East Oregonian : E.O. (Pendleton, OR) 1888-current, March 05, 1921, DAILY EDITION, Page PAGE TWO, Image 2

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    TAC3 TV?0
Just Arrived ! v?
And Ready,
Captivating New Suits,
for Spring and
'! Summer '
..:'-. ' ' ' i , i '
In a season when: suits queen it
over all other apparel fashions- there
is. nothing of quite so'much import
ance as that the suit you wear must
be correct in every detail. This show
ing we are making of summer suits
present an opportunity that prevents
any possibility of choosing other than
right ; ; , .
We, consider ourselves extremely
fortunate in receiviig these magnifi
cent new suits at a time when ship
ments and deliveries are so uncertain
and especially are we fortunate in
receiving them when suits occupy so
high a place in the practical garments
for every day wear. They are devel
oped of the most favored fabrics and
are in tailored, semi-tailored, box,
belted and novelty ' models. AH the
clever new innovations including
tight fitting shoulders and sleeves
and stunning collar . effects are
smartly in evidence. As to skirts, we
could go on talking and describing iri-
. definitely; but will content ourselves
with saying that they are equally as
charming as the coats of the suits.
Just see them.
Our prices range from
$28.50 to $95.00 '
rsmcroNS gelxtesi department stout.
- rX ' IB
Vi i V 3 IS
. as I
t . --- -t i I 1 I
t N J , " I
' V v... .m . k 1 I
7' i
Warehouse, I
luawm.' iM.u-iirMLjyMMm 1
INLUUil IlLUilfil.
WASlIlMiTON. March S. IV. P.)
Only four of the cabinet w.hlcli Pres
ident Wilson appointed four years ago
romalne-d in office today, the Just of
mo orison auminisiration. one of
these has hold two nosts.
Secretary of the Navy Daniels, Sec
retary of Labor Wilson and Postmast
er Uenernl Rurlcaon are thrco veter
ans. Secretary of the treasury started
out in the iost of .secretary of agrlcul-'
, There hnn been threo Secretaries
of state. Willium Jemilnss Hryan and
Hubert IjjnsiijB resigned after disputes
with the president. Ualnbrldce Colby
sucweded Lansing.
Undley M. Garrison quit as secre
tary of war after a "dispute with his
rhief and vtua succuaded by Newton U
James C. McReynolda two. fne a su
preme court justice and was succeed
ed as attorney preneral by Thonuia W.
Gregory, who iuit for financial rea
sons, A. Mitchell Palmer succeeded
William rj. McAdoo rcsiRned as sec
retary of the treasury for financial
reasons. Carter Glass, who succeeded
! him became, senator from "Vlriflnin
and was succeeded bv Secreinrv lt,,nc.
I ton. ,
S( uretary Hituston was succeeded in
the agriculture portfolio by Kdwln T.
Secretary of the Interior Frankl'
Ine quit to enter business. John
I Barton Payne succeeded him. Secre
I tary of Commerce Redflefd resigned
jfor, the same reason and Joshua Alox
j ander succeeded him.
-'i me present cabinet secretaries.
Baker, Colby, Payne and Attorney
! General Palmer will practice law after
quitting official lite.
SecretaryDaniels will edit hi news
Paper. Postmaster BurTeson will re
tire to his Texas farm and Secretary
Wilson to his farm in' Pennsylvania.
.The plans of Secretaries Houston
and Alexander are as yet undecided.
II.KLKN'A, Mont., March C (A. P.)
The local Hud Crows has Installed u
loan service for sick people, under
which any nrticJe that can be HteralU
ed when relumed, 'may bo rented for
ono penny a day. Included umonu
articles are surgical Instruments, bed,
dliitr, dishes and like thtiifes.
make an assessment for the improve
ment of JeftVion street from the
north lino of Martin struct to the north
line of Wilson street, In The City of
ondleton.-und did assess the contiuot
rice fur nmktiiK sacli Improvements
against the lutH, parts of lots ami par
cels of land, especially, benefited there
by. All persons affoctvd by such Im
provement und assessment destflnjf to
take advantage "t the provisions
of Chapter 5 of Tltlo H of Lnfd't.
Oreg-on Laws provldliiK that such
assessments nui.v bo mild In ten
Orniitro Street either grilvl 'IHtUlHhle
pavement, Concrete jitvmnent or War. '
ronlto Pitulltlile pnvement t :rusiied
ihi;h or crushed snivel (oiinflntlon to
at this lime neciKsary, therefore, li It,
H li.SC il.VIJl) by "i .Common Ceun.
ell of the City o( Peiulleton that It In
expedient to impruvo fld WMs hereby
proposed to Imtirnvs (lrnnire iltreei
trom the North Line of Court Street to
tho South Une of Uf wis Strwt, by pay.
low the same with either Krarel bltu
lithlo pavcnieiit or concrutn pavement
r Warrenim liituiunic paveinoiu on
NEW YOUK, Maroh li. (A. P.)
Amonff the incMsiiKcs of felicitations
sent President Harding today was one
from T. It, Williams, president of. the
American Newspaper Publishers' As
sociation, convcyliiB tho con-rutuluti-ons
of the profession upon the Inau-,
Kuriitlon of u newspaper editor and
publisher. '
anmuU installments are hereby notl-1 crushed rock or crushed -travel four
fled that application so to do must he llion; inch pavement to be , conslr bet.;
made to the City llccordcr, as In such
Chapter 6 provided within ten day
trom tho date of this notice. Forms
for such applications may bo aecuiuu
from tho otflce of the City Hecorder.
Dated ut Pendleton, tjrecon, this
Erd day of March, 1921.
City Hecorder.
A "personal" In the London Times
runs thus: "Would anyone Iiko to
subscribe to my weddlnir? I have a
Rlrl and nethlni? else. I werk hard,
but unless miracles happen marrliiKO
Is hopeless, will anyono help a bustoa
Marriage of a Japanese Trlnce or
Princess with a foreigner Is pot per
Mayor Alexander has gone to Salem, fable will be fittled for the driven for
on a business trip, i i the mill.
C. E. Roosevelt has returned from
(Frem tha 1 Daily East Oresonian,
March 5, 1893.)
' JnaJtumejits. are on the way for the
Helta band, which has been organized
.with a larse membership and und?r
Bood auf-pices. Professor Austin has
1 en eneatel as teacher.
I ortland. He says' that the necnln In
me vaney style Jr-endlcton the metro
polis of Eastern Oregon and bank on
her future. , .( - - SJ(S
there will be a special meeting- of
the W. C. T. V. at Mrs. P-aley's tomor
row afternoon. A full attendance la
W. 8. Byers will build a staiJe on the
corner of Alta and Mill utr'neta
j--..j,tc nip m i nn
L-idy Astor was called to order In
the British House of Commons for
talking with another member. She
hurried across the bar where greater
liberty is permitted, laughed and then
waved her hand at the Speaker.
"Too mnch'talk and too little work,
is the trouble with Hurope, says an
American writer who has Just roturn-
The ed. : . "
WASHINGTON.. March 6. Senator
eiect stanficld arrived Wedncsduy
iiuiuiiiK ana visited the cnpitol to
meet colleagues and make office ar
rangements. He was accompanied by
uu secretary, j-j. j. Adams.
m: j. buvax ir.vs juvai.
Tex., March 5. (C. p.)
. J. iiryan has a serious rival li
Harris county, Texas.
He's Itobert Deurcr. who is dolmr
maratlfon in the raco for civil district
counn-clerk, Harris countv.
He's mr.de the raco for the last fif
teen terms (thirty years), and is nlnn
ning a few more races before he stops.
uuerer is always in the Iemocratic
primary without success. He has aoa
ed permanency to his campaigns by
naving permanent wooden signa placed
on every tetepnone pole In the county
Tho signs have been there ten years,
Vat ice of Payment of City of renrtle-
ton Improvement Itoml
Notice Is hereby given that City of
femlleton Improvement Bonds No. 19,
tries T; No. 3, Series 15, will be paid
upon presentation thereof to the un-
ierslgned at the American National
Bank, Pendleton. Umatilla County.
Oregon, after Mirch 1. 1931. '
Interest on the above named Bond
eases March 1, 1921.
Dated February 11, 1921.
Treasurer of the City of Pendleton, by
H. w. Dickson. Deputy.
i.vst.m.IjMk.nt vmviLKtacu
Nollco is hereby given that the
Common Council of The City of Pen
dleton, -on February Hi, V92L did
make nn nssorsmont for the Improve
ment of Matlock street -from the north
lino of Italcy street to the north
line" of Jackson street, In The City oi
Pendleton, and did assess tho contract
price for making said improvements
against tho lots, parts of lots una
parcels of lsnd, especially benefited
thereby. AH persons affected by such
improvement and assessment desiiina
to take advantago of the jirpvlslons of
C hapter 0 of Tltlo 26, of lord's Oregon
Uw) providing, that such assessments
may bo paid In ten annual lnntalluieilt
r.re hereby notified that application
so lo do must be made to the City He
corder, as In such Chapter S provided
within ten day from the date of this
notice. Forms fur such applications
may be secured from the office of the
City Recorder.
Dqtid at Pendleton, Oregon, this
3rd day of March. 1921.
City Recorder.
Nutice is hereby driven that the Com
mon Council of The City of Pendleton,
on February 16, 1921.' did make nn
jsnessment for the improvement of
Lincoln street from the north line of
Italey street to tho south line of Jack
.son street. In The City of Pendleton,
and did assess tho contract -price for
making said Improvements against the
lots, parts of lots and parcels of land,
:specially benefited thereby. All per-
ind assessment desiring to take advan
:aj?o of the provisions of Chapter & of
Title 26, of Ixiril s Oregon Laws pro
viding that such assessments piay De
paid In ten annual installments ar
heroby notified that application o to
Jo must be made to the City Hecorder,
as in such Chapter 5 provided within
ten days from thedate of this notice.
Forms for such applications may be
ccured from the office' of the City
Dated '. at. Pendletoj, Oregon,
'rd day of March, 19J1.
City Recorder.
Notico of Street Improvement
Notice la hereby given that at a regu
lar meeting of the Common Council of
The City of Pendleton held at the
CounclP Chambers in Pendleton Ore
gon on February S3rd, 1921 the fol
lowing Resolution was duly adopted:
viz: ,
WHKREAS,"lhe City Surveyor of the
City of Pendleton did on the 23rd. day
of February, H21, under directly
and by requirement of tho Common
Council file in the office of the Re
corder of the City of Pendleton, plans
and specifications for an appropriate
improvement of the following named
street In said city:
Grange street from the North Line
of Court Street to the South Line of
Ltmls Street, together WHh tho esti
mates of the work to be done and the
probable cost thereof with a statement
of the lots, parts of lota and parccels
of land to be benefited by such lm-
tone affected by auoh. Improvement provement and the percentage of the
The list of prominent lawyers who
'"" maae wins, made them J XOTICK OF WTHKET ASKKKSMKXT
jngly, or altered them without at- IXSTAI.LMKXT Pltl VlLFaii
testing tho alterations, and thus have Notice Is hereby .riven ihnt -thi,
lawyers ana Common Council l,f Tho ntv nf r,i
more work for
Is boinir enlarged every month.' dleton,
total cost of Improvement, which each
of such lots, parts of lots and parcels
of land should pay on account of the
iienefita to lie derived from such lm
trovement, and
WIIBRBAfrt, the Council has ex
amined audi plans and specification!,
and estimates and foundthe samo sat
isfactory and the estimates therefor
to be in accordance with the probable
cost of such work, and,
WHEREAS, the property rccom-
thlsi mended by the City Surveyor to be in
cluded within the boundaries of tho
district benefited Is in the Judgment tit
the Common Council properly to be
Included within such improvement Dis
trict and no property la excluded
therefrom Which should properly be
Included therein, and
- WHEftKAS, the Improvement of the
bereinabnve described portion of
td and the surfuce thereof to na finish.
rd upon tho cHtaulimied grime or said
street and tho street to n ive curb! pud
(ttttteia and all other thiintH in accord,
ance with and as shown In tho plana
and specifications for the improvement ,
of said portions of said drango Street
from the North Une of Court Btreet
to the South Line of Iwis Street, pre. '
pared by F. H. Ilaye.i, City Surveyor, .
filed with the Hecorder of said City on
the 8th day of December, which '
said plana und specifications ure here
by particularly referred to, and I It
further I '
KKSOLVBD that" the Engineer'
estimates of the probable total cost of'
such Improvement, which said City
r.USincei a f-H"ii'"" "
prepared by F. B. Hayes, City Surveyor
of said City, In the sum of 11149.50
.,. . ...i.i. !..... ... j.l i
unci wen ' " " ...... -
said City on the 8th. day of December,
1920. is hereby Included and hereby re.
ferred to particularly; and be It fur-5-ther
. r
RRSOLVED that the plana and
Hpecificationa and estimate for euch
Improvement as prepaid by the City
Surveyor and filed with th Recorder ,
of tho City of Pen'Heton off JheKln.
duy of December, lttzt. be anfl .they
xre hereby adopted and approved, S1
00 It further
RKSOLVKD that the cost of making
such Improvement shall be a charge
und lien upon nil lo, parts of lots and
parcels of land to l benefited by auclt
Improvement, and the ownera of men
lots, purls of lots and , parcel ot
land so specially benefited by such Im
provement shall be liable for the pay
ment of the costs thereof, and b It'
further. ' " " ' -
RKSOLVKD that an Assessment Did.
trlct U, hereby created to he known aa
"Assessment District No. 76" embrac
ing the property benefited and to be
assessed for the payment of such Im
provements, -which Assessment . Dla-
trlct shall Include all loia, parts of lo'.a
r.nd parcels of land, lying and beln
within the district ..bounded and
described as follows, to-wlt:
IK-iKTlpUon of AwtCHMiiHwt Mtttrlvt
Niunuer 7. .
Beginning at the southwest corner ot
Lot 8, Hlock i, Jacobs Addition to Pen.
dleton: thence 2&Q feit north and par
allel with the west line of Orange
Street; thence 260 feet east along the
south line of lxwls Street; thence
South ',0 feet and parallel with the'
east line of Orange street; then west
on the nnrth line of Court Street to the
point of beginning. And be It further
RKWLVHD, thnt a copy of thta
resolution together with a notice that
tho surveyor'! estimate of the propor
tion of tho cost of said work to be
charged against each lot, part of lot
and parcel of land Is on file In the of
fice of the City Recorder, bo publish
ed for a period of ten days In the Kt
Oregonlan which newspaper Is hereby
designated by . the Common Council
for the publication thereof.
And notice la further given that the
Surveyors stlmatcrof the Coat ot sold
improvement to be assessed against
cAch Lot, part ot Lot and parcel of
1-and on aocount of aaid Iniprove.nM-nt
is now on file in the office of tho City
Recorder, subject to inspection. Dons
and dated at Pendleton Oregon tins
Jtth day of February 1921.
City llecoTper.
! ' '5S W J-iJ.---!, . . - -------
te f if 'Z , -.1. -f ? Jt . i . . T-rrrr 'Jrr'. .
r 2
AStory of That FarOff Land
Once UnderCerman Rule
Disguised As a Turkish
Regime. I
HE "World War changed the map
or the world more than any other
great movement of all time. Em
pire hate been rearranged and
free peoples have eprnng Into exist
ence to work out nnder their own form
f government their destinies as n
tloaa. The great Turkish Empire,
misruled and misguided for centuries,
kaa lost , some of it ' principal
provinces. Among them, Arabia, that!
land of romance and fancy where free
dom nf Hn. nf U..V. j, . . i
.rnn.ni .kT'tj .V - V". " i mangled by a shark or died from the
Camels too are raised and Indeed
this drab flea bitten brute Is the most
useful animal ofbe eat. The Arabs
work them from 12 to 15 hours a day,
drink its milk and when it get too old
for work they kill them and eat the
' , A'
t i r V
a fertile soil , -t . , '
. among the, lover, of nature and of T 7 no.sonou. rar. , nerce.
nature', gift, to men. j ha"rdoU pearl quest U pursued new
" ' Just ai in the days of King Solomon.
Larp Than V. S. Kast Of MusissiprH KaD1u, Wme
R,VCT ' ' I The Arabs are famous for their
,'Arabla 1. the great Southwestern ' horses and thone raised in ihe state 'flesh.
Peninsula of Asia and the origin of or province of Nejd are the arlstocratsi Many Wild Animals
lis race la conjecture, but the Arabs among hnrres. Tbeir family histories Costs and heep are plentiful and
unified as a political body with a king ran be traced back to the fifth ccn-lgoau' rr.Ilk.and .goats' milk cheem
- of their own long before the Christian tury. Oddly enough the Arab rarelyjform a Ure part of the Drdouins
era. At present there are perhaps 18,- shoes his horse. Sometinu. he oils food. In one of the provinces the rich
eeo.OOO Arabs. The word Arabia Is, the hoof to prevent splitting In the Arab aluy rides a pure white aa
probably dvrlved from Arab desert hot'dry sand. Horse breaking Is un-; which may be a eemdant of those
nd U name given by Hebrews lo, known in lhat land, as hories are of the t:me of N'obiichadnezar's time.
IBf tletert, to a particular people in j rained cloie lo Ihe iuilid houses of ftocs 'ot io, kinds art foend. One
the desert and to the steppe dwellers ; the owners, arc Jame from Infancy and ; looks like a coyote, hsving pointed
of North Arabia In general. The ridden early. Iiutos and barley sre ear and a buvhy tail.- The other 1 a
Ctetteet -length of the peninsula Is fed lo these animals and 'some grans sort of greyuourd. Of cours?, tlien!
atpKt 1, 00 miles, I's average breod b selected with much care. Once in -a are aild animals rd In the nerih
rt' m!les end the ares somewhst over ' wbf!e a littl dried meal is fed anJ ' there t a .icmiI fierce Hirer wtiicti
l.Ouo.oes square Jiillen, Ji is thus only small amounts of water. It is; reai'liy nfa U men.,' A 'particular t."' I '' brews long and bushy, with small
larger than the I'nltcd Slates east ef il knuivn tbat in Arabian lior't can l, tlie pnntlier and tbere ale wolv . j eyes fc-ep set ar d flcrv brown, The face
the M3iip p River. , (irate! without drinking for forty-riubt hyena ni.4 a f"W long-tailfd hlaek ; eapresr. half cunn.ng and , half dig-
Arabia has great pearl fisheries end : hours in cool weather. For do-itiiy fa-d mm keys. Jn some parts orjmty and is not unkindly. The teeth ' high class aristocrat generally has his
th magnificent pearls worn by eurjanj endurance, for symmetry of limh ' AruVa 'sere is a peculiar kangsrno ; are vcrv JiPe atvd f ."kiuri, ly there ' harem, yet he rarely take, but one
weaien may have coot the life of some ' and body and heer aninihl beau'y the rat, a tir.y grev and while creature. Is a heard. As young men the lietfoulns ; wife slid this must be of his own clan
ta!n Arabian pear! dicer who was Areh'an horse has no equal. Iwhlch j:imps ibout nn H hind leg.. Ure often rood looking with thelri fr he Arab Is nn arlittoerat of th
The Bedouins eat it and declare It has
the flavor of rabbit.
Hlrds are plentiful and one of the
old Amblin stories tells us that wtien
King Salomon w.rota notes to the
Queen of Elicb they were carried by
the "hoopoe" bird, a ort of carrier
Pigeon. There g,rt plenty of these
bird In the country today. A few
dsert groins are to be found and
plen'y of eagles, vulturts, hawks and
A Dark Itnce ,
As to the people, they are generally
ta!l and 'thin with prominent bones.
bright eye. and dark' hair. The Be
douin woman uf often very handsome
with the tame fine features of the
male, although they wither into old
women early In life. She Is given in
marriage sometime, before she I. fif
teen year, of age and ha. little or no
playtime. The Arab Is polite,-patient
and hospitable to a fault, although
when dealing with him he often show,
a distrustful and covetous deposition:
It Is said by many who go to Arabia
to purchase pearls that the Arab Is
niggardly when he buys nd will hag
gle for hours to reduce a price, yet
he will often give away goods to prove
his hospitality. There is little pi
llgamy among the Arabs, although the
first order. The law of blood revenge
l confirmed by the Koran, and l a
sacred right everywhere la Arabia,
consequently ther are many lueda.
No Family Life
There is little family life for the
houses and tents even the palaces have
little comfort, and many of the chil
dren are bora out on the desert and
are weaned In four month, when he
cniip. a rink, profusely of camel' milk.
The children grow up like 'oedsfor:
the parent, seldom chastise or .seldom !
praise. Trained In early life to care
for themselvei they go out 111 th
burning sands and early In Ufa are
able tc indure Jitlgue. They run about
perfectly nude umll thry, are seven
years of age and when that annlvers-1
ary occurs tno girt children put on
cheep jewelry and clothes bedecked
with ostrich feathers and tho bov
wear the white robes and learn to
carry daggers. They have few toys. The
boy soon learns te "iso an old bowle
knife, then as he grows up h learn.
to swear and to talk like his elders.
Early In life he put. away childish
things. He drives camel, and the
girl herds sheep. Soon he wears the
garb of a man and the girl takes to
uplnnins cornel's hair and singing
songs of the past. At fifteen they
given In marriage.
Some of the dwelling, are'of stone
with few window, and a fireplace In
the center very-much like the Klvas of
our old cliff dwellers, Th furniture Is
simple, hut th touch of western civil.
Uatlon has wakened a tnst for mlrV
rdrs and music boxes, and these are
found" In many home, , The women
wear veils, which have the Egyptian
nose-piece to "onceal their feature.,
and In some province.. reeuibl the'
make up cvf a football player,"1' They,
also vear nose and ear rings and dye'
their hair with henna and use'
antimony on their eyelashes. The
ataple good, of the country are rice,!
bread, gnee telarifltd -butler) milk.,
mutton, cheeie and date; Locu.t are
also eaten after they, have' been dried
and aalted. ...', , ,, .
Infrn-wilng Cltle
They have few largo 'cltlei, bnt'
many village., Jidda, the Red Bea,
gateway to hidden Mecca claim the
tomb of Eve and here one may look
a tonio which lends one to be-!
Hove that she wa a .talw.rt lady or1
that she was buried In an apartment..
Muscat too commands lh entrance to'
the Persian Gulf and la the main en-;
trance of trade. It I alio a great'
fishing center. Then loo the place hi
a romantic history for It wa. said :
be on of the haunt of Blnbad t'
Sailor. . i ..
One of th most Interesting cltlei ef
the world lie. In Arabia Pair, (rock
that city built In th rock e many
centuries ago, reached on! en horse
back after , ttdlou josrney th
mecea for many rchologlt and',
which will be a Joy to th tourist!
when that land is fairly opened up ta
'he visitor. . .. .
)' fi n it i r i