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About East Oregonian : E.O. (Pendleton, OR) 1888-current | View Entire Issue (Feb. 28, 1921)
. 7 , - TEN PAGES ' DAILY EAST (fEEQONIAN, PENDLETON, OREGON, MONDAY EVENING, FEBRUARY 28, 1921 PAGE THRE2 r 1 "t" j u Hi u tl w I n M I: gal oli 31 ca' Tl ca' It an News Not es of Pendleton , CALENDAR OP EVENTS . March (National Flslt Day. r March 10, 11, 12 Fourth An- nual Pendleton Auto Show, Hup. ' py Canyon, ' ; March 13 Loot day for filing of income tax repota for 1920, I March 17 and 18 Millinery ' Bchoul, here. ' M0V 11 to 14 Hint Pannt I Teacher Association convention. llllr IWUUhlfT Plea Mr. and Mr, n. I. N'uttor, of thin Ity received word thin morning of the fain of their little granddaughter, in , w York. The child vim four days M and the daughter of Mr. and Mr jiirl Nutter. Mr. Nutter, who l In the vluifun service In New York, said In ' he word sent 'his parents here that 'r. Nutter In quite III. r ctmt to llrar Tulle , Dr. It. C. KllKworth, iicoiit doctor, .'III lecture to the Pendleton Hoy Icruts tonight at 1 o'clock at their ct.rlar meeting In the county library. HIk talk will be on the propagation of linects and'Hird, the prepetuation of Miiniucluln''find mumals, und the ro productive organ of man. l'liiicrul to Ito Held, j . The funeral 'of the late Rev, Owen F. June Kplscopal minlstor who hanged lilmm'lf recently at Mountain View aanltorlum In Portland, will he held In Bilker on . WedncHtlay. He vim veil known In this city and other parts i.f Eastern Oregon, and had oc cuiiled the Baker pulpit He was for merly In charge of the missionary woi-; ft the Episcopal Eastern Oregon dlucceu. , Flint -National to Fnlargo The First National Bank will enlarge its working space by utilizing the room JiiHt east of t,h bank building and until now occupied by. the Sloan Uonnett Shop. , The bank cwne that property and will cut a door through the wail Into the name so an to add that addi tional Hpnce to tbe bank quartern. , The new room will be used by the book keeper and the change will allow oi nbre cage room for the exchange. avlngs and remittSnce department. ,1,-101 101 101 101 101101 101 101 101- Lotus Brand '"I: NAVEL ORANGES You will notice we are now offering the rec ognized leading brand of Navel (Oranges THE LOTUS BRAND-i-which , stands su preme; par excellence. , ; " '. Highly colored, fully ripe and sweet , 80c, 63c and 50c. ... "Waste Less Buy the Best" .; t . X- - "" .. Pendleton Cash Marjcet, Inc. 301 E. Court St 'Phone 101 -101 1U1 101 101 101 101 101 101 101- T There have been rumora at verlou time In, the past that the bank planii to erect a new building on Its corner but U. M. Illce vice president, says no plan for uch building are being en tertained at present. - . , lined for IVMwesslon. Fred Henry appeared In the police court thi rooming In answer to a charge of drunkenness and Illegal uossesslon -,of Intoxlcntlng liquor. A fine of l win anne xed y the Judge. Henry paid. , . Golf Tourney Postponed. The golf tourney scheduled on the local link for yesterday was post poned on account of tho failure of number of the entries to show up. The tourney will be played some after noon this week. Wright IfatNoW.Joh. The possession of four bottle of 11 quor said to be Intoxicating, has secur ed for Nate Wright a position with the street commissioner of the city of Pendleton. Ho was arrested Sunday by local officer. Pleaded guilty to the charge In court this morning. Fined 1 100. Couldn't pay, hence the Job. lir 3 7" : "Til! Pyllilaiw Will Compete. Tonight "ill be a big night ' for Knights of Pythla of Pendleton When the degree team will compete with a team from Weston In work In the third rank. A number of candidate will be Initiated Into the mysteries of the rank of knight and a large crowd I expected to be In attendance to see the work, .. . NOW IS THE TIME 'l If you have become dissatisfied with your present market give the Table Supply a test or der. You will be satisfied. We have hundreds of satisfied customers, ask one of them. y "THE TABLE SUPPLY Phone 187 and 188 739 Maia Street CHAS. D. DESPAIN & CHAS. W. GOODYEAR Proprietor! U. S. INSPECTED MEATS f Kliota Enter liiiildlng- Mr. U H- Taggarl. of the Security Apartments, waa startled yesterday afternoon when shots from a .11 cali bre rifle entered the window of her apartment on the third floor of the building. The shot hit the ' uppr panes of the window and completely shattered It. It Is supposed that boy, shunting aloivg the river yesterday, were responsible for the shots. U niversal Coal and Wood Range t oi ai r 6 ' J' 01 t a tt I ' it' 1 - J BIG VALUE AT RIGHT PRICE JUMMCIt MCI MTENTEOsOJUSIUlI UI0IM0VM MHPEK StTIMTH Uf T 1X rTl SOCIO UST' un tNO I r, ii:omiiitio show "S. . . I mi Ik i 'Tt m " iPii " li IHif JTBIBUTUHIYERSAL WIOE li SHAU0W BlttntPOHH ooo EM0VlE MfUK MATH -j MACHINE FACES ItWJTEH DAM PI SANITAJtT U Ml MOPOOCH t CHECK DAMPER KEY KATE T0 0OIMIE 0W1I tACI rMCOAIs UK9 W wulir peerd na baas twin FlUt LININ5 EAVYASKST0S MILL BOARD HEAVY PoTlSHtO. STEEL BODY INSIDE POKCElAiN OVEN DOOI UNINC fOACEUIN FIUEUTT0M CltAN OUT 0OOA- A FULL LINE OF COMBINATION RANGES BURNING GAS, COAL OR WOOD. SjJL 'Universal Stoves &FhmacQS LL, Crm tMiiiiatrn Given Umatilla cdhnty's winter wheat acreage Is given at 200.000, the bushels at 5,00,000 and the value at $10,68t, ooo. In a recent bulletin hawed by the Bureau of Crop Edtlmate. For spring wheat, tabulation Is S0.690 acres, 413. 800 bushclsnd "82,082 value. Other estimates Include oats. 800 acres, 32.. 000 bushel, valued at (22.400; barley, 12,000 acres, 420,000 bushels, valued at S41 1,600; corn, 755 acres,-22.650 bushels, valued at 128,992; rye, 2,398 acres, 28.776 bushels valued at $35,394; potatoes, 942 acres, 10,330 bushels, valued at $135,412: hay, 54,153 acres, 173,289 tons valued at $2,252,571'; ap ples, "1,800 acres, 225,000 bushels: pears, 280 acres, 11,200 bushels, prunp. 825 acres. J.062.600 pounds. Commercial fruit production for L'ma itlla county In 1920 is shown to be 175." 000 bushels of apples; 2,500 bushels o'f pears, 2,000,000 pounds of prunes; 720.000 pounds of cherries and 10.000 pounds of loganberries. Catapulted Sixty IVrt. Frank Barnet of Weston bears em phatic testimony to the fact that roads In thl section are In pretty bad condi tion. At least they were last Friday, when Mr. Barnet was driving back with a load of loose alfalfa hay from the Hudson Bay country. At a point near Bates station his wagon was tip ped over twice on level ground by the slippery rut, and the second time had to bo abondoned. When the first acci dent occurred Mr. Barnet thinks he must have been catapulted at least 60 feet from the top of the load. He "lit" on hi pedal extremities, how ever, and staid on them, shaken, yet undaunted. Tho second tip-over threw hrm onto his head and shoul ders, and he was quite badly bruised. Several loadstof baled hay were upset the same day on the same stretch of road, so that Barnet wa not without company In misfortune. Weston Leader. Fiwwatpr JxIgw Won. Odd Fellow of the Umatilla-Mor row county district closed their two day convention at Heppner Saturday night with a contest between degree teams representing Tendleton, Lex ington and Freewater. Tho Freewa ter team Avon the contest from Pen dleton and as a result secured a tro phy which will' adorn their lodge rooms for the coming year. Pendle ton won the trophy last year and had they bceu successful at the Heppner convention the cup would have be come their permanent possession. The convention was very successful, ac cording to Pendleton- Oddfellows who were In attendance and a number of important matters to tho order were discussed. It was agreed at tho con vention to call on the grand lodge to build a new children's home at Port land to replace the old building now being used. Use (he Thonea , Grocery, Two Phones f, - 523 ' v ,.V COther Depts. ' 78 and 79 tEb uiifTTOVS LEADING eTWUS Use the i'honeg, Grocery, Two Thoncs . 523 ' Other Depts. 78 and 79 . r? Popular Wool Jersey $3.50 Yd. And it is just as stylish as ever this season, for sport coats and suits. Because it wears, does not wrinkle and you can get it in shades you want. If you'niake a suit or coat of our Jersey you'll get full value for the money. - Nurse Stripe Gingham Once more these fine nurse stripe Ginghams are - - i i i n back to 25c yard, inese come m Diue ana grey, spe cially for house dresses, and aprons. They launder well, and keep the color. ' - Indian Head In stock now, all widths, use it fbr aprons, lunch cloths and the like. " " . ' 36 Inch Indian Head . .' .1 .... . .'. . . 33c 45 Inch Indian Head 40c 54 Inch Indian Head ........ . .50c USE THIS STYLISH FABRIC. Imported Cotton Ratine $3.00 . ' - n ' ' ' . - - ' Comes in pink, rose and Paris, 45 inches wide, spe cially good for dresses, skirts "and suits. Buy a dress' length now and make it up tor spring. ' Grocery Dept. Kerr's Pancake Flour arid Rolled Oats will be dem onstrated in our Grocery Dept. this week. Seeded itaisins, 3 for 90c; per dozen .. . . . $2.f0 Happy Home, Del Monte or Thompson Seedless Rai- sins, 3" for 90c; per dozen $2.60 Muscat Raisins, per lb. 30c; 25 lb. box. , v . . . . . $6.93 Seeded Muscat Raisins, per lb. 30c; 25 lb. , box $6.95 PORTLAND. " Feb. 28- (A. P ) Thomas Lotisso waa convicted of mur der in the first degree for killing his war -bride oh November thirty. The Jury has recommended life imprison ment. , ' , SENATOR REED WIRES PROTEST AGAINST THE HOOVER APPOINTMENT WASHINGTON, Feb. 28 (A. P.) Senator Reed, a democrat, wired formal protest to Harding against mt aniiointment of Hoover. He latter re fused to comment. ' YOLXGEST FATHEK ON' KfatXIU DENVER, Feb. 28. (U. P.) The youngest father has been found In Denver. He'is Otto E. Jehovah, three years old. , When-e birrh record was filed here recently, the father's age was given a& three. Investigation showed the father had three other children and that he was a member of the Jeovaites, a re ligious culY. He told authorities that he did not begin to live until three years ago when he joined the sect. , The baby's name- Is Otto Jehovah, Jr. . , , . . .- - ,. - The senior Otto refused to divulge how old Irl wal when he joined the Jehovaites. OTHER NEWS OF THIS DEPARTMENT ON PAGE 5 DEM0CRATE PROCLAIM WILSON GREATEST LIVING AMERICAN TOPEKA. Kas., Feb. 28 (A. P.) Resolutions extolling President Wood- row Wilson as "the greatest living American" and assuring him of the faith of Kansas democrats in his pon tics, adopted last night by the Kansas democratic club, were telegraphed ic the white house today. 1 1 How's Tills StrHko You? Leta. aged 5, was visiting in the country and, seeing u potato bug for the first time, she -'asked. Mamma, does flies play tennis? . - 'Xo, dear," replied the mother. "Why do you ask?"( "Because," answered the little miss, "I Just Baw one with a sweater on." Detroit News, AFTERNOON WRAP LUCKY STRIKE ckaretb. Flavor is Vi.j' i.i . M "Y wasting F! S '- PITTSBURGH; Feb. 28. (A. P.) J: U MtCulIough, a railway mail clerk, was found beaten unconscious at the Pennsylvania railroad station by fel low employes Just before the train was scheduled to leave. Two pouches of mail are reported missing. IXIV TV WILL DEBATK. El tTHICAGO, ' Feb. 26. (U. P.) Traffic Policeman Burns arrested Pearl Williams for ignoring the traf fic regulations. They have announced their engagement. Things You Don't Know About People You Do Know! STEAMER SrRIKKS ICEBlltG 1 BOSTON, Feb. 28. (A. P.) The liner Princess Matoika with 2000 pas- engers from Italy aboard, struck an Iceberg or submerged wreck off the Cape Race Thursday night. The steamer drifted about helpless for seven hours with tho steering gear damaged but was brought in under control. I I VNIVBRSITT OF OREGON. Eu. gene, Feb. 28. The men'g triangular " debates with the University ,of Waflu ington and Stanford University, for? merly scheduled for March 4. havq been postponed until the spring term as the result of word received fronf Washington requesting that, the date bo changed. . : The question that has been decided on fbr debate is: ' "Resolved. That congress should pass laws prohibiting strikes in essential industries." - - ASPIRIN Name "Bayer" on Genuine' n. J. iiiiiA.N s latonte food ' Is radishes, which he eats without salt. Spreads lots of butter on 'em. ' It's criminal to take a chance on any substitute for "Bayer Tablets of Aspir in." Unless you see the name "Bayer" on package or on tablets you are not getting genuine Aspirin prescribed by Physicians for twenty-one years and proved safe by millions. Take Aspirin only as told In the Bayer package for Colds, Headaches, Neuralgia, Rheuma tism. Earache, Toothache. Lumbago and for Pain. Handy tin boxes of twelve tablets cost few cents. Drug gists also sell larger packages. Aspirin is tho trade mark of Bayer Manufac ture of Monoaceticacidcster of Salicy PBSBS This wrap of circular cut would lx effective In navy blue Polret Twill j with collar of gia Astrakhan which I is to be so much used this season. Em-j broidery as suggested in the Illustra Sensational Bans in Qualify Merchandise SENSATION NO. 1. We have -two BO-piece din ner sets of Nippon China, in tho latest pattern, conven tional designs which have proven to bo very popular. ., As a money saver to you we are offering them at the low price of $50.04). You save Just $25.00 by making your purchaso now. J SENSATION NO. 2 Children's garters, all sizes, best of elastic, the pair, 25c J SENSATION NO. 3 Good, serviceable wa ter glassess. Set of 6 for 65c. To You People who value real savings , Now is Your ' Opportunity AT THE BEE HIVE SENSATION NO. 4 Holler skates for boys and girls. These skates have ball bearings and are warranted to give satisfaction. It will pay you to Investigate. Spec ial at $2.88 tho pair. v SENSATION NO. 5 You can save 115.00 by trimming and making your own hat. We have the frames, flowers, linings, buck ram, in fact all you need is the idea and the know how. J SENSATION NO. 6 Get the habit of trie majority and buy your needs here. You can save money by doing it Pendleton MORE FOR LESS Oregon THE POLICY OF TRUTH IN ADVERTISING is founded on the fact that the Advertiser has a Righto have his readers believe what they read and that the Reader has a Right to believe what he reads in tho advertise ment. THE BEE HIVE has conscientiously maintained this policy and has always endeavored to avoid exaggeration and mis-statements. WHAT WE SAY IT IS IT IS tion may be used, gay wool being ef-J foctive with the gray collar.