East Oregonian : E.O. (Pendleton, OR) 1888-current, February 07, 1921, DAILY EDITION, Image 3

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    News Notes of Pendleton
Mr. Klrniib CVmvnlotMlnir
C. K. Htraub la convalescing slowly
utter a serious operation which h
underwent laat Saturday at Bt. Antn
ony's hospital. Mr. Btraub lti a well
known citizen of Pendleton.
Ih'tivnlH Ah- Hihvohh. "
According to reports of congrega
tions, ltev, Mllo llehtley. Daptlst evan
gelist, la an eloquent speaker, lie
poku yoHturday to capacity crowclH.
Tonight the evangelist will lecture,
the tulk being complementary to the
public. The services yesterday were
marked by special music.
word received today by police head-
iiuurtnra. The Inference la that then.
follows aid leaving the IIk towns ami
golnir to the amallor cities, chief of
I'ollce Heuoits aald that merchants
ni It'll t take heed und aee that their
places of business uro well lucked at
fecial' Sale or Blouses
Today C'lilnww New Yrain. '
Today In the Chi none New Ycur,
which In former year was elaborately
celebrated by ' local Chinese. The
coming of the new year la now marked
by but little, celebration and many of
theThinee now count Juntinry 1 as
th heglnnnlng of a now year.
Knfo (nickers Are MIkhIiir.
Hafo crackers anil ahort-tlme fuae
men, who ate known to thf detectives
of the northwestern cltlfa, ure not
found at their uflual haunta. aaya
I Vim to Have NiiHtker.
I'lcho will emulate the local legion
by giving a big amnknr there tomor
row night. There will be a number
of boxing and wrestling bouts and
tho Invitations to local aporta follow
ers Hay that thoro will be plenty of
action ull of the wuy. 1
-101 101 101-rlOl 101 101 101 101 101
For Lent
Wo liavo inutlo every Kwlhl effort to anticipate your rv
qiilrenu'ntM and we iako jileiiMiro In aiinouclnfi Hint our FWi
(Stock In most complete ut this time), consist Ins of:
OAXXKD FIKII--fiulnmii (every variety) Oyster. Hams
(whole and ml lined) Shrimp, Cruli Meat, IipbKtem,
. Herring, llMi Make, Tutiu 111, Kurdjic (Imported
and domct.il"). ' -
I .
SALT AVI Cl'HKI) FISH lllontera, Itoneleaa Codflhli, Whole
' 1'ancy Put Mackerel, Ited Halt Salmon, lYosli Salmon,
lYexli Smelt, lili Halibut.
Pendleton Cash Market, Inc.
vise cnucmtuos asd me.ts
-101 101 101 101 101 101 101 101 101 v
U-Klon Will Mil Tonight.
i'endleton font, American Legion,
will meet tonight to hold the post mor
tem over tho fight card ataged rintur
day night, to hear rcporu und the
progrexa of the bonus bill and other
mattera of bualnvxa. Tho meeting
will be held, ua usual, la the auditor-
iiiim nf tlm nrtimli, lllirtirv l'nrrv I.
Idlumun, pout cqmmunder, kijs.
Jllwa Kcarrwy Take New Pohltion.
Mlaa Iaura Kearney,, who haa been
atenographer In tho offices of the city
: school superintendent alnce June, to
day accepted a position with the law
jflrm of Kulcy, Haley & Bteiwer and
I took up her new duties. Hhe la a
I I'endleton high school graduate and
attended ItceU College, l'ortland, last
Too Much l or Small IUijx
Complaints are being made today
that many small boya of the city
who looked at the mangled form of
the Japanese who waa murdered Sat
urday morning suffered had effects
from their experience. The alght waa
ho greiiaome that several hoys were
made 111, It ia reported by one mother
today who voiced crltirism of officers
for allowing Juveniles to seethe body.
Aladdin Cooking Ware
Universal Stoves &Fumati?s
' . i:
1 j
IP :
I j-Jtii Oregon Leads in Criminals. -
Katitern Oregort counties lead all in
the state save Multnomah In the num
ber of criminals Kent to the state
penitentiary, Hays Charles Z. ltanduli.
deputy district attorney. He quotes
from the report of the stute board
of control. I'matilla, ISakqr and l'n
lon, In the order named, have sent
mure prisoners to Kalem In the two
years ending November, 1920, than
any other counties In Oregon. Uma
tilla ulso leads all in the number of
murder cases, he says he believes.
.New Spring to He Mapped.
The new spring near Thorn Hollow
which the city water commission
plans to develop and turn Into the
city water system for the summer,
will be mapped this week, Frank )!.
Hayes, water commission engineer,
aaid today. He plana to go to Thorn
Hollow about Thursday and make
field notes to present to the next
meeting of the water commission. The
new spring la beyond Chaplish
Hprlnga, the present source of supply,
and la expected to be develop enough
water ao that none from the river
will be needed during the dry season.
Grove'a la tlio tmly ;enuinc
Laxative BUOMO QUININE tublets.
The first, and original Cold and Grip
Tablet. (Be sure you get BHOMO.)
40a Adv.
Feb. 11 -Pendleton vs. The
Dalles Basketball, The Dalles.
Feb. 12. Pendleton vs. Hood
fllver. Basketball, Hood River.
Feb. 12. Lincoln's birthday.
Feb. H.- Oregon Admission
Feb. 14-19 Prune week.
Feb. 14 Mass meeting Her
mlston women.
Feb. 19. School principals
convene here.
Feb. 19 Umatilla IMpids
Power Site meeting, Walla Wal
la. Feb. 32. Washington's birth
day, general holiday.
Feb. 26 Mass meeting Weston
"The Store Ahead"
Business Supremacy must be substantiated by something more than a mere claim
of commercial superiority. The verdict rests within the judgment of the Purchasing
, Public and to you who comprise this splendid body do we address ourselves. Our de
sire is to be known as "The Store Ahead." If Lowest Prices, Highest Quality and
Perfect Service have their reward then we are entitled to be accorded this recogni
tion. '
Sewing- Cotton All Sizes
1 SO yards, 5c
Fleischer's Knitting Worsted
2 oz. balls, 45c
Rick Rack Braid
All sizes, 15c
Largest Pencil Tabfet
in Town, 15c
Large Aluminum Pans
and Kettles, $1.98
Silkine Crochet Cotton
15c, 2 for 25c
that will help to fight
the problem of present
day buying.- Consider
ing the REAL MAR
KET VALUE of these
numbers they represAit
ING to the discriminat
ing purchaser.
Purses and Hand Bags
' 1-2 Price
Best Quality Hand Made
Chocolates, 55c lb.
You save at least 30c a
pound on all candy you buy
Best Grade Linen Bond
Paper by the lb., 50c
Market Baskets
Regular $1.75, now 98c.
These Are Values
Worthy Of Your Inspection
Ginghams, Percales, Outing Flannels
25c Yard
IF You Need Any of This Merchandise
Human Hair Nets, Guaranteed
15c 2 fpr 25c $1.25 a dozen
Ask for the "Perfectionette" f
Clean Easy Laundry
4 for 25c
Tho Deo Elivo
"More for Less"
Dolls, Teddy Bears
1-2 Price
A group of exceptionally designed blouses in regular and over blouse style.
Very remarkable in style and exelusiveness, made of Georgette and beavier silks,
and satin, in flesb,' white and suit shades. Many beaded and braided effects. These
'blouses are divided into 3 groups. v
Group 1 Group 2 Group 3
Priced at $7.50 Price One Half Priced $1.98 v
Special Sale Today Bandeau Brassiers
One lot of Mesh Brocade and Linen,
values to $2.95, special $1.49
One Lot of Mesh Wash Satin, heavy
brocade, values $1.75, special . . . . 99c
Only Sizes of 33 and 40.
One Lot of Laces, Brocade Mesh and
Poplin, values to $1.50, Special. V. 79c
One Lot Back Lace Corsets, small
sizes only. Special . . .' $1.00
pi-CKMiiaklng SiIkmiI Held.
A number o Pendleton women are
taking advantage of the dressmaking
school beinff held today at the federal
building by Mra. Edith G. Van Dcu
aen home demonstration agent.
School at Vmatilla, i 1
Mia. Udiih G. Van Deusen. home
demonstration agent, will hold a two
lay dressmaking school In Umatilla
this week. She wi:i open it tomor
row for a two day session.
Christian Parsmiajre to be IU-paJivL
Kepalrs to be the parsonage of the
Christian church are to be made, ac
cording to a building permit lsmied to
day by the city recorder. The con
templated work wijl cost 1200. Earle
Williams Is In charge
('liamlxM-latn Be-appolntwl.
W. D. Chamberlain, who recently
opened an accountant's office in the
quarters occupied by Snow & Dayton,
has been reappointed to serve as a
nvmber of the Internal Revenue de
partment. He will leave for l'ort
land. after another week.
Indians lliird for Ileing Drunk.
Charley Bennett and Jerry Simpson,
Indians, today were fined $J0 each by
the police judge on a charge of being
drunk. Neither was able to pay the
fine and both went to jail with a five
day sentence. John Doc, on Satur
day, waa fined 115 for being drunk
and disorderly.
Tonight sure! Let a pleasant, harm
less Cascaret work while you sleep and
have your liver active, head clear,
stomach sweet -and bowels moving
regular by morning. Xo griping or in
convenience. 10, 25 or 50 cent boxes.
Children love this candy cathartic too.
Long, O. A. C. horticulturist, will lead
in the discussion of the problems of
ICalnfuil .04 of an Inclr.
The rainfall today is .04 of an Inch,
says Major Iee Moorhouse, weather
observer. The maximum today Is 40,
the minimum 30 and the barometer
registers 29.50.
MiH Lockwood In llospllal.
Miss Dorothy Lockwood was oper
ated upon this morning at St. An
thony's hospital for appendicitis. She
is convalescing Morris Lockwood,
her brother, is quite ill with heart
troublo at the home of his parents.
Itev .and Mrs Alfred Lockwood.'
Honrs to Stop Iku.'k water. '
A plan by which be hopes to f'ih
lackwatcr from Tutuilla crccw enter
ing the sewer which ends on Winter j
street is to oe wonted oui tms weeK
by City Engineer Frank It. Hayes.
Whenever high water comes in the
little stream at the west limits of t lie
city. It floods this sewer and clogs
manholes with mud. 'An extension of
the sewer about 400 or 600 feet paral
lel to the stream is expected to result
in eliminating the trouble. The out
let will be placed In the center of the
creek bed. Thus when the water be
comes high, a suction will be created
instead of a backwater.
To IVrm Association.
I'endleton poultrymen will form a
poultry association Thursday evening
at a meeting in the county library.
Professor H. E. Cosbie of the O. A. C.
extension school, will speak, as will
Charles S. Hrewester, formerly of the
poultry department at the college now
Engaged In commercial poultry work.
The selection of breeding stock and
feeding for egg production will be discussed.
Th Riverside Xeedlecraft Club will
hold an auction cooked food sale and
will present a program t the school
house next Saturday evening. A quilt
is to be auctioned also and the pro
ceeds from the evening will go to
wards the activities of the club. Ile
frestimenls will be served to those
who attenrl .
Painless Parker
and His Prices
By Painless ParHr
BELIEVE every maa should
make a decent profit on what
ever he does. I get a decent profit
on my dental work, but still my
prices were kept down during the
war and are still down today.
The E. R. Parker System did it
No man without a reliable system can get
much of anywhere.
Dental prices outside of mine are high
because, the old way of practicing dentistry
is cosily. If a dentist has only a patient or
two a day, he has to charge a big price. My
associates and I treat a hundred thousand
people a year. Even if we made a clear
profit of a dollar apiece, we would be doing
pretty well. But how many dentists are
there who are satisfied with a dol'.ar profit
on each patient?
"When you think of TEETH think of
Rtiistmd DtxlMi Cling '
Dr. rainless Parker " W T, A. Fitzgerald
Dr. K. O. PaUon
TSSMninSt. . Pendleton, Ore.
"Name "Bayer" un Genuine
Pageant IllR Success. S
The Indian pngeant given tit La
Orande during tho Christian Endeavor
convention was a big success, say lo
cal delegates who have returned from
the convention. Over 800 people at
tended the pageant, which portrayed
the work of missionaries, from Whit
man and Spnulding down to the pres
ent time. Comment was made at the
convention regarding tho Inspiration
al, effect of the portrayal upon the
young people who saw it. Those who
took part were Rev. J. M. Cornellson,
Presbyterian missionary at Tutuilla.
Miss Vera Hampton and Miss Alice
Greenwald of this city, and Tapsons
Motnnic, Allen Patawa and Miss Ma
mie Uatawa. Indians of the reserva
tion. Rev. George Clark, pastor of the
Presbyterian church here was one of It's criminal to take a chance on any
the chief speakers at the convention i substitute for "Bayer Tablets of Asp
which waa attended by 75 registered
delegates. It will be held next year In
School to llleld.
A prunning school will be held un
der the auspices of the Umatilla coun
ty Farm Buread Thursday at the M. C.
Ka ratter orchard near Sianfleld. The
school will open at 8:30 a. m. A sim
ilar school will be held on Friday at
the F. P. Phipps orchard at Hermis
ton, and this will be fallowed by a
fruitgrowers meeting at which C. L.
lrln. t mess you see the name
"Bayer" on package or on tablets you
are not getting genuine Aspirin pre
seriled In- iihvskians for twentv-one
vejirw and umvetl snfn K' million !
Take Aspirin only as told in the Bayer
package for Colds. Headache, Neu
ralgia, Rheumatism. Earache, Tooth
ache. Lumbngo and for Pain. Handy
tin boxes of twelve tablets cost few
cents. Druggists also sell larger pack
ages. Aspirin ia the trade mark of
Bayer Manufacture of Monoacctlcacid
ester of Salicjllcacid. i
Pride Washing Powder
Save about 10 per cent on your Wash- 1
ing Powder and use Pride Washing
Powder at 30c a box. Just as good as
Gold Dust.
Phone 187 and 183 739 Main Street
Proprietors , ,
I !
i 1
t -