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About East Oregonian : E.O. (Pendleton, OR) 1888-current | View Entire Issue (March 5, 1921)
tlZZ TIGHT DAILY EAST ORECONIAN, PENDLETON, OREGON, SATURDAY EVENING, MARCH 5,1021. TEN PAGES ALTA Today rMMf.ti. lOi ll Adults. 49C i: ' " ' - . .,-n..Cvt--.'. .i. 1 " I , lit,, .11 ftp Elf1 m I v in -'-a . ' ?Wh AtM AMK MAI)v AVDMKIMUV, l.,ox wa shot and killed by a dep .. . " pity pi.wiff Just n few twin before he ..iiirimnfiKi, utmrd no the i-ti no.imirul toman In AmeriVa.,' ill'ilttil ,Ly a well known nt In-j liiilln Nlppl I'trrif, vwthy "imi-i (T.t.tir, t.rnent Joy, Mnrcriret .'nnii!cll ' una .uinm fiirionl, Ib the star of the IntcH 'dm r w it I " Nxr- UII hi Mild the Woman" company went lo I'.r val'in. Knox had four notches in h' Winchester for which he hud Vet. jailed in the fotith. Many years t.K.- he Jail and fled to Cali fornia. Then he himself was killed In ft Ftrfct National Atir icllon, which Run battle with a sheriff o,!e and iic -o the Aicailc th.-ntrc for 2 .lay,!' nis shack was found fitted for a eicK. Minimf netne pv.iml.-iv'.'.lod "Tlu-i N"lirloiin. Mm-i..Io." Tn this nr.-j tliuntoii Mis Macl.,n;,l, is known by the :Jilo name, derived from the story1 bj Mrs. Ilaille Keno!ris. 1 how who; hnve rrao the hm.k i!l delight In : ieh'n beautiful Kai)er1ne Mao-! fV'.mld rei.liHtlcally depict the romance of u tflii who with a pennant past, niarri"'. a nian who knew nothing of: lr notoriety. The s o,uent devel-' 4-bntent of the plot moves rajiidilyi from France, across the K:chsh Chan-j of! 10 "Bllithty.' freer the skillful direction of "Two KindK of Ixivo" was written 'y John CVIton and PoukIks Ioty. Itcaves Knaun, takes the "heavy' role, la tact the w hide TCtiW'n family p enr In the picture, including Mrs. Ksson and their talented son. "HreeKV," who Is but four yearn olrt er.d recently was a feature In "Fink Tiphts" starring Gladys Walton. ALT A iSl X1VY AXD MONDAY The Alta Theatre will have, as It feature attraction Sunday and Mon- J itlicr Vounc this human j-tory Is even I' ''. t'onstunce Talmadge In "DanRer inore MpalinK on the reen than on 0,lri Huslnesa," adapted by John Rmer the prlntett pap from which it wa'r"n a',' Anita Loos from Mndeltilne pic:'rl7.ed. .Sharp Buchanan's story "The Chess- Ward." It is directed 'by 'William ' Will. PATIMK Sl.VDAV AM. J.OXRIYj Aword, ,,, a(lvnll0, Tm thla drama is different than the usual run. it docs not follow the conventional ino of the persecuted heroine, the vil lain mot th roscoiittf t.ain X" KnoS. llO-l .-i..vti ,, m-rt,. c,,ii ,, I " .......... . .. ,, aluny? fallins in and out of love Is when at the CAI11X OP ll'l!T I SI1) IV I II Mlt. riHITOl'KW'u, fi'l marriacn she declareshe la al ii- ady a married woman and the wed dins la off. Hut out of the frying pan Into the fire of rueful trouble. The alleged ' vtrsil took his company tn the vahinl and filmed many a-en in the vicinity. The cabin used by John toi n.ufc hermit and fugitive 'from jus the, va u-tcd for the shack of the.i, . . " JOve, which will be shown Sunday ,.- j , , "irtd Monday at the Pastime Theatre. Kriig'r cabin is nar what is known as F -llows Camp in .--;n tl.tiiriel Can- yor !n the Sierras. Heaves Eason who! are conducted to the bridal chamber by his mother. Here he orders Nancy tn vndress and sret into bed. She is afraid tnc tell her family of her pre-oi.-.iment and complies. The "brlde---r..-m' sits on the side of the bed nnd leins to disrobe. Now always here ti fere, someone has arrived on the scene and rescued the Rirl. But the nMht passes. The actlmr of MiA Tal mudfte portrayinR the terrible mental tortt.ra .'nncy Flavell under Roes In 'his unique situation Is declared to be uhvqi-alled for its sincerity. , r; j -.v Another trying situation irhlch Is t r-cmuna, a- run aown wun handled with rare tact is when Nanc pleads with the(hero to marry her and to make her his wife before the law VOLIEII WHO GAI1II0T WORK Read Mrs. Corley's Letter and Benefit by Her Experience is dlways ready to easo rhcumalism A T the very first twinge, down comes my bottle of tJlocn's; then tjuick relief, u-iihoiU tnlbing, ior it's stimulating tna (cutters 1 congestion. The boys use it for ftitf mtiscles, and it helps SMIv'a backaches, too." 85c, 70c, $1.40. . Men housed under university super vision made an average grade of S.90, while the women. In the same class made J.SU Those boarding In town i did better work, the tnen maklnir 1.76 I and the girls 3.21. The ben livln at 1 home made S.S4 and the women 3.07. Graduate students made the best grades, OS; men. 1.97: women, 1.78. item la the hishest grade. I If You Use GATES TIRES You Have No Tire Trouble ' Gertson & Marty ' 639 Cottonwood Street Phone 595 Automobile Show. Lets Go! March 10-11-12. HUGH FORD PRODUCTION JESSE L.LASIcy PRESfirTTS) Ethel EM . A . trr it rlheTnceor (Po$essfon COMFDV MACK KFXXRTT lU'NI.ALOW TltoriU.l-S DONT FORGET Legion Dance Tonight LABOR HALL NAGLERS ORCHESTRA nervousness and female trouble and suf fered every month. 1 was not abie to do ' "V"" 'Z f' as she Is supposed to 1 by all their '"oTmenfcl?1 W . fr" nis- He demands a surety for her ifllS l """1 behavior and she shows-him a erot no relief. 1 saw , v. , . . , . , , , , .... Ihnnvn ahn. npnmwlnv him thai mnlh. your medicine adver- , in a little book r: ' : that was thrown in i' 'tny door, and I had -fc. j? j not taken two bottles ;j of Lyiw K. Pink-, 'iiiai's Vegetable Compound before T J could see it was belp- f ing me. I am keeping house now and ; am able to do all of my work. 1 cannot r My enough for your roc&cine. It has -done more for-tne than anv doctor." I have not papsr enoc'sh to tell you how much It has oone lor me ana ior my ' friends. You may print this letter if yon wish." Elizaffth C. Corley, care of A. P. Corley, Edmund, S.C. Ability tc stand the strain of work is the privilege of the strong and healthy, but how our hearts ache for the weak and sickly women struppling-with their daily rounds of household duties, with ' backaches, headaches, nervousness and almost every movement brings a new pain. Why will not the mass of letters from women all over this country, which we have been publishinp;, convince such women that Lydia E. Pinkham's Vege table Compound will help them just as surely as it cid Mrs, Corley t PASTIME SUNDAY MONDAY iliiblren, Se Adults, 20c baby's shoe, promising him that moth erhood will have a soUerlng influence on her penchant for flirtinj and fib bing. VANCOUVER, Wash., March 5. The speed of the stork, which outdis tanced a taxicab this morning; cost Portland one birth In its March total for a baby arrived in the family of A. Kyle, 1115 West Thirteenth street. Vancouver, on the approach to the In terstate bridge just north of Portland's city limits'. Mr( and Mrs. Kyle were speeding- to a Portland hospital from Vancouver at the time. UNIVERSITY WOMEN .' BRIGHTER THAN MEN UNLESS GRADES LIE T'XIVERSITY OP 9REGOX, E5u j.ene, March 5. University coeds led the men of the institution in scholar ship, according to a report issued this week by the registrar's office. The women's average Is 3:19; men's, 3.82; average for the university, 3.52. KAN OH THESE mm TRift H M tborb'n( pletur of bow Mnaa'i whit b ten fled up thro liven until it Mflttd u if tht an&rl would vf few ttratg niched out. A story Uid m thm gMdea foot fciU mi California u-oiig air BdwatandabU fwopW hun mrf lor hapmecfc very iutarMi 4nm luU of treatbleu anomrnta la which dear lift la boy and a spotted pup pUy two ui c r importaol parts. It tha ktoi of pictura thu all tbm iMMijr ftkouid af Lecatto ttrm oM&ih&c it fur vryo. MOW flAYIMO CCWtEDY Fre:h from the Cotaitry" i . l- V V, X V "'J 't I At 1 . ! I f - j r r , i -. : ' ? Car Troubles j - ..... . , . . in the busy season are annoying and usually very costly ' in the loss of time. The busy seasonvill soon be here :have the car repaired now. We do cylinder grinding and general repairing of , automobiles and trucks.- Oldf ield & Peterson 812 Garden Phone 177 IN REAR OF OREGON MOTOR GARAGE ARCADE Children, 10c Today Adults, 35c 6. ARCADE SUNDAY MONDAY Children, lOc Adults, 35c' " Rather ine MacDonald i ! The American Beauty in a First National 'V Picture. The Notorious Miss Lisle The romance of a beautiful girl who fights the con demning but elusive shadow of suspicion nj)d establishes her inocence in the face of a world that sternly scorns her. ROMANCE AFTER MARRIAGE B uster . Keaton IN The carecrow mm 1 7 Who is to blame for what they did ? Winston Churchill's powerful romance o'f plain worth and Elided hypocrisy. A story of i ) love that startled the churches and toppled over the pods of ''high society." , riVM t Willi t HI 1 1 i i h i I' i II riunifflttlvrftp-f irnv.m.A.i.iv.M. ' f .J'J . if j. f SyractiMCitr authorities- hare I jjj, "Ks, no."' to th i troneer promenades, in Srractisa stress,! by pretty anWersitr -coeds. . . Tb i shimmy. the -face-to-lace" and tb jass dances hare also. been ' banned- by collet professors. 1 ofth&Cnp A Cosmopolitan Production Q paramount Qkture v. I . ' III IJT'IK- 111 n ii a ' ii mi ii m, ii V II -v 7 ni '' r m . i i if m 6 .J I ! II 67... 4 M i WSJ . II A . 1 1 i II i w ill m mta . Children, 10c s un.-ivion. Adults, 35c Constance Talmadge IN 13 angerous B usiness V Two Week at the Majestic Theatre, Portland A Picture Everyone Will Like. A Falter at the Altar And a Whoop Into Wedlock With out a Husband. 1 ' A First National Picture Paramount Magazine International News f. : , t. Ill J mi .1WM 1