East Oregonian : E.O. (Pendleton, OR) 1888-current, February 28, 1921, DAILY EDITION, SECTION TWO, Page PAGE TEN, Image 10

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Special News of Umatilla Co. J
iKuat Oregonlan Scolal.)
AIUWS. Fch. IX. Grand Chance!
Inr I Oregon Mr. V. J. II. Clark, who
in rrnnimnlpl by Waller liloeson.
Ktand keeper of records anil seal
with the Adams K. of P. loilcr nn
Wednesday, the JJrd and showed the
liny a Kood time, and others ho at
tended from Pendleton were 8. M. A.
.funics A. Uwinn, J. M. K. J. V. Ma
lonoy and a lare number of other
member of the Inmon lodge No. 4,
of Pendleton. Also a large number of
Wt-ven lodge of ffm No. 49. Aft-
-i ousinrss meeting and talk, fiom
the grand offirers. cupper was served
by the Adam bos of oyster soup ar.d
cracker and coffee and dnnchnula
and cake. All spent a very plenum!
fventng. Welcome. All come aMin.
Mr, pd Wallan was In rendition
Wednesday to do ionic shopping.
Will Hunch and Charles Hunch were
In Pendleton today.
Charley Rum h. Frank Hunch and
Willi h Punch nil bought new player
Your Vision
H VY s
In th&t great Wcf more tlian One-Half the re
sources arc untouched, luiCdng energy and vision to
devektp tlK'in.
Yon, with vWon. look arouittl. see what lias been
done, see nliat might be die tlKil do It.
Your ISanking UuMiies invited.
1 tM.aoo "r oetos
vVAJl-A?!- rVg, rJUr7T
I Courtesy, Service and the 1
. Right Price f
Everything in the dock is priced in keeping with
E the quality. E
In the period we have been in Pendleton we have
s steadily gained the confidence of our customers
s through courtesy, service and the right price. E
E To those that haven't been in we extend special
Cruikshank & Hampton
124-128 E. Webb
Tear (Hd furoiiure ikea In endunge pan parment on new.
IP'.tno. They will have plenty of mu-
Jmo now.
i lios I'alne came to Adams to do
feme shopping.
Mr. Piper and noil. Eddy, ' of La
(.ramie are the guests of her sister
Mr. and Mia. lKiiis Green, for a short
i time.
I Sullivan Ke mcr motored to Adams
I Tueslay to attend K. P. lodge.
I.011 Walrus of Idaho is visiting rel
jattves and friend In Adams for a
short time,
J Mr. and Mr John Ogle returned' to
' Adams after a few months In ('alitor-
j nia.
Mr. and Mrs. J. T. l.lon,.lli.
, turned to their home in Adnui after
j remaining In California for the win
ter months and also yisited relatives
land friends in the city of Portlnnd.
I Joe Dames returned to hia home att
ier remaining at the Pendleton ho
I pltal for the past week and Is some
j improved In health.
1 Krankie Damea and F. M vhii'i
motored to Pendleton Wednesday.
Gladwyn Spencer nnd Kvard Mc
Collum was in the city of I'endleton
n eunesuay
The Adams Ladles club met th
home of Mrs. Jack Mayberry. Those
who attended were Mrs. Chas. Papula,
Mrs. Jack Mayberry, Mrs. P.eveila
Lleuallen. Mrs. I?ert Kirby, .Mrs.
Frank Krebs Mrs. Alex McKenile and
The AmencanNational Bank
Pendleton. Oregon.
Sank in Gastern Oregon
Pendleton, Ore. 5
' "M-P"-- .... -rrn-ji tm
mx , :
liaughter. N'udlne, Mrs. Lesto, Mrs.
Chas. Shatx, Mrs. oil Lleuallen. Mrs.
T. A, Lleuallen, Mrs. Mabel AUCollum,
Mrs. Kembler and Mrs. Klmer Il.iksi
A dainty luncheon was served of fruit
salad nnd cocoa and cake and all
spent a pleasant afternoon.
Miss .Margaret Attain of Pendleton
is the guest of her uncle and mint,
Mr. nnd Mrs. T. A. Lleuallen lor the
It was real foggy on Wednesday
night' and cleared lip Thursday and
was a fine day.
Mr. and Mrs. Dalph Wallan motor-
en in irom tneir r.inch near Adams to
day to do some shopping?.
Mrs. Otis Lleuallen motored to Ad
ams today to attend the Admi t I i.iim.-
Reverend Luther is having impair
ing done on the old drugstore and will
make It hia future home as good
houes are still very hard to rent In
(East Oreronlan Special.)
WESTON MT., Feb. "8. Mr. and
Mrs. Henderson und little Joe Kay,
Mrs. Henderson's brother, left for the
Wyoming; oil fields Saturday to re
side. Mr. Henderson has a position
offered him of J1S5 a month, furnish
ed house fuel and lights to commence
-March 1. They have been living at
the Fred Henderson home since June.
Mrs. John Wroe and little son Dealt
left for Walla Walla Thursday to visit
her sister Mrs. George Daguo for a
week or ten days.
Mrs. J. C. Frye loft Sunday for her
home in Colorado after a months visit
with her daughter Mrs. J. W. Bowers
and family.
Ruford Price was visiting on the
mountain last week.
Joe Hyatt was down from the La
Crosse country Monday and came ui
to his farm on the mountain. Mr. una
Mrs. Hyatt espect to move back as
soon as spring work opens up here.
Mr. John Wroe has been farming the
ranch two years. .
On account of the storm Sunday
Ihe organization of the Sunday school
was postponed until next Sunday at
2 o'clock p. m.
Robert Hopkins had the misfortune
to lose a good cow Sunday night by
getting her head caught in the stan
chion. Miss Dorothy Tweedy has m been
quite sick with la grippe this week.
.Mrs. D. C. Hopkins went to Pine
Creek Wednesday to take care of her
sen Paul who has the chickenpox and
her daughter and family Mrs. Carlson
who are all sick with la grippe also.
Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Lansdale left
for a "weeks visit at Umapine Friday
and later to Pendleton. Miss Edwards
returned to their home after two weeks
visit with her sister Mrs. Lansdale.
Ferguson Bros, lwught a $5000.00
sawmill in Portland recently nnd ex
pect to start work on their homesteads
in the near future It is reported.
Mr. and Mrs. Charles May and Mr.
and Mrs. Roy Hyatt r.ttended the dance
on Reid and Hawley Mountain Satur
day night.
(East Oregonlan Special.)
ECHO, Feb. 28. A Sunday school
banquet was held at the Methodist
church Friday evening und was enjoy
ed by a large crowd. The banquet
was given fer the men and boys as the
result of a membership contest be
tween them and the girls and women.
The church was very appropriately
decorated for the occasion. The even
ing was spent in games, music and
general social time, after which re
freshments were served.
Mrs. Claude Hampton was called to
Portland. Thursday to be a;t the bed
side of her cousin, Mrs. Gwendolyn
Smith Ely, who passed (away tha.
ame afternoon. Mrs. Fly Is the
" - WiA vJ5--, JIX XOU t(NT ' ill',1 I ,
3 T X"X MOT, 'BUT L. Tr PMO A CCEflK '
WMAVtKT tNSJSTS on vaG-Vtrsitt. To HAC
j 1 1 'jjjji j
duughter of Mr. and Mrs. C. J. Smith
of Portland.
Mr. and Mrs. Walter D. Lehman and
family of I'endleton were guests at
tho home of Mrs. Lehman's parents,
-Mr. and Mrs. L. B. Wells.
Thomas Uoylen Sr. was here on busi
ness from Butter Creek Friday.
Address Meador is quite III at the
homo of Mr. and Mrs. C. Scrivuer at
Big stone Flat.
Mrs. William Owens of Washington
is here with her mother, Mrs. C. He
CullougH who Is still quite III. Hia.
C. J. Gulliford, another daughter of
Mrs. McCullough, arrived here from
Portland Wednesday to be at the bed
side of her mother.
F. Andrews, prominent farmer of
the Meadows was transacting business
affairs in Pendleton Thursday.
J. Frank Spinning and O. D. Tcel,
directors of the Teel Irrigation District
have been subpoencd to appear at the
trial of Millhollan and Hough in Spo
kane on March ith, and testify as to
the genuiness of their signatures o:i
the Teel bonds in question.
Asa B. Thomson and Ralph Stan
field returned home Thursday from
Weiscr and Boise Idaho, where they
had been to confer with R. N. Stan
field. Mrs. P. Greenwood of Pendleton was
here visiting friends in Echo Thursday
and Friday.
Mrs. Asa B. Thomson left Thursday
evening for Portland to visit at the
home of her mother, Mrs. H. T. Stan
field. Jake Bowman was in Echo from
Butter Creek, Thursday.
Mrs. J. L. Hoffnagle has just re
covered from a severe case of tonsllltis.
The body of Miss Lillian lfoozer was
laid to rest in the Echo cemetery,
Thursday. Miss Hoozcr passed away
at her home in Stanfield, Wednesday.
W. J. Wattenburger, road supervis
or, is now working the roads on Butter
Creek with a crew of men.
PORTLAND, Feb. 28. (A. P.)
Over 100 women fainted, many were
hurt and an automobile was damaged
when 8000 crowded at the opening of
the five, ten and fifteen cent store,
Which had advertised bargains.
(Bast Oregonlan Special.)
Tllot Rock, Feb. 28. The high
school student body nnd faculty were
royally entertained Tuesday ufiernoon
and evening at the home of Mr. atuH
Mrs. Hugh Currln south of town.
Pupils and teachers of the school In
that district were also present. A de
lightful dinner w as served at t o'clock.
irn rinlltroufh tiHuktnil Mm t'nrrin In
Lester Bolln of Albee was a Pilot
Rock visitor Sunday.
Levi Eldridge Sr. and C. W. Paulus
returned this week from a hunting
trip to the mountains.
Mrs. Malcolm Mclntyre of Athena
who has been here visiting her daugh
ter Mrs. Albert Uoylen, returned home
last week.
Mr. and Mrs. Harry Connor, newly
weds returned home Sunday from
Walla Walla.
Mr. and Mrs. Charles Kldwell arrlv
ed during the week from their home
m Idaho to attend the funeral of Roy
Michaels whq was a brother of Mrs.
Members of the city council decided
at their last meeting to strictly en
force the state law which prohibits the
smoking of cigarettes by minors.
Willie Kldwell has been confined to
his home this week suffering from ton
Mrs. Tom Gibson attended the mil
linery school hera Wednesday after
Bobble and Dorothy Smith, son and
daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Wultcr Smith
who have been quite sick with scarlet
fever are reported better.
Mrs. Walton Roork and little daugh
ter of La Grande who have been visit
Ins here nt the home of Mr. and Mrs
Charles Wilson returned home last
I Mr. nnd Mrs. R. C. New arrived
frnm Portland the first of the week to
attend the funeral of Roy Michaels.
Mrs. New is a sister of Mr. Michael.
The millinery school held here Wed
nesday and Thursday of this week un
der 'the direction of , Mrs. Edith Vail
Deuscn was a decided success. The
school was well attended both after
noon and evening. A number of New
hats were made, some of taffeta, oth
ers of Mescaline and georgette, and a
We Can Save
You Money On Your Grocery Bill. One Trial
Will Convince You.
Guaranteed Fresh Eggs, dozen ........ 35c
Sweet Juicy Oranges, 3 dozen 50c
White Laundry Soap, 20 bars ..... . . . . $1-00
Canyon Brand of 'Milk, 8 cans ...... $1.00
Best Iowa Corn, the can 15c
Good Winesap Apples, the box $1.00
Our last shipment of Iiobles Canned Peaches,
Pears and Apricots will be here this week.
Better place your order now for these
We give weekly and monthly credit service
to reliable customers. '
The .
Sanitary Grocery
221 East Court St.
The Most in Value The Best in Quality
Phone 871 '
number of beautiful as well as service
able little gingham hats were made,
Other hnts ' were remodeled and the
estimated saving on the sixteen hats
turned out during the two day was
between $90 and $95,
Miss Grace Gilliam of Pendleton
visited relatives here Tuesday.
The following committees have been
appointed to make arrangements for
the school picnic which will be held
here In June:
Baseball E. B. Caslcel, Vf. N. Roy-
er. Dr. Schneider.
Concessions' nnd Finance C. G.
Bracher, C. W. Paulus, Dr. DcVaul.
Program and Band I V. Mucken.
J. O. Russell, Walter Albreeht. '
Sports George Done, M. D. Orange,
C. J. Miller.
Grounds O. E. Chittenden, ' T.: H.
tester. John Brandburn, C. A. Cooper,
John Stevenson.
Advertising Jf in P. Klrkvmtrlck.
E. B. Casteel, C. O. Bracher, L. V.
Macken, George Done, 0. E. Chitten
den. '
Members of tho Oddfellow lodge
were entertained at the lodge hall
Tuesday evening by the Rebekah
lodge. A splendid program was cn
oyed by all and lunch served during
the evening.
JOSEPH. Or., Fell. 18. Wallowa
lake 1 frozen over completely for the
first time this winter and skating Is
enjoyed by people from tho valley
towns. The Ice ta a clear a crystal
and rocks and fish may be seen many
feet below the surface.
AKRON, Ohio, Feb. J8. (A. P.) :
Sale of the Akron baseball club fran
chise In the International league to
Montreal for 141,000 was announced
Use Soothing Musterole
When those sharp pains go shooting
through your head, when your skull
. seems as if it would split, just rub a little
Musterole on your temples and neck.
It draws out the inflammation, soothes
away the pain, usuallygivingquick relief.
Musterole is a clean, white ointment,
made with oil of mustard. Better than
a mustard plaster and does not blister.
Many doctors and nurses frankly
recommend Musterole for sore throat,
bronchitis, croup, stiff neck, asthma,
neuralgi a, concc : i ion, pleurisy, rheuma
tism, lu-nbaga; pains and aches of the
back or joints, sprains, sore muscles,
bruises, chilblains, frosted feet colds
of the che3t (it often prevents pneu
monia). It is always dependable.
35c and 63c jars; hospital size $3.00
"Slightly Used Cars"
If you are going to buy a used car it vil
mean money in your pocket to look over our ex
cellent stock. We nave Fords, Chevrolets,
Buicks, Cadillacs, and other standard make cars
which have been overhauled in our shop and are
in Al condition.
We invite your inspection of these super
values. Oregoi) Motor Garage
Phone 468
last night by Prcsfllont Joe Thomas ot
the club.
As a builder of strength or
protection against weakness
Scott's Emulsion
has stood the exacting
test of time. Help your
self to renewed strength,
take Scott's Emulsion!
Scstt A Bowm. BlaeaWUU, N. J. '
(Tabltts ar Granules)
CM i4niUr iMaumM htmmdJ
tllia u h.il a i.okl pstaaiAl
life HU LUofc
f T.2JtL Ai lYiTiiVPr
Coutts & Averill
Will prepare your tux returns
and guarantee their work with
out holding you up for their
services. Bring your data to
Office Over Bond Brothers
A. C. Koeppen & Bros.
The Drug Storo Hint Serve
You UcsL '