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About East Oregonian : E.O. (Pendleton, OR) 1888-current | View Entire Issue (March 5, 1921)
SATTJP.DAY EVENING, MARCH 6, 1021. TEN PACTS rr IUILY EAST CTLESOSIAN. PENDLETON, OllEGON, Social and Club News ItEVt'B TO HE 01VEV Much Interest In evidenced In ,COWF.T TOMOKUOW. "Jumnil. It...-'. I- ..,.(..,1 h-1'"1"1-" Bl ," "'"" concert miiikw) tha piipli of Washington school in th high m himl r.udlurlum on the evening of March 11. The entertainment In Iwnefll per formance and I being ataged to aid the Hoys' Hand which was organised dur ing the current year. The band ha lnd excellent progrrsa since IU In ception and will be one of the attrae : ttoim of the revue. Veil drawn posters re being shown In local business, t'oosee a mean of advertising the Affair. The postcra are the work of the pupils. While iwtrons of the school and cltl r na of the town may not I CApeftally Inierrsted In tha musical accomplish ment of amateurs. It la hoped that all persons Interested In those Influences which tend toward better cititenship will give thia effort not financial sup port, but that greater Inspiration oc casioned by a litrge and appreciative audience. MISS HATDEN HONORED. Miss Constance Hayden, who will leave aoon for Portland to reside, was honored In a charming way lust niRht when Miss Clara Illoomqulst enter tained at her home. 302 Tustin, with w dinner party. ltesidea the honorce. the guests were Miss Edna Hloom ' quint, Mian Tilla Illoomqulst. Lester Norman and Miles Lehman. The table was centered by roses and hya cinths and carda were an after-dinner diversion. J WHS. WALTERS HOSTESS '., Mm. C. E. Wallers entertained last - right with an informal dinner foa Mr. and Mr. H. Roist and daughter. They are leaving Pendleton and will make , their home In Portland. 3tfItS. FERGUSON VISITS air, nultam Ferguson, of Athena, ,wae In the city yesterdsy. Sho Is a ; prominent matron of the east end ; town. - , . afternoon In the County Library, where the reading rooms will be open from J p. m. until 6 p. ni. . Svhcno-Tarantollo (Henri Wlcna wuki) Jascha Helfcla. Maglr of Your Kyos (Arthur Penn) Frances Aldu. Im Caiupana dl Son Oitisto (Chimes of San Glusto) hjrtco Caruso. Kpnnish 1'anee ., (.Sarasutci Jascha Helfela. Kerry lance (Molloy) Ernestine Schumann-Hrink. Could 1? (Tosti) Eniilio do Go gorxa. (a) How Much I Love You (Iji Forge) (b) Tha Years at the Spring (Reach) Johanna Uariskl. Valse Bluett (Drtgo) Jascha Hel fet. Serenala (Tosti) Nellie Mcllia. A Little Hit o' llonoy (Wilson Bond 1 Evan Williams. Swiss Echo Song (L'Echo) Tet raxinnt. , Chorus of rervishes (lleethoven) Jascha Heifet. t Sole Mlo (Neapolitan folk sour) di Caupla Kmilio de Gogoraa. From the l.aml of the Sky Blue Wa ter (Kberhart-Cadman) Alma Glurk. Kamennol-Ostrow (Rubenstein) Victor Herbert Orchestra. GCEST8 AT DANCE. Among the Pendleton people who attended the Shriners' Inaugural ball m Walla Walla last night were 'Mr. jaml Mrs. Joseph N. Scott, Mr. and . Mrs. John Winer, of this city, and Mr. and Mrs. liudd and Mrs. Rourke of Kieth. About six hundred couples danced. The decorations carried out the Idea of a desert scene. One of the features of the evening was a minuet, danced by twenty children charm ingly attired in Colonial costume. WEDDING 18 SOLEMNIZED. At high noon today. Miss Alma May Bilton of Yoakum and Sydney Barnes, of Athena, were united In marriage. The ceremony was performed at the Presbyterian manse with Rev, George U Clark, pastor, officiating. The ring ceremony was used. Guests for the wedding were Mr. and Mrs, J. M. Hilton, parents of the bride. MRS. WRIGHT ILL. friends of Mra. Sam Wright will regret to learn that she la very ill' at her iumie on Stonewall Jackson street G VESTS AT RAYMOND HOME. A at the R. Raymond home last a'ght was M. A. Otis, formerly of this city, now a buyer for the J. C. Penney stores. He formerly resitVed here. , VISITOR IS HERE. M-s. Helen Wolmer, of Spokinc. la a guest In the city at the home of her aunt, Mrs. F. T. linker, who resides on Jane street. CALLED BY ILLNESS Mrs. Frank Fraxier will leave this evening for la Grande where she was called by the serious illness of her ais-t-r, Mrs. J. 11. Stevens. MRS. TEMPLE RETURNS Mrs, 1. 1. Temple returned this morning from Portland. She was the finest of her sister, Mrs. T. M. Henderr .on. Dr. and Mrs. Henderson are for mer Pendleton residents and Dr. Hen derson will practice In Portland. He i expected to return soon from New Y'ork where he took "post-graduate" work In medicine. CLUB ENTERTAINED. Mrs. F. M. Griggs was hostess yes terc'.ay afternoon for a meeting of the Eldeen club. The afternoon was spent in sewing and chatting and refresh ments were served by the hostess. GtitFls for the affair, other tun club members were Mrs. Jess Tryon, Mrs. Edwin Winter, Mrs. Howard McLain, and Mrs. Harry Leedy. . HOPE'S IPSTA1KS APl'AREl SHOP FOB WOMKX ji New Spring Fashions : Styles That Are Smart Prices An Agreeable Surprise i. SOUPS and other SPECIALS 15 varieties of Campbell's Soups Oyster Crackers ., 20c Ranch Eggs, dozen 30c Ranch Butter, roll ...:..95c Creme Oil Soap, doz...95c Shoulders, pound ...25c .Country Bacon, pound 40c Sugar $10.00 Beans, 1 7 pounds $1.00 Onibn Sets, pound 15c Seeds and Seed Potatoes. I ":T , ' I!? THE "SOUP SEASON" is the season f:r TRU-BIaiL Sodas. u Kfcn I'arkast And Tru-Blu 'Oyster Crackers' in DHckaires or in bulk Gray Bros. 3 Phones 23 Only Grocery Co. 1 Qualityr the Best , New Blouses in Gala' Effects T1JNTA. March 5. (U. P.) A general strike was called of the Atlan ta. Kirmtncham A Atlantic rallroaU aa a protest of the wage reduction. Ap proximately 2000 workers were aucci ed, the union officials said. HURCH b S LEADER IS INDICTED CHICAGO, March 6. (U. P.) The federal grand jury indicted "Big Tim" Murphy, politician and labor leader and Vincenzo Cosmano, his aide, for 1100,000 mail robbery at Pullman, Illinois, several months ago. Announcements ror thia depart ment must bf submitted to tha East Oregnnlan not later than Friday evening In order to be as. ured of publication oa Baturdaj. , Seventh Iay Adventist Meet every Saturday In Ilooni 20 of the Lixati building on fcast Court street, just above glurgls and Storie'a. Sabbath sehool at 10 a. m.; Wble study at 11 a. ni. . A hearty welcome to all. 1 I III , . CIVIL WAR GRIPS ITALY: Line of Suits, Frocks. Never Have We Shown a More Interesting . Wraps, Sport Skirts and Blouses. - ' Come and see the new fashions, fresh from their tissue paper wrappings. are an agreeable surprise. ' CIANFAItRA, Rome, March 6. (IT. P.) A virtual civil war exists In Italy as a result of a feud between the socialists and Fasclstl. The casualty list is growing daily, property destroy ed and scores of socialist leaders are flogged. A score have been killed, 300 wounded and 700 arrested. First Methodist Episcopal, E. Webb and Johnson streets. John H. Secor, minister. Morning services, fiundnv school. 10 a. m. W. T. Kigby, superintendent Good music, classes for everybody, we nave a piac mm a welcome for you. , Morning sermon. 11 a. m. Dr. H. F. Pemberton, district superintendent, will preach the morning sermon. Evening uervlces Epwortn ibkuc, n-ae n m Tonic. "Seeing Yellow Thinking Black.". Leader, Faye Mann. All young people will be very welcome. Evenng ermon, :3U p. m. f""- Ject, "A Beggar at the Gate Beautiful. Midweek service. Wednesday, 1 P m. Knblect. "The Origin of Our Bible." This week, tha history of our present' English version. Everybody invited.' ' mm The prices UPSTAIRS UPSTAIRS i Lessens Labor : ::! , Goes Farther !; ::::::: :d soap In r: Guar- 1 ' i ii- , - ' 1 -.-i ' " "j - . . . wi . . . I . .. ItaiAlst. Itev W. K. Cox, pastor. Ttesldence r.u. RuHh street. Phone 1187. Kunrtv mornlnic Sunday school. F. M. IUley, supt., 9:S; preaching service. 11 a. m. A general reception and Lords Supper. Knii.iHV niuht Junior B. T, P. V- Mrs. Baltiznre supt., 8:30; senior B. Y. P. V., 6:30. Preaching service 7.3n u.v. o. C. Wrieht. D. !. of Portland, will occupy the pulpit. Baptismal service, 8:30. The music and singing are good. Dr. O. C. Wright, who "will preach as above, is one of the most able men of the coast. You are cordially Invited to all services and a welcome awaits you. ' Christian. As all roads lead to Pendleton, so all streets lead to the Christian church on the corner of Main and Jackson, for Bible school Sunday morning at :4S anrt'for the sermon at 11 on the sub ject: MThe response of the Church to the Call of the World." Plans and indications point to a large attendance at both of these services, and a profit able hour is assured all who come. The Endeavor meeting at 6:30 will 'be led by Miss Lenora Horn, the topic being. ' Thy Kingdom Come and My Church;" Preaching ot .7:30, subject, "The Pre-eminence of Christ." All who are not attending elsewhoro arc cordially invited to attend our serv ices. W. A. Oressman, Minister. Kes. 104 W. Jackson. Phone 560. iUuif. jritmbrri tlouar A radiant sweep of coloring announces the sprjng blouse display. New shades are fascinating; soft fabrics retain their hold on public favor and the Rus sian werblouse style has Fashion's sanction for this season. Women with a yearning for the unique will find these of interest and should be on hand before the choicest models have been claimed. The Thomas Shop sermon. 4:00 p. m., Vespers and sermon. The rector will preach In the morn. Ing on "Heart Failure" and t the Vespers on "Our Enemies Within the Gates." The male quartette will sing the offctory. On Tuesday evening Miss Mary Jacob's of Is Angeles will speak on the work of The Girls' hVlendly Society. Catarrh Catarrh la a hni aw tnfin. enced . by conatltutlnnnl conditions. HALL'S CATARRH MEDICINE la a Tonlo and Blood Purifier. By cleansing the blood and building up the System, . . ........ , ,y i ... ii normal conditions and allows Nature to uu iia worn. All Druggists. Circulars free. V. 1. Cheney A Co., Toledo, Ohio. out ran cmiatio COMPOUND COPAIBA and CUBEBS AT -YOUR DPUCCIST LADIES! wnen irregular or uppreasea oa Triumph Pllla Bafe and always de pendable. Not sold at drug stores. Do lot experiment with others; save dis appointment. Write for "Heller' and) particulars, It'a free. Address: Natl onal Medical Institute. Milwaukee. SHICHESTO? S Fill lic? THg DIAJSUIIB mini. v . . . . T . Jl C 21 J. T. IIAI.R Licensed Electrical Contractor Mortors Repaired Electric 'Wiring ' Farm Lighting a Specialty. Phone 1029-R Estimates Furnished Ijttler Jay Sabits. We heartily Welcome you to Join us In our worship at the Mooso hall each Sunday. Sunday school, 10:30 a, m. preaching services, 7:30 p. m. For Sale ; Alfalfa Seed Beardless Barley Corn, Rolled Barley, Oats Ur.lATILLA FLOUR & GRAIN CO. Phone 1014-351 Stationery Special FOR A FEW DAYS ONLY Regular 05c and 75c Quality Stationery at ONLY 49c PER BOX. Limit 3 boxes to customer. IK DRUG STORE Christian Science. Ffrst Church of, Christ, Scientist, holds services at 813 1-2 Main street (First stairway north of the (Inland Empire Bank). Sunday services are at ll a. m.'and 8 p. xti. The subject of the lesson-sermon for Sunday, March 6th. is ''Man.", Sunday school beu'tm at 8:43. A Wednesday ' evening meeting which includes . testimonials of heal lug Is held at 8 o'clock.; The reading room, which Is maintained at tne same address, is open dally from a. m. I to 9 p. m., where the Hlble and au- thoried Chzrlstlan Science' literature may be road, borrowed, or purchased. The public Is cordially Invited to at. tend the church services and to visit the reading room. , ' ' " ' . ' ' Knglish Lutheran Enyllsh-ljitheran services Ttill be held tomorrojv at 2 p. m. in fheChris llan church. With Rev. BlaMtuiberg in the pulpit. ' Bundiy HChool will be held at 1 p. m. X . I HI Gold-Seal Congoleum Rugs - mi "ml W?. .4S---wi1 ' First lrcsb.vtcrlnn. Corner College and Alia. Ilev. G. U Clark, pastor, lies. 006 East Alta. 1'hone (21. 10:00 a. m.. Sabbath school, A. C. Fupk. Sujit.; 11 a. m,, sermon, "Where Our Church Offerings Do;" 6:45 p'. m.. .Young Folks' Uevotional Hour; 7:30 p. m., "Tbe Coming and Oolng of Men." A cordlul welcome Is extended to all. . " ' i Church of Tlie ltedeeiier Ilev. Alfred Lock'ood, rector. '8 a. m.. Holy Communion 9:45, Sunday school. , U:wo a. m., Holy conimunioB and NEW SHIPMENT OF NEW PATTERNS JUST RECEIVED. , Look for the Gold Seal-Note the Guarantee . "uwi j"" uviigvicuiu, jruu expect to get , Congoleum quality. , You want the genuine because tVlo pnlnrc a nrl no f f nvno rtya orrflA U "a. . '" v-vavaw tAu .'ui,viwiiio ic ojiciiuiu, ucCauoC It U6S flat without fastening, because it wears better than other printed floor coverings, and because it costs so little. The new Gold Seal helps you make sure of what you are getting. It is visible evidence of our guarantee that Congoleum will give you satisfac tion. . . Sizes are as Follows: , 9 feet by 15 feet 9 feet by 12 feet 9.feetby 10.6 feet. 7.6 feet by 9 feet 3 feet by 6 feet. Also a shipment of Congoleum Rug Borders 36 in. and 24 in. wide. CRAWFORD FURNITURE CO. 103 E. Court St Pendleton, Ore.