' . ' ' ' ' ' r" ' TEN PAGES DAILY EAST OEEGONIAN, PENDLETON, OREGON, ' SATURDAY EVENING, FEBRUARY 12, 1021. PAGE NINE MAN-: Notices, Business Opportunities, Locals, Lost, Found, 1 Handy Business Directory of Pendleton and Vicinity Thl Directory In especially handy for the out-of-town reader who may want the name and address of responsible business men who repreaent the following llness. All are reliable, responsible business concern who atand ready to give you prompt aervlce. , : For Rent, Etc., Classified for Easy Reference. ADS 1 , -s CLASS E I Em ! i ' ! ! I 1 1 L Ml COTTAGE FOB RENT 4i)2 Timlin 81, Full SALE Rhode iMlunrt Ited cock. erels inquire 2105 W. Webb. FOlt HALE Furd truck' or will trade on tvra touring. Riverside Uurago rnnne isv. WANTED Late model Wisconsin mo. tor u used on Ulowltt Harvester B. i(. McCaw, Prescott, WbhIi. G A LLSTON ICS Free book tells of Im proved method of treating Inflam mniion of gullhladdcr and bile duel.. Write today.' j)r. Paddock, Box i(01A, Knnxa City, Mo. foil SALE Eleven head registered short born bulla can bo swn at itugg ranch. Echo any time between now and March 10. For particulars write Hugg fk Hagey, Echo,' or O. W. ltugg, mot HOCK, FOR RENT - Two housekeeping room, 301 S. Main St. W. M. Tindel. FOK RENT Room with il.eping posch and use of bath Phone 717 FOK RENT Three housekeeping roort) hot and cold water Inquire 615 Ann St. Strayed - FOlt SALE One Walnut player piano Strayed from t'avUH. hnv nubile . . Kood an' new. will n f,f t ir.o nn horB, about 1100 poumlsfslar In foro-1 812 W. Court St. head? nn limml vf.u.i.. v'n,ir.. rei... I " i i i.i'' Gillette, Cayusa Ore. Liberal reward. CLKRKM (men, women) over 17, for Postal Mull Hervlce. 1125 month. Experience unnecessary. For free par titulars of cxiimlnallons, write " J. Leonard (former Civil Service Exam iner) D49 Equitable Bldg, WaHhlngton, D. C. Moth-c The decree staff of the Panltne Tto. bocia LodKe will meet Knturdav nieht for drill at 7:30 In the Odd Fellowe iiail.. HefroHhmenta. Uy order of , ' -JKHHIB PMITlC Noble, CJrond. FOFl BALK Self-propelled combine harvester, 1913 model, good ihap. term Sturgl & Storle.. Aitriiiloii KiiiitlitN of Pjtblan Dumon I-odKe No. 4, K. of 1, will have work In the 2nd. rank Monday evening Feb. 15th. Commencing at 7:30 o'clock. All membera urged to te preKent. HK.Snr MANGOLD, C, V. Notice) Not for five year have 1 been alno to offer as good value In medium furm land a I can at thla time. IaiI 1. 4 HO acre farm, good build ing, running water. 10 acre grow ing crop, Murk, Implement and ma chinery, cattle, hog, fowl; will be on Marl et road, I on rural route, about 400 acre under plow, Ideal location for a home, only $22.60 per acre. 1J alxo have sUO noren fine bunch graea raature, well fenced and watered, noma good timber, very uccennlble, $0.00 per acre. Can give liberal term on any land I have for sale. X. HKRKKLET, 10 K. Alia. Xotlco of Itiil for Heal Itnto Scaled bid will be received at the City Hecordera Office in Pendleton, Oregon up to February 16th. 1921 at 4 o'clock P.. M. for the purchase of Lot uiuck .o. c, I.lvermore Addi tion to the City of Pendleton. The common Council reserves the right to reject any and nil bldH. This notice I publbihed by order of mo Common Council of The City of Pendleton and dated thla 4th day of February 1921. THOS. FiTJS GERALD. City Recorder. L-fllEB PRUNES 9c to lS! prepaid, 10 lb, or more. Loganberry plant 4c. 1$, v. Olimart, Hnlem, Ore. FOR RENT Xlce sleeping rooms with hot and cold water close in Phone 4S-M. FOlt RENT 3 housekeeping rooms including bath. Phone 259-J or call at 220 Long St. 444444 TIM B CARD , Tl'etfon-PrtKlioton Auto Stag Leave Westm for Pendleton at 7:30 a, m. and 12:45 p. m. Leave Athena for Pendleton at 1:00 a. m. and 1:00 p. m. V 4 Leave Adams for Pendleton at t:20 a. in. and 1:20 p. m. Leavo Pendleton (Allen-Knight Co. Store) for Weston at 10:0 4 a. m. and 4 p. m. 4 O. H. MoPHERRIN, Prop. AUCTIONEER COL. W. F. TOHNKA Auctioneer, Call at Sturgl Stori' Impl.m.nt Co., for sale dates. , , AUTO PAINTING HEMSTlTCHlNfiL HEMSTITCHI.N'O at the fclnger Shoo, Mail order promptly attended to. FOR; RENT Sleeping: rooms, furnace heat, fie. bath, men. only. Phone 407, a. m., J7H-J after I p.. m. FOR RKXT FurnlHhed bed room in private family furnaced heated for ong or two gentlemen. Inquire 0" this offlc. . . . Vlftt SALE Heltlia- egg from pure bred' Rhode Inland Rod. Can de liver anytime, Phono 331-J. FOR SALE Beardless spring barley for need at fit Andrew School Reservation 3 cents per pound. XOTIfK Not lii- of Payment nf City of Pi-ndlo. ton Improvi'iiient lioml Notice is hereby given that City of Pendleton Improvement Iionds No. 2, eerie T; No. .3, Series 1G, will be paid FOR SALE About 130 ton alfalfa hay, some mixed with barley. Oeorge Geanokopulas, Rleth Ore., phone 23F4. FOR KENT A large, airy, front Bleeping room, directly connected with bath close In Phone 672 or In quire at The Bee Hive. WANTED WANTED fiewtug plain or fancy Phone 806-li. TIME CARD Pilot Rock-Pi-ndh ton Auto Stage Leaves Pilot Rock at 8 a. m. Leaves Pendleton at 10:30 a. m. Leave Pilot Bock at 1 p. nu Leave Pendleton at 4 p. ro. FAXCHO STUBBLEFIELD, 4 Prop. 7 MEN WITH TEARS of exprlnc. Motor Inn Garage, 721 Cottonwood. Ward A. Hoaglaad, Prop. ATTORNEYS GEORGE W. COUTTS, Attorney Law, Room 17. Schmidt Mock. R. I. KEATOR, Attorney at Law, Room 24, 8mi til-Crawford Building. MIDDLE AGED WOMAN wants work Apply Bowman Hotel, Room 3. ALL KINDS of furnace and atov re pairing, pips fitting and chimney cleaning satisfaction guaranteed Phon 62Z. CARTER SMYTH E, Attorney at Law. Office In rear of American National Bank Building. HEMSTITCHING Mall order Mr, Ralph. Baasell 417 Bush,, Pboal . . - LAUNDRY EVERT Article Laundered Perfectly. There' an agent In ' your town Troy Laundry, (Oft Garden (4. DOMESTIC LALNDRy 101 E. CoBrt . St., Ilioue) (K) We maintain a com plete mendini, department. MADE TO MEASURE FEE & FEE. Attorney at Law. fice In Dcapain Building. Of- S. A. LOWELL .Attorney and Counsel lor at Law. Office in Despaln Bldg. S. A. NEWBERRY, Attorney at Law, Federal Building. nn Oarl E. Franaeen, E3ka) Bldg. OPTICAL' WANTED GOOD CLEAX RAGS AT The Eaet Oregonian office. F.IR SALE Fullblood Whll tehnrn I eggs for hatching. One dollar, WANTED Girl for general house fll.OO) the hatch. Mrs. Brandt', 509 j work In family of two Phone 1143. Clay SU RAO hCGS and carpet woven. Also first clas crocheting! and embroid ery. All order promptly filled. See 1 Smith-Crawford Bldg. Wheelers, at 1300 W. Railroad. BISHOP CLARK, At torney at Law. Room 1 and 4 FOR SALE McCormack Combine with Leltoy engine. In A-l order. Hargnln. Can be seen at Dr.-C. W. Lassen's ranch at Riverside. Port BALE Thorobred single comb Rhode Island Red olckerels. Extra dark color, large and well matured. Mrs. A. E. Hard, Box 47, Echo, Ore. WE WASH and clean the finest rug satisfactorily. Reference given. we make fluff rug from old carpet. Walla Walla Rug and Carpet Cleav ing Co. Phone 1477. WANTED Old atovea and broken I furniture 901 Main, Phone 1H6 i Cash paid. j - r FOR RENT 3 liffht housekeeping' 7TZ:, i ronnw, upslairs-MS Post fit. or I W ?EBf AIB. nhlng electrical AUTO ELECTRIC WORKS Phone 2S3-R. WANTED Two pool tables and fix tures size 4x8 Address A. B. P., Wnllula, Wn. upon, presentation thereof to thn un- rnn KAI.K On TRAnR On hit p. derslgned at the American National inv anflna mnnnt nn ... WANTED Job on ranch as JWank, Pendleton, I'matlllii County, on bed with wide iron wheels. Guar- urnwin, aner starch 1. 1921. antecd In first class condition. Willi interest on the above named Bonds house keeper' for men, by elderly lady an automobile. W. E. Cluuw Co. ; ; AUTO TRANSFER W. o. FISHERStand HUey A Kemp, Phone & 3X JAMES B. PERRY, Attorney at Law. Office ovt Taylor Hardware Com pany. . RALEY, RALEY tc STEIWER, Attor ney at La-w. Office In American National B:ik Building. , FRED Law, Bldg. H. SCHMIDT, Attorney at , Room 24, Smith-Crawford DALE ROTHWELJL Optemetrlat and Optician. Glasses ground to fit you eye. American National Bank Bldft OSTEOPATH ; DR. G. E. HOLT Osteopathic, phyal cian and Surgeon. Judd Bldg. Tela phones, office 608; Residence. 17t-W. BATTERIES NOTICES llidtographcr To Introduce our kodak work will finish Ittt) one roll and one print each. Ward Studio. Estray Notice Came to my place one brown mare four year old, star In forehead, brand ed JV on left, shoulder. Owner can have same by paying for this ad. Her bert Thompson, Pendleton, Ore. ceaxrs March 1, 3 921. IJated February 11, 1921. LEE MOORHOCSE. Treasurer of the City of Pendleton, by II. W. Iiickson, Deputy. trade for Ford. Slmpeos Auto Co. BOSTON, Feb. 12. (A. P.) Tho Commercial Bulletin Joday said: "There has been a fair business re ported during the week, although the demand has not been spirited in tho American market. Prins are steady. America has been buying freely In Australia and In Liverpool this week cf the best Australian wools nt firm rate and In South America also where prices are allKjjlly dearer. 'The goods market Is still develop ing very slowly, manufacturers delay ing openings for a more favorable op portunity. The senate i making pro gress on the tariff bill, but conser vative observers do not believe that tho bill will bo onactod finally." Quolutlnns: Scoured basis. Texas Flue, 12 months,. 70'!i'80c; fine ,8 months, SSfid'ic. California-Northern, 7S ji Soc; mid dle, 7S; southern, 5.1 i ' Oregon Eastern. No. t staple, S0( 80; eastern rlothing, 6j tf 70; vnlloy No. BT, 4l 70. . Territory Fine staple, choice, S5W 9ac; half blood combing, 75W0: 3-8 Mood combing, 03'I8: 1-4 blood combing. 4.1 48; fine and fine med ium clothing, & ". Pulled Delaine, 951J1.00; A A, 90 (Mir,; A supers, riofid'i. Mohairs Rest combing, 30 ft 32c; best carding. 2 6 fi it. Notlcv of lllds for llru Apimratus Notice Is hereby given that sealed Mela will be received nt the office of tho city Recorder In Pendleton, Ore gon up to S o'clock p. m. February 23, l2l for furnishing the City of Pen dleton, Oregon with one Triple Com bination, Pumping Engine, Chemical Knglne and Hose Motor Car, 6 Cylin der, Ihjso earning capacity 1200 feet 2 1-2 Inch fire hose, one 40 gallon chemical tank, pumping capacity 7.00 to 1000 gallons. Bidders are to fur bish complete specification on their apparatus accompanied by a certified check for 5 per cent of amount of bid made payable to the Mayor of the City j or rendition. The Common Council I reserves the right to reject any and all bids at its pleasure. 1 Dated at Pendleton, Oregon titla 10th. day of February A. D., 1921. THOS. FITZ GERALD, City Recorder. 4 FOR SALE House of all slses, ranging In price from $1400 to'112,000. Com and ee m if you want to buy a home. GEOKttK W. F.LUKK 818 Main St. Res. Phone 972-W . Phone 193 WANTED TO LEASE Nine or ten . room houBe on North Side. Musi have four bedrooms. R, D. Sayres. WANTED Second hand goods of all kinds. We pay cash. Steven's Fur niture and Repair Shop, 901 Main St.. rnono 1150. , C. E. WILLIAMSON Stand at Griggs' igar store ruone 1075. 12. Re- , lV'sro- Itrrclpin BiirK-y 1.2.-, 1 ,3S. HN FRANCISCO" Feb. celpts. flour 3UP2 uin.: wheat 2470 centals: bnrlev 6840 centals; beans 4, E25 sacks; corn 1000 centals; potatoes i.196; Backs; onions 76 sncks; hay iiu.1 tons; hides. 2 "bundles; livestock 1,007 head. Mnv feed 1.25 1.3!",; Rhlpplng 1.45 ft 1.55. MOrOll STAMP tXH-NTIulUTIilTERS WASHINGTON, Feb". 12. (A. P.)--Wnr has been declared against liquor stamp, counterfeiters, Chief Moran of the federal secret service, announced recently Irt connection with reports nn a raid in, Boston, In which 10,000 bogus stamp wero seized and two men arrested. Notice, of Chattel Mortgage Sale . NOTICE 13 HEREBY GIVEN that the undersigned. Second Northwestern Finance Corporation, a -corporation ny virtue of the chattel mortgage, dated Aptll 8, 1920, executed by An drew S. Kerr, to I. D. Latham and re corded Junuary 24, 1921, In the Rec crds of chattel Mortgage of Umatilla County, Oregon, securing the payment of note and debt therein described, of even date therewith, for 33 572(4 0, bearing interest at g per cent, per an num from maturity of said note (and by the holder of said note and mort gage, same was declared due on No vember 29, 1920 said note with said chattel mortgage having been endors ed, transferred and assigned by said I. D. Latham to said corporation prior to the maturity thereof for valuable consideration, the condition of said chattel mortgage having been .brokcto by the mortgagor, has taken posses sion of the property thereby mortgag ed, to wit: One Denby Motor Truck, steel lined dump body with a Woods4 hoist. Factory No. 6135, Motor No. 5664, truck model No. 27, and will sell the sum to the highest bidder fo cash at 11 0 clock In the forenoon on the second day pf February, 19.21, at the front door ortha garage or the west ern Auto Company, on,e the corner ot Cottonwood and Water Streets In The City of Pendleton, Umatilla County, Oregon, the proceeds of sale to be ap plied to the payment of costs and ex penses of sale nnd-of taking possession and keeping properly, and expense of lorecloHing, Including a reasonable sum as attorneys fees, nnd tho pay ment nf the amount due upon the not liecured by said chattel mortgnge. Dated this 24th day of January, 1921. SECOND NORTHWESTERN" FI- Nance Corporation. BY ZOKTH HOUSER, Sheriff and Agent. FOR SALE Five room, residence, west end, H 700.00. Also many other houses from 4 to 8 rooms, some on easy pay ments. George W. Elder 818 Main St. Phone 993 UMATILLA Indian Reservation maps for Rule Township blue print maps showing old and new allotments, pat entcd. tribal and truslland. Absolutely correct to date for saie at Umatilla agency, 12.30 each sot. Cash or check to accompany order. Delivery within thirty. days. E. L. Swartzlander, Supt WANTED Housekeeper for family ot four in country also man to milk' cows. Call 2F2, Echo Ore, or address I. F. Hale, Echo, Oregon. ' Wanted to Plow .We will plow any amount tip to 1000 acres; starting work anytime. G. E. Peringer Ranches Co., Box 134, Pen dleton. TRUCKS FOR HIRE Country work. iviseier & Hemmelgorn, Phone 381-R or 999-W 519 Marie St. FOR OUICK SERVICE-, " Call Bud Cornfield. Phone 52. Crescent Clear oiore. Residence, Phone 1059-R. AUTO REPAIRING' H. L. HEDRICK Automobile and truck repairing car UMmdry in con. nection. 717 Garden Street. FOR RENT API'S. AND ROOMS ALT A APT8. FOR RENT Furnished Apt. Phone 210-W. - PoSuK SOU CIW'tTIONI-' 1 T..-.i A Pp- aal-atlotv of COMPOUND COPAIBA and CUBEBS AT .YOUR DPUCOIST CHICHESTER S PILL? I.fit Aak y ItVwfl 4l'hl.rksiewfrr-A Dikl-tond II I'll I. in II. d pivd H..I4 irmlLk Sore,, tMlrd Wllfc Vu4 Rih USED CAR EXCHANGE FOR SALE 1917 Ford touring car, good shape cheap Box 835. . FOR BALE We Have a few good used Fords priced from $125. to $375 These are all worth tha money call and, see them Simpson Auto Co., Water and Johnson Sta. FOR SALE ALFALFA HAY for sole Gcorgo Wachtel, Riverside, phono 297-W. FOR SALE-evAU klna of Insurance. J. H. Estos, 614 Main St., Phone 604 A SHrliil Bargain One sllghlly used Brunswick phono graph". Thl Instrument la as good as new and we will guarantee It tho same as a new one. This machine will be FOR RENT- 275-R, -Furnished room Phone ROOM and BOARD for men only . 403, E. Webb. ' vt ANTED To lend you money on your home or business property. Pay back lUe rent. Can be paid off at any lime without penalty. Know & Dayton. MISCELLANEOUS MRS. ADA FIELD Spiral la eorietlere Phone 324-W. Address 514 Jane. ALL KINDS of patient cared for by experienced Durr 800 W. Webb- Phone 884. WANTED TO BUY Lot or house and lot. Address "95" this office. FOR RENT 2 room apt with sleep ing porch Phone 2S9-W, 307 Aura. FOR RENT Furnished 2 room apart mentclose In 401 Aura St. FOR RENT Suite of housekeepink rooms at 501 Clay No children. REGISTERED Shorthorn hull at Dr. C. W. Lassen's ranch. Service fees on application THE "PIONEER" AUTO MAN Satis faction guaranteed. We repair any make. Ulenn Long, 632 Cottonwood. AUTO TIRES PENDLETON CYCLE CO. AJax, Re vere and Savage tire. 228 E, Court street. U S. BENTLET & CO, Goodyear and Diamond Tire Tire service, oil and accessories Alta and Garden Sta. WALLACB BROS Fisk tire, cord or fabric. We. do our own adjust' Ing. 808-12 Johnson SU GERTSON & MARTY Gate Half Soles, 6000 miles guaranteed 1 cost of new tires. 637 Cottonwood St. PHONE I. C. SNYDER, 276-M Jor the man that has swept your chimneys fop fifteen' years. GET MARRIED Best matrimonial paper published. Free for stamp. Correspondent, Toledo, Ohio. PENDLETON RUBBER aY SUPPLY CO. Barney Oldfield, Goodrich Sil vertown Crd and Pernsylvanla Vacu um Cup 305 El Court. SIMPSON TIRE- SERVICE CO. Re publio and Firestone tire, cord or caorio. 2S3. H. Court St, Phone 651. MARRIED COUPLE want work on farm- No children -references P. FOR RENT Steam heated apartment M. Sauyer, 318 E. 2nd. St., Aberdeen, 112 E. High St, Fhone 654-J or 277. Wn. AUTO TOPS GADWA'S AUTO TOPS, Plate Glass. . Backs, Side Curtains 20i East Court St. DOEf GS OP THE DUFFS EVEN HERE, BUSINESS IS BAD. BY ALLMAN PUT EM UP! , (V)-,! , s j' " 'y j :r2 1 PHILADELPHIA DIAMOND GRID BATTERIES guaranteed for 18 month. W. I'. Chase Co 120 E. Coprt, Telephone 269, Pendleton. FREST-O-LITE BATTERIES Best by competitive test, S. rvr on all makes Ot b-tteriea, guaranteed t'rest-O-Ute Scrtlce Station, 606 E. Court Phone 864. PLUMBING AND HEATING j PLUMBING AND HEATING-r-James McXair All work promptly attend ed to. 20S W. Webb, Pendleton Ore. gn. Residence Phone 748-W, Office I'lHine S23. ; CATERPILLAR WORK CATERPILLARS, harvesters, gaa en gines, automobiles and general blacksmithing. Round-Up Garage, Park & Xcbergall, 212 West Webb. POULTRY SUPPLIES CHIC .FOOD, Scratch food, tonic. bone, shell, grit, corn, oeia,. rolled barley. Umatilla Flour A GnUn Co. PHONOGRAPH REPAIRING PHONOGRAPH REPAIRiNO All makes Warren' Mnsie Koaaa, IS. Main St.. Phone 514. PIANOS AND PLAYERS CONTRACTORS & BUILDERS PARKER & BAN FIELD, Designing. Engineering, Constructing, 16 years experience in concrete and brick con struction. 64 E. Third St, North Port land, Oregon. CHIROPRACTORS DR. R. C. ELLSWORTH Specializing In nervous disease and disease of women. 9 to 12 a- nu, 1 to 6:10 p. m. Evening 7 to 8. Fhone 706, Smith- Crawford Building. ... HIGH GRADE PIANOS of pleasing tone quality. Players of Individuali ty. It the construction that count. See piano on display, writ or phone The I lee Hive, 62S Main St. Fhena 1078 J. P. Dam all. Factory -Rep, Moier As Chase Piano Co. Painting and Paper Hanging CLEANERS AND DYERS PAINTS, Wall Paper, Picture Fram ing. Jj. J. McAtce, the Practical Faint Man. Lowe Bros, Paints. RADIATOR REPAIRING 4LTA AUTO- RADIATOR WORKS 701 East Alta street. All makes of radiators repaired. Work guaranteed, C Bias berg. Prop, 1 -. PAXTORIXM Phone 473 CLEANING AND PRESSING MODEL TAILORS & CLEANERS Pressing and repairing. 304 W. Webb St. Phone 321, Pendleton, On. DRAYMEN CALL PEN LAND BROS. Transfer Tan to move your household good. W also pack or store goods. W do coun try hauling. Telephone 33. DENTIST Dr. H. M. Hanavan Dentistry Room 7, Temple Building. Phone 771 FARM LOANS so SNOW A DAYTON, 11T B. Court St., - Tteal Estate.. Fire Insurance, Farm Loans. See us about a loan. JUNK, JUNK. JUNK BRING your, junk to the Pendleton Hide A Junk Co. See us before tou sell, ih Tt. Cameron, prop. RESTAURANT THE QUELLE A good place to eat. SECOND HAND FURNITURE MATTRESSES The best value la the city. 35 lb, silk flass, f 1340 45 lb. cotton ' $10.00 Phone (IS. Riley A Kemp. 623 Main. St. SECOND HAND DEALERS V. STROBLE, dealer. In new and see ond hand goods. Cash' paid ; for second hand goods, cheapest plaoe to buy household gooda.014 K, Ctmtt Phone 721 W. - v SUGGESTIVE THERAPEUTIC THE! most up-to-date effectual lead.. ing science practised, E. F. GlbMia P. S. T.; N. D. Room 11 Feebler Bids. TAILORS Wirt 647 Main St. Phase 106t Strictly Fresh Chinook Salmon 40c pound Columbia River Smelt 2 pounds 25c Large Crabs ' Just received 40c each Roma Beauty or Winesap Apples $1.50 Box ORANGES ; Medium size, good quality, 25c doz. BUTTERNUT BREAD White, 15g Graham,, rye, whole Wheat, 10c t DAINTY CAKES 20c each The Dean Tatom Co. Meat Dept. 0 PhnrtA OO Grocery Dept CQQ v rhone"00 l i 1 ii I 1 t i sold at a bargain. ECONOMY DRUG CO. Phone 7 1L ttjtrt ItMVUkt b4ktt,Slttatt Alvt R1lt M ..iat. A.kr( mm i:Vst.Trii- v ir