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About East Oregonian : E.O. (Pendleton, OR) 1888-current | View Entire Issue (Feb. 11, 1921)
' fTHE EAST MEGONIAN IS THE ONLY INLAND EMPIRE NEWSPAPER GIVING ITS READERS THE BENEflT OF DAILY TELEGRAPHIC NEWS REPORTS FROM BOTH THE JfcSOCIATEd PP.K3 Au J Li.iTW I ' DAILY EDITION Ths ntt prem run of yesterday's Dally 3,283 - Thli paper Is ft mi'iiMier or ami audited by til Audit Hureau of Circulations, y COUNTY OFFICIAL PAPER n . - ggi:.&L' - ' Tp- 7 7T0 r DAILY EDITION The Kt Oregonisn Is Faster Or on's greatest newspaper and sen " K fores gives to the sdvsrllssr oyer liro the guarsnlfHi Pil nrr-iilation In I'enrtleton snd Umatilla county or any other newspaper. CITY OFFICIAL PAPER VOL. 32 DAILY EAST OREGONIAN, PENDLETON, OREGON, FRIDAY EVENING, FEBRUARY 11, 1921. NO. 9748 "ALLEVmmVENGE S' ITSELF. GOD HAS COURGED THE WORLD" , EXXA1SE R nninm tuu phi inv IUI OHLflftl UULOMUH PUT UP TO PEOPLE IN BILL NOW BEFORE STATE SEflATf Measure Now in Senate Pro vides Increase for School Sunerintendent and Assessor 4 Along With Other Officials. delegatioinTwont take responsibility for act Terms of Bill Allows Assessor One Deputy at $90 per Month; Other Deputies Under Supervision of Court. I?y the terms of senate Bill No. copy of which wan received by the EKt OTegnnisn today from Senator Roy W. Kltner the salaries of all coun ty official Including the school super intendent and the assessor are raised. However the bill provide. th.t the en tire measure be referred to the people of Umatilla county for action at the nen election. in hi letter Senator Rltner says tho delegation did not feel like taking the responsibility of asking for direct (Hil ary advances at this time and heme favor referring the matter to ft vote of the county. The original report of a mUary bill from salary made no men tlen of advance, of the superintendent and assessor. Whether the first report was Inaccurate or a new measure in troduced l not known Jiere. A query on the subject wag sent Senator Ttltner thl. morning but no reply had been received at 2.80 (hto "f'" ,, . The. tvU senate bill No. Sl tin follows: ' . Senate mil No. 21 Jnirodu.ed by Joint Delegation from I'matllla County and read first time Feb. , 1921. ' a bill For an net to amend section 3624 of Oregon Law, relating to the salar ies of county officer of Umatilla county Oregon, and to provide for iubmlt'ting this mendntory art to the people of Umatilla county. r I . . SINN FEINERS FIGHT m norM ac Drnm ad in uiLiifu iluuuii ORGANIZED SOLDIERS Invade Skibbereen, Take Three Prisoners, Leave Taunting Notices That Town Will be Raided Again, Serious. nniMN. Feb. 11. (f. !.) Fight ing In the open an regularly organized troops the Blnn Fein soleliers Invaded Sklbbcreen, a Binall town southeast of Cork. The Blnn Feincrs raided the town, captured three prisoners and withdrew before the police and soldi ers hail been drawn up to mee the at tack. - Taunting notice were left (hat the town would be raided again. The notice was taken seriously, since a warning' wax given of the flint om pendlng raid. .Fi Karl Pcdllnger and W. T. Llndidey. held- In the cm Jail 'on ft rlnnwoC' liuvlnic liquor unlawfully In their pos session, today wnt to Toppenish. Wash., for Charles F. Itol'n. uttorney. to defend them. Mr.. Holm wan attor ney In the defense of Elvio 1. Klrb and John L. Untitle.' churg. d with murder In the TH Taylor caw. Krcd CurreV. represenllna- the fed eral prohibition enforcement offices !itt Portland, arrived here tnia nioin jluu to represent the (tovernment In the jease which will be pushed agitiiifl Orea-on. . Kedilnger and i.innsiey am Be It Enacted by the People of lhejothc).s arrOTtc( Wednewlay nlBht nnrt Klute it Oreitnn; iThiiiadny moi nltiK with two unto loads o.i,., i That aection 3824 of,, i.,,lnr. aliened to have been traiiK- Oregon Li.wa be. and tlie same hereby. la amended to read us follows: j Sec. S624. The county officers of Umntllla county hall receive as com pensotlon for their aorvlcea the follow- , InK unnunl aalnrlea; (1) County JudirB, tll.SOO) n.lM. (S) County commissioners. $S per flav for e.ich and evry day emplovcd In tho trunsactlnn of county business. 3) County treaauier, (Jl.iiOO) (O County clerk, ($2,00) 2.40n. (5) Recorder of conveyances. (l,8(fl I2fl0. (6) Sheriff, (2,S0D $3,-)n0. (7) All fees provided by law to be paid to the constable In Umatilla county for services rendered a such In cl 'll cnxes sMall ho pnld to and re tained bv the sheriff of mid county Whenever he fhull perform such ser vices, and annll not ne to the. county treasurer, (a) All sher lffa feea for mileage In Umatilla cotin tv now provided for In civil cases shall he paid to the sheriff of said county and retained by him, and not paid to the county treasurer. (7 (8) Assessor, (1.Bfln 2,4M: (a) one deputy, 90 per month, and ported here from Toppenian. Hedllniter and I.indslry were to have had a trial In police court yes terdav afternoon but, upon their re quest for time In which to obtain counsel, their trial was postponed in definitely. Hath are In jail, however, no bull havlnff been fixed for their i-nlruise. Mr. Currey bus luKcn enarfre oi i hp nutomohiles in which the two pc.rths arrested had traveled. It Is likely tluil the loenl authorities will first prose cute the csiscs. uftor which ttie rov ,..t will holrl the culprits for transporting liquor from state to stutn, In violation of the federal laws. NEW MEASURES HAKE INITIATIVE MORE DIFFICULT Bill Requires Petitions Pertain ing to Bonding or Taking of Property to Contain Names of 20 Percent of Voters. HALF MUST BE OWNERS Of PROPERTY AFFECTED Aid for Widows of Soldiers Killed in Camp Lewis Cannon Explosion May be Given by State From Bennett Action. PAI.EM, Feb. 11. (A. !'.) New measures Introduced today Incluoe a bill by Senator Dennis mukinir more (lifncult the procuring of Initiative pe titions pertaining to bonding or tsxing property, it would require signatures representing 20 per cent of the voters and half the signers to lie owners of real prerty affected by the measure. Another measure by Dennis provides separate ballots for Initiative or refer endum measures. Senator Hull and Uf 'preventative Bennett Introduced a hill f..r rel'ef of Mrs. Fdwin G. Scott and Mrs. Clyde Dedimer, of Marsh field, widows of soldier killed by the explosion of the cannon nt Camp Lewis. The Joint roads committee In troduced a motor vehicle Dill licensing ossseniier automobiles on a basis or weight and trucks on width of tires. Portland 1!2S Kxposll.loii. SA1.KM. Feb. 11. (A. P.I Con gress is to be memorialized to invite (Tie" YlfHtorm of t he" world to -represented at the Portland exposition of 19 25. a Joint session for the purpose at 2 'o'clock today has arranped In connection with Ceremonies amend ing the filing of Hfli. les of incorpora tion of the epxosition company. A large delepatinn from Portland was he for the ceremonies. Soldiers Hoiius Passed SALEM. Feb. 11. (A. P.)- PILOT ROCK FIRE HUD INCENDIARY; $1000 REWARD Insurance Adjusters Agree That Flames Were Set and Direc tors of Concern Offer Prize for Capture of Guilty. FIRE IViOST COSTLY IN UMATILLA CO. FOR YEARS Directors of Company Will Re build in Same Site and Have Moved Most of the Debris, Former Timbers Saved. 75 PUPILS SAVED BY HEROISM OF 3 WOMEN TEA CHERS IN CYCLONE Evidence that the fire which destroyed the warehouse of the I'ilot Hock Klevator Co. on Himday, Jan. 2.1 was of Incendiary origin today led to ma co-op. congress appealed to 'fill ATTjT'PTA, Ca.. Feb. ll.-fA. P.) Heroism o three women school teach ers vit ed 7f. pupils In the tornado yes tec lay at Oconee in which 30 persons were killed. One end of the school I bui'i'lng was crumpled and the teaeh- agj;in; roof until the II' em held ui the xa j) children esiaped. OCONEK ,Oa., F-b. 11. Twenty. i - 'six vcrc Killed and thuii 4ft se- , , . . , i rionsiy injured when the cyclone Xejniska Farmer s Union Head iBtriIl.k herB y.rter,ay, according to Presides, Declares Confer- estimates of the rescue workers. Onl en: turn i thft-a IcitlH at rt- while! f'C- e Will ConfinG Action ton,, cer 61' and 7 hotisei were wrecked Build-1 aPProxlmai'ely jr.O persons were made j oonieless. The stretch of land extend- mg from Oconee to Toombsboro, near ly five miles long and about half 8 mile wide is barren u prairie ioda)' Not a tiee or building was left. Marketing and .Bank ing. CLEVELAND, O.. Feb. 11 The all-A:nericaft- cooperative i congress, rep.etei.unt farm and labor orff.miza- the poslins by the company or a re-1 tton8 wa appealed to today By hpa" ward of limto for the arrest and con-j gP(m o Di d, representing the Slate viction of the man responsible, in- pan( North Dakota, to give the stirance udjustors who went over tlie :rlola and financial tupport of labor ruins were agreed that the fire was set; finil fiirri,ciV organization to tne n i.i and diieclor.s of the concern, follow- j plir(jsiin koine's prnsiam for the sale ing their dee ision, offered the reward f i.,s o( Nerth Dakota for the eie for information that will bring tl"1 ; el(.;mient'of rural credits, loans, he enlprit to justice. J 'purclitufe of mills and elevators and The fire, one of the most costly in i nol,,(, building. Cmatilla rourty in years, was oiscov- i-eeent l.oli' rev-rf.s of tre non pniitifcan ie.viiie RA!LR0ADS WILL CARRY WAGE FIGHT TO MEN rid nt B t in 'be, mirnm in the south end of the warehouse. More than 20" citizens of I'ilot Kock and vicinity, assisted by members of the I'eiidlejton Fire Department" who went te the' scene with hose, fought he fiames for several hours and saved idjointna- wureheiuses lielonging to the I'arific Coast Elector Co., and H. W. Collins. The directors oi mo igtato i'hiiv already nuve ureimu v'ortn Da'cpla, O'Dell said. "One mistake we made in North Dakota was that we hav.j bee i too eletnocn.tic. V.'e gave the l eopfr the Initiative and rettr end.r.n and they have forced iri to a refeiendum seven times. Last July f the recli went into effect in North CHICAGO. Feb. 1 L (U P.) The railroad owners will carry their fight to force a reduction of wages of un skilled railread laborers to the em ployes themselves, they announced here. Failing to obtain sat'sraetior. frem the L'nitod States railroad labor board, which It had asked to immed iately abrogate the national workins agreements, the railroads now plan to center their efforts on the wage ques- Dakola and now they are trying o j tlon. i n$ ranroaeis win proceea n- trump Up Chcarges On wnico u ici-... i ei'VHieiaiiy ii nuiicniiiTn ...... ui.- officiala." - -1 I skilled employeaover wage reductions. . . ei.n u-nrann ivc 11 n. t' iirkri Hull ihhi, tn me eoe vt y - . - and have removed most of the debris. I v. II. Gustafson, president of the Timbers that formeil the foundation ehruska Farmers' I'nion. presiding .u. li.i ., were Raved and "t ih.. firm Ir, bor coonerative c-jnfer- will be UiiCd, in the construction of fnce which opened its convention to ne new warehoune. Plans cull for a d;,yj said the conference would en-om-rete floor and walls of concrete: deaVfr to confine its action to the rte hree feet high, the rust of the wai e- velopment of cooperative marketing u i h. ninirlfd of lumber. i ami establishment of cooperative (Continued on page M OltKCOX lilCTAHi 'MT1IIX! association t Minrr PORTLAND. Feb. 11. The second annual convention of the Oregon re tail ilotbbiK association will be held in IVrllanil beginning Moday, Kebru nry 21 Matters of great Interest to the clnthlnu trade will be discussed, according to announcement. Ami ne: other things to be consielered v ill he steps that should be taken to meet the crisis caused by the rapid change in e.o8t-pn''es. CHARLES EVANS HUGHES TO BE SECRET Ry OF STATE; APPEARS IN HARDING HINT I : Weather. ST. APC.rPTlNK, Fla.. Feb. 11. p.) Harding has -virtually "an neninced that Charles F.. Hughes will The house today unanimously passed the rcldler bonus and loan, bill amenne.i to provide 115 a month bonus and to teder the bill to the people. SALKM. Feb. I L (A., V.) The soldier bonus anil loan bill barsed the house ununiinoiiMy. The b II as am ended reduce the originally propose..- 125 to 15 cash bonus for eacn monin in the service. Provision was made thut former service men shall not re-j reive both stale anil federal bonuses The senate, 15-13, defeated the bill reeiiilring the listing of al Ipersona property for taxation. llemus to lie Yoieel The house thin paused a resolu tion referring to a vote of the people a proposal to crent a fund of 3i,uu. iiull to meet payment of the bonus ano for funds for loan-. The loan proposal in tho b II per mits loans to service men up to anf not exceeding :' as u firM lien on real property. Such loans will be re paid in installments of 6 percent am- Dually. I'hysle-lnns to Tfs r.iiglisll. Oregon phvsictans must brush up on ,,',n,,..Kbln if a bill Senator Hume in troduced becomes s. law. It requires thut prescriptions be written in "plain, legible Knglish," and "wholly In Eng iiiii lnniruage whenever possible." The, semate went into post-joint ser lon lids afternoon to w.tness the fil ing flf articles of incorporation oi highway and electrical exposition te ,le neid in Portland In 1925 and to me morable congress to invite nalions oi I the world to participate In the cm'O Mtiou. , Wont Take iiniitiny. The house paiwnd a bill providing for oiganlwitton of improvement elist ricts for logged off and buine.1 oei 1,. Jammed with unfinished business, and with both houses running more to oratory than speed, the lem-dnf-vt wont take a Saturday holiday this week, nor will It take a Suturdsty holl- Idav n.t wees. SALEM. Feb. 11. t lha urtlv-P-H Cl'ftiTl frOOl the I l.llia iwi "-t- ...-"r.- r. rire were considered too low anil tne grain has been shipped, under con .ignment, to Portland. Kimon Bros., ,r Portland, have charge of the .sal vage grain, cons'sting of approximate- y i.iio sacks of wheat and barley. The portfon that they did not ship out Is being sold nt 10 cent a sack by P. G. Hester, manager of the warc- 'louse, at Pilot Hock.- OREGON FARM BUREAU SUBMITS LAW PROGRAM VICE-PRESIDENT'S WAGE INCREASED BY $3,000 WASHINGTON. Feb. 11. (A. P.") The vice, president's salary is to bj 'nerea'sed from 13 to is thourand un- lcr r.n amenelment to m ie-s esecmlve. judiciary appropriation which til sena'e ado;ted. bill til P.MANS DIX'lIli; IM1KA1MTV. r.K-n'1 tv 11. (A. P.) The finnnee-ministry-, decided the reparations t.ermany can pay OCO.OiiO marks. Including all paid in cash and goods. utmost is 150. so far lank.. "W. S. Stone, grand chief of the Protherhoed of Locomtive Engineers. F. C. Howe, secretary bf the commu te'.' on cnuperative banking and credit of tbe Ame rican Cooperative eomm's zlon, discussed cooperative banking "sys ems and credit unions tonight. Produer's Ae-liicvemciit. Mr Stone pointed to the coopera tive national bank established In Cleveland bv his brotherhood as an example 'of what labor tan do. Open ing of this bank, he declared, ' means that rr ti e first time the depositor is to have consideration in dividend earninK." Credit unior. banks for working me-'i and farmers in which small lo::ns were explained by Mr. Stone and Mr. Howe Ti.ey predicte" that the time 'wai wit "a- distant when there would he thousands of the credit union banks and hunelreels ot cooperate commercial banks scattered ihrougn out the country. Other speakers today included I E. Sheppard ot Iowa, president of the Order of naihvay Conductors. FIGHTS THREE BANDITS. P.) The I Reported by Major Lee Xloorhouse. Mouther observer. Maximum 46. Minimum 41. , iiuromeler 23. BO. Kuinfall, .11. I n That Hughes will arrive here honus b .1 provides that j within the week. "I may say J dont 'shall not exceed $2 Ml and a nauae. The tone of his words and .amendment er " his manner left no doubt in tne ' . ." . . nnvilcioate un mho have stunieei i since ie-n f der certain resei-ie-iiu". THt 1 WEATHER FORECAST of newspapermen him closely that the next secretary state will be Hughes. A senator close to Hnrding (old Ov rnili'd Press a few minutes previously hat Hughe waa sure tiling for see ret a ry of state. Several house Bni.etr.ra nnd meniiiers pain inoum - - Tonight nnd Saturday rain. I SCIU IXI OIL CIT .AIN. IIOl'STO.V. Feb. 11. (I. P.I instal ernde oil is down another 2i ents, accoiding to the C.ulf Pipe Line ompanv's announcement. This is the .ourth cut In coastal crude oil In the 'ast few weeks. It brings the price to il.tii per barrel. the American Legion, tr tno seimve: u ,.mi I he irovernor Bigns the tllMU.V- - measure will be suumiueu eo i" y pie. hparst files suit to PREVENT FOREIGN LOANS WASHINGTON, Feb. 11. (A. V.) . suit to enjolis Kei ietary Houston from making further bans to foioigi. tt'fi t-v Willian Eandolph Hearst aa a citineit . IPiWWt . " . MP liiiimi. RTJ, ' im . if 4 "... .Menw -ir '- -'.1 CHICAGO, Feb. 11. (Hy Carl Vic tor Lime, 1'. PStat'f Correspondent) A shapely calf ami trim ankle are more essviitlan to the success of an actress thuti good looks and talent. The averase theatre-goer, in case he or she doesn't get an eyefiill starts .crabbing- about theael. llee Palmer, sininmy queen, con fided this to the I'nltcdi Press: "I've jkimwn actresscs with a million dollars worth of goo.l Uioks Jinel talent who tailed to reach ttarelom because they hadn't much to show when they ktck- i-el towarel the spectators," ahe siitel, "Call 'em what you like legs, limbs, or pins they're necessary to suevess. The long legts'of Charlotte Greenwooel had much to do with her success in ;-e Long Letty. Ann Penutugton w eniii not be playing to packeel hous es If her ealveMj weren't shapely. Ami on: ide- tiie e-a. e of ltuth Gorelon die's s-pent twei months in a hespital lv,U (iff to .P-S. 1'1-allK n. i.iii- v --. tio fl lit! mill. mi-u Keilt.-lie-.i. Ii.iv.ii ... ..... -pi... .Iwi.-.-r T,.!'lo.l (III. I'll!'. .. .....i w.- ,. . , , .,t p.i-oadWUV Hint l' mh--. '- "- - I ainier sun iiwu ran w mi-ii.ii.i i.j hopped mto a . taxi .i ;, , ,Ul Mrs. Talbot. -Take off your coat L-rease 'paint, powder and talent ac- iwo ii in .....i i.,;. rf the kind: see re-;...,.,.., i. ,,i,. i,. ,.i,,,o i,,i . . . V. X- I. .-!,.. f..,1ir!.e . .... ... SUOJe-cl un der dise'llssiem. "Thee- say fee.,, -crt -' . ' II SALEM, Ore., Feb. 11. (A. The legislative program of the Ore-1 gon State Farm Bureau, submitted to I tiie le gislature by George A. MansHeld, of Medford, president of the bureau. ir. as follows: j First An1 amendment to the pres ient extension work law mak'ng It I maiwatorv on co'inty courts t- con fer the benefits of this vvork on farm-Ic-ra when they petition feir it Sei onel An appropriation to ira'e-h the funels made available uneler the Pm'th-Lcvfr act for extension work. Th'rel Adequate appiopriations feir :.ll experiment stations. F:urth-A feed si'.iffs act. Fifth An appropriation to match federal fords available for rexle it cr lerminatitm. ixth appropriation for the In vestigation of diseases of dairy cattle Senth An amendment to the present law statistics. Ei-hth .n ameetennent making bounty laws more workable, i Ninth An expropriation for prem iums for the Pacific International Livestock expositfo. Tenth A pure bred bull law f ir certa'n counties. Eleventh An ameneiment n-ikior the rresent co-otieration law conform (to the needs of the credent co-e perat ; ing market movement in Oregon. DEFEAT m WAR LAIDTOGERllAli SELF - BETRAYAL Ex-emperor Says People Had Already Overcome Hunger 2nd Need Despite American Aid When They Double Crossed. -; SOCIAL DEMOCRATS WERE THOSE CHIEFLY GUILTY Don't Expect iVItfch for Near Future, World Looks Darker Day, Whole Earth Has De nied the Diety is Cause. , BY REIN RICH PETERMETER (Copyrighted by United Press throughout Europe, Canada, South America. All rights reserved. Re cabling, re-publishing prohibited.)) FEU LIN, Feb. 11 l am able to irake public for the first time the only ntervlew with the former kaiw-r aince le ero:-M-d tho German boundary Into Holland. In anivwer to my question why Ger many lot the war, the kaiser said: v "Wed never have lost the war If my people had remained true to them selves. I always assert with Martin Luther 'if the world were full of devil who would swallow u up, we would Mill succeed if we did not fear tor ourselves,' We had already overcome hunger and need despite the fact that Ame?rica had Joined hand with our -eternal enemy. Britain. The betrayal if Germany signified her detrt sen tence." fiod Se-ol.TgCel World "And notice how God scourged the whole, world. All evil revenge Itself here on earth." f - "How doea your majesty holrl it pos sible that his people have fallen so low?" I asked. The kaiser suddenly stopped, threw a cigarette out of his mouth, ami said harshly: " "My people has bertayed itself, lt God and me.," Already during the war the social democrats took care of that. They are chiefly guilty. Bvery Ger man soldier who during the war re turned home on a short leave waa aa tematieally worked upon that ia to say, spiritually spoiled. So he return ed to his work under false influences and ho was hot a soldier anymore. He then sought to work upon his faithful comrades and often succeeded." It was at this point the kaiser made he remark that. "Betrayal" of the German people signified their death .sentence, as quoted above. God Can Help . Does that mean a death sentence forever?" "Nobody knows that." the kaiser said. "Only God almighty can help there. For the near future I do not expect much. -The wprld looks elarkcr every day. It was never so far re moved from -peace as now. The whole world has denied god not only my neople have denied their God." "For 26 different years I alone, led the fight to keep the peace of my folk then the sword of peace was struck from out of my hand by my best friend 1 never wished war." A SHAPELY CALF, A TRIM ANKLE BETTER THAN GOOD LOOKS OR TALENT; ACTRESS fixed things up with a little makeup. Hut I'll wager historians would have had' a different tale to tell If her legs weren't well proportioned. And take, for instance, the statue of Venus some one siuttled up in his backyard. lo you think It would huve been pre served to prosterity If one of her legs had been knocked off Instead of an arm?' "No!" r. they owtewMi. ii - . hnpl of NVw York. sli fouirM ihf!,rt MllAW n..t with . ii .1 k tun t-tvi wnirifMi HiiuiK hi - . - oi Hs 'but thev finally lore off Illegal and h aped out nano is. oi.. . .,1.i,i,,-i i.tirsn.' ...... 1...., i-i..'i;'.i : v oi.. . , , . . ..... .,..el.-o.. .U lOl 11V11I. v.v..-v- threw the car i. smashed a window ami tcrcaim" her and nabbed the driver. The them. hi to would be diffe XTRA TOKIO, Feh. 11. (A. r.) Five American blue jackets were firejel at iy unknown persons In Vladivostok Tuesday night, one being wejuml" , savs .ahist ilun' Vladlvontok Co -"-pondent today. The Americans, reln lorced by Kussian policemen, rn !! three Uusstan officers. The tniii slon In Vladivostok according to the correapomleiit Is that the attack uh nrrana-eel hv communists With the uli- dilver Then rescued i rieonniin'. no was a little, le-rt of straiirliis relations betwie u in. 'longer. 1 doubt that. She could have pall and the I luted Watea.