TEN PAGES PAGE EIGHT DAILY EAST OREGONIAN, PENDLETON, OREGON, WEDNESDAY EVENING, MARCH 2, 1021. KM A' Marriage "Made in Heaven ' . ''I '' bp : ...... ,; akcaih: toivvv p oxn T'Wildr Worm 1 Vatiire of ramntt' Momriit on Sivou A terrific electrical Ktorm w rv.. as th bnMtgronnd for one rf the most .(Ira motto scene In "Pdly f the Storm TO H I To :i!V wom v uh st:r.x hfhk Al T V TOUW American theatregoers who revelled In the dramatic wealth of "The Heart of Humanity" and rapttitlated to the I'Hiintry," waning Mildred Harris Irresistible qualities of "The Hiaht to hnpltn, and to he shown :l the A read " Theatre, beginning liuiii. itsrnr lten nelt, a farmer, is struck ly lightning nriil taken to I'oil.v'H little cabin In till" tuatter community of Kvelyn i;o)ert. ""mm, the woman whom he had secretly married years lefore. llobert l?tert wn whom Polly loves, bursts In on the Happiness" aro doubtless vt the opln Inn thm in these two photodramas Uwrnthy Phillips and Allen Holubar, star and director, have renc-hed the height of screen perfection. Hut the public is asked to reserve Ita final ver dict until It has had it view of "Once to Kvery Woman," the newest I'ni- scene and is surprised hi the slsht of jvTsai-Jewel super-production, eomln! the dying mi:n In iod. Kvelyn, to, to the Ana Theatre today, 'gnard her own secret, tells ttubert I The popular appeal of "Once to Ev that Bennett Is "Poll man." I,oath-1 ery Woman" In heightened .because It ing Polly, liohert leave without await- de.ils with e'very-day people ana Ins ftirther t xplanntimis, iml later he treats of a theme that is as old a hu fumes to know the hole truth of the j inanity. Mother love Is It keynote, complicated situation, after Pennett j and It shows the utter vanity of -world-d'es and Kvelyn marries the rich j ty ambition when not founded on hit lers. .Miss' Phillips first acDears ns a "You may be Sure" ";... rays the Good Judge That you are getting full value for your money when you use this class of tobacco. The good, rich, real to bacco taste lasts so long, you don't need a fresh chew nearly as often nor do you' need so big a chew as you did with the ordi nary kind. Any man who has used the Real Tobacco Chew will tell you that. Put up in two' styles W-B CUT is a long fine-cut tobacco RIGHT CUT is a short-cut tobacco 1 i .. j ' V "Made in Hearea." Tbafi tfce label on th narrlage of Tom Moore ons ana wenee Aaoree (a&OTe). it really happened that (way. Tom want to New York to make the first acenes of. his pic ture, "Made In Heaven." There for the first time he met Renee. She played the part of his Bister in the film. Now Ronee is playing the role of Tom's wife in real life. school girl, the daughter of a viHiure blacksmith, who, because of her Rood looks and sweet voice, is the pet of Uie family. She accepts the sacrifices of her parents and sister, and when a visitor from Xew York offers to send her abroad to have her voice trained she leaves heme with no re grets. After many dramatic episodes she finally reaches the froal of her ambi tion the creation of the star role in a new grand opera in New York. Her humble home and family are for gotten. Then a tremendousk shock causes the loss of her voice. Her new found friends and admirers leave hep. Tn her mother's frreat love she finds I eat happiness at last.' Prominent In the War's support are - j Robert Anderson, William Ellingford, QUEER ANSWERS ARE RECEIVED IN REPEY TOARMY CIRCULAR Soldiers Wax Sarcastic When Uncle Sam Asks for Names of Men Who Have Not Yet Received Victory Medals. ARCADE Children, 10c GOSH! . - How you want to pitch in and help Polly lick that gang Today Adults, 35c j Kodolph V alentlno, Emily Chichester, Ui Elinor Field, Mrs. Margaret Mann, Mary Wise, Dan Crimmins, Rosa Gore, Frank Elliott, Katherlne Griffith, Em ma Gerdea and many others. . c V!,narVl,if i'e r .tr..j XO AMBASSADOR APIOIXTX3 ! MEXICO CITY, Mar. 2. (A. P.)i j Mf moo will appoint, no ambassador 1 the t'n'ted States until recognition ils tendered by thee American govern I meiit. A ujitemnt to this effect was lm.-idi lecently by the Foreiam Off '.ye. "They WORK 9 while you sleep" t ii II .i w st r . crv. a f 1 1 i U ' A'tlrst Kuonil ; Attraction a, I li'S -.' r'-"- - --VvjijJw rs? ' r- . . V. -:.-:: --X;vv-rM t f-- -':T I 'fl r""" ' """' ,r ' . rr, , Mt.', i t liMimm'i m Wk Thev reckoned without their host, those Hilltop- K A1' ' " P)M I pen, when they tried to oust the Squatter. Polly the ) I WVvaiL' vai-s Angel didnt turn the other cheek in the showdown, ill a II a you shall oe. Ill V j COMEDY PAPA BY PROXY ' lj 7 , AT T A "' ' . TODAY ! JtLs 1 X Children 10c Adult 35c j . .,ti 'DOfiOTHY - I jLjgfi 1 1 : ! fC ' 0,'2S, 50c-rdrugsfcrei. M&iii ... . - ii CM:n V-'iVkT 1 TODAY II ' i i rC 3T,CV0 ! I ' Children. 5c .-. i'il I "A M "LAf il Ad"""20c ZnWSIViAPO marie' . V Sbl- J k A . 4 r 1 K 1 la J I " '"CE in enry wemtn's life timet t errttia ; I ' 1 V I V . J It to you, juit u it cam to Aurora Meredith. 1 i' I : . 1 . "Mi oo you tBU! it tmf YOU U UM WIIM1 von II Ij l v y SAX FUAXCISCO, March 1. -Sey erai queer answers were received by captain H. C. Blllinics, V. S. A., R-n rTancisco, in answer to a circular let ter he sent recently to California men who fought in the World War asklna them to send him names of ten eliglblo friends who had not applied for the ( ictory .Medals ianied to former aol- dlers. . . , Some of the replies read: "Dear fir: I got too of the boys to right there names and address on here but most all the boys say nothing doo ms on the meadell stuff. They alt want more bonas. Medcla don't by them enything but that bonas bizzness seams to be up to Congrrass and thej wm nave to wato and see. what Con Mass says.'' "Sir: Your reed, contents noted. 1 irresented my army discharge at the Uafcland recruiting station for the .vic tory medal and I don't believe there Is any War Dept. order out compelling me or any one elso to lve you names of tan men who not reel, their medals anywpy I am not going to do same, so after my rendering about two years servieo in the army, and then can't got the medal without hunting tip ten other men liko myself you may keep mine." . "Gentlemen, Dear Sirs: Did not got my victory medal. They gave them all out here when I was under quarantine here for smallpox on Xov. 1 1th when Armistice Day .was celebrated here. I am well and sound nor and oked. (The family had tt) Hoping this will be O. K. Will await the medal. I ; never had it hut light. How much do I they pay enlisted men in the service (now." cttmys good-cNo othcr'TastcVust like it dlways ood-cAo othcrTastejust lite it invwssicod-tNo othcrlMCJiiSt lite it. ciimysgood-cNo omr'TasWJust lite it gPEjg - ' . I'i'Sv TDLUm QUALITY ojpprcciatd SM1SS0 . . .. -----i a." f & t 1 - M L 'fa m giving something which makes the raising of the money not such an ob Jectttmable lob oa tt might otherwise he. fttturday evening the committee reported that they were within one hundred dollnrB oft the goal. Mayor II. A. Barrett of Athena was hobnnbing with Weston frlenda the latter part of the week- Mr. and Mr. John Mayberry, who have been on an, extended visit with relatives In Milton, returned to their home Sunday. ' . Wendel Phlnney, small son of nev. and Mrs. Mark A Phinney of the I'nlt ed Brethren church, had the misfor tune Saturday afternoon to fall and fracture the bono in his left leg just above the ankle Joint. Mr. and Mrs. I Rasmussen, late of Tacoma, are making an extended visit' at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Boren Thorsen. They are returning by easv stages to their old homo in Denmark. Mrs. Rasmussen and Mrs. Thorsen are sisters. In order to acquire all the English they can, the visitors have placed two young children, a son and a daughter. In the Wesfon schools. : 28 YEARS AGO - (From the East Oregonlan, March 2, 1SU3.J Wllllnm Hall Is here from Echo. H. B. Mack has moved Into the Travelers' Home on A1U street. He la a painter. A new '.ty ordinance Just passed says that city prisoners who refuses to work may be kept on bread and water until their mlrids are changed. J. II. French is here from Htttter creek. E. P. Marshal! has returned front a bn.'lness trip to Baker. C. E. Roosevelt left last night for a business visit in Portland. Mrs. Rose Campbell of Campbell A Wilson, and Miss Fannie Mead, have gone to Portlnnd to trim In Mooney ft Valentine's wholesale millinery house. The banjo club, of which the mem bers are Miss Grace Welch, Miss Verda Turner, Will Kidder, Frank Maule and l.otilo IjiDow, are at work on a eon- ort kn be given soon after Kasfer for a worthy benefit. . " Peter Kmhnsk to here from Athena, H. C. Means and W. ft. Parker of 1'matllla are in the city. W. I). Fletcher left on Sunday for Han Francisco. HEAL MWM Apply Zemo, Clean, Penetrat ing:, Antiseptic Liquid 4 , It is unnecessary for you to suffer with eczema, blotches, ringworm, rashes and similar skin troubles. Zemo, obtained at any drug store tor 36c, or S1.00 for extra large bottle, and prompt ly applied will usually give instant relief from itching torture. It cleanw and soothes the skin and heals quickly and effectively most skin diseases. Zemo is a wonderful, penetrating, disappearing liquid and is soothing to . the most delicate skin. It is not greasy, is easily applied and costs little. Get it today and save all further distress. e TtM E. W.Row Co., Cleveland, 0 WESTON CITIZENS ARE AT WORK RAISING FUND Tonerville Trolley MEETING ALL TRAINS OJCE in evrry werrum b life come a eeruia rt moment. One fat her liletimt ome thrag; cornel to her oa whtcb her whole future depends. It ruu com or will surely coca to you, jutt it came to Aurora Meredith Whet do you think it is' You'll know when yoa ee ptend.d Dorothy phiiiipe, the rar of "lha lieert of Humenity" end "The gifht to H fKnetV play this greet part in a picture that every woman in tlte world wilt underetanA. A picture tor wliick a wbofo opera WM produced aa which the piaycra aang iut a they ems oej sac mifhty etaee of the Metropohtan.. a daialisel frdttcUoa in whica the eocial Irsdera of a great westera city Kta4 aa tft "eatrao'' a mrveoua love atory that ywu'tl arm forect. See it now. Lsont miM IX, j'rmrnhirr " Oats ta Enry Weeaaa.- . MARIE WALCAMP IN THE NET WESTERN DRAMA BIG STAKES COMEDY TEE TIME (East Orogoriian Special.) ' , WESTO.V, March 2. am Banister, w.ho used to farm quite extensively near Weston, and who was rated as the champion thrashing machine ope rator in these pails, is visiting here from Enterprise, near which place ho is engaged in farming. W. S. Ferguson of Athena, Was a Saturday caller on Weston business institutions. W. M. Davis, of North Water street, returned Saturday morning from Walla Walla where he has been on j vumiieian 1 "1 W Uttjra. xne Bim j. uaiieys were rjnturaay visitors to Wella Walla. James C. Turner, erstwhile bonanza farmer north of the city, now living In' 1'endloton, was a business" visitor I here Saturday. S. ft 1'rlce who owns Wheat land northwest from Athfia, was seen on our streets Saturday, j Mr. and Mrs. Herman Henderson I left Sunday morning for Frannle, Wyoming, where Mr. Henderson has acrentcd a mechanical position with an'oil company. oit s. large delegation of Weston threo-linkors are attending the. I. O. district convention in Henpner this week. Those who nre attending ' mostly went by automobile. J'art of them wttit down Friday while others went early fnturday morning. They returned Hunday. Mrs. Joo J. Read cam tip from Pendleton Sunday to visit for a few daya with relatlws.. Mr. Read la work !nr in a grocery store in Pendleton. Home sales of wheat were reported in the Weston markekt during the -losing days of the week. The owner ship and who should pay the taxes had a tendency to depress the. market; Frank Price, J. A. Lumsden and J. M. Price, the active committee who iro rs'slng Weston's quota of the Chinese-Armenian relief fond, report satisfactory results. Nearly every one 1 I I I I III ill v . - . : :A fh lw ! tSh&&.jh . Q&LJXaL 5rVwLit'4a. rtt3$k2&. ' ' " ' ' . - The Health of the Country vMl Brought to Your Home ''!iV.VrMl( MlmK - - . That i3 what bread does for you. V, The strength of the wheat together with ifrl its other pure, 'strengthening.. ingredients ' . ;fSl make bread the most healthful as well as the " Jwff tt 'f' most satisfying of foods, , , , j '"4'i m . - M a .'.I7'" .Bfc- .if . IB t The delicious flavor of- ZlSEWm Harvest Bread "Made WithlMiik,, will convince you that it is the bread to give your family. ' , fiat more bread and make Harvest Bread . your favorite brand. , . ixaJ PENDLETON Baldng Co. t i