East Oregonian : E.O. (Pendleton, OR) 1888-current, March 10, 1921, DAILY EDITION, SECTION TWO, Page PAGE NINE, Image 9

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More farmer! are wearing Goodrich Rub
ber Footwear today than ever before.
The reason for thi tremendous increase
in oaera i simple Goodrich wears
longer than other footwear, and farmers
have found it cot. Naturally, when a
mn bay t Jeir of Goodrich Hi-Press"
'and they last so much longer and are as)
roach more comfortable, and co mate
rially cut down that trig footwear bill
he's going to tell bis friends.
Man and mors farmers are finding out
that Qrxxtrk'h won't leak, peel or come
apart' it cant, for it is made in One
GoUd Piece that's the Goodrich way. -
Look for the Rad Line "round the Top
when you buy. 60,000 dealers are now
selling Goodrkh.
V ' Aires. OHIO
IB Ktag tint, BBATTU
r Hi-Press
Etufib'cc Footwear.
WASHINGTON', March 10 (Ralph
P. Couch, V. P. Staff Correspondent.)
American women are now consum
ing nearly 20,000,800.000 cigarette a
year, receipts from the internal reve
nue bureau Indicated. Women are
' blamed for an Increaae of 66 per cent
of tha manufacture and sale of cigar
ettes In the United Stats. During
120 the government, received 150,
000 In cigarette taxes.
With the exception of a paralytic
.t-nira Mrs. Wilson Buffered aeverai
years imat. the tripleta have been free
from serious illness, Mra. Wilson hat
.....tiaiiir recovered. Tne sisters at
ihnia their longevity and good health
to their outdoor lives upon tneir larms.
The tripleta have a twin oroiner
Williams, Rienmono
DANVILLE. III.; March 10 (U.P.)
Mrs. Maria Jane Richardson Is one
of the three sisters who are believed
to be the oldest triplets in the United
States. Mrs, Richardson and her sis
ters, Mrs. Bars, Jane Wilson. New
Castle. Indiana, and Miss Mary Jane
Williams, Lebanon, Ohio, celebrated
their . seventy-fourth birthday on
Washington's birthday last. They
were born at Fore Ancient, Ohio, on
February 22, 1847.
Election Will Be Held June 7;
Woman Jury Bill and Other
Measures Will be Decided
uii r.M fire., larth 10. (A. P.)
Oregon voters will pans upon ut leant
five measures referred to them by the
letflKlntiira at the special election on
.tunA 7. ' Measures for which titles
have been nrepared by Attorney Gen
eral I. H. van Winnie are:
K,.Mior. hnnn Mil trovldln" taxa
tion to cover Slli per month bonus or
loan not exceeding 4,000 to ex-service
men. .
The woman Jury bill, which qualifies
women to sit as Jurors, but leaves the
duty optional with the women.
The marriage tent bin providing iur
physical and mental examination of
both male and female, applicants tor
marriage licenses. Th bill provides
lhat If one or both of the applicants
ia.il to nana a sat sfactcrry examina
tion one or both must be sterilised be
fore the marriage.
The sixty day legislative schsiuii
Increasimr duration of
legislative sessions from rorty to sixty
days, and Increasing the pay of mem
bers from fl to f 5 a day.
The single Item vote dm. ai pres
ent th. nw.ninr la'emDowered to veto
single items In appropriation measures
but not In other acts. The measure Is
aimed mainly at promiscuous use of
the emergency cause and would
enable the governor to veto the clause.
Indiana, and Mr.-A..ce P TJ1' .T mmim. v CHilta.
Bagford, Spring VaHey.on.o wnowu,-3-.. , - .
(East Oregonian Special.)
HERMISTON, March 10. C. V.
Wilson has moved from his ranch
one mile west of HermJston Into town.
The house being recently vacated by
ha Tleals family.
Mrs. R. C. Todd. Mrs. B. r. ion
and Mrs. B. ft Klngsley were Joint
iMi.un vesterdav at the home 01
Mrs. Dodd. where they entertained
the Card Club. A pleasant afternoon
an mrat at cards after which deli
cious refreshments were served by the
hostesses. About thirty members were
llermlston will have a "Clean-Up
day soon. April 8th has been set for
the day.' It is bound to be a success
because tt has the endorsement or tne
be sixty-seven years of age next No
vember 1..
SAX FRANCISCO, March 10. (U.
P i Welcomed hv a widely cheering
crowd of several thousand people, Mij
Mary MacSwiney, a sister 01 me
Terence MacSwiney, arrived here to
day. A parade through the streets
with a receDtion and tea, were prelim'
Inary features of the program arranged
for her stay. Miss MacSwiney will
leave for Portland Friday.
Makes Wonderful Gas Record
23.4 Miles per GaL ttom Portland to Pendleton
There will be only one man on duty
in each place or business, iuncn win
be served at noon by the ladles of the
Community Club. Everyone is urgea
to clean up his yards on this day.
The rabbit drive last sunaay was a
decided success. The people were
along a line about two miles long. A
large crowd was in attendance, it is
safe to say there were about two thou
sand rabbits killed.
The government has started the sea
son's work with the enlargement or
the "A" canal. Many of the unem-
ninv.H are ffnriinir nositlona here and
the work Is moving along rapidly. 1
The mumps are practically gone
around Herntiston, there being only
two or three cases In the whole vicin
Sneclal Interest is being taken to
arouse the people to the fact that next
week, March 11 to IS, win De tree
planting week. Every one is urged to
plant at least one tree. ,
The Community Club held Ha first
regular meeting Tuesday, March 1.
They have at present SO charter mem
bers. After spending a profitable aft
ernoon at business they adjourned to
spend a pleasant half hour at the tea
table. They will meet again March 16.
There Is to be a socialist meeting at
the" Bungalow auditorium on Friday,
March the 11th. A good speaker, R.
Snow, of Chicago, has been secured.
His subject will be, "Shall ther Things
We Use in Common be Owned , in
Common." All are invited to attend
,n. rwnhv for those, of their prede
cessora as defendants in pending legal
proceedings. , ' .
WASHINGTON, March 10. (A. P.)
Members of the diplomatic corps,
headed by Ambassador Jeaserand of
France, called today on eacreuii j
Hughes to pay their respects.
Jl emit far auk
WASHINGTON. March 10. (U. F.)
The senate will decide tomorrow
whether to take un the Columbian
rrontv nr let It eyi over until the special
session of congress. Following the
receipts of the Harding: message urg
in the ratification, the senate ad
journed without acting.
Will Proceed unmcuiau-iy.
. WASHINGTON. March 10. (A. P.)
After half an hour's discussion the
senate adjourned until tomorrow with
the announcement by Senator Lodge
that he would then make move to
proceed with the treaty immediately.
The Studebaker Light Six displayed at the Auto Show was driven
from Portland yesterday and made the remarkable gasoline average
of 23.4 miles per gallon of gas. This fine record was made over very
rough and sandy roads where the intermediate gears were used at fre
quent intervals.
The car negotiated the roughest roads with complete comfort to
the occupants and the motor cooled perfectly, although a forty mile
tail wind was experienced during the entire trip.
Examine it closely and convince yourself that it is without doubt the
Elks Building . ' telephone 4
PORTLAND, March 10. (A. P.)
Cattle and hogs steady, sheep B0c to
II higher; east of mountain lambs,
is,30 (ji 9.25 ; eggs one cent higher and
butter is steady.
wim i,
1M kaHhv m VAfl f hltt ttlC
iUlll-V it B" " -----
Common Council of The City of Pen
dleton, on February 18, 1921. did
make an assessment for the improve
ment of Jefferson street irom me
nrwth line of Martin street to the north
iir. nr TA-llmn street. In The City of
o.r,riifnn nrf n d assess the contract
price for making such Improvements
BMinot tha intft nans of lots and par
cels of land, especially benefited there.
by. All persons arfectea oy sucn im
provement and assessment desiring to
tv , a1 vantage of . the provisions
rtintr R of Title 20 of Lord's
Orron Laws proviaing inai. u
assessments may be paid In ten
nniiui installments are hereby noti
fied that application so to do must be
made to the City Recorder, aa in sucn
Chanter S provided within ten days
hum the date of this notice. -orms
tor such applications may ba secured
tvim Africa nt ttwCitv Recorder.
ruiui at Pendleton. Oregon, tnis
ird day of March, 1921.
City Recorder.
MADRID, March 10. (II. P.) The
VMin ! hrrhv aiven that the
Council of The City of Pen
1lnn. mi Vnbruarv 16. 1921. uia
mnlr an Baaessment for the Improve
ment of Matlock street from the north
Hne of Raley street to the north
line of Jackson street. In The City 01
pnrtltnn and did assesa the contract
price for malting said Improvements
.Hinrf th. lnta. narta of lots .ana
nnmeln nf land, especially benefited
thereby. All persons affected by such
formation of a new cabinet will be .'improvement and assessment deslrlna
held In abeyance pending the funeral
of Eduardo Dato, the -premier, who
was assassinated late yesterday after
noon as he left the senate.
WASHINGTON. March 10. (A. P.)
Incoming cabinet officers foil heir
yesterday td the government disputes
with the Western Union Telegntph
A.iMnnnj nv,i ih. I f In ml III, HaillMU
1. 1.. i,i.i. a.nnni in iViol k'nili nf Street Improvemonl
IflUir, Tll., 1 1 tM t v... .... , ... ..... .. - ...
. .... ...I.... -a tt,.l . x-niM i. harhv alven that at a regu
names of Secretaries Hughes, Weekslar meeting of the Common Council 01
to take advantage of the provisions of
Chapter 6 of Title 26, of Lord s Uregon
Laws providing that such assessments
may be paid In ten annual installments
are hereby notified that application
o to do must be made to the City Re
corder, as In such Chapter S provided
lthln ten days from the date of this
notice. Forms for such applications
may be secured from the office of the
City Recorder.
Dated at Pendleton, Oregon, this
lrd day of March. I Ml.
City Recorder.
The City of Pendleton held at -the
Council Chambers In 1'cnaieton ure
gon on February J3rd, 1921 the fol
lowing Resolution was duly adopted;
WHEREAS, the City surveyor of the
City of Pendleton did on the 23rd. day
of February, 1921, under directions
and by requirement of the Common
i'niini-u file, in the trffice of the Re
corder of the City .of Pendleton, plans
And specifications lor an appropriate
Improvement of the following named
mreet in said city:
Granre street from the North Line
of Court Street to the South Line of
jTOla street, together with the estt-
mniM nf t)iA work to he done and the
probable cost thereof with a statement
of the lots, parts of lots and paroceis
of land to be benefited by such Im
provement and the percentage of the
total cost of Improvement, which each
of such lots, parts of lots and parcels
of land should pay on account of the
benefits to be derived Irom sucn im
provement, and
WHEREAS, the Council has ex
nmlnort mich nlana and troecificatlonn
.anil javtimntpa an d found the same sat
isfactory and the estimates thereior
td be In accordance with the probable
cost of such work, ana.
WHEREAS, the property recom-
menrien1 hv the Cltv Surveyor to be In
eluded within the boundaries of the
illatrti-t ihennfited is in the Judgment 01
the Common Council properly to be
ininaH tiHthtn mich Imurovement Dis
trict and nn nroDerty la excluded
therefrom which should properly be
InMiiflMri thareln. and
WHEREAS, the improvement of the
described Dortion of
Grange Street either gravel Bltullthlc
pavement, Concrete pavement or v ar
renlte Bltullthio pavement on Crushed
rm-v nr rmshad rravel foundation Is
at this time necessary, therefore, be It,
RESOLVED by the Common coun
cil of the City of Pendleton that It Is
expedient to Improve and it is hereby
proposed to Improve Grange Stree'
from the North Line of Court Street to
the South Line of Lewis Street, by pav
ing the same with either gravel cuu
llthlc pavement or concrete pavement
or Warrenlte Bltulithic pavement on
crushed rock or crushed gravei xoun
datlon; such pavement to be construct
ed and the surface thereof to be finish
ed upon the established grade of said
street and the street to have curbs and
Utters and all other things in accord
anna with and aa shown In the plans
and specifications for the improvement j
of said portions of said Grange Street j
from the North Line of Court Street ,
to the South Line of Lewis Street, prer I
pared by F. tt. Hayes, City Surveyor,;
filed with the Recorder of said City on :
ih. tin riuv nf December. 1920. which
said plans and specifications are here-j
by particularly referred to, ana be h
RESOLVED that the Engineer's
estimates of the probable" total cost of
such Improvement, which said City
RnHnuT'i estimates was made and
nra,i-ad hv V. R. Hun City Surveyor
of said City, in the sum of 13148.50
and was filed with the Recorder of
said City on the 8th. day 01 uecemuer.
120. is hereby included and nereoy re
ferred to particularly; and be It fur
RESOLVED that the plana and
specifications and estlmatea for such
improvement as prepared by the City
Surveyor and filed with the Recorder
of the City of Pendleton bn the 8tn
day of December, 1920, be and they
are hereby adopted and approved, ana
be It further
RESOLVED that the cost or making
suoh Improvement shall be a charge
and Hen upon all lots, parts of lots and
parcels of land to be benefited by such
Improvement, and the owners 01 sucn
ima narta nf lots and oarcela of
land so specialty benefited by such lm
follows, to-wit:
of Assessment District
Number 7.
RAirinnln1 at tha anuthWAat mrner nf
Lot 8, Block 1, Jacobs Addition to Pen
dleton; thence S50 feet north and par
allel with the west line of Grong
Street; thence 2(0 feet east alone the
south line of Lewis Street; thence)
South 150 feet and parallel with the
east line of Grange street; then west
on the north line of Court Street to the
point or beginning. And M it runner
RESOLVED, that a copy of this
resolution together with a nolle that
tha surveyor's estimate of the propor
tion or the cost 01 sua wors to m
charged against each lot, part of lot
nd parcel of land is on file In the of.
flee of the City Recorder, be pobilsh
ed for a period of ten days in the East
Oregonian which newspaper la hereby
designated by tha Common Council
land so specially oenentea ty sucn im immi ujr m. v,uwi,
provement shall be liable for the pay-1 for the, publication thereof.
. . . . . . V. 1 . I MMh til
mnnt of the costs thereof, and ba It !
Brsni.vm that an Assessment Dis
trict la hereby created to be known as
'Aaaaaament District No. 76 embrac
ing ilia nrnnartv benefited and to be
assessed for the payment of such Im
provements, iwnicn Assessment uui
trict shall include all lots, parts of lots
and parcels of land lying and being
within the district bounded and
AnA nntlna la further a-tven that the
Surveyors estimate of the cost of said
Improvement to be assessed against
each Lot, part of Lot and parcel of
Land on account of said Improvement
is now on file in the office of the City
Recorder, subject to Inspection. Done
and dated at Pendleton uregon tan
J4th day of February 1921.
City Recorder.
TOOTW talk
NO. S3
Ninety per cent of the people consider the cost
of having their teeth fixed. The cost must enter
the minds and pocketbooks for it's the only place
to regulate your finances in a common sense, sat
isfying way. '
are now reduced to the lowest consistent with reli
ability. No one need go without dentistry. See me
1 11 tell you exactly what it s going to cost
Consultation for Everyone Freely Given
Prices Are Very Reasonable
rffln-' a-a 2 T riff a"a mrj Vnnnflf frriiw
Consultation Freely Circa la All
Dental Branches,
Phone 507 Hours ' Taylor Hardware Bhlg.
Over ' A. M. to 5 P. M. ProdkHun, OregUfl
. The Huh, Appptntmenta to suit yoa