UHntpH 1Mylr y. n,.,,,,. TEN PAQE3 DAILY EAST OREOONIAN, PENDLETON, OREGON, THURSDAY EVENING, FEBRUARY 17, 1021. PAGE HIKES IF Nezvs Notes of Pendleton CALENDAR OI EVENTS . Fb. U-l Frun week. Feb. 17 Wheat growers maw. meeting, library. Keb. II. 0. W. R. & N. em- ployed meeting, Commercial A- tociutlon. Feb. 18 La Orande-Pendloton basketball pmei here. Feb. 19. School principal convene here. Feb. 19 Umatilla Rapids l'ower Site meeting, Walla Wal- la. Feb. 21 Open meeting Knight of Pythtn honoring 67th. Anniversary. Feb. . X-Club banquet, Feb. it. Washington' birth- day, general holiday. Feb. 2( Mae meeting Weston women. - Feb. 2J. District convention' Oddfellow lodge of I'matllla and Morrow counties Heppner.. March 10, 11, 12 Fourth An- nual Pendleton Auto Hhow, Hap- ypy Canyon. Apartment IK'liig Jtcnovated. New paint and puper are being ap plied to the MucMastcr apartments at 777 ThompHou street this week. A complote overhauling of the property is also being made. . Error In AdvortJwiiH-Jit. Through a typographical error In an East Oregonlan advertisement for the Oregon Motor Oarage It was made to appear that a 1920 llulck was for sale nt a price of $276. The advertise. ment should have read $276 less man cost, for Immediate sale. MWtlnl In Pomcroy. Mr. and Mrs. Verne H. Moon, who were married here recently, are now settled In their new home at Fomeroy, Wash., according to word received here by Dr. F. W. Vincent, manager of the Pacific Power & Light Co. Mr. Moon was chief clerk In the local office of the power company until his promo tion to the managership of the Fom eroy division. - for smallpox after being confined to his home for an entire month. He It fully recovered from the disease and has returned to his office on Main street. Community Club Formed. Hermlston women recently formed a community club for carrying on community und civic work. The or ganization was not a home bureau, as was stuted in yestorduy' Eust Ore-gonlan. Jim Kslss Out of Quarantine J. H. Kstes former city councilman, today waa released from quarantine X Club Gets Council Itoom. I'se of the city council chambers ait a meeting place for the X Club w:i granted last night by motion of the council. The club will meet once each month, on a Tuesday night, and will hold forth where a large number of the club's membership has served. Laxt Nlglit Cold. , Last nlRht came. 'near breaking the "record for low temperature, the mer cury falling to 16 above wro. Only once bcrore this winter, on the night of January 16, did the thermometer register so low a mark. The maxi mum today is 32 and the barometer registers 29.95. t J, -101101 101 101 101 101 101-J-101 101 New Cabbage The'f irst shipment of California Green Cab bage is in today of very fine quality. 6c Per Pound. We have a full line of Salad Meats, including Shrimp Tuna Lobsters Crab Bonita Fish Pimentos Garnishola T and Salmon Also, all of the best Salad Oils and well known Salad Dressings. WASTE LESS BUY THE BEST. Pendleton Cash Market, Inc. PtlOXKS 101 FINE GROCERIES AN D MEATS (Print Exchange Connect Roth Department) -101101101101101101101101101 Hoy Scouts To Meet Members of the Boy Scouts will meet tonight In the county library. Election of secretary and treasurer will Jie among the business for the evening. A lesson In camp cookery, to have been given, tonight at the high school by Mrs. Ktllth O. VanDeusen, home dem onstration agent who Is wont mother, has been postponed. It will be given at some future date. Use the Phones Grocery, Two Phones 525 Other Depts. 78 and 79 2lLn( QUALITY .Jf yn SERVICE. rENULETOX'S IFJUHSQ STORES Use the Phones Grocery, Two Phones 525 Other Depts. 78 and 79 Receive Appointment. R. G. Dykstra, formerly principal of the Umatilla schools and an active worker In that conynunity, has been appointed to a position In the federal board for vocational training, which position he will accept In the near fu ture. He has also received the ap pointment as head of the staff for the model store department In the Edu cational Foundations Magazine, New York BROOKFIELD BUTTER This is the finest quality Butter sold in Pen dleton and is handled exclusively by The Table Supply. This Butter is guaranteed to be perfect and for convenience there is no better, as it comes quartered, thus no cutting into ga hard, cold roll of butter. If you are not satisfied with the butter you are using at present, give this elegant butter a trial. You will use no other. "THE TABLE SUPPLY" PhoM 187 and 1SS 739 Main Street CHAS. D. DESPAIN & CHAS. W. GOODYEAR Proprietors U. S. INSPECTED MEATS ' MAKE COOKING A PLEASURE BY USING Aladdin Cooking Ware CARRIED IN BOTH ALUMINUM AND WHITE ENAMELED STEEL Universal Stores &vmces "ill 1p Some Kxpeet Wheat to Sell Borne selling of the 1920 wheat crop is predicted between now and -March 1 by farmers who Would rather take the market price than hold their crop for a possible riae later In the spring and be taxed on their holdings. There are oulte a number of large crops still I unsold in the county, reports say, and the. taxes on them would amount to quite a figure. Selling of late has not been brisk. One crop yesterday,, of 2(K00 bushels, was moved on the basis of $1.36 for Xo. I club. Women of A. M. E. Meet. The Woman- Mite Missionary so ciety of the African Methodist church met yesterday afternoon at the A. M. E. parsonage. 304 Willow street, with Mrs. U L Andersop as hostess. The program consisted of a reading, "A Man's Desire" by Mrs. V. Whitlow, a solo by Mrs. A. Ruffner, a reading by Mrs. U U Anderson and a paper by Kev. L. L. Anderson on "Women as Missionaries." Refreshments were served by the hostess. The next meet ing will be at the home of Mrs. W. I. Carey, 31 Wlllith street.- , New Substation Installed. The Pacific Power & Light Co.. has Just completed Installation of a amain substation on the Rothrock rancn near Havana station, east of Pendleton This contains switches and a tsans- former to serve the new homes erect ed by Rothrock brothers with current frntn the comnanv hlgn lines, ma terlal for a similar substation for th Tlild ranch, lust beyond Riverside. has also been received and a substa tlon will be Installed there shortly, the place having been wired for electric llehting. The ranchers also use pow er for much of their work about the ranches. iprmg Suits Coats Wrap Dresses Skirts Blouses Petticoats have been carefully selected, are exclusive . models, of the very choicest and newest fab rics, and will be shown to you at prices that you will quickly recognize as excellent values, No trouble to show. Vaughan, Lester Hamley, W. A. Rhodes, and Pat Lonergan. it Is the desire of the car owners to accommo date local people and west end folk who wish to make the trip and those who can go are urged to notify one of the car owners or Judge O. W. Phelps, chairman. The party will leave at t30 Saturday morning. Many Farmers Here. A large number of farmers are the city today for the Bpecial wheat meeting being held this afternoon in the county library auditorium, witn George C. Jewett. manager of the Washington Wheat Growers' Assocla lion, as speaker. He will explain the rn. operative olan. Delegations are here from Milton, Weston, Pilot Rck and other Umatilla county towns. Among the visitors are Victor Smith president of the Sherman County Farm Bureau, Dr. Hector Macpher- son or the marKeimir cieparimeni vi O. A. C A. R. Shumway. of Milton. president of the State Farm Bureau and X. B. Leavell. manager of the Oregon Wheat Growers' Association. Golnn to Walla Walla? Not less than eight Pendleton cars will make the trip to Walla Walla Sat urday morning for the purpose of con vnylng those who wish to attend the Umatilla rapids power association meeting In that city. Those who have offered to take cars include Judge O. W. Phelps, George Hartman. J. H. Sturgis, S. R. Thompson, t. I LuttiV ciga rette ii i it ! A i lid lUdMCU URGE SETTLEMENT OF WAGE DISPUTES report on the cold storage bill; also prohibits the selling of foodstuffs which have been kept in storage for more than twelve months and forbids the sale of deteriorated foodstuffs. CHICAGO, Feb. 17. (IT. P.) Im mediate establishment of adjustment board to settle the wage disputes be tween the railroads and the employes is urged before the I'nlted States rail road labor board by B. M. Jewell, the labors spokesman. Jewell demanded that the railroad executives and rep resentatives of labor get together with the board to organize ah adjustment organization, as provided in the trans portation act. This would be an ap plication of collective bargaining and would expedite settling the railroad controversy," said Jewell. mi, M xcoxFKitExcrc. WASHINGTON. Feb. 17. (U. P The senate agreed to conference the BUTTONS. I MOTHER! "California Syrup of Figs" Child's Best Laxative Accept "California" Syrup of Figs only look for the name California on j me package, then you are sure your child is having the best and most harmless physic for the little stomach, liver and bowels. Children love It fruity taste. Full direction on each hottle. Ton must sav "California." Specials for This Week BOOTH SARDINES in mustard, spiced, or tomato sauce, 3 for 65c, per dozen $2.50 Order Early Phones 525-526. Snow Ball Cove Brand Oysters, 3 f or '. .... 83c Per dozen ; $3.35 Sea-port Cove Oysters, 3 for 50c Per dozen ......... $1.95 Hemrich's Ocean Minced Clams, 3 for . . ; 57c Per dozen $2.20 Underwood Domestic Sardines in salad oil, 3 for 40c Per dozen . $1.55 Fine Selected Norwegian Mackerel, each 25c Darro-Line Red Chinook Salmon, 3 for 55c Per dozen $2.15 Select Codfish, l ib. package, each 30c Curtis Tuna Fish, Vis cans, 3 for 95c Per dozen $3.75 Carnation Milk, 3 for 43c; per doz. $1.70; per case (4 doz.) $6.70 It will pay you to watch our SPECIALS. SSJfViv Wero Is n dress that i ' dr,i i.i... iitfA. m, aiittn. The Rkirt U perfectly straight and gathered at the ..... tV. ,.,.Hnruulot has kimono sleeves, while the bib front drops over the waist line. The 90 dozen buttons , sewed on In solid circles nnn rows shown In the Illustration, and are wed with the satin. . are as cove Wonderful Merchandising Opportunity BUY! BUY! BUY! New stock of hat flow ers and wreaths, large as sortment of new and standard designs. Priced, 15c to $3.75. Hair rolls and puffs, the demand is great for this merchandise. 15c to 50c each. Ladies' pure thread silk hose. Regular $2.00 val ue. Very special at $1.29 Ladies' fiber silk hose. Special price of 98c "QUALITY" You may expect the highest quality possible for the price you pay when buying of THE BEEHIVE. 'Worth the money" is a common expression with our customers. "PRICE" THE BEEHIVE price is usually a trifle less than that found else where. Our policy o' being satisfied with less profit is one of the things which has gain ed our large patronage. "SERVICE" "Service with a smile" is another predominat ing feature of THE BEE HIVE store. It is our desire to make your purchasing at . this es tablishment a pleasure at all times. Your Special Attention Please To These Numbers Just received, a new shipment of Black Eng lish Teapots, good shapes, sizes. 1 cup to six cups, priced 35c to $1.00. Tho Boo ESiuo "More for Lew" PENDLETON OREGON Choice of all of our ginghams,, percales and outing flannels, at 19c a yard. 1