East Oregonian : E.O. (Pendleton, OR) 1888-current, February 25, 1921, DAILY EDITION, Page PAGE SIX, Image 6

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    a- --4l-lon
Sodtf awd C7w& iVezas
Itl.riTAl, TO nic OIVKX.
A number of pupil from tht) Mc
Ifcmsld Hiudlos are to be presented In
an Informal recital at lhehome of Mr.
nil Mm, Casper Woodward, 600 Jack
son Mrn-t this evening with parents
and interested friends or the pupils as
This hi the first appearance of many
lf the yuunir students from both violin
and pliino departments.
Adding Interest to the program will
be a group of song by Mrs. David
tiliM of Athena. Mrs. Stone Is a pu
pil f.f Oswald Olson and possesses a
rhnrmlng lyric soprano voice.
Following Is the p roe ram:
Violin duet The Alp Maid's Dream
, tabltsky
Agnes IJttle. Fleda t'pdlke
l.urille Pearson, accompanist
Over the Snow .....Lynes
Nina Chaney
Violin nolo Cantalona
Agnes IJttle
Iris Utile, Accompanist
Violin solo Hohemian Girl. , . . .Balfe
La Koue Huckstcp
Robert Heck, Accompanist
A Little Primrose Lawrence
In Norway i.Haakonson
Iris Utile
Violin solo The Cuckoo, .. .Lclghton
Everett Frankum
Morning lTalse Johnstone
Jack Dungan
Violin solo Iiarcarolle. . . .Offenbach
Ralph Terjescn
r i
Garments whose vogue is pronounced and permanent
The Prices are Very Keasonabie.
Jolly Parmer Schumann
I'p In the Swing Harbour
Kthel Knbysk
Violin Solo Christmas Lelghton
James Ferguson
Thclma .Morris, Accompanist
I'p anil Jown Hiinnah Snvlth
The Cello Mayor
F.thel Brown
Violin Solo Uttle Cloud. .McDonald
Laura Kllsabeth Woodward
Thelma Morris, AccompanlHt,
A Child's Goodnight .Spauldlng
The Hunter H. Smith
Amy Elisabeth Aidrich
Rubin Redbreast Is Dead. . .Kllsworth
Olcn Simpson
Violin Solo The Konkcy Ride...,.
Cleo Campbell
Dolly's Lullaby Bilbro
The Hummin.it Bird Bilbro
Murie Nelson
Violin Solo Melody Rubensteln
Jack Isaminger
March Gelse
Kilna 'Enbysk
Violin Solo Old English Melody...
Miles Arnold
Ruth Arnold, Accompanist
Oriental Dance .Cady
Martha Hogue
lolln Solo Minuet in U.. Beethoven
Walker McDaniel
Shepherds Song ; . . . . Paldl
Rae Wilbur
Violin Solo Adeste Fidelia
Alvin Ross
Frances Ross, Accompanist
Flight of Swallows Lynes
Eisie Farrow
Sophia Enbysk
Violin Solo Meditation from Thais
Thomas Montgomery
Alzora Nelson, Accompanist
Phantom March ....Paldl
June Eddy
Violin Solo Aria Balfe
Waldo Do Wilde
Bass Melody .Hatch
Sleeply Time Hatch
Laura Elliabcth Woodward
Dance of the Waves Mana Zucca
Thelma Akey
Violin Solo Swinging on the Gate
Leonard Marty
Seville Marty, Accompanist
Birds in the Trees Hollaender
March of Flngalls Men. . . . .Rheinold
Harrlette Brown
Salut d'Amour Elgar
. Mary Francis
Dorothea Dodge, Accompanist
Hunting Song Gudelett
The Blacksmith Marl Paid!
James Simpson
Violin Solo Berceuse Hermann
E. C. Duncan
To Iris i . .PIferkoon
Marjorie. Best
Impromptu . Schubert
Pauline Rice
r", t " itf 1 1
The Outstanding Event
in March occur when
Harding i inducted into
No event will please us
more than the pleasure
of seeing you here soon.
Fresh Finnan Huddles today, pound
Kippered Salmon, Columbia' River, pound 40c
Eastern Oysters, fine quality, pint
Boneless Herring, pound .. . .
Golden Bloaters, each ..,
Imperial First Grade Coffee, Vacuum packed, pound. .. . 10c
Country Butter, 2 pounds .I.01
Bulk Coffee, pound aSo
White Beans, 17 pounds
Cretin OH Soap, 13 bars
Columbia River Salmon, i cans
Largest Stock Finest Quality Right Prices
,!Wk! .
. Ilk)
Gray Bros. Grocery Co.
1 1 - i
! Bind You Hand and Foot? f
If von had Rheumatism last year
and treated only the pains of the
disease by rubbing with liniments
and lotions, you can be sure that
soon again you will be in the shack
les of this relentless foe. You may
eet some slight temporary relief
from the pains of the disease by
, the use of these local remedies, but
' Rheumatism is too real and relent
less a disease to be rubbed away.
So many cases of Rheumatism
coma from a tiny germ, in the
blood, that you should try a rem
edy that has proven so thoroughly
satisfactory in these cases. S.S.S.,
the fine old blood remedy cleanses
the blood of all impurities, and re
moves all disease germs that may
creep into the blood. Begin taking
S.S.S. today, and if you will write a
complete history of your case, our
medical director will give you ex
pert advice, without charge. Ad
dress Chief Medical Adviser,. 157
Swift Laboratory, Atlanta. Ga
No. 2 Brownie
Price $2.50
; Pictures 2 14x3 1-4.
"Bill, I got a Brownie."
. ; Can't you hear Eddie yelling the joyful news
to friend Bill? . i
The experience is in the box that's the rea
son that you or your children can get good pic
tures with the No. 2 Brownie from the start.
: '' " Other Brownies up to $19.95.
Kodaks from $9.49 up
MRS. W. F. BAKKIl of Mlhvaukic,
Oregon-, who says he lias been
restored to perfect licnllh by Tanlao
after having; suffered for twenty
years. Her statement is remarkable.
f ...
J f
Violin Solo Ases Death Grieg
Fleda Updike
Jlurjorle Best, Accompanist
Minuet In E Flat. ..... Beethoven
Mar)' Jane Francis
Songs Selected
Mrs. David Stone
Violin Solo Lubes Tramme. .Kreisler
Gail Sherman
Caprice Vennois Kreisler
Dorothea Dodgo
Immigration was the chief topic for
discussion at a nlnteresttng meeting of
the Pendleton Woman's Club yester
day In the county library club rooms,
with Mrs. Albert Eklund, Mrs. K. C.
Tmanns, Mrs. J. C. Clemens, Mrs. Wil
liam Dunn. Mrs. George Ferguson,
Mrs. L. J. Donaldson and Mrs. H. A.
Frlck, as hostesses.
"The Eastern Immigration Prob
lem," wan the theme for a paper read
i,v Ti-a to r k-pntnr while a naDer
I rend hv Mrs. Herbert Thompson was
entitled, "The Western Immigration
Problem." Mrs. T. A. Wylle gave a
review of Mary Antrim's hook, "They
Who Stand at the Gate." Musical
numbers were by Sfrs. Vinton Rob
inson, who played a violin solo, with
accompaniment by Mrs. H. S. Mi-Ken-zie,
and vocal solos, "Who Knows"
and "The Sunshine of Your Smile,"
tiy Mrs. Caldwell, with Mrs. A. J. Owen
at the piano.
An entertalnlfig feature was a group
if rhymes and songs given by Utile
Robert Wylle, aged four years, garbed
as Charlie Chaplin.
Soring flowers decked the club
rooa and a cluster of delicately shad
ed pink roses centered the tea table
where Mrs. Alger Fee and Mrs. J. W.
Malonejr poured during the social
For Sale
Alfalfa Seed
ieardless Barley
Corn, Rolled Barley,
OUR & Mil CO.
Pbon. 1014-351
'For the last twenty years I have
suffered from stomach trouble in its
worst form. I was In misery all the
time. If I took a drink of coffee or
milk or even water, it would cause
belching and gas. In fact, absolutely
nothing would digest In my stomach.
I always had an awful burning sen
nation in the pit of my stomach, i
believe I have taken almost a wagon
load of soda for stomach trouble. I
would have to take It night and day.
Gas would bloat me up so badly I
couldn't fasten my clothes. At times
my heart would palpitate and flutter
so 'badly I would nearly smother and
I would have to gasp for breath. In
fact, I thought I had heart trouble.
"I was very fond of cheese and the
least bite would throw me right Into
spasms. I was also very fond of
onions, but they would upset me ter
ribly. .
! . "Mv whole Kvttt;m was out of Shane
and I ws also bothered with rheuma
tism and neuritis. Pains In my arms
and other Joints were almost unbear-j
able. I had to carry one of my arm"
In a sling and couldn't raise it lip to
my head. My hands would swell up
and for a long time I was in Just an
awful condition.
"I told my hustand I guessed I
would have to give up and die, as the
doctor' medicines and other things I
took didn't do me any good. Then he
got me some. Tanlac and said I had to
take it. Well, before I finished on
bottle, I found the things I would eat
did not bother me so much. I kept
gradually getting better and finally
after taking five bottles, my trouble
was entirely relieved. I can now eat
onions, cheeee or anything I want, in
fact. I p-n in !' health In evorv
way'. My neuritis and rheumatism
have also left me. 1 Kntov that f:v
dollara' worth of Tanlac has done me
more good than a hundred dollars
worth of other medicines. I will sing
th nrah of Tanlac a long as I Hvee.
The above remarkable statement
was made by Mrs. W. F. Baker, whose
address is Mllwaukte, Oregon. K. F.
N Tanlac Is sold In Pendleton by
Thompson Brothers.
The Bissinger Brothers home in
South Cold Spring was the scene re
cently of a delightful evening party.
In a guessing contest, Mr. Marshall
won first prlie and Fred Slocum was
awarded the consolation trophy. At
midnight a supper was served, the
guests drawing jiartners by lottery
Griesta were Mr. and Mrs. James
Daniels, Mr. and Mrs. John Wlchman
and family. Mr. and Mrs. John Kirk,
Mr. and Mrs. Marshall, Mrs. Evans
and family, Mr. and Mrs. Little. Mr.
and Mrs. Fred Hansen, Mr. and Mrs.
John Gentry and daughter, Miss Ger
trude Gen'.rj". Miss Yaekel and Fred
Friends of Mrs. W. P. Pierce will be
glad to know that she has sufficiently
recovered to be removed to her home
from St. Anthony's hospital, where she
recently underwent an operation,
A group of men who are members
of the Kill Kare Klub entertained
charmingly last night with a dancing
party at Eagle-Wood man hall, the
event being one of the scries given by
the club this year. After a few hours
of dancing refreshments were served
and favors presented, the men
celvlng "lucky dogs" and the ladies
balloons and carnations. Assisting In
the serving of refreshments were Mrs.
W. J. Clarke, Mrs. Fred Bonnlon, Mrs.
Roy Buchanan, Mrs, H, E. Green,
,Mrs. E. P. Tulloch. Mrs. V. E. Snavc
ly, Mrs. James Hill and .Mrs. E. J.
Roy Buchanan acted as chairman
for the group who were In charge.
For March 10, the date of the last
meeting of tho Kill Karo, L. C.
Schnrpf heads a group made up of the
" And now enters Spring herald of the new
and beautiful a season when all womankind
turns to the creators of fashion for something
refreshing in apparel.' - .
Fresh and youthful, breathing the very beau
ties of springtime, are. these new suits. We
doubt if you will find a display anywhere offer
ing greater selections of the new modes, and ma-,
terials, the style, the fit, and, above all, the modi
fied prices.
The Thomas Shop
other men members of the club. They
are planning a "kid party" and each
member of the club Is to appear in
costume for the event.
The Busy Bees met yesterday after
noon at tho county library, with Mrs.
J. M. Payne, Mrs. I.. Plnson, Mrs.
Augusta Rust. Mrs. M. A. Hlgby. Mrs.
Hassell and Mrs. M. E. Klrkpatrick as
hostesses. The afternoon Was spent In
conversation and needlework, and a
program was much enjoyed. The
numbers Included a vocul solo aftd an
instrumental solo by - Miss Thelma
Dupuls, and a recitation by little Juck
Wright. .
The relationship between parent
and high school student mas taken up
at a meeting of the high school Par
entent Teacher Association last night
at the county library. The phases of
the relationship were treated In a pa
per, "Parents' Responsibility to the
High School," by Mrs. W. D. Mc
Xary; "Student's Viewpoint of the Re
lationship of the Parents to the High
School" bv Miss Dorothy Flogel;
"The Teacher's Viewpoint to Parent
and Child." by Austm Landreth; and
"The Ideal Relationship Between Par
ent, Teacher and Child," by Mr,
Hunter. The musical numbers con
sisted of a solo by Miss Barbara Ed
munds and duet numbers by Mrs. Ray
mond Hatch and Mrs. J. B. McCook. i
Arrangements for the next meeting
will be made by Mrs. E. J. Mathewsoi.,
Mrs. C. A. Swanson and Miss Kate j
Voorhcos. , I
Mrs. F. E. Judd and Mrs. C. S. !
Jackson, formerly of Pendleton, now j
of Portland, represented the rmatllla
Chapter of the Daughters of the Am- j
erltan Revolution at a tea given by
Multnomah chapter of the D. A. Rvi
on Washington's birthday at the t'nl- i
versity club, with Mrs. J. 15. o.Mnlgom-!
erv first state regont, as hostess. The :
ten' which celebrated the twenty-fifth ,
anniversary of the organization of the.
n A It. In the state, was a tiengnuui ,
soclsl event. Daughtes ffrom all over,
the state were present. Mrs. Jackson ;
and Mrs. Judd poured at the tea ta-;
ble, and Mrs. Thomas G. Hallcy. for-
merly of this city and a member of the
Multnomah chapter, was among those;
who assisted about the rooms. j
Mrs. Chiirles Haynes was yesterday ;
appointed clerical secretary of the Red I
Cross to perform the stenographic du
ties of Miss Virginia Todd. Red Cross j
and home service secretary, who re- j
signed. A social service worker Is !
later I be appointed to tarry on the j
Kd Cross and home service wors
done In the past by M ss Todd, who
will in future be known as elected sec
retary of the chapter. Mrs. Haynes Is
emplovcd as part time worker and will
be In the office eaeh half day, al
though she may later be employed for
the entire day. Miss Todd will re
main In the office for the next few
weeks until the new regime Is well established.
"The National Remedy"
Gout, Sciatica, Lumbago
and General
, AN'Tt-l'RIC comes to you ss a
completn treatmr-nt for rheu
matism. The outfit, all In one
" package, contains thre prep
arations, each with a definite -
' purnmf.
AVTI-lfRIC TONIC Is not only
a blood purifier, but It also
promotes digentlon and assim
ilation of food, msKlng rich
nourishing blood. Tho bene
ficial effect of this tonic on
the kidneys is soon appurent
in cases where the urine hss a
bad odor or is discolored. The,
Jar of A NTT-IT flic OIL assists
proper massaging of painful
parts without danger of skin
Irritation. Not the leant Im
portant la s supply of pl'LL-
' MAN PILIX. which furnlfh
the neceaasry laxative during
the treatment yet do not con
flict with the tonic Ingredi
ents. lYIee." complete, in a
hahdaomn container with full
Instructions, is 11.(0 and then
is a money hack guarantee
with every package.
I'fiit half: rsr
"I tried everything that I heard oi
for the stomach and bowel trouble and
bloating, but got no permanent help
until I struck Mayr's Wonderful Rem
edy, and that did the buslnfss. MS'
son In Canada has also taken It and
rites it has done him a lot of good.
It Is a simple, harmless preparation
that removes the catarrhal mucus from
the intestinal tract and allays the in
flammation which causes practically
all Htomach, liver and Intestinul ail
ments. Including nooendicitbi. One
dose will convince or money refunded
For Expectant Mothers '
m m main m nsraiMiooe m ma sut- et
usmis sisuuroi C, tin, 5 0. atvmm. .
Tlio ScrHous T'nic. '
Drenda Freddy Is thinking very
seriously about marrlago.
Hilly Oh! How long has he been
married? The Bulletin (Sidney).
Dr. K. J. Tork, ths Chines Spe
cialist has srent years h study and
research work, both In Chins nd
this country, thus enabling him to
.ran. n v ntA anit ehrontfl dtseajM
of men ana women.
He uses only curative Chines
roots and herbs as menns of treat
ing diseases known to human be
ings. These remedies hav. been used
(or many generations and bav
been given credit by patients using
Anyone who may be suffering
can call to see him.
No. 411 W. Rom St.
WaJIa Walla. Wash.
S 111, ' r L
TACO M7T"r-v-i4-"" WAS H .
Rugs in New and Beautiful
Spring Patterns
Dr. Lynn K. Blakeslee
Chronic and Nervous Diseases snd
Diseases of Women. X-Ray EJectrio
Tempi Bldg. Boom 11
Toon ll
Are now 'arriving. Just received a shipment of new
Axminster Rugs in all sizes, both prices and patterns
are sure to please you. Our whole stock of Wilton
and Axminsters have been remarked down to a
"Sure the Right ifrice"
left over from our clearance sale to be closed out.
103 E. Court St Pendleton, Ore.
Phone 496