East Oregonian : E.O. (Pendleton, OR) 1888-current, March 01, 1921, DAILY EDITION, SECTION TWO, Page PAGE NINE, Image 9

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    If ,s ' '
WABiriNUTON, March l.-(U, P.)
When Charles Hwom, I'renldent Wll
un' stenographer, f lrxplly publishes
Mr book on an flight years' association
with the mun molit prominent In the
World', ay (luring that time, an Inti
mate, personul hlntory of the World
War, It cause and It effect -will be
added to the world' literature.
That auch a book will eventually be
published haV been admitted by the
quietly efficient matter of the curie
que of shorthand, but he very defin
itely mated that no uch book would
appear un the market for several
A trutf
hair grower
Swan proof of htr growth aftef bJ4
aeta, Amasto(reportaefiefloaofaMi
of KotalkathiitopplogloMof balr,et '
eamlof daadruff, eooqaerto; beldnea. ,
Her' the blrest offer la U world
at Koulko. If it doeral do all jam
expect, ret Toar mooey-beckl Forget
put bad tuck with your kalr. Tht it
ooMthlnc dtfforocL Get a small bos of
KOTALKO at any buy druggist's.
GuanutM and direction with tii boa, ,
Show font friend tbl mdtmHttmmt,
year and until all possible objection'
of President Wilson ha been obvlaited.
. Publisher have not been slow to re
alise, the Importance of Kwem'i per
sonal ucijiialntance with the PrcHldent
and have mude flattering offer. Even
the compilation of the letter, which
the Prealdent wrote during the event
ful duy of 19 1 T and' 1918 In book
form,- with a bit of explanation by
Swem about tho circumstance which
called fur the letter would be a most
Valuable commentary on action taken
.by th administration which are .now
little understood bythe public.
In the nioH of material, which
Swem In now packing up for hi depar
ture about March t for Chicago, where
he will take up hla old position with
the Gregg Publishing Comiiany, which
he held before he became the Presl
dnnt' stenographer, la a Mack of note
book about three feet high containing
practically -all the correspondence 01
Pridcnt Wilson dictated for the pom
eight year. ' These will form the basis
for, Rwem'i book when he finally de
cide to give hi remlniseensc to the
NEW TOItrC, March X. (IT. P.)
Tex llickard ha announced that the
Dempney-Carpentler fight will be held
July 2. The site for the big bout wax
BT H UK fly fa. FARREU, '
(United Pre Staff Correspondent.)
NEW YORK, March 1. It a soft
life for the boxing commission. Ye
everyone think o but the commls
sloncr. Good Mate money I paid out Iti
large gobs' to the men who co the tin
eared boxer and their (ometlme tln
bratned managers walk straight.
This I a twelve-hour day Job, how
ever. According to Commissioner
Walter Hooko. Ilooke I the official
chair warmer of the commission be
ing around the handHomcly flttca
quarters most of the time.
"We, are auppoHed to know every
thing about boxing and do everything
connected with boxing," Mooke said.
''Someone called up a few minute ago
and wanted to know how many mili
tates the second round had gone when
Bob FlUslmmon knocked out Tom
Sharkey at Coney Inland. Another
lady wanted to know why they used
only three strand of rope around the
Hundred of call come to the com
mlHxioner asking for assurance That
It "would be perfoctly afe for a woman
to attend-the boxing show. Borne of
them have heard such terrible thing
about "prize fight.'' ;
Hardly a minute In the day hut
what the mahogany benche In1 the
waiting room re occupied with hatter.
p-V . mpm . s FT
lew V
For. March 1921
Number ' . v
45215 A Younur Man's Fancy
, j Roses of Memory s.
-4. . ' -. ...
45216 I Have a Dream
I Cannot Sing the Old Songs
35705 Gems from "Jimmie"
Gems from "Honey Girl"
18723 Down by the O-HI-0
Marimba (Sweet Marimba Mine)'
18724 Rose of My Heart
1 . Olive Kline
Lambert Murphy
' t- Merle Alcock
Merle Alcock
Victor Light Opera Company
Victor Light Opera Company
Billy Murray-Victor Roberts
Billy Murray
Size Price
10 $1.00
10 1.00
When I Looked in Your Wonderful Eyes
John Steel
, John Steel
187251 Used to Love You But It's All Over Now
Henry Burr and Peerless Quartette
Dolly (I Love You)
18726 Beautiful Annabelle Lee
18727 Medley of Irish Jigs
Medley of Irish Reels
Peerless Quartette 10 .85
Charles Hart-Elliott Shaw .
Sterling Trio
John Kimmel
Patrick J. Touhey
18718 Biddy Fox Trot
The Benson Orchestra of Chicago
Somebody Medley One-Step The Benson Orchestra of Chicago
18719 Honeydew Medley Waltz
Honeydew Medley One-Step
18721 Rosie Medley Fox-Trot Paul
Honolulu Eyes Medley Waltz P.
Joseph C. Smith's Orchestra
Joseph C. Smith's Orchestra
Whiteman and His Orchestra
Whiteman and His Orchestra
-Broadway Rose Medley Fox Trot . Original Dixieland Jazz Band
Sweet Mamma Medley Fox-Trot Original Dixieland Jazz Band
64927 Thoughts of You , ;
64928 John Peel " V
74667 Interludium in Modo Antico
64929 When Chloris Sleeps
65933 Mefistofeie Dai campi, dai prati
74660 Berceuse (b) Valse du Ballet Raymonde
88627 Sampson et Dalia Printemps qui "commence
: , .; ' . . . . n
64930 Lassie o' Mine , . - ;
64932 Nina . " '
64926 The Next Marktt Day (b) A Ballynure Ballad
Frances Alda
Emilio de Gogorza
Fonzaley Quartet
Amelita Galli-Curci
John eMcCormack 10
74668 Symphony in E Flat Major Menuetto
. , Toscanii
74669 Symphony in E. Flat Major Allegro
, Toscanii
64931 Colleen o' My Heart ' ,
10 .85
10 .85
10 .85
10 .85
10 1.25
; 10 1.25
12 . 1.75
10 1.25
10 1.25
1 1.75
12 1.75
10 1.25
10 1.25
10 1.25
12 1.75
12 1.75
10 1.25
rug Co.
i Dr. James Rowland Ansell.
heed of the Carnegie Foundation,
is- tba nw ptestdent of Yalo
ed faced, tln-earcd group, of hllih
flnuncier. Borne of them are looking
for HcetiHe opening the door to pros
perity, other are there to complain.
One little bantam recently wanted
the rommMon to collect six dollar
that a former manager hud owed him
for four year.
"What wa the nix dollars " he Was
"My cut of de purse," hanwered.
"What do you get now for boxing?"
' "Oh, I wuz dragsin' down about a
thousand for awhile but thing is
klnda slack lnce de 'blue-lawer cut
the ticket price. I ain't doin' nothln
right now and there aint no union
wage fur that." ,
Then there are the peeved fan. -They
buy ticket for a good Beat.
They get a bad one and they want the
commission to get their money back or
suspend the club. There are tlie fans
who bet three dollar on a boy who
lost a "bum" decision and they want
the conr.nlHslon to have the referee
and the judge shot at sunrise.
The arena are too cold for some
and stifling hot for others. The com
miflsion should attend to those things.
The light Is too poor for some to nee,
it Is blinding in Its glare for other.
Then thefe are the friends who have
frlonds that have a relative who -wants
some kind of a job with the commis
"He'd like to become a referee, that's
a good job with little work and nig
lay, ltn't Is?-' one of these pluggers
plugged fcr a friend recently. .
"Has sht tad any experience?" -
"Well, not exactly, but she'.s young
and ambitious and pick up thing
lawfully quick."' '.
The commissioner might have tota
him that it wasn't the duty of referee
to pick up things in the ring but, he
didn't v -
lake It Iti Time !
know that bv Jar the larger number of the common M
MONTB'IDfiO, ' March ' .1. The
I United States should not only be right
I in Its conduct toward South Central
I American republics but should seem to
be right. Dr. J. A. Uuero, foreign min-
I lster of Uruguay, told North American
correspondents in an Interview the
(other day.
Dr. Buero made this statement
when asked hy the correspondents
concerning the prejudice reported to
exist in South America against the
United States because of actions ta
ken at various times in regulating the
I affairs of some of the less stable re
publics in the tropic sone.
"Uruguay," he replied, "thorough-
Ily .understands the United States and
the reason for its actions. Howevei-,
I some of the nations that have had dif
ficulties with the United States may
not understand the. North American
I position. Furthermore, there are a
I number of agitators throughout South
America willing to play Upon the
I minds of the people to Influence them
(against North America and make'
them believe that the great northern
republlo Is actuated by a spirit of aggression.
"Therefore permit me to suggest in
the interest of American solidarity
and universal good will among Amer
ican republics that the United States
I not only be but seem to be right In its
dealings with South and Central Am
erlcan republics. .The fact and the
I appearances should coincide."
Discussing the League of Nations.
Dr. Buerto declared that without
North America it tould not be, a suc
cess. It could not do without the
physical, moral and financial sunuort
lor mat nation, he said. ... s
Dr. Buero was asked whether h
l-clleved that a Tan-American League
JWnrs of women are not surzical ones; that is they are .
not caused by any serious displacement, tumor, growth, or other '
marked change ? '; v . ' , .
DO you know th3? these common ilments produce symptoms
that are very much like those, caused bv the more serious
surgical conditions?. v
DO you know that many women and young girls suffer need
lessly from such ailments? More than that, they endanger '
their health by allowing their ailments to continue and develop
into something serious. '
If treated early, that is, within a reasonable time after the first warning
symptoms appear, serious conditions may often be averted. Therefore, at the
first appearance of such symptoms, as periodic pains, irregularities, irritability
and nervousness, Lydia E. Pihkham's Vegetable Compound should be taken.
It is prepared with accuracy and cleanliness from medicinal plants. It con
tains no narcotics nor poisonous drugs, and can be taken with perfect safety.
The Vegetable Compound acts on the conditions which bring about these
symptoms in a gentle and efficient manner, he persistent use of it shows
itself in the disappearance, one after another, of the disagreeable symptoms. "
In a word, Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Compound acts as a natural rcstora,
twe, relieving the present distress and preventing more serious trouble. .-
Why .not give a fair trial tp this medicine .', ,
on the line proposed by President
Brum of Uruguay was incompatible
with the League of Nations. " , .
"Most certailnly I do not,' he re
plied. "The Americas, if they wish to
retain the world influence that is com
ing to them must hare an American
solidarity. Before a meeting of the
League at Geneva the America should
hold a meeting of their own. to deter
mine the policies that the Americas
desire and by presenting a solid front
to make their Influence felt much
more powerful.
"There is. however," continued the
foreign minister, "one great drawback
to this much desired solidarity of the
American people. It i the terrier of
language. For economic and political
reasons the public schoolB in both the
United ; States and Latin-American
countries ehould teach both English
and Spanish. The universities of Uru
guay have already begun to do so. The
United States, I fear, has not yet
thoroughly appreciated the import
ance of doing this." - '
OF OWN ice
probably make him the oldest teach
er. In t.le state from the point of ser
vice. Ills first pupils err old nn
and women now. ' j
' ll'.a final leave of the profession
tc which he has been so faithful, was
made known to the University of Ore
gon in a lector from him In. which he
said, he would not be at , summer
school this year and had quit teaching
for good. J
KPne. Mar., 1. W. L. Reynolds, of Bu
ena Vista, Oregon, after forty-five
years bf consecutive teaching, has left
the xchool room at last mdisavs he
will never teach again. Nearly , half
century of uninterrupted pedagogy,
Catarrh Is a local disease Patty Influ
enced by eomtltutinnal eendluon.
HALL'S CATAKKB flicuii.1.
Tonic and Blood PurtW. By clenlng
the blood and building up the System.
normal condition and allow Nature l
do it -work. ' . , M'
AU Druggist. Circular free. '
F. i. Cheney It Co, Toledo, Ohio.
j uu pretty ceiia coat is maa
of Mack satin or army crepe de,
V 1 . . . v '
viiibv. ii cm aiier tae manner)
of grownups coats dolman effect,
with embroidery motila eandi
'imotklur, as triomtas,.
American Legion 1921
You will cease to be a Legion membej: if your dues are un
paid. If you are not already a member, now is your time to
join. Plans are under way to provide Pendleton Post with
one of the finest homes in the West. Join the Legion imme
diately, in order to take advantage of this opportunity.
Pendleton Post is making special dispensation and will not
drop service men who pay up this week..
Yearly Dues $2
- -j