7 TWO NEWS SERVICES ON THIS PAGE. f TEN PAGES SECTION TWO PAGES 7 TO 10 DAILY EAST OREGONIAN, PENDLETON, OREGON, WEDNESDAY EVENING, FEBRUARY 9, 1921. KEEP ABREAST OF DOINGS IN THE WORLD OF SPORT DAILY IN ARTICLES BY STAFF WRITERS AND y TEN PAGES ' ZS2S2SSS3S i;;0s y-y : ' PAGES 7 T0 10 . J JZJz EXPERT Spring Hats Will Be Small and Bright BERLIN', ' Fob. ft. (A. P.) Dr. Emmanuel Lasker, th i bwu uiuster, wa granted permission by the state capartntent tyestorday to make the ""voyage by way of New York to Culm whore he U to play Jose Cnpiiblnnra for the -world's championship. The advices reached Dr. Lasker too luto to enable him to change hla route, ur tunned when It wax stated that ho would not be permitted to enter the United mates. , ' Dr. Lanker will leave Herlln Satur day for Amsterdam, from which port lie will will direct for Havana. 8TANFIKMJ t.'XIVEItSlTY. Cal., Feb. . (A. P.) Alva W. Jilchnrds, 1912 Olympic games winner and hiKh point man at the American Expedi tionary Force guinea, ha registered at HI nn ford University lint will not be eligible to wear the Curdlnal against the 1'nlverally of California at this year' dual Hack meet. Hlchurds Ik registered In the pre-modlial depart ment. At the A. E. F. game" nichnrd won first place In the standing broad Jump and running hiKh Jump. IIIIIIIIIR'Mi! Iill IJ itilWfllllll IIIIIIIII m d jmizt A i. i , I A,LXt l , Here are three of the prettiest and most practical of the new spring hats. All colors re bright, more brilliant, yven, than during preceding springs. Jade green, copper sft.lnbe new "sun et. ftow" are among the most popular shades. The first hat, a flowered turt.,;i, is elaborate enough for wear with afternoon frocks as well as sr.'4. It Is made of shaded geranium blossoms, with a row or tw of the straw braid of which the bat vs mide showing next tue face. The next two hats are dwljni along utrlctly ntllfty lines. The one with with the brim is mads of taffeta, the under side be ing a self-colored brr.ld. A perky little bow of the silk at the bad; adds much to this hat's smartness while the wreath' of tiny bright red cherries and their leaves softens tho line about tile (ace. T! 4rp4 atraw-cluU toque Is rollevod with unattached gn.;cj and loaves of velvet to Tirovc's i3the Only Genuine Laxsiivo Bromo Quinine X; tableia The first and original Csld and Grip tablet, the merit of which is recognized by all civilized nations. Be sure' you get IT I-OS A.VOEt.F.fl, fat., Feb. 9. (A. P. Six nearby town. W'hlttler, I.ul lerton, Anaheim, Kl Monte 'l'ueiitc anod Itlvera have formed a neighbor. hood club and constructed a golf courne three miles from Whittlor. ; The club has been named tho Ha. clenda Golf Club. Alfonso Hell, once a well known Is Angeles tennis play er. Is one of the leaders. Axxr.Mi tkh; n.f: wii.i, bk IUX WASHINGTON" ItlltTMOW ASHTOX, Idaho, Feb. .XA . V. Ashton's annual doir race will be held this year on WnHhington's Plrth day. It was derided recently. Beveral local teams already are practicing for the race. NEW YORK, Feb. 9. (A. P.) Hal C. Cutblll of the Iloston A. A., won the feature track event, tho lindmnn Wan r.maker invitation acratch run, at 1 miles nt the nnnttal Indoor gamee of the Millrove A. A. last nlt:ht. Jole Kay of the Illinois A. C, Chicago, who had won this event each year aince 1917 and holds the record for it of 6:46 3-fi, finished second. Cutblll who won the Hunter mile nt Ho8Ii.ii lust Saturday night, led tho last three laps. ltcglnnlng the rinnl lap Itay attempted to cut limlde of Cut bill on tho turn and lout several yards when he was shut off. Cutblll won handily In 6:55 3-5. Karl Eby, I'nlverslty of Pennsyl vania, won tho Mlllrose 6'I0 yard-run by three yards from Thomas Campbell of Yale. Karl Thomson of Dartmouth the Olympic champion hurdled, sklmmrii over the obstacles In his trial hent or tho to yard high hurdles race In 9 1-s M-comls and won tho final In nine r,eo onds flat." Frank Loomls, Jr., of the Chicago A. A. was second. Over the low hurdles at the same distance Thomson also won and eouall- od his own world s Indoor rcconj or 8 1-fi soronds. John Murphy of Notre Dame uni versity after winning the running hlh Jump with six feet three lnche, had the bar plai (d at six five inches, In a try for a wot Id's record indoors, but failed IVI m T AT 18.2 BILLIARDS I U S AXC.EI.KKS. Cal., Feb. 9. (A I.) Oscar Manage, veteran major leapt. e catcher, who comes to I.os An geles this year. Is expected to put plenty of "pep" into the Weal Pacific Coast 1'aseball I.eagtie club. His ex perience will be useful in helping young pitchers and In giving them confidence. Manage was wi'h Detroit last year. In 7'l games he hit for a percentage of 2X1. Ills fricudg in I.os Anele" say they believe he will bat nrouml 2TTi in the coast circuit. CI.EVrXAND, O., Feh. ft. (A. P.) A new American record for class A competition was established by Charles lleddon ft Dowagiac, Mich., when lie made a ran of 13:1 points in a match in -which he defeated Dr. A. I. Hrown of Cleveland. 300 to Ta. in the na tional amateur 1.2 balklinc billiard championship tournament last night. The former champion made his re n.arkable run in tho sixteenth trinlns. His average, 16 11-19 is the highest ol the tournament. The previous h!c.h run record of 135 also was held by Heddon. The genuine bears this signature Price 30c. risi:i rrr.Tox kovcks oi t MTIIKFKV IN TWO liot MS IIOJ-TON. Feb. 9 (A. I'.) Fred Fnlion of Hudson, llinn., last niiiht knocked tut liattling McCreery of Cambridge, n the second round of their scheduled 10-rotind bout. Hoth men are heavy eighta. Men's Overalls or Jumpers The Garment 95c THE HUB 32 Stores 745 Main St. hciTin:i: idaiio may pit it.si:iti.i, i, i:ou: iv ni:i,i) T'.VIN FAI.US, Idaho. Feb. 9. (A. P.f -ranization of a new baseball lcainie in southern Idaho is being con-yiiien-il. The towns mentioned for places in Ihe organization are Hoise, Nampa, Caldwell, Twin Falls. Kurley. I'oeatello and Idaho Falls. The new le.-i . it is beiloil. v,-iuld make an effort to enter organized baseball. WASHINGTON. Feb. 9. (A P- Representations have been made to the I state department by the Hl.ingarian i Igovernmerit through the Swedish min- inter, concerning the manner of depor i tation of undesirable aliens from thoi United i?tates. Hungary, alleged that i u ported aliens had been given such j liberty aboard vessels as to permit ! them to organize propaganda against! the governments of Europe which ha ! produced "certain undesirable re-1 suits" in Hungary. The state depart ment was asked to ' have deported aliens segregated abo.-.rd vessels. QUALITY SERVICE SANITATION For a Dinner Course That Is Very Much Different We offer you something that is not only a little "different," but a whole lot nicer. FILET OF BEEF PRIME BEEF LOIN PRIME VEAL LOIN LAMB CHOPS Pendleton Trading Co. ' Phone 455 "If It's on the Market We Have It" OTTAWA. Opt., Feb. 9. A. P.) Lawyer Hwift, a black pacer ownej and driven by Harry Cray of Toledo, made what is claimed to be a new woild's record here yesterday when he won the five mile dash, the feature event of the ice races, in 12:15's. He eat ltomaln, owned and driven - by James Stewart of Los Angeles, In a neck to neck finish. Five horses were entered. ; EXPLOSION IN SCHOOL I KILLS TEACHER AND 7 PUFILS; T. N. T. CAUSE 0! i . -(A. If ' LAWltKXCKVII.LE, 111., Ft b, S. (A. P. ) Kiuht persons are dord mul Another prtjl'aMy fatally injured as th result of th. explosion of a can of nitro-plycerin, at the Ornpa lioac'.s school, two miles west of here shortly after noon today. The dead are: Km met t TSunyan, 30 years old, the teacher, and the following pupils: tayinond flnnes, 9: Howard Lett, ThoniaH Lett, J; Charles Weltoh, 1 5; Ko'iert MeCausIand, 1 2; Aimer tllet, 10, and Itichard Peters, 7. Les ter t'J roves, 11, is expected to die. Several other children received minor injuries in the explosion which occurred when one of the hoys at tempted to cut the top from the can with nn, nxe. Htmyan and five of the hoys were and the other two USED FORDS FORDS FORDS One 1918 Touring ........ I : $325.00 One 1919 Touring $350.00 One 1918 Roadster ......... $225.00 One 1918 Roadster ......... 250.00 We have a few more good buys Priced from $125.00 up. Simpson Auto' Co. Phone 408 Water and Johnson Sts. CHICAGO, Feb. 9. Lincoln had had so much to lead nfi people have today it -would have de tracted from his greatness. Itev. E. 'killed instantly H. Searlnif, editor of a church organ, ; died later. declared before a meeting of Metho- j - dlst preachers today. XOTKH NOltWlXilAX IKAI) Lincoln had only three books. It' WASHINGTON". Feb. 8. (A. P.), would bo well for modern boys and Announcement was made here last Klrls to be Hhut up In a room with tins' niliht of the death yesterday bible and one or two great books," he LONDON". Feb. ,9. (A. P.) TThe ; Sunday Telegram, owned by H. W. Uottomly, editor of John Hull, today ' asserts the existence of a third party In Ireland, "concerning itself with ex ecuting justice, according to its own views, on any persons who committ alleged crime and escape punishment. ' Teh newspaper says the party is styled "The Middle party." Its head quarters is in N'orthwall, where there are conferences with military officers. Names of either Sinn Feinners or government forces charged with mur- ! der are Judged. If the persons are found gilty, sentence is pronounced and the victims are soon found dead.' declared. WELL KNOWN EASTERN WASHINGTON WOMAN DEAD of O. F. Hagerup. Norway's minister to Swed en. He was for a long period leader of tho conservative party and twice premier. RAIDING 1 Pleasing You That's the main object with us; we are always ready to do our part to see that you are perfect ly satisfied as to style, price and quality. We save you money on shoes by doing busi ness at a very small expense and buying new merchandise at the lowest market price. See our shoes before buying. The Bootery Pendleton's Popular Priced Shoe Store. 733 Main St. SI'tlKAXK, Feb. . (A. '.) Mrs. Helen G. Sutton, wife of State Senator V. J. S itton of Cheney, died at a hos pital here today after an illness of ten weeks. Mrs. Sutton was widely known in eastern Washington club and school circles. For several years she was princip. of the training school at Cheney. Funeral services will be held Ihu- dny nt. Cheney. it V A .1 ' Are 'You Suspicious i f Your Health? " One may not be actually tick, yet feel to tired and languid, low-spirited and smbitionlcss, that he can not truthfully sny he it in (!ood health. The kidneyt work all. the time, night snd day, and it it no wonder that they become weak, tore or diseased. Nearly everybody tuffeni from kid ney trouble or bladder ailments. Nature givei warning signals by back ache, lameness, ititT joints, tore murctro, rheumatic paint, puffin ess under the eyet and blurred vision. ' RrJJEVED H:S BACKACHE "If fiv.s m. frrtl plpflsur. torerdnim?nd Foley Kirfnry Pills m ID my cas. they re lieved me of sever, backache IWt had bothered m. for severs) months. A few bottles fixed me up in e.xid shape." Joa. C. Wolf, 731 S. Jackson St.. Gi een Bay. Wis. Foley Kidney Pills live Quick and prrininent relief from kidney or blnrffier troublct I hut have not rcarhtd a chronic or bad Tbry slop b Udder irrfu.irili?s, ilrrntlt bn th kidneyt and tone up 1ho llvr. VrVhfn Ihe kidny ar prnperly (unchonintf, they ft tier and cisl out from lha Mood tho impurities that causa achci nd paini and in tht fnd may Wad to criout iilria. If you hav any mum to uspect that your kidnays nard help, you Will maka M miataka lu taking Foley Kidoay POU. k f f lit' jij . ! fJ i J V .et v v ' t j v . 1 . x re Would Cotiservp Yellowstone BISMARK, -X. D.. Feb. 9. (A. r.) The North Dakota senate today passed a concurrent resolution mem orlalteinK congress to prevent com mercialization of water in Yellowstone park. 1KTFXTIF. SHOT SALT UKE C1TV, Feb. 9. (A. IM Iutcctive Hamby was shot dead at a hotel by Tom Burns, who was shot ! by tho chief of police during a raid in Horn's rooms. lUirns died within an hour. ! KRYPTOKaQi Without Lines W tAR Lens Don't bother with two pairs of glasses. Wea Kryptoks, they do away with the extra pair. They must, be fitted right. SEE ""MM ,( OfliGOH American Xat'l lianli Ittiililiiif; KOEPPEN'S PRES.CRIPTION DRUG STORE A. C. Koeppen & Bros. The Drug Store That Serves) Yon Best. This pliotopranh taken durlns the latest raid by British troops in Dublin. Ireland, shows how lha doors are forced where Ihe troops tire locked out by residents A 'pistol bullet is liied agninM Iho bolt, breaking It of. Kaids In search of seditious docutueuts me frequent in Ireland. A Judicious Inquiry A well known traveling man who visits the druij trade, says be h:is of it n beard drutiKists ask a cushuiht. who; wished to buy a couph medicine, ' whether it was for a child or an adult and if for a child, they almost inv.tr ibly recommended Chamberlain's Coush Ki meiiy. The reason for this is that they know there is no danger I rum it and that it always cures. There is not the hast danger in jrivim; it and for colds, croup and whooping cough it unsurpassed. ('liainlH'rlaiu's Couth Ili-intily Aids ' Nature Medicines that aid nature are always most cffit'tunl, chamberlain's Coush lien-.idy acts on this plan. It allays 'he cooh, relieves the limps, aids ex pectoration, opens the secretions and aids nature in restorinc the system to In healthy condition. Thousands have It'.slifi.d to its pood finalities. Try it wh. n ou have a couh or cold. I Chamberlain's Tablets I l or liidiirostion and Constipation, j '"The nicest anil pleasnntcst meiiieine I I have used for indigestion and eonsti jpation is Chamberlain's Tablets," writes Melard F. Craig. Middle drove, X. Y. They work like a charm and i ,1a not ijripe or leave nny unpleasant effect. They Apieal to Our Sympathies The bilious and dyspeetic are con stant sufferers and appeal to our synv- 1 l atbies. Many such, however, have been completely restored to health by the ti.e of Chamberlain's Tablets. These tablets strengthen the stomach,' invigorate the liver and improve the digestion. They also cause a jrentle movement of the bowels. When you have any trouble with your stomach, give them a trial. j Dr. Lynn K. BJakeslee Chronic and Nervous Diseases and Diseases of Women. X-ltay Electric Therapeutics. Temple Bids. Room 13 Phon 416 I DR. C. II. DAY l'hjsji-i&ii and Surgeon Osteoatti Kooms 23 and 25 Smlth-Crawfort Building. Tolephon 714 Re. 749-R CONROY'S CASH GROCERY Where It Pays to Trade Eest Creamery Butter, pound , 50c Federal Milk, 2 cans 25c California White Navy Beans, pound 7c Rice, pound 7c HILLS RED COFFEE, 1 lb., 48c; 5 lb., $2.35 HILLS ELUE COFFEE, 1 lb., 35c; 3 lb., 95c Lard 75c, $1.25 and $2.25 Karo Syrup, blue No 5, 50c; No. 10, 95c Kara Syrup, Red No. 5, 55c; No. 10, $95c Tea Garden Syrup 1-2 gal., 85c; 1 gal., $1.65 Wesson's Oil 35c and 65c Aunt Jemima Buckwheat, each 15c Sea Foam Washing Powder, large package 25c Eeot Crepe Toilet Paper, 3 rolls 25c Quaker Corn Flakes, 2 for 25c Puff Wheat, .each .....15c