East Oregonian : E.O. (Pendleton, OR) 1888-current, March 02, 1921, DAILY EDITION, SECTION TWO, Page PAGE TEN, Image 10

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ncs TEN
Including Pendleton Prices and Associated Press Reports
Hog Am Wrong
la Most AUci'i
tFrom th Oregon Journal.)
Thrr was only on load of new ar
rival! In th North Portland alleys fur
Tuesday and that waa a amall load.
Prices In general showed practically
no chanfa.
On amall load of hogs cam for
ward for the Tuesday market and th's
a received with much favor by the
trad. All through the country there
waa a liberal degree of strength In the
hog alley Tuewlay. but there waa
acarosly enough attiff available at
North Portland to give prices a
thorough text.
It In the day 11 load of hogs
cam from the East direct to packer
The somewhat ' mixed condition of
the trad here la Indicated by the fact
that on Monday hogs that sold down to
f 11.S& were considered as good. It not
better, stock than what brought the
extreme of 111.60 ti 11. 5. it la there
for considered that the general top of
the market la continued at $ 1 1.3S and
an extreme of. 111.50 is still quoted In
a nominal way.
General hog market range:
Prim light in.00gn.45
Smooth heavy. 10.60 11.00
Ho urn heavy (.50 9 1.50
Fat pigs 10.00 ft 11.00
Feeder pigs' 10 0011.0
Pfit tt Pie
Don't ever try to make yourself believe that yon will
be able to "art by" and become a leader or expert In
statTsmanshli), In art. In science. In literature. In
' commerce, in engineering-, in navigation, in forestry,
or In any vocation or professiont without PAYING1
THE PlUCIi , '
Paying the price means study, practice, work, thrift,
burning midnight oil and early rising.
Are ytm ready and willing "To Pay tlie Price?"
" Coprtesy, Service and the i
1 . Right Price .
Everything in the stock is priced in keeping with
S " the quality. S
S In the period we have
B steadily gained the confidence of our customers S
g through courtesy, aerrice and the right price.
To those that haven't
9 -
I .S5Sr, -, ' . , , g
'" """ ' ' Il9ii"'
Market for cattle appears to hav a
ahowtngf of steadiness generally at
North Portland, although no new oar
load arrivals were shown for Tuesday.
The position of the dairy coif market
continues to reflect Improvement and
scenttntent has forced additional price
advances In that line for the limited
General cartle market range:
Choice steers I 7.60 fl t.00
Medium to good steers . . (.ISO Lit
Fair to good steers (.00 0 .7S
Common to fair steers . , 5.00 (.00
Choice cows and heifer COO (.75
Medium to good "cows and
heifers S.500 (.00
Fsir to medium cows and I
heifers 6.000 5.50
Common cows, heifers , 4.000 (.00
Canners 1.000 4.00
Bulls CJ -'" -5O0 S-00
Choice feeders . .T. ... . . 5.50 5.00
Fair to good feeders ... . 5.00 0 5.50
Prima light dairy calves 11.50412.60
Med. light dairy calves . . .5011.60
Heavy dairy calves .... . 0.00 i 7.60
Lack of arrivals was likewise shown
In the sheep and lamb alleys at North
Portland Tuesday. General opinion of
the trade was for a steady market at
leported values. - ,
General sheep market range:
Bast of mountain lamb S 7.50 0 t.00
Pendleton, Oregon.
Sank in Gaston Oregon
been in Pendleton we have E
been in we extend special s
& Hampton
Willamette valley lambs (.500 7.09
Heavy lambs (.50 7.0
Feeder lambs 5.600 (.64
Light yearlings 4.600 7.00
Heavy yearling 6.60 (.60
Wethers n 5.00 (.00
Cull lamb . 4.000 5.00
Eews 1600 5.00
Political Tension
Makes Wheat Higher
CHICAGO, Mar. 3. (A. P.) Un
easiness over political tension in Euro-
. ... .t ...i ..,( i tn maiiA wheat iiricea
higher. The market closed firm at the
same as yesterday finish to ltto up
with March 1.44 4 nd May 1.57 to
1.58. corn gained 6-8 to 7-, ots U
to S-S and provisions 25 to 52c,
with news tnai aiuea torves w
MnaaLu- ,n ,twftth ftArnfnnv and that
v. HnaMtlnnM fwiifMvnnt had thrown
aside Germany's financial plan, bulla
showed an optimistic aisposiuon. up
turns In values, however, were con
siderably counteracted oy esummrn
i... i were 27.000.000
bushels more than than last year, and
by reports tnat spring wneui serums
had been begun in Southwestern Min
nesota. On the other hand, gossip
was current that consignment notices
ehowed a falling off inasmuch as rural
selling to avlod March 1 taxes waa
eifded. Taken as a whole, trad was
light and the market easily Influenced
with shorts covering at tne last
- Corn and oats were strengthened by
assertions that consumption of botn
leedstuffs since laat harvest had been
the largest In hlstcry.
Provisions advanced wun nog val
ues. '
Xo Cattle or
Hogs ItecWved. v
SEATTLE, March 2. (A. P.)
Hogs Receipts none. Steady. Prime
to TSill.!S: medium heavy $9,750
10.75; rough heavies (.7507,25; pigs
$9.00 11.60.
Cattle Receipts none. Weak.
Prim steers $8.2508.75; medium to
choice $4.26 7.25; common to good
$5.006 4.00; best cows and heifers,
$4.50 7.00; medium to choice, $5.00
4.00; common to good $$.60 04.50;
bulls J5.00JJ4.00; calves, ngnt u.vvw
12.60; heavy $4.0007.50.
lmbs Steady to ' '
Higher at Kansas City.
kivsas CITY. Mo. March 2. (TJ.
P.) Cattle 7,800; beef steers general
ly 25c higher; top 10.00; bulk B.&uw
.!5; best yearlings 9.85; Colorado
pulpers 9.0009.75; she stock and
bulls mostly 25o higher; spots more;
bulk cows and heifers $5.7507.25; few
nrlme cows $8.00: canners steady to
tr. higher- bulk 3.0003.25: calves
strong; top vealers 12; stockers and
feeders mostly 25c higher; 500 pound
feeders $9.00.
Sheep Receipts 7000. Strong:
ewes 00.25; wethers $4.75; lambs
steady to 25c higher; top $10.75,
Alfalfa Hay (27
Per Ton.
SEATTLE, March 2. (A. P.)
Citv delivery: Feed Scratch feed
$57 ton; baby scratch feed $55; feed
wheat $80; all grain chop $47; oats
$44; rolled oats $48; sprouting oats
$61; rolled barley $45; clipped barley
$49: milled feed $34; bran $34; whole
corn $40; cracked corn $42.
Hay Alfalfa $27 ton; double com.
pleased $33; ditto timothy $38; east
ern Washington mixed $34; straw $20
Puget Sound 3$1.-
Seattle Eggs Are ,
niunul at as (R, X Cents.
BPiTTI.n March 2. 'Eggs Select
local ranch white shells $3034; ditto
mixed colors 31c; pullets zkc
Butter City creamery In cubes 65c
hririm or nrints 5c: country cream
ery extras, cost to Jobbers, In cubes
52c; storage 4245c- ,
Potato Receipts
Heavy in Frisco.
oint: Flour 1214 ars.: wheat 1735
centals; barley 44,789 centals; oats
733 centals; beans 62 sacks; potatoes
3448 sacks; onions l.uutt sacss; nay
130 tons; lemons and oranges 1(00
boxes; livestock 300 head; hides 541
bundles. '
Corn white Egyptian 2.8002.85; red
mllo 2.0002.10; barley spot feed 1.20
01.40; oats red 1.4001.50.
err A 'f1 . ' ' ii il l A" "' '
" :rty?Sr.-.- . J
!I'H -TIRC50 Or SKIM rOt NDNty Jl
I'LL Tftf UTTC "CR.IM4J UlrWe" OH "(OU Vt
, . I -Vfi. SOU j-.
pi! . - C!
Eggs rmirtued "
In New York Markets.
NEW TORK. March t Hiite-
flrm; creamery higher than extras 65
055 l-2c: creamerv extras f.1
creamery firsts 49054c.
ttrgs unsettled; fresh gathered ex
tra firsts 39c; fresh gathered firsts,
34058c. '
Cheese firm: state whole milk lni
held specials 24 1-2 29c; state
whole milk flats, fresh, specials 25
25 1-2.
PItOT ROCK, Mar. 2. News reach
ed Pilot Rock Monday of the death or
Mrs. De Vaul, wife of Dr. Oscar" De
Vaul of this city. Mrs. DcVaul had
been In poor health for sometime. Dr.
DeVaul left Friday for Portland, hav
ing received word that his wife was
worse. She passed away early Mon
day morning. ,'. '
Pilot Rock was well represented at
the Odd Fellows convention held In
Heppner Saturday February 28. Free
water won the cup given for the best
team work. Those attending from
Pilot Rock were Clarence Royer, Carl
Stuart, William Hutchinson, C. A.
Chittenden, Charles Hodgkin, Harley
Hinderman, John Stevenson, Charles
Miller, Li. C. Matthews, B. C. Reeder
and James Cramer.' "
' Mrs. I. M. Schannep waa shopping
in Pendleton Monday. . .
. il8 Gwendolyn Mclntyre of Athena
is here visiting; at the home of her sis
ter Mrs. Albert Boylen.
M. (D, Orange Is spending a few
days In Portland this week. W. A.
Moore is In charge ef the drug store
during Mr. Orange's absence.
(Andy Fletcher was visiting relatives
here the first of the week. Mr. Fletch
er left Tuesday morning for a short
visit with his brother near Pendleton.
Mrs. John Stevenson was a Pendle
ton visitor Saturday.
Mr. and Mrs. Percy Hascall were In
town Saturday.
' Dr. H. A. Schneider local dentist at
tended a dental clinic In Pendleton
Sunday afternoon.
. Pearl Fletcher was a "business visit
or here Saturday.
Pilot Rock lost to Athena In the
basket hall games played In Athena
Friday evening. The boys game re.
suited In a score of 19 to 17 and Ihe
Klrls score was 32 to 10. Refresh
ments were served following the game.
Mis Eleanor Hhscall spent the
week end visiting friends and relatives
In Pendleton.
In the absence of Dr. DeVaul from
the city Mrs. WaHer Southerland and
Mrs. Fred Groves werA tjiken (A Van.
1 dleton to the hospital for treatment.
in little eight year old daughter or
Mrs. Boutel who ho been seriously
sick "was also taken to ihe hospital.
Little Mildred Lester was taken to
ldleton to be under the doctors car.
' Mrs. Julia Schock ana sister, Miss
Cora Albrecht are here visiting rel
atives. ,
Mr. and Mrs. J. O. Russell spent the
week end visiting relatives In Athens.
Mrs. C. M. Best was shopping In
Pendleton Monday.
Frank Byrd was tmnnrtln hn.lno..
here Saturday.
Dr. Ueuallen nf Pemlletnn In
town Saturday.
Herbert Boylen Sr. was In Pendle
ton Monday on business.
Mr. and Mrs. Arehi linn A hiV. mt,.
chased the M. G. Edwards home and
win take possession at once. .. .
Mr. and Mrs. Harry Connor have
rented the Dave Wright house and will
make their home there. '
Mr. and Mrs. Herbert Boylen Sr. en
tertained at & dinner Rnnttav .vmIki
at their home In honor of the three
weddings which hav occurred In the
family during the past few months.
The honor suests were Mr Anil Mr.
Robert Boylen, Mr. and Mrs. Alfred
wesigaie ana Mr. and Mrs. Harry
Connor. Mr. and Mrs. Albert Bovlen
and Miss Gwendolyn Mclntyre were
VALPARAISO, Mar. 2. (A. P.)
nugar cane growing is to be attempted
In northern Chile. Experiments are
now in progress under the direction
of a Spanish expert, and work soon Is
to be started on canals to Irrigate tilt)
lands recently purchased by a sugar
company of Tacna.
Ranch Eggs
Strictly fresh; we Guarantee Every
One. DOZEN 30c.
Swifts Premium Bacon (sliced to your -order)
pound . 60c
Other Good Lean Bacon, pound. .... 40c to 45c
Fresh Kippered Salmon, pound ...... 35c
Extra Large Florida Grape Fruit, each. ... 20c
Good California Grape Fruit, each ........ 10c
Sweet Juicy Navel Oranges, 3 dozen. 50c
The !
221 East Court St
Phone 871
The Most in Value The Best in Quality
iWEUXSLEY, Mass., Mar, J. (A.
P.) Klnealuloically speaking, the new
styles for women mean, the death of
the "debutant slouch." This is th
view, at least, of th department at
hygiene at Wellesley College, which
ullowa th style with a watchful eye
lor their effect on the bearing and
enteral health of Wellesley' 1500 stu
.No on Is more delighted at the
passing of th styles responsible for
the 'ilebutanate slouch" then imiss
8. Haagensen, instructor In remedial
gymnastic. Straightening out slou
ches and other bad habits of posture
Is her dally work, and th task has
at times been difficult It will be
easier, thinks Mis Haagensen, with
the new styles.
Th old styles, with tneir tignt
fitting and cllmtlng lines," she say,
"moulded most girls into a shape
much like the figure '.' Everything
about this posture, from a hygienic
point of view, was bad. Today, with
looser garments. Introduced on th
wave of . popularity for sport clothes.
It will be much easier thing for a girl
10 stand up straight; letting the
shoulder carry the bulk of lighter
weights; and the hip carry their
share of heavier weights,"
Mis Haagensen looks for more
common sense In all of the style
for th futre, due to th wider parti
cipation of women In outdoor exer
cise. OFFER 13,1J iivijcs
LONDON, March ' 2. (A. I) At
th wool auction sale today 11,174
bales were offered. The continent and
the home trade were buyer of free
wools at prices which were either un
changed or easier. Government wools
were frequently withdrawn,
Name "Bayer" on Genuine
Warning! Unless you sea th name
"Bayer" on package or on tablets you
are not getting genuine Asphin pre
scribed by Physicians for twenty-one
years and proved safe by mllllonsj
Take Aspirin only as told In the Bayerl
rackae for Colds, Headache, Neural
gia, Rheumatism, Earache. Toothache,
Lumbago and for Pain. Handy tin
boxes of twelve Bayer Tablets of As
pirin cost few cents. Druggists also
sell larger packages. Aspirin Is the
trade mark of Bayer Manufacture of
Mbnoacetlcacldester of Sallcyllcacld. .
" You measure the value of your motor car by ita
power to travel hard and fast; its strength to bear Up
under hard usage and its capacity to go and keep go
ing. These have always been Buick qualities and
are again dominant features of the , new Nineteen
Twenty-one Buick Series. ,
With all their strength and stamina, these new
Buick models are cars of striking beauty. There is
comfort, too, in their modern refinements and roomi
ness. Authorized Buick Service guarantees your satis
faction wherever you go.
Oregon Motor Garage
, Distributor.
t ; fhon 468
SYDNEY, X. H. W.. Mar. I. (A.
f.l Pleas io.- an Increase population
to keep Auxtra (a "white" were ed
in uiltiress tcdny by 1'remler W. M.
lljgho of At.Mralla.
"Hoiwt yon? country, remain tlmr
a :'d bring Mbtrs," he said.
n -llun Australians already hers cun
not nainth-.n u whit Auatral'a. W
should go about justifying our i ritis
of v titfiihl Ip In this Australia if
cost of EiiRrrrr.-; fkekftirnt
WASHINGTON! March !. Expeo
dltures In the campaign to elect in
president aggregated llO,J38,Sn, the
senate committee reported. - Th re
publican candidate and organisation.
spent IS. 100,000 and the democratic
12,237.770. .
''Man may work from sun fo sun,
but woman's work Is never done." In
order to keep the home nut and at
tractive, Die children welt dressed and
tidy, women continually overdo and
suffer in silence, drifting along from
bad to worse, knowing full well that
they need help to overcome the pains
and aches which dully make life a
burden. ' Lydia E. I'lnkham' Vege
table compound Is a medicine with
specific value which overcomes many
of the worst forms of female com
plaints, as th letter constantly being
published In this paper will prove.
A Pre sarattofv of
(Ov jr. &
124-123 E. Webb Pendleton, Ore.
tamt Old FMntitar take la ex dung as part payment om new.