East Oregonian : E.O. (Pendleton, OR) 1888-current, February 07, 1921, DAILY EDITION, Page PAGE FIVE, Image 5

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'r People Uereaitd-'TKere-TSBjjjsS
u in Ur : : : ji II I ttn7mm'wmm III
James M. Kyle, Rtunrielil'a rauj'or,
and reul entut mun, U up rrorn the
west end cumiuunlly loiluy on biml
nvw. '
"Twenty one royole , ami bobcats
ww'c killed duiinif Jmiujiry by Albeit
ivtemoii, IIIuIukU'uI Survey tiuileil
who tmpH In the Cklur reRlo'i uud
wh,o-wun here yenterduy. Peti'mon'ii
trap line totulH ubout ITS ml.'CM anil
he linn met with icreat duccemciu ciijj
t n ii n pri'iliitury HiilnmlN,
Olio nunilicl twelve aok cf 'eurn,
fortv Hucks of whlrh nra iioeli'imleil
to liilKn und the leniu'mler to
Ilonrdniiin and Metmnn', vlll it lre
miilnd lor Kei-d by "I'ii.1 nvr ' Ki 'lli
of the i.V. );, ft N. to firmer o'
the three locallUe If thev wll !nn
Ire to ereol r on to take ram I l a
rofliiit Blown. Mr. Kmit'i, wlo m
. fi riitmdaj', told Ham Hon i-dfi.nn rtf
t' f-iiip and Mr. llourdinit !'rlli
thitt farmers will take uilv ihta(f) of
the offer. , ,
the man who naved Arlington'
ball park from destruction wui a Pen
dleton vlnitor' Xaturduy. lr. J.' W.
Donnelly, known throiiichout the stole
ait a Rood roadM enthiiHluxt, went be
fore the State Highway 1'ommlnHlon
whriii the ruvagm of roml , work
threatened toe pot where for, yeu
Arllnton'R Own have met oiioIiir
eaitin In hard foimht biwclmll name.
IIi-CAiihs of the doctor's effort, it de
tour wan made and .the ball park
dtaluH Intart. For thin und other
Rood deed, Arlington' Rratcfiil I'ltl
xenn prented Ir. IHinnelly with a
diamond Hnfl.
J. Jl. Martin if ronlMtcrcd here from
Krank 1). Huelat, of Portland,' In
anioiiR the vIhIIoi here today from
the metropolis.
C, 7.. Iiandull, deputy dlHtrlct attor
ney, la home from a week vlMt to
Portland and Rule hi, hki former home.
JikIko J. W. Alulohey, president of
the Inland Ki-ipire Hunk, left 6n Hun
day night' train for I'ortland on a
lnwlnena trip.
W. J. Furn'lMh, former Pendleton
banker, land owner and well known
public official, in here efrom Portlund
today looklnic after local MiHlneHs In
terentlx. .
. f'lhe limurunce companies doing buH
IticBK In Oregon were hit by heavy
louse durlnit November anil Decern
bur, Manuel KrleillyMiid today. Mr.
frleilly lelt this noon fur Portland to
attend the meeting of the Pacific
Htate l'ire Insurance Co., of which
he ,l a director.
"The Spokane 1'louilnic Mills hud the
distinction of belim the only mill In a
radius of 300 tulles that did not close
down dnrttiR the fall or winter, W.
HchwartgenherR, formerly mitnager
of the Pendleton Holler Mill' and now
manager of the Hpokune mill, said
today. The Kpokunc plant started op
erating on Sept. 2 und has not stop
ped since, most of the busineas being
local. Mr. and Mrs. Hchwnrtsenberg
arrived here this morning for a brief
visit. '
v $2.00 PER HUNDRED : '
Toilet Paper, 4 rolls
Peanut Butter, per lb.'
Gunpowder Tea in bulk, per pound
Cocoa in bulk, per pound
25c O
. c
You can buy better goods here for less money o
and get them quicker.
The Economy Grocery
113 W. Wel)b' . , . Phone 409
' z Reliable Service
Eugene Clifford of Hpoknne,
Pendleton today on business.
H. I Cluycornb, of fipokane, is one
of tho traveling men in the city to.
Arthur B,, Htrund was Bunday
night arrhal at the Ht, Ocorge from
I ti in n do.
Charles H. Marsh ret::rnel testm
duy tuoining after a bushier visit to
Hpokune. Mr .Marsh says (hat 'tne
crop prospects In tho tt:Iit.ty of liu'
Washington city are ex'-elkm.
J. C Kuhns, Umatilla forest super
visor. Is expected to arrive tonlnht
from Walla Walla where he attended
a meeting of the Wenaha Wool Grow
, The "Reciprocity Day," held Batur'
diiy by Weston women, was a great
success, says Mrs. Kdlth O. Van Detf
sen, homo demonstration agent, who
attended. Sixty women were present
irom Milton, Athena and Weston.
P. T. Harbour, manuger of the
Weston Ilrock Yard, Is in Pendleton
on DUKiness today. He was among
tho Jurymen who expected to be cull
ed to serve today but was spared that
onerous duty when coses scheduled Vo
come to trial were announced as set
Rhnza Shibata, murderer of St, Okn-
mato, Japanese gambler, will fight to
jSave himself from the gallows. The
i Hawulian-Jupanesu cx-servlce man.
arrested at Athena Paturduy after
noon a few hours after the murder
jand his flight. Is alleged by officers
lat the county Jul! to have confessed
I all and to have decided to fight for
Ibis life.
Hhlbata has retained Attorney Fred
W. Htelwer to defend him, the sher
iff's office reported Today. The dlst
Jrlct attorney's office has not yet taken
juny action In the case but will file
shortly with the Justice court an In
j formation charging him with murder
I In the first degree, District Attorney
H. I. Keator Indicated today.
"He took all my money. I mad. I
jkiU him," fihlbiita told the officers
,when he was returned to Jail Katur
day afternoon. He related In detail
I the Ftory of a night's gaming and
i drinking In the basement of the Japa
nese pool hull where the murder was
committed. His story was corrobo
rated by J. fehirakl, eye-witness to
the killing.
Hhlbata was unarmed when captur
ed or he would have committed harl
kart, he told the officers It Is con
sidered more honorable by the Japa
nese to kill themselves In such a sit
uation than to ollow the legal author.
I ties to take tholr course. Now that
Hhlbata Is In jail he wants to moke
the most of his chances to escape the
NO, 1
Stomach Teeth
Your whole system depends for its health' and
strength on the stomach. The stomach, in turn,
depends on the teeth. The very foundation of
health is therefore laid at the first step in food
conservation the act of chewing. , Food Im
properly chewed enters the stomach in a wrong
condition; and it brings about a wrong1 fermen
tation which causes first, indigestion, then kin
dred ailments, later ulcers, and finally in thtf
last stages, cancer. The proper chewing of the
food will prevent these things. Chew your food '
plentifully ; teach your babies the art of chewing-
Constilliillon I'YmJy Given III nil
Dental Itinnclirs.
Flinnd 0?
The Huh
8 Tears In Pendleton.
Iliiitrs Taylor Hardware Itldg.
9 A. M. ti 5 P. M. Pnullcton, Ore.
AMllltllH'lltS ti suit m
Price are now very reasonable.
Pay Cash . . Receive More Fay Less
Despain &Lee Cash Grocery
209 13. Court " ' Phone 880
Our Policy Is to
Sell Groceries
For Less Money
Compare our prices with the .other fellows'. v
You will find ours smaller; compare the quality
or brands of goods and you will find ourshe,
same or a little better ; .
Pay Cash - Receive More Pay Less
Despain &Lee Cash Grocery
209 E. Court ' ' Phone 880
- - 1 ' ' ' ' ' ' i nit
CAN-tOX. O.. Feb. 7. -O.T. P.)
fourteen hundred men a-eturncd to
work at four steel mills which have
reopened after a shut don of several
DUBLIN', Feb. 7. (A P.) Michael
Collin, adjutant general of the Irish
republican army, was killed last week
while directing an ambush In which it
was previously reported he was
Portland Man Was in Pain All
the Time From Rheumatism
Until He Got Tanlac.
"It was six months ago ttjat Tanlac
set me straight and added fifteen
rounds to .my weight, and ever since
then I have been enjoying as, fine
heulth as I ever did in my life," wns
the statement made recently by O. W.
Axelson, of 2H Cook Avenue, Port
lumi. '
"Seven years ago I had an awful at
tack of rheumatism," he 'continued,
"and It kept pulling me down until
during the past year I wasn't able to
work more than half the time. My
whole left side became affected ftnd it
pained me so I could hardly touch it.
My leg was drawn and crooked and
if I tried to straighten It out I simply
suffered agonies. I was in pain all the
time could never sleep to do any good
and was often unable to lie down and
would have to sit in a chair all night
long. My appetite went down to near
ly nothing and I fell off In weight.
"I had no Idea Tanlac could do me
much good after all the many treat
ment and medicines I had tried had
tailed, but It proved to be a winner.
In a short time the pains commenced
to let up and I could straighten out
my leg. without Its hurting me. Atid
In littiii more than a month I could
rot feel a trace of toe rheumatism and
had actually gained fifteen pounds In
weight. This Was six months ago and
I have not been troubled In any way
vihatever since, I am In tho very pink
of condition, eating fine, sleeping fine
and working hard every day, Tanlae
has meant health to me and I give it
my heartiest endorsement."
Tnnlac is sold In Pendleton by
Thompson Brothers.
WANTKO Olrl fur general house
work In family of two Phone 1143.
Pilot IliM'k Hank ;! Judgment.
Judgment against. C K. Welch In
the sum of i:i2-'.'i5 and costs was
given the First ISauk of Pilot Hock
today by decree of the circuit court.
Tracy Ilaki-r (lets Jiulgiiicut.
Judgment against K. 1.. Thresher et
ul., in the sum of 11600 was given
Tracy I,. linker In circuit court today
Foreclosure of u mortgage to satisfy
tie Judgment Is ordered.
Koimtr P.I1I is f 145.
The bounty bill for t'mittilla county
In January was $145, according to the
figures in the county clerk's office.
Of this amount, f 1S9 was distributed
for the scalps of it coyotes. Klx dol
lars was paid for three bobcat scalps.
Sludge F.Mate Appralncd.
An inventory in the estate of the
lute Ida K. Mudge was filed today with
the county clerk. It showed the es
tate to bo worth tZTSOSfl II. U
Frazler, F. K. Cockburn and 8. A.
Miller were the appraisers.
Sim to Foreclose Liin.
Hwlnbank & lienson have filed suit
igulnst I'. F. Cary et al., to foreclose
on a Hen for $4 21, which amount Is
alleged due und unpaid for labor on a
building erected by the defendant
Haley, Itaiey & Stelwer und H. J.
Warner represent the plaintiffs.
Michael Iloiioluie Files Petition.
Michael Uonohue, of Pendleton, a
native of Ireland, has filed with the
county clerk his petition for bearing
for final citizenship papers. He will
be examined at the naturalization
hearing in circuit court hero on Sept.
13. ,
Desertion of Wife Allege,!
C T. Strong today filed suit in cir
cuit court against Lucy Strong, asking
for a divorce on tho grounds of deser
tion. The couple was married In June.
19UL', and there Is one child. Haley,
Raley & stelwer and II. J. Warner are
his attorneys. . .
Another Ixputy Sbniff .Named.
Swltzler Turner, of I'matlllati form
erly with J. U. Vaughan here as
bookkeeper, today was appointed a
deputy sheriff and is employed in the
office of the sheriff doing clerical
work. He Is the son of K. M. Turner
who formerly practiced law here.
Restraining Onler Issued.
An order restraining Iley Winn from
carrying out the mandate of the su
preme court of The stale of Oregon
In his case against Moses Taylor, has
been issued In circuit court. The or
der was signed by Judge G. W. Phelps
pending settlement of a counter ac
tion brought by Taylor aguinst Winn.
Clerk Reports Judicial Ruslness.
There were 17 actions at law, 34
divorce suits and 24 suits in equity
other than for divorce filed during
the three months ending Dec. 31, 1920.
the quarterly report of County rieik
It. T. ISrown today showed. There
we?e IS divorce cases tried in that
period, of which only five were con
Sues to Foreclose Jlorlgage
(). A. Simpson on Saturday filed
suit In circuit court against Tom John
son to foreclose a mortgage on a lot to
satisfy a note for $350.35, given by the
defendant. The plaintiff alleges that
the terms of the contract were violated
in that the defendant did hot pay taxes
on the property. Raley, Raley & Stel
wer and H. J. Warner represent the
plaintiff. . .
Cruelty 19 Wife's Grounds
Crlielty la alleged by Annie LAicke
In her complaint for divorce from
Henry Locke, filed in circuit court on
Saturday. She alleges that the cruel
ties began when the couple liven In
Germany 15 years ago and was con.
tinned In Alberta, Canada, and since
coming to this country. There are two
minor sons, the custody of whom the
plaintiff asks. She Is represented by
Raley, Rn?y.it Stelwer and H. J. War-rer.
Indian Gets Stiff Pine.
A fine of $100 nnd 50 days In the
county jail for drivlng an automobile
while intoxicated, was the fine given
Jason Wannassay, an Indian, in jus
tice court at Adams today. In addi
tion his license to drive an auto in
Oregon was ordered revoked one year.
Wannassay Is alleged to have been
responsible for crowding Hay Baker
Into the curb at the corner of Main
and- Webb streets a few nights ago.
resulting in the demolishing of an old
cluster light pole.
$lfl.r0) In Notes Sought
The Hank of F.cho today filed suit
in circuit court against Reese & Davis,
highway contractors, to recover on
promissory notes aggregating $16,500,
together with $1500 In attorney fees
and costs. There are five notes, for
$P00O, $5000, $2000, $1500 and $5000
respectively. The suit asks that the
hunk be given prior claim to 100
shares of stock in the Samuel Reese
Fstato Co., and that they lie sold to
satisfy the' claim. Raley, Haley &
Stelwer and H. J. Warner are attor
neys for the hank.
I'niatllla Comity IayhIs.
Umatilla county leuns other Ore
gon counties in the number of horses
and mules In the county, according to
a recent report mudo by the depart
ment of agriculture.. The number Is
23.S60. The county Is seventh In the
number of swine, tho total for I'ma
ti'.la county being 14, SS0. There are
,204 milk cows In Umatilla county.
which ranks twelfth highest In the
county. Tho number of other cattle
In Vmatllla county is shown to be
S.SfiS, placing this county eighth In
the list. One hundred ninety thous
and, nine hundred forty sheep graxe
in Umatilla county, which raises more
sheep than any county In the state
outside of Malheur which raises 801,-
FOUND Keys on - ring, owner may
havo same by calling at this office
nnd paying for ad.
WANTHP Second hand goods of all
kinds. We pay cash, Steven's Fur
niture and Repair Shop, 0l Main St.,
Phont 116. ,
WASHINGTON, Feb. 7. The house
unanimously lmssed the bill providing
addilional hospital facilities for shell
shocken and tubercular war veterans.
The measure authnriieg construction
of five new hospitals at cost of
thli'Weo million, . ,
N cigarette has
the same delicious
flavor as Luoky
Strike. Because
Lucky Strike Is the
toasted cfgzrettq.
- - r "war- r
Providing the watch la given proper care and
NOT Injured.)
Should be overhauled every IS months.
MKX'K R Ml.KOAb W Att'IlliS
Should' be overhauled every II months.
Should be overhauled every 8 to 12 -months de
pending upon the size. ,
We gtmraiuec .very wufh e sell to give satisfaction
to the wearer In every p.rtieubjr will, woper rare
MEXICO CITY. Feb. 7. (A. P.)
Four are arrested and the police are
seeking others In connection with the
bombing yesterday of the residence of
the Archbishop of Mexico and the
nliint of Juergcns and Company, Am
erican Jewelry manufacturers. 'The
newspapers connect the outrage with
the recent arrival of bolshcvist agenis.
Ai-t As .ludires Miss Olive Rosche
and Miss F.llziihelh Sevcrenee went to
Pilot Rock Friday evening where they
were Judges in the dual debate be
tween Pilot Rock and Echo. They
are both members of the faculty here
.laili I.tK-k CotivaloXMig. Jack
Luck, a' freshman in the school, who
was operated upon some time afio at
the SU Anthony's hospital, wns moved
to his home on West Alta street yes
terday. Luck's condition is muth bet
ter and it is thought that he will re
turn to school In a short time. He Is
the son of Mr. and Mrs. J. H. Luck.
Tucker VWttl High School R. E.
Tucker, community service man. vis
ited the high school thfs morning in
company witn- ,mho nenuey. .nr.
Tucker led the osrembly in sever;;1
songs betoi-a the talk given by Mr
Bentley. Mr. Bentley a talk was to
tho boys and the theme was that eac
boy should become a master of him
self so that he might overcome habits
which are injurious to him and will
affect his later life. Mr. Bentley an
nounced that he would give a lecture
on this subject at the Baptist church
this evening at 7:30.
The Largest Diamond Dealers in
Eastern Oregon.
Many a Pretty Face
? Spoiled by Pimples
First Debato Friday Pendleton's
Not only are these pimples and
splotches disfiguring, but they lead
to serious skin diseases that spread
and- cause'the most discomforting
Irritation and pain. Sometimes they
foretell Eczema, boils, blisters, scaly
ruptions add other annoyances that
burn like flames of fire, and make
you feel that your skin is ablaze.
If you are afflicted with this
'orm of skin disease do r.ot expect
to be eured by lotions, ointments,
salves and other local remedies, as '
they can r.ot possibly reach tho
source of the trouble, which is in
the blood. Begin taking S.S.S. to
day, and write a complete history
of your case to our chief medical
adviser who will give you special "
instructions, without charge. Write
at once to Medical Director, 152
Swift Laboratory, Atlanta, Ga. i
first debate, will be held In the p. -1 thfir debates which were to have been
sembly next" Friday evenios, . w ith I held Friday. .Milton is expected to he
J.'iilon as the ouuosimr force. Dual ! Pendleton's hardest opponent. The
debutes have been held over the coun
ty and Pendleton will debate the win
ners of each. Friday evening Pilot
Rock and Echo met in a dual debate
and tied Sot the honors. Both affirm
ative teams won by unanimous deci
sion. On the same evening Vmapine
was to debate M'Uon hut 1nfof.
Stanfleld and Hermiston postponed, here.
affirmative team will leave Friday
afternoon for Milton whilo the nega
tive team will stay here to meet Mil
ton's affirmative. Pendleton's second
debate will come February 25. when
they will meet the winner of the Pilot
Rock-Echo debate. As yet the judge
have not been chosen for the debate
a. mL
We Pay Your Grocer the Full Price
no Free
Made from the white meat of
coconuts and fat-freed milk
Here is your chance to try, free, a
sweet, delicate nut butter cjjurhed
from dainty nut fats and fat-freed milk.
You will like it as well as the finest
butter, if you are a butter, user, and
the price far better. If you are now
using some other brand of margarin,
the deliciousness of Troco Nut Butter
will be a surprise and a revelation. It's ;
the finally perfected brand of nut butter. -
Troco Nut Butter has the true flavor
of eilt-edged butter, put in by a famous
butter expert. It has the same food value.
But where the price of butter makes
it a costly luxury and an excessive tax
on the average pocket-book, Troco
costs about half as much. You can
usually buy two pounds of Troco Nut
Butter to every one of butterj
This put3 an end to skimping and sav
ingyou can afford to use all you
want. This means a richer diet as well
as enjoyment at the table. 1
Fats in abundance are necessary ,to
good health. You and your family
suffer if yon skimp on this most nec
essary food. "
Made by Hoffman
A. E. Hoffman, for 30 years a butter
maker, famous for the unusual sweet
ness and delicacy of his butter, super
vises the making of Troco Nut Butter.
He puts in the same wonderful flavor.
He churns it from fat-freed milk, twice
pasteurized. He flavors it with the
same scientifically ripensd milk which
made his butter famous for delicate
He" works in the new Troco plant,
built exclusively for the production of
' nut margarin. This plant provides him
twith every possible f acility, laboratory
'.and mechanical, for his exacting work.
With flavor superb, food value the
v highest, and price right, Troco Nut
Butter finally solves the butter prob
lem. Accept the gift ptiund we offer,
- and prove that we can't describe the
goodness of Troco Nut Butter.
Phone SI
' . ' - , Distributed by
i - '.;::.':
Successor to
Butter ,
Read Carefully
Send this coupon to the Troco
Nut Butter Co. Don't tatt it
to your groevr. We will send
you an order good on any
dealer for a pound ot Troco.
The grocer will bill It to us.
Only one pound to a family",
Mail This Coupon
To w i reco im ut Bimero. uomi uuta to tout ffroevr.
... i ii : "
f J
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fetAW ..ft
37th and Iron Streets - ''
Mall me an order on any grocer for a free
pound of Troco.
City ,A ,
"Uast Ort'isuuUui, remUetoii, Oregon,