East Oregonian : E.O. (Pendleton, OR) 1888-current, February 28, 1921, DAILY EDITION, Page PAGE FIVE, Image 5

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PAC3 nvr.
Things You Don't Know Abou
People You Do Know.
People Here and There
A. It., Monroom, mm-kniim of Pilot
, Hock, la ntWitf (lis vlnltoin In rnille
ton toilny.
' 0. W, Hlitblw, a prominent ilock
biiyor of Numpa, IU&ho, In In Pen
rtlt'ton fur a fuw Uuys looking after
DuniriFH tntereHh).
J. W. TMirrlll, Echo warehouse mnn,
In ft biiHlni'm visitor In lvncllwon. He
will remuln here Devrrul duy be-fore
returning to hla home. '
Mr Flunk Chirred wn a Mhnpplnn
vlKlior In Pendleton yentnrday. Mm.
Onrrett mid her himlmml huve a ranch
boot four niilm from Helix.
0eifa Hliop on Court - '
Otto Xt'lKoii, Joml automobile me
(h&nlc, hill opened an auto repair nhof,
on eat Court and Hummer street.
A Ileenne to wed waa Jmurd flatur
day evenlntt to Arthur Lo Roy How
ard of Umatilla and Ida Muy Walker
of Pendleton. ,
C. J. Manning of Pilot Itock,
brought hla wife to Pendleton Bntur
day for treatment ut a local honpltal.
Hha lin been III for some time.
Henry Howe, volunteer fireman
and well known In Pendleton, hn left
for the 13, P. Marshall ranch, where
h will be employed during the um-
tner. ......
Vernlee Marr, rancher, la in Pen
dleton from Weaton Mountain. Mr.
Marr hn recently been farming In the
Anteloupe country but hna diapoaed of
hla pnipertv ami la now rontetnplutlrig
buying or renting In tho Weston dla-trlet.
Will ltiK-niimill liiMum".
County Judge I. M. tkhannen will
recommit a number or peraoim nd
JudRed Insane to the atatn owlum thla
afternoon -and tomorrow aa a result
of a recent law being declared tincon
Hlltutloival.. The law provided that a
Jimtlce of the peace may commit a
person totho asylum and waa recently
found to be uuconatltutlonal. Judge
Kchannep wilt recommit a number of
limune, (lernon wecently committed by
Justices of tho peace.
(Continued from pai?e 1.)
A, It. Itnlier'aon, Condon urn in man,
'. biiHineKH visitor in Pendleton
Hoturday. Jlr. iri.tN-rfxofi Is. a 1'ale
1 on inn and nmmifrthe rV-ofa of Ollllam
county k known aa 'Sandy. He re
cently ine an ndilresK "The Immortal
Mrmi.ryfc n( a HIk Hobby linrnx annl-vermn-y
dinner held by the Condon
Cnledonlaa Club. .
The reapomlblllty for tha -wreck
tvni placed on th ahotildera of l'mfl
neer long; of the Michigan flyer. K
amio:itloti of the block eyatem allowed
two blocka wera aet aftalnat him. The
fireman eald he aw the aixnala et
but the engineer failed to alow down.
Ixmg waa aplrlted nway by railroad
official following the wreck, In order
to protwt him gulnnt any demonatra
tion of rvlntWea and frienda of thoae
In the wreck. ,
DlHllllalo to Arrhc. '
A carload of dlatlllnte, ordered
through lh L'mntllla County Farm
liurenu la expected to arrive tomor
row for dlatrlbiitlon In Pendleton, '
Tough I.ui k for .lolm .
' John Chloupek, the aon of Mr. and
lira. It. 13. Chloupek, la apendlnfc his
aevontht birthday In lied today. John
while at play on Balurdny, fell off
board and broke hla loft arm above
the elbow.
.Mr. Kmart Una Accident.
Mra. Thomna Hmnrt. J01 College
street, la confined to her home on ac
count of Injurlee received when ahe
slipped and fell Saturday night. Al
though the Injurlea are painful, her
condition la not aerloua.
'.. ; :tf, 1
ft - ..
aMiiir1' '
9fm irj ir?
' i....
, '
r if ; 4...
I ". .
Here l the weddiiiK' of Ijiwrenco Kelly and llly .!ieen, 17-year-old
Akron Itll 1,- fnlao nltown above) at Denver, Colo city Jiill. Kelly tlumirlif he
wax.manyluK jHiilya JMmBUji UilydretUUAtjMntof .TexaWt -OLf itfhaplatn
Ooodbeiirl la shown performing the ceremony. , After tho weddnjc Dolly con
fed that she and Mildred traded ltV( names, aweethearta. friends and
jba when they met In Texaa last November Ami discovered their atrlklnft
lenemblancc. Kelly la now "In Jail In Colorado, on a forwVry charge. When
told of Imlly'a confession, whli h annuls the ceremony, Kell,v aald he loved her
end would wed her again when he la released. ' Dolly agrees. - ; "'
1 : i
2 , . - . - w
h . v ; ; n
g Come in and sec our stock of Granite
Ware wliich we are going to dispose of(9
g at cost. Come early and get your pick.'
g .... . . ..
The Economy Grocery
rhone 409 113 W. Webb ; Phone 109
I toad la Improved.
Fancho Htubblefleld, who operates
the atajje to Pilot Itock, saya that the
road la In much better condition than
it hua been for ruany montha In the
paat. The warm weather of last wfck
hua done muchNo dry out the road In
that region.
I tot urn from Weston.
J. C Kuhna, supervisor of the T'ma-
tllla National Forest, returned Patur
day evening from Weston where he at
tended a meeting of the advisory
board i.f the Weston and Snmmerville
Stockralwra' 'Aaanciatlon. Assess
ments were levied at the meeting.
bicycle but doesn't pedal Jt himself.
He hlrea a man to push it while He
steers. ' 1
Dentist Attend Clinic.
A number of dentists from Paker.
Pilot Itock. Hermlston, La '-Grande
and other cities of eastern Oregon-at
tended the dental clinic held in Pen
dletnn Sunflay afternoon. Irs. Ou
lick nnd Jones of Portland gave the
demonstrations. .
Italic Will Hog .
Mrs. Charles Hnynea. aiew clerica'
secretary for the Ited Cross, will be
gin her duties tomorrow. She will
work part time, t The home service
and relief work will be carried on by
social worker yet to be appointed.
MIks Virginia Todd, retiring home ser
vice nnd Red Cross secretary, wilt be
chapter aecretary.
Io TaxfH Hue. , .
Dog taxes are due on March 1, ac
cording to the police department and
unlesa the proper tasa are affixed to
(he canines they will be taken up. A
city wldfl campaign la to be institute
to round up all offending animals.
Ixlsc Xiglit" At Chim-h
Thursday night, March 3, has been
designated "'Lodge Night' nt the Chris.
Man church, aa all lodge membera In
the city will be aHked to hear f!ev. V:
A. Gressman'. evangelist. Kpeclnl music
a being plnnnel by Joseph N. ticott,
"holr leader. Tho "sermon will be
"Put on the Test." The special meet
ings will continue each night this week
except Saturday. Ijirge attendance,
both morning and evening marked the
lervieea Sunday. McDonald's orchea
da. gave good music which was grewlly
ippreeialcd. The isermon thia even
ing at 7:30 will be on the subject.
How tho Put the Devil to Flight."
Farmera to F.iaTimrt.
..West end farmera'are planning to
experiment 'with Irrigated, wheat, says
Fred Honnion, county agent. Dicklow
wheat, tho leading variety In Idaho,
which shows a high yield and com
mands the feat price, la tho seed cho
sen, in future, .Mr. Hennton states,
the farmera plan to grow mostly alfal;
fa with cultivated crops auch aa pota-
.oea and corn, and aome wheat as well.
Among thoae who will give the wheat
a trial are Lee Savely of Butter creek:
J. Q. Pearson, of Btanfleldf H. O.
Thompson and W. T. Roberta of t'ma
I Hla; Ed Jackson. Henry Sommerer,
J. H. KeiJ and othera of Ilermlaton.
Delia tors "listened In"
Because two membera of th Pen
dleton high school debating team lis
tened in at a debate between Pilot
Rock and Echo recently the local
team haa been withdrawn from the
contest by Principal Landreth. The
team would have contested with Rtan
flold and Heppner but the withdrawal
of the team leaves therace "between
those two towna. A Heppner news
paper haa reported lVndleton as hav
ing been disqualified for unethical
work. The facts however aa given by
Principal Landreth are that the team
waa withdrawn by local action and not
through any proceedings by the debat
ing- league.
ill rue 9
j i
Lessens Lcdbdr
Goes Farther
1 1 1 1
mn i
v: Jmkm
IX)ST C. O. t. hook,
1 return to thla office.
finder please
IX) ST In' bualneas section of city,
check to Chester Hight finder
please leave at this office reward.
WAXTKI Reliable woman fr "gon
er nl housework Call after & p. m.
Sloven Into New Office.
The office of the airpertntendcnt of
schools is being ' moved today into a
portion of the old city IWrary which
has been remodeled. The new quar-1
tera will be much more commodious
than the ola. The fire department
boya are taking possession of the room
vacated by the superintendent. The
balance of the old library rooms win
be occupied by the boys' club.
Now Men Take Office.
A feature of the monthly meeting of
the Commercial Association to be held
tomorrow evening will be the Induc
tion Into oflce of the new president
and other officials chosen at. the. Feb
ruary meeting. James H. Sturgis be
comes president and Louis Scharpf,
vice president. Claude Barr, secretarV
elect has not yet arrived but It ia be
lieved here he will get here by March
10 or sooner. The Parrs will 'have
their home in the Security Apartments.
Portland Woman . ' Enjoying
Ttm in Year.
"f sin now r-ntovinr sidendid health
for the first time In miny' years and I
owe it all to Tanlac, td Mrs. Bertha
(;arlsiJT of 494 Quinby Ht., Portland,
"Nliody but myself tan know what
I suffered from nervousness and Indi
cation during all those years. I never
had any relish for fpod, am! when I
forced myself to eat a' hearty meal 1
always paid the penalty. 1 had to be
ilways taking medicine' for constipa
tion,- my kidney were fiisordered and
my back hurt like it would break In
.wo. ",
"I was so nervous I couldn't get any
restful sleep and many a night I lay
awake suffering and wondering If
here wan nothing that could .help me.
!iut Tanlac has relieved me of every
3ne of my troubles, i ; - .
"Why, I ust want to fce- eating all
he time and my stomach -never both
ers mo a bit. I have gained ao nrucnj
in weight I can hardly get my clothes
on and Just feel fine. I have been so
delighted with the way Tanlac has
restored my health thai I got my son
o taking It. and he haa already been
helped wonderfully, Tanlac la certaln-
y a grand medicine."
i Tanlac is aold in Pendleton by
thompson Brothers.
"The above "double dish will lie a welcome addition
. , ,,. . iher lie used ns a. covered dish
1,1 nfr i, vri . -
. . illustrated I or the handle can
you have two separate serving dishes.
v ." ' Vnrloua stylo
- ' iu-atnnably priori!
Hilfts lluit lt"
be detached and
1 1 wr . - .
leal bf experience in engineering and
scientific work. 8. J. Kcither. who
luluttifuted for Mr. Haya. during the
first semester, has returned to his
home in Mosier.
The lirg"et Diamond Dealer in Eastern
.' . , - Oregon.
Traok Season Oin-n This evening
marks the opening of Pendleton's
rack seaf.on. All members who are
o participate in track or the cross
country will meet in the gymnasium
thla evening for a conference with
Coach Richard Hanley. Several men
will be out for all events as there are
many men In the school who will le-
elop Into excellent track material.
Several letter men are back from, last
ear and with additional material
Pendleton high should have an excel-
ent track season. Baseball will pro
bly be run in connection with track
so that the school will be represented
in both the spring sporta.
SocUng Hoys' Ciiib Mint. .
In addition to the task . of raising
$2509 for tho boys' clui and commu
nity service work here the committee
in charge is also devoting attention to
the tusk of finding a good ' man to
handle the work when started. Three
men suggested thus far ore John R
Chase, of San Francisco, who haa had
recreation experience In the . aFmy;
Leroy B. Hanley of W. a C, a. broth
er of Dick Hanley. local football
coach, and William Wieland, of Rose-
ville, Calif.; who haa had four years of
experience With the recreation depart
ment lit playground and Industrial su
pervision nt Oakland, Calif. The boys
committee headed by Dr. Guy Boyden
chairman, is preparing to start Wed
nesday on their drive for money for
the club. It is being emphasized,
however, that the community service
work will not be confined to the boys'
dumb. -.At a meeting Saturday even
ing the community service council
considered the subject of a lyceum
course for next winter. After consid
erable discussion the matter: as left
with a committee for more thorough
investigation. .
Imor-ClasH Scries Begin Members
of the sophomore and freshmen class
es will meet this evening for the first
of a series of lnter-class Indoor base
ball games. All classes have selected
teams and have elected captain. The
juniors and seniors will mix tomorrow
evening, at the sanj? time. The junior
class won the basketball games and
thev expect to come up strong in base
Now Teacher Arrives C. B. Harris,
graduate of the University of x Ne
braska, has arrived to fill the vacan
cies left in the high school faculty by
the Illness of Marion Hays. Mr, Har
ris will teach physics, chemistry and
general science.- He has had a great
Things You Don't Know About
People You Do Know.
I' ." v : .. V' ". -ii
' - 4
KLM'tjiS MAR1K' of Rumania.
who Is engaged to the king of Bul
garia, ha made her own entire trous
seau."' ... i... y .".'...! ..." .
Kpoeial .AleoUng -of Studot t Boifv '
alkHl-r-Gllbert Struve, president of
he Associated Student Body, called a i
special meeting today for the. purpose
discussing two amendments to the
present constitution. The amend
ments were proposed by Shirley Hevel.
They call for the lengthening of the !
number of games to be playd to win ;
i school letter In either basketball or ,
football. The question has been dis- j
;u.ssed several times before and the
intendment has met with defeat each )
time. For awhile the arguments,'
rrew strong for 'arid against the am- !
sndment and both sides were wll pre- I
sented. AS the consitution.no rends
the substitutes are not to receive let
ters unless the coach Is willing to let
them play the necessary numlier of
halves to receive the first team letter.
The purpose of the amendment is to
lengthen the number of halves so that
only those on the first team will re
ceive letters. The amendments will
be voted upon next week after they
have been thoroughly talked over by
the students. ;
How To Break JTp a Cold v
' It may be surprising to niany to
earn that a cold 'may be completely
broken up, in most instances. In one
ir two day's. time. To do this, prompt
ct ion Is necessary. The first symp
oms of a cold are: a dry, loud eougn
wd a profuse watery discharge from
"he nose. Take Chamberlain's Cough
Remedy every hour as soon as those
ymptoms appear and It will conteraet'
'.he effects of the cold and soon restore
he system to a healthy condition.
When tne cold Is unusually severe, yon
hould also go to bed and stay In bed
mtll all symptoms of the cold have
lisappeared.. One or two days In bed.
low, la better than two or three week
ater on. This applies particularly ta
oersons of middle-age or older.
This May Interest To
If yon have coughs or colds you will
certainly be interested In the experl
jnco of Thomas O'Brien, Marysyllle,
Wo., which he relates as follows.' "I
have taken Chamberlain's Cough Rem
edy off and on for several years and
t has always cured these complaints
promptly. It gives me better satisfac
'ion than any other cough medicine I
have used." ,
As Advertised
Tou will find Chamberlain's Tablets
lust as advertised. Easy to take and
mi'd and gentle In effect. For consti
pation they are excellent.
Something Yo Should Know
An agreeable movement of the bow
is without any unpleasant effect is1
produced by Chamberlain's Tablets
They should be taken Immediately
fter supper.
KERR'S CEREALS The ton ml Ved
package with the ship. .
J. C. Penney" Coy A Nation-Wide Institution
Saying Clothes Money for
frlhe Man who Works
Men's Khaki pants, good weight, belt loops,
cuff bottom, pair $1.98
Men's heavy khaki pants, .crlff bottom, belt
loops, pair ,?2.49
Men's heavy khaki Riding Bfleeches, lace kaee
double seat, pair ... . $3.49
Pay Day and Underhill, union made bib over
alls, heavy b!u2 denim, pair .'. . . $1 J9
Four U. Bib Overall:-, fine tightly-woven Mas- ;
sachusetts denim, the best overall that ever ;
came to Pendleton. Compare it with any
' overall at any price you can buy anywhere,
pair . $1.39
Shouhouse Motor Suits, extra heavy khaki
colored material, liberal size, all pockets re
inforced, suit $2.98
Medium weight khaki suits, each. . . . . . $1.98
Blue or gray chambray Work Shirts, sizes
14 1-2 to 18, each . . ... ....... 79c
Men's Flannel Shirts, gray or brown, ea. $1.98
Men's Heavy Wool Sox, pair 39c, 49c
Boys' or Men's Canvas or Jersey Gloves, the
pair . ..10c, 15c, 19c
Leather. FacedGloves, gauntlet or wrist
length, pair ,; ..... 1 . .29c
Boys' Overalls, sizes 3 to 10, pair .... 89c
11 to 17 98c
Children's Play Suits, blue denim, red trim
med, blue and white Stifel cloth, red trim
med khaki, ages 2 to 8, suit 89c
Children's Play Suits, extra heavy denim, red
trimmed, liberal cut, Underhill brand, the
suit . .............t..... 98c
Paris Garters, assorted colors, pair . 29c
Men's Rockf ord Work Sox", pair 15c
Painters Overalls and Jumpers, each. : . . . 98c
Carpenters Heavy Overals, pair $1.49
Boys' Waists, just received, sizes 6 to 16 years,
each .'
t, . .'
i.- t
3 i
f :
J. C. Penney Co., A Nation-Wide Institution
p I
9 i
3 I
Quality PRINTING at Reasonable Prices
East Oregonian Printing Department.
' - ; AT
Liberty HaU
.March 2.
Hear Billy Feature 12th
St. Raff on piano through
a sheet.
Ticket $1.00 v
Fast and snappy dances
Mifcic as long s . the
crowd lasts. .
PayCash Receive More Pay Lss
Despain&Lee Cash Grocery
209 E. Court Phone 880
Tomorrow the 1st
is your day to start trading at this Cask Gro
cery. Give it a trial. Whether a day's or a
month's purchase, you will find you have saved
from 10 to 25 percent
Pay Cash , Receive More Pay Less
Despain & Lee Cash Grocery
209 E. Court " Phone 880,