DAILY EAST OMG0N1AN, PESTDttTON. OREGON, FRIDAY EVENING, MARCS 11, TEN t AGE3 PAC2 TEI DAILY MARKET NEWS, LOCAL AND GENERAL Including Pendleton Prices and Associated Press Reports 1 Hoc Mulk (From the Oregon Journal.) ffft PotO-Hi,.Rian North Portland Ml from grace to "Hy, hrn It lout the high point on bona to Chlcas-o. This U for regularly recnrn'x'd stockyard, n.tltoiuri wiine of ir-r ml"or yards without re-jolif re c liita may at times quite more. Thers tre only limited arriva's In nil linos I cr the Tnurdy trarie and prices I pio uiicnnnaa. 'hUi.o allowed a further ndv'suc f-r ho Thurw-ny In f".il. this w.i m of practically all tha loading tna.;.ts, with the exception of Vr.rth fo,tl ind. Topii in the Windy City uo- -.iei, to $1 1.&F. tnd wht: K li tr.ie hjt tll.td wan received for a han.lful of r.tne at North I'ortUn Wcdnee f.y no carload have be-n -wld at th vimne mtrk and therpfcrt norland l i(rier thkit $11. SO l rec .nliel as a "in tritlon. tV the biols of what n si are it--,!;.y mating in the East, It lit an in); lice l' local producers to keep the : net ("own ! the preseV level. . General hog market range: rrime light , . 11.00 W 11.50 Smooth heavy 10.60 ? 11.0 Uongh heavy tM .60 rat pin io.oo li.oe Feeder pica 10.009U.0t While demand 1 rood, receipts In the cattle alleys at North Portland era very limited "Thursday. ' Less than a carload came forward. All lines Indicate a fully ateady tone. General cattle market range: ' Choice steers I l.'&G .50 Medium to good steers , , T.Ofl 7. IS Pair to medium steers . . t.SSt) 7.00 Common to fair steers , ,. i.ihO (.23 Choice cows and heifers t.H9 1-00 Medium to good oowa and heifers . $.75 C.S5 Fair to medium cows and heifers S.SSO B.73 Wm SHOW 1921 Autnmotftv dealers, buyers and TWtom, you are in vited to the rooms of the American National Bank. Wntliur-decka, triephonen and rest-rooms are In stalled there for your convenience. Pendleton. Oregon. 'Strongest Haalt in Carton Oregon Big 'Dance EAGLE-WOODMAN HALL Friday Night; March 11, 1921 THOMPSON'S INTERNATIONAL SEXTETTE ADMISSION $1.00 Announcement THE SLOAN BONNET SHOP is now located in the NYE-WARD SHOE STORE Next to Tallman Drug Co. dfEIUIlflllllffllBIIIIIUtltllltllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllltllllllllllllllllillllllUIIIIIIUlliyE - I Closing Out Phonographs Only Two Left Common cows, heifers.. 4.25 5. Is Cannera 2.00$ .J5 Bulls .......... .....i. 3.C0T (.00 Choice feeders 6.60 1 (.00 Fair to rood feeders . . . . 6.000 (.(0 Choice o'alry calves 13.60913.S0 1'rlnie light dairy calves 11.60 11. 6i Med. light fairy calves . . .G'liil.(0 Jleivy dairy calves ..... f.OOff 'f.tO The few head that were available .'or the opening sheep and lamb trade U North I'ortland Thursday sold at fully steady and unchanged prices; l'otal run In the division for the day was but 17 head. . , ' General sheep and lamb market: Past of mountain lambs.. J8.609.25 Willamette valley lambs .. 8.00 8.50 Heavy lambs .608.00 Feeder lambs .00fl7.60 Cull lambs 4.00 00.00 Ucht yearlings 7.0097.&0 Heavy yearlings 0.60 7100 Wethers 5.50.60 Ewes 1.60 f 6.00 No Receipts At Seattle 8EATTLE. March 11. (A. Pa rlors Receipts none. Steady. Prime 10. 76$ 11.25; medium heavies 9.76 Si 10.75; rough heavies t.7S7.!5; pigs S.00 11.50. Cattle Receipts none. Weak. Prime steers 7.5043 8.00; medium to choice .007.00; common to (food 4.E04J 0.00; best cows and heifers 0.25 .7t; medium to choice 6.004jt.00; common to food S. 5041 5.60; bulla 4.50 95.50; calves, light 10.504$ 12.00: heavy E.S0g 7.00. Sheep and Lambs Are Mostly Blighter KANSAS CITY, March ll. (A. P.) Cattle Receipts 3,000; .beef steers and fat she stock steady to 25 higher; top yearlings 10.00; best heavy steers S.65; Colorado pulpers .2E .60; prime and heavy cows 3.00; choice heifers 8.50; calves strong; good and choice vealers 8.50 10.50; cannera. bulls and stockers and feeders dull, J 1,500 pound Texas feeders 1.10. Sheop Receipts 5,000. Sheen- and Iambs mostly 25c higher; ewes (.00; 83-pound lambs 10.25. ; OUTBURSTS OF EVERETT TRUE rTHftRcs AS ANT tuOMAM IN rHeec5 1 EeAH"- IT'S TWC5 , ANO MC Tejrv.4j I .THAT OTOFtY.i rTli 9 Lb. Sack Rolled Oats ........v.. 60c Grocery Specials FOR FRIDAY AND SATURDAY ONLY Best Cane Sugar, 10 lbs $1.00; sack. . . . . $10.00 Carnation Milk, 3 cans 40c; case. . . . ... . . $6.25 -3 Cans Good Com 40c 2 Cans Puree Tomatoes ..... 25c 3 Cans String Beans ........ 40c 3 Cans Good Peas 50c 20 Bars White Laun dry Soap .... $1.00 Sun-Maid Seedless or Seeded Raisins and DiaV mond W. Currants, 3 packages 85c The- . SanitaryGrocery 3 Lb. Can Ground Chocolate . . ; $1.15 Marshmallow Syrup, 1 gal........ $1.25 1-2 gal. 65c The Mot Li Value 221 East Court St. Phone871 TkBet in Quality - TU3r.HTER lOTS ROCK PORTLAND. March 11. (U. P.) The 'big freighter Montague, bound down the Columbia for sea, was re ported on a rock off of Ooble, Oregon yesterday. feKNATE 1KFEI18 ACTIO! WASHINGTON, March ll. (A. P.) The senate agreed to defer action on the Colombian treaty until the April senslon. Scratch Fred Is S7 Per Ton SEATTLE, March 11. (A. P.) City delivery: Feed Scratch feed $57 per ton; baby scratch feed 355; feed vheat 3d0; all grain chop 347; oats 340; rolled oats 348; sprouting oats 351; rolled barley $45; clipped barley 349; milled feed 334; bran 334; whole corn $40; cracked corn 342. Hay Alfalfa $27 per ton; double compressed alfalfa 333; ditto timothy 338; eastern Washington mixed $34; straw $20; Puget Sound $31. No Change On Seattle Produce Market SEATTLE. March 1W(A. P.) Effga Local ranch white shells 34 ditto mixed colors 3133c; pullets 28 cents. ' Butter City creamery. In cubes, 47; bricks or prints 48; country creanery extras, cost to Jobbers, in cubes, 44c; storage 38c. New York , Butter Weak NEW YORK, March 11. (A. P.) Butter weak; creamery higher than extras 4849c; creamery extras 4 1-2 48c; creamery firsts 4347. Eggs unsettled, unchanged. ' Cheese firm unchanged. COLUMBIA CITIZENS (East Oregonian Special.) COLUMBIA, March 11. Mrs. Frank Beddow and B. C. Beddow made a trip to Pendleton Tuesday. Many of the Columbia people at tended the Oddfellows'! anniversary banuet given at Hermiston Monday evening. The ' varied program or amusements as well as the feed was greatly enjoyed by all present. ,, . Mrs.' Arthur Futter, who with ner husband and children are' leavingfor their new home in Sherman county, was taken ill at the home of Mr. and Mrs. C. F. Willhite last week, is re ported as being unimproved at the present writing. W. A. Doherty of Freewater, Is sell ing life insurance through the com munity and at the same time looking up a location for a new home, having sold hJs 30 acre fruit farm before leaving. Cash Hammer of Alderdale. Wash., was a guest at the home of Mr. and Mrs, Oill Friday. Mr. Hammer has sold his farm in Washington ana Is looking tqr farm land In this locality. Mrs. Owen F. Jones and son Norris, who is a medical student at Portland stopped over in Hermiston Wednesday to look after property interests. While here they were guests of Mr. and Mrs. George Beddow , Water for irrigating will be' turned Into the canals on March 15th, with the exception of the lower "A" line, which will be delayed until April 1st: There will be an old fashioned com munity spelling match at the Columbia school Friday evening, the 18th. The school, faoulty and our popular buss driver will conduct the contest, the neighborhood ctub will furnish the eats and Henry Sommerer will manip ulate the gas lights. Everybody come. The Neighborhood Club met with Mrs.; Oood Wednesday afternoon, the I usual business being transacted. Cake and coffee were served and in add! tlon a birthday cake which was sent Mrs. Good from a relative in Dakota, was enjoyed by the 18 ladies present. Mrs. Good not being a member, a vote of thanks was extended to her for the pleasant afternoon arranged by her. The club will meet at the home of Mrs. Callahan Wednesday, the 23rd. Walter Blessing, former Columbia alfalfa raiser, but now a Hermiston business man, has sold his farm to Will Rhodes, who has of late been in the garage business. In 4he deal Mr. Blessing has' taken over the Rhodes home in Hermiston and Mr. P. E. Hall and family, who have been living on the Blessing place the past winter, will move to their own home in this neigh 28 YEARS AGO (From the East Oregonian, March II, Bt 1193.) . C. J. Matlock left today for a busi ness visit to his horse ranch. , Surveyor Kimbrell is establishing grades on Logan, Bush,- Garfield, Ha ley and Mark streets and Perkins ave nue in the Raley and Ltvermore addl tion across the river. - Sam Purdy la here today, on busi ness. (He farms at Athena.. . . Senator J. H. Raley and & P. Stur gis have returned from . Portland. They visited Olympia and witnessed the closing scenes of the Washington legislature. ..... For Sic!, tlesfccb Constipation, Indigestion, Sour Stomach, Bilioutneu, Bloating, Gal. Coated Tongue, take that wholesome physic mJSi ttTliJl3TlC TASLETi Act promptly. Never ditappoiol. Mild sad geslle ia sctioa. Do not gripe or aauKtte. No costive after effects. " . . a v.. . kJ kodaclM M4 took two Foley Cathartic Tablet, la a akoti kil, aay kne) Moppc acblaj. It Show Your Teeth and Be Proud of Them 1 You can if you are a regular , user of NY-DENTA Tooth Paste keeps the teeth clean, whit and glistening. ' The flavor pleases. KOEPPEN'S The Drag Store Tliat Serves Tou Best '"Once a Trial Always Nyal" Price 25c 9 MAGNETOS GENERATORS 2 ELECTRIC STARTERS Or any part of the electric system on your car overhauled . and -repaired. Satisfaction guar anteed. " HARRT H. GRAHAM. Willard Service Kali on, Pendelton, Ore. Phone 684. UBTS GO! i M TOM AND HIS CUP 33 s C3 g ?! 4 ' " We are closing out our entire stock of Phono graphs and Records and have just two Columbia ' machines left to dispose of. The regular $125.00 machine with 10 records goes for $75.00. The 140.00 size with 10 records goes for $85. WHILE THEY IAST All $1.00 records . . , 75c All $150 records : $1-00 Cruikshank & Hampton "QUALITY COUNTS" 124-123 E. Webb Pendleton, Ore. Tour Old Furniture Take la Eschange as Part Payment on Kew, 1 This la Tom Marshall and the liver cop which a given him by the eenators over whom he presid ed for eight years "When I taka that esp Bom Indiana. Mid Tom. "my friends will think lt a memorial te U ti(hleBth soietidtuenL" Announcement HOBBS & STILLWELL '. Now ready for business. PAINTING, PAPERING, KALCOMINING HOBBS STILLWELL Res. Phone 228-W. Res. Phone Z59-R All Work Guaranteed. Estimates Furnished Free of Charge; WAR PI 1U MP Unless you sec the name "Bayer" on tablets, you are not getting genuine Aspirin prescribed by physicians for 21 years, and proved safe by millions. Say "Bayer"! SAFETY FIRST I Accept only an "unbroken package" of genuine "Bayer Tablets of Aspirin," which contains proper direc-, tionsfor Headache, Earache, Toothache, Neuralgia, Colds, Rheu matism, Neuritis, Lumbago, and pain generally. Strictly American! ' Handy tin boxes of 12 tablets coat but a lew entLarer parktfim. A .stria la tha trad stark et Bayer MaBufactars ( MoaaacatlcacldMtir et allcrlleed' THE FIRST UIAL BAttK of Pendleton Offers an unexcelled banking service to in dividuals and corporations; transacts a general banking business and maintains special departments with f facilities of tha highest character. PENDLETON, OREGON i'ii::;ir:,':i,'ii;;i!iiill!ii.,iii;'j;i,';s:i;i!f,i,ir: ig Oance , MARCH 11TII, LIBERTY HALL ' Introducing Pendleton's New Eight Piece Jazz 1 Orchestra. . EVERYBODY WELCOME Come and Bring Your Friends. Dancing 9:00 to 12:00. Gentlemen 35c including 3 dance tickets; Ladies 10c Additional Tickets, 3 for 25c , BUIGK True to the Bulok tradition of twenty years, the one feature Bulck engineers have particularly sought to develop In tha new . Nineteen Twenty One Bulck Series Is high utility value. . Tou will find, In fact, when ycu investigate these nsw models, that Bulck capacity for hard, fast, sure transportation la even greater than ever tefore. The high-powered, . sure-working Bulck Valve-ln-Head Motor Is a feature of each of the new mod els. Added to their great service value are a beauty of contour and appointment and comfort of movement and seating ar rangement that appeal to the most particular. Bulck primarily, however. Is a rr of action. Built for busi ness built to stand up la a well known Bulck feature. Bust-' ness men wilt find the new five passenger touring car a happy selection. . , 8KB THE MODELS AT TUB SHOW ' . Oregon Motor Garage ' Dbtriboton BUICK, CADILLAC AND CHEVROLET Phon468 ';i!?'S"S.tiUHf"Hrtti8tlii'Wtn111 1U1UUUUUU A.