TT TEN PAGES FACE EIGHT PAIL? EAST OREflONlAtf, PENDLETON, OECON,' FKIDAY EVENlNOi FEBRUARY 11,1021. JP-I A3LTA TODAY BE QUiETAFFAIR, VViLL CHILDREN 10c ADULTS 35c. . iEft'l AKCVOi: TODAY TAmC TllH PIPKU" A STOKY OF Ul'K IN MV YOltK New York, ovcr-chanRlns, . evor- fascinating nnd soy, is tfin lociilo of the latest lipni"K Kit7.nifiriee Vara-1 tininnt production, "Paying the riper,'! which Kill be displayed at the Arcade' Theatre today. It Is nn original story; by (Hilda lierprro, who wrote the con- , tinult'y for that othrr FiUmaurire ; masterpiece of Niw York, "On With" the lianee," mid It possesses scenes, j characters and situations Just as con-j inrlnrly real as did its predecessor. For 'Wayinfr the l'iper," the author-; ess chose persons tvplcal of w York! Wall f'tteet millionaires who havt, ' heartlessly marched to the top; their; spoiled, reckless offspring; ambitious hardworking professional people who find their defeat or success in the Rreat metropolis. Around them she has spun a theme showing that money cannot buy the happiness or the most dosirec things of life. lorothy Dickson, the famous danc er, makes here screen delwit in this pic ture. Others In the east include Oeorsre Faweett, Knbert Schahle, Alma Tell, Ilefinatd Denny and Itod L,' Ttoque. ALT A TODAY r.IG OIKII COMHliY IS HI.I.KI) WITH LU'fJHS Thrills and (nuihtcr are happily comoined In Dorothy ;ish's latest Paramount comedy, "The Ghost in the Garret" which will bo shown at the Alta theatre for two days betrtnninp today. That this Is one of tho best comedies in which Miss Gish has been For Constipation lodigeitioo, Sick Headache, Bilioui urst, Bloating, Sour Stomach, Gat on the Stomach, Bad Breath or other coe ditioaa' earned by closed or irregultr boweli, take A wholoome and thoroughly cleansing phytic mild and gentle in action. Ta. B Ha-ard. UoIIa. Ca.: "I nd folcr Caiaanic Tabirta five mc quicker relief iron CMtaupaiiua Uiaa sovthjof I crr tried." seen for many months nil her admirer? will Rreo after they have seen Hit picture. Miss Gish, in the story, Is a pool lrl w ho guvs to the home of her weal thy uncle ami aunt, taking her dog nnd parrot w ith her. The doir puis a fash ionable party to rout nnd from that moment the notion not permitted te drag for an instant Then comes the theft of a valuable pearl necklace by n society crook who flees with his booty to n haunted house where his pals are in hiding', fining In pursuit of the thief to protect her sweetheart w ho has been arrested for the theft, she finally re covers the Jewels after a series of thrilling and laughable developments. The charming star is excellently sup ported In tho picture, her lending man being William R. Park. The crook is In the hands of May Gray. Others In ;he cast are downing Clark. Mrs. David Uindaii,' Frank Fndsley, Tom Wake ("rank Hngney. William Nally nnd Por ter strong. The picture was directed by F. Uirhard Jones. PASTIME TODAY IH't'K JOXFS TO SHOW IS A MVF.I.Y CHASE The wildest ride that Yictorvllle, Cal., once the headquarters of. the toughest men the West has produced, ' 'as been in many years, was that of Buck Jones, the Fox star, nnd Tat Harmon in the making of "Firebrand Trevision," on the great Verdo ranch. The picture, adapted from a story by Th irles Alden Peltwr and directed by Thomas N. Heffron is shown at the Pastime Theatre today. One scene called for a ride of nearly a mile in hich Harmon, as the villain, was pur sued by Kuelt Jones. The villain on a light pony, the fleetest of foot on the ranch, was turned loose in a pasture rome two miles in length lying fn bottom along the Mojave river. Buck, on Blondy, his sorrel horse, fifteenhands high and weighing 1,000 pounds, thought he would have an easy time to catch Harmon, as the picture required; but the pony ran with such speed that Buck had to chase him for more than half a mile to get with in shooting distance. "Blondy is one of the fastest horses I ever rode," said Buck, "but that pony wire can travel." Half the population if Victorvillo was out to see the race, which furnish e one of tha big thrills in "Flrehrand Trevlson - ' '"'"STl Says He Will See That Penrose and Lodge Play Less Import ant Part in Senate, Accord ing to Some Solons. ST. ACC.rSTINK, Fin.1, Feb. 11. llardins will ride to the eapitol in an autoinobiie without an escort its fast as the speed laws of tho District of Columbia will permit and1 return im mediately to the white Jtousq nfter a few appropriate remarks following hs inauguration as president of tho Unit ed States, ort March 4, he said, dis cussing Inauguration plans'. There will be no focinl function nt the white house on inauguration day, ho declared. '"I'm gelling past my father, brother and sisters both for luncheon," he said. "I may even do a little work; maybe I'll appoint some of the faith ful to office on that dty. "My plans to organize n new ad ministration group in the senate, in which the old senate "oligarch"," In cluding Looge and Penrose, will play a less important part than formerly is under way among senators especially friendly to the president-elect it was learned from a reliable source. Harding, it was said, decided to build up an organization of his own, instead of allowing himself to be placed under control of the older lead era. 1 iPti vma ism tlU yj cMM m -IlilJlfi mm ?9r PASTIME Today tllll.DRKN 5c ADI I.TS 20c J He w as 1wii, but never out I Ho fought to the last ditch, And then lie wont llOXTl'lLTOSra BUCK JONES THE SF.XSATIO OF TIIF. SCRF.EX I"rcsnted by William Fox FIREBRAND TREVISON A Western Romance of Stnrtlinu Speed and Breath-taking Stunts. Story by Chas. tkh-n Seltzer. Directed by Thomas Ji. Heffron t'onrerly THB JPKST MS ARCADE Today SITE TO BE GIVEN WASHINGTON, Feb. 11. (U. P.) aenutor kail, of Deleware, presented an amendment to the naval appropria tion bill authorizing appropriation of aoo.otvo tor the naval air station at San Point was the acceptance of a gift of 408 acres of land as a site. SECT COLBY DECKS S. Beauty Secret KEEP the system clean. Eliminate the poisons. If nature will not do it for you. . help nature with a natural: medicine like Dr. Caldwell's; Syrup Pepsin.Tako a teaspoon-' ful for a few nights add watch the results. There will be a feeling of lightness, the eyes will be bright and sparkling, the lips red, the cheeks pink. Dr. Caldwell's Syrup Pepsin is the recognized, standard remedy for constipation, and it i enmvtipatinn that gives wonten hetutfches, dullness. Hiss of appetite and steep, bad breath And bud com plexion. Dr Caldwell'sSyrupPcPbin will relieve you over nicht. and do it gently but thoroutrbir. It Is Just a combination of simple laxative herbs with pepsin, so safe that it is Riven to infants. A slsly-eent bottle will last for months, an J last year eight million bottles were buught at drug stores in iuell a fcuurameo oi merit TRY IY FREE Snd" me your name nd" address and I uil KitJ you a free trio' fcotile of my Syrup Pffsin. v Address me Pr W. B. Citlduvtt, 513 Washington ' St, Monticelio, III. Everybody now and then y.eeds a larative, and it :j well to know the best. Write mc toddy. SHERIFF FORGETS DATE OF NEGROE'S HANGING MM! Illfii Says There is Considerable Misunderstanding as to What Has Been Done But no Infor mation Available Now. WASHINGTON", Feb. 11. (f. p.) f-ecretary Colby declined to send to the senate foreign relations committee a report from Amlaasador Morris on ne- Kotiations with Ambassador -Shidehara. of. Japan, concerning the California land mand Immifrration questions. In a letter sent to Senator Lodge, Colbj said there was considerable misunder standing regarding just what had been done, he said there was no information he could give the committee now. Colby's letter, in effect, said there was nothing definite to submit to tht committee, although admitting that the Morris-Shidehara rtegoiations had been marked by substantial progress towards a settlement. NEW OliLEAXS, La., Feb. 11. A. -P.) An opinion handed down to day by Attorney General Corco defc clured I.ounle Kuton, the negro whose execution February 4, the date set. was forgotten by tho jheriff of Oua chita parish, may legally be hanged. I'rior to the rendering of the opin ion, many attorneys had contended that because the negro's life had oner been placed In jeopardy when the governor fixed the date for execution, and that date had arrived without u reprieve, he could not now be legally hanged, but was legally dead and must be granted his freedom. I The attorney general after setting out that he could find nothing to fur nish a basis for such arguments, and then ruled that it would bo legal for the governor to again fixe a date foi the execution of tho negro, who W'a conducted of the murder of Charles MCQulller, 2. white planter, in 1917. A movement has been started in th state to have the death sentence rom mutcd to life imprisonment. SANDER VILLE, C.a., Feb. 11. (A. I'.) Oconee, a town of 500 population, was destroyed by a cyclone. yesterday. Special relief trains were sent to aid the sufferers. Many dcathc were re ported. CHILDREN 10c TYPHI'S AMOXfJ ITALIANS NEW YOltK, Feb. 11. (A. I'.) Twenty cases of thphus were reported among the steerage passengers of si earner arriving from Italy. ADULTS 35C - aoolpm-iuopc - ;YUM! YUMI 1 Production . iM ,A ' h , 'PAYING MrW ', ''' , HAePIP'ER MM .A .J With' DOROTHY DICICSOM.' f ( " lT' 7 I L 4 "tf f ALMA TELL, GEORGE I l -.t f I Vv. f A romance of New ' 'frjA ) V 1 T St. ' York's double life. V - A I t f 1 One wile, the glare t Tir'"' I I F - ' , -mV I and glitter tho ' f V ; V ? h . 4 ? I other, the chalk'iiffu ) I .f.'l rfjf Ij ! ? and inspiration. ' ''.,' 1 m"' ' 1 Bray i fffA Pidog-raph (f I f ' ' I a v X I 'y f C garcmount (Picture I I I J! '"' ' "' Remember your first taste of Icecream? Vum! Yum! You can understand, then, why Mary) Kanoweki Is grinning. It's the first she ever tasted. The fee cream party was given by tbe "ollsh consul In New York for Mary and other Polish Immigrant children who UTe Just arrived, (d America. $150,000 LOSS F TACOMA, Feb. 11. (A. P.) A loss estimated nt $1S(I,(I00 was caused lato last night when the main mill of the -Marine Company, on the enst side of the bay was destroyed by fire. The Marino plant has been operating night and day, doing a large volume, of for eign shipping. URCHIN OF 13 SWEARS AT SCHOOL, SENT HOWIE, " KILLS SELF ON TRACK WOODLAND, Calif., Feb. 11. (U. I'.) Henry Hawk, 13, was sent home from school for swearing. Instead of going home, he hid behind a whistling post on the railroad right away until a train appeared. Then he ran out from his hiding place, put his head on the rail, and was instantly killed. I There Was Nothing So Good for Congestion and CoId3 as Mustard But the old-fashioned mustard plaster burned and blistered while it acted. Get the relief and help that mustard plasters gave, without the plaster and without the blister. Musterole, does it. It is a clean, white ointment, made with oil of mus tard. It is scientifically prepared, so that it works wonders, and yet does not blister the tenderest skin. Gently massage Musterole in with the -finger-tips. See how quickly it brings re lief how speedily the pain disappears. Use Musterole for sore throat, bron chitis, tonsiiitis, croup, stiff neck, asthma, neuralgia, headache, conges-' lion, pleurisy, rheumatism, lumbago, pains and aches of the back or joints, sprains, sore muscles, bruises, chil blains, frosted feet, colds of the chest (jf often prevents pneumonia). 33c and 63c jars; hospital size $3.00 Dr. K. J. York, tho Chinese Bps clalist lias spent years in study and research work, both in China and this country, thus enabling him to treat any acute and chronic disease of men and women. He uses only curative Chinese roots and herbs as a means of treat ing diseases known to human be ings. These remedies have been used for" many generations and have been given credit by patients iislng them. Anyone who may be suffering can call to see him. K. i. YOltK CHI.VIiSE MI'HHOIXE OO.. JS'O. 1 W. new St. ValIa Wall. Wash, NEWAUT FILM COMPANY' presents , DOROTHY in TheGtlOSt in the Garret (X (paramount (picture With a parrot that swore uihI a bulldog with lulling teelh, she invuikd a haunted house, on the trail of burg lars. Desperate cut-throals who .bore off the pearls that she was licensed of stealing! The rest is an orgy of thrills ' and laughs and shivers. The "runniest girl on the screen" In a picture thut uiiia.'lics tho blues. Fox Sunshine Comedy "A Light Weight Lover." Quality PRINTING at Reasonable Prices East Oregonian Printing Department - The Health of the Country S,v ' Brought to Your Home , That is what bread does for you. r .'Jv The strength of the wheat together with its other pure, strengthening ingredients make bread the most healthful as well as tha most satisfying of foods. i . j The delicious flavor ofT I 31 : ll''ZD Harvest Bread "Made With Milk" will convince you that it is the bread to give your family. Eat more bread and make Harvest Bread your favorite brand. PENDLETON Baking Co. i . . . .If, . ?1