East Oregonian : E.O. (Pendleton, OR) 1888-current, March 02, 1921, DAILY EDITION, Page PAGE TWO, Image 2

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. 1
New ,f
Arrivals fZ r 1 i i VyT r OTS f7?
Daily in n PjylZS I"? 1 XV" J V) fSi
Every Dept. jJjjA l&iQjiXJ'
Daily in
Every Dept.
- !
Iew Tones in
. Men's Hats
The contributions In Spring
Heudwear for men art striking ami
distinctive. The style ideas huve
arien to greater heights of artistry
In graceful shapings, ni texture
finishes, color toning and trim- '
mlng treatment. The rich colors
and th ioft teture effects arc real
cii ements in tiaMgning. We're
ready to serve yon and ifne you
well thla HvHnp.
T. P. W. Pure Food Shop
Apples, cooking, box. 73c
Tomatoes, standard,
9 cans $1.00
Milk, 8 cans ......1 $1.00
Pies Feet lb.-..' 20c
Oranges, juicy and sweet,
- dozen . . ;. 25c
Honey, 3 cakes 73c
Haras, picnic : 15c
Dinner bets. Water bets,
Electric Appliances and
Fancy Tea Pots,
Fresh 'Shipment of Tru
' Blu Cookies and Crack
ers several new kinds
New Garden Seeds.
Onion Sets.
'his Week Is a Country Wide
National Silk Week
The women who wish to make up their own garments for Spring will be
interested in these specially low priced items from our silk department. Our
dress goods and cotton goods sections are also presenting new lots of new
Sprmg fabrics at the New Spring Prices.
New Silk Skirting for Spring,
a Yard $1.49 and 81.95
. -WdB hAve just received mint beautiful new Silk
Shirtings which we xe offering at special low
prices. They are neat striped, pattern In light
and dark colored .backgrounds.
Market! hpm-ially Low, a yard... $1.4 and $1.05
New Silk Crepe de Chine
, a Yard $1.75 ,
This In soft, light weight crepo de chlno with a
very lustrous finish and crinkly effect: the width
la 40 Inches. Excellent quality for women's
blouses, dresses and Undergarments, shown in all
the le-uling colors. -
Markcd 8m-ially Low, a ard SI.75
Imported Pongee Silks, a Yd.
, 8L75, 81.95 to $425
These are better grade pongee - silk with a
dustlMB finish, all are 3S Inches in width, shown
In natural color.
Marked Kjxtially -Low. yard.
SI.TS in S4.25
New Silk Poplins, a Yd. 81.25
A very serviceable silk of very rich appearance.
This quality poplin silk la shown In a splendid as
sortment of colors. ,
A (.real Favorite, a yard
New Taffeta Silks, a Yd. $2.65
Taffeta wilt be much more uaed to make gar
ments the coming' son son than for the past years,
ao we have a good assortment of them- In the
most wanted colors.
Marked Hpectaliy Ixmt, s yard . . S-.fto
- New Satin Messalines, a
Yard 82.15
Mo.ft all women know that satin Mescaline la
slmiliir to autln, very soft, lighter weight ami eas
ily draped and has a lustrous finish. This .Mimiu
line is 36 inches wide and we show a full range
of new Spring shades. ,
1'riit-d Sim-hilly 1-mv, a yard (2.13
New AH Wool Materials for
Dresses, Suits, Coats
The lute popular shades In tricotlt.es, velours,
broadcloth, polo cloth, stlvcrtones, etc. All wool
materials; 48 to 5 inches In width.
Our Kew lYIow Itnnge fnnn $:.T3 to $5.30 Yd.
New Serges, Gabardines and
Poiret Twill
. . .i the New Weaves ami foliirs.
S8 to 56 Inches in width. Come In and :ieo them,
we have a big assortment here to select from anil
know that we can both serve and please you. "
Our Ni'w lh-hw Itnnging from $1.11(1 to SI. Ml Yd.
New Fancy Spring Voiles,
Priced Exceedingly Low, YtL
60c, 65c and Upwards
Inches wide. In the new floral and dott pat
terns, very fine duality and pretty color eomld
nattone, lots of patterns to choose from and you
most surely will find our prices surprisingly low.
Prh-ed I Exceedingly Ixiw, Yd. U0 63! pwanls.
Well erve you better;
than any other store. Try'
II I K'-Mn mmm
i j x- wntiit ii. i-."v T td nr k.vii' : . -t v i - - - ,
1 ii i t - - t , .... .M,mKmummlummurr . -
The sweetness of low
price never equals the bit
terness of low quality.
Shoes With the
Spring Note
There's something refreshing
about the new Konwenr for Spring
Klegance enhanced by nentnesa
and trlmnesa are ho most obvious
chiiracteriHtics of the Pprlng Ox
fords and High Phora wo are now
showing. .'
Their fashion attractiveness are
built upon a foundation of dura
bility und comfort-sWincr shnpll
n'ss. And with this goes a service
you'll like.
Bon Ton Corsets
T!ie "hung" of that new gown de
pcniis ii pn-Jit deal on how well
your corsets fit. The best effects
are obtained over the form correct
ly corseted.
HON TON' corsets are perfect fit
ting nnd givo to the figure a ron
tour of gracefulness and youth.
HON TON corsets are inaile with
the patented O-l-O yion-pinchliig
corset claip. and are boned with
WTNPArtOHN, a trade-marked
boning which will not Rl'ST or
1IRKA K and outwears the corset.
rOHTLANO. Murx'lt 2. John Pru
no, who la being sought In collection
with the murder of Hurry I. Taw-Ink,
was today indicted of murder In the
first degree.
To Introduce our kodak work
will finish free one roll and one print
leach. Ward Studio.
First Mixed Jury Fails to Agree
After Tour bays; Discussion
Sweeps All English Papers.
i KBTRAVED Came to my plai'e on
I Wild Horse Creek, one white -faceu
1 bull, branded horse track on run, spin
i In left eur J. K. Troxel, Hox 705, Pen-
Id Minn. Orwton, phone SF11.
ltlX'OUD for stock cars, 102. miles
per hour. I'alge, climbed l'lkes I'eak
He these models at the Auto Show
O. R Jiuldmun Auto l. Alta ttinl.ol-
itinwoud 8ts. rhone 46.
Notice of Payim-nl of City of Pontile-
I ton inipruiriiicii. i"ii
' . . . .... i. . v. . r-lt
police IS nereuy uiii v '
Pendleton Improvement Bond Not I.
.Series T; No. 3, Reriea 15, will be paid
unon presentation thereof to -the un
dersigned at the American National
Bank. J'endleton, 1,'mutlUa County,
Oregon, after March 1, 1921.
Interest on the above named Bonus
erases March 1, 1VC1.
'Dated February 11, 1921.
; Treasurer of the City of Pendleton, by
! H W. Dickson, rwputy.
lA'NP N, War . !. (A. I'.) A
storm uf discussion, botli I'Jiiuu.miJii- ,
tlun anil I'xmlemmiliuiit has wwep
ihroiiKh Ivondou newapupcra u the re.
ull of the Innovation of having wo
men serve with men a memberg o
jury in divurt cues. , ,
Tbn (lit mlxud jury to sit An mo
liiitlon dlvor.ee court luis Ji'n unutlo
to agree on a verdict and been dis
charged after hearing the wise for
lour days. . " " . .
.In the comment mi the; proceld
Iikjm, newspaper editorial -and the (
contributed communications of read- "
via have discussed principally the pro
priety of obllglnt women as tnemoere
of the Jury to examine ull the evi
dence submitted.
In this case counsel for une of the
parties to the action announced that
tte had evidence to submit which- he
did nut' consider It proper to place
before women Jurors. The Judge said .
he was helpless In the 'matter but ul
timately only the men Jurors exam- 1
Incd Iho evident!. , , .,
fcir t'dward Jlarshall-llall, counsel
for ohe of I lie partJvs, ld thut thla '
was the first rase he had ever con-,
ducted before n mixed Jury and that
h Imped he would never have to deal
with a case ,if.surh n .nature analn,
"It is uiiik'iilatile thai.', there are
The following dcscrllied enlmals
have been taken up by the marshal of ! many oases In which the assistance of
the City of Pendleton, to-wlt
' One dark brown mare, atar In fore
head, white spot on nose, cut on left
nostril, weight 800 pounds, age three
i years old.
One bay mare, white spot In fore-
', head, has bell on, weight JO00 pounds,
10 or 12 years old.
One boy mure white strip In face.
left kind foot white, brand on right hip
tcvlsttble. I
One bay, two years old, left hind
! foot white, brand on right hip invia-
I One light sorrel mare, white strip In
face, both hind feet white.
One gray horse mule, broke to work,
i weight 1000 pounds, no mnrks or
; brands.
i It aid animals are not claimed by
i the Owners or those entitled to their
possession, costs and expenses paid
!and taken away within ten days from
i the date hereof, then at t o'clock p
; itt.. on the Hlh. day of March 192C
: the said animals will be sold to the
1 highest bidder, at public auction, for
j cnt-b. at the City Pound. In said City
of Pendleton, the proceeds of suoh
sale to be applied to the payment of
such costs and exenses of making
Tmted thla JSrd. day of February
At, TtORRTITR. Cttv Wnrshnl.
women Will be of 'the, greatest value
to the court,", said Hir Kdward, "but
there ure piUer cusea In which, front
the nature of the evidence much will
have to he discussed" before them. It
la undesirable that I hey ehettld ner
ve." , , ' -'
Hir Kdward's comment evoked a hot
ictorte from Oeorge, Uernard Hnirw,
plnyrlghl, , who writirtg to the Ihilljr'
News "as a member uf the male sex,
took Issue tvtlh the views of th bar
rister. . .
Sir Kdward. Marshall-IIaH'a as-'
sumption that my semublltlit- In thla
matter are less delicate than womca
is not only unfounded but extremely
offensive," .wrote Mr. phaw. "Why
In the name of common sense did thla '
'Jlushlng barrister excludo sly Jury
men from the" altMogy which he
thought It necessary to make for po
wilting them (some of th exhibit
in the case) to the six Juryworaen."
I lent at 11 unit!,
"Come over to our house thla even
ing and we II. have a howling time uf
It." '
"Thanks, but we have a brand-new -babv,
and I don't have lo go from my
own fireside to have bowling time."
Knit I more American.
J PND do yoo really -mean to aaTi
f aiAuot Ida, that they had no tele.
tJihoDan or motors or "movies.
trior nythmg like that when
Uraadpa. -waa my age?" aald Billy,
with wide opea eyea,
' Xo, "indeed, they had Bon of
these things. Grandma ha often told
' me about it How they used candles
or u lamps, no electric lights, you
know,' and took their .drive quietly
and slowly in carriages, not 'rushing
.about madly 1b motors a yon young
. people do. These are her own words,
, when I asked her to come for a fide
' trltb m Jn my sew car. But she had
very wood time all the same, is spite
of thee drawbacks. Did you ever
-hear how she met Grandpa, and what
a strange rid s had on that occa
.eiont" -. -i ' . ....-.-.
z - "No, I never did."aJd Billy. "What
was HT" : ,
"Well, If yon don't think It tire
Ton too much,' I will tell fpa abjut
It," said Aunt Ida, for Silly was Just
recovering from a cTharp attack of
. pneumonia, .and Aent Ida was keep
ing aim company this afternoon while
Nurse Johnson was ."off duty."
"Tire me; I'm not tired," said Billy
a grimace, "at least only tired of
being In this old bed." ,
"Well, at the time I am, speaking of.
Grandpa lived away up in the country.
ills-falser, a vsry clever man and a
colleg .professor, bad been very 111,
and th doctors had ordered blm up
to the mountains for two years. They
wer far away from any city or town,
"juat a 'few scattered tiny bouses and
th a-tsrest village over the other side
of ik mountain. fTbese wa only oe
4ig hftos In -th neighborhood, and
that belonged to a rich city banker,
who sometimes came up with a party
' of guest for a few days, but most of
the time It was closed up.
"How would you like to do your
neighbor's shopping for them and
carry horn tbelr bags of SBgar or
. flour, or perhaps a can of kerosene?
.. Wei), that was the kind of thing the
people around there used to do. Who
, ver was going 'to the nor,' which
j meant a long dseary walk ever the
i mountain, was asked and expected o
; perforin these 11U1 neighborly acts,
and In turn did th same when they
took th trip.
"Uf aowM tSNsr were for a way from
anbea or college, but this did not In
,i 'erfer with Grandpa's education, for
he rw41ed with his father, the profes.
". und spent the rest-' his time In
" Se open air, living the same simple
te life those sronnd tbem.
"tOe bright wintry day, there was
.mi medlcln for his father -to get
from th doctor', the mail to he
fetched, and mother ald: 'We really
. meat hav a new broom, ours is quite
: bora out and useless.' .
"'All right, mother,' and he started
IT, whlslllng cheerfully, for he was
IMLJfii 7 ""p L 5jfP"lttoj.
' Hls errands all attended to, he
started for home, the mall and medi
cine safely tucked In his pockets, and
grasping the broom upside down, he
uaed it as a walking stick. .The dusk
was creeping on, and the way was
very lonely,, but he trudged along:,
thinking, 1 wish I had brought my
led.' Suddenly be stopped. What vas
that lie heard? It certainly sounded
like a child crying. He listened atten
tively. Burely his ears had deceived
4lm. No, there It was again. -
"He followed the sound and -wme
upon a -sight that made him tand
till and whistle In surprise -and ilis-
"Bested on a big stone was a little
gh-1 crying bitterly. She was very
richly and warmly -dressed in velvet
" Eduf Is so tired,' with a sigh.
" Til carry you, then.' He lifted her
up in his arms, no light weight with
her heavy clothing and hampered as
he was already with his packages. It
was hard work making any progress.
He had tojtop very frequently to rest
.and It was now getting very dark.
"I wish to goodness I had my sled.
It. would be easy enough .then to get
along, but now, with this old broom,
too. Why I have it,' he cried. 'Here,
little one. Just stand on the bruahy
part of this broom and hold on as tight
as yo'i know how.' Edith Maud obeyed
Immediately. His hands behind him,
be grasped the stick of the broom
firmly and found to his delight that it
glided quite easily over the frostv
and Ttx. and was certainly not one oi ground. 'Here we go for a nice ride,
tax rarmers-eniiaren. . lie cried, and, off they started. A little
-wny, neiio; me irouo.e.- jutor they heard a shout, then another
he cried. 'Where in the world did you and another. Lights began to gleam
drop from?' land a, dark figure rushed up to them
"Her sobs ceased as she looked at land lifting Edith Maud, hugged her
him a moment and then ran up and ; close. 'Oh. girlie, elrllo' At i.t
put her hand confidingly In bis.
'Please take me home, boy; I'se losted.'
"'Where Is your home and what Is
Thank Cod you are
have found you
Daddy!' and the little head sank
your name?' aald 'Grandpa, looking' down on his shoulder with a sigh of
down at the forlorn little figure. content.
"You can guess wha: her name was, I ." 'And you, my lad,' he sal 6 tarn
can't you? 'Edith Haua Morgan,' she : Ing to the brooia hero, 'you must come
said, 'and I want my mumsy.' land let her mother thank you prop-
"'Oh, 1 suppose you are Mr. Mor- eariy r can.L What is your name?'
gan's granddaughter. J heard he wasj "Again you can guess the answer
coming .for a few days, .but how .did : -what; are you the son of my old
tijesa Giles? I remember him well.
land will come and renew' our friend
ship tomorrow.'
"All this, of course, while they were
walking along to the Morgan home.
Crnndpa still holding on to the famous
broom. .The rest you know, how the
f rt v,ai
T. 4 A .
vj :i.n
-Here We Go For A Nice Kldc"
aasy over here, and alone, i pfif.i sr returned to the clly, ful'v
recovered, and how Mr. Morgan took
Grandpa into his bank as soon as bis
ediicmloD was completed. And hoiv
Grantlpa worked bis way up to .the
president's chair, and In ,god old
story book style, married the Utile
broom-fairy .of his mountain sdven-1
you get
" 'Dad, mumsy .and I came to stay
with Grandpa, and I was playing In
the garden, and Just went teeny
weeny bit outsfdo the gate and then I
was lost.' and ajtain the subs com
menced. .
'., 3V' V -'
f i-
V "
' ' .Vi
'A '
i '
- - ,
Warren G. Harding .
fT lk ARREN G. HARDING was born In Blooming Grove.'OHIo, on Noveni
1 M her 2. 1S65, and so he will be fifty-live years old when . he becomes
ft 9 president of lite United States on March 4thi t ,
sySfr He is a newspaper publisher but has also had an active political
lite, serving as State Senator In Ohio, Lieutenant Governor Of Ohio and
United Stctcs Senator from Ohio. -,''
Nearly every famous man has said that he owes his success to his mother.
warren G. Harding, our new President, Is not unwilling to voice the same
sentiment. The r:ry is told that Warren and his mother were intimate and
affectionate, and "f.iat often the two would work together over the hrd
problems In the arithmetic books or the puzzling names In the big atlas. Per
sons who knew the family well have said that when the boy was .but seven
years old his mother would tell him: "Warrn, stay with your books and
some day you will e president of the United Mates." This feeling of com
radeship was shared by the boy as well as by hi mothir,- and In nfter years
when Warren moved to -Marlon, a town ten miles away from Ms parents'
home, he made it a habit to go early every Sunday morning to visit at his
mother's home. By eight o'rl'.-k he, iru usually on his way to the old
homestead armed with a handful of flowers. For nineteen years 'he took or
sent (lowers lo his mother every week without fall.
Th-re Is a story that tells of an Incident of Harding's boyhood. Once he
tried to ride the family mule from his mother's home to his new home In
Marion. On the trip he stopped a farmer and asked how far from his destina
tion he stlil was. The farmer looked at him reproachfully and dolefully
exclaimed: "Wal, It taint' to fur If you get off that there mule and walk, but
If you're goln' to rids that beast. It's a purty dnrn fur ways off!"
'Don't erv. 11! take vo't nro allltn-
"That was great!" commented Master
3!l!y. '
"And l-ovr Is my pstlrrt now?" said
a brisrhi voice at the door, as Nur-c
Johnson entered with a tempting look
ing inv. "Here Is your afternoon
lunch, Master Billy, and I am ur Jfou
must be ready for It."
"Kye-hye, Billy boy," snld Aunt Ida,
as the (Hooped to kiss him. "I'll come
very soon again, and as soon as you
get. up 1 will bring 'F'.ot' to se you,
as soon as nurs will allow doggie
W'M glad I'm not a little girt In
H Japan." said Betsy one day, "they
8 can't have any fun at all.. Tbey
have no Christmas or valentines or
St. Patrick's Day or anything."
"Oh, but you are wrong." said her
mother. "The little Japanea girls
have ever so many -good time that
you know nothing about Why Just
this very month th Jap girls hav
one of their Jolllett celebrations."
"What Is It, Mother?" asked Betsy,
"do tell me about It."
"The third of March Is celebrated in
Japan as Hlna-No-Sekku, or the fes
tival of dolls, and the day Is on of
great pleanur. It Is looked forward
to by the girls and their mothers muoh
riT. !ook forward to Christmas, and
preparation for the great day are
made long In advance. Originally this
quaint holiday was celebrated to show
special honor to the Emperor and Em
press of Japan; so today the principal
feature of the 'doll show' Is th pro
cession of the dignitaries or the group
of doll models of' the heads of the
Japanese nation dressed In copies of
the. state robes and court finery. (The
dolls, many of which are heirlooms
which have been In the family for
generations are arranged on one side
of the room, usually the best room In
the house, on shelves graded like steps.
Those steps or platforms are covered
witn ciotn and on them the dolls are
arranged;' th Mikado and his royal
train In the center. On each side
stands the doll-daljln or chlof officer
keeping guard, and beside these In the
order of their rank, down to the or
dinary little Jap doll that we all know
so well, are the fother dolls all help
ing in the -reception to which neigh
bors from far and near are Invited.
"Reaf food made of rice and beans
and rice flour cakes er temptingly
set before the dolls In dainty China
dishes. . Th little- lady (of th Tious
dressed In her best silk kimono with
her black glossy hair especially
dressed and bedecked with th cholo
est fans and ornaments In her poises
slon, awaits th arrival of her guest
and their dolls. When they rriv
they are led before th doll raeeptiaa
and treated to food anca as la d-.
played before the miniature court. ' '
"Indeed, the third of March I ,
great day for the girl In Japan, and '
no little American Indv md .a.i. hn
sympathy on her Japanea cousin for
they, on their side of th pacific, r
Quite snrs thst vnu hiua nn Inunm1
holiday to equal their happy Doll Day '
or Hina-KO-sekku." . , .
i! jj'jij
Heal Food Is get Before Th Doll
The AionthTy BMhday Book
1, 1843.,, Saint Gaudons, th sculptor.
2, 1829. Carl gchurx.
J, 1(47. Alexander Graham Bell, of
telephone fame.
4, 1394. Don Pedro of Portugal,
t, 1831. Hayes, the Arctic explorer.
(, 18t. Elisabeth Barrett Brown
itng, th poet.
7, 1801. Edwin Landseer, the painter.
8, 1753. William Roacoe, writer.
I, 1806. Edwin Forrest, th actor.
10, 1823. Albanl, the singer,
11, 1544. Tasso, the poet
12, 18S7. Gullmant the composer.
13, 1733. Dr. John Priestly, philos
ophical writer.
It, 1804. Jehann Strauss, Br., the
composer.. ,
IK, 1767. Andrew Jackson.
16, 1750. Caroline Herschtl, th as
tronomer. . .:,
IS. 1782.
19, 1SO0.
20, 1(11.
21, IC85.
22, 1822.
23, 1749,
24, 1101.
25. 1771,
26, 1826.
27, 1811.
21, 1483.
29. 1790.
10. 1(01.
11. JTM.
Saint Patrick's T
John C. Calhoun, atattntnan.
William Jennings Bryan,
Nupoleon, Duk f Belch.
' stadt. 1 i j : .
John SuiwuiUaa Bash, ,m.
PMr. 4 . ,
1i Bonhe-nf, 'punter,
Plarr Slme tjarsaca.
Frenoh savajt.
Mallbran, th assja
Joachim Iurv -Kins; f,
Naples. .
Malhlld Mar. crut
rooal teacher.. ,
John MacWhlrter, th artist,
Raphasl, the palotsr.
President Tyler. -.
Archbishop Sumner, ap'tl
o,ury. , i .
Joseph Haydn. musMa.
A &
-- T