fAG'E TWO DAILY EAST OREGONIAN, PENDLETON, OREGON, MONDAY EVENING, FEBRUARY 28, 1021. TEN PAGES YOU WANT WE BEST FOR YOUR MONEY- IT T.UE PLACED F.ORi YOU TO SHOP IS STORE and in shopping please hear, ill niind that tlie swjpethcW of low price never equals the bitterness of. low qual ily. Our goods are quality goods, and quality considered they are cheaper here than elsewhcr. New Spring Arrivals in ReadytoWear More and more new styles make their way from the fashion centers of New York on to our floors ihoat every day now So no mutter wrien you pay us a visit you can be sure of seeing numbers of pretty styles you have never seen before. Our latest arrivals, however, seem to outshine In point of beauty and variety any of their predecessors. And we feel sure we have a treat In store. In asking you to come In and Inspect them. Coats, in Polo, serge, gabar dine etc. ..... $14.75 to $78.50 ..Suits, in trocolitene, serge, jersey and novelty material at $27.50 to $98.50 Newest Dresses,1 for. street and dress, in taffeta and Can ton crepe $18.50 to $75.00, in all the new colors, gray, tan, blue, navy and black. Many trimmed in ruffles, others cir cular skirts with organdy combination. Correct Clothes at Correct Prices .Nothing but correct Clothes will do tor you iiml nothing but correct Clothes are here. And you want to be sure that the price, is correct. That's a certainty here for our buy ing and merchandising ability pro duces the utmost In volume for you. That's why correct Clothes are al ways bought hei-e at correct prices. , SI ITS No matter where you go In the business office, or the theatre. In the restaurant or club wherever well dressed men assemble you will see Suits such as we sell this season. They are Clothes made to fit all phas es of life business as well as social. That's why men who know good clothes come here. .tore and more new styles make their 20, 30, $50, -560, 70 0 ; : Li NOTICES . KOTKK ' , Hemstitching and I'lcot work. We have now engaged an expert operator to, handle our hemstitching machine and are prepared td turn out work In hort notice, Mall orders will be promptly attended to. Give us a trial end be eomlnced. - Slnser Sewing Machine, Co, , 220 E- Court St. Why Men Buy Shoes Here No man can afford to spend days, months and even years se lecting leathers, styles,, linings and findings. We can. That is our business. That is what we mean by mak ing Shoes and Oxfords to speci fications. That is the reason why men 'appreciate our foot wear and that is the biggest rea son1 wrhy we have built up such a successful business. ' It Pays to Buy Good Hats If you're one of those men who tried to meet the Hat situation by experimenting with the lower grades, you probably have real ized that it wa3 poor economy. Buy a good Hat any Hat in our stock and you will realize that it's worth while in every way, for with every purchase you get the highest satisfaction, day after day, all season long. Hosiery Hints for Spring We justify the self praise when we tell you " that our present Spring stock of Hosiery is the finest we have ever presented. You, too, will feel as we do when you see the new rich silks' in handsome solid color tones, self colors, embroidered effects, two tone mixtures, also lisles and worsted and wool mixtures. And everything in Men's Furnishings for Spring is in harmony. 25c to $2.50 . Underwear of Comfort, Men who appreciate quality Underwear will find their wishes gratified in our Spring showing. Here is Underwear of the better class the standard makes that are known and approved by the critical buyer. All sizes and all weights enable us to fit you per fectly regardless of build. In such Underwear as ours you will realize what Underwear"content--ment means. $1.25 to $12.50 - Good Quality Long Cloth, . a yard 35c An excellent quality Long Cloth,' 36 inches wide: the soft finish and durable qual ity make it ideal for lingerie and underwear. A splendid value, a yard, 35c . ' . Our New Scotch Spring Ginghams are Here Priced at 89c a yard. John Anderson in the great Scotch mills. No other quality in any other gingham shown have such pretty patterns, nor any other gingham gives such good service. You can buy them now at 9c yd. PEXDLETOX'S ECOXOMY SHOP OFFERS THOl'SAXDS OF OPPORTUNITIES TO SAVE Women's Goal Stockings, black aud white. . . 19c Infants Slices One lot 150 pairs .......... 39c Remnants Wash Goods, 1-4,' 1-S, 1-2 Frk-e. Women's All Kid Shoes-r-Not cloth top; . . $4.98 Finest Silk Waists Sizes to 48; priced exception ally low. Children' Caps Sold as hfeh as tt.15, now 49c AU Silk Dresses at prices that will surprise you. Children's Stockings, 4300 pairs to offer at. . lc Men's Cotton tiloves, good heavy weight - 10c. Children's Rompers priced the lowest in Pendleton Fine Shoes for All, priced regariUess of cost. ; Sateen Bloomers, all sizes .... 49c Turkish Towels, priced the B. B. Way. . ... ... -e ,19c Women's Middies, slightly soiled 81.08 Winter and Spring Coats, offered at B B. prices. Gingham Street Dresses, $5, $5.50 and $6 val. $2.98 IrMied Dolls, Joint arms ami legs 39V Box Stationery, selling 50c and 55c, now 39c Children' Shoes, the kind that wear, B. B. Prices Pencil Tablets, limit of 10, special . .'. 4c Women's Comfy Slippers, one lot selling at $1.60 All Aluminum Ware on sale in the B. B. ... . . Bungulo Aprons, of good serviceable percale 9 He Men's Dress Shoes, come get a pair for. . . . $4.98 Girls Middies, the best make, soiled 98c All Women's Shoes at prices you used to pay. All Pocket Knives, big sainp;e. line at factory price Fine Silk WaMs, values to $14, special . . . ."." $2.98 Women's Pure Silk Hose, not a fibre silk . . . 98c Double Cotton Blankets, full double bed width . v $3.8" Boys' Shoes offered lower thau elsewhere Men's Work Shoes, the good heavy, serviceable ones ........... , . . $4.29 Men's Kerchiefs, all you wont at each 5c Work Sweaters,. an alaroiind sweater ...... $2.29 Morje.New Voiles Have Ar rived. You Will Find Our Prices Remarkably Low, a yard 60c to $1.50. In handsome floral and some striped patterns, very fine quality, pretty color combinations; 40 in. wide. " Remai'kable values, a yd. 60c to $1.50. Linen Finish Suitings, a Yard 60c '.Colors in pink, blue and tan This materia) .will be very popular for rport suits this spring. The material is 34 inches wide and you will like the quality. The price too is attractive ly low, a yard 60c. Use our free conveniences, telephones, postiffice, rest room, etc. PSSUX&Q &C&AIEST CEPARXHENT fI3 (Oub reopies waronous VI :JWHERE IT PAYS TO TRADE 1 Vol Ice of Itld.1 for Sewer Construction Notice Is hereby given that sealed bid will be received at (lie of flea ol the City Recorder In Pendleton Oregon up tu 5, o'clock p. m. on March 2nd I921 for the construction of a Scwei Extension on Ash Street In Tho City of Pendleton. Orecon. Commencing it tho Manhole at the Intersection of Ash street and ilaliroad street, and running noTth 330 feet on Ash'Btreet. Plans and specifications for gitld lewn r.n be seen at the office of the City "Surveyor In the City Hall at Pendleton Oregon, each bid must be accompanied by a certified check of 10 per cent ol the amount of the bid nmde payable td theorderof the Mayor of thj City ni Pendleton, to be returned to the blddei if unsucee.-wful, and to be forfaited II the-bid Is secepted and the bidder falls to enter Into a contract In aeco"dance with the terms of hl said bid. The Common Council reserves the right to reject any and all btdsat IM pleasure. ' Dated thta lsth day of February 1921. u : , , THOS. WTa tBBRALD, v " :!' ' ' City Recorder. k in ihh;i - The following described animals have been takeil up by the marshal of the City of Pendleton, to-wlt: One dark brown mare, star In fore head, white spot on nose, cut on left nostril, weight SO pounds, aire three year old. ". ' 1 tno 'hay mare, whlre spot In fore head, hn bell on, weight 100 pounds, I or II year old. , m ' One bay mare white strip In face, left kind foot white, brand on rlKht hip i trvlsafole. . !: ' ' ' ' thie bay, two year old, left hind foot white, brand on rlKht hip Invls abhv' r (me HKht sorrel mare, white atrip In face, both hind feet white. One gray horse mule, broke to work. weight lu pounds, no mark or brands. ..-, i- It said animal are not claimed by the owners of those entitled to their poeeesNion, costs and expense paid nid taken away within tn days from the dute hereof, then at 2 o'clock p. n on the Kth. day of March 1921 'he said animal will be sold to the r.lghettt bidder, at public auction, for ensh, at the City Pound. In said City if Pendleton, the proceeds of such sale to be applied to tho payment of ii'-h costs and expense of mnklnc sale. Oated thl S3rd. day of February. 1921. Af, ROBBHTR. City Marshal lots, purta of lots and parcel of land ho specially benefited by such Im provement shall De Huhla fur the pay ment of the costs thereof, and oe It 'tirthsr, "' ' ltlCH()lA'E"I) thai nn'Aiwessment Dls trlct Is hereliy created to lie known a Assessment District N- embrac- , ing the property benefited and to ba assessed for the payment of such 1m-, nrovements, which Assessment Dis trict shall Include uft lois, parts of lot .ml pun-els of land If In; and belnir .vlthlii the district boiindeij and deacrlhrd as fwllows, to-wit,: IHScrlplloil if Assessment. District Number 70. HeKlnnlnK at the southwest corner of Lot 8, lllock 1, Jacobs AildiijA to Pen fllutoni thence 3511 fel't north anil par allel with the west line nl" Ciranna Street; thence 2o feci last along- the south line of I-wl Street; tonne .South tin feet and parallel with the cast line of Ci'uaxe street; then west n the north line bf Court Utreet to the point of beirtnnlnir. And be It further UI)01A KB1, that a copy of thl resolution tea-ether with a notice that the surveyors tsiinnii or Uie prnpor. Hon of the cost of said work to be charged against rai li lot, part -of lot and parcel of land I on file In the of fice of the Chy Itecorder, he publish- d for a period of ten days In the East OrcKfmlun which newspaper I hereby ; designated by the Common Council for the publication thereof. And notice Is further given that the Surveyors estimate of the cost of said improvement to hn. aiwessed against each )ot, part" of Lot and parcel of 1-and on account of said Improvement I now on file in the office of the City Recorder, subject to Inspection. Done aud dated at Pendleton. Oregon this iHh day ur February l!12i. ' THOrl. F1TS5 G1CHAI.D, s City Recorder., This store is here for your especial. convenience; make it your headquarters. ATHENA BASKETBALL " TEAM IS VICTORIOUS .'chool Thursday evening in the Athe na high school-auditorium 'waa well received by the andlenee. The pro ceeds totaled $5t. Forty percent of which went to the Athena high school. Ars. F. Pharp was a Pendleton visit or Wednesday. Mr. nd Mrs. George Bannister have returned from Long lieach, California, where they spent thepast two months. Mr. Henry J)el and daughter Lu cinda were Pendleton visitors Tuesday. Mr." and Mra. Orti D. Harris and Mr. and Mrs. Ward of Milton were (East Oregonian Special.) ATHKN'A. Ore- Feb. in. A double header basketball game was played In th high echool gymnasium Friday erenlnr between Pilot nock and Athe na With school teams. The Athena , a, tne honle f Mrs- alrlB team wts vicioriou wnn a of 12 to 11. The Athena boys' learn was victorious with a score of 3-15. A lunch was served after the game to tho visiting teams. This was the last game of the season. Miss Helen Hoyer "of Adams spent thn -weekend at the C M. Kuer borne. Mr. and Mr, t. K. Jones ana mm l;y vtstted friends tn Weston Te dny. r. n.l Mrs. C, H. Pmlth and chll !in jnn-e and liulh were Westou iHit.us V edneiwiuy. 1 he ly. "Kngagea ly Wednesday, glvert by I Iw pupils of I'mspine high low vt At1", l" 8l '',K" of lu vtar. t'e- T recover appetit ej the reel lt HottJ'a 8nrsaiarilla, .. 4,i)t rtrvnKthen th st.miach. rr l, t t resTlon. ltsk.s estln a plea t. It ateo tike the blond -Hi h mul ir, and tedu lb oci'vca. I Harris and Mrs. Ward' mother Mrs. .DePeatt. 1 Mrs. E. J. Burchlll of Pendleton is visiting at the home of her daughter Mrs. C. M. Kager. John Kothrock has ' returned from Cst'fornia where he spent the winter, i Mr. and Mrs. J. O. Russell and son Klmo eame up from Pilot Rock Friday I to attend the basketball game Miss Ruth Jackson of Weston was an Athena visitor Friday evening. George Rannister was a Walla Wal la visitor Tuesday. Emery Worihlneton of Pendleton was an Athena visitor Friday evening being trie referee for the Pilot Rock Athena basketball game. Charlee Downing and daughter Itelen and Myrtle of Freewater wer. Athena visitors Friday evening attend ing the IMIot Rock-Athena baaktball game. Ur. and Mrs, Richard Thompson! and daughters June and Margaret were Pendleton visitor Saturday. Johns returned to her home at Van couver Sunday. ' At the silver tea given In connection with the France (E. Willard program given at the fhrlstian church Tues day by the members of the W. C. T. U. the sum of $10 was realized. 3fisses Frances and Ruth Williams were Pendleton visitors Saturday. Mr. and Mr.iT. C. Miller have open, ed a restaurant In the old Palace Cafe building on Main street. . Charles and Will Smith brothers of Jesse Smith have returned to Athena to reside from Deep-water, Missouri. j Mrs. A. M. Johnson and daughter j Lois were Pendleton vialtors Saturday. Mr. and Mrs. Krnest Chander have moved to the J. M. Swaggart Place! t0n north of town to reside. Mr. Chandler is employed fcy A. L Swaggart. -Mrs. Will Ferguson was a Pendleton visitor Saturday. The oupil of the Athena school were given a holiday Tuesday. I. F. Davidson wa a Pendleton visitor t-'aturdny. Mrs. John t'annister Jr. and small daughter of Helix were Athena, visit ors Wednesday. Joe Anderson was a Pendleton vlsit 6r Saturday. OiErtcs Dickey. Bert itamsay, snu WlUlam Welch were Heppner visitor Saturday attending the I. O. O. F. con vention. , Mr. M. M. Johns who has been visiting at the borne ot her on Melville JAPAN PURCHASES p.) B IS Xi'TW YORK, Feb. 28. (A. P.V Spooning by young couples atop Fifth avenue, buses was officially recognized today ns a legitimate outdoor sport. Sheriff T. it Knott, in a statement WASHINGTON'. Feb. !. (V. Japan, is purchasing large quantities made In reply ;o an anonymous corres- of aviation material from Germany, ' ponuent wmcn cnmpiaineu m in. p.. -n,in(r,in. i.inin(,. ,fmi v.nrln ml i tlce. .declared it seemed to him a "man and France in nn energetic effort to!munt bo either a crabbed old bachelor develop her air forces, according to or one who has been disappointed in Captain Graven, director of naval avla-, love, who will seea to invoae ouiciu. Mm ill r ... . nature na old as the world, "Certainly there 1 nothing clandes tine In spooning atop a bus." He said. "Iet the spooners spoon. They always did; they ulways wlll why try to awaken them from lovoa joung ream. I want to state I must refuse designate deputiesjo stoy what you a 'nuisance. This statement by you represents only, I think, a conclu sion,, a state of mind.'' THE HOME STRETCH 2 WASHlIXGfOK, Feb 2K. (tr. I4.) Congress has turned IMo the home stretch. Wollo the houie tackled the conference reports on several me.y sures, thp senate faced the danger of a controversy which nuay seriously delay the final action on the navy bill emergency tariff and other measure, .don Punch, . . . . Almost Out. . Caller Is Mrs. Jes at home? Cook-General She Is, but she ain't ardly In a fit state to aee anybody. She' just bin glvin' me notice. Lon- eluded within the boundaries of the district teneflted I in the Judgment ol the Common Council properly to be Included within such Improvement Dis trict and no property is excluded therefrom which should properly be included therein, and WHBRBAH, the Improvement of the hereinabove described portion of Grange Street either gravel Bltullthlc pavement, Concrete pavement or War renlte Bltullthlc pavement on Crushed rock or crjished gravel foundation Is at this time necessary, therefore, be It, RESOLVED by the Common Coun cil of the City of Pendleton that It Is expedient to Improve and it I hereby proposed to Improve Grange Strce' from tho North Line of Court Street t the South Une of Lewis Street, by pav ing the same with either gravel bltn llthie pavement or concrete pavement or Warrenlte liltutlintc pavement on crushed rock or crushed gravel foun dation: surh pavement to he construct t,d and the surface thereof to be ffhtsh ed upon the established grade of aald street and the street to have curb and gutter and all other things In accord ance with and as shown In the plans and specifications for the Improvement of said portions of said Grange street from the North Line of Court Street to the South Line of Lewis Street, pre pared by F. B. Hayes, City Surveyor, filed with the Recorder of said City on tho Sth day of December, 1920, which said nlans and specifications are here by .particularly referred to,, ana Do it further REHOLVKD that the Engineer's estimate of the probable total cost of such Improvement, which said City Engineer's estimate was made and prepared by F. fl. Hayes, City Surveyor of dald City, in the sum of 13149.60 an,t was filed with the Recorder' of said City on the 8th. day of J.ecember, 1920, Is hereby Included and hereby re ferred to particularly: and be 'it fur ther i RKSOLVISD that the plana and specifications and estimate for such Improvement a prepared by the city Surveyor and filed with the Recorder of the City of Pendleton on the 8tn day of December, 1921, 1 and they are hereby adopted and approved, ano be it further . . . RKHOLVHn that the cost of making such Improvement shall be a charge and Hen upon all lots, purta of lota and parrel of land to be benefited improvement, and the owner. No! Ice of Street Improvement Notice Is hereby given that at a regu lar meeting of tile Common Council of The City of Pendleton held at the Council Chamber In Pondleton Ore gon on February I3rd, 1921 the fol lowing Resolution was duly adopted; vfar , WHEREAS, the City Surveyor of tb City of Pendleton did on the 23rd. day of February, 1921, under directions and by requirement of tho Common Council file In the office of the Re corder of the City of Pendleton, plan and specifications for an appropriate Improvement of the following named street In auld city: Grange street from the North IJne of Court Street to the South Line of Lfwla Street, together with the esti mate of the work to be done and the probable cost thereof with a statement of the lots, porta of lots and pare eels of land to be benefited by such Im provement and tho percentage of the total cost of Improvement, which each of such lot, parts of lota and parcels of land should pay on account of the benefits to be derived from such im I rovement, and WHEREAS, the Council ha ex amined auch plan and specifications land estimate and found tne same sai isfaetory and the estimate therefor to be In accordance with the probable cost of such work, and, WHKHRAH. the nronertv ' re com mended by the City Surveyor to be in-4 n ho day herein above mentioned, - XOTICK FOR BIDS NOTK'B IS HEItllHY GIVEN that sealed bids and proposala will ba re ived by the Common Council of Pen. (ileton on and until March 9 1921 at 6 o'clock V. M. for the Improvement of LINCOLN HTItERT from the North l.'ne of Murk St. to the South Line nt Rnley Street, designated at IMPROVE MENT DISTRICT NO. 74, with either gravel Bltulltlilo Pavement, Concreta, Pavement, or Warrenlte Uliulithla Pavement on crushed rock or crushed travel foundation In accordance with Plans and SiK-cifliatlona for such Im provement now on file In the Office of the City Recorder o( the City of Pendleton, Oregon. Each bid1 must be accompanied by a certified check of five -per cent (5 per cent) of the total cost, payable to the Mayor of the City of Pendleton, to ba n turned. If the bidder I unsuccess ful and to be forfeited on failure to en ter Into a contract in accordance with the bid, If accepted. Each bid must specify the price for said Improvement a follows: 1000 mi. yds. of Hard Hur f;iee Pavement, Per one so;. yd '...... I fob I ft. of Concrete Curb, Straight, per one Lin. ft. 1S6.90 cu. yds. of Dirt Exca vation, per one rub. yd ICS U ft. of In- gal, Iron pipe for: Six water con nections from mater, main . to one foot Inside tho Curb line on Rest slsde of Street. , l;ath cnnnomlon l.rfn.,4ii.'u,,', S4 ft, or In. gal. Iron pipe for: Blx water connectlona on West side of Street. Each connection I ...... . 19J L ft. 4 in. vltr. sewer pipe for: Five sewer con nection from Main sewer to 1 ft. inside curb line on East aldo of Street. Each connection , ,$, .,... ro tin. ft. 1 In. galv. Iron pipe for: Two gas connec tions from main to 1 ft. la side of curb line on East side of Street. Each eon- - nectlon t I ft. 1 H In. gnlv. Iron pipe for; One ga connection on West side ot Street. Per ; one connection ........... t ...... , Total cost t Bids must he Med with the City Re. corder on or before the' tlma above mentioned. The Common Council reserve the right to reject any 'and all bids and bids will be opened- by Jth Common Council at the regularmeeting thereof Done and dated at. Pendleton Org. Son this 24 day of February, 1921, t THOa FIT GERALD. I : CHy Recorder, Notice of I lids for I ire Apparatus Notice Is hereby given .that sealed bid will be received, at the office ot tho City Recorder In Pendleton, Ore gon up to S o'clock p. ra. February 23, 1921 for furnishing the City of Pen dleton, Oregon with one Triple Com bination, Pumping Engine, Chemical Engln and Hose- Motor Car, ( Cylin der, hose carrying capacity '1200 feet 2 1-1 Inch fir hose, one 49 gallon chemical tank, pumping capacity 709 to 1000 gallon. Bidders are to fur bish complete specifications on their apparatus accompaniod by a certified check for 5 per cent of amount of bid made payable to the Mayor of the City of Pendleton.- . The Common Council reserves the right to reject any and alt bids at Its pleasure. . . - Dated at Pendleton, Oregon this 10th. day of February A. D., 1921. THOS. FITZ GERALD, T City Reoorder. T" ft PRINCESS MARY", the nnlv by such) lr of King George and Queen Marv Ot guenjo England, never use perfumo,