TEN PAGES j PAIL? EAST OBEOONIAW, f ENDLETOR.-baEOOy, SATURDAY EVENING, MARCH 5, 1021. I FI F j ' EDS AS Notices, Business Opportunities, Locals, Lost, Found, ,ror xvuiic, rac, mssmea ior uasy Keierence. El TODAY ?j ROOM FOR RENT 407 W. Alto. W A X T K I ) I'n a v r.wo d 1'hono Gil. typewriter .-... SHOP HIS U:WIB KTRKET-72S-J. Ale x Hurt. l'lione WANTED Woman for holms work In rounlry J'. O. Box 605. FOR UKXT 2 riMim apt. Inquire 1115 K. Court or Plume 1051 or lift. 1I8T Radiator cap finder please leave ul East Orcgonlsn office or I nunc , m.', on- tl lw jUi of -Jlnrch l2t.tFOR 8ALK About 130 toni alfalfa hay, some ml iced with barley. George Geanokopulas, Rleth Ore., phone 22F4, the said aitlrtiiils wilt be sold to the I.lKliL-nt bidder, at public, auction, for ciifh, at the City I'uund, In said City of Pendleton, the proceeds of such sal to be applied to the payment of ii' ii cum aim expenses oi making auie. Dated this 23rd. day of February, 1821. AU ROBERTS, City Marshal. Ji . Handy Business Directory of Pendleton and Vicinity This Directory la eapeclally handy for the out-of-town reader who may want tlx name and address of responsible business men who repreesnt the following lines. All are reliable, reaponaible busineae conoerns who eland ready to give yoa prompt service. ' F'R RENT Newly furnished sleep Injr rooms, furnace heat and bath Phone 878-J. FVll RENT 6 room unfurnished , houses-place for ear, chicken and gnrden Phone 2S4-W. FOI'ND Oreen tricycle, on liiwn at 6I Jackson.- Owner nifty have Mime by describing and paying for ad. XOTKV. OP KTKKKT ASKFJ4SMEXT IXNT.YIXMKXT PlUVILIXil.S Notice in hereby given that the Common Council of the City of Pen- rileton, on February 16, 1921, 1 did limke an assessment for the Improve ment of Uarfleld street from the north line of Jackson street to the south line of Martin streerk In I City of f'eudiHon, and did assess contruct price for making aald Un provcment against the lota, partli of lota anil parcels of land, especially benefited thereby. All peraolT affect ed by aiieh improvement and? asscss ment desiring to lake advantage of the rrovlKlona of Chapter E ef Title 26, of Lord's Oregon Laws providing that such assessment may be pnld In ten aiul installments ore hereby notl- 1'i.m SALE- Hutching eggs from thoroughbred single comb Rhode -Island Reds 800 W. Webb, Photie 884 Fit BALEOne half Interest In auto repair shop und garage. Call T. Amnions, Phono 203, 630 Cottonwood or 719 Ann St. FOR SALE Fumed Oak Singer sew ing machine, vulue fl 12.0. Cash 145 or S55. Dart ensh. butane lis per month. Phone 653-R. FOR SALE Thorobred single tomb Rhode Island Red cockerels. . Extra dark color, large' and well matured. Mrs. A. K. Hard. Box 47. Echo. Ore. FOR BALE OR TRADE-rOne f4 H. P. t Stover gas engine, mounted On wag on bed with wide Iron wheels. Guar anteed In first class condition. Will trade for Ford. Simpson Auto. Oo. FOR RENT Furnished room Pbone 276-R. rOR RENT Freshly renovated 2 room apartment furnished close In 401 Aura Ht. FOR KENT 1 Urge light housekeep. Ing rooms. Including store room 126 Thorn paon St. FOR BKXT Large cheerful room attractively furnlahed with bath, one or two persona 325 Willow. FOR KENT Furnished bed room in private family furnaced heated for one,' or two Gentlemen. Inquire 90" this office.. T1MH CARD e Weston-Pendletua Auto 8laf ' Leaves Weston for Pendleton at 7:20 a. m. and 12:46 p. m. e Leave Athena for Pendleton at 8:00 a. m. and 1:00 p. m. Leave Adams for Pendletoe at 8:20 a. in. and 1:20 p. m. 4 Lave Vendition (Allen-Knight Co. Store) for Weston at 10:01 a. m. and lp.m. O. H. McPHERRIN, Prop, AUCTIONEER COL. W. F. TOHN'KA Auctioneer, Call at Bturgls 4k Biorle'a Implement Co., for sale dates. MAN AND WIFH want work on ranch Will take very renimnable Wages for all summer Job. Address "I" this office. MFN WAXTKD for fetecllve work lixperlence unnecemnry. Write J. Conor, former V. B. (lov't. Detective. Bt. Louis, Mo. . LOST Hetween the Telephone office - and Cnlvln Ht., on Alia, small wrist watch, Initials M. M. on back. Return to Telephone office or phone- 1(6 'jleward. i. FOR BALK Eggs for hatching from i our heavy laying strain White Leg horns. Incubator lots furnished. W also. have a limited aupvly of light Rrniriack eirpn A fl il reM Mrs. fhau uea mai application so to ao must ne.'Harkln. Athena. Ore. j , made to the City Recorder, as In such L ; Chapter t provided within ten days A SNAP We have a few slightly used FOR, KENT 800 acres good pasture, well fenced and watered, on north fork of McKay, 16 mliea from Pendle ton Karl Giliandw.- from the date this notice. Forms for such appllcaflons may be secured from the office of the City Recorder, noted at Pendleton, Oregon, this Ird day Of March, 1821. " THta FITZ GERALD, City Recorder. .Notlif tklil lHHIown You are requested to meet at the I. O. O. F. hull at :00 a. m. .Sunday morning to attend the funeral service of the lute llrother J. K. Ream from the Ilrown Undertaking Parlors. O. V. STEELE, X. O. Notice of Illila to Kumb.li Truck Notice Is hereby given' that sealed bid will be received at the office or the City Recorder In Pendleton, Ore gon up to March 15th 1921 at S o'clock -P. M. for furnldhlng to the City of Pendleton, F. O. B. ivndleton, Oregon cne 1 Ton Truck witn ana witnoui Dump Uody. The Common Council reserves the right to reject any and all bids. lated this 4th day of March 1921. THOS. FITZ OKHALD, - City Recorder. 20HU Acre lYanklln County Wheat Farm 800 In fall wheat. 320 rye. 250 for Soring needing, 200 snehrih-iinclpar d. M0 summer fnljf "nt0 1 set of ' buildings and will RT?fTWTTBtflt to purchaser If desired. Also 160 acres that can be homesteaded. H.is been, farmed successfully for IS years by present owner, who wishes to retire, place Is clear of fcneum brunce, N. PRICKD AT 117.50 ACRB FOR Qt'K'K BALE. For further particulars write t-2-U BALES BOARD CO. I I Fe A Street Yakima, Wash. LOST AND FOUND LOST Brown gelding. 4randed quar ter circle S. Weight about' 1000 nounds. Also one bay gelding, weight about 1200 pounds, small white strip on forehead, wire cut on hind leg;.. Notify It. E. Anderson, Pendleton, Ore. I USED CAR EXCHANGE V Oil BALE UuICk Phone 15. , D-44 roadster FORD SEDAN for sale. Thompson Bt. -Inquire (12 - x , FOR BALE 1821 Dodge roadster, run ' 900 miles Royal Cord tires, two 'bumpers, spare lire Hargaln If taken at once. Pendleton Auto Co. FOR SALE We Tiave a few good need Fords priced from 12K..to $376 These are all worta the money call and see them Simpson Aute Co, Water and Johnson BUl i.i , rortl w - 6 One Touring.' - ; . . - Oneltoadster.-. :.;'..' Ono Roustabout. - -. ' Come over and look at these before you buy. Stone Garage 812 Johnson . St., between Water and E. Court St. NOTICES XOTICK Power will be off Sunday morning from 9 to 1 1 o'clock. , pacific power & nam CO. Fhotngeaoher To Introduce our kodak work e will finish Free one roll and one print each. Ward Studio. XOTICK FOR BIDS NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that ea led bids and proposals will be re ceived by the Common Council of Pen dleton on and until March 9 1921 at t o'clock P. M. for the Improvement of LINCOLN STREET from the North L'ne of Mark St. to the South Line ofl Raley street, designated at IMPROVE MENT DISTRICT NO. 74. with either gravel IJitultthto Pavement, Concrete Pavement, or Warrentte Bltullthi Pavement on crushed rock or crushed gravel foundation In accordance, with Plans and Specifications for such Im provement now on file In the Office of the City Recorder of the City of Pendleton, Oregon. Each bid must be accompanied by n certified check of five per cent (5 per cent) of the total cost, payable to the Mayor of the Cfty of Pendleton, to be returned, if the bidder Is unsuccess ful and to be forfeited on fallureto en ter Into a contract in accordance with the bliL If accepted. Each bid must specify the price for said Improvement as follows: 1000 so. yds. of Hard Sur- ' , face Pavement, Per one sq. d J 600 L. ft. of Concrete Curb,. Straight, per one Lin. ft. . . 186.90 cu. yds. of Dirt Exca vation, per one cub. yd .......,-,. 165 L. ft. of K In. gal. Iron pipe for: Six water con nections from -water main to one foot Inside the Curb ,11ns on East slsde of Street. Each connection f 54 ft. of In. gal. Iron pipe for; Six water connections on West side of Street. Each connection t 193 L. ft. 4 in. vltr. sewer pipe for: Five sewer con- " nectlnns from Main sewer , to 1 ft. Inside curb line on ; East side .pf Street,' Each connection 50 ltn. ft 1H In. galv. iron '," pipe for: Two gna connec- w: Hons from main to 1 ft. In side of curb line oa East side of Street. Each con nection ......- ... 7 Ij. ft. m In. galv. Iron pipe for: One gas connection on West sldo of Street. Per . one connection Total cost .... .J Bids must be file with the City Re corder on or before the time above mentioned. The Common Council reserves the rlftht to reject any and arl bids and bids will be opened by thn Common Council at the regular meeting thereof on the day herein above mentioned.' - Done and datod at. Pendleton Ore gon this 24 day of February, 1921. ' THOS. FITZ GERALD, , .-. , city Recorder. drop head sewing machines to close out at R bargain other makes from $10 up. Cash or time Singer Sewing Machine Co., 220 E. Court St., Ten dletxtn. f. . . FOR BENT A large, . airy, front 1 sleeping room, directly connected with bath close In Phone (71 or In quire at The Be Hive. . FOR RENT 1 and'2 room apartment furnlnhed for' light housekeeping In the FaUing Bldg., 901 Main St. Inquire Room 6 upstairs. AUTO PAINTING 7 MEN WITH YEARS of experience. Motor Inn Oarage, T22 Cottoswood. Ward A. Hoegland, Prop, HEMSTITCHING, HEMSTITCHING at the Singer MuutK Mall order promptly attended to. WANTED WANTED Small Call 2C9. furnished. Apt. WANTED Sewiug- Phone J06-M. FOR SALE Eleven head registered BIIUl I OUI II UUliS I'UH ue Been UL xiugg . rench, Echo .any time between now and March 10. For particulars write i D 10 iir..i 6 Ruga; k Htgey, Eche, or O. W. Rugg, Pilot nark. , i i . : i i plain or fancy' or 7 room modern house Phone 451-W. I HAVE SOLD that 800 acre pasture and half block on Main street. The 480 acre wheat farm at $22.50 per acre Is as good aa sold. I now have 175 acre alfalfa farm at (100 per acre that is equal to some $200 per acre of tarings. -N. Berkeley. FOR SALE Good residence on I-wis street. Also 5 room residence on Calvin s(reet and many other food residences. Some on very easy terms. GEORJE W. KI.DEll 81 Main St. Re. Phone 97J-W Thone 993 FOR RENT A ITS. AND ROOMS ALTA APT V FOB SALE FOR SALE -4 room house and lot Phone 171-R.- FOR SALE Used) phonograph rec ords Phone 1032. WHEAT HAY- FOR SALE W. Roberts, Rleth, Oregon. R. FOR SALE Rhode' island Redpock ercls Inquire 2105 W. Webb, FOR SALE Best laying strain White Wyandotte cockrels Phone 1165-J. ESTRAYED- Came to my place on Wild Horse Creek, one white faced bull, branded horse track on ribs, split in left ear J. E. Troxel, Box 70S, Pen dleton, Oregon, Phone Fll. IX POUND - The following described animals have been taken up by the marshal of the City of Pendleton, to-wlt: - One dark- brown mare, star In fore head, white snot on now, cut on left nostril, weight 800 paunds, age three years old. " ' One tv mare, white spot In fore head, has hell on. weight 1000 pounds, 10 or 121 years old. ' -l ' One hay mare white strrp ta w, left kind foot white, brand on right hip lnvfserble. , . , One bay, two years old, left hind foot white, brand on right hip Invis- Jino light sorrel'mare, white strip In face, both hind feet white. . nn crav horse mule, hroke to, work. , ,... nil nnn,is no marks or Km nit- it .n'bi snlranls nro not claimed hy iv, .nr, or those entitled to their n..inr. costs ft'nd expenses palM nnd tnken nwny within ten days from Hie ila hereof, then at 2 e cioca p; FOR SALE Eight head .'of work horses and harness Phone 1IF14. FOR SALE All kinds of Insurance. J. H. Este 114 Main 8t.,Phone 80. FOR SALE Alfalfa, wheat and oal hay Bex 122 Pendleton, T. J. Cheney. . . . FOR SALE Furniture and 2 roll top desks. Phone 389, t'eniana tiros.. Transfer. , i FOR SALE S. C. B. Leghorn eggs for hatching Also day old chicks Phone 116-R. FOR SALE Slue XI dark oak Vlotroln nearly new ij double reeosds $100.00 Phono-965. ' FOR BALE Self-propelled combine harvester. 1918 model, good shape- terms Sturgls & Storle. FOR SALE Nice residence lot oi paved street price reasonable- Phone 295 after 6 p. m. FOR SALE Taxi cab and touring car btisiness Parser Taxi CO, r. u, Box 167, Pendleton, Ore. FOR SALE Ford son tractor nnd - nlowe or trad for horses. Address Bok 104 Weston, Oregon. FOR RENT Furnished Apt. -Phone 210-W. ROOM AND BOARD for men only 403 E. Webb. . t i FOR RENT Otie Phone 210-J. upright plano-r. FOR RENT Housekeeping rooms (14 Cosblfc St. - - FOR RENT 2 large rooms for light housekeeping 515 Post St. FOR RENT 2 housekeeping rooms Phone 730-W, 126 Thompson St. FOR RENT 2 room apt. with sleep ing porch Phone 289-W, 207 Aura, FOR RENT Room with board In private family 405 Lwis St, Phone 212-W. FOR RENT Two room downstairs apartment 307 Aura Bt., Phone 289-W. FOR RENT 2 and S room apts., rea sonable 902 E. Bluff St. Phone 204-M. ' - FOR RENT Two furnished house keeping rooms. Inquire 215 West Court St. - . FOR RENT room furnished apart ment rm childrej-Apply 803 B- Csurt street. v 1 FOR RFiNTi-Six room House- with Snth, hot and cold water Inquire 311 Tustln St. - WANTED Girl for work Phone 68. general house- TIME CARD Pilot Rwk-Pendleton Auto Stage Leaves Pendleton Hotel and e French Restaurant 9.00 a.' m.r Leaves Pilot Rock Hotel 8 a. m. Leaves Pendleton Hotel and French Ttestnurant 11-00 n. m e 'leaven IMInt Hock Ttntel 11 n m. el Leaves Pendleton Hotel and French Restaurant 2:30 p. m.: Leaves Pilot Rock Hotel 1 p. m. Leaves Pendleton HVitel and .French Restaurant 5:0 t. m.; Leaves Pilot Rock Hotel :30 p. m. 1 We carry parcels and small express. - FANCHO BTVBBLEFIELD ' ATTORNEYS GEORGE W. COUTTS, Law, Koosb 17. Schmidt block. Attorney e R. I. KEATOR, Attorney at Law, licon 24, Smith-Crawford Building. CARTER 8MYTHE, Attorneys-at Law, Offices In rear of American National Bank Building. HEMSTITCHING Mall erderMr Ralph Has 11 417 Bush, rhoaa $9. LAUNDRY ITVERY Article Laundered Perfectly, There's aa agent In your twwn. Trey Laundry, CSS Garden St. DOMESTIC LAUNDRY 401 E Oonrt 8U Pbone SO We maintain a plet raendin, department. - MADE TO MEASURE FEE A FEE, Attorneys at Law. flees in Deepaln Building. or- S.A. LOWELL .Attorney and Counael- - lor at Law. Office in Deepafii Bid. 3. a. NEWBERRY, Attorney at Law, Federal Building. RAG TUG3 and carpets woven. Also flrsriT.:lass crocheting and embroid ery. AU orders promptly filled. See Wheelers, at 1800 W. Railroad. PETERSON. BISHOP A CLARK, At torneys at Ilaw. Rooms a and 4 Smith-Crawford Bldg. WANT CHILDREN to care for also do sewing Phono 260-R. WE WASH and clean the finest rugs satisfactorily. References erven. V7 make fluff rugs from old carpets. Walla Walla Rug and Carpet Cleaa Ing Co. phone 1ITT. - JAMES B. PERRY, Attorney at Law. Office over Taylor Hardware tXna- pany. RALEY, RALEY A STEIWER, Attor neys at Law. Oftve In Americas National Bank Beilding. 1 AUTO ELECTRia WORKS WANTED GOOD CLEXN RAG8 ATlWB REPAIR anything electrical on The East Oregonlan office. WANTED Woman or girl for general , house work Phone 1GF21. WOMAN with daughter wants work on ranch call evenings, phone 1023. WANTED Work as stenographer, also experienced typit Phone 277. aa automobile. W. K. Cbase 60. AUTO TRANSFER W. O. FISHER Stand Klisy A Kemp, Pbone 61 WANTED Experienced cook on ranch address Box 95, city or phone SF4. - WANTED Experienced woman or girl cook on ranch give reference- Phone 207-R. FOR QUICK SERVICE, Call Bud f Cornfield, Phone 82, Crescent Cigar Store. Residence, Phone 1069-R. WANTED Two pool table and fix tures size 4x8 Address A. B. P., Wallula, Wn. WE WILL LEND TOO MONEY on your automobile- P, O. Box 725, Pendleton. Oregon. WILL TRADE Ford touring car for span of young work horses J. C. Hopkins, Weston, Ore. WANTED- Wk on ranch by man and wif! preferably sheen ranch Inquire Room 39, Bowman Hotel. WANTED Second handed linoleems notflny smaller than 13x14 feet . write E. Ingals, Route 1, Box 62D. MARRIED COUPLE No children- want work on farm references P. M. Sauyer, 318 E. 2nd. SU, Aberdeen, Wn. C. JS. WILLIAMSON Stand at Griggs' Cigar Store Phone 1875, . . r,j TRUCKS FOR HIRE Country work Klssler A Hemmelgarn. . . Pbooe 381-R or 999-W 619 Marie St FRED H. SCHMIDT', Attorney at Law. Boom U, BmJLh -Crawford Bldg. i 'BATTERIES Carl K. Fi-aneeen, KIks fi.Jj. OPTICAl M DALE ROTHWELL Optemeuriat aod Optician. Glasses ground to fit Toua eyes. American National Bank Bids llllWllKfl iff OSTEOPATH PHILADELPHIA DIAMOND GRID BATTERIES guaranteed for 1$ months. W. K Cbaae Co 120 B. Court. Telephone 269, Pendleton. AUTO REPAIRING II. L. HEDRICK Automobile and truck repairing car laundry In con nection. 717 Garden Street. THE "PIONEER" AUTO MAN Satis- faction guaranteed. We repair any make. Glenn Long, 4133 Cottonwood. AUTO TIRES PENDLETON CYCLE CO. AJsJt, Re vere and Savag Urea. 328 E, Court Stsret, - ' !-' ! U 8. BENTLEY A CO. Goodyear and Diamond Tires Tire service, "Oils and accessories Alt and Garden Sta. WANTED Large company operating a chain of US stores throughout the country has, openings for sevewu bripht, ambitious men as managers of stores. Ample opportunity for ad- ancement as fast as they become pro ficient and prove worthy. ' Must have some experience In shoes and cloth ing. Address "2" this office. . .. MISCELLANEOUS - - - -..-M-.i- -i i -m-i Li fc. T MRS. ADA FIELD iSpirella corsetiere Phone S24-W. Address tit Jane ALL KINDS of patients cared for by experienced nurs 800 w. weoo Phone 884. WALLACE BROS. Flak tires, cords or fabric. We do our own. adjust ing. S08-I3 Johnson St. , GERTSOX & MARTY Gates Super- Tread, tires 630 Cottonwood. Vul canizing and repairing. PENDLETON RUBBER A SUPPLY CO. Barney Oldfield, Goodrich Sil vertown Cord and Pernsylvania Vacu um Cap 305 K. Court. SIMPSON TIRE SERVICE CO. Re publlo and Firestone tires, cords or fabric 223 E. Court St, Phone 651. AUTO TOPS GADWA'S AUTO TOPS, Plate Glass, Backs, Bids Curtains 31 East Court St. DOEfGS OF THE DUFFS BY&LLMAN LIT'S 6ETC5TAOTE0IF ERE , N M W J?Kft?SS,,SS) 1 t?fcWl W I WANT SOU TO GET THISj MSj" , OPH- ' syrmar- till lyI'Soo-i) I " ' 1 - ' " "". " " "' -' f HE. SAID, LAST NIGHT WHE.M HE 'Hbjf j '' J'j05TTHEN TWO POUCEMEH Yj05T A MIMUT& WAS GOING TO HIS HOTEL A l)X Mk CAM&UPAND TOM. HAVE I Got I STRANG E WOMAM CAME UP'TC ' . MMi -M kZl Too MUCH POWDEC ( HIM AND GRABBED HIM AROUND 1" V "-W V oSS PREST-O-WTE BATTERIES Best by competitive test. Serv'ce on all makes of b'tterie, guaranteed Prest- O-Ute Serrice Station, 4041 . tuurt Phone 864. DR. O. E- HOLT Osteopathia, byi cian and Surgeon. Judd Bids. Telex phones, office S08; Residence 978-W POULTRY SUPPLIES CHIC FOOD, Scratch food, Umles, bone, shell, grit, corn, oats, rolled barley. Cmatilla Flonr A Grain Oo. PHONOGRAPH REPAIRING t CATERPILLAR W0RK: CATERPILLARS, harvester, (aa en gines, automobiles and general blacksmlthlng. ' Round-Up Oarage, Parka at KeoergaU, 319 West Webb. CONTRACTORS & BUILDERS PARKER A BAN FIELD, Designing, Engineering, Constructing, 1 years experience In concrete and brick con struction. Si IS, Third 61 North Port land, Oregon. CHIROPRACTORS DR. R. C. ELLSWORTH Specialising In nervous disease and diseases of women. 9 to 12 a- m., 1 to :JU p. m. Evenings 7 to 8. PboBa I OS, fimitb- Oawf ord Building. CLEANERS AND DYERS PHONOGRAPH R.EFAIRJCN0 AH fcekee Warren's Msaio Wum tit Main SU Phond 814. PIANOS AND PLAYERS HIGH GRADE PIANO'S of pleaainf tone quality. Players of individuali ty, its the construction that Counts. See piano on display, write or pboae The Bee Hive, 28 Mala St, ptaoo 107 J. p. DamalU Faoterf Moler A Chass Piano Co. Painting and Paper Hanging PAINTS, Wall Paper, Picture Inc. L. J. UcAtee, the Practical Faint Man, Lowe Bros, Paints. RADIATOR REPAIRING 4XTA AWTO RADIATOR WORKS 701 East Alta street. All makes Of radiators repaired. Work aaranteed, C Blasbert;, Prop. ; PAXTORICM Phone 473 s CLEANING AND PRESSING MODEL TAILORS A CLEANERS Pressing and repairing. 10 W. Webb St. pbone 821, Pendleton, Ore. DRAYMEN CALL PEN LAND BROS. Transfer ran to move your household goods, W also pack or store goods. We da oono try hauling. Telephone S3. , DENTIST Dr. H. M. HaonYan Dentistry Room 7, Temple Building. Phone 772 FARM LOANS SNOW A DAYTON. 117 E. Court Bt, Real Estate. Fire Insurance. aarm Loans. See us about a loan. JTJNK. JUNK, JUNK BRING your junk to the Pendleton Hide A Junk Co. See us before yoa sell, u, p. Cam -to a. Prop. RESTAURANT Jig'ggCe THE QUELLE: A rood plac to t. SECOND HAND FURNITURE MATTRJ:S5SES The best, value la 4he city, 36 lb. ellsj llass, 117.14) 45 lb. cotton 110.00 Phone 111, Riley A Kemp, S23 Main St. , SECOND HAND DEALERS. V. BTROBLE, dealer in new and sec ond- hand goods. Cash, paid for second hand goods. Cheapest plaee to buy household gooda.910 K. Ooart phone 721 W. t SUGGESTIVE THERAPEUTIC THE most up-to-date effectual lead ing science practised.E. F. Gihsm P. S. T.; N. D. Room 12 Feebler Bldg. TAILORS 147 Main St Phone la '-- ' - ., . i ' .?' :c- 1! APPLES Country Butter: Rome Beauty, Guaranteed $U0 rolL . box ......... $1.50 4 SBsssMHssssBBssssssssMMsBsssWMMMi .Winesap Apples, Ripe Olives small $1.00 20c pint"" Delicious Apples, fan- -cy, for eating $2.00 Honey in Glass box. 45c, 75c, $1.40. .Winter Banana Ap- . Butternut Prune pies, a few. boxes, Bread large size, special This is a new one, try at . ........ $2.00 a loaf 16c The Dean Tatom Co. Meat Dept. Off . V! Grocery Deptfi iff Phone O J r ; pone 1 "MsjsBBjBjsjMsMasae' "lsiyjm mHmtmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm ) f i i I J 'I