P5s nvs 'TEN PAGES DAILY EAST OREGONIAN, PENDLETON, OREGON, WEDNESDAY EVENDJG, FEBRUARY 9, 1921. People Here and There n. R, IOomlH l In Pendleton tolu. from Keultle. W. H. Howlund, of Ban Francisco, in In Pendleton for the diiy. Warren Btnrkey, of Portland, arrived In Pendleton thin morning on business, Tl. B. Wnde la a Pendleton l)unlnewi vltor toduy from Idaho' eapltul city, Jiowe. J. M. Keoncy, formerly Interested In the OmnlnKham Kheeii Co., and H'ho Btlll hH hu.slneHa lnteretii here, arrlV ed from Portland on thin monilim'e train and In registered ut tho Pendle ton Hotel. another veteran Oddfellow, while In the City and will return Saturday ori t'unday. KdKar Smith, president of tho An lorla Flour Mills, was a feuest here yesterday of his parentKj Mr. and Mr. H. I Kmlth. He left on No. It for the cant where he has heen called on a business trip. " V Mr. and Mm. Ollhert Conner, Wil liam Jones, Peter Undsny and Mrs. Amies I'raiif, reservation Indiana, dV. parted on No. 8 thin morning for IaP wnl, Idiihn, where they will upend the next week attending the evangellatlc meetings for Ne J'ercn Chrlmiim In dian. ' Oddfellows of Oregon will have a hoard meetln for the Oddfellowa' home, In Portland on Frlduy. Henry J. Taylor,, of Kureka lodge, Pondloton, a member of the board, left on No, 17 today for the metropolis to attend the region. He will vlt.lt n. Alexander, ParHons Motunlc, well known among ChrlRtlun Indians of the Umatilla reservation, left toduy for Lupwal, Ifiaho, to KHHlBt In a week of evangeli cal meetings to be held there for the Nc Pene Indians. Mrs. .Metallic, thnlr son. and William Harnhart ac companied him. At tho recett Chris tian Kndeuvor convention at I.a Jiande, Motautc was one of the most Interested of delegates.. When the law ,ini of th session had arrived, testi monial! were called' for as to what each had ot out of the meeting. Mo taiilc. got on. his feet and with Jtev. J. .f. ("ornellsoti a Interpreter, sald "I" feel like a fountain pen. I have been writing my own life story and have been running dry. I came here and was filled up with the spirit. Now 1 shull go and write that story for an ,..hnr vur. When I am dry, I will come buik to tho convention next year." Ills little speeeoh, delegates say, was the hit of tho meeting. His Journey to Lnpwl was Inspired by ai i,iif mat ha might b of service in writing the story of his belief in the benefits of Christianity lor me jnumus of the Nea Perce reservation. SOITH A Fill ("A WONT W-X'KOK. CAPE TOWN, Feb. 9. A. P.) The party headed by Premier Hmuts won in the election yesterday InVhlch the Issne was secession from the Brit ish empire. The Hrntits party defeat ed that of General Hertzog, who fa vored secession. An Art nnim AAnmili7Al I nuiiu ui iiiuuuu(ui j j : . cj ; - ' i nrnnril ItllV ftmnrnn . L ' - ' I"' " nervous 1 onld, sorm-ely sleep I I I! HlrniiKi-liy ;Kon Judgment 1 V. Klrangeby toduy was given Jildg ment against William Tuttln fn ami costs. mo decree wa mude In circuit court. IamhI Couple 'hiicC jjcciinr A marriage license was Issued by the county clerk today to Walter Elmer lark and Miss Anna Mary Howard uotn of this city. PHONE FOUR-O-NINE FOR BETTER QUALITY I -a ml Taxed at Old Itrntnl I lids around Athena and Weston in some of the school districts, will nay taxes approximating (3 an acre this year, former Assessor C. P. Strain said today. A few years ago these same lands were rented at (6 a crop per acre, or 3 a year. 120 Tax Itoll llrfldy Soon The 1920 tax roll will be ready to torn over to the sheriff on Monday, Feb. 14, Assessor It. o. Hawks said to day. Ho, with two deputies, Is finish Ing the roll, preparatory to handing it to the sheriff. As soon as arrange ments are made In the sheriff's office, collections will be made. 1 -09 I 2 ? w S Onions, 25 pounds for . : . .k'.r. $1-00 5 0 Mftuntain Spuds, per sack t $1.75; S j-j Coffee, pound ..25c 9 Apples, per box $1.50 2 j Best Bacon, poand c 2 Ilams, pound : 33c g Eggs, strictly fresh, dozen 50c w 1 The Economy Grocery 113 W. Webb : 1 Phone 409 c " Reliable Service D o PHONE FOUR-O-NINE FOR BETTER, SERVICE Writ of Krnir Petition Denied A petition for a writ of error coram nobis, in the case of State vs. John I. Itathle a,nd Elvle p. Kerby was denied iooay by circuit Judge U. v. Phelps. !Tho petition was fd several weeks ;ago by Charles F. liolin, attorney for tthe defendants, convicted of llrst de- jgree murder in connection with the ! for retrial after a petition for retrial I shooting of Sheriff Til Taylor last July ! 25 by Knimrlt Pancrofl, a fellow pris- loner. The coram nobis proceeding Is I an old ennui. 11 law writ which virtual ly brings the defendants back to court I ha been denied. I wish I could dis cover Perpetual Motion'when I'm eating PostToasties says Superior Corn Flakes '.5 . w M 1 Of.f an nnri'nnii f ,,liif1 iiCrtrc) ten So, racitic Kailrcnd IVIail Mates night or day. My stomach became Tanlac Ha Overcome Hi 1 disordered that nothing X ate seem- T,.LU. J u'. I D- tl eu to aigesi properly nui causeu mn in. Ti-oubie and He a In Bet of t(nHe paln VVny , wa), Hlmply m. Health. "An engineer friend of mine put me 'tl to Tunlac a short lime ago, and It's the finest thing I've ever run aeries to btold a fellow up and make him feel like something," eald A Kvcrton, well known conductor for the Houthcrn pa cific railroad residing at 4fi Hartcock it., Portland. t 'I suffered from stomach trouble. and nervousness for two years before Tanlac fixed me up. My work as con ductor kept me up every other night and I had to sleep the next day, but I erable nearly all the time and was In such a bad fix I knew I had to flfid something to set me' right or I would get down completely. -V "It has only taken six bottles of Tanlas to build me up U where I feel as strong and well as I ever did. I can eat anything I want now without its causing me a hit of trouble, and my nerves are so steady r Just sleep like a log. in fact I'm enjoying the very best of health and can't say enough for Tanlac." Tanlac is sold lit Pendleton by Thompson Bros. DiliiHinciit Taxrtt About l5ff.nm , Taxes delinquent on the l:i!'J r.ojl total approximately $156,000,. lift. Nona McFaul, tax collector In the sheriff's office, said today. Experts are now going over the tax books nmf tho axact figures are not obtainable A large sum in delinquent taxes con slsis of money to be collected for the Teel Irrigation District, which ha.- been refused by landowners ppndin:: a settlement of accounts in connection with the district. This Is not count money but was placed In the hands of the county for collection. : Old Faithful There has been no mechanism invented which is as delicate and endunnjf as a watch. It serves you through every minute of the twenty-four hours of each day. let its "upkeep" averages less than a dollar a year. ' - ; ' - ' ..' ', '. .' ' A good time piece is a time piece for a life time so make sure that you purchase a good watch. Each watch we sell is guar anteed by the makers as well as by our selves. ... Freight Train IK-moiVKWd Track oron O. Felthouse, of K ho, today filed suit in circuit court asking Judg ment against the O. V. R. & N'. Co. foi 3735 damages. The sum asked Is In f.mpen.sation for anuto truck owned by him which was derriollKiicd at a rade crossing at Kcho on I cb. 21, 920. The car was struck by a freight rain which, the plaintiff alletsos, to moving at a speed of 40 miles an hour nd gave no warning of Its approach liner by bell or whistle signal. He h r presented in the cane by Raley, Haley tt Sieiwer aud Fee & Foe. Irishman f.lvcn Wide llcrth Denis Haynes, Irish, was tilled a couplo of days ago for carrying a eon cealed weapon.- Ho was confined In the' county, jail. Kangaroo court met nd fined Haynes the usual fine for breaking Into Jail." Haynes did not display much sense pf humor, however and refused to pay. The boys decide require him to scrub the floors and o the other menial labor that befalls those who do not pay their fines Again Denis could not see the point nd, 'in addition, he began to show he rest of the Inmates that he did not relish being tempered with. Tho result was that he was given a wide berth nd the boys In Jail sighed with relie; today when he paid his fine of 115 in justice court and" went on his way. IV . I I '' I . , 1 . . I (if n;K.n with kmbkzzj.kmknt TACOMA, Feb. . 9. (A. P.) Ole Iarson former president of the defunct' Scandinavian-American bank, which tiled January 15 was arrested today barged with embezzling $HO,(ino. rt Tfendletoa V Ore. V CHICAOO, Feb'. 9. t.' V. The three-months old baby of Mrs. TaU line Doropwskl was found murdered, 'fhree burglars hroke Into the Do ropwskl home and stolo H0 and es caped. The baby was found deaft when Mrs. Doropwskl regained con sciousness. It had been choloformed LOCAL HAT CUIPI'LFS fContinued from page I.) The Largest Diamond Dealers in Eastern uregon. -9. creek which has acted as a lam dur ing former high water periods, was examined today by the county com missioners, who wi;re taken to the scene by Councilman llobeit Simpson. The bridge leadlnjr to the Trosel ranc.'j on Wild Horse creek two miles from town, was washed out last nigMt and this morning milk was transferr-, ed across the creek on a cable device. Numerous ranches along the creek were partially flooded. most txii:i:p.n miox (Continued from page 1.) with a salary of $125 a month mrt.-a Pay all his own traveling expenses and hence has a negligible Income for his work. In view of the facts in the case it is claimed the saltiry raising bill should include these two officials or else the entire salary raising effort should be postponed. TOO LATE TO CLASSIFY Strayed Strayed from Cay use, bay saddle horse, about 1100 pounds; star in fore head; no brand visible. Notify Thomas Gillette, Cay use Ore. Liberal reward. Pay Cash - Receive More ; Pay Less Despain & Lee Casl'Grocery 209 E. Court : . . . , . Phone 880 - . Our Policy Is to Sll Groceries : ; For 'Eess Money --Compare our prices with the other fellows'. You will find ours Smaller; compare the quality or brands of goods and. you will find ours the same or a little better V Pay Cash Receive More Pay Less Despair & Lee Cash Grocery Phone 880 209 E. Court .1 :. v ' WANTED TO RENT house Phone 9x. Furnished THE STOCK The Adjustment Bureau of AND 'FIXTURES THROUGH Portland Credit Men Association WE HAVE - 'THE TWO STOCKS 'IN ONE , JAMES BEARD'S AND NOLIN TRADING CO. . , Consisting of Groceries, Shoes, Ladies and Men's Furnishings, Etc. In order to " save packing ' . and freight we will put them on V ' ; PU'BLIG SALE " COME IN, BUY YOUR WINTER SUPPLY, AND SAVE DOLLARS; YOU WILL NEVER BUY SO CHEAP. HERE IS THE PROOK 20 Lbs.' Navy Beans $1.00 Crystal White Soap 5 Bars 25c $20 Men's Leather Vests Cut to 1.25 $M7 Ladies' Srioes $3.25 Sun-Maid Raisins 25c ..; Gtrus Washing' Powder 25c $6 $7 Men's Cordu roy Pants $3.45 5 Lbs. Karo Syrup 45c Royal Club Coffee 49c $1.25 Men's Summer Union Suits 75c Assorted Cookies, 30c Hams and Bacons 25c Lb. 10 Lb. Keg. Pink Bellies $3.25 Shoe Polish, all colors' 5c Tomatoes, 2 large cans 25c 1 America Club Coffee 35c All Pl,ug Tobaccos 75c Camel Cigarettes 15c Royal Club Catsup 25c " Prince Albert, Vel vet, 2 cam 25c Pears, 2 cans 25c O. N. T. Thread 5c Percales 15c Yd. Children's Shoes j?1.45 0 Lbs. Salt TIerrins $1.75 Outing Flannel 15c MANY OTHERS, TOO NUMEROUS TO MENTION. COME AND SAVE DOLLARS. . Sale .Starts -Thursday, February AT 300 WESt WEBB, COR. WILLOW. ' ; ; ; . f 0, at. 9. A. m. (Formerly) JIM BEARD GASH STORE 1 I