East Oregonian : E.O. (Pendleton, OR) 1888-current, February 16, 1921, DAILY EDITION, Page PAGE FOUR, Image 4

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tage rous
. iT ", j"-4V.... .. fT .
Published rlly and rml-Wcekly at
.. Pendleton. Oregon, by the '
. "'" "i post otr'fe at I'rndle-
!?' r,'Kon' oud-claa mail mat-
Imperial Hotel - Ht.id, Portland
(INK Kltl AT
Chicago Ituror.u. ?d eci:rltv Ttullding
Wn.hlnston. D. , liureau 101 Four
teenth Street. N. W
Weather f the Asacx-lsted Press.
The Annorlnird Press Is pxclusivclv
entitled to the use for republication of
II news dispatches credited to it or
not otherwise credited in this p,p,.r
ana also tli locai nen-a m ,i , . i. . ,
In. r
BVvscRirrioit hates
Daily, oaa year, by mall l hin.lpr
HE announcement that Claud Burr is to soon become
secretary of the Pendleton Commercial Association and
of tho .Umatilla Rapids Power Site Association is good
news for the city and the entire Eastern Oregon country. Mr.
Barr has earned a reputation as being one of the most successful
I club secretaries in the' state. He is a man who works quietly
He feels his lack of forensic ability is a handicap, but
nmiy. three months'by m.-.ii..Zl i.o ; many consider it an asset,. Often in the work he is engaged in
ft!!?: SS fXVMXttzZZZ dt I there is a surplus of oratory and a dearth of work.
ine situation m Pendleton is such that a man oi Air. liarrs
type can accomplish much good here- There is ambitious work
ahead of the Pendleton Commercial Association if we but wish
to undertake it. . The field is almost unlimited and needless to
say the move to develop power at Umatilla rapids is one justify
ing a preeminent place upon our program. There is necessity
for pressing our proposition with all possible vigor and in this,
work Mr. Barr is qualified to be of great assistance.
i 'any, nx months by carrier J.75
t'Aiiv, three months by carrier.. 1.95
Daily, one month, by carrier .... ,5
S.'tni-Weoklv. one vear hv mall 9 nn
Semi-Weekly, six months, by mall liou
Semi-Week v, three month by mail .SO
I Telephone .
. i
(Ty Frank L. Stanton !
Love shall load na where he will .
Nevermore, to sever;
t him kiss, or wound, or kill
We are line's forever:
l!Iood-red thorns, or snow-white flowers,
i'till thrvugh lite Love's way be ours.' ,
He a wilderness our lot,
So that Love may share it; ' .
Kind would be a ravage cot
With Love's roses near it.
Golden dreams, or stornv-swept day.
Still through life through deuth Love's way!
Copyrighted for the Kast Oregonian Pub. Co.
' Ehave had drives and then more drives until people are
tared of them. But while people by the millions are
starving as in China' what can we do but help them?
Humanity cannot stand Complacently by vhile men, women and
children die of famine. It is not in the human heart to allow
. uch suffering. ;. , . ' ,
America is the onsJand in position to give assistance. For
this we may be thankful. ' It is better to be the rescuer than
toose in Heed of rescue. If we are tired of helping what of
those who face such distress as speakers depicted last evening.
l.e juyli view to be-
HEN Barr Spangler entered his store at Marietta, Pa.,
the other morning, an employe tendered his congrat
ulations. Barr couldn't. figure why. 'It's your 99th
UirrVwisitr icn'f It?" A nf tVion Pan ramcmhrit tllllt: it. WftS.
vuuuj , lc4 b 1. . ' fclllt W.V11 iviuv.i.uviw,. - - - ' - . ,
And tie stoiT goes that Spangler "proceeded to wrestle a
few barrels of flour around, heave sacks of flour up on a shelf
and make himself generally useful"
r When friends entered the home of Miss Lydia Hancock, in
Eurlington. N. J., the other day to congratulate her on her 99th
birthday anniversary they found the young lady washing dishes.
"Never worry! That s the best rule for good neaitn ana long
life," Miss Hancock, in excellent health, says. "Even if the
world is upside down and witii you underneath, do not worry.
An overruling providence somehow smoothes out all the per
Miss Hancock especially likes pie, cake and candy,
What a grand idea it would be if there could be a convention
of the Grand Old-Young People of the United States! What a
world -of interesting history and gossip and advice cjould be
viven to the rest of the world by such people as Barr Spangler,
99, who jvrestles-with flour barcels, and Miss Hancock, who is
like a schoolgirl in her love of candy and cake I
Pullman, Washington, is planning a community building to
cost $50,000 with prospects that a much larger structure may
be erected at twice that cost. Pendleton has a similar need
vhich it hopes to supply some day. We hive a committee now
If; ; ;a
Aii li i hii' r,..,, ,
i i
ill .Ar.M .a . 1
nor should a county that, has always been generous, as has
umauna county, De penalized for its generosity. We are also
entitled to know considerable about the agency through which
relief is given. Such relief as is proffered should reach the
needy and not be diverted or lost in transit. There are many
who believe relief funds should be handled through some gov
ernmental agency or responsible semi official organization like
the Red Cross with strict provision for auditing of accounts.
1 That the suffering in China is terrible there is ample evi
dence. Press reports and returning travellers verify the stories
told by those engaged in relief work. China's plight is due to
famine. In Armenia the Story is somewhat different Armenia
is the Victim of war, oppression and religious persecution. The
way to save Armenia is to get at the source of the trouble.
President WllSOn Suggested tO Congress that We accept the al- (From the East Oregonian, February
ied invitation and assume a mandate for the Armenian repub- . 16- 1893:-
lic. Had we done that we could have set the Armenians on A- Perard. & owner of McKay
their feet But polk! intervened and we will probably pay j t"; J6"""5 his shee'
out more for temporary relief than a mandate would have cost. Misses Maud and F.dna Crawford.
US. Meanwhile OUt of the annual per Capita tax Of 31.92 cents Ana and Nancy Camoron. gave a'
which all pay in federaltaxes (whether you know it or not) thr-d needle party Friday even
V24.24 goes for past wars or preparation for future wars and the l, at, ,h! hom ' ,he ,f,ormer-
j, , .J, , i . v , , . contest of needle threading afforded
United States remains the one big free country of the world that much merriment. Rowai prizes were
las refused to unite with the League of Nations in an effort to ; won by Miss Kate Tillard and Harry'
insure peace and disarmament There are some inconsistencies 'Medernach and booby prizes by Hattie
anout our position but doubtless everything wil come out right Thomon a"d Av"' St"s-
. . . ? . , were Misses Geraldine Despuin Millie
in the end. America is a country with a heart and if it were Gross, Grace ShuithiS, Bssie Sargent,
not it W-OUld not be SUCh a gOOd COUntry. - 1 Kate and Grace Tillard, Eva Barnhart.
Members of the house at Salem have shown they are not
ready to wait longer on gentlemanly diplomacy to settle the
Japanese issue to the satisfaction of the west. , .
Say it with prunes, but beware or you may get a California
brand. - ' . - ' , . : . ,
Elsie Folsom, Leaaie and Gussjc
Moorhouse, Rita Bean, Delia Liver
more, Hannah and Bessie Switzller,
Maud James, Ida and Hattie Thomp
son and Nellie Cameron; Messrs. Ed.
Hendryx, Italph Folsom, Frank Welch,
Ernest Hartman, Gtorgo Hurtmun,
Jr., Max Heal, Ed Sawtelle. Harry Kuv
nor, Fred Clark, Charles lind, Fred
Newman, Dayton Barnhart, Eddie
Waffle, Frank Caviness, Earle Kuy
kendall, Walter Ilothohjld, Will Stur
gis and Harry Medernach
K. G. Warner of 1'Ilot Iiock, recent
ly killed an elk which dressed at 800
pounds, li took 15 bullets to kill the
animal. The antlers measured four
feet nine .Inches in length and four
feet seven inches across at the wiriest
point, v '
The head, mounted, has been placed,
at trie Golden Rulo-bar.
Yon know how well voii d4lkr
to alienee that talkative neijhbot
This Is how Germany trios to si
lcnco the wordy by. ca;j,itui
This-follow appeared recei tlv if
(lie Khloo Carnival al ;Jj:ui G"
Simply and tersely itated, JfoTKEii's FRffiND ls just exactly what the name
implie a friend and help to mothers, . . , "
It hai been mide and sold for mare than half a century. If k did not
possess the value claimed for it, Mother's Frisni could not possibly have
remained on the market, Tor only that which l really worth while and
beneficial can survive. ' .1
The mother who appreciate Mother's FarfiND the most, and who are lauded
in their praise of it, are those who unfortunately did not use it with their
first baby, and who, through its use with the second one, were able to fully
. realize the relief K gave them. ,
"Dear Sirs: I am willing asd anxjoua to trll any mnlher
about MoTHia's Kmid. It did bis mi niurh fmxl tint I
wouldnt be without it h It rant 14.00 a buttle. With my
first two children I hud a doctor anil a'lmiK ami then
Uiry hid to uu Instruments, but with uiy Iiut two childrea
1 only bnd a nnnte; we had no tlma to rnt a d.ictor be.
. cnuM I wuuil very sick, and only side about Uu or rirtasa
luinstes, '
"Any mntber ran write ma and I will only be too (lad
to jive her adtko. oun truly."
. . , MRS. C J. llARTMAV,
IS Palm St, Scrastoa, Pv. ,
"Before wing Mornn's Fsisnb I mif fered from Wedne
nay 'till Sunday. W ith mr next child I Mi Umau's
tautm and Wua skk only about three bourn." '
Orapa St. Gallipolli, 0. ... ...... s
For eaoaMa eo;f--MOTHERHOOD and The Baby"
frsa, hi cMiawi Ulou and mall dlrtct to makm el
Mother's Friend. . ., ,
WARNINGl Jlaoti uuty plain elh. imw tnj tukilltulu
they met tnly an Iht an and may nail hum uHlmd doing
' stHrsiVsi a
Eust Oregonian Special)
HKLIX, rl. 16. The Helix hluh
school boys' ba.iketball team irefeated
the Athena boys Krlday evening on
the Helix floor by 37 to . Tho Athe
na girls won by the score IS to li. A
large number of Athena rooters ac
companied their home team over.
Copies of the Associated Contractor
published semi-monthly by the As
sociated General Contractors of the
i'actfic Northwest in Portland and
edited by l.yman Orlswold have been
recently received by several Helix
Mis. J. Si Korvelt has been In Athe
na severul days thin week where ahe
went to meet her sister, Mrs. A. 11.
McKwen on her arrival from Port
Mrs. Win. Albee and Mrs. M. J,.
.Mdrrison were guests of Pendleton
friends several days this week.
The W. C. T. l held their regular
February meeting Wednesday after
noon at the home of Mrs. M.iry Mont
gomery. Honor was shown to Wash
ington and Lincoln, In memory of
their birthdays and to Prances K. Wtl-
lard for the anniversary' of her death.
Itoll call was answered by quotations
from various writiugs of Miss Wil
Urd. Twenty two members Were
present. Visitors were Mrs. K .J.
Heed, Miss 'Kit her Heed," .Mis. Juck
Itost, Mrs. J, H. Hesse of Portland,
and Mrs. O. M. Cook. -
Mr. and Mrs. K. K. Hllm, nccompti
nied by Miss Zelma Flock, visited rel
atives In Milton on Sunday.
for Three Generations. .
Drit. 2S. Atlanta, Ca.
Plaaait'avfiH mm your TRK.E book.
Nam . ' , ,
St, R, F. D
Health and Happiness for Women
Every woman seeks happiness a3 tho thingr to be most desired;
iortunately, the right to hanrnnesa is denied to no woman, regardless of hep
sphere in life. Thav first and foremost essential is good health. For, without
good health, strive after happiness as she may, it is beyond her reach. If ahfl
will accept the advice of thousands of women, who hava been benefited, she srfl
take Dr. J. Bradf.elJ's Female Regulator a tonic for women and for troubles
peculiar to their sex, which has been sold by dru? stores for mora than 60 Taara.
Dr. J, Bradfield's Female, Regulator is put up ia 4.00 bottles.
. II.. !.
Charles Alst-ach was a business vis
itor in Pendleton one day this week.
Mis. John Quest is visiting her
daughter Mis. .elghton at Wapato,
Jack Thomas has returned front a
visit with his father In I laker.
Mrs. H. Sihnebly was a week end
visitor in Pendleton.
The Homer Academy of Applied
Arts Catalogue for 1921, containing il
lustrations of pupils in the various de
partments of drawing, includes a
c""''c ir'n drawn by James Oris-
wold of Helix.
...is. .Mai K Smith has returned from
a short visit with relatives in Pen
dleton, i
Air. and Mrs. Fay Adams of Milton
have arrived in Hellxand have mnvct
on the Ira Scott farm near. town.
The K. of P.'a will give their an
nual ball Friday, Feb. IS. rfverythlng
ia being done to make this a T!ala af
fair. V 1
The February number of the high
school-paper, "The Tatler" Is off the
.press. It contains much of Interest
the editorial
and reflects credit on
Mr. Victor Mimon entertained her
music class on Saturday afternoon,
each pupil appeal lug on the program.
The room was prettily decorated sug
gestive of Valentine day. Painty re
freshments were served.
Mr. and Mr. Hoy Penlnnd have a
their guest .Miss Flossie l'enland of
F. K. Moea, rnshler of the lUuik of
IIcIIn. was a visitor In Pendleton on
tjalte a number of Hrllx people rao
tored to Athena on" Saturday to at
tend the funeral of Mr. A. n. Me
Kuan. Mr. Meilwun was highly es
tnemrd by u largo number of friends
lu this community. ' .
The Hiiptlnl'churrb has secured the
services of Ilev. Stockton for the neat
few months. Mr. Stockton is well and
favorably known here being at one
time pastor of the local churrh. .
Among the Helix people In ITndle
riin Saturday were Mrs. K K. Hllnn,
Mrs. Kmma '.cuske. Mrs. I 1. Clark,
Mrs. W. H. Shannon and 11:'. and Mrs.,
Cheater flemmell.
EETTT'S mother had promised I red hearts and dangling cuplds. The
h.er a Valentine Parly, and the) children, after exclaiming over the
H nine girt Began to plan for it; pretty costumes worn by their friends,
Mjr weeks before the Joyous day ar-jsat upon the floor to play games,
rived. To begin with, she made all ! First they played "Cupid Comes". In
the invitations herself. She took some ! this game the leader stands In the cen-
heavy white piper, and at the top she
painted a red hesrt with a gold arroxr
piercing it. Tbn underneath that she
Will jrou come to my Valentine Party?
Next Monday Is the date.
Be sure to get here early;
Don't anyone be late. ,
The hours of the party
Are seven until nine;
To look the part entirely
Dress as a Valentine.
14 West Street
Then there was a busy time in the
Brown household painting the place
cards and arranging for the games to
be. played. Betty made most of the
place- oards on heavy paper with scal
loped edges In the center of which
paper she pasted a pretty, picture.
Some of the cards she cut in the shupe
of a sole of shoe and on this above
the rnests' name she wrote:
"yours wits all my soul."
At last balnt Valentine's Day ar
'vv4, ard with it came the party.
Unity crossed as the Queen of Hearts. '
-DctWed the g'-jssts and when they
wrre U assembled, she led themJnto-
ter and pointing to each child in turn
says: "Cupid comes. How doesvhe
come?" ' Then the child pointed to
must deseribe the manner In which
cupId comes, each word beginning
with a letter of the alphabet )a order.
For example:
Leader: Cupid comes. How docs
he come?
Number one:- Ambling.
Leader: Cupid comes. How dots
he come?
Number two: Boating.
Etc.. etc.. until the letters of the
alphabet have been used. Here are
some of the ways in which cupId may
come: Capering, dnncing, eating. Hy
ing, gigglipg. hurrahing, ironing, jump,
ing. kickine. laughing, moping, nod
ding, oglire. prancing, quarreling,
routing, rulklng. talking, upsetting,
vaunting, walking, yell's;?.
After this the chi!d;i played find
ing the valentines which had been
hidden about the house. L'pstalrs
and downstairs they hunted and the
child who had found the most Valen
tin's before the lime v hts'le i w re-
tt was time to cat.
The table was decorated with red
ribbons-and hearts and cupids and
gold arrows. The cakes and candles
of the table was-a large red heart and
from this a red ribbon extended to
each child's plate. When the signal
was given the ribbons were pulled and
a valentine souvenir; was drawn out of
the heart for each qhlld. The party
ended with dancing and the young
were. heart shaped, and the tee cream guests declared they had had the best
was In cupid moulds. In the center ' time ever.
it :m v i
Iff ;;tpf
reived a prize. After thi
grand march of the Vnlr-
to the one in me prritic-
tie 7lsv rerun, which wns hunr wt'hieormA e-Hen n r.H7
HA HLKS LAMB, the English -j drawn b i... .1 youths and maidens
sayist once wrote: "This Is the j was. not' thai of a fellow- being to be
any on which thofe charming admired, but that of a saint who was
utile missives called valentines l0 h;come the xnecial oblert of wnr-
tioss and Intercross each other at fshlp during the ensuing year. The
every street fturning.. The weary and;t.i(i dattt of ,tile jtoman festival re
all t ut s.ient two ppmny postman finks t mained. but uTndet the Christian inodl-
tlciSjons the drawing ot the patron
(WaiTTtn AttcvoiwriH louimgcst lf
beneath a load of delicate embarras
m nts, not his own."
Tha same statement Is as true today
whn it was written thoe hiany
, ! ninny y ars airo. and Just so irue a?
jl it wis many many years befire that.
r,sO true will It be in many many years
to come; for who does not find the
sending and the receiving of these
1 my:terio'is love messages an ever-to-
be-lookM-firward-tn delight?
There are many explanations given
r Hie celebration of this day, and 1
,i iro ns to tell you one of them tha: 1 t
iy r cenrty came to my ears. Vul-i I
saint., came to, associated with St.
Valentine for it was on the date of
his u.artyrdom, February 14th, tha
the cho'ce was determinnd. Lalur the
namesif women wtre again substituted
for saints, and' love missives became
ihe by-word of the day.
. There Is another" explanation given
for St." Valentine's I:iy.- It was said
that on February 14th the birds first
ohose their mates. An . old F-K"sn
dictionary hajt t his statement : "About
!ihu tim tmnnth of Fehruaryl thei
bird ehoos? their . mates, and prob-f
vr;t.s a humble bishop of F:9iiie,ably thonce came tlie custom of youi
o a r.ievtd samthoou by being beat- men and women cnoosing vaienun-.
to dfath on February 14ib, In the! or special loving friends on this day." I
ir S7. A. D. To all appearancrs The ftrM ;valenlln sent werewrii-j
career had bren staid and unro. ten by the s ndcr to the object of hi
Tic, yst he became the Godfather .trfciion. novt. it so happened 'hoi J
the Dion sentlmen al of Knirli-b souie young men were not so facile
with the pen as were others, and these
ivont to their neighbors and asked
that Jove, message be written foi
them. This led,to the printing of love
vers- whiih could he bought by those
.hi! .vr enough to compose their
own valentines. . Orudu.illy the love;
,,.r.H. r.ime to be accompanied by pic- i
:nre' emMentatlc of love and friend-1
Inn jj In time cams to bi i
t imre imiint tant han the verses be-j
neath thuiil.
My hrt is in jusuce, but not in Judge;
My second's in taffy, but not in iaiiae;
My third is In evening but not in
My fourth is In spinach, but not' in
i Corn; '
My fifth Is In apple, but not In plum:
My sixth Is In merry, but not In glum;
My seventh's in chicken, but not in
duck; '
My eighth is In fortune, but not In
luck; i
Ninth is In robin, but not in owl;
Tenth is in bonnet, but not in cowl;
Eleventh Is In oyster, but not In crab;
Twelfth Is In crimson, but not In drab;
Thirteenth is in diamond, but not in
Fourteenth is In maiden, but not In
Fifteenth Is In Jersey, but not in
. Maine;
My whole will be with us quite soon
A general favorite with young and old.
All over the civilized world, we are
Take a letter from each word, the
names you'll quickly tell,
You'll find an opera in each sentenct
that you know quite well.
1. Mother will take Thomas down
town, j
2. Our follows win every time
agains-t thit team.
3. Telephone Dr. Miller If Jenny
Isn't better.
4. Opera and theatre certainly are
expensive luxuries, F.mlly.
5. Make haste, Elsie, cousin John's
6. Please sing Annie Laurie for our
friend Orsce.
fc.V WALT fe f. VJFrUUt-IMr-t
Hobble bus something In Ills linnil. Apparently It Is something he Intent's
as a messngo lo son nunc mnylw a, girt Who knows? The best way to flnd
oat what the message Is, Is to blacken In the spaces containing dots. Tucq "
you will know Just what tlie mystery Is. ' j
HinnEX LETTMl VVl7.ljESl.
Valentino fiat.
1. ilikaio. 2. OHvcffe. 3. ffrmfnl.
4, Patience. 6. Jfancof. 6. Plnafort.
OU gel the scisjoti, Alice, and j it. Valealine, of course I We'll makei
I I'll get my box of paints,"
Said Kate, "whose dv i almost hei
I he lovingest ot saints?
"Well. I declate," cried Alice; "I
Had nearly missed the, funT
A heart for every one,"
"There's father, mother," counted Kate
"And cousins just a scort;
We'll make them each a wlentine,
iuy. To find out how ihls came
ut we must go bark to Ihe day ot !
in Horn. Thre.at th nnnu;il 1
A In honor of Van an.1 J:ino Kf-J
ia It was curtnmry for enrh Ito- j
i you'h to draw from u rfceepfao.
.viinp of one of h' rity'f- ni'il'l-n
thereupon hfforne hl.i nwefl-1
l Wht-rt ' Chr'tinniM' ovr !k'Imi d j
, K At. Hie n.iiite hicli w..- I
SW ja V
mil' J- X (
And leave it at the door. W
"Then let ui cut and cojor fiisi '
Some flowers, large and small, ' '
Suggesled Alice; "but I think . -
The heart is best of all." j' S .
So happily (hey worked away - ' m
With' scissors, paste and paint.
Designing just tlie loveliest thing
In honor of the saint
With hearts and flower and Cupid'
bows, t
And simple verse, too, '
They told the folk that "sugar tweet
, And so, of course, are you."
"But let's make daddy laugh," urged
Kate j
"A comic valentine ' j
Of just the funniest thing that wt
, Can make he'll think is fine!
We'll plainly wrile above."
"But underneath," sweet Alice lalk.
"We'll letter, WITH OUR LOVE,"