer arrived upon the scene but nnrts of it were found. Including a coil and a boiler. A quantity of corn meal mnah amounting; to 250 trillion was found but only a amail portion of liquor waa found, 1 Uoun declared the mnsh' was to feed hogs with but the officers declare hero waa only one hoc; on the place and that the mnnh was doubtless Jo tended to be used In the manufacture of moonshine. - A number of empty bottles werei found lying- about and several empty barrel Officers at the tiniirt house r'olm still was taken from these premises at one time before. Tho still discovered wiwi, nowever, was 01 mut'n amaucr, . . . . capacity than the one found yesterday. mpanjr or Tac,mia and for beinar a. .h- o. 1. from Camp Lcwla who were HI 1 it r i, ii, 'iv uioi wvi-.r nuw innni back to their camp today by three spe clal guards sent by the commander of the camp. The three soldiers were ar rested following suspicious actions on their pari upon their arrival-here and held by order tof army officers. Asks for JMvorw. Action seeking a decree of divorce from Itulph K. Rush was filed In the circuit court yesterday afternoon, by Hciiluh May Hush. The plaintiff o letfes that the defendant "frequently lost his temper and viciously asaullcd her" by slapping her and hitting her with his fist. Custody of two minor children in asked. t Varna I'll1' fcuit. John Barton Payne, director gen eral of railroads, is- plaintiff In a suit filed last evening against Charles F. Lane asking for Judgment ot 144.07 alleged to be due on an unpaid account. The complaint avers that Lnne shipped freighth. the bill of which amounted to I163.25. There waa 1119.18 paid on the bill, the com plaint alleges, and the defendant re- fusea to py the balance.- ' J ' Soldiers Are Itctnrncd Three lT. 8. soldiers, alleged to hive stolen a car from' the Ford Motor although st ruction. Every Day Bargains WHILE THEY LAST ' ' " Get your share high grade Alaska Salmon. 1 pound cans.:........, v....2 for 25c; cae of 48, $6.00 , Sliced Hawaiian Pineapple .........I....... ..JSIo. 2 1-2 cn, 40c; cam of 24, $8.50 Minnesota Com, Mission Peas t.......No. 2 can, 2 for 35c; cam of 24, $3.75 ' BLANKETS! BLANKETS! - - For the farm help or everyday use New 4 pound Army Blankets $5.65 Reclaimed 4 pound Army Blankets $4.65 4 pound Double Gray Blankets, all wool !....$7.00 5 pound double brown Blankets, all wool $8.00 4 pound Hudson Bay Blankets, best wool $10.00 V v FREE DELIVERY Army & Haw Sis CO. Phone your orders 5 Y 546 Main Street Tito ItMainOnia Mouth March la a typical pneumonia month and usually gives' a high rate of mor tality fur the disease. After a lone and hard winter, the system lose much of Its resistance and people grow careleaa. When every cold, no-matter how slight. Is given prompt and intelli gent attention, there is much less danger of pneumonia. It should be borne in mind that pneumonia Is a erpi disease and breeds In the throat I Chamberlain's Cough Remedy is an expectorant and cleans out the germ ladened mucus and not only cures a cold but prevents its resulting In pneu-, monia. It Is pleasant to take. Chil dren take it willingly. ' - imiilrrllnvs Ynffh Itemody Nothing No Good for Cough or Cold "Everyone who has used Chamber lain's Cough Kemcdy speaks well oft It," writes Edwar4 P. Miller, Abbotts town. Pa. People who once use thl preparation are seldom satisfied with any other. It is excellent to allay a cough or break up a cold. ' Kx-li-nt Itenirdy for' Constipation It would be hard t find a better renydy for constipation than Cham berlain's Tablets. They are easy to tiike and mild and gentle in effect, Give them a trial when you have nee ' Found a Cure for Indigestion "I used Chamberlain's Stomach and Liver Tablets for Indigestion and find they suit my case better than any dys pepsia remedy I have ever tried and 1 have used many different medicine nm nearly fifty one years of age and have suffered a great deal from indi gestion; I can ea almost anything 1 want to now," writes George W. Emory Rock Milla, Ala. These tablets contain no pepsin but strengthen tho stomach and -enable It -to- digest the" food natiiraly, ' MitlTARYREGIMEHAS L 1GE TOO LATE TO CLASSIFY FOR HAMO Wicker baby bassinett Phone S65-R. . J WANTED ( room modern house, fur nished or unfurnished., . tVHl .lease for a year. .Apply "4" this office. KOK 'HUNT 5 ncre tract with i room ' hcMiso and. good well, also chicken hoiism-M per month Yearly lesse. Phono 2S6-J.- Despain & Lee Grocery Go: Phone 880 V ' ! J , ' J ;! 1? 209. E. Court St FREiSH WE OFFER TIIIS SPECIAL - PRICE ON FRESH EGGS FOR SATURDAY ONLY. MONEY .BACK .GUARANTEE. EGGS - 4 DOZEN" FRESH EGGS"95c FRESH EGGS ROYAL WHITE SOAP 20 bars $1.00 ORANGES 3 Dozen 50c 4 Pl,aICHAMS ' PerPbimd 23c WHITE SATIN FLOUR 49PoundScli.7..2.60' ' "CANE SUGAR " ' ' r Per lniiidred rl0.00 6 Pounds CRISCO COFFEE 5 Pounds Bidk 1 5 SWIFT'S LARD 5 Pounds Nett. 10 Pounds Net 7 Can: 7 Can CORN TOMATOES I ..--.-- - - 31.35 1.00 Sl. $2.70 $1.00 $1.00 WITH ALLIED ARMIES, March 11 L?. P.) Wago,n loads of arms and ammunition waa enrrendered at' the i'Yench hcadnuarters, at IuesscldorYf. The collection included rifles, revol vers, cartridges and machine gun belts. Strict regulations went Into ef fect as the military egime assumed full control of the area. All minor of ficials, policemen, firemen, foresters and customs officials were ordered to salute the French officers on the pain of conrt martial. CensershipTof news papers is Stricter. Ten o'clock curfew is effective. Sentries at city's main approaches and bridgeheads challeng ed every person who attempted to pass. The Relgian line i extended ilons the Walscum canal from Spel- dort to Schmusl. ' ItAlI.RO ADS AUK TOGKniMl CHICAGO. March II. (A. P.) Virtually all the larger western rail roads today hadowung Into line in the .wlicy started y several eastern rail roads taking steps for a reduction of war time Wages for unskilled empjoyee- KBKUHART iltllJ-S . (Continued from page l.), , Washington has, through the hhrbor of Puget Sound, a great Oriental trade. Interference with such trade lid not seem to deter tho legislators of Washington from passing a bill which they believed to be " absolutely essential to the protection of tho White racetif that state. The proposea'trea--,y now in course of negotiation will not 'cover tho subject of alien owner ship of land within any one state, and this proposition waa never eoinbatted or even be met In the de- hates in the ligalature. It Is to be hoped that the next time this matter comes before the legislature of Oregon there will bo sufficient cournge'to fol low the state of Washincfon, If there was not sufficient courage to take the lead and pass a bill that fully ninety per cent of the people desired passed" IIECOP.D CROWDS (Ottntlnudd from page 1.) Portland Woman on Viait Lot Angeles Tel I of Re markable Experience. ' "It means a lot tq say a mc-diclm saved a' person's life but I firmly be llcve Tanlac saved mine," .deeliirei Atrs, Ixuuso Bmtley,' lil -Vorth Crane- Ave., I0 Angeles, Cal., Mrs. Smlley'i home is In Portland, Oregon, but h Is upending the winter In Los Anaelei with her children, who live at tht above address. ' . "It Just seems wonderful that I am enjoying such splendid health again after 1 had suffered for seventeer yeafs. It' waa In 1900 that I first bo- Un to have bad attacks of digestion and In 1(2 I had such a evere spen that little hops was held out for my recovery. "Each year I grnduiOly grew worst and all the' time I Just lived In dread of one of those spells. My nervee broke down and often Vcaught myseti till in a tremble. Of course. I had it tlo or no appetite and I was almost sfrald to calt. Fometimes my whole body ached, and f int felt so discour aged and worried nil the time I didn't think I could live much longer. "About three years ago Tanlac came to Portland and I began taking It anc the' very first few doses soemcd n bring relief.'' In oil ! tool? five bottler and after that I felt perfectly well, wuf not a bit nervous and could eat Just whatever I wnnted. Rince then I have enjoyed splendid health and haven't had a single attack of Indigestion." Tanlac Is sold In Pendleton by Thompson Brothers. Jake was physically strong and w-ac no match In a fight. , ' "Were not they associated more in timately than you descrlljedT" asked V. P. McLean, on cross-examination Yes." said .Mullen. " Dr. E. T. Harlow, an optic'an,- testi fied he saw the pistol n Clara opened her handbag in hs store last Kpntomlter Frpplintr snowed the pis tol that killed Hamon. Hiid you see this?" Jie asked. "I think that's it the doctor replied. ., ; QUALITY GLASSWARE We alwaya feature slaiiware both In the cut glass and engraved and etched glass. ,. ETCHED GLxVSS is very popular and' a recent alilpment en-' ables us to be able to supply mot of your ' needs In our recular patterns of this dtetinct ive ware. ' "1 " ' UlUa. veaeec Ore- The Irecsf Vianwivl Healers In Easier" Orcgoa. IEKCE REVEALS that looSs that abound in the vitamins best promote healthful growth. Scotf sEmuIston at an aicf to growth and strength should have a place in the diet of most children. Scm & Bowe, BloonBeU.KJ. ALSO MAKERS OF in-H0!l (Tablets or Granules) for INDIGESTION 2?tl a en large and tomorrow, the final day, ivca promise ot'beins'.an added suc cess. j f - - Music by Sfewyera", alx-piece orches tra is a pleasing" feature."1 A negro n.uartet' niso addji to the ent.S-tsinmein and thilr numbers wei-e well received 'y the throngs. 1 . Ma(4ilnex Arc Sold Among Ue firms who have sold ma. chlnea are the Ellis-Schiller t"o.. which sold a Dodge roadster; K. M. Tannler. who sold a blaster" truck... the first ruck to be sold at the show, and tht stiinnson 'Auto Co. which sold three Fords. . ' ritlSUNKIt AM) JVItY (Continued from page 1.) Carter county courthouse nrter a to the rooms. visit Prisoner lKii Xot Wlni. ' AUDMODH; March 11. U. P.) When Clara milh Hamon heard her self branded "aa a rich -man's chattel and cold blooded murderess, she didn't wince.. The pretty defendant is cnarg ed with slaying Jake Hamon, the mir nele man of the southwest and wentj under fire when Prince Freeling told j the Jury what he expected to prove. J. S. Mullen, a capitalist, was 'the first witness called. "Hamon first came to Ardmore In 1913 to build a railroad." he said. "With him came John Hingllng, the ell-ens man. I first saw the defendant In 1913, when Hhe wna Hnmon's pri vate secretary. She remained In thift eaplclty fur seven months. Hamon was frequently In her company out of office hours. I have been In his rooms In the Handol hotel when sf!e was there." .Mullen s,il(" Cl.ira was frail pod No Frozen Stuf f PRIME MEATS Are the Best of Prime Rtb Roasts . ( qKurld ; . . . 26c Pot Roasts, lb. 13c Cross Arm Roasts, pbiind ... . . 18c Shoulder Mutton, pound.. .... 16c Leg of Mutton, ' pound ..... 25c Pork Roasts, lb. 22c ChucJv Steaks, pound ..... 18c Round Steaks, pound .... ; 25c Sirloin Steaks, pound . .... 25c Porterhouse Steaks pound . . -. . . 25c No. 5 Laixl. . $1.15 No. 10 Lard. $2.25 No Frozen Stuff Phone 703 City Meat Market 109 W. Webb a ii J. C. Penney Co., A 'Nation-Wide Institntion "'""sr"iii j - . - . J5 T3l ! ' e ! C : 41 New Shoes That Toe the Mark of Fashion Black Kid Oxfords Peggy $3.49 Good quality black kid, good weight setfed extension sole, low heel, pair . . S3.49 Same as above in dark brovn kid. . . . $3.98 Rlahogany Kid Oxfords $4.98 Fine quality mahogany kid, plain toe, flex ible sewed sole, high leather Louis heel, the pair $4.98 . Black Kid Oxford, Cuban Heel $5.90 . . An extremely practical and pleasing shoe for street wear, fine quality black kid, Good year welt sole, imitation tip, concealed eyelets, Cuban heel, width AA to C, sizes 3 to 8, the pair $5-90 Mahogany Kid Uxlordst cuDan neei $ , : Made over the same last as the shoe above, from high grade mahogany kid, widths A to C, sizes 3 to 8, pair- ; . $8-50 Brown Kid Oxford Haven $8.50 The same .general style as the shoe above,; toe is a little more pointed with imitation tip, six eyelets, Cuban heel, widths AAA to C, - sizes ZV to 8, pair $850 Black Satin Kid Oxford $7.90 Unusually fine texture in the 'leather of this number makes it at once distinctive and attractive;; Clever new last, Goodyear , welt sole, imitation tip, six eyelets, Cuban heel, widths AAA to C, sizes 3VL to 8 pair. . $7.90 Black Kid Oxford, High Heel $7.50 , Six eyelets make ithis fine kid oxford snug fitting around the ankle, imitation tip, Goodyear welt sole, high leather heel, widths AAA to C, sizes 3 to 8, pair $7.50 Brown Kid Oxford,, High Heel $8.50 Same style' as the black shoe above, widths AAA to C, sizes 3 to 8, pair $8.50 LADIES' HIGH SHOES. Black Kid Military $5.50 Soft black kid, good weight, sewn extension sole, medium toe, military heel, pair... $5.50 Brown Kid Academy $7.50 Dark brown kid of excellent quality made ovei a last of pleasing lines. Goodyear welt sole, concealed eyelets, military heel, pr. $7.50 Black Kid Pickford $4.98 ' Soft black kid, high leather heel with alumi num vanity plate, plain toe, flexible close edge sole, pair $4.98 Same shoe in dark brown kid, pair. . . $5.90 Brown Kid Cuban Newport $9.50 Extra quality dark brown kid, Goodyear welt sole, imitation tip, Cuban heel, AAA to C, sizes 3 to 9, pair $9.50 1 1 . r A. U. renney Co., A JNation-mde institution -Pi fi ik- idt H at 3 A a, a.