v y , . "1" PAGE TEN i mm:m ' p L-iJ 1 W iiiiiniiM fr t. 1 DAILY EAST OEEGONIAN, PENDLETONOEEQONJS TWELVE PAGES TWELVE PAGES ' PAllY EAST 0REGQNIAN' PENDLETON, OREGON, SATURDAY EVENING, FEBRUARY 26, 19 2 1 . - 1 . --iv- ;;.:?v.fit.'.i-.;..r.n . iT.T'u , . m- T n ni fNii-iwtiim n. .rtiillommmi.mu lllmtl till innin TMI TTTmllll rT;;"Il Wl ni:"'Ui am iliuiui uiu uij!itiiili Sii3 : rri&TZ7Tmei -.-.-.. , 1 1 ' 11 ! hi . . - . : v . -. v ; v..r.r'-. : v. . , : :. . - . : ' . A oi U iaiJH,iig- cjunuu u rams m vwwmm mmmwm . mm wai J vs' . , . , - (J DE 3b STUDEEAKER EIG SIX " j: ,i STUDEEAKER SPECIAL SIX STUDEEAKER LIGHT SIX The World's Greatest Lignt Six STUDEEAKER ROADSTER l " . . '. f i . .. if At the Pendleton Automobile Show, March 10, 11, 12. LET'S GO! Displayed "by allace Bros. i. 'M. I. it I J 1 L - . A JMU . irn Dodge Brothers MOTOR CARS Open and closed models to be displayed by Ellis-Schiller Co. At Pendleton Automobile Show. March 10, 11, 12. LET'S GO! 11 A. G. Stevens Motor Go. Ti T .., '-, ; v. rlaynes -1. Distributor w inton Don't fail to see our display at the Pendleton Auto Show, March 10, 11, 12. LET'S GO ! Sets the Pace 23rd YEAR OPEN AND CLOSED CARS .I I ' Four, six and eight cylinder models. Displayed by the Pendleton , Branch of the Oldmobile Company of Oregon Pendleton Automobile Shpw, March 10. 11,12. LET'S GO! ' ' 'N J .- JJ lJL I I yS- ' SEDAN " V'' ' pfc ' yj&?pZ& , ' y .... ..TOURING ROADSTER ' frRUCk'' .;: ; V'1 'U.y,', TRACTOR"8" " '1 . A compile line ? A line of pleasure cars, including the famous Ford Sedan, the comfy, classy coupe, the ever; de pendable fivl-passenger touring and the farmer's friend, the roustabout. For the farmer we have the Ford one-ton truck, the economical and reliable hauling unit that has met with so much favor all ove the world. Last but hot least, we ask you to give us the opportunity of showing you what the Forcfson Tractor will do. c A modelW each will be on display at the Pendleton Automobile Show. March 10, 11, 12. ; SI , Local Dealer LET'S GO I i . . i 1 r: !! SEE THESE FOUR NEW 1921 MODEL .0 '.Tl . AT THE PENDLETON AUTO SHOW, MARCH 10-11-12 r-. , .,, MW'wiiiym iji !' j. .pW-, Si-S Buick Five-Passenger Touring. I tell ly Buick Seven-Pasenger.Torttg Buick LSmousiine t . . Buick Roadster Model a -- Oregon Motor Garage LETS GO! f I 1 . I !1 II 1. .It jlj II ; l . l : ; ...', - " jjj m, ...MiSiBiffPiiiiiirM1 m wnii mmrn- rrripir it iii i in imr m" i n mijii ij i ,,mm mm ul " M miiHijuniwrium mijurti ii jaii iiniiiU'na 1 fluOTHir Tuniiiiiii'uri ir r"i"' -"-'' ' mmnniiirmi ' ' " ' nm iuninwiww m 11 "TIT" Jsl!ipii..j:ui-iJ-" UHMiLimu'. jiJLiu.-li.'"lJ-ii nnii.ii tmi-mmummtm WH'i'W HUiij j.LuiMiiauiU!iriiiiiiii..an . ijm )iiiiiiiii ni" PAGE ELEVEN : -.-J....- '