East Oregonian : E.O. (Pendleton, OR) 1888-current, February 16, 1921, DAILY EDITION, Page PAGE FIVE, Image 5

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eHere and There
Max liner, locul iiic1lHtlt, lure Tut
1'oilliinil on u liusim hh trip hist night
on Wo. 23,
Charles Hewitt, of Rochester, X, Y.,
I among the iMislness, arrivals In Pen.
die-ton today.
l Iluuni, locul spurting goods deal
cr, returned Inst night from a business
visit to rortland.
K. L. Mother, of Keattle, In a KiihI!
nesK visitor In Pendleton today aiid In
registered at the Pepdlcton Hotel,
N. tl. Hlrkputruk, manager of the
Jiargaln JIasemertt at the Peoples
vvarenousc, nan gone to Jlot ljiko foi
brief stay.
J. H. Sherman, traveling salesman
for the Western Irygoodw Co., with
headquarter here," returned from Itu
ker on No. 23 lust HlKht.
Thermometer nt Athena hint night
reentered jj uhove ero, lly wlnn, well
Known rancher from that section, said
today. Air. Winn Ik In fhe city today
on legal hiiKlnemt, havjng came down
on No. 1 thin morning.
K. 1?; ttrmvn, of Portland, arrived
luxe thin morning on business.
D. K, (lurk und N. O. Pike, of Port
land, are roslstered In Pendleton to-day.
It was two below ero Inst night at
Helix, E. I mlth, lor.il rancher re
ported this morning. There was oIko
finite a fall of snow there. Mr. Hmllh
enmn In from lillx on tile Northern
Pacific train thin morning after look
Ing after Interests In Helix and vicinity.
Ituslness conditions are good m me
Pilot Itork region, hays K. I). Canted,
prominent Pilot Itork citizen, who wax
here lust night. There are no Idle
men and there Is steady em ploy me til
for labor, says Mr, Cunteel.
Pendleton In traveling In good com
pany, so far an community service Ih
concerned, aocordlag to a list of north
western cities which have taken up
thin linn of activity, Ray K. Carter,
field worker for community service,
who arrived hero thin morning from
Portland, lays that Hoottle, Tacoma,
Unlliiighum, bordcen. Jlo'iulam,
Charleston, Port Tnwnsend and Port
land are going ahead with organiza
tion. All of these towns Huve two are
considerably larger than Pendleton hilt
In none, Mr. Carter say, 1 there a bet
ter prospect for success than here.
Mr. Carter will meet thin Afternoon
with the community council of 25.
ltlver and The Jiallex on tho ttiliimlila
River highway, which is eCon-d for a
few days. .Mr. and Mrs. Mann and
children, Miss Kayo Mann and I.ayton
Mann, left Jxmg Jieaeh a wick ago
Saturday In their auto, shipped over
the Slskiyous and drove no far an
Portland, uiTlvlug there last Kunday.
Mr. AUnn hit hla miwhine In Port
land and will drive. It here when the
road la opened again. The Mannii
have been In Houthern California since
November, being numbered among a
colony of Umatilla county folk at
Ung Reach. They report a very en
joyable winter season.
Col. .1. If. Rale.v,-of the law firm of
Haley, Haley Hteiwer, left thin mor
ning by train for JJayton, WuhIi.,
where he wan called on legal business.
' ' . ' -
Pcrtlatirl Woman Is EnHrolv Kareru ni.out what I ate. 1 wn no
Relieved of Stomach Trouble ! , fL",','?1 wit.h.rt,.""matl
f. . . . rf . 1 null, ll.LI.II.V 'I I f MIJU !(. W,m till
ana Ancuramitra dj lamac,
She Says.
M. Y Mayberry, merchant from Ad
ahis, wan among the visitors In Pen
dleton today from the wheat growing
community nearby.
'J wish every sick msn, woman and
child in PottUml knew what I know
i-hout Tannine," said Mis. S. . Akin,
of 460 .Maiden Ave., Portland, Ore.
"1 Buffered from Heimlich trouble
I'l'aetlcnlly all my life. When a girl I
wan ulwuyx liorthered with Indigestion
and Hick headachea .The pains In the
pit of my Htnnmch were aimply awful,
and often I had to get up In the night
end walk around on account of the
preniire of gnu around my heart. My
appetite wan poor and 1 had to be very
wan all 1
could do to turn my head.
"That wan my condition when I be
fcan taking lanlac and my improve
tnent with the vers' first bottle wni.
Juxt wonderful. I continued to take
it ii nt il It put an end to all my
IroublcM. .
"Kver Hlnce 1 have taken Tanlac 1 1
have been a well and happy woman,
and even with the care of my buby I
do all my houwework and never feel
tired. I have gained considerably Hi
weight and feel better than I ever re
member feeling before."
Taniac' is o!d In Pendleton by
Thomson Prog.
Automobile trnnnportatlon between
Long Bench, Cal., nnd Pendleton, 1 In-
terruHed only In two plaeeii at thin
season bf tho year, U I Mann, ranch
er and bank director, who, arrived
homo today, nays. One Impassable
portion in over the Siskiyou mountains
In Northern California and Bout hern
Oregon where there Is four feet of
snow. The other In between Hood
Quality on These Prices
Those Delicious Hams, per pound 33c g
Strictly Fresh Eggs, dozen 40c g
Cane and Maple Syrup, 1-2 gallon . 83c g
Pancake Flour, Olympic, large pkg 40c
Mother Premium Oats, large pkg. 50c 9
Puffed Rice, 7 packages : $1.00 2
Corn Flakes, 2 large pgs 25c J
Coffee, good grade bulk, pound 20c .
Corn, solid pack, 6 can3 for . . . .' $1.00 j
Kraut, 1-2 gallon . 30c 3
Other Substantiate Priced Accordingly at 5
The Economy Grocery
Phone 409 Reliable Service 113 V. Webb
what payments persona are ready to
make. The county treasurer anxi
ous to see money come In to the sher
iff's office as tho county treasury ii-
In straitened circumstances at this
time of year.
I'1i-m Levied Agnlnst Pair.
Two hundred dollars was the fine
Imposed by County Judge I. Af. Bchan
nep against K. K. Graham tin a chnrg
of having llnior in IiIh possession.
hrank Cable, arrested with Graham,
was fined S60.
limine Crffk Coinmlmd.
Antonea Patrales, who carved a
large amount of flesh from his shin
NEW YORK. Pen. 16. Father.
and mothers in some of the famlne
stiicken diatricta of China are com
mitting suicide rather than watel
their children starve to death, rays t-
bone yesterday morning during a fit I report received at the henibiuarters o!
of insanity, was examined and ordered ! the Methodist Board of Foreign Mis
committed to tha Eastern Oregon
Hospital here yesterday after-
Dlvon-e Case Hi aril Today.
The case of Harali Kllcn Ixraek v.
Frank C. Ixjock, In 'Which the jilain-
jtlff aeeks divorce, was tried today in
the circuit court. Judge ClW. Phelps
presiding. Yesterday afternoon taking
;of testimony in tho Bturtevant case
was completed.
hioiis here rrom lr. iiatpii A.- vvaro
one cf Its iniSKlonffrles in China.
"Multitudes fleo from the foodies
districts orHy to die of expesuro'ani"
hunger In distant cities where rlc
lines are Insufficient," wrote Dr. Ward
"Able-bodied lpen, old women an!
children scramble over, each other in
the streets In the rush for a coppei
flung by a passerby. Children are of
ten crushed at stations of food distri
bution." V
Mr. Ward repeats the assertion pre
viously published that 1,000 persom
are dying dally loathe famine-stricken
district and adds: "More people face
starvation in China this winter than
perishecfc on the battlefields of the
Transfers llclng 1 let -officii.
I The county assessor's office is busy
recording transfers of property made
since the last year. This work will
continue until and Including March
1. Taxes on the 1921 roll will be lc-'great war."
vied on property in possession of tax-1 The Rev. Henry S- I.cltzel. Metho
payers on March 1. It will be March 'dist missionary at Sainfu, Shantung
15 or later before field books ran lie -wrote of v'siting many village? where
brought up to date and field men start ! there was no signs of fuel or grain of
uMKt-ssliig for tl.ia year's roll. jane lem-I. "There was 'nothing but
. d'wolation," he went on. "The people
l.ffiior Cn-ses Ih-ag. 'were sitting around hopeless, discour-
Kfforts to get tho five defendants 'I'fcc.l and listless. The know there i
lield by the government In the Hill i nothing to do but starve and end the
Hart ibiuor cafe Iwfore I", s. Commtfi- (struggle-.'
sioner R. A. Newberry thus far have j At bj;se 4M Chinese rhrisj
proved unavailing. l-rcd I'urrev, fed- i are among the fajnine suyerers, ihe
eral prohibition officer, has been i Hev. I.yninn I.. Hale, reported In a let
awaiting the arrival from Portland of Iter. In many cases, he said, whole
VAXfOL'VKH. 15. Fb. 16. (A.
P.) Timber cruisers who returned to.
day from an Inspection of the area' on
Vancouver Island devamated by the
storm of January i'i and 3'). estimated
between five and ten per cent of the
est timber In the Island had been de
stroyed. On one side of the Esquimau &
Nanaimo railway between Duncan and
'ourtney 60') trees were reported
own. '
f-Tr i:i, pi.axt i.osi:i
f:l!.l'MI'il'S, Ohio, Feb. ;6. (A. P.)
--The Ci.ljinbcs plant of the Carnegie
-'teel Co., employing &50 men, will
lore iiidefiniu-ly February J 9, is was
innuunt-ed today.
Sterlih Silver
209b Reduction
The drop in the price of silver bullion en
ables us to make a 20 per cent reduction ip
all sterling silver.
This reduction makes it a most opportune
time for you to buy silver as silver is now
as low as wc can reasonably expect.
Silver is a "Gift That Lats."
The Largest Diamond Dealers in
Eastern Oregon.
J V'i ' I' , - i
juveniles r,t; branch llbmrles, adult Ifbrary with an anendttnro of tlOt,
Five transient read-
1 35, J.ivenile- 4 .
ers reritered.
Fifty four shipments of books were
marie fu m the central library to in
dividuals, schools and branches.
Thirlv ono mHnirs wero held In ih
while the attendance for five Sunday
concerts was 151. '
A balance of JS3. 4 3 is on hand. The
balance on hand January I was 133.30
and receipts we,e J36.93. Expenses
I wero 77.23.
To the People
who Rave been watching and waiting for the
prices to come down before they buy, will find
the lowest of Rock Bottom Prices now prevail
ing at this store.
Come in and look over our new low prices now
Mail orders given prompt attention'
546 Main St. .'""
a deputy I'. R marshal since Monday
ibut none has come. Tho Portland of-
jfice Is busy with grand jury ir.vesti-
gallons at present and has no men
available tq. send here.
'Sheriff Mill Anvpt Payments.
Tax pnyments on the IS 30 roll nre
now being accepted at the sheriffs
office, the roll having been received
jfrom the assessor. Mrs. Nona Mc-
iaul, in charge of collections, has not
made out all of tho Individual tax
sheets an yet but is ready to aecept
church" memberships have been hope
lessly scattered.
Officials of the missionary board
fear that tho famine will greatly re
tard Vhe work of missionaries In nonic
areas where they have gained a foot
hold only by years of effort.
January, lt2t, had the largest book
circulation in the history of tHe coun-
y library, the total being 9,35, rec
ording to the month's report. Th'
largest previous report was in March.
1920. when 7,733 books were circulated
in Umatilla county homes.
The total Pendleton circulation
was 3,S5, and of thla 2,221 were adult
readers and 1604 juvenile. The branch
circulation was 5,001, 3.337 being adult
ind 1.630 juvenile, while the rural
whool ciicnl-ition was 373. Circu
lation of blanch lR'raries wns as fol
lows: Milton, 89; Athena, St6; Her
miston. Sll; Weston, 615; Echo, 5 87;
Preewater, 54(1; Fcrndale. 311; Uma
tilla, 258: Helix, ?6; Pilot nock, 56;
Umaplne, 19 and Uki.ih, 12."
-Tho registration of readers totaled
315, the number being divided as fol
Imvs: Central librar adults 7 and
"Here's Real Tobacco"
says the Good Judge y
That gives a man more
genuine chewing satis
faction than he ever got
out of the ordinary kind.
so it costs les3 to ;hew
thb class of tobacco.
And the good, rich to
bacco taste gives a world
of satisfaction.
Any man who use3 the
Real Tobacco Chew
will tell you that.
, Put ai in co sljlcs
W-B CUT i3 a long fine-cut tobacco
e RIGHT CUT is a short-cut tobacco
i r
i Pay Cash Receive More Pay Less
Despain&Lee Cash Grocery
209 E. Court . ' Phone 880
1 1 ...
A Fool and His Money
Are Soon Parted
This ancient saying was created along about
the time Heck was a mere pup; we all know that
he has been dead for ever so long but the idea
still remains with us- n
It's easy to spend your money when you have
it, it doesn't take an expert to do it. But its the
modern Solomon that spends his money wisely
enough to buy his groceries at this Cash G rocery.
Tay Cash Receive More Pay Lesa
Despain&Lee Cash Grocery
209 E. Court ' Phone 880
How To I'reak Vp a Cold
It may bo surprising to many to
learn that u, cold may he completely
broken up, in most Instances. In one
or two day's tlmn. To do this, prompt
action is necessary. The first symp
toms of a cold are: a dry, loud cough
and a profuse watery discharge from
tho nose. Take Chamberlain's Cough
Remedy every hour as noon as those
symptoms appear and it will eonteraot
the effects of the cnld and soon restore
the system to a healthy condition.
When tho cold la unusually severe, you
should also go to bed and stay in bed
until all symptoms of tho cold have
disappeared. One or two days in bed.
now, in better than two or three week
later on. This applies particularly to
persons of middle-age or older
This Mfly Interest You
If yon have coughs or colds you will
certainly be Interested in the experi
ence of Thomas o'Ttrlen, Mnrysvllle,
Mo., which he relates as follows. "I
have taken Chamberlain's Cough Rem
edy off nnd on for several years and
it has always cured these complaints
promptly. It gives me better satisfac
tion than any other cough medicine 1
have used.''
As Advertised
You will' find Chamberlain's Tablets
just as advertised. Easy to take and
mild nnd gentle In effect. For consti
pation they are excellent.
Something You Should Know
An agreeable movement of the bow
els without any unpleasant effect Is
produced by Chamberlain's Tablets.
They should be taken immediately
after supper.
E 3
8CR ANTON", Pa. Feb. IS. (V. P.) p
A red-hot coal, ten feet in thfck- j 3
ness and at least 500 feet in length, isj3
blazing 400 feet under Scranton. " H
Tho fire is located in the abandoned j Eg
working of the old Central mine. West ! 5
Scranton, and is steadily creeping east-1 g
ward, consuming In its course thous-jgg
ands of tons of anthracite. All efforts ' 5
of 200 fire fighters to extinguish tht4j
fire, or even to cheek its progress. gg
have, up to tho present, been of nojgg
avail. Seven streams of water hnvejr3
for weeks been pouring upon the burn-
ing coal with no apparent result, th?j
water causing fantastic vapors in the 3
j white heat which S"rve only to hamper .
the work of the tiro ngmers, aireauy
hampered enough by the heat and jig
poisonous gases issuing from the burn-j 3
ing coal. 5
The firemen enter tho mine through 13
a shaft two miles away. They nre un- j g
able, on account of the terrible heat, tols
venture any nearer the fire than 00ig
feet. A perpendicular airshaft, locat-1 gg
ed directly above the fire and com-! 3
municatint with tho open air 400 feet
above affords a draft greater than that a
of the most towering smokestack, j gS
Grave danger confronts the men fight- ,gjg
ing the flames, as a sudden deprcssionjsn
In the atmospheric conditions above 1
mlBht send the sulphurous rases back- j gg
ward. ' 3
en s
1 nr
a w
iffigh Shoes R
FOR RENT Single or double sleep
ing rooms, furnished furnace heat
Pd inquire ?l Washington.
For Sale
North Siile
I am leaving Pendle
ton and am offering my
residence for sale at
An opportunity for a
family to secure a beau
tiful heme in a choice
Koyal M. Sawtclle
For 10 days cohimencing Thursday, Feh. 17 and up to and in
cluding Feb. 28 'we will offer our entire line of men's and wom-
en's high grade shoes at
20 -Discount
ClrtCAGO, Feb. 16.(U. P.) The
White f'ox players under charges of
conspiracy In connection with the 1919
world' series won one battle, nnd lost
another in their first court fight. The
court ordered the slate to furnish de-g
fens attorneys with "a' bill of, par-jSS
tk-ulars," outlining the evidence which
it expects to present at the trial to t 3
show there was a conspiracy. The g
court denied the petition asking that 3
the charges be separated so separate
trials could be held on charges of con-1
piracy and charges of breaking con-
tract promises by tho players. j 3
Don." t delay, but come early and get the shoes you have been m
waiting for at a very low price.
This is not a sale of odds and ends, but every man's or wo- l
men s high shoe included.
HErtl.lM. Feb. IS. ,A. P.) An of
ficial statement today reports the dis
covery of n secret store of arms
lierlm, including iOOO rides.
733 Main St:
Pendleton's Popular Priced Shoe Store-
in E