I k j I X .rAGS CIX DAILY EAST OREGONIAN, EENDLETOH, OREGON, T"gPY EVmi0' 11 , ' , ,,' l.,.- . . . ..... . ... .' ' . . W ' ' 1 ! TWELVE PACE3 Social and Club News cn-t'n m organized. The "Jolly Xln" Is the nm tho sen (or dub formed lam night at the horn of Mm. Thomas Robertson, ly the rusrds of Friendship Circle No. 2. The club will bo for the pur- of talking over floor work of the ort. The member are. lira, Gro tr Trayler, Mra. Robertson, Mr. Kd ger Thoniion. Mra. fcarah Catching, Ml. K. INoreen. Mra, F. Frailer, Mra. JJ. A. Ferguson. Mra. Tilly Waller and Mra. Anna MoConnell. Tho next ttue'lng will l at tho home of Mra. 3'rayler. V1R1TED WITH SISTER. Mra. C. A. Bunhnell left last tilght ifor her home at Seattle after a visit of several day with her atater. Mra. Prvllle Q. Reeves. On her trip to Pen dleton Mra. Hushnell waa accompan ied by her mother, Mra, Hugh Ilerron f Corvallla, who will visit here until n hool la out jurh. nowMAV rctuxs. I Mra. Turl Bowman arrived home this morning; from Portland after pending two weeka with her son Robert? who la attending; Hill Mili tary academy, and her two sisters, Mra. Warren Abbott and Mra. Crls An IX HONOR OF MRS. 8AWTRIXK. i Honorific Mra. Royal M. Sawtelle, who ia wuiii to leave Pendleton, Mrs. K'lixn (l Hnnrt and Mra. Charles Rand will be hosiesses tomorrow afternoon for an Informal sewing party, fluents have been asked to the home of Mrs. Charles Uoml. OTMREE WILL MEET. The liegree of Honor will hold us regular business meeting tomorrow afternoon at 1:80 In the I. O. O. F. hall Memlwrs and visiting memoers nave been asked to attend. MRS. SCHWARTZ ILL. Mra. Sarah Schwarta Is very 111 at the home of her daughter, Mra. Charles Peacock, S0 Garden street. X. OF W. TO MEET. Neighbors of Woodcraft are to meet this evening at the Eagle-Woodman hall. D. A. R. TO MEET The coming visit of Mrs. John Keat ng, state regent of the Daughtera of the American Revolution, will be dis cussed at a meeting of tho Vmatllla chapter tonight at 7:50 at the home of Mrs. Stephen A. Lowell, formerly re cent of the chapter. The year of 1921 BOFF'S CFSTAIKS SHOP SPRING IS REFLECTED IN THE Easter Modes Every woman or miss who looks forward to wearing be coming New Apparel upon that, occasion will revel in the gorgeousnes3 of the modes in our extensive pre-Easter show ing Suit, Wrap Frock, Blouse, Petticoat. Is especially Important In the history of the I. A. R. In thla state, a It marks the twenty-fifth anniversary of the founding In this state. Chapters In the state celebrated the founding on Washington's birhday. Febtruary 22. VISITS IN CITY. Mrs. Iota Warner and Mlsa Ruth Resler of Pilot Hock, ore visitors here today, VISITORS IN CITY. Mra. Claude draff of Spokane and Mm Kin mil Dm hum of Loa Angeles huve arrived In Pendleton to visit with ihetr aiRter Mra. Kllanbclh Moore wno Is very 111. WIU- MEET THURSDAY. Mra 1. I" Rrhnrnf and Mrs. F. A. IJeunllnn will be hostesses for the Re search Club which will meet Thura- day afternoon at the home of Mrs. Scharpf at 312 Martin street. HOSTESSES FOR MEETING Mrs. W. B. Main. Mrs. Mary Iisos- way. Mrs. Minnie Stllman, Mrs. a R.i Thompson, Mra. J. H. Raley, Mrs. Emily Isaacs, Mrs. Minerva Morse, Mr. tr I ttmlth and . Mrs. Nettie Whetstone, are hostesses for a meet-1 in of the Pioneer Ladies Club at tne county library this afternoon. JEWEL CLUB TO MEET. Th Jewel Club will meet tomorrow nwr for one of Its charming dances which have been enjoyed during the past social season. Hostesses ror me evening will be Mrs. A. H. Wendt. Mrs. Phin, Mrs. Stroble, Mrs. Jving Mrs. Nelson and Mrs. Newton. ,iim w t TOTT VISITS xiiu M.iriA Klliott. of Portland. Is a visitor In the city at the home of Miss Agnes Martin. Mlsa Elliott, who re antiv amuluated from Reed College, is a musician of considerable talent and recently, appeared In recital In Portland. ' Ranch Eggs 35c Dozen Sauer Kraut in bulk, quart ; , 20c Midget Sweet Pickles,- pint 4oc . Dill Pickles, each .. . jc Spanish Olives, pint c Bulk Macaroni, 2 pounds 2oc Ranch Eggs, dozen i Country Butter, 2 pounds ?1.00 Sun-Maid Raisins, package 30c Imperial Coffee, first quality, pound 40c Bulk Coffee, pound ...... 2oc Creme Oil Soap, 12 bars J5c Eastern Oysters, pint ' Grand Ronde Potatoes, 100 pounds. .. . $2.25 Gray Bros. Grocery Co. THREE f HONES QUALITY TWO YOUNG AMERICANS MISS WINER HONOREI?. Honoring Miss lxrene Hoffman, who Is leaving Pendleton for Califor nia, a group of Pendleton' young set w- ' nle-M a" inrel tA1. at the lorna of Miss Hoffman' lu, .. ..r. jam ri nvtiinr was sDent In games and in th. sar-inir of refreshments, the entertainment being arranged by the Loyal Daughters of the t nnsuan church of which Miss Hoffman Is a member. She is leaving the first or next week to spend the summer In California and much regret is im pressed by he rfrlends her depar ture. QfEB TAYLOR HARDWARE CO. NEW BOOKS JUST RECEIVED. A Fit Companion for a Pleasant Evening. Read THE mXDS OF CHANCE LJLNMcLEAN WAIF-O-THE SEA THE HEART OF THUNDER MOUNTAIN THE WAY OF THE EAGLE THE LAW BREAKERS THE GUN BRAND STILL JIM THE PRAIRIE WIFE BIG TIMBER THE MAID OF THE FOREST THE NIGHT RIDERS THE OUTLAW THE WAY OF THE STRONG BELTANE THE SMITH 4XT THE STORY OF THE FOSS RIVER RANCH f THE GIRL FROM KELLERS . and hundreds of other GOOD titles all priced at lonrs DRUG E lLM afWES WTEB DEATH it fir ....... WASHINGTON, Mar. 1. The Bur neu bullock probably Is the only anl- moi uhirh continues after death to serve as a means of transportation. Alive1, he patiently hauls a cart on "the road for Mandalay," dead, his Inflated hide takes to the water as a craft, much favored for crossing riv ers. Traffic experts of the National Geo graphic Survey have discovered this k i.-,.. ..... in r ns!inrtiitim econo mics Is a study prompted by the use of that highly modem beast 01 oura on. the cataplllar tractor, to suppls KA T antra KlV-b exDedltton In north ern Greenland. They wanted to see what remained In the world of the oldest known methods of getting men and their baggage over .the grouna. These are some of the survivors they found: ' ' ' , i. .rar "Sunday RO-to-meet- in vehicle of negrp farmers in North Carolina, Georgia and Manama. Pog milk wagon haulers In Bel gium and dog team and 'ndefr . ilmmt. ' exclusively In ... k...i Artln and parts or in, iiivH-uuu,.- - "inTmlla, the camel wagon, of "sch ooner type," the humped ox and the elephant ' . , bnrk of man bal ancing a divided burden on a springy pole acioss a trolling cuun cori,K, of the Philippines, dozing its idle hours away submerg ed to the nostrils In a swamp. The man propelled Jinrikisha of 0a pan and. lately, the jlnrikmobile. ,!. h.niiinr n of Ceylon. of South Africa. Tms lackrabbit burro of western miring prospectors of Mexico and South and Central America. cuiit. in the sandy marshes of the Ijandes region of Franco and The much sting gondolas oi num. . Ice. SAIL SEARCH WEALTH NEW YORK. Mar., 1. (A. P.) Two young Americans sailed from thla port today for South America to search for a vast store of wealth sup posed to He in the "cnimney oi me diamond denosits of British Guiana. At Georgetown, the capital of the Bri tish possession they will be Joined Dy a third adventuresome American who has out-fitted In Parts. The expedition Is under the pat ronage of Harvard University and the Rmlthsonian Institute of Washington, for which It will carry on geographl ri oTnlnrstlnn. William J. LaVurie. Jr. a rraduate of 1919. heads the Par ty and his fellow explorers are James IMacDonald, of Uma, umo, ana uua- 1 1 - - - C..ln..l nl .4 If.M Th 1V i ley Lewi8 H pii iueioi, . - ..w 'expect to spend more than a year in the jungle. Beside an attempt to follow tne scattered deposits of precious stones several hundred miles through tang led, reptile infested wilderness to their source, long known to exist some where In the hill country, but never discovered, the expedition will take the country, aa well as capture speci mens of native wild animals for the Smithsonian Institute. Before his departure on the Brazil Ian steamer Uberaba, Mr. LaVarre out lined details of the .adventuresome project. Though still In his twenties the young explorer has accompanied thru sTnodltlnna tn South and Central America, including a difficult mission into the heart of the Andes. After provision are provided at Georgetown, the expedition will board u canoe houseboat with a crew of a dozen to twenty oarsmen and labor- ers, and begin Its Journey up the Essequibo River, passing out or tne area settled by white men In a few days paddling. After that it will pene ttate the tropical Jungle entirely on Its own rescources. Establishing headquarters In the rralrla Country 170 miles up the Max- nriinl River, which empties into the VaaAnnttMv th dtAmond hunters will begin work on the alluvial lands bord ering streams on . the eastern water shed of the Sierra Pacaralma Moun tains which separate British Guiana from Venezuela. , The area In which the expedition will operate has been known since the middle of the last century as a ilch diamond field, although Its inac cessibility and the prevalence of tro pical diseases have served to discour age prospecting by white men. Thou sands of carats of the gems, said to be as fine as any In the world, however, ire taken out annualy by negro mm FOREVER FREE f "ATS H M A lliiixlrrtht of people arc as tonished ami delight! with the quirk nd I'KKMANKJiT relief tliejr have received front lite use of our wonderful new discovery, Asthma-Kcr. Asthma and Hay-Fever, with all their torture, may now be BANISHED FOHKVKlt. Tear out tills annouiicenient and send at once to R. M. B. IABORATORIFS 81 Ala-ska Blclg., Seattle, Wn. ers employing primitive methods. "Somewhere near every spot where diamonds are found in considerable numbers there must be a 'chimney'," exolalned Mr. LVarre. "There Is no telling definitely -where the Guiana chimney is located, but we mean to find It and are basing out expectations on more than speculation. Study of data collected by other explorers and prospectors, aa well as my own ob servations, indicate that It Is within a' certain area near the Venezuela bor der." He added that the quality of stones tal-en from the vtclnltv where his nar- ly will work points to a 'chimney as rich or richer man tnose or me souin African diamond fields. AnimnU whteh will he tnken for the Washington Zoological garden Include tnnirit nlenters. In ir u am and mon keys, as well as a variety or tropicui ones. OCLEHHATKN HKIt BIRTHDAY DOORN. 'March 1. A. P.) While former Empress Augusta Victoria. ihmurh in imuroved health, was con fined to her room Sunday, her fortieth For Sale Alfalfa Seed Beardless Barley Corn, Rolled Barley, O&ts UMATILLA FLOUR & GRAIH CO. Fhoo 1014-351 INFORMATION IS COIXECTET PARIS. March 1. (A. P.) The league of nations council has not tak en cognizance of the Panama-Costa Rlcan conflict. The secretariate of the league of nations, however. Is col lectlng all Information available. Spring Displays Wrappy, .Coats Are demanded this season by the discriminatinsr shop pers. Our wrappy coats are fashioned in all the new., rich materials and are charmingly distinctive. VV e. extend a cordial invitation to you to call while our displays are at their best Early buyers have the largest variety from which to choose. The Thomas Shop wedding anniversary waa celebrated by a banquet for the workmen on tha estal and religious services attended by the former emperor and former rovnrlnce. ' , MOflllBffi For Expectant Mothers Used By Tisee Geierat:oiis warn m sookut BersiaHOOS na an, m luifiiu Imkutos Co, Dirt. VB. ATUSU, 04, MOTHER AND DAIXiHTKR DOlii WKUj "Mother and myself, taking the ad vice of some kind friends, are taking Mayr's Wonderful Remedy for bad stomach and liver trouble and bloating The medicine Is rightly and well nam ed 'Wonderful' for afich It la. It has certainly done wonders for us both." It Is a simple, harmless preparation that removes the catarrhal muoua from the Intestinal tract and allays the inflammation which causes practically all stomach, liver and Intestinal ali ments, Including appendicitis. One dose will convince or money refunded. Druggists everywhere. Kilh.That ColdJYith cascaraM quinine roa CMs, Coifks OMv AND La Grippe Neglected Colds are Dangerous Take no chances. Keep this ttandatd remedy handy for the Brat aneese. Break op a cold In 24 hours Relieve Grippe In $ dajrt Excellent lor Headache Quinine in this form does not affect tha head-Cascara Is beat Tonic Laxative No Opiate In HSl'a. . . ALL DRUGGISTS SELL IT Sellers Kitchen Cabinet if fop? .'is. I -J J uu rem HkRRJS CHAPUN -FOLLY Of THE STORM COUWTICy of Pendleton jaj,MEMEiiNaa "rgDERAI. BBSBRVrT Offers an unexcelled banking service to In dividuals and corporations; transacts a general banking business and maintains special departments with facilities of the highest character. PENDLETON, OREGON I'' ' ' -.i.,..t-.-- -y,' "h ., N llll SI : -. r - .in See How It Works . - No more standing on chairs and lifting heavy bags of flour dangerous work for women. This Sellers Automatic Lowering Flour Bin 'does away with all that. It has been pronounced the most important improvement in kitchen cabinet design. 15 IMPORTANT IMPROVEMENTS The Sellers has 15 of these important improve ments and refinements never.before combined in any cabinet , ..... . .. s ; 'There is the Automatic Base Shelf Extender the Du'st-Proof Base Top underneath the Sanitary Por celiron Work Table; the Ant-Proof Casters; the sci entific arrangement which places every article at your fingertips. . . . - v CRAWFORD FURNITURE CO. 103 E. Court St. Pendleton, Ore. Phona 496 AUCADK TOO 4