FAOT! SEVEN TWELVE FACES DAILY EAST OREGONIAF, PEKDIETOH. OSFGON, SATURDAY EVENING, FEBRUARY 2(5, 1021- I F I ED NoticesrBusiness Opportunities, locals, Lost, Found, s For Rent, Etc., Classified for Easy Reference. AY ?a certified check of five per cent (8 jjper cent) of the total emit, payable tb tnr, Mayor oi in. my oi renuieion, to be returned, If the bidder I un.uccesa- ful and to be forfeited on failure to FOR SALE Five hives of bees S.0 i. a stand 21 J Garfield St. WANTED1 Elderly woman want, jiih . ui nouaeworic. Phone 7 68, LOST Gold monogram watch fob ' reward M. v. Leedy, Hotel Pendle ton. . ' ' " FOR RENT Apartment, hot and cold Water, .team hent Cary Apt.. 117 Thompson St. (WANTED Furninhcd 4 or s room houe with .leeping porch Clone In Phone 1050, FOir KENT 3 lurge light housekecp. ing room, including store room 126 ThompHon Bt. FOR RENT nicely, furnished sleep ing room, furnace heat and bath Call 378-J afler i p. m. . FOR MALE Rhode Inland Bed cock erels Inquire 2105 W. Webb. FOR SALB Eggs for hatching- from -our heavy laying .train white Leg' also have a limited supply of light Urumach eggs. Address Mr. Cha.. Mnrkln, Athena, Or.. FOR SALE All kind. of! insurance. J. M. Eat., 114 Main Bt., Phon. 104. FOR KALE Alfalfa, wheat and oat hay licx 122 Pendleton, T. - J. Cheney. GALLSTONES Fre book telle of lm proved method of treating Inflam mation of gallbladder and bile duct. V.'rlte today. Dr. Paddock, Box 20JA. K"n City. Mo., enter Into a contract In accordance ' Incubator lot. furnished. We with the bid, If accepted. Each bid must specify the price for Id improvement aa follow.: $5 oub. yds. rt Excavation' (of used dirt Street) Per one cub. yd. . .3. 1 cub. yda of Fill, Per One cub. yd. t 171 lin. Xt. of Combination curb and gutter, Per one lin. ft I 266 sq. yda. of Pavement, Per one eq. yd. ..$... TOTAL Bid. must be filed With, the City Recorder on or before the time above mentioned. The Cor.imoni Council reserve, the right to reject any and all bid. and bid. will be opened by the Common Council at the regular meeting there of on the day hereinabove mentioned.' Dated thin 18th. day of February, 1321. THOS. FITZ GERALD, . Clly Recorder. FOR BALE furniture and lease of 13 room house Phone 761-M. 2C9 W. Webb Bt. FOH RALE Thoroughbred Buff Orp. ington rooster Phone 84G-H after C o'clock. ' . ' L( xr Hrown gelding, branded quar ter circle 8. Weight about 1000 pound. AIho one bay gelding, wcIrM ubout 1200 pounds, small white strip on forehead, wire cut on hind leg. Notify H. K. Anderson, Pendleton, Ore ";' Notice Not for five year, have I been able to offer a. good value In medium farm land a. I can at thl. time. Lot 1. 4 80 acre farm, good bulld IngN, running water, 100 acres grow ing crop, dock, Implement, and ma chlnery, cattle, hog., fowl.; will be on Mar) et road, I. on rural route, about 400 acre, under plow, Ideal location for a home, only 121.10 per acre." 1 aleo have 800 acre, fine bunch grass pasture, well fenced and watered, some good timber, very accessible, il.&o per acre. Can give liberal term, on any land. I have for sale. I' ' N. BERKELEY, lOI E. Alta. DO YOU KNOW THAT THE HLUS BCHILLKIt COM'ANT puts Its used car. in such good condition that they are not arrald to sell them on time. Phone 9CI for terms. - LOST AND FOUND LOOT Female Fox Terrlor. ton head, all white body Phone 211-11 Re ward. . , 'LOST I year old dark-brown tnuls, branded I I. on left front shoulder reasonable reward if returned to F. J. Jackson, Athena, Ore. Notice For Bld NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that staled bids and proposals will be re ceived by the Common Council of Pen- dleton on and until 5 o'clock p. m., on March 2nd. 1821 for the Improvement of MADISON STREET from the North line of Raley Street to the South line of Jackson Street, District No. 75 with either gravel Bitullthlc Pave ment, Concrete Pavement, or Warren lle Bitullthlc Pavement on crushed rock or crushed gravel foundation In accordance w'.th Plans and Specifics lions for such Improvement new on file In the Office of the City Recorder of the City of Pendleton, Oregon. Each bid must be accompanied by a certified check of five per cent (5 per cent) of the total cost, payable to the Mayor of the City of Pendleton, to be returned. If the bidder Is unsuccessful and to be forfeited on failure to enter Into a contract In accordance with the bid. If accepted. Each, bid must specify the price for said Improvement as follows: . 1001 aq. yds. of hard-sur.. face pavement. Per sq. yV$ SCO L. ft of curb (Srtalght) , Per en. L. ft $ , 248 cub. yds. of dirt excava- vatlon( used street) Per cub. yd t TOTXL t Bids must be filed, with the City Re corder on or before the time above mentioned. The Common Council reserve, the tight to reject any and all bids and bids will be opened by the Commra Council at the regular meeting there of on the day hereinabove mentioned. THOS. FITZ GERALD, ? . City Recorder. Handy Business Directory of Pendleton and Vicinity This Directory Is especially handy for the out-of-town reader who. may want the name and address of responsible business men who repreeent the following llness. AJI are" reliable, responsible business concerns who .tand ready to give you prompt service. FOR F.ENT-210-W. FOR RENT Furnished room Pb on. 376-R. , FOR RENT 814 Cosble. Furniihed Apt. Phone ; !: ROOM AND BOARD for men only -401 E. Webb. -Housekeeping room. TIME CARD Wcston-Pcndlcton Auto Stage Leave. Weston fur Pendleton at 7:30 a. , and 12:48 p. m. Leave. Athena for Pendleton at 8:00 a. m. and 1:00 p. m. Leave. Adam, for Pendleton at 8:20 a. m. and 1:20 p. m. Leaves Pendleton (Allen-Knight Co. Store) for Weston at 10:00 a. m. and 4 p. m. O. H. McPHERRIN, Prop. AUTO TOPS SIMPSON TIRE SERVICE CO. Re- public and Firestone tires, cords or ,fabr1e. 22 JR. 4urt HI- Phone 5. JUNK, JUNK, JUNK BRING yuur Junk to the Pendletoe Hide Junk Co. Bee u before you ell. L. a. Cameron, prop. GAD WAS ALTO TUPS. Plate Glass, Backs. Side Curtains 91 Cast Court St. HEMSTITCHING FOR RENT One room with or with, out board Phone 746-J. : FOR RENT Furnished housekeeping rooms. Phone 204-M. FOR SALE 8. C. B. Leghorn eggs for hatching Also day old chicks Phone 115-R. FOR SALE Solt-propelled combine harvester, 1M8 model, good .nape term. Sturgl. A Storie. FOR RENT 2 largo rooms for light housekeeping Mi Post St. FOR RENT Sleeping and house keeping rooms 608 Willow St. FOR SALE Nice Residence lot on paved street price reasonable- Phone 295 after .i p. m. " FOR SALE Taxi cab and touring car business Parker Taxi Co.; P. O. Box 167, Pendleton, Ore. t FOR. RENT Nice large bedroom and housekeeping rooms Phone 248-M. TIME CARD 4 Pilot IVwk-lVuilcion Auto Stage Leaves Pilot Rock at Jam. Leaves Pendleton at 10:30 a. m. Leave. Pilot Rock at 1 p. m. Leaves Pendleton at 4 p. m. FANCHO STUBBLEFIELD, Prop. AUCTIONEER WANTED Two turcs size 4x8 Wallula. Wn. pool table, and fix Address A. B. P., COL. W. K. YOHNK A Auctioneer, Call at Sturgi. & gtorl.'e Implement Co., for sale dates. AUTO PAINTING ? MRN WITH TEAKS of xpr.iic. M',tor inn Garage, 722 Cottonwood. r- a a .A r ' ATTORNEYS FOR RENT 2 room apt. with sleep ing porch Phone 288-W, 307 Aura. FOR RENT Two houaokeening room., 301 8. Main 8t W. M. Tindel. irno XT. Akn.. inn a -is. 1 - VA tr4l -T "VUl JU IUIIB Hllttill ( 1 hay, ome mixed with barley. Georg FOR KENT Nice sleeping rooms with MISCELLANEOUS MRS. ADA FIELD Spirelle coretler. Phon. 224-W. Address 14 Jane. ALL KINDS of patients cared for by experienced purse 800 W. Webb Phone 884. GEORGE W. COUTTS. Attorney at Law. Room 17. Schmidt Mock. R. I. KEATOK, Attorney at Law, Rcom 24. Smllh. Crawford Building. CARTER A SMYTH E, Attorneys at Law. Offices in rear of American National Bank Building. ! (1EMSTITCIIING at (he Singer Shop, Mall order, promptly ettenaea to. HEMSTITCHING Mail orders Mra Ralph ' Haasell 417 Push, Phon. M. LAUNDRY EVERT Article Ijundred Perfectly. There's sa agent In your town, Troy Laundry, (08 Garden Si. DOMESTIC LAUNDRY 40t R. Court St., Ilione 60 We maintain a com plete mendl. department. MADE TO MEASURE Cart EL Frenemn, FJks Slug. FEE FEE, Attorneys at Law.' flee. In Duiiwin Building. i or- hot and eold Phone 498-M. water close In- rOR . SALE Hutching eggs from ' thoroushbred aimli. mmh nh;,l'n RENT 3 Island Rerfa uitn iv wai.ii ntin.. Esi i rooms, rCUNlTURE FOR SALE Your credit Is good with is. Stevens Fur. nlture and Repair Shop, 901 Main, Phone 11SI. light upstair. (It rhone 285-R. housekeeping Post St. or PHONE I. C. SNYDER, 276-51 for the man that has .wept your chimneys for fifteen years. ' FOR SALE OR RENT ( acre alfalfa ranch on or after Feb. 26th. Good house and chicken yards Inquire "it" thl. office. FOR RENT Single or double sleep , Ing rooms, furnished furnace heat id Inquire 7J5 Washington. FOR RENT Furnished bed room In private family furnaced heated WANTED Second hand goods of all kinds. We pay cash. Ktevenjs Fur 'ilture snd Repair Shop, 901 Maid St., Phone 1156. S. A. LOWELL. .Attorney and Counsel lor at Law. Office In Deapaln Bldg. 3. A. NEWBERRY, Attorney at Law, Federal Building. OPTICAL DA LH) ROTHWELL Optemetrlst and Optician. Glaseea ground to fit tow eyes. American National Bank PJdg. OSTEOPATH PETERSON, BISHOP 4 CLARK, At torney, at Law. 1 looms f and 4 Smlih-('ran ford Bldg. ror one or two "90" this office- gentlemen. Inquire I RAG t-GGS and carpet, woven. Also firs.r jiass crocheting ai.d emhroiu ery. All order, promptly filled. See Wheeler., at 1300 W. Railroad. FOR SALE Thorobred single comb Rhode Island Red cockerels. Extra dark color, large and well matured. Mrs. A. E. Hard. Box- 47. Echo. Ore. FOR SALE OR TRADE One 14 iL P. Stover gas engine, mounted on wag on bed with wide Iron wheela. Guar anteed In first class condition. Will trade for Ford. Simpson Auto Co. USED CAR EXCHANGE. WS" 1 ' Notice) For III da NOTICH I IV HEREBY GIVEN that sealed bid. and proposal, will be re ceived by the Common Council of Pen dleton, on and until 6 o'clcokp. m., March 2nd. 1921 for the Improvement of WASRTNGTON STREET from the East line of Madison St to the West line of Main St., Including the full In tersection ,ot Washington and Jeff.r son Streets, and J Eff PERSON STREET from trie North line of Jack THE BtlsT OFFfirt WB KVgR MADE IN A I'KED CAIb A Mte model re built DODGH BROTHERS car that looks like nw; equipped with good son St. to the South line of Washln--cord tires. ELLIS-SCHILLER COM- ten St, designated as Improvement PANT, Phone 963. District Nd. 73. with elthef Grave! i . ! ;' Bitulithlo Pavement, Concrete Pave- U , .: . r I; . c ; ment. or Warrenlte Bitulithlo Pave i i j i ' i lin 1 i i ment on crushed rock or crushed cra- FORD KEDAN for eale. Inquire 12vel foundation. In accordance with Thompson fit FOR. BAJLE Bulck D-JS. good tires, ; new M'nt, top Phone T6.. J"OR KALE 1921. Dodge roadster, V run M0 mlles-Royalt Cord tires, two bumpers,'; spare- tire Bargam If Uken at'once.- Pendleton Auto Co. - FOR 8A.I.EJ Ws nave a teiw good used Ford, priced from 8'R- " Toeee are all worth the money call nd set: them Blm peon Auto Co Water and Johnson fit a , . f. ' , ' THINK OF THIS!1 Bulck cut down for a Roustabout, with starter, elec tric lights and in good shape for 1126.00. ELLIH-8CHILLRR COM PANY, Phone 963, ; ' NOTICES . . pttotugraDtier F tniriwlnra our kodak work will finish Free one roll and one print each. Ward Studio. THE PARTY IslcNOWN who took a .t nf a vnrd nt thn end of West Webb. Please leave nt same comer and thew will he ho qnemions asKeu. ESTRAYED Came to my p!ace on Wild Horse Creek, one white fnced bull, branded horse track on ribs, split In left ear J. B. Trokel, Box 705, Ten. dieton. Oregon, PhoiMi 8FU.V : t . Notlco to Puhllo " -1 Wednesdity morhin at o olock we Will sell a lot of furniture that we have I., ihl Includes ranges, dining . 4...ii,ire. mattresses, beds, sew in machines, etc, i (Vodn have been r.-i.,i .i muat he sold at once. Call at Penland Bros, office and we will take you to the warehonse. PENLAND BROS- TRANSFER- vmlm Var RhUl NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that sealed bids and proposals will be re ceded by the Common Council of Pen imnn nA ontil March 2nd. 1921 at 6 o'clock P. m. for the Improvement r.r nir bthmPP from the Nona Line of Alta Btrt" t Rou,h Un of Court 'Street, with elthef gravel Tm,.i,.i Tnvmnt. Concrete Pave ment, or Warrenlte-Bltullthlo Pave mont An enished rock or crushed gra v.i rmtniniinn In "accordance wltn tin. m.i Rnaelfiratlone for such lm nrnvun.tit now on file In the Office of the Clly Recorder of the City of Pn dletr.u, Oregon. ' Each bid must b. accompanied by Plan, and Specifications for such lm' provement now on file In the office of the City Recorder of the City of Pen dleton, Oregon. . Each bid must be accompanied by a certified check of five per cent (6 per1 cent) of the total cost, payable to the Mayor of the City of Pendleton, to be tetumed. if the bidder la unsuccessful und td be forfeited on failure to enter into a contract In accordance with the bid, If accepted. ' - ! Each bid must specify the price for said improvement as follows; 2664.1 sq. yds. of Hard-sur face Pavement, Per eq. yd.l 476.9 cu. yds. of Excavation, !' Per cub. yd . ...... . 6.5 cub. yds. of Fill, Per cub. yd. t 1424. Lin. ft. single concrete ourb (Straight) Per lin. ft. I 7S.86 lin. ft. single concrete curb (circular) Per lin. ft.J 30 lin. ft. of Tavement Head ers, Ter 1 lin. ft .$ 40 Hn. ft. of 8 In. Sewer pipes, Per 1 lin. ft, 40 Un. ft. of 10 In. Sewer pipes. Per 1 lin. ft Three Catch Basin, Per one c n i... To cut approximately 17 sq. yds. of Blthultthio Pave ment, Fer 1 sp. yd $. . One monument, Ter one monument TOTAL ..-- Bid. must be filed with the City Re corder on or before the time above mentioned.) The Common Council reserves the right to reject any and all bids and bids will be opened by the 43ommoa Council at the regular meeting thereof on the day hereinabove mentioned. . THOS. FITZ GERALD, . City Recorder. FOR SALE-EIeVen head regl.tered short horn bulls can be seen at Rug ranch, Echo any time between now and March 10. . For particular, write Rugg St Hagey, Echo, or G. W. Rugg, Pilot Rock. , FOR SALE Houses ef all sizes, ranging In price from 11400 to $12,000. Come and eee ene If you want to buy a home. GKOKGE W. ELDER 818 Main St Res. Phone 972-W Phone 193 FOR SALE " . . . Five room residence, west end. 81700.00. Also many other houses from 4 to 8 rooms, some on easy pay-menu. ' George) W. Elder 811 Main St. Phone (93 HJiR SALE Good modern I room house and lot about half cost price of house If taken soon lawn with 3 large shade trees, storm cellar, fence and cement walk, around house. Deal vith owner and save agents profit Best chance to get good home In Pen dleton. (Call or write owner, 90S E. fluff St., Pendleton, Phone 204-M. THE CHEAPEST FORD IN TOWN with electric lights and starter. Has Just leen repainted and overhauled and looks like new.' ELUS-SCH1L-LER COMPANY, Phone 993. FOR RENT TVE WASH and clean the finest rug i . . satisfactorily.' Reference, given. large, airy, front I .... , , ... directly connected , i ,r" "J Z, Ing Co. Phone 1677. FOR RENT A sleeping room, with bath close in Phone (73 or In quire at The Bee Hive. WANTED WANTED Small Call 269. furnished Apt.- WANTED Sewing piain or fancy Phone 306-M. WANTED Girl for work Phone 68. general house- WANTED GOOD CLEAN RAGS AT The Eaet Oregonlan office. WANTED Girl to assist with house work on ranch Phone 14F11. JAMES B. PERRY, Attorney at Law. orflce aver Taylor Hardware Company. RALEY, RALEY ft STEIWER, Attor neys at Law. Oftt:e tn American National fUnk Building. DR. G. E..HOLT Osteopathic, physi cian and Surgeon. Judd Bldg. Tele phones, office 50N: Residence I79-W. PLUMBING AND HEATING AUTO ELECTRIC WOrtKS WH REPAIR anything electrical oi an automobile. W. E. CUane Oo. AUTO TRANSFER W. G. F1SHER Pboiie Ma. FRED Law, Bldg. H. SCHMIDT, Attorney at Room 21. Smicb-rawfcmt BATTERIES rLUMBINO AND HEATING Jamea McNalr All work promptly attend ed to. 206 W. Webb, Pendleton Ore gon. Residence Phone) 749-W, Office) Phone 623. POULTRY SUPPLIES Stand RUey A Kemp. C. E. WILLIAMSON Stand at Griggs' Cigar Store Phone 1075. . TRUCKS FOR HIRE-e-Country work. Kissler A Hemmclgarn, Phone S81-R or 699-W 518 Marie St. WANTED Woman to work on ranch Call 734 after 9 a. m. Saturday. WANTED Work as stenographer, Elso experienced typist Phone 277. WANTED A milch cow to be fresh about May 1 Call 1101 E. Railroad or Phone 648. ' WE WILL LEND .YOU MONEY on your automobile. P. O. Box 725, rend leton,' Oregon. WANTED Work on ranch by man and wife preferably sheep ranch Inquire "99" this office. , MARRIED COUPLE No children- Want work on farm references P. M. Sauyer, 318 IS. 2nd. St., Aberdeen, Wn. - .. ... WANTED at 777 Thompson, boarders by meal or week. Home cooking served country style. Try our meals 40 cents. APT8. AND ROOMS ALTA APT8. CLERKS, (men, women) over 17, for Postal Mail Service. 2123 month. Experience unnecessary. For free particulars of examinations, write J. Leonard, (former Civil Service Ex- emfner) 949 Equitable Bldg., Wash ington, D. C. . - FOR QUICK SERVICE, Call Bud Cornfield, Phone 52, Crescent Cigar Store. Residence, Phone 1059-R. AUTO REPAIRING H. L. HEDRICK Automobile and truck repairing car laundry in con nection. 717 Garden Street THE "PIONEER" AUTO MAN Satis faction guaranteed. We repair any make. Glenn Long, H3S Cottonwood. AUTO TIRES PENDLETON CYCLE CO. AJaif Re vere and Savage tirea. 228 E. Court Street L, S. BENTLEY & CO. Goodyear and Diamond Tires Tire service, oils and accessories Alta and Garden Sts, WALLACE BROS. Fisk tires, cords or fabric. We do our own adjust ing. 808-13 Johnson St GERTSON A MARTY Gates Half , Solas, 6000 miles guaranteed 1-2 cost of new tires. 637 Cottonwood St PENDLETON RUBBER St SUPPLY CO. Barney Oldfield, Goodrich Sil vertown Cord and Pennsylvania Vacu um Cup 305 E. Court DOINGS 07 THE DUFFS T WILBUR NEEDN'T WORRY. BY ALLMAJN . , NOTICE Notice of Payment of fire of Pendle ton Improvement Bond Notice I. hereby given that City of Pendleton Improvement Bonds No. 29. Eerie T No. 3. Series 16. will be paid upon presentation thereof to the un dersigned at the American National Bank,' Pendleton, TImatilla County, Oregon, after March 1, 1931. ' 1 Interest on the above -named Bonds eeasea March 1, 1911. Dated February 11, 1921. LEB MOORHOUSB, Treasurer of the City of Pendleton, by H. W. Dickson, Deputy. FOR SALE FOR SALB Two Phon. 8F4, Herford bulls l KOH, HELEN. 1 MES NOT FEELIMG WeU ( WtL&Uft! SHUT THAT OFF I J ' vi hat's the J amd Tiit doctor. Toio ( tom is upstaics lying ' 18 a A 1 MATTER WTli HIM TO COME HOME ArtO . DOWN- HE'S NOT FEEiWS J II !( WHAT'S TH MATTE (t "V'T rjouV k-MOW Rirf" I SAN .TOM. iSlTSlLiftGHTy SOO NEEPN'T I V4ITH HIM? ITISKTT I NEWENYTn W 1 FOR ME TO COME H? f AFRAID THE ., J AUN THING "CATCHING IS ) DOCTOR WO J NOTHING CONTAGIOUS ISjf POCT&ri SAVS t'ltiLADELPHlA DIAMOND GRID . BATTERIES guaranteed for 18 months. W. B Cliase Co., 320 E. Court. Telephone 269, Pendleton. CHIC T(OD, Scratch food, . tonics, bone, shell, grit, corn, oats, rolled barley, t'niatilla 1 lonr A Grain Co, PHONOGRAPH REPAIRING PKEST-O-LITE BATTERIES Best by competitive test. Service on all makes of batteries, guaranteed. Preat- O-IJte Svrtice Station. 406 E. Court Phone 861. CATERPILLAR WORK CATERPILLARS, harvesters, gas en gines, automobiles and general blacksmithing. Round-Up Garage, Parks & Nebergall, 211 Went Webb. CONTRACTORS & BUILDERS PARKER & BAK FIELD, Designing, Engineering, Constructing, II years experience in concrete and brick con struction. 64 K. Third St, .North Port land, Oregon. CHIROPRACTORS DR. R. C. ELLSWORTH Speclalixtng In nervous disease and disease, of women. 9 to 12 a. m 1 to 6:30 p. m. Evenings 7 to 8. Phone TOO, Smltb- Crawford Building. PHONOGRAPH REPAJRLNG All makes Warren's IfusC How, III Main St. Phone 134. PIANOS AND PLAYERS HIGH GRADE PIANOd of pleasing tone quality. Players of Individuali ty. Its the construction that eounta. See piano on display, write or phone Hie liee Hive, tM Msln St, Phone 107 J. P. Darnall, Factory Rep-, Moler St Chess Piano Co. Painting and Paper Hanging PAINTS, Wall Paper, Picture Fram ing. L. J. McAtee. the Practical Paint Man. Lowe Bros-, Palnta. RADIATOR REPAIRING ALTA At'TO RADIATOR WORKS 701 East Alta street All make, of radiators repaired. Work guaranteed. C Bias berg. Prop. CLEANERS AND DYERS PAXTORIUM Phone 473 RESTAURANT THE QUELLE A good place to eat. SECOND HAND FURNITURE MATTRESSES The best valuea In the city, 35 lb. silk . flase,. 17.M 45 lb. cotton $10.00 Phone 131, Riley & Kemp. 623 Main St CLEANING AND PRESSING MODEL TAILORS & CLEANERS Pressing and repairing. 304 W. Webb 6t Phone 321, Pendleton, Ore. DRAYMEN V. STROBLE, dealer in new and sec ond hand goods. Cash paid for second hand gooda. Cheapest place to buy household gpods.ll K- Coart Phone 721 W. CALL PENLAND BROS. Transfer van to move your household gooda We also pack or store goods. We do coun try hauling. Telephone 339. DENTIST Dr. H. M. Hanavan Dentistry Room 7, Temple Building. Phone 773 FARM LOANS SNOW A DAYTON, 117 E. Court fit. Real Estate. Fire Insurance- Farm Loan. See us about a loan. SECOND HAND DEALERS SUGGESTIVE THERAPEUTIC THE most up-to-date effectual lead ing science practised.!?. F. C.insosj P. S. T.j N. D. Room 12 Peebler Bldg. TAILORS 847 Main St Phone r BUTTERNUT BREAD WINESAP APPLES White 15c $1.00 Box Kye 10c WholeWheat 10c ' FLORIDA GRAPE DAINTY CAKES FRUIT 20c each . .. , Made by the Butternut Size 20c each Co. ORANGES APRICOTS OR , PEACHES Sweet nd juicy 25c do Del Monte Brand LEMONS 25c Each 30c doz. The Dean Tatom Co. MeatDeptOC ' Grocery Dept. CQC - Thone ou Phone s ' ' '1