East Oregonian : E.O. (Pendleton, OR) 1888-current, March 05, 1921, DAILY EDITION, Page PAGE FIVE, Image 5

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This Hat Will iMake You Lookl'
People Here and There
A. K Uanies, ItermlHton farmer, to
here, today. Ho Is visiting tils Ulster,
Mrs. Arrie IJ. lliiimu. ''
Joseph Ilul'fner Jr.,riittnitKli edit
or, and jfrod C Hoeckcr, circulation
mamiRtr or the Evening Bulletin at
Walla Walla were Pendleton visitors
today. Mr. Huffner has-been" In charge
nf the Bulletin's) news destinies' for
rumo monthH past hut this hi
f!rnt trl( to I'cndlcton. Mr.'ltoeckor
;: u veteran niunihcr of flip1 Ilulletln
force. ' . '
I A numlioi of former I'cndlotonlans
have been revisiting thin pity durlnif
tlio past week or two but none have
been more Ufrrccably surprised at fho
growth and ImprovcnientB to he noen
on every liantl than K. V.C'honoweth
who has returned after a nlno year
sojourn In California. J I notes many
cliaiiKCH and particularly ad mi led tho
Klk'H and federal buildings. Mr.
Chenoweth will leave for Jils Calliori
lila home the fore part of the week, i
' Tom Thompson, bank director and
wheat farmer of Pendleton, wan
among tho Imperial arrivals yesterday.
Mr. Thompson la an active candidilte
for appointment a postmaster of his
homo town. Ilclnir a close friend and
eupporter of Hcnator It- NV Htanfield
and a friend and aupportcr nf Repre
sentative K. J. Wlnnott, It In suspected
that Air. Thompson will win out over
th liiBiimhent, who was recently ap
pointed to fill a vacancy, but his hi-
roinlmcnt has not been confirmed
lreonln. '"'" ' ' ''' " 'ri
. rtohcrt Fordnoy of Portland, rep
retieittliiK the oodyear company, ban
been in Pendleton for a few day look
ing lifter business. Mr. Fordnoy left
today for lluppnor. , :
Major Lee MoOrhouse has boon feel
luff Indisposed the past few duya. Yes
terday he was unable to come to hia
office but was there thla morntnir al
though atill rather, 111.
C. O. IUilnchart, grain man of Pen
dleton, left today for Dayton and oth
er Washington point where ho will
attend several days transuding busi
Wayne Worthlnaton, nephew of Mr.
and Mm. H. , VTorthhinBton of 400
Wit Court street,1 I here from Tort
lund for a' visit nvHh his relatives.
J. A. Cook, who" Is conceded to be
one of the bent Vtflo hots on the
Pacific coast, In here today. He rep
resents the Remington company.
Mr. and Mrs. W. J. Wattcnberger of
Keho, were Pendleton visitor today.
While We they transacted business,
and vksltcd with friends.
11. T. Eaton and W. M. Nunn, Tall
road aurveyora of La Grande, spent
yfflterday tn Ilendietoif. They i left
this morning for L Grande,
l' E. A. Oils, formerlv nf tho J. r.
Penney Wore of thl city and Inter
manager of the' Permey sloro tn The
Dalles, Is now buying waists for tho
entire ehaln'of Penny stores and is one
of the prominent members of the buy
ing department. He owns an Interest
In (he store in The Dalles, Portland,
I liend and Hood lllver. Mr. Otis' head-
luurtcra are In New York but he was
a Pendleton visitor yesterday at the
local Penney store, on his way to Spo
kane after Inspecting the Oregon
stores In which he la Interested.
Hart Hpellman, line coach for the
University of Oregon football team
lust season Is In Pendleton today on
business, tie is connected' with a
'andy house of Seattle. Mr. Hpell
man says he is not going buck to the
university this year to couch the foot
bull teum as ho Intends to look after
business during the football season.
Alex Muirden, who has been with
tho Jialfour Guthrie company Of this
city for the last eight mouths, has left
for Portland to take up work with the
same company In that city. Mr. Muir
den will take a short vacation before
taking up his duties and will vlsl in
Seattle and Spokane.
A. I. Bitrnes, prominent In Hermls
ton, ha been spending tho . last few
' ' days In Pendleton m. business.
Our Service Policy
The word "service" is generally used just be
cause it sounds well in print, beyond that there is
nothing. - .
Our SERVICE means our customer is in the right.
We are not satisfied until good goods reach you in
good shape.
They must not only reach you but they must
reach you in the least possible time.
If Rfter that you aren't satisfied your money is
ready for you with a smile. ,
- ;: . ".i ' -: x k: V-'.'.
The Economy Grocery
Phone 909
113 West Webb St
: Mart Ulakely. prominent cattleman
of Ullliam county, Is In the city today
on business. Mr. Hlukcly reports that
stock In Ollliam county aro in excel
lent condition.. '
Shelly Bloomq'ulst, former Whitman
college football and track star, la In
Pendleton today on business. Mr.
Uloomqulst Is now connected with a
bond house at Seattle.
Dr. A. P. Poley, who Is In the bank
ing business In Portland and Seaside,
was here yesterday. ,
Lcla Cushman, teacher In the Ha-
kcr City schools, Is visiting in Pendle
ton today.
G. W. Rugg, who has been ill for
aome time, la reported to be conval-
i - if
S -'',
i i (
vs i s X '
;,, ,
i esolng.
This stun,
ning, a u i f
cpring' hat U
of red straw
in a beautiful
rich shade. It
u the popular,
close fitting
l y p e G o r
geoui red
feathers cover
the crown and
droop grace
fully over the.
tide and under
the dun. '
. " 'i
Testimony Coinidetcd.
Testimony In the case of Htbert
vs. Bcebe was completed in the circuit
court thla morning. Judge Phelps has
rendered no decision In the case.
Secure- Marriage license.
A license to wed was Issued this
morning to Sidney X. Barnes of Mil
ton and Alma. May Bllton of Pendle
ton at the county court hou.se.
.NO. 82.
, It begins with the mouth. The food must be properly and
thornugh'y chewed. Thla crushes II Irttp small particles and
gives plenty of lime for saliva to bo thoroughly mixed with It.
cannot be properly carried out unless there are sufficient
teeth In good condition to properly mastlcAte your food. Tak
ing care of your chewing function thro Ohmart system of
modern dentistry will void most of the stomach trouble.
'' ! ! j tudtnUon jor Kveryoiss Freely Ulvco 4 j
' ' ! f' rrlw,Aro Very IBmoiialle' -. '. j.
riinne SOT.
Over .
Tlie Hub.'
Consultation Freoly GItco In All i ,
-. Denial Drnuohee, . ,
Hours Taylor Hardware nidg.
A. L to 8 1. L rcBdJeton, -0100
Appohitmeiita U suif you
lisHtto IWUred Setllcd.
Tho estate of Jesse Jteevcs was de
clared finally settled and closd In an
order len'out by the county court to.
day. Mary E. Reeves, admlnisr.iVlui,
has been "schSrgcd Of all responsibil
ity in the '.atr.
PAUIS, Mareh 6. (X. P.) Confi
dence that In any case which might
arise between Switzerland and the
league of nations a settlement satis
factory to both sides would be reach
ed, because of the growing closeness
of 'heir relations was expressed at the
closing session of tha council of thejnerable for ordinary
loniriin tod;iv l.v Dr. AlDhonse Dun- The airplane, in his
int. Swiss minister to rronce. .
Dr. unant made this statement in
r"ily to observations to the effecx
rthat Switzerland had delivered a blow
to tho moral prestige of the league by
refusing right of way across Switzer
land to the league force for police du
ty during the plebiscite in the Vilno
area. k
In view of the present Status of the
onflU:t 'betwoen Poland and Lithu
ania it Is not expected in league circles
that the league force wUl ever'
called up An to proceed tb'Vilna.
Appointed Administrator.
Will H. Mclean was appointed ad
ministrator of the estate of Charles
McLean, , deceased, by the county
court this morning. H. A. liaxrett, li.
It. Itlchards and Henry Boll were ap
pointed appraisers of the property.
Omit Um to Portland.
It. K. Bean and O. U Dunning,
county commissioners and I. M. Sohan-
nep. county Judge, left today for Port
land where they will attend tho state
highway commission meeting. A dele
gation faom Pilot Rock composed of
llerbert Boylon, K. O. Warner, Thom
as Qilllland and C. W. Paulua also left
today to attend the meeting. The Pi
lot Rock delegation is going in the in
tereeta . of the Heppner-Pendleton
highway. , , - ,
Teachers Attend Institute,
Teachers of Pendleton today are at
tending the local Institute at Milton. A
number of interesting subjects will be
discussed and several prominent
speakers are to address the gathering.
Receive More Pay Xesg
Pay Cash
Despain&Lee Cash Grocery
209 E. Court - - ' -f .'Phone 880
The Safe1 and Sane
is tlie cash policy. Why buy groceries on
credit terms when you can buy the best for
less at this spot cash store. We can save you
from 10 to 25 per cent on the best groceries
obtainable why pay more?
i . . .
Pay Cash , , Receive More " - Pay Less
Despain&Lee Cash Grocery
209 E. Court Phone 880
Rutter Take Prop.
" Hotter dropped four penis a pound
(n the wholesale market here tod.v
and five cents In the retuil market.
The nw retail price is now 65 cents
a pound or 11.10 a roll. Heavy pro
duction and the recent drop, in the
California price are given as reason
for the decrease In prices. '
There are no street cars, automobiles
dr'other vehVles In Venicewnot a hoof
or a wheel to bo'seen from one etid 01
the city to the other. This restriction
nf transport methods has prevented
Venice changing with, the centuries.
The man id the street," Is a phrase,
originated in lsSl.
SPOKANE, March 6. (A. P.) A
Spokane supporter of Parley Parker
Chrlstenson for president today ac
quired a free suit of clothes on the in
auguration of President Harding.
The farmer-laborlte entered a lead
ing clothing store and picked out a
suit for which he placed $25 on the
,-Tak the suit and keup the 'mon
ey,"' said the store manager, Sidney L.
Gradwohl. ,
"Hut wh it do you Tncan?" replied
tho oust imeT.
"This being Inauguration day, I de
cided to give away the first suit of
clothes selected, by a customer," said
Mr. Gradwohl, "and if it is not ask
ing too much, will you tell me wheth
er you voted for Harding?"
"Tranks, many thanks,' declared
the man as he departed from the store
with tho suit, "i voted for. Chrlsteji-
".-r(A. P.) Admiral Alfred Von Tir
pltz, German naval authority, Is an in
terview today, gave his views on the
Influence of aircraft upon future wars.
He discounted the Zeppelin airship as
too much subject to wind and too vui-
opinion, has a
much greater future as It has an eco
nomic importance for . traffic which
will tend to perfect it for war purpos-
HOOP niVElt, March 6. Mrs.
Sarah J. Chartraw was indicted by
tho grand jury Friday on a charge of
arson. It Is alleged that while she
was storing furniture and effects of a
room renter in her home she fired the
building, afterwards claiming the full
amount of insurance, which was $1,
000. i
ErtlKNE, March 5. In the circuit
court Friday Ieslie Hodu.es, convicted
of a triple statutory charge involving
three sisters of his dead wife, was sen
tenoed to 15 years in the penitentiary.
In prononnctpg sentence. Judge O. F.
Sklpworth administered a sevece- rebuke.
- li-; i
- ' ;
Whatlou Need
is a food that will
make good the nat
ural daily wear of. '
body tissues.
' is a wholesome "blend of wheat and
malted bariey, containing all the nu
tritive values of these grains, includ
ing their vital mineral elements a ,
delicious, easily digestible food for '
keeping the body well nourished.
Sold' by grocers 'everywhere !
While the airplane has taken a
high place in land fighting as a substi
tute for cavalry, Admiral Von Tirpltz
said it had nut developed its useful
ness to the same degree in sea recon
noltering, but that was probably due
to the neviness of the airplane, which
waterplans of the future might con
ceivably overcome.
The Admiral reserved his opinion
on the possibility of effective attacks
by airplanes upon battleships but
clearly showed that he doubts that
airplanes will become a great menace
to the warships, as, he pointed out.
the latter will develop devices for de
fence while heavily loaded airplanes
will always be in danger of counter
attack's from lighter machines. .
"In comparison with 'Ships," he
said, "airplanes will always have a
fundamental disadvantage in their)
small loading capacity especially when
they are to be used on a wide expanse
of ocean. From a study of the history
of naval warfare, the greatest expo
nent of w hich was an American, I am
persuaded that the nature of naval
forces will hot change with a jerk but
will develop organically, for develop
ment takes some time which only in
imagination and fancies can be skip
ped. In this respect, the late war has
not effected any fundamental altera
tion, although, ,of course, the rate of
technical development is much faster
than formerly."
' Our Repair
Department ;
" Perhaps no department of our store receives mr
thought than our repair department. J-Aery erfor
. being.n.ade to get your work out properly and In
' We believe that our service will au's no d'sup
pointments and we know that tho work will be done
properly.. f
Tlie Largest WMmoifl IH-altm in Eastern, Oregon.
tfi ,
J! C. Penney Co., A Natiori-Wide Institiition
Every Day Necessities at
Penney Every Day
J. C' Penney Co. or Bob White Laundry Spap
, ' 25 bar for $1.00; the bar 4c
Palm Olive Soap, bar - 8c
Duro Belle Hair Nets, each 10c
Wearwell Hair Nets, each 8c
Society Sport Vcih 5c and 10c
Chenille Veils, colored dot, each.. ...10c
Dror3 Snaps, all sizes, card r....8c
Pearl Buttons, card of 12 -t5c, 10c
Hair Pins 2c, 5c, 10c package
Shell Hair Pins, package 10
Safety Pins, all sizes, card , 8c
Lead Pencils , 2 for 5c and 5c each
Lingerie Braid, 5 yard bolt 8c
Ric Rac Braid, 4 yard piece ....10c
Trimming Bead3, assorted colors, bottle 8c, 15c
Darning Cotton, spool 5c
Clarks Sewing Thread, 150 yard spool, each 5c
Coats Crochet Cotton, ball .-. ..10c
Tooth Brashes -10c, 19c
Pepsodent Tooth Paste, tube 39c
Prophylactic Tooth Brushes, each 33c
Pebeco Tooth Paste ;39c
Hinds- Honey and Almond Cream 43c
Palmolive Vanishing Cream......tube, 19c; jar, 39c-
'.Palmolive Cold Cream ......tube, 19c; jar, 39c
Palmolive Talcum Powder ........19c
Palmolive Face Powder 39c
Palmolive Liquid Shampoo, large bottle .....49c
Vaseline, bottle 10c
Palmolive Shaving Cream, tube ..25c
Colgates Shaving Cream, tube ........29c
Colgates Rapid Shave Powder ...... 29c
Colgates Shaving Stick ..:....". .....29c
Gillette Safety Razor with twelve blades, leather
ette or nickeled case $2.98
Gillette razor blades, package, of 6 39c
: ' 'Tftes&,--v
i '. . i
i. C. Penney Co., A Nation-Wide Institution
V. M. Penny to W. It. Hookout,
$0500, mete and bound tract tn NW
1-4 Sec. 23, Tp. 6 N. It. 35.
M. G. Edwards to S. A. liond, 10,
lot 5 in block 3 original town of Pi
lot Hock. . ., .
K. B. Keeney to A. Peterson, 1.00,
S. 1-2 S. 1-3 lots 7 and 8 block S,
li. F. Wyrick to S. E. Sprigs $2700
mete and bound tract In Sec. 4, Tp.
3 N. It. 34.
E. Koplttke Sutton to U Kopittke
Nye, 14.300, lote & and 9. block 57,
reservation addition. Pendleton.
George Steptos Washineton. o'.
Nxreth, Pa., says that th.
George Washington tomb at
Mount Vernon may be closed toi
the public The burial plot, hrj
says, (till belong! to the family !
of which he la a member
Tiease Cure My Friends'
riLL you give sight to
my friends also? m
Quired a Chinaman
from whose eyes a cataract had been removed
in Chanteh hospita!. The 77 Presbyterian hospitals
in nine countries annually treat 350,000 patients.
To finance this work and that of thousands of
tschools, colleges, teachers, preachers, and various
industrial enterprises Presbyterians annually give ,
each church member and friend an opportunity to
pledge for benevolences.
Sunday, March 6
Each of the 10,000 churches has been given a quota Its"
share of the total amount fixed by a central authority as fair
to expect for the fifteen Boards and Agencies.
Teams of two will visit each family with pledge cards.
Each person is asked to give according to his ability.
l.ti tptry Presbyterian slay at torn Sunday tjltrnoon until
Iht cantossrrs call. 1
If you are not visited, telephone the pastor. Omissions
may occur. If you are not connected with another church
and would like to contribute to help make the world better,
get in touch with the nearest Presbyterian church.
The slogan of every church i
"Oversubscribe the quota."
n i
4 f
fvey, G, U Clark. Pastor,