DAJLy EAST OUEGONIAN, ' PENDLETON, OEECON, - THURSDAY EVENING, FSEHUAHY JO, 1921. PAG3NINE Notices, Business Opportunities, Locals, Lost, Found, Handy Business Directory of Pendleton and Vicinity ' This Directory' Is "especially handy for the cut-of-towh reader who may want the name and address of responsible business men who represent the following linens. All are reliable, reuponaiblo business concerns who stand ready to give you prompt service. For Rent, Etc., Classified for Easy Reference. TEN PACES NT C3 OCT UJISfflKS: KB, TODAY i WANTED Housekeeper ' CbU 687 Itefcrences. ranch- THE KIN uKiilnnt the Holy (ihimt Hear Fleming, Oregon Theatre. itl'XJlSTKHKl) Shorthorn bull ut Dr. C. W. Lassen's ranch. Service fees on application, WANTKU Job on runch as house keeper for men, by elderly lady Phone 204-M. FOR J! ENT J housekeeping room Including bnth. I'hoiit 269-J or call nt 220 Long St. FOIt SALB Fullblood White Leghorn eggs for . hutching. One dollar, ($1.00) th hatch. Mrs. llrunilt, 001) Clay St. 011 SALK l oCormnok Combine with Lelioy engine. In A-l oidur. Tlaricaln. Can be w,en at Dr. C. W. Lsjowo'h ranch Ht tttversldo. NOTICES Photographer To Introduce our kodak work e will finish I too one roll and one urlnt each. Ward Studio. Strayed Strayed from Cayitae, hay saddle horse, about 1100 HiinilM; star In fore head; no brand visible. Notify Thomas Gillette, Cayuso Ore. Liberal reward. TiA.NTf.u To lend you money on your home or business property. Tay back llko rent. Can bo paid off at any time without penalty. Snow ft Dayton. CMATILLA Indian Reservation maps for sale Township blue print maps showing old and new allotments, pat Anted, tribal and trustland. Absolutely t-orroft to (jaie for snl at Umatilla agency, 12.90 each set. -Cash or cherlt lo accompany order. Delivery within thirty days. E. L. Swartsdunder, Supt. Notice . Not "for five years have I been able to offer as good value In medium farm land as 1 can at this time. Lot 1,-4 SO acre farm, good build ing, rtfbntng water, loo acres grow ing crop, stock. Implements and ma chinery, cattle, hogs, fowls; will be on Jtlarl et road, la on rural route, about 400 acres under plow, Ideal location for a heme, only 122.50 per acre. 1 also have 100 acres fine bunch grass1 fast ure, well fenced and watered, some good Umber, very accessible, $6.50 per ere. Can give liberal terms on any Unds I have for sale. . . N. HKRKELET. HIS K. Alta. Notice of Itids for Heal IXiute Pealed bids will bo received at the City Recorders Office In Pendleton, Oregon up to February 16th. 1S21 at 5 (clock P. M. .for the purchase of Lot N'o. 4, Jilock No. c, Livormore'a Addi tion to the City of Pendleton. The Common Council reserves the right to reject any and all bids. This notice is published hy order of the Common Council of The City of Pendleton nnd dated this 4th day of Pebruury 1921. - THOU. F1TZ GEHALD, City Recorder. Extrajr Notice Came to my place one brown mare, four years old, star In forehead, brand ed JV on left shoulder. Owner can have same by paying for this ad. Her bert Thompson, rendleton, Ore. USED CAR EXCHANGE Fon RENT Furnished roora- -Phone ROOM and board for men only 403 E. Webb. WANTED TO IH'Y Lot rir House and 1 lot. Address "&5' this office. . FUR RENT 2 room apt. with sleep Ill)? porch Phono 2KSI-W, 307 Aura. FOR RENT Furnished 2 room apart ment eloso In 401 Aura SL FOR RENT Suite of housekeepink rooms at &0l Clay No children. FOR RENT Steam heated apartment 11! E. lihfh St. Phono (54-J or 277. FOR RENT Two housekeeping rooms. 301 S. Main St ,W. M. Tlndel. FOR RENT Room with , sleeping Porch and use of bath. Phone 747 FOR SALE 1917 Ford touring car, good shape chcapr Bus 885. - FOR SALE We nave a few (rood used Fords priced from 1125. to $375 These are all worth the money call and see them Simpson Auto Co., Wafer and Jolinson Sta, DESCRIBES EARAffi FIRE (Fast iregunlan Sixclul.) ADAAIK. Feb; 10. Tile Adams Kara bo was destroyed by flro at 10:30 yesterday. The mechanics were work ing on a car which 'exploded from a thort circuit. John Hale was there and hastened to the fire house for thn chemical engine, but when this was procured all efforts were futile, the fire was too far under wny. Tho little llacksmlth shop nearby was damagel to some extent. j All cure woro taken out except two. Everything Inst was covered by Insur ance. 1 John Pierce drove to Adams today to do some shopping. The recent hcajy rains hnve madi the county roads very bad and mnst.of the farmers are driving ther borne and buggies now. It looks like old times. Mr. and Mrs. Earl Hurk, of Idaho, are the guests of her parents Mr. and Mrs. Joe Dames fr the week end. Mr. and Mrs. John Perlnger, of Onksdale, Wash., are the guests of Mr. und Mrs. Bert .Klrby for the week-end. John Halo motored to Adams today on business. When the fire bell Tang yesterday everyone responded to the cnll and a large crowd was there helping. As It w... n .till dav and no wind, no other buildings caught on flro amljill wcreTI good and wet from tb rains. Miss Helen Make and mother were Tendleton business visitors Saturday. Mr. and Mrs. U L. Llcuallen and daughters Doris and Dena motored to Pendleton Saturday. t Mr. and Mrs. L. Parr and Bon of Athena were In Pendleton Saturday. Mr. and Mrs. Ilnhmnn were In Pen dleton Saturday, shopping. Evnrd McCollum, was In Pendleton Saturday ( , ,, , F. M. Whltely visited In Pendleton Saturday. , Jim Painter was among the Fcnme ton visitors Saturday. , Dun and Laurence Mclntyre of Helix motored to Adama Saturday to meet their sister Miss Gwendolyn Mclntyre of Pendleton high school who spent the week-end at home Miss Helen Hlake of Pendleton high school came homo Saturdny and re- turned lo school on wmaa. i Mostcr Roll Morrison nnd slslerl Ocraldlue attended the dance In Pen dleton Sunday evening. Mr and Mrs. Revella Lleuallen mo tnred to IVrndlcton Saturday nd at tended the High school basketball game between Pendleton and Mrs. lnman who has been sick, is nble t' be out again. Adams Chicken Association met at the school house on Thursday evening with a good attendance of members and ail ena8cd In the different topics bman returned to his homo ,y Adams after a Vlp.to Orant Mr. and Mrs. 1. C.reen went to Per,, dleton Monday on business and to do to Adams today to do some KhnPPir. Th, parent teachers meeting was hold ut the Adam, school large audience was In lnf","" " all enjoved the program of the cbll- Tf il'TTPfJ'J KKTATK The hnlrs of the E. M. and Polly Peck estate have decided to offer by .ealedblds the SO acres of alfalfa and wheat land hy said estate. This Ideal home tract is located one mile south of College Place on the pav ed road and is strictly one of tho most Ideal homo tracts to be found In the Inland Empire. Running water for( Irrigation, beautiful location, dally paper delivered at your door and also dally cream route and bus line to Wal la Walla. Good house and fair barn. This place is divided by the con crete paved road, 20 acres on bno side and "0 acres on tho other. You will have to see this property to appreciate It. . Phone 49FJ and make arrange ments to look the place over and If you v. s-h lo place a bid on It separately or as a whole with the privllcKe of tak ing It all, you may mail or hand your hid to John H. Pedlgo, riaker Bldg., Walla Walla. Wash. Will receive bids up to Feb. 15. C. HOMER MORRISON'. FOR SALE FOR RENT Sice sleeping rooms with hot and cold water close In Phone 49S-M. FOR RENT Sleeping rooms, furnace heat,' free bath, men- only. Phone 07, a. m 37S-J after 5 p. m. FOR RENT Furnlfhed bed room in private family furnaced heated for one or two gentlemen. "0" this office, y ! TIME CARD Weston-Pendleton Auto Stage Leaves Weston for Pendleton at 7:3(1 a. m. and 12:45 p. m. Leaves Athena for Pendleton at 1:00 a. m. and 1:00 p. m. , . Leaves Adams for Pendleton at 8:20 a. in. and 1:20 p. m. Leaves Pendleton (Allen-Knight Co. Store) for Weston at 10:00 a. m. and 4 D. m. . O. H. McPHERp.IN, Prop, AUCTIONEER HEMSTITCHING COL. W. F. TOHNKA Auctioneer, Call at Sturgls & Storie'g Implement Co., for sale dates. AUTO PAINTING TIME CARD Pilot Rm-k-I'endleton Auto Stage Leaves Pilot Rock at 8 a. m. Leaves Pondlcton at 10:30 a. m. Leaves Pilot Rock at 1 p. m. Leaves Pendleton at 4 p. m. FANCHO STLBRLEFIELD, Prop. 7 MEN WITH YEARS of experience Motor inn Garage, 722 Cottonwood. Ward A. Jloagland, Prop.. ATTORNEYS GEORGE W. COUTTS, Attorney 1 Law, JRoom 17. Schmidt block. R. 1. KEATOR, Attorney at Law, Room 24, Kmltli-Crawford Building. CARTER & SMYTH E, Attorneys at Law. , Offices In rear of American National Bank Building. RAO TxUG3 and carpets woven. Also first class crocheting and embroid ery. All orders promptly filled. See Wheelers, at 1300 W. Railroad. WE WASH and clean the finest rl'gs satisfactorily. References given. We make fluff rugs from old carpets. IqUr9 i Walla Wall Rug and Carpet Clean ing wo. i-aone ion. FEE & FEE, Attorneys at Law. ficea In Dustin Building. Of- S. A. LOWELL .Attorney and Counsel lor at Law. Office In Jjespain BJdg- 8. A. NEWBERRY, Attorney at Law, Federal Building. ALFALFA Wachtel, FOR . RENT A. large, airy, front HAY far sale George- 'eP'"g room, Ulrectry . connected Riverside, phone-297-W. I y"la oam ciose in t-none 5.2 or M I qnn Hi ine liee mve. FOR SALE All klnos of Insurance, j J. H. Estes, 614 Main St., Phone 04. FOR SALE One Walnut player piano good as new, will sell for 3350.00 til 2 W. Court St. WANTED FOR SALE Self-propelled combine harvester, 1918 model, good shape terms 8turgls & Storie. DRIED PRCXEH 9c to 13c prepaid, 10 lbs. or more. Loganberry plants 4ci R. V. Ohmart, BUIem, Ore. WANTED Sewtag plain or fancy Phone 306-M. WANTED GOOD CLEAN RAGS AT The East Oregonlan office. WANTED Girl for general house work In family of two Phene 1148. FOR SALE Setting eggs from pur bred Rhode Island Reds. Can de liver anytime. Phone 331-J. FOIt SALE Beardless spring barley for seed at St. Andrews School Reservation 3 cents per pound. . FOR SALE About 130 tons alfalfa hay, some mixed with barley. George Geanokopulas, Rlclh Ore., Phone 23F4. WANTED Old stoves and broken furnitur Cash paid. -901 Main, Phone 115G- MARRY AT ONCE We put you In ' correspondence with thousands of charming and refined ladies who wish to marry, many worth from 31,000 to $25,000 and upward. . Particulars free, Address Allen Ward, B 751, . Valley, Nebraska. ' PETERSON, BISHOP 4 CLARK, At torneys at Law. Rooms S and 4 Smlth-Oawford lildg. JAMES B. TERRY, Attorney at Law. Office over Taylor Hardware Com pany. HEMSTITCHLN'O at the Singer Shop. Mall orders promptly attended to. HEMSTITCHING Mall order Mrs. Ralph HaEscll 417 Bush, fboa 995. LAUNDRY EVERY Article Laundered Perfectly. There's an agent In yonr town. Troy Laundry, 60S (Tardea 6k . DOMESTIC LAUNDRY 101 E. Court St., Plionc 60 We maintain a com plete mendln, department. MADE TO MEASURE UUflutJ-t )i ' Carl E. lYsawa, EVkm BIOS. OPTICAL' DALB ROTHWELL Optemetrtot ao4 Optician. Glasses ground to fit your eyes. A men, an Nation" 1 San mag. OSTEOPATH RALE Y, RALEY A STE1WER, Attor neys at Law. Office la American National IVnk Building. AUTO ELECTRIC WORKS 'B REPAIR anything electrical on an automobile, W. E. Ohase Co. AUTO TRANSFER W. a. FISHKI txd Riley k. Kemp, PbOne 632. FRED H. SCHMIDT, Attorney at Law, Room 24, Smith -Crawford Bldg. BATTERIES Dlt. O. E. HOLT Osteopathic, physi cian and Surgeon. Judd Bids. Tele phones, office 508; Residence 37 a. W. PLUMBING AND HEATING PLUM BI NO AND HEATINO James McN'air All worX promptly attend ed to: 30! W. Webb, Pendleton Ore gon. incidence Ptxrno 710-W, Offlro I'bone M23. , WANTED TO LEASE Nine or ten room hoosA on Knt-tti ci.la Uim have four bedrooms. R. D. Sayres. Notice; of Chattel Slortgnco Bale NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that the undersigned. Second Northwestern Finance Corporation, a corporation. by virtue of the chattel mortgage, lb tod April g, 1920, executed by An drew S. Kerr, to 1. D. Latham and re corded January 24, 1921, In the Rec ords of Chattel Mortgages of Umatilla County, Oregon, securing tho payment of note dnd debt therein described, of even date therewith, for 33672.40, bearing interest at 8 per oent, per an num from maturity of said note (and j by the holder of said note and mort gage, same was declared due on No vember 29, 1920-sakl note with said chattel mortgage "naving been endors ed, transferred and assigned by said I. D. Latham to said corporation prior to tho maturity thereof for valuable consideration, the conditions of said chattel mortgage having Ueen broken by the mortgagor, has taken posses sion of the property thereby mortgag ed, to wit: One Denby Motor Truck, steel lined dump body with a Woods hoist. Factory No. 6135, Motor No. 6C64, truck model No. 7, and will sell the same to the highest bidder for cash at' 11 o'clock In the forenoon on the second day of February, 1921, at the front door of the garage of the West ern Auto Company, one the corner ot Cottonwood and Water Streets in The Citv of Tendleton, Umatilla County, Oregon, the proceeds of sale to be ap plied to the payment of costs and ex penses of sale and of taking possession and keeping property, and expenses of foreclosing. Including a reasonable sum as attorneys fees, and tho pay ment ot the amount due upon the note secured by said chattel mortgage. Dated this 14th day of January, 1921. SECOND NORTHWESTERN T1- Nance Corporation. BY ZOETII IIOL'SER, Sheriff and Agent. FOR SALE OR RENT 5 acres of fruit and alfalfa land Vt mile from HermlHtouAddreKs Box 63 or Phone 710-W. SEVERAL uncalled for suits and over coats for sale, real bargains, all sixes. Emil Bock, 641 . Main St., Phone 1008. FOR SALE New furniture 1 brown leather davenport, 2 brown leather rocking chairs, 1 Mahal Vi'ilton rug, 9x12; 1 library table Phone 891-J. FOR SALE OR TRADE One 14 H. P. Stover gas engine, mounted oa wag on bed with wide Iron wheels. Guar anteed In first class condition. Will trade for Ford. Simpson Auto Co. WANTED- will pay 2tf00 prime 4 lb. chickens, 3o lb. Ship C. O. D. to Johnnie Jones, Walla Walla, Wash. WANTED Second hand goods of all kinds. We pay cash.' Steven's Fur niture and Repair Shop, 901 Main St., Phone 1156.. WANTED Housekeeper for family of four in country also man to milk cows. Call 2F2, Echo Ore., or addresa I. F. Hale, Echo, Oregon. . C. E. WILLIAMSON Stand at Ortggf Cigar Store- Fbone 1075 TRUCKS FOR HIRE Country work. Klssler & Hemmelgarn. Phone 381-R or 999-W 619 Marie St FOR QUICK SERVICE, call Bud Cornfield, Phone 52, Crescent Cigar Store. Residence, Phone 10E9-R. AUTO REPAIRING H. L. HEDRICK Automobile and truck repairing car laundry in con nection. 717 Garden Street. dren and spent a pleasant evenlne. Roy Devergln is sawing wood for tho Tum-A-Ltim Lumber Co. now with ala steam saw. A winner: PHICHESTCR S Fill 1 .IIWISsB IIHM I'll.l.S. loi I tl r"B"l's,,""''"'l"1 1 ft t 4 JILLS FILATOV ITCH Every ycar Bnlgarla holds a na tional beauty contest This year's prize' has Just been awnrded by the national committee to Mile Pllntovitch of Soils There were thousands of entrants from all set tloui of the country FOR SALE Houses of all sizes, ranging In price from $1400 to $12,000. Corns and see ine If you want to buy a home. GEORC.E V. ELDER ' 818 Main St. Res. Phone 972-W Phono 993 FOR SALE Five room residence, west end, 11700.00. Also many other houses from 4 to 8 rooms, some on easy pay ments. George W. Elder 813 Main St. Phone 93 FOR RENT APTS. AND ROOMS ALTA APTS. FOR RENT- 210-W. -Furnished Apt. Phone ' Wanted to Plow Wo will plow any amount up to 1000 acres; starting work anytime. G. E. 1'eringer Ranches Co., Box 134, Pen dleton. WANTED To lend you money on your home or business property. Pay back like rent. Can be paid off at any time without penalty. fcnow and Dayton THE "PIONEER" AUTO MAN Satis faction guaranteed. We repair any make. Glenn Long, 633 Cottonwood. PHILADELPHIA DIAMOND GRID BATTERIES guaranteed for 18 months. W. B Chase Co., 328 E. Court. Telephone 269, Pendleton. FREST-O-LJTE BATTERIES Best by competitive test. Serv on all makes of b'tteries, guaranteed "'--O-Lile Sex rice Station, 4U4 . Court Phone 64. POULTRY SUPPLIES CHIC FOOD, Scratch food, tonics, bono, shell, grit, com, eats, rolled barley. Umatilla Hour A CnUa Co. PHONOGRAPH REPAIRING CATERPILLAR WORK CATERPILLARS, harvesters, gas en gines, . automobiles and ' general blacksmithing. Round-Up Garage, Parks & Nebergattv 111 nest Webb. CONTRACTORS & BUILDERS AUTO TIRES PENDLETON CYCLE CO. AJax, Re vere and Savage tires. 228 K. Court Street. MISCELLANEOUS MRS. ADA FIELD Spirella corsetlere Phone 824-W. Address 814 Jane, ALL KINDS of patients cared for by experienced nurse 800 W. Webb Phone 884. PHONE I. C. SNYDER. 275-M for tho man that has swept your chimneys for fifteen years. $200,000 to Ijoan On good wheat land until first ot April. 'C. W. Vonderahe, FTeewater, Oregon ALL KINDS of furnace and stove re pairing, pipe fitting and chimney cleaning satisfaction guaranteed Phone 622. - L. S. BENTLEY & CO. Goodyear and Diamond Tires Tiro service, oils and accessories Alta and Garden Sta. WALLACE BROS. Fisk tires, cords or fabric. We do our own adjust Ing. 808-12 Johnson St. GERTSON & MARTY Gates Half Soles, 6000 miles guaranteed 1-2 cost of new tires. 637 Cottonwood St PENDLETON RUBBER '& SUPPLY CO. Barney Oldfield, Goodrich Sil vertown Cord and Pennsylvania Vacu um Cup S05 E. Court. , SIMPSON TIRE SERVICE CO. Re public and Firestone tires, cords or fabric 223 E. Court St., Phone 651. AUTO TOPS GADWA'S AUTO TOPS, Plate Glass, Backs, Side Curtains 201 East Court St. DOINGS OF THE DTJFFS THE PLUMBER BELIEVES IN SAFETY. BY ALLMAN SNOW DAYTON, 117 E. Court St, Real Estate. Flro Insurance. Farm Loans. See us about a loan. JUNK, JUNK, JUNK BRING your junk to tho Pendleton Hide & Junk Co. See us before you sell. T. T. Cameron, Prop. YimmtP II ..... f oH.HELEhi! the. " J I 1 CAMe?-i rAf 0,0 BRINGS I PLUMBER IS HERETO. I r ; 1 . ilk' .; ' ii - 1' ! PARKER & BAN FIELD, Designing. Engineering, Constructing, 16 years experience in concrete and brick con struction. 64 E. Third North Port bind, Oregon. CHIROPRACTORS PHONOttKAPH REPAIRING All makes Warren's Maas? aTtwssj, M Main SU Phona lie. PIANOS AND PUYERS HIGH GRADE PIANOcS of pleasing tone quality. Players of Individuali ty. Its tho construction that eounUk See piano on display, write or phono lira Be Hive, 638 Mala St, pttona 1076 J. P. Daraall, Factory Bop Moler & Chass Piano Co. ' i , Painting and Paper Hanging DR. JL.C. ELLSWORTH Specializing in nervous disease and diseases of women. 9 to 12 a. m., 1 to 8:3 p. m. Evenings 7 to 8. Phone JOB, Smith- Craw ford Building. CLEANERS AND DYERS PANTJIUUM fhone 473 PAINTS, Wall Paper, Picturo Fram ing. Jj, J. HcAtee, ths Practical Faint Man. Lowe Bros Paints. . RADIATOR REPAIRING ALTA AUTO RADIATOR WORK 701 East Alta street. All makes of radiators repaired. Work ffuarantood, C. Blasuerg, Prop. , . . . .... CLEANING AND PRESSING MODEL TAILORS & CLEANERS Pressing and repairing. 304 W. Webb- St. Phone S21, Pendleton. Ore. DRAYMEN I CALL PENLAND BROS. Transfer van to move your household goods. e also pack or store goods. Wo do ooun try hauling. Telephone S39. .DENTIST Dr. H. M. Hanavan TientlHlr Room, 7, Temple Building. Phono 772 FARM LOANS RESTAURANT THE "QUELLE A ood plac to ftC SECOND HAND FURNITURE, MATTRJ2SSBS The best values- to. the city, 35 lb. silk floss, $1T.0 45 lb. cotton 810.00 Phono (23, Riley & Kemp. 523 Main St. , SECOND HAND DEALERS V. STROBLE, dealer in new and soe- ond hand goods. Cash paid :for second hand groods. Cheapest placo to buy household goods,910 E. Covxi phone 721 W. , , ..s SUGGESTIVE THERAPEUTIC THE most up-to-date effectual load ing science practised. T. Gibson P. 8. T. ; N. D. Room 12 Pee bier Bldg. .TAILORS v Tl J II Ihflsllsii ii ' ii i i sTi ViaVl liltTj 847 Msln St. i' Fhoao 1M PAROOM MC. BUT I ViAMT TO CAirnoN woo to cxeecise cars. , VJHCH DOING WOUR VJORK-AtLTHe FLOORS UAVe BEEN HlGULW P0U5HED AMD ARC W PERFKT COMOITtON J OH 00NT VORSi ABOUT Mfi J H suppw'.laoi-ivecpr J y . J I If I COIVB ill MJ tUnf.ll f." II Strictly Fresh Chinock Salmon 40c pound Columbia River Smelt 2 pounds 25c Large Crabs Just received . 40c each Rome Beauty or Winesap Apple $1.50 Box I ORANGES Medium size, good quality, 25c doz. BUTTERNUT BREAD White, 15c Graham, rye, whole Wheat, 10c DAINTY CAKES 20c each The Dean Tatom Co. ' Meat Dept. Off , . . Phone 00 Grrar7r?ot688 k BMBBBHi ' SSMBsWBISSSBlMfJSJi i-