KEEP ABREAST OF DOINGS IN rfE WORLD OF SPORT DAILY IN ARTICLES BY STAFF WRITERS AND TWO NEWS SERVICES ON THIS PAGE. - TEN PAGES SECTION TWO PAGES 7 TO 10 ' TEN PAGES SECTION TWO PAGES 7 TO 10 WPQ, mim v DAILY EAST OREGONIAN, PENDLETON, OREGON, MONDAY EVENING, FEBRUARY 14, 1921. JaasSJJS DAILY lM New Park in Largest City to Hold 80,000 Persons is in Prospect Owing to Polo Grounds Being Outgrown. riT HKNUY I- FA HI! K IX (United I'ickh Ktaff (JorrpMjoii(lcnl.) Tv'EW YOHK. Felt. 1 4. frnwda f.f the huxp proportion thut look In on football In England and Amnrli-ft will ba 'watching hnwnnll her before ninny Mnnon, If the plmm of New York duo uwner are carried out. The Yankee", who have been hnrins the Polo ground with the niuntii fur aevoral neoauna are aliout to liullil n home of thele own. l-itt wiiKoit the Xutinnal Leatrue told Coloni ln rtufitifjrt nil Huston that they weren't particu larly Imen about continuing the ihch ent anunscment. The decision, however, merely hast ened jihins the American Ix-mjue tun(f natew had been entertulnliiK to net a big yard of their own. Tho plana for the new Hl.idltiin are being drawn with the Idea of providing u. sealing rapm-lty of ku.'iuo Hpectators and cnnHtrtn-tlon of the Mori ihut u-in make addition tioHMiile If ttrxviirv. j The I'olo around alao la to be en larged to mat alxiut the name number. The Giant onm are not an near to the competition of tliclr plana, h"iv ever, 8b the Yankee boawa, who prob ably will have tho conirtietion work Marled .thin aiinimer to have the plant leady for next aeaaon If pnaaihle. Haaeball erowda here long ago out- Rrew the' ca parity of the Polo RTOiindM, but the coat of material and jtbor nan been an high In the naat few neaaona that tlio club owner could not carry j out any plana for Improvement. Since the ground are becoming more popu lar aa the lattlefirld for the big east ern football team, the need haa ulM', fe(f for a irrenler peittlng eapneity. f'ljlfllllllPM ) QUALITY SERVICE SANITATION Free Sales Day January 5th was the day of the free sales. Bring your sales slips of that day and receive your rebate. ' If you are not a customer here, and are not familiar with this cash saving plan, you should investigate at once ask the clerks or phone us. .ENVY hem I . ' .' ; i TO DAM JORDAN Lads Who Accepted Tokens of j Rotary Clab Suspended for1, . 30 Days and Opinions Are' Given on Residence Quaiifi- ! cation. WKS. JAMES 11. BLL'.M Here's a woman most women, envy. She Mrs. Jnme n. Blum, who as representative o! th New York probate court will wear a $100,000 pearl neekla.8 for JO day every year. Tb pearls have been In a vault and .experts said only contact with liv ing flesh would preserve their luster. Pendleton Trading Co. At the Sign of a Service Phone 455 "If It's on the Market We Have It" PlfflllllllllllllllH ! SA.V HICFAKU Cat. i r.t -Rlionamen of tbiK wetlim nr ha. I log watched by time wardena from jlhe air. Recently . It. Kellmer. de my firth and game wanlcn, flying ir: 'hla home-made airplane, swooped down at S.inson Diucll. near here. , wn. re five duck hum . bird.- J Stinson raid he waa on patrol dut ewd wanted to kpo the hunting- license of the mtn. All produced the necea-. niry cards. Th'! officer explained that he started building h a airtdane Hveral montlia a:;o and while it wan being constructed t'-k leavona In fiyin 5. Feb. H. (A were utter Till: ItOAItDK III'IJM , I'cndleton high achool guilty j of unintentional violation of ( rules due to loose conati ictlon. j M 11 who accept td gold fool- I bulla InellKit.le until .March 15. l'altcr's reniicat that l'endie- ton be suspended from h 'h achool athletic league derded, (iuardianKhlp over player., t;)- j jen by athletic coach, disap- J proved. j Plrlcter Interpretation of rules j :hio.'i,'hout Oregon to result. ' i n ! ,'" - 'h ' ft t i V " cm 1 . , -T 'i iiii-ii bIR A iiONU Sir Alfred Mond. British Hnan cier. Is on the way from Palestine to England to mobilize Bnancej tor the proposed Jewish nation. Tho first enterprise will be the damming of the River Jordan for electrical power CORE THROAT J ; 1 Carole with warm calt wate a then aclv over throsr VARORUH 7 Ulll'nn len I'Kd 1(1 ' life,'; ' Att AMVmI I" The Health of the Country Brought to Your Home t That is what bread does for you. The strength of the wheat together with its other pure, strengthening ingredients make bread the most healthful as well as the r,inost satisfying of foods. - . . The delicious flavor of - Harvest Bread "Made With Milk" will convince you that it is the bread to give your family. , Eat more bread and make Harvest Bread your favorite brand. . PENDLETON Baking Co. 1 :i-i;.ihvV.N in MM " m Ji f nniplcte exont-ration of Pendleton hl?h richool bn the cliarse tf fraud-.ib-ct eaK:on of the association ruii-s nr pi-rn by the board of control of the Oregon High School Athletic A:t ..(,c.aTiii meetiiiK n Portland on Kat-ji-.Iey to her,r the prou ht fd' d tiy ta ker hib pchotd. The board took a tand i'aV',.rltiK a Ftric-t coiiHtruction of j .be rules Kovernins participation in .t'Kh pi-hoo! athletics throufthont Ore-1 son. howevi found that throush j .ec'.iniciu I ul unlnientlonal violation ' of the t ulcj. several J'endleton lads. ; Ida?, ins; o,i ihe laaketball team, are! Ir.fKKiblC. - I .Mi.-.interpretati.m of the rulea, rath er than any implication of fraud, wa the twin of the findings ugaiiiKl IVn- liletou hiKh school and no penalty. .-tjiei than it 3u day auspension from 1 ,jan ic-jKit-ou, was meted out aKa.nst the men named in Maker's charges. The board ruled that the lit: le gold footballs recently presented members of the winnitiK football leant by the i'cndleton I!otury flub possess an in trinsic value, as contemplated by the asfoci.itiou ruies. The board declaiv d that all protested players who had -icelved these emblems shall bo inelig- ble until March 15. No Raines in j jviiieh these boys participated shall be i'ori'e.ted, hnwe er, the board ruied. i'lij, j-ullilK' hfl'frts nH-vIx nrembers-of j he first basketball Miiuatl, it is.sald : here. The board expressed its opinion; hat theic had been a technical vo .Mion during Ihe first temesier of the rbls relative to the residence c.uali i'lcations nf .Mr(jn Hanley and Ken teth Stonual. It expressed . disap generally of the assumption of uardianMh'p er players by an ath etic There wa no .f.iestion .al:d over their ei 'gibllity on this-, ground for paf-ticipation In basketball. I low-ever, and no penalty or forfeiture lloldins that all of these violations j irose from inisinteriirclation or loose j construction of the rules and were , not accompanied by evidence of bad j faith or fraudulent intent on the part) of l'endle'on hitth school the board! declined to order the forfeiture of any: i.imes or to suspend i'c-ndle'on hil- j bool from the league as pet.t ioned . or by Halter. Tendleton was represented at the iriirinc on Saturday by H. K. lnlow. , ECHO TOSSERS LOSE TO mm HVE 17-24 (East Oresonian Special.) HClio, Keb. r4. Kcho was defeat ed in tnc ft same i t 11.0 I HernilKion last Friday cveniut; by a jscore A 17 to 24. Hermision players j w ere H. Voyen, center, w ith -n score jOf 11 to his credit; I.cjran Todd, for 'vvard, with a like score to his credit; ;Jim Todd, forward, who failed to (score a Lasket; Krnest Waterman guard, two baskets and II. Sullivan. guard. Echo's players, the Purple Hiants. were C. Hosklns, center, two baskets; Fred Hoskins, forward, with 13 bas kets; -Kay Johnson, forward, who failed to score; George Atterbury. puard, with no score to his credit; Will Hoskins, RUard, with two bas kets. Eechy played the last half In ill Hoskins' stead. -Mr. Bensel, local teacher in Her miston high school, refereed the first half and liiilph Dorn of Echo the lat half. ' - - .- ' ,i Men's Suits Men's Suits W-OO Men's Suits 22.50 Men's Suits $2"-00 Men's Tailored Made Suits $35.00 BOYS' SUITS Boys' $20.00 Suits, now ; $9.50 Boys' $15.00 Suits, now $7.50 Boys' $10.00 Suits, now $4.35 MEN'S PANTS Men's $12.00 Dress Pants, now $7.50 Men's $10.00 Dress Pants, now $6.50 Men's $8.50 Dress Pants, now $4.93 Men's $0.50 Dress Pants, now $4.30 MEN'S WORK PANTS Men's $3.50 Work Pants, now $t.50 Men's S6.n0 Work Pants, now ' $3.43 Men's S5.00 Work Pants, now $2.93 Men's $4.50 Work Pants, now . . .- $2.43 MEN'S SHIRTS Men's Rcpular 0. D. Army Shirts $4.50 Men's Dress Wool Shirts $4 50 Men's Work Flannel Shirts $2.93 Men's Heavy Shirts $1.43 Men's Work Shirts 98c OVERALLS Men's Overalls , 95c Men's Jumpers 95c Men's Extra Heavy Blue Overalls $1.19 ' TTjri?- "OT.T JLJLJL-V IIU 1 . 32 Stores 745 Main St. The frame was played in the new auditorium and was enjoyed by a crowd. j ALL WESTERN COLLEGE SHOOTERS WiLL ENTER! POHTIAXH, (ire., Feb. 14 Th ji:nemplnment situation in Portjanc. l-as become so acute that there err-' i row more than 2.0 aft bread winners j-dders and penniless. The Portland , ( ity C'o:nicll and Multnomah County commissioners have authorized Port land Post So. 1 of the American Le gion to take- tne situation in hand In crder that a mora serious condition li. ay be averted. To prevent unemployed men and women cf.min? to Portland, where only s ifferlng ard enforced return would be their lot, the unemployment com niiwic n of Portland Post .Vo. 1 of the AnvT'ran Lesion is enlisting the co opeiation of Lesion Posts and tho !i-e:-s throughout Oregon and adjoin intr states in iarninir the unemployed to stay out of Portland until condition improve. - f rivdnVniW WT?f fprovTded" for most of the unemployed Portland fami iiy men within 3u days, but the city cannot prmide either work or finan cial aid for outsiders until conditions improve in the Fprinsr." according to the announcement of Charles B. Ruck, . er. Chairman of the I'nemployement Corr nvs-aioi. (tv tuiperuveiioeiii oi pvn-."... - ustin Ijindreth, principal of the hich I tr.vd. I aker was represented by tl. I li Melntvre. nrincipal of the liifith school there. Mr. Inlow stated this mornlns that the decision of ihe board indicates a p.ilicv of ripid adherence to the letter ind spirit of the association rules. "It will so far toward clearing up a num ber, of points of Interpretation con-4'r-rr which there has been more or less douht." ' p., fnr lis Pendleton h'.Rh school is j ...,,l Mr Inlow stated today, the. .IwVm of the beard Is final and the neident c'oscd. i ORI-Wnx AGP.ICCLTriiAL cca.-LIv.Jl-:, Corvailis, Feb. 14.-, A shooiiiit; mati-h w ith all the colleges an univer s.ties of the west participating will soon be the order of the day. accord ing to Adlar C. Youns, captain of in fantry, military instructor at the Ore ton Agricultural college. R. O. T. C. rifle teams in Oreircn, Washington, I California, Nevada and I'tah will com pete. O. A. C. will enter three teams ! cne from tho infantry, one from the! engineers, and motor transport corps, j and one from the field artillery ami cavalry. Scores will be sent to head-1 ijcurters in the lth Corps area for-' merly the western department at San', Francisco, ami the various Institutions, i will be "rated in the order of the abllit;. I of their student officers to cut the i heart out of tho bull's-eye. Beats Porous Plasters, Foot Baths, Etc 4 TI.XNIS NOW Ul'Pti sr)itT OX OUKtiOX AC.fJIKS LIST COAST AMATEUR .BOXERS - TO DECIDE TITLE SOON SAN FHAVCISCO. Feb. 14 (A. 1M Pacific Coast amatcvr box'n-; C'am pionshipn wi'.l lie decide 1 .nt the Olym ic Club hero March 2 ni'd 3, it was -neeiMicad reci ally. ltiirwntat'ves from nthl-nlc clubs mnnv 1'neific Cons' ctis nre elected', to enter the tonrnev. 'Colb-ce i-d university boxers are also expected. Orts-.COX AC;niiTI,TntAL COI. I.K Il?, Corvailis, Feb. 14 Tennis ex-I jperts at "i. .VC. are pleased with thel announcement that tennis is now at 1 minor spurt at tli college. This action j ' crime from the board of control, which i arrive! at the decision alter a recom , lr.ctidiition by the student body. SI 1'iiTinc OiM-ratcs I'nctp In an Knar! Ml motor dr'ven street sprinkler the entlne operates one oumn to fill th tank and nnother to spread the atc r. . 1 H ; Renews Strength Where there is need for a building-up tonic after prostrating illness, SCOTT'S EP,1!1LS!0N taken regularly, usually spells renewed strength and vigor. Scott & Bows. Eloomfi,lJ, N. X ALSO MAKERS OF I (Tablets or Granules) . fob iwniftrcTinw I II W I VI I V II a. I estanwi m in I MBBaaBM-2SLlkiMiaiiBBaaSSVBSv. j xi Ul, m m I 1 DONT TAKE CHANCES if you have a cough or cold. Cure a cold as soon as you can. Don't let any member of the family, young or old, go around coughing, neezing. Muffling, hawking or wheezis. A neglected cold can easily run into really dangerou ticknesi. It piyi to keep Foley'j Honey and Tar COMPOUND in the home, ready for use at the first signs of cold or cough. It is prompt in action, pare, wholetome, absolutely tale, and cou leu than ii you bought the ingrcdia enu at retail and mixed it yourveif. Went ITome to Break Up a Cold C F. Cullen. S3 S. Uhratto St.. Ata., wntc I an trsveuna in tee irtrrst of my bu..t. 1Qd caa ttaciei '"; co.rt ii New OrlDa. J IneJ t bratfc' II by ri-n i a-i or. uu ;y u.ea. but it ot mm m Ihe lelT lunj. 1 purchased two tl bottieaot . 1 reached Meridian. H a... no bailer. I Ir'ee neroue """''"' " mualaro toot batba. My cold lot io baa 1 made Kt home. 1 aaa your '(' and I look a bottle oi Foley I Hooey am) Tar t'oeooound. diaeardui otker mecicinea. I i-H rebel: i , .l well. 1 Ihaoa you. jimJ Irom now cn Foky'a rlosey abd Tar alaeia oral be in my ttom. Foliy'a Honey and Tar hat been osed for raore than thirty ream ia thoutandi ol bomea (or rcliel from cougha, colds, toaimodic troup, tickling throat, hoiracnen, hooping couga. bronchial couSDt eaj the couht that folio cnucait or (tip. II Ml 'ir- i Constance Talmodge I'lDiiiina 9 ni ia'i CONROY'S CASH GROCERY FRIDAY AND SATURDAY SPECIAL Sugar 10 1-2 pounds .. Sack ...$1.00 f fin Pineapple, No. 2 1-2 tins, regular 50c special 30c Crystal Whits Soap, 4 for 25c Federal Milk, 2 cari3 25c VVe:sons Oil Pints, 35c; quarts, 65c Sra Fcam Warh!ng Powder, large package 25c Aunt Je.-n'ma Buckwheat, package 15c Ccf.ce, H lis Red 1 pound, 43c; 5 pounds, $2.35 Rice, tha pound .' qjc bmall White Cal. Navy Beans, pound 07c Com, sclid pack, each 17c; 6 for $1.00 txlra Sugar Peas, can : $c Tea Gardet, Syrup, 1 gallon, 85c; 1 gallon J1.6S MM AUC.VUK TODAi