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About East Oregonian : E.O. (Pendleton, OR) 1888-current | View Entire Issue (Feb. 10, 1921)
TEN PAGES PAGE FIVE DAILY EAST ORECONIA, PENDLETON, OS.ECOTT, THURSDAY EVENING, FEEr.UAr.Y 10, 1021. T , . ; t t People Here and There Ted 'horrlcr, Hi'llx farmer, win among the business visitors from that section In l'endletoit Uiiiuy. Wade Blue, who huu boen In I'cnillc ton as the guest of iIh sister, Mrs. :. O. Draper, and Mm mother, Mrs. 8. A. nine, left yesterday morning for a vinlt to apokuno and Ureal Kalis. Mr. Blue In chief Km In Inspector for tho J'ort of Astoria and during hi visit here he conferred with local grain dealers. li 5 . . J- - . IL. rt.KMI.VQ tonight, Oregon Theatre, Hln against the Holy Choxt Free. John Vert, well known ciipltnlltrt and tending a meeting of tho directum of furmor, relnrnod to I'cndlcton IuhI evening aftor a business vlnit to I'oit. land und the count cities. tho l'aclflc Stales Mro Insurance Co. Curt. Kupcrs, rancher und olV. man woh a passenger to I'ondloton on the mornings Northern l'aclflc train from Ma ranch ut Apex station, beyond Hollx. ; Manuel Fricdly,, founrllmnn and school director, wan a homecoming passenger from 'Portland laMt night on No. 4. He wan In tho metropolis at. PHONE FOUR-O-NINE FOR BETTER QUALITY , 409 I tn Onions, 25 pounds for .. $1.00 g Mountain Spuds, per sack $1.75 Coffee, pound .' 25c Apples, per box $1.50 2 Best Bacon, pound 40c j Hams, pound , 33c Eggs, strictly fresh, dozen 50c g The Economy Grocery 113W.Vebb Phone 409 c Reliable Service C PHONE FOUR-OrNINE FOR BETTER SERVICE 8, I). PotorHon, Milton attorney, a business visitor In the city today. T. M. Jordan, of Portland, traveling agent for tho Chicago and North weHtcrn Hnllvftiy, with headquarter In Portland, Ik In tho clly today ac quainting himself with Pendleton Ijiih lne.HH men. Ie la adding Kustern Ore gon an far as ltuker to hln territory. O. W. It. & X. railroad officials In Pendleton hiHt evening Included A. W. Perlcy, fuel expert, who arrived hero from a trip over tho Washington division, und M. J. Duckies', superin tendent, who was here to look after tho Walla Walla branch where Wild horse has threatened due to recent rains. Declares There's Nothing Quite Like Howard's Itattcrniilk Cream for Beautifying the Complexion Tlits good looking (iiiiicr womiin tells till wood driiif ami department Mores nut to tulic anyone's money onlos HiIh delightful new vanishing (ream iilcl; fy hIiom'h a dc. ' cldnl iiiiproieniont The first application of Howard's Huttermilk Cream will astonish yon, It create beauty almost like niafilc. The most wonderful thing about It In the fact that whilst It turns the dull est, most lifeless complexion to radiant beuuty and makes red or rough hands or arms snowy white, yet there Is not the slightest sign of Its use alter appli cation, it actually vanishes from sight and the most heated atmosphere will not produce the least shlniness or gieusineKii of the skin. No matter whether you aro troubled with a poor complexion, wrinkles, pufflness around the eyes, freckles, crows feet or lines around the mouth, ugly finger nails, or just a simple roughness of the face, hands or arms caused by wind or sun, you will find that any or nil of theso troubles will quickly disappear with the use of How ard's IJutlermilk Cream. , To prove this to your complete satis faction, get a small quantity to-day at any first class toilet .goods counte with the understanding that they will freely return tho purchase money to any dissatisfied uner. Important lieauty specialists throughout the country who aro now ''King and recommending Huttermllk Cream claim that after a massage with this wonderful cream many a woman looks years youn.ifer. it- l lro Offli iMfs Su.d bj-'lliidd i Charles II. ltudd late Wednesday filed with the county clerk a suit against W. K. Itlnnold. fire chief, ak- Ing for a writ or mandamus and other relief In Connection with the recent granting of a permit by tho fire chief und fire committee of the city council to I. It. Johnson to erect a wooden building at 206 West Webb street. He allege a conspiracy between the flic chief, the committee,' consisting of Joe Ell, Manuol Friedly -and Claud Pen land and John Vaughan, then mayor of Pendleton, to grant thl permit In violation of tho firo ordinances of the city. Mr. Hudd formerly occupied a building at that address but his build ing waa moved out and a new one erected. He requested the council to ' revoke theermit but recently by mo tion of Chairman KM the request was denied. Mr. Itudd i hi own attorney In tho case, his first filed since being admitted to the bar. day. There will be a dinner, talks, motion pictures and other features, tho card said. Imvld liorne Given Judgment. David Home today was given Judg ment against James liarnhart for 335 and costs. The case was settled by default. would, dante. This is for grangers only. Also on tho next meeting night, a delegate to the state grange will be elected and it is thought a degree team will bo organized. On Friday night meeting, K. H. Parkcf, Irene Hoon, Marjory FranM, undllr. and Mrs. J. Miller were initiated Into the Grange. W. ID. Weathers who lies serious, ill at the home of his daughter, Mrs. J. K. Jones is not expected to recover ano Circuit Court Trying Divorce. The circuit court todav is busv trv- ring divorce eases, po other business , hi death Is expected at any time as navuig ueveiopcu 10 require tne at- ne I most or me time unconscious lenuon oi uio court, iiewaru near logs aro expected tp be on tl docket shortly. WHEAT CONTINUES TO ADVANCE AT CHICAGO i:i)l CATKIN Ij NO. 5 s One Minute on Partnership Saving t . It is easy to nogtect the teeth. Business in terests, dread of the supposed ordeal, the fact that decay is a Blow process, all help keep you away from the dentist. You are prone to put off your visit on one pretext or another until the af fliction becomes acute. This is wrong. Your dentist and yourself are in partnership to save your teeth your health. He stands ready to do his part; yet you avoid him as long as you can, although it is certain that periodical visits and 1'H'per attention would prevent every painful of eration nnd rvt far better results than is pos sible in the latter stages. i Consultation I'rwy Gircu In all . , , iNiital llrauclirA. 'I. Tear In Pendleton. Phone r07 - Honrs Tajlor Hardware Itldg. Ovit S A. M. to 5 J. M. I'einlb-ton, Ore. The Hub Appoiulnuiits to mil you Frecwater Slivllng Aiiiiouncol. Invitation to a big meeting of the Kroewater Parent Teachers Associ ation thero on Monday evening at o'clock was received at the offico of the countv school superintendent to- MOTHER! "California Syrup of Figs" Child's" Best Laxative- Accept California" Syrup of Figs only look for tho name California on the package, then you are sure your child is having the best and most harmless physic for the little stomach, liver, and bowels. Children love its fruity taste. Full directions on each bottle. You .must say "California." Wheat continued lis advance today, a sharp increaso being noticeable in the March wheat which closed at 51. 57 3-S, as contrasted with yesterday's closing of J1.62, while May wheat' clos ed at Jl.5"4, yesterday's closing Ire ing 1.02. Following are the quotation from Ovcrbet k & Cooke, Ics-al brokers: ' Wheat High Low 1.56 s Corn ,CS '4 .C'JTi Oat .44 .4r. 1.41 1.21 Parley l-.'xclian; .Mar. May fay July May July May July May Open 1.61 i 1.5114 .43 .4 414 ' 1.37'i 1.19 li 1 CI U 1.0) Vi .CG4 .4 3 .44 1.37i 1.11'Vi Close 1.67 1.55?; .67 V, .4 IV. 1.40 1.24 Friday and Saturday Specials WE ARE GIVING YOU THESE SPECIALS ON GROCERIES TO HELP YOU LOWER THE COST OF YOUR LIVING. GROCERIES WE OFFER YOU ARE ALL GUARANTEED TO BE A GOOD QUALITY OR YOUR MONEY REFUNDED. WITH EVERY ORDER OF $10.00 WE WILL GIVE 5 PER CENT TRADE DIS COUNT, EXCEPT SUGAR BY SACK. BROOMS We have a few brooms value $1.25., Special price 75c TOMATOES 7 cans Snow Peak. ...$1.00 5 cans Preferred Stock $1.00 PEAS 6 cans Weber Valley Peas $1.00 4 cans Monopole Peas ...$l.Cf 4 cans Preferred Stock Vi..$1.00 TEA Bulk English Breakfast, per pound 25c Hills Blue Label, Jap, per'pouml tl.V L'askct Fired, per pound ...50c 9 pounds Gats ! 65c 9 pounds Corn Meal. ...45c 9 lbs. Graham Flour.. 65c 9 pounds Farina 75c 9 pounds Flour .....65c SUGAR 11 pounds $1.00 100 pounds ...1. $9.00 RICE ' ' 12 pounds Jap $1.00 8 pounds Head $1.00 BEANS . 16 lbs. Small .Whito..$l. 00 11 pounds Pink $1.00 9 pounds Lima $1.00 SOAP 10 Bars Crystal White $1.00 i Eggs, guaranteed fresh, dox. -Ilk! liutter, Hold Crest, 2 lbs.. .Sl.n.l 10 cans Hebe Milk '" 7' earyj Carnations Sl.'KI EXTRA SPECIAL With every order of 10.00 In groceries we will give 5 per cent trade discount, except sugar by the suck!. . , ' I ' CORN 7oans Standard . . . .v. ; . .l.00 4 cans Monopole .. . . , A . .S1.INI 4 cans P. S. Corn .$1.00 KARO SYRUP 1 gallon light 5c 1 gallon dark hoo 1-Hullon Liberty Pell . ;.$I05 1 gallon Tea Harden l.3 1 gal. (lobien Marsh mallow $1.25 PRUNES 1 pound best 16c 10 pound box $1.40 7 packages Corn Flakes . .$1.00 7 package Puff Wheat. . .SUM) 7 packages Post Toasties. .SI.I10 3"puckagcs Oiils, Oly $1.00 3 pkages Cream of Wheat SS1.M COTTELENE 2 pound pall . : . . .4"Mt ;l pounds ("risen J"1" 4 Carnation Khori onlng 7.V 4 -Snow Drift .::..'.'. Sl. Xo. 5 Holly Ulld Sl.2.1 6 pound Swifts 1.40 '( ' .Mr. Weathers is past seventy years of age. . The Presbyterian Ladles Aid met Thursday afternoon at tho borne Of Mrs. W. W. Philippi. There was a large attendance who enjoyed a deli cious lunch served by the hostess. Mrs. Caldwell will Kerve a dinner next Thursday to all wishing to attend. At the meeting in the afternoon, Mrs. Kdith VanUcuscn will addre.s the la dies and talk to them on the subject of hats or millinery. On March 2 and 3 a millinery school will be held and 1'mapino ladieswlll make hats for them.selves. On this coming Friday. Mrs. VanDeusen will also assist ladies in sewin? and all are requested to make sottje garment on that day. Mrs. Van Deusen Is the county demonstra tion agent. Dorranco Spencer underwent a min or operation at the hospital in Walla Walla last week. Miss Dorothy Leroux visited her cousin Miss Vola Leroux last week. Miss Leroux is from Walla Walla. Mrs. John Leroux is in Walla Walla this week at the bedside of her daugh-i ter-in-law who underwent an opera tion at Ht. Mary's hospital this week. Last Wednesday Mrs. Claude Beale and Mrs. J. D. Kirk entertained about 40 ladies of Vmnpine at a hhower for I Mrs. Charlie Workman. During the afternoon contests were held and Mrs. Floyd Goodman and Mrs. J. P. Cald I well were lucky winners of appropriate prizes. Refreshments were served. In the evening the Odd fellows held a similar event at the lodge and it re ported a very successful affair. The newly elected directors of the Hudson Bay Co-operalivo creamery held their first meeting on Monday evening at Umapine with D. O. Saund ."is retiring president In the chair. The .officers for this year aro as follows, U'resident W. O. Wlsenor; vice presi dent, C. W. Records; secretary-treasur- or, J. P. Caldwell, and members A. A. I Hixbv and Wm. F. (gentry. At the re quest of li. K. Bean the nut-going pec ' " j rotary, Mr. Caldwell and William 5en- r.MAPlNE, Feb. 10. The Hudson try were appointed to audit the secre Pnv Crnntro held its regular meeting tary's books with Mr. Bean. on Frday night with about 80 In atten. Business of interest during the rtanee. Dnrinir tin. lecture hour, a evening Included the raising of the girls' trio and Mrs. J. D. Hurrah sang, ! butter makers salary (Jens Therkild after which the "Tattler" was rend-j sen) to $1S5 per month, less house which chronicles all the doings of the ! rent and the reducing of tho socre- .05 v. r'orrlir London, 3.98'i. Paris, .725. Berlin, .1SSU. Vienna, .0n2x'j. Rome, .315 4. Canada, 13 per cent discount. N. Y. money, 7 per cent. BAY GRANGE grangers in the proceeding two weeks. I Mr. Lane Hoon master of the grange announced that on the next regular j grange meeting after regular business ! was disposed of, all patrons would re pair to tho lower hall where they tary's salary H) per month. Mr. Caldwell will be the new secretary and the position will be almost a nominal one from now on. - The directors fees for attending the monthly meetings were reduced to 1.00 per meeting. Wilson Orders Elevator Despain & Lee Grocery Co. Phone 445 2(39 E. Court St p 'V v j'ljli r 1 ; I t -j$t " . ' I T I! r i ' I 1 I A A Workmen ar shown here making rhnngej Prcs.dent Wilson ha ordered in the Washington house which will be his home after rrch 4 A drive is being laid alongside tha west wall A new entrance tll oicn off lain drive and u elevator will bo luiUilIid V.'M'Ug ctrntK .'I "I Old Faitlif ul There has been no mechanism invented which is as delicate and enduring as a watch. It serves you through every minute of the twenty-four hours of each day. its "upkeep" averages less than a dollar a year. A good timl piece is a time piece for a lifo time so make sure that you purchase a (rood watch. Each watch we sen is guar anteed by the makers as well as ty selves. " our- Pendleton Ore. The Largest Diamond Dealers in Eastern Oregon. I lb, . Vt - The Evidence r "Vi'Vv.1 . - JTV f These legs belong to President-elect Harding. An where hsv they been? Look at "the cockleburs' Thesa little stocking-hugginj pests do not grow on the open fairway of a golf course They're uku- , ally In the wecd3 along the side lines W'bca a golfer Is -off his game" he's usually also off the course. L'se your own judgment' The picture was taken at Palm Beach linVa. Get the Proofs for Lalley Superiority "Getting right down Jo brass aokswas the saying goeg Why is the LALLEY LIGHT superior? That's what you want to know, have a'right to know and should know. It's good business. We are not going to attempt to explain In detail here the reasons for LALLEY superiority; we prefer to merely give you a few of the outstanding LALLEY features, then, ask you to come in and get the figures and the proofs. The LALLEY LIGHT will furnish sufficient power, direct, without the aid of the battery, to save you 20 vb expense. It does net need a large, expensive battery. It is built for exactness and precision to last and give depend able service for years. It runs as quietly and smoothly as a sewing machine. It is the simplest plant made, having only three moving parts. It can be assembled and disassembled with a wrench and a screw driver in a short time. , It has been used by thousands of owners'over a period of 10 years These are mere statements, of course, but they should arouse your interest sufficiently to com eta and have us prove them. , Thafs what we are hera for to explain t'.ie LALLEY LIGHT and demonstrate its superiorities. Come in at your earliest convenience. . Be Sure Ses the LALLEY First STURGIS & STORIE ! ' Walla Wullft lYudiitou Hsadtputrtm for ffcerraeof Equipmmnt for thm Farm and Rural noma ffc,-'!:v.' -.'1 v 1