East Oregonian : E.O. (Pendleton, OR) 1888-current, March 01, 1921, DAILY EDITION, Page PAGE TWO, Image 2

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    ticz two
PENDLETON AGENTS FOR Butteriek Patterns and Publications, Pictorial Patterns, Caihartt Overalls, Hart Schaffner & Marx
Clothes far Men and Boys, Ivnox Hats Phoenix Hose, Manhattan Shirty. - The best for the price, no matter what the price.
I- -J-' 5 ! -' i
1 . 'i f '
L :
h i
Who is
Looks it.
Your appearance
i n f I u e nces your
progress. Clothes
don't make the man
they help him
make himself.
It's a part of our
v a service to help you
- j :i-
matte an advanta
geous choice, and to
that end we now
oner- our new
spring stocks
stocks selected with
experience and care
from the best rec
ognized clothing
Suits at $23.00
And every price to
v $67.50 1
Spring Top Coats
And every price to
and each a real val
ue at its price.
Mwayi jtincyri
Herring, Holland,. 10 lb.
' kegs, each $1.75
Bloaters, fat fish,
each 10c
Codfish, absolutely
boneless, lb '33c
Salmon, kippered,
lb. 35c
Apples, cooking,
box , 75c
Itheubarb, fresh,
lb. 33c
Cauliflower, lge. heads,
each 30c
Spinach lb. 10c
Australian Jam,
2 cans 25c
Cooked Ham, Bacon,
Dried Beef, Sliced to
your order. ;
The freshest and best
vegetables arrive every
Beautiful Blouses That Breathe of
Spring. .
Nor style blouses
for better wear oc
casions would bo
hnrdlyx expected to
full Into the melior
ate price class; b-.it -tlmt
18 just what
'those now models
have done, nml It
makes them all the
mora desirable, and
none the less hand
Hine, becaura of
their little cost.
They are creati
ons of fine nots, ,
white pongees, silks,
Georgette: crepes,
crepe de chinos,
mtlns and many
others iluinty wuist
Inira. they all have
the no Plena in
sleeves, shupea of
colliirs ami ileeoru
tions. The colors
ore white, flesh,
navy, pule uznre,
matjie, gold. pink
and ull the now
Spring season tol-ora.
Hemstitching and 1'lcot work. W
have now enjnured expert operator
to'hniulln our homstltchlng macltln
-l -
Lot , Ulork 1, Jaiiihs Addition to Pen.
dleton: them-e 3b0 feet north ni par.
ullel with the west lino of Grang '
Htreet; thenee 2DU feet east lllnng the
south line of l.ewla Rtreet; thence
Holith 8B feet and parullel Wltn tn
rust line of Graniio atreot; 4hn wost
and ar. prepared to JhZ
Prieed from $5.75 to $25.00
Shirting Madras, a
yard 46c
Fine madras shirtings of
good quality, St. inches
wide: neat striped shirt
ing patterns. Our regu
lar prk on this doth was
7c a yard. .
An I'nustial Value nt a
Yard 46V.
Good Quality Long
Cloth, Yd. 33c
An excellent quality J.ons
Cloth, 3ti inches wide; the
soft finish and duraole
quality make It Ideal for
lingerie and underwear.
A Splendid
yard 35c.
promptly uttended to,
and be convinced.
Singer tiiiig Machlno Co,
HO li. Court St.
KKKOIAeX). thut a copv of thl
resolution together with, a nqtlea. that
the aurveyor'restininte of the propqr
tlm of the cost Of said worH J be
charged against rath M, part of lot
and parcel of land U on file In the of
flee nf the City Uecorder, l publish
ed for a purled r ton days In the Kaxt
Oregonlun n-hlclt newspaper Is hereby
dslnated by the Common Council
for the publication thereof.
And nutlet Is further g.wn that the
NitU of lla for Hewer Construotkm
Notice IK hereby given that acnleq!
Olds will be received at the office ot
the City Recordor in Pendlntnn dregon j
an to 5. o'clock p. m. on March 2nd .
i21 for the construction of a Sewei
Cxiension on Ash Street III The City
.if I'umlloton. Grerun. Commenolmt
U the M in hole at the Intersection of: Surveyors estliiiat of til cost of laid
Ash street and Railroad street, and improvement to be assessed against
running north 340. feet on Aah Stroet. leach It. part of IM and parcel of
Plans and specifications tor said aewer I Uand on account of said Inlprovement
in be seen ut the office of the City I Is now on file in the offlt o of the City
Surveyor In the City Hall at Pendleton llecorder, subject to inspection. Done
Oregon, each bid must be accompanied i and dated ut Pendleton Oregon this
hy a certified check of 10 per cent of.
the amount of Hie bid made payable
to theorderof the Mayor of thj City ot
Pendleton, to be returned to the bidder
if unsneteayful, and to be forfeited if
the bid Is accepted and the blddor fails
to enter Into a contract In acco'dance
with the terms of his said bid. The
Common Council reserves the right to
reject any end all bldn at Its pleasure.
Dated .this lsth day ot February
City Recorder.
City Recorder.
Linen Finish Suit
ings, Yd. GOc
Colors of pink, blue nnd
tan. Thin material will be
very popular for sport
suits this spring. This
material Is S4 Inches wide
and you will like the qual
ity. Tim Price tiH Ix attract
ively low, a yard '.
New Spring goods
arriving every day;
here as often as you
It will pay you. . ,
This is the store with "a
conscience. We'll give you
the best we can for the
least we can.
(East Orcgonian BpeciaJ)
ECHO. March 1. C. H. Essektyn
of Lexington spent Saturday and Sun
day here at the home of his parents.
Mrs. Frank Hale, who has been in
Seattle several jveeks for- medical
treatment. Is still quite- ill. Mrs. Hale
Intended to have an operation per
formed soon, but the physicians, there
state that her heart is in too weak a
condition for her to undergo an op
eration for perhaps eleven or twelve
months, and that it will be necessary
for her to remain in that city some
time yet. - -
ilr. and Mrs. H. W. Drew, "Mrs. J.
Prank Waller, Mrs. A. H. May. Miss
Itetta Wilson. Miss, Gladys Wold and
Miss Helen Harrington attended the
teachers' Institute at Stanfield Satur
day. . t
Gaylord Madison was here on busi
ness from lower Butter Creek jionday.
now very busily engaged practicing
on an. annual high school play which
they expect to stage the middle or the
lattef part of March. The play" Is J
called "When a Man's single.
Mrs. W. W. Esselstyn 'returned
home Saturday evening from Walla
Walla where she was called by her sis
ter, Mrs. B. Harold, who, accompa
nied by her husband, was departing
for Rochester, Minnesota, for treat
ment with the Mayo Brothers.
Antone Cunha left Sunday for
Portland to Join hia wife who hn been
in that city about a week. While in
Portland, Mrs. Cunha expects to have
her tonstis removed.
Grant Duchana was here on busi
ness matters from Butter Creek Mon
day. . A. Haellor of Portland was)' tran
sacting business In Echo Monday.
Mr. and Mrs. Maurice Coe moved
into their residence recently purchased
from Mrs. Anna Boss, Sunday. The
house was formerly occupied by Mr.
and Mrs. Hoy Hale, who now occu
py the Georsre cottage opposite the
J. P. Bell home.
Joseph Cunha, Jr., was a business
visitor in Pendleton Saturday.
A special meeting of the Ladies Aid
Otis McCarty and Fred Buchanan
were among the Echo visitors from
Butter Creek, Monday.
Foster Martin of Dallas, Oregon,
spent, the week end with friends in
) Echo.
j Mr. and Mrs. Hugh Bell of Pendle
ton visited with friends here Sunday,
j . J. B. Savior shipped two carloads
of cattle to the Seattle markets Sat
urday evening.
G. E. Foust was here oa business
from I -a Grande Friday.
Mr. and Mrs. Allen- Mudge moved
into the residence formerly occupied
by Mr. and Mrs. Maurice Coe Satur
day. G. C. Butler of Hermiston was an
The highway survey on the Eeho-jwa held thi afternoon at the home
Butter Creek road was completed Hat- of Mrs. .C-Koontz.
urday. Work will probably be start-j Mrs. C. McCmlough Is still very in
ed on the grading sometime next 'at her home in Echo and her many
week. . friends are anxious to' see her re-
The Echo hieh school student are cover. -
Echo visitor Saturday.
BUTTE, March 1. (V. P.) When
three masked men entered the room
of a local hotel, where a poker game
was progressing,' the players thought
it was a Joke, but the affair lost its
humorous aspect when the trio gath
ered up 14000 in cash and Jewelry and
escaped. 1 ' ' ' '
- IP
Red Can
c u. m. PAT. OIF.
Hi J - -
'I IDhen ipti purchase f
I coffee look for this If
I figure on the I
I ' package I
1 It is our guarantee j
I of complete ' !
I: satisfaction I
PARIS, Mar. 1. (A. P.) Wages
in Budapest are only 15 to 20 times
higher than they were in 1914, writes
James A. Pedlow, the American Bed
Crour Commissioner to Hungary. The
cr.ftXcf living, however, Mr. Pedlow
PORTLAND, Marcl 1. (C P.)
The Oreson-Washington railroad will
lay off 700 men employed jn the local
shops afer today. The Spokane.
1 Pnrtlund nnH Kofiltlf rmiH will v itf
estimates at leasf 100 times higher) , cnl)love(I ln lhe Vancouver shop,
timn peven years ago. Xne c.lrt!L ... mrt(, , cnf.)rm in re-
duced expenses, officials declared. The
I shops will be operated with only
emerfgency crews for at least sixty
"The average yearly Income oi
5,700 city employes is 12,000 crowns,"
he states. "In many instances such a
salary is itistiifleient even to maintain
Logical, v
' '07 Tou are always behind In your
'S3 Well, you see, sir. It gives me
a chanco to pursue them. Collegiate
Slims Point That Way.
"Bob Is In love with Miss Toting
blood." "Did he tell you?"
"Nol but- he's got her photo hung
alongside the picture of his best dog."
-Detroit News.
XEWTOMK, Mar. 1. (A. P.)' In
tending to pass ueven years in the le
per -colony at Java, seven Salvation
Army missionaries left today fur ."an
Francisco, to sail March 4 for the
Duth East Indies, ' The party in
cludes six women and one man.
Parents Ask Annulment
. v. ' : ' t K , i
-A &
Notice f Street linirovment
Notlc ts hereby given that at a regu
lar meeting of the Common Council of
The City of Pendleton held at the
Council Chambers In Pendleton Ore
?on on February 3.1rd, 12I the fol
lowing Resolution was duly adopted;
WHBUBA9, the-Clty Surveyor of the
City of Pendleton did on the 13rd. day1
jof Fehriiary, W, under directions
nnd by requirement of the common
Council file In the office of the He
oorder of the City of Pendleton, plans
.mil specifications for an appropriate
Improvement pt the following; named
street In said city: v
Grange' street from the North Lin
of Court Street to the South Line of
Lewis Street, together with the estl-
nates of the work), to be done and the
probable eot.t thereof wltH a statement
of the pits, parts of lots and parccels
of land to be benefited by such Im
provement and the percentage of the
total cost t improvement, which each
of such lots, parts of lots and parcels
af land should pay on account of the
benefits to he derived front such Im
provement, and
WHEHEAW, the Council has ex
amined such plans and specification
and estimates and found the same sat
isfactory and the estimate therefor
to be In accordance with the probable
;wt of mich work, and,
WHHHBA8. the property recom
mended by the City Surveyor to be In
eluded within the boundaries of the
district benefited Is In the Judgment oi
the common Council properly to be
included within such Improvement Dis
trict and BO property u excluded
therefrom which should properly be
included therein, and
WHEHKAH, the Improvement of the
hereinabove described portion of
'irange Street either gravel Hltuilthic
pavement. Concrete pavement or W ar
renlte Bitullthto pavement on Crushod
rock or crushed gravel foundation Is
at this time necessary, therefore,' be It,
KESOLVED by the Common Coun
cil of the City of Pendleton that It Is
expedient to Improve and It Is hereby
proposed to Improve Orange 8tree
from the North Line of Court Street to
tho South Line of Lewis Street, by pav.
!ng the same with either gravel bltu
lithlc pavement or concrete pavement
or Warrenlte Hltuilthic pavement on
crushed rock or crushed gravel foun
dation; such pavement to Iw construct
ed und the surface thereof to be finish
ed upon-the -established grade of said
reet and the street to have curbs and
zutters and all other things In accord
ance with and as shown In the plans
nd specifications for the Improvement
of said portions of said Grange Wxeet
from the North Line of Court Btreet
to the South Line of Lewis Street, pre
pared by F. B. Hayes, City Surveyor,
filed with the Recordor of snld City on
the Sth day of December, 1920, which
said plans and specifications are here
by particularly referred to, and be It
RESOLVED that the Engineer's
estimates of the probable total cost of
such Improvement, which said City
Engineer's estimates was made and
prepared by F. B. Hayes, City Purveyor
of said City, in the sum of $5149.50
and was filed with the Recorder of
said City on the Sth. day of December,
1920, is hereby included and hereby re
ferred to particularly; and be it fur
ther KESOLVED that , the plans and
'peelficatlnns and 'estimates for such
improvement ns prepared by tho City
Surveyor and fild with the Recorder
of . the City of Pendleton on the 8tn.
day of December, 1921, be and they
are hereby adopted anfl approved, ana
bo it further
RESOLVED that the cost of mnking
such Improvement shall be a charge
and Hen upon nil lots, parts of lots ana
parcels of land to be benefited by such
Improvement, and the owners of auen
lots, parts of lots and parcels- of
land so specially' benefited by such Im
provement shall be liable, for the pay
ment of the costs thereof, and be It
RESOLVED that an Assessment Dis
trtct ts hereby created to he known as
"Assessment District No. 76" embrac
ing the property benefited and to be
assessed for the payment of such Im
provements, which Assessment Dis
trict shall Include all lots, parts of lots
r.nd parcels of land lying and being
within the district bounded and
described os follows, to-wlt: -
DOMTiptJon of Assessment District
Number 78. .
Tteyinn'nsr nt the southwest corner of
NOtlC'H 13 UK It Eli V OIVENT lhat
sealed bids and proposals' will bo re
ceived by the Common Council of Pen
dleton on and until March 1121 at i
o'clock P. M. for the Improvement of
LINCOLN HTHKKT from the North
I.'ne of Murk St. to the South Line of -Haley
Street, designated at IMPROVE
MENT DISTRICT NO. 74, with either
travel rtltullthlo Pavement, Concrete.
Pavement, or Wurremte Illtullthle
Pavement on crushed rock or crushed
gravel foundation In accordance with
Plans and Specification for mich lnw
.Movement now' on file Ih the Office
of the City Recorder of the City Ot
Pendleton. Oregon.
Ench bid must be accompanied by a
certified chock of five ner cent (S er
.entl of the total cost, payable to tho i
Mayor of the City of ' PenHleton, to bo
illumed, if the bidder Is unsuccess
ful snd to be forfeited on failure to en.
ter Into a contract in accordance with
the bid, If accepted.
Each bid must specify tlio prloo for
said improvement as fnllbwa: s
1000 an.. yd. of Hard Sur
face Pavement, Per one so,,
S0O I ft. of Concrete Curb,
Sirahtht, per one Un. ft.
18s. 90 cu. yds. of Dirt Exca
vation, per one cub. yd . . .f
ICS L. ft. of In. gal. Iron
pipe for: Six water con
nections from fvater. main
to one foot Inside tho Curb
line on East sisdc of Street.
Hath connection
S4 ft. of 14 In. gal. Iron plpo
for: Six water onmieetiomt
on West' side" of Street. .
Each connection f. ......
191 I. ft. 1 lp. vltr. sewer
pipe for: Fto aewer eosj-
nectlons from Main sewer
to I ft. Inside curb lino en
East sido of Street. Eaoh
connection ....... $......
10 Hn. II m In. v. Iron
pipe for: Two gao connec
Hons, from main to 1 ft. In-,
side f curb lino on East
side of Street. Euch on
nection ............... ..$. ....
TUft. lit In. "" Iron plpo
for: One gas connection on ill
West side of Street. Per
one connection
Total cost i
Rids must bo Med with tho City Re
corder on or before tho time nboyo
mentioned1. -"
Tho Commen Council reserve tho
right to rejoct any and all bids and
bids will bo opened by the Common
Council at the regular meeting thereof (
on the day herein above mentioned. '
Done and dated at Pendleton Ore
gon this 24 day of February, 1921.
City Reoorder.
" nwlnees First. ,
"Harry," exclaimed the blushing
maiden, "this declaration of love Is so
sodden that I hardly know what to
say. I was unprepared for It. It un
nerved me."
"I.was afraid U might," said the
young druggist, rising , with alacrity
from his knees, "and I brought with
me a bottle of my unrivalled nerve
tonic. This preparation, my darling."
he added, soothingly, an he took the j
bottle from his pocket, quickly .ex
tracted the cork, poured a quantity of
the medicine Into a spoon he had also
brought with him, "will allay any an
due excitement, tiulet the nerves, all.
digestion and restpr lost appetite, t
sell It at It . a hOUle. This ts a doso
for an adult. Take It, .dearest."
Houston Post, n
' Man
1 ' nt.tn.lu.
Dr. Lynn K4 Blakeslee
Chronic and ' Nervous ' Diseases and
Diseases of Women. X-Rar Electrlo
Temple Bldf. Room 11
Pbnno 41 '
- -j- u J.-1
Ji. Klmpson . Virgil Kerry
. Walla Walla Pendleton
Auto Freight Service J
lA-avcs Pendleton $ pi tn. 1 .
PerelMon PIhh 22K-W. '
Kr-r.nd Mrs. Arthur K. Hunson of Chicago have started an
action to f.nnul the marriage of their son Byron (Inset), 20-year-old
flint star, and Ma. Owoadolys 0, Uttuoa (abOY).' 6feo JItm t
1 COAL '
In Greater Demand and Satixfying More People
S sywt nay.
FOR 1 !