KEEP ABREAST OF DOINGS IN THE WORLD OF SPORT DAILY IN ARTICLES BY STAFF WRITERS AND TWO NEWS SERVICES ON THIS PAGE. TEN PAGES SECTION TWO PAGES 7 TO 10 DAILY EAST OREGONIAN, PENDLETON, OREGON, SATURDAY EVENING, FEBRUARY 12, 1921. Head-Lock Barred! TEN PAGES . , PAGES 7 T0 10 J-,1 ,LJ .. Br 1 T--n in ' ' -' smxit-j,..-mT -.rr, -iTmf Wl I ijga. .ryJT IH. wS-iiiii mi ihuki irftfl T-ni-nnri mWi tmhi iJii iiiin i MUCH FOR THE DALLES ANDW!NSEASILY.36-18 Myron Hanlcy Alone Accounts1 for 20 Points and Mates All .Contribute to Victory; Girls Lose Out by Basket. Maying a tmpeilor game nli around. T'tpf li'tnii high school Inst nlKht won from The Initio high at The 1 itllc-n by n 30 to IS Mi ore. Tho vleirtry places l'cnclleton one ntpp nearer the goal Knatern (irpKon lionorM, whic h will bp j dlspttpd by I'nker, which Is tho onv tenun lo hold vprdictK over the local j lads. - ;l Myron In nicy single handed leroreeW more, points than the? losers made, j The steady forward cntrecf 20 if hi." j team's ninl (mooting from every! tingle! ami alternating short with long basleots. Cnlilll, again nt forward In place of Si ind :i I. necoiitited fur Hi morn points and lanky llrk iJtw rence good for eiitht. Hilly KraniPr, playing running guard, chipped In with two point to cnrpplete the count, .lohn Henderson, playing his flrnt game a a regular, put mi a nicw game at guard and. while hp wan not In position jn ml nv Bcorcn. hpld his wan down. The l'eijdlcton girl, meeting (hp girls' team of Thp Dalles lout bv a basket, thn flnul count being, Thp Unlles , Pendleton 12. Tonight thn Pendleton hoys movp on to Hood Hlvpr where thpy meet thp oiilnU't couched by Karl Kleischmnnn. formerly earth-ton athletic mpntor. A victory ovrr the orchard lads is prp-dlctpd. HITOIli: MITt'lHM, HAW HI ST r l: I.HY HOI l itiHT MHWAfKKE. Wis.. Krb. i:'. (. I.) Illtchlo MllcheM. Milwaukee lightweight. Inst nlnlit nmrin. u. TIpllU of Philadelphia. 'havlne r thef ' '- -r ' I'liuaicanv ivit round t of thn ift-prrlod bout, newspaper rrl- l! Vl1'" STIW,l " COXTIt.UT A - ' " v' - '"'"-.. - lv -' ' , ,. ,: A t . . . J ' 'V' ' '" - :;J ' V -'-glMMWIw3 .. . t 4 w- . i , ;V . iii- i i ; : r: - . , . . , II I me uy ha Magnates in Session Raise to 15 PcCcnt Share of City Post Season Games to go to Baseball Council. . ,K.T,.., - ut he employs wicked rhk-hn!d. T!ie lower Dictura shown him BRlng It ou "Kid" Caddock. Those douKhty "rarslers" are the' coanipions ana pride or bt. Vincent a Foundling Asylum at Chicago i one of the three charities which wtll benefit by the wrestling car nival which Mrs. Marshall Kield III, wife of the Chicago millionaire, jii promoting. Lewis tho Terrible" always sticks out bia tongue, it shove, wbeu In deep thought over bin next more. cf,T;vrr-AN!. .. rvi. . a. r.) fompli'lc harmony marked the an nual meitlnK of the Ainerl-i.n 1c:ikih here today, all of the clul..- In lug icp- rpKpntcd except New York, I'he American Icairui owners ai- , opted a rule that 13 per cent of rc il tH in city post-HPUMon serloK go to the national baneball council, irstcaii f In per cent an forme.rly. i The rule governing (tending of fin year players to She minor bassos waa amended to make the number unlim- iteel, diich f;rst year men. however, caunol le "Helected" or drafted play- ' erfc Formerly the limn was roue. The limit alao was removed from the number of players to farm out, the previous limit being eight. Another rule umend"d permit? players who have been In the major i league for lo consecutive Heasons to demand an unconditional release af- ! ter waivers Y.ave been nerved 3n him. : ''ndc-r the former rale ,a club -'culd f l:iiin him within 10 dav i.fter the. wt'iver period. FOR RflEUHATISH When many people are willing' to allow their names to be used stating they have been relieved and cured of rheumatism oy using Anti-Uric, it raust be that this remedy has merit. Miss Emelia Ilance, 219 Harrison Street, San Francisco, is willing to answer any fjueytions about her experience with th?s great, herbal remedy. Anti-Uric is also . guaranteed to give satisfaction or the money spent for it will be returned. For sale by The Pendleton Drug Co. and Thompson Bros. IIIS FOR DOG DERBY KKW Oltl.RAVM .I'.,. . I.AKK CITY. Feb. i.(A Johnny Huff of i "V . i I" ) Annnunceim ut was made today awarded tho decision ,pr K."!?' ,'U? 1 ,ho SllU l'k' ! Mnxnn r - .... . . T ' bawball club of 'lie receipt, f (be i r.mnd bout here lit'a n.r Tim 'nd mu.ot-of lMieher linlph! flyweights. mn W'Hid. Stroud the leading pitch- f "f hf rojiftl 1i.iru laM vrnr. I K1X KIVKI, l,V SAI.T I.AKK ' ntLtNA KULlUt COURT MADE HANDBALL COURT FOR FIREMEN AND COPS QUALITY SERVICE SANITATION WHEN YOU SEE IT IN OUR AD, IT MUSTBESO. We mean what. we advertise we advertise what we mean. "When we say fresh, jt IS fresh .when we say A-l quality, you can rest 'assured that there is none better made. We stand back of every sale with a money back guarantee. Pendleton Trading Co. Phone 4 ) At the sign of a Service MIf It's on the Market We Have It" liiBaiiSI!iiIi!iiiiBl Helena, Mont., Feb, 12,-j-CA. P.l The police court of Judge Jones here has been converted Into a handball court for fire men and policemen. Duly the magistrate's bench is left In the room and when the police and firemen arc not playing hand ball it In u.sfd as a court, where minor offenders are tr.ed. Tho piuers have the rlglit of posses ion of the room, however, and whe n they wish to play the j-.idge move his court, vhould it be in session, to other jiart of the city hall. I j f iCif-h the entire distance of the race iln case a dog becomes worn out th driver must bring that doj? also, be he has the option of hauling it if h' ' so desiris. ' "Weighs must be not .less th in fly feet in length. Kkiis can be Carrie. on s'.eu-h if wj ck-iiirrd but no drive imay unhitch dogs from sleigh fur th. pin pose of pulling himself. "When n oriver is overUiken by ; 'oree at the Itues-in's lay log Derby racer frcim behind he must kee held evcu y wpring ut The a. .Manito-i elthc r to tho extri mo left or the ex a. and at the old AII-Ala-sl.a Derby ' trrme right of the road. N'o Intel :'oimeny held at Nome, are to be en- j ferenoe is permitted with passin for.ed at the fif.h annu il Ashton race ; teams. o be held February 22. The Ashton course is wct of Ort The rules folio': j thence south to Vernon and back t "Teams must consist of net less than the starting point. As nearly thjv ive or more than seven dogs. j feet of ruow cover thp trails, fast tim 'The same dogs must be worked on is expected. AKHTUN', Dog race Idaho, Feb. 12. (A. IM ' rules similar to those In i TFT? 7 7? ? s-s (V.TK. li 1 Al.TA Sl'NDAY AM) MONDAY . j BAN ON PUIS DIVIDING MAT SPORTSj . . i ALTA TODAY CHILDREN 10c NEW ART FILM COMPANY ADULTS ,33c - PRESENTS s in QlOStin Garret the (ZGparamounlQichire Jr Comedy: "A Light Weight Lover." liT HEXHY U FARRKtX ll'iilted Press Rnff Correspondent. MOW YoliK, Feb. 12. Jack Cur ley's ban on the "hoacllock hold in wrestling bouts In New York has di vided the ranks ofth grnpplcrs and mat fans. t Men tly effected by the edict of the promoter, who has become practically tho controller of the sport In America, of course, is the heavyweichl chain pion. led "Strangler" Lewi. -who work ed his w-ny up and won the title by the hradbek." Lewis claims that t'.ie prohibition of h's pet hold will just about ruin him as the most lucrative match" arc staged In New York and as smaller promoters iiKoiher slates are followtnfi tho. lead of Curley In outlawing tlr bold. Many fans claim the head-lock lr not more punLsh'ng or brutal than thi "scissors" of the formed rhanipion. Joi steteher, or the top hold. Karl Cadock, judged by many fan? tho best of all Ihe present crop of mat men Is among thp grapplers whho slcb vith lx wis nnd claim that the hold Is not so dangerous that it should e rul ed out. Lewis Is highly wrought up cvot Curley's action claiming that no com plaint wrs made about the hold lint" lie won the title. Ourley bases his action on th' grounds that th? publl- and 111" pres demanded a Ian on tho j;rlp arte; Lewis had Injured several opponent. "The Mutiny cf the Klslnore." the thrilling motion plcurei of adventure at sea. showing at the AHa Sunday and Monday, rlects vividly porno of the n-..t,-t cxclt'ng , chapters in tho adven 1' career of its author, J.ick I.'ir lo i Lc r Jack luidon wasv n k t Vy wiitcr of aovpnture; he livd b e as 'lor.tnMy, c'.'eply and coioii'"- :is h.s i.v n h He.-. .j a boy no was a profc.s. : at 1'in.le orr the coast of Califnnt i. t ey. titec-n he f ll'Pied before tb" an id le fc airan, i.i ,ri .iih. 'N-'M-i Ke:,. At sea be "-'o:t 1 11 o .l grew hair on h's chest.' He k'i w "ir.inv, he ;-iw bloodshed A M 1m knew the call of tho s?a. wl--- h p.:h'v hint.lhr.i.' up everything nt ne lie-. i t cf bis I'i'.'f:".'? to start on -a . ro1 round the v'lld in a 50-ro it ..etc .!. ! is -t Jack London was as oianv-j sided as bis 1-e.e ks. He was a -nicaei j tramii, seal huiuer. A!asan sold pros-l ieit'-t, vl col responco nt. a in -T , rl--tte it linonily sveenill'f a-vl Tiielj Willi hi-tiior cob r. an author ..f eir.:h j h.- nu-ks ni ceononite i ni i"! i -i ( 'ie.y chioi ep h niself an.l r '-f tor mort jowerful advocates of prohib tu.n in his great autoh;-,.'.-i bib i- ,ry '.e,,in, :.-,r!eycorn," a s-lf uiad m oi i -j ,iii consumed with a I"iiic d .sue ! la... bfe to its full-wL Al.TA TI"KK.Y M-rVV VOKK A t'lTY ' of m:satio: JOE MOORE TAKES LEAD" IN AMATEUR ICE RACES j I.AKK Pi-Ann, X. Y.. IVh. 12. I (A. I.) .Too Moore of Now- York UooH llio lotut In tho fnttM'tiutionnl urn jntpnr U:o nkntliif? ohiimiitonshfp wttl ja tolal of 0 points, rtosrly follows liy Charles tYwtraw of liacld mill t Mm rim Oormnu of St. .lolin, N i., Cut with TO puintf. )l1ys Kob Iti8tn of Toronto, hy winnioR twt j rinifM today brought hor totnl for vh iwonun t tk tn X o poiiVs, uRulnst ISO for Kosp Johnson of (MilraK'1. L ' ;V.SHlCTO JIMOIIS WIN INTI.IU LASS CIU'AV HONOHS SKATTI.K, I 2. (A. r.j Uni versity of Vinh(n;jton jimton won tin annual Intnrcta'K new faniptonsh,' I on Lake W.tsliinnton Trrlay. The tliiitl un-1 frcdhiiRii fourth. New Y'irk, as vpryltn(ly knows, Ik i city uf towering skyscrapers, nuiun lains of steel, of millionaire;, of ro mnnro, trnucdy, crime and sensation Daily it, prnvides new mysteries whici hafile the ket-nest pctlieemen and de tect;ve in the world and give the sen mi lion lovinsr people of the work throuph their daily newsjuipers som thine: to think about, wonder at ant direiiis. Its mysTerious murders m-ik-Interestlns; readinsr for everybody wh loveii mystery for mystery's siikc. (Continned on Vase S.) PactitYia Sunday Children 5c ra5jLlIIie . Monday" . Adults 20. jr.-7y..-';"--- tv-''-.'t--Mi'wr i- few vv v s - 'IH'' A i. '," 'J; NOW IS THE TIME To Buy Those Boots We Have Your Size and Width. MEN'S RIDING BOOTS REDUCED TO $14.30 THE HUB 32 Stores .745 Main St. DONT FORGET Legion Dance Tonight LABOR HALL NAGLERS ORCHESTRA .. ARCADE Today CHILDREN 10c ADITTS S5C AOOLPH IUHOB. prescnt$ RtzSriceS ; - e k I i : I U fi w 1 ' wfl 1 A p Production 'PAYING the PIPER' 6JitV DOROTHY DICKSON. ALMA TELL CEORCE .FAWCETT ROD U ROQUt A romance of New York's double life. One side, the glare and glitter Iho other, the challenge and in: piratic n. Bray Pictograp'i CI Cparcmounl Q'idurs me-- A 71 w f.; CONROY'S CASH GROCERY FRIDAY AND SATURDAY SPECIAL Suar 10 1-2 pour.ds ! $1.00 Sack $9.50 Pineapple, No. 2 1-2 tins, regular 50c special 30c Crystal WhHe Scap, 4 for 25c Federal Milk, 2 ccjij 25c Weiscns Oil "Tints, 35c; quarts, 65c S;a Foam Wash'n Powder, large package 25c Aur.t Jcni:ma Buckwheat, package 15c Ccf.'ec, HUls Red 1 pound, 4Sc; 5 pounds, $2.35 Rice, ths pound 07c mall. White Cat. Navy Beans, pound 07c Csm, iclid pack, each 17c; 6 for $1.00 Lxlra Sugar Peas, can 19c Tea Garden Syrup, 1-2 gallon, 85c; 1 gallon $1.65 ass?