PAGE TIIRI TEN PAGES 7T DAILY EAST OREGONIAN, PENDLETON, CEEGON, FRIDAY EVENING, FEBRUARY 11, 1041.' ., . , L --1 ' 1 - - L! BUY A BAIUtEL OF ' I I G"SJ ll wnne pincca now una the roadway will next Ml Tf rTTl WX 11 H IW III A: KJJ U X-T I J II - . dtr w mm X OALEADAJl OF EVENTS Feb. 11 Pendleton v, Tho Dulles Dnsketball, The Dalles. Feb. 12, Pendleton vs. Hood River, Basketball, Hood Itlvcr. Feb. 12. Lincoln' blrthduy. Feb. 12. Pendleton vs. Milton high school debate. Feb. H. Oregon Admission Day. Feb. H-19--Pruno week. 1 Feb. 14 Mass meeting Her minion women. Feb.' id. School principals convene here. Feb. 19 JJmatllla Itnpida Power Site meeting, Walla Wal la. ' Feb. J2.-rWashlngton'a birth day, general holiday. uhlan, Ulrths numbered deaths were 10. , Kim Culle-y ! Iii Hro A bad lire on the Kim Culley ranch at Weston on Wednesday' destroyed a large amount of valuable machinery and all of his outlrfuldlngs except the house and barn. Iteports of the fire reached here this morning. A Bout tractor and other costly Implement were among the articles destroyed In the blaxe. Mass meeting Weston A. 11. MrKwrn Phhw Away imlv n. McEwen. Umatilla county pioneer, passed away In Portland last evening after a brief Illness, at the axe of 70 years. Hl relatives were t his bedside when the end came. Mr. Mc Ewen was formerly a farmer and hardware dealer at Athena and the funernl will be held there. His widow and five children, among them Mrs. K. I Bmlth of Pendleton, survive. 1 1 " i JilrlliN XiinilMT IT lltrldgo Ncurlng Completion Tho hlrth rate In Pendleton kept The new highway bridge across the ahead of the death rate during Janu. ' Snake river connecting Franklin and nry, according to the report from the Walla Walla counties, Washington, Is office of Tr. Frank Hoyden, city phy- nenrlng completion. Decking Is being placed now and the roadway will ncxi bo paved. It is expected that the bridge will be completed and ready foi travel by March 1. It bridges the Snake river near Kurbank auj will do awny with ferrying between Burbank and Pasco-. When the bridge is dedi cated, the Walla Walla Commercial Club will give the Pasco club an oyster teed at tho middle of tyio bridge. "Why Slcii Arc I'liwwd." "Why Men are Unsaved" will be the topic of a sermon at the liapllst church tonight by Itev, Milo Itentley. I-ast night he preached on "Hypo crites. " Feb. 26- women. Jli -101 101 101 101 101 101 101 101101- PJ Form the Habit Of Eating Oranges And . : Buy the Juicy. Tender, Sweet Ones at "101." Order a Case or Half-Case Now for NATIONAL ORANGE WEEK February 14-19. "WASTE LESS BUY THE BEST" Pendleton Cash Market, Inc. MiONKS 101 FIXE F.noCEIUES AXD MEATS O -iui loi loi loi ioi loi loi loi ioi x Mailt Id War m. . Ijist night was unusually warm, the minimum being 41, only five degree:. lower than the maximum temperature today. The barometer registers 29.00 today and the rainfall inta-iuies ,1 1 of an Inch. City Library Is Clow-d The city library today is closed, pre paratory to Its being moved to the county library building. While it is closed and prior to Its shift, books that are to be returned may be left at the office of theclty recorder on the main i tloor of the city hall.- Hanks Will Close Tomorrow Pendleton banks tomorrow will have a holiday, in observance of Lincoln's birthday. It Is not a state holiday in Oregon, however, and no state or county offices will be closed nor will business houses observe the day. Ilix-Mth fills Out New Drink The ftoesch Holding Works has Just ! put on the market a new cereal bev jcriigo called Western. New and at tractive labels have been designed for ' the drink and it is already finding a - ready market In a number of north j western cities. This is not a soda water, as has' been previously stated, i tho company said today. QUALITY SERVICE. IENDiiETO?i'8 tFAIl.U. "TOKJ4 BUY A BARREL OF FLOUR. specia: CORSETS $3.79 Special sale of Wonder Lift and Self Reducing Nemo Corsets. These special numbers include the styles many of you wear right along. Broken line of size3 is the reason we wish to clean these fine corsets out. Rememrebr, values up to $7.75, Saturday special. $3.79 13 For Saturday The Table Supply will be loaded to the brim with goodies for your Saturday shopping. You will always find our Vegetables clean and fresh. 2 Nice Heads of Lettuce for 15c Oranges, sweet and juicy, per dozen ...... 20c You will find our meat dept. complete with an abundance of every thing for you. NICE FAT HENS. "TIE TABLE SUPPLY" Phono 187 and 18S 739 Main Street CHAS. D. DESPAIN & CHAS. W. GOODYEAR Proprietors U. S. INSPECTED MEATS MAKE COOKING A PLEASURE , BY USING Aladdin Cooking Ware CARRIED IN BOTH ALUMINUM AND WHITE ENAMELED STEEL Unirmal Stores & furnaces mi Wheat I'liidH liadly Waidifd Kecent rains have washed reserva tion wheat fields and waj-hed out roads even worse than the rains of the win ter of 1919-1920, in the estimation of Harold Maloney, who farms 10 miles east of town. There are gulches In j wheat fields higher tnan a man s height, Mr. Maloney said today, and there is not a field between his ranch and Pendleton that has not suffered damage from the surface water seek ing an outlet to the river. Hoads have also been badly damaged by the rains. Mitts Todd Itr-Nigus. Miss Vlrclnla Todd, for the past two and a half years home secretary of the lmatilla county Red Cross, yesterday resig"?d her position. The resigna tion was accepted by the board, but Miss Todd will continue as county sec retary. Miss Todd, whose work with the county chapter dates from the lime her orders for overseas war ser vice wero cancelled because of the end of the war. has won great praise for her ability. She has proved herself an able an efficient worker and has made hosts of friends in Umntilla county. Several applications for the position have been received by Mrs. Thomas Hampton, H. E. Inlow and Mrs. Itoy naley appointed by Chair man llaru'.d Warner, to secure a new secretary. To Cure a Cold in One Day Take GROVE'S Laxative L'UOMO QL'INIX.C t.-')lets. Thj gc:.-i"ne bears the slgnn' 5 of E. W Grove. (Be Laure you get I'.ROMO.) cCc- Adv. Mrs. Taggart Returns Mrs. L. H. Taggart, who is In charge of the ladies' ready-to-wear at The Peoples Warehouse, and who Just re turned from a visit to New York, and other eastern markets, says that gray and navy blue lead among the spring colors. Gray Is used extensively for dresses while navy is the favorite for suits. For sport wear, brilliant shades are shown, and English tweeds are populur for sports suits, she says. Taffeta and silk Canton crepe are fav ored materials for dresses, Mrs. Tag Kart noticed. Skirts will he exceeding ly short, Mrs. Taggart states, and the bouffant hip is still popular, as are ruffled effects. Wrap coats are still popular, she says, Mr. Taggart at tended the stylo show while in Chicago. Mrs. Taggart saw Leon Cohen in New York and says he is much improved COLORED DRESS LINEN $1.50 YD. Beautiful qual ity of fine dress linens of ... the shades of blue, rose and pink. Use this fine linen for dress es, blouses and collar sets. OUTING FLANNELS To Close Out All Outing Flannel. Colored Outing 20c One Lot White Outing 19c One Lot WTiite Outing 24c DAMAGED FLOUR SACKS Use Them for Dish Cloths. They come in lots of 6 of a size to bundle. Only a limited quan tity on hand now. Grocery Department Wc arc now able to suiiply you with PASHA VKY-KOR CTKAMXO IUS, CAKI'lTS. rPHOI-STKKV, llXWHISiG, ETC, 2 I.I. CAS $1.00. A reiidleton Product. SPECIAL For this week, we will offer all T. G. Preserves at 20 Per , Cent Discount. Weston Mountain Potatoes, per hundred $1:75 Van Camp's Chili Con Came, 3 for ..j....50c; 12 for $1.90 Try Us for Fresh Fruits and Vegetables. MAY ARREST O'CAIAAUHAX WASHINGTON, Feb. 11. (A. 1'.)- uhnui.1 ird Mavot O'Callaghan of Cork who came as a leave the country today, a warrant for his arrest and deportation will be is sued, said the department of labor. ' which will probably be given a Fpace In the annual. Miss Elizabeth Rever ence, Instructor, has found a great stowaway not Ideal of material that could be publish. ed. The study of drama and the writ ing of plays will be the next step of the class in the line of writing. Some ex cellent material was received a short time ago on the subject of American ism. The Knights of Pythias offered prizes for the three best essays on this HPbject in the school. All pupils of the higher English classes were requir ed to writ the essay which was for 500 to 750 words in length. As yet the winners have not been announced as the time for the decision has been extended. I.urpose of giving the teams a chance acted a chairman. The affirmative to appear before an audience before team wl" leave tomorrow for Milton hlie Milton's affirmative team -will the f.rst debate which is to be held this come hcrp. Miw RosH debate coach evening in the high school anditorium.1 wj accompany tne teara t Milton. A decision was not given to either ..... ' team so that they would not know their strength and become over-confi- WHO IS morally insane today Ask, dent Orville Reeves of the faculty H.irdjng he knows. Oregon tonight. i:in c.vnoxAL TOOTH TALK SO. 6 health and Weight. has gained 10 pounds in Basketball Teams Lcavc Members of the boys' and girls' basketball teams left this morning for The Dalles where they will meet that city's team tonight in a double header game. Re turn games will be scheduled later in the season. The boys who made the trip were, Hanley and' Cahill, for wards; Lawrence, center; Henderson and Kramer, guards; with Harold Houscr going along as the extra man. The boys will play The Dalles tonight and Hood River tomorrow evening. Coach Earl Flclscbman Is said to have a fine team but the locals expect to show blm a defeat similar to the foot ball defeat. Mpmbcrs of the girls' team to make the trip are Mary Clarke and Jane Cheney, forwards; Captain Mildred Itotrera. ppntnr' Trvn n. T nnHi... Aflerta.McMonlcs and Marie Fletcher, guards., Subt-tltutes who went were Katherine McNary, Ruth Minnis and ; Knilly Dohnert. Resides the conches Airs. Ij, Ij. Itoirers nnd Mrjt VJ 1 J Clarke accompanied the teams. Deliato Hi-Id. A practice debat was held in assembly yesterday morn ing before the student hody for the Feb. 13 1st Day. February 15 is the last day upon which application for grazing on the Cmniilla division of the I'matllla Xa tional Forest can be made, uccording to word from the local forest off'ce. For the Wenaha division the last date for receiving applications was Janu ary SI. I'ermlts for 22.800 cattle and nortec, and 149,400 sheep comprise the total which are let each year. The fees fixed for the yeir 1921 are as fol lows: For cattle, year-long permits $1.20 a head ;April 1 to October SI period, 84 cents a head; April 13-Oc-tobor 31 period, 78 cents head: horses, year-long permits, $1.50 a head; April I to October 3.1 period, $1.0,-. a heed; April 15-October 31 pc-. rlod( 97 cents a head. The fees to be charge for grazing sheep will be as follows: Ycnr-long permit, SO cents a Scad; Juno 10-Oeloocr 15 period. 12 VI cents a head: Juno 10-uctooor 10 pe riod. J 2 cents a head. EatltArrtirre Day or Night . and its ease of di gestion and sound . food value will $ve you Contented Nourishment The food is ' Grape'Nuts ?'s a Reason" , Pendleton high school debate team won its second debate this year with out ever having a team in action. Pen dleton drew a blank for the first de bate and thus won that one. Milton who was to have debated here tonight has defaulted the debate to Pendleton thereby giving this city tho second vie tory. There will be no deliato this evening as has been advertised. It was not known until yesterday that Milton did not have a team. Prlncinnl Aim. tin Landreth called the I'nlon Hich1 school principal to decide upon judges j for the debate which was to have been ; held this eveninir. when he rnM for the first time that neither Milton i or Cmapino had a debate team. Only one debate will be held to decide I whether or not Pendleton will get to I make the trip to Kugene to try for tho' state championship. This debate will be a triangular one to lie held in two! weeks to deckle the district champion-; ship. Before this debate Hermlston ; nd Stanficld must debate and the winner meet Condon. Pilot liock und i Kcho will have to decide the winner ot I their debate which resulted in a tie.! Pendleton teams will go up against ; these towns without any experience.! Champions of tho triangular debate! which will be held February 25. wilt go to Eugene in May to try for the; stale championship. The question will I be entirely different and will mean a I great deal of additional work for the, winning team. This trip will be made during Junior week end which is sometime In May. Miss Kstella Mills and Rex Kramer! compose Pendleton's affirmative toam I with Miss Thelma Ulanchett and David : Swanson on tho negative. The local ! teams are going to try hard for the ( trip, to Kugene in the spring. Mlssj Laura Ross Is coach of the local de-l haters. I IT'S AXIOMATIC"! -that children of any age thrive well on Scott'sEmulsion It is nourishment abundant in strength-giving and growth-promoting substances. 5cott& Bom. Bloomfiald. N. J. ALSO MAKERS OF Ki'HOIDS (Tablets or Granules) for INDIGESTION M2k Ulcerated Teeth Thousands of people have suffered in the past from rheumatism and neuralgia because their diagnosis of the cause was not correct. Physi cians prescribed the usual remedies but relief, if it came at all, was only temporary. They doc tored the condition and not the cause. . The "cause" was ulcerated teeth but neither the physician nor the patient was aware of it. The present-day physician never overlooks the teeth in locating the cause of rheumatism, neuralgia and several other illnesses. One cannot be in good health with ulcerated teeth; these teeth can sometimes be treated successfully some times they must come out. By all means get rid of those pus-pocket formations. j Consultation Freely Given ill all Dental Ilranches. 8 Tears In Pendleton. Phone 507 Honrs Taylor Hardware Bldg. Over V A. SI. to 5 P. Sf. Pendleton, Ore The Hub ApiKiintnients to stilt you Story Writing Iking S'lidtrd. The ! senior English classes of the school are studying short story writing and as a result many very good short ! stories havo bee a received, the best of SPECIALS All Market, Fruit and Clothes Baskets at One-half Price Tho Dog ISiuo "More for Less" PENDLETON OREGON SPECIALS We are offering an extra special sale of all of our box ed stationery, values up to 90c. ' Very Secial at 39o Clean-Cut Merchandising Superiority Our desire is to make this store the leading one of its kind in this section. We realize it demands SUPERIORITY of merchandise, SUPERIORITY of price, SU PERIORITY of service. You may depend on every transaction being conducted on a ' basis leading to this commercial leadership and with this intention WE SOLICIT YOUR PATRONAGE. ' One-Half Price on All Bread and cake boxes, you know the kind, white enamel and alum inum finishes. Our new shapes- iif" buckram and wire hat frames have arrived. Be the early one to choose from the unbroken assortment. Announcing another reduction in J & P Coats Crochet Thread. 2 for 25c You can save money by buying your notion here. A PERSONAL WORD With the cost of living of such vital interest to everyone and a seeming tend ency for large financial gain being uppermost in the minds of many we take this opportunitjfto assure our many customers of our intention to still adhere to the policy of the MOST VALUE FOR THE LEAST MONEY. We hope that you will appreciate this endeavor on our part as keenly as we appreciate your pat ronage in response to such a policy. (Signed) THE BEE HIVE.