East Oregonian : E.O. (Pendleton, OR) 1888-current, February 09, 1921, DAILY EDITION, Page PAGE THREE, Image 3

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I Nem 'NoteJ6f.Pendkton
, . Til
Feb. 11 rcndleton vs. The
Dalle Basketball, The Dalle.
Feb. 12. Pendleton vs. Hmoj)
niver, Basketball, Hood Itlvcr.
Feb. 12. Lincoln'! birthday.
Feb. 12, Pendleton vs. Milton
high school debate. .
Feb. 14. Oregon Admission
Feb. 14-1S Prune week.
Feb. 14 Mans meeting ller
mlHlon women. ,
Feb. . Mchool principals
Convene here.
Feb. 18 Umatilla Rapids
Powqr Site meeting, Walla Wal
la. Feb. 22. Washington's birth
day, general holiday.
Feb. 26 Muss meeting Weston
Here to Kalis KtiM'k. t ""
IX C. Hlmneiifuld, representing the
Porllund Credit Glen's Association,
arrived here yesterday to take over
the stock of -the -Jim Jieard Cash
More, recently closed by order of the
association. Ho will salvage the
'Stock u,nd conduct a sale soon to open
Evangelist's Topic Timlglit.
Evangelist Mllo llentley, Who Is
conducting services at the Baptist
church, tonight will take for his sub.
Ject "The CnpVrdonnMe Bin." He.
will answer what It is. and whether In
dividuals have committed It. "We
are all eiernny-uouna creatures,
Hev.. W. H. Cox, pastor, says. "It Is
up to. us to answer the question,
'Where will I spend eternity?' "
respective percentages were: A, D; n,
60; C, 29; 1J, 9, and K. 2,
ICcimslcllfng Will He IX""'.
W. L. liowlsby, owner of a rooming
house at 711 Aura street, today was
Issued a permit by the city recorder
to remodel the dwelling at an estimat
ed cost of 100.
To Return From 1-Ui-t
Mrs. D. C. Drown, head of the de
partment of women's wear at Alex
ander's is expected to return tomorrow
from a buying trip to New Yurk and
other eastern cities.
Aggie Freshmen From Here Kxcvl.
Hlx freshmen at Oregon - Agricul
tural College, graduates of last year's
senior class ut I'endleton high school,
,.n ,.w.,.llan, ,.,lr.a at t A r luirf
JlOant Will Meet ' rt nrrnnllnir In ronnrtl rvrolvnl
The executive board of the Umatll- today by H. K. Inlow, superintendent,
la county Red Cross will meet tomor-j 44 courses they, had no failures
row afternoon at 3 o'clock In the Red oniv one condition. There were
ws ornce 111 the federal building. 4a, ojHb, 13('s, 4Dh, and 1' K. The
Today Aftli Wednesday
Today Is Ash Wednesday and marks
the beginning of Lent. Services were
held this morning at some of the Jocal
churches and there will be other spe
cial services during the Lenten season
which ends Easter Sunday, March 27.
sS -101101 101101 101 101 101 101 101-
. ; VALUE , : V
This time it i3
Assorted Jams ,
Packed in 13-oz. tins- "--Due
to arrive' today and priced at "
15c each. $1.65 per dozen.
A fine opportunity to replenish your pantry
, shelves.
Pendleton Cash Market, Inc.
, " , IllO.VKS 101 i
-101 101 101 101 101 101 101 101 101-i
Walla Walla Mno Ihiirngcd
High water along Wild Horse Creek
this morning weakened a bridge on the
Walla Walla branch Ine of the O. W,
R. & N. and, train No. S, for Hpokahe,
was held here until 10:80 this morning
while repairs were made. Train No. 1,
from Walla Walla, due at 9 a. m., did
not arrive here until aft 11 o'clock.
Auditorium Committee Meets,
The auditorium committee of. I'en
dleton Community Service, .of which
Judge U. W: l'hclps is chairman, was
called by him" to meet at 4;30 this aft J
ernoon. The committee will discuss
plans foi future action, planning not
on an Immediate campaign but lay
ing the groundwork for a civic audi
lor! urn In the future when the time is
Must Have Chauffeur's 1 leriiM,'
All men employed by transfer or
tnxl companies In Oregon are required
tr have chauffeurs' 'licenses If they
drlvp any car for hire, whether In
freight or passenger service,' an opin
ion from the secretary of state, receiv
ed today, says. A local firm employ
ing a large force of men was notified
that It must sec that they have the
chauffeurs' and operators' licenses.
They Are tiere
Another shipment of 5000 Oranges at the Table
Supply at 20c per dozen. Get your order in early as
they will not last long. Our last shipment of 5000
was sold in one and one half days. Get in the rush,.
Phone 187 and 18S 739 Main Street
Proprietor! . '
Boys Committee Named
Five members of the boy's commit
tee of I'endleton Community Scrvlcw
were announced today by Dr. Guy I
Hoyden, chairman. They are: John T.
Lambirth, L. C. Hcharpf, Richard E.I
Hanley, Father Noy and Rev. G. L.I
Clark. This committee will appear be
fore the city council tonight to present
a request for the use of the present
city library quarters for a boys club.
$1800 I -aid In Settlement. .
Settlement In the case of B. W.
Avers vs. William E. Hanscona was
effected by the payment of 1 1800. not
$.14 00 as reported yesterday morning.
James A. Fee, attorney for the Hans-
com Interests, said today. Trior to the
filing of any action whatever $1600
was paid to Mr. Avers but the $1800
paid on Monday was all. that passed
in settlement of the claim 'advanced
in the law suit, Judge Fee said.
A complete showing
of black silks of high
est quality. A dress
of black is right in
style this season.
Made up with ruffles
of the'same with wide
lace collars. .
Come in and let us
help you plan the
, dress. .
Black Taffeta
$2.00, $2.50
Black Satin
. $2.00 to $3.50
Black Charmeuse
. $1.00
Black Georgette
$2.00 to $3.50
Etc., Etc.
fa. iii yryLS7
50c, 75c, 83c
The finest quality
double faced mercer
ized cotton poplin
Used . for so many
things, dresses, skirts
blouses, trimmings,
. collars and cuffs, etc.
. . 50c to 73c Yd. .
Pique needs no intro
duction, but what you
want to know how
good is the quality.
We're offering the
best of quality at the
old prices, in wide and
narrow wales.
Make up your wash
dresses and skirts
Baby Crib Blankets
95c to 81.75
Keep the baby warm by using
these little blankets. They are
sinde and double faced with bun-
ny and teddy bear, etc.
Colored Dress Linen
31.50 Yd.
Beautiful quality of fine dress
linens of the shades of blue, rose
and pink. Use this fine linen for
dresses, blouses and collar sets.
Leavo for Firewater w
Fred Bennion, county agent, and
Professor C. L. Long, horticultural ex
pert from O. A. C, went to Freewater
today to arrange for the second of a
series of fruit growers meetings to be
held February 21 and 23. Professor
Long Is to speak at the pruning school
to be held at the M. C. Barager or
chard near Stanfleld on Thursday and
at the school at the E. V. Phipps place
near Hermlston on Friday of this
Aladdin Cookfng Ware
fed .
V; ,
Dead Man's Relatives Nought.
Relatives of Tom Moore, a young
man who died In a hospital at The
Dalles Monday following a f"4 from
the bluffs at Arlington, are being
sought In 1,'endlcton. A letter from
an undertaking firm in The Dalles to
thte chief of police says that Moore is
understood to have been here recent
ly and that relatives may be located
through someone In Pendleton. The
man was between 19 and 23 years of
age, weighed 140 pounds and was
feet 10 inches In height.
To Close Out All Outing Flannel.
Colored Outing 20c
One Lot White Outing ..... 19c
One Lot White Outing 24c
Damaged Flour Sacks
They come in lots of 6 of a size
to bundle. Only a limited quan
tity on hand now.
Large Sizes Double Blankets
Plaids of puik, blue, J tan and
grey $5.50, $5.93, $6.93
Special Prices on Women's
and Children's Winter
Munsing Wear.
75c Quality 50c
85c Quality I...'..... v 69c
$1.00 Quality 79c
$1.25 Quality . : 98c
$1.50 Quality $1.21
$2.00 Quality $1.49
$2 25 Quality $1.85
S2.50 Quality $1.93
$3.00 Quality $2.35
' S3.50 Quality $2.80
$4.00 Quality $3.13
$5.00 Quality $3.93
S6.00 Quality $4.80
$6.50 Quality .i . . $X15
$7.50 Quality $5.93
$8.00 Quality $6.50
$8.50 Quality $6.50
1-4 Size , 7c
1-2 Size 15c
Ham Gnavauch. of Kent, Washington,
. sister. Mrs. F. C. Senrcey, of this
city, ana two oroiners, wiiuaiu una-
vauch and Fred Gnavauch, both or
Nacbez, Washington. The funeral
wilt be held on Friday at 2 p. m. from
the Methodist church with Itev. John
Secor, pastor, officiating.
l"eter CorlM-tt Returns,
Peter Corbctt, Indian land owner,
appeared in police court this morning
on a charge of being drunk, less tha
48 hours after he had forfeited ha
of $10 on the same charge. He did
not have sufficient cash to obtain his.
releaso on bail this time and Judge
Thomas Fits Gerald added $5 for the
second offense, making It $15 or seven
days. Corbett sent out the S. O. S. for
funds and In the interim went to jail
Ho was given a warning not to appear
In police court on the same charge a
third time.
Itonil Mutter May Re Settled.
What Pendleton shall do with its
fire apparatus and park bonds prob'
ably will be settled tonight at the
weekly meeting of the council. The
bids for bonds have been considered
for the past week by the fjnance com
mltteo and a report Is epected to
night. The roport of the library com
mil tee on consolidation of the city li
brary with tho' county library Is also
to be made and ratification is ex
pected. The annual report of Thonia
Fits Gerald, city recorder, will be
read to the council. It will be his 19th
Universal 'Stoves &FumacQS
Si-outs Not Yet Celebrating.
Pendleton's boy scouts are no!
bratlng the anniversary of the found
ing of ,the national boy scout move
ment this week, owing to their having
hardly become organised. The move
ment Is 11 years old In the 1 'tilted
States and this week is being observ
ed by the well organised troops all
over America. The local boys are
studying hard to become first cluss
scouts so that they may obtain badges
and uniforms and have already filed
their application for a national char
ter but it has not been received from
the east. Uev. J. M. Cornclison is
scout master.
Gnnvauelt Dies. ,
Kd Gnavauch, aged 44, died last
night after a week's Illness caused by
pneumonia. Mr. Gnavauch Wd re
sided here for the past 22 years and
engaged In farming. He la survived
hy an eight year old daughter, Freda
Gnavauch. His wife died a year ago
last May and is burled here. Others
who survive him are his father, Wil-
Kotnrlans Have Meeting.
The work of the rcndleton Com-
munity Service organization for the
boysVof Pendleton formed the chief
topic for discussion at the llotary
Club luncheon today at the Elks Club.
James Johns, Sr., president of the or
ganization spoke, as did liev. George
L. Clark and Dr. Guy Hoyden. The
fire and parks bonds were discussed
by George Hartman, Willard LSond,
Royal Sawtelle and others. '
Judge Fee Chosen.
Judge James A. Fee Was chosen
president of the newly organized "X court
Club" at a meeting held lust night.
WASHINGTON-, Feb. 8. (C. P.)
Frank Morrison, secretary of the Am
erican federation of labor, declared the
ooal strike In Pittsburg, Kansas, prov
ed the failure of tho idea on which the
Kansas industrial court was based.
"Approximately $200 miners quit work
hi Kansas In face of the order not to
strike," he s:.ld. "This shows that you
cannot compel men to work with ma
chinery of a court or arty other form of
compulsory arbitration. The strike
demonstrates conclusively the ."conten
tion of labor that constitutional means
should be resorted to for abolition of
the state court of industrial relations
took a further serious turn when the
miners In two southeast Kansas mines
walked out in protest against the states
action against Howatt. He had been
ordered to appear In court, and ex
plain his violation of the court injunc
tion restraining him from calling the
Carrying an armfull of real estate
deeds, Mrs. Emma C. Rcrgdoll appear
ed yesterday in the office of U. S. Dis
trict Attorney McAvoy to offer bail for
her son, Erwin H. Bergdoll
WASHINGTON. FebH . (A. p.)
'Jnnnimous approval wa given by tha
senate agriculture committee to a
mcamre by senators Glass and Swan
son, of Virginia, authorizing th trea.
snry te purchase $100,000,000 worth
of farm leer, bonds so as to make
available funds for loane to farmerai.
Henry Taylor was made vico-prosi-dent
and other officers are Judge S.
A. Lowell, secretary, Dr. F. W. Vin
cent, treasurer. Lot I.overmore, who
has lived here since Pendleton was a
small hamlet, was made a life hon
orary member and exempted from all
payment of fees. The club has for its
members ex-city and ex-county offici
als and the following committees
were appointed: Assessment and tax
ation, C. P. Strain, Dr. Vincent. D. D.
Phelpsj Municipal affairs, E. J. Mur
phy. Ralph Folsom, H. J. Taylor, J.
Vaughan. Thomas Fitzgerald:
Legislation, J. H. Italoy, C. H. Car
ter, J. A. Fee. Fred Rleiwer; Judici-
aryt Judge Lowell, C. H. Carter, Hoy
Haley, Judge G. W. Phelps; Finance. !
J. W. Maloney, E. J. Murphy, Dr.
Vincent, Dr. J. A, Besti Ppbllc af- !
fuirs, J. Vaughan, Joe Hlakely,
Italph Folsom. A banquet, with a I
program of public Interest, 4s to be an j
event In the club's calendar on the ''
evening of Washington's birthdav.r
Judge Fee will direct the program.
PITTSBURG, Kan.. Feb. 9. V. P.)
The fight between President Howatt,
and the Kansas coal miners' union and
Many SrhMl Chilrtrra Are Slrfclr '
Mothers who vaIu. thii.
serving a',ort .ond the welfare of their children.
term in Fort Leavenworth prison for l?u'a. n"'r . De ,without box of
draft dodging. Habeas corpus pro- ichi'ar'n .or.roughouTh"
ceedtnss have been brought to obtain son. They Break up Colds, Relieve
his freedom, but argument has not vet I f "verishness. Constipation. Tethin
1-ee heard. .Mr. McAvoy informed iiXXfiZ tCmhr.dforS0v?I!'c3h9
I.ersdoll that he could not even discussl years. THKSE POWDEPS GIVE ST
such a subject with her until the court SFACTIO:. All Drug Stores. Don't
had ruled. ccept ny "tltut.
"Pape's Cold Compound"
Breaks any Cold
in Few Hours
Instant Relief! Don't stay stuffed-
p! Quit blowing and snuffling! A
ose of "Pape'a Cold Compound" tak
en every two hours until three doses
are taken usually breaks up any cold.
The very first dose opens clogged
nostrils and the a:r passages of the
head; stops nose running; relieves the
headache, dullness, feverishness.
'Pape's Cold Compound" acts quick,
sure, and costs only a few cents at drug
stores. It acts without assistance.
tastes nice, contains uo quinine In
sist upon Papo'sl
All Market, Fruit and
Clothes Baskets at
. One-half Price
The Coo Hivo
. "More for Less"
" e are offering an extra
special sale of all of our box-
eu stationery, values up to
Very Spcciul at 5!Hj
Clean-Cut Merchandising Superiority
Our desire is to make this store the leading one of its kind in this section w
realize it, aemancis surtMUMi i oi mercnanaise, SUrtKlORITY of price, SU-
i LKiuttii x oi service, iou may uepenoon every transaction being conducted on a
basis leading to this commercial leadership and with this intention WE SO! TPIT
One-Half Price on All
Bread and cake boxes,
you. know the kind,
white enamel and alum
inum finishes.
Our new shapes in
buckram and wire hat
frames have arrived. Be
the early one t6 choose
from the unbroken assortment.
Announcing another
reduction in J & P Coats
Crochet Thread.
I 2 for 25c
You can save money
by buying your notion
With 'the cost of living of such vital interest to evervone and a selming tend
ency for large financial gain being uppermost in the minds of many we take
this opportunity to assure our many customers of our intention to still adhere t)
the policy of the MOST VALUE FOR THE LEAST MONEY. We hope that you
will appreciate this endeavor on our part as keenly as we appreciate' your pat
ronage in response to such a policy.