East Oregonian : E.O. (Pendleton, OR) 1888-current, February 07, 1921, DAILY EDITION, SECTION TWO, Page PAGE TEN, Image 10

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    TAG 2 TEN
Special News of Umatilla Co.
. ( East Oregonian Special.)
ATHENA, Feb. 7. Mrs. Roy Cnn
nuu wus taken to college place Tues
day for treatments.
Situs Kdra Cnrtuno was a Freewater
visitor Mondav.
Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Sihilmpf and
nl Mrs. Joan Sehrimpf were
Walla Walla visitors Tuesday.
Frank Ie Freece is confined to his
nomc with Illness.
John Bannister was In the city from
Weston Thuruday.
Mr. and Mrs. John Stanton were
Walla Walla visitors Tuesday.
Mr. and Mrs. Hump rtooher were
Athena visitors from Weston Tuesday.
Mr. and Mrs. Jean schcimpf were
In the city from their home near
Adams Wednesday.
Mrs. S. F. Sharp went to College
Tlaee Thursday to visit her daughter
Miss Carrie Sharp who has !een takins
i Mrs. Olin McPherson and small
I daughter of Weston --ero visitors at
the home of Mrs. MePherrln's pnr
ents Mr. and Mrs. Crablll Wednesday.
! Miss Margrulte Haymond ef Wallu
"alia Is spending the week with Miss
, M.ittie Coppoek.
J Xttss Lillian Jackson who has been
I visiting at the. home of Mr. and Mrs.
I Austin Foss Ketnrned to her homo at
. Dayton, Wash. Wednesday.
I Mr. and Mrs. Ie Johnson were
walla Walla visitors Tuesday.
Charles McFarlund mude a business
trU to Pendleton Monday.
. Mrs. sr. li. Watts who has been
visiting her daughter Jliss Vernit I
who is attending Mills College, Cali
fornia returned home Tuesday even
ing. . ,
Mrs, Lula Tlead was a Walla Walla
visitor Tuesday.
Sirs. Jack Chapln was In the city
from Weston Tuesday.
Mrs. Minnie DePuatt who has been
visiting In Walla Walla returned home
S. S. Hutt was a Pendleton visitor
Thursday. ,
Sir. and Sirs. Bob Raymond of Wal
la Walla are vtsltlnir at the home of
Sir. and Sirs. A. n. Coppoek.
fcherman Atkins was a Pendleton
visttur I hursday.
There's a Big Change in Jess
f '? v
& All l
" i " s '
Br the calendar Jess Wlllard la a year and six months older
than when lie lost his crowu. By his face he has aged more. And It
is the age which comes all la a moment not by the clock. J Jess
lirad more years In the few minutes he spent In the ring with
Dempsey at Toledo than he had eyer lived before. These pictures
how the -two Jess Willards s be la no? end as he was itum in
The Real Man
... . . .' j. si
A man is not a real man who has not the experience
of hardships, of ondnrance, of fight, of scc-iningly
unsurn lountablo difficulties.
A man does not know h'niself until cornered, and
then surprises! Uie world, but mostly himself how
much he can do.
Thus are bard-times a force which brings outUie
Your baaVing bosiness is invited.
Pendleton. Oregon.
'Strongest Bank in Gastern Oregon'
1 ; Dining Room Furniture 1
E ' Many beautiful sets to choose from in light or dark j
5 Oak. Fumed, Mahogany and Walnut Wood made in
5 William and Mary, Queen Anne and Cromwellian De-
5 signs.
, Cruikshank & Hampton
I 121-28 E. Webb Phone 548
Tour Old Furniture takes in exchange as part payment on new, Hj
Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Harder Jr., of
Milton were visitors at the home of
Mrs. Harden'a parents Mr. and Sirs,
frank DcFreece Sunday.
(East Oresonian Special.)
ADAMS, Feb. 7. A party of Pen
dleton high school young people mo
tored to the J. o. Hales ranch on
Wednesday evening- for a surprise par
ty on John Hales. Those who attend
ed were: Roll and Gernldine Morri
son, Miss 1'esK.v Humphrey, Kuth Mo
Monies, Buss Dyers. John Simpson.
Blanch Iras, Margery McMonies, Mil
dred r.oKcrs, Alberta McMonies, Clif
ford and Harold Uoldman. Ivan
Houser, Miss Genevieve I'help's, Miss
Blossom Wilson, Gilbert Stide, Harold
Goedeck, Donald Woodworth, Ben
Smith and Sam Oliver. They played
Karnes and lunch was served and all
spent a very enjoyable evening.
Mr. Schrimp motored to Adams to
day to do some shopping.
R. U Blake of Pendleton motored
to Adams Thursday.
Dan and Lawrence Mclntyre of He
lix. motored to Adams Thursday.
Chip Reid drove in to Adams after
a load of chop for the Frank Curl
Mr., and Mrs. Charles Dupuis and
daughters. Irene and Francis, motored
to Adams today.
Adams Rebekah lodge met on
Thursday at the usual hour, 7:30. A
good attendance was present and all
nad a fine time.
Willie McBane was In Adams toduv
Mrs. Harold Barnett motored in
from their ranch today.
Mr. and Mrs. Otis Lieuallen motored
to Adams today and were the guests
of Mr. and Mrs. J. Chesnut.
Adams grade and high school met
at the school house and organized a
literary club as follows: President.
Francis Lieuallen; secretary. Doris
Lieuallen; treasurer. Hazel Angler. A
debate followed on the ' question, J
"Which Is the most useful article, a I
knife or a spoon," and it was finally
decided in favor of the spoon. All en
joyed the debate and will come again.
Miss Blanch Iras and Margery Mc
Monies of the Pendleton high school,
were the guests of Miss Geraldine Mor
rison on Monday over night and all
motored to school again In the morn
ing. Mrs. Myrick was the guest of Mrs.
F. M. WWtely Tuesday.
Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Wallan nfotor-
ed to Adams today.
Reverend Linins of Helix, preached
at Adams Sunday at 8 p. m. in the
Kaptist church to a good audience.
Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Dupuis and
daughter, Irene and Francis. Helen
Boyer, Mr. and Mrs. Frank Krebs.
Mrs. Simonton, Miss Ella and Myrtle
Loriey, were the guests of Mr. and
Mrs. Charles Shatz.on Tuesday even
ing. They spent the evening playing
Mr. and Mrs. Charles Shatz were the
guests of Mr. and Mrs. Frank Krebs
and Mrs. Simonton on Mondav even-
ng. .They spent the evening playing
A party was celebrated at the home
of Mr. and Mrs. Will Boyer on Wed
nesday evening and those who attend
ed were Ella and Myrtle Corley, Lyge
f.aton, Perry Baker. Paul Lieuallen.
Lloyd Inman, Miss Wilma and Helen
Boyer. They spent the evening play
ing cards and had a dandy time.-
Jess Hales and son John motored to
Adams today on business.
Miss Helen Blake of Pendleton high
school, spent Sunday at home In Ad
ams and returneds to Pendleton on the
13th. ...
Jim Chesnut. F. M. Whitely. Mr.
Charley Bunch and Will Bunch of the
I. O. O. F. lodge, motored to Xolin to
visit Mr. Harp, who has been in ill
health for some time but is improving
Ross Tayne motored to Adam Sua.
day to do some shopping.
IiSsifsf-p1 liP You Know
Miss Ha Blake was the guest of Mrs.
E. A. Merritt of Athena Sunday.
Clint Holcomb motored to Adams to
Jay. Ivan Blake of Helix motored to Ad-
ame Sunday to remain at home for a
few days.
Mrs. Ijirabee, Mrs. Carl Christian,
Mrs. Otis Lieuallen and Mrs. Chas.
Dupuis called on Mrs. Grayleaph to
day. . V
, Master Zane Kembler has been con
fined to his. home with a bad cold but
is able to be up now.
Carl Christian Is painting the new
residence of L L. Lieuallen.
John Price drove to Adams today jto
do some shopping. ,
(East Oregonlan Special.
PILOT ROCK, Feb. 7. The first of
a series of interscholastic debates was
held Friday evening at Pilot Rock and
at Echo, the subject being, "Resolved
That the Irinciple of Open Shop
Should Be Adopted In American Indus
try." Echo's affirmative team, Veda
Wattenburger and Homer t-'aling, met
Pilot Hock's negative, Albert Pollock
and Wilbert Horn, at the Echo M. E.
church. The decision of the Judges at
Echo was unanimously In favor of the
affirmative team. The Judges for the
Echo-Pilot Rock debate were Miss Jes
sie Briedly of Hermiston and the Miss
es Etta Morcom and Jivelyn Smith of
Stanfield. Echo's negative team, Al
fred Cunha and Earl Sullng. however.
were deefated by Pilot Rook's affir
mative team. The decision of the
Judges at Pilot Rock, also being unan
imously in favor of xbo affirmative
team. This ties the debating teams of
Pilot Rock and Echo, each affirma
tive team being given four points.
Miss Marie Badura, of Pilot Rock ac
companied Albert Pollock and Wil
bert Horn to Echo Friday evening as
coach of the debating team.
A daughter was born to Mr. and
Mrs. William Garner of Big Stone
Flat, Wednesday evening, February 2.
Mrs. C. McCullough, who has been
seriously ill for some time, was taken
to Portland Thursday evening for med
ical treatment.
The county court Is expected In
Echo Monday to look over tho propos
ed sit for the new Echo-Butter creek
road. The county court has agreed to
gravel the road if enough Individual
subscriptions can be secured to do the
The Echo bunch of the Masonic
lodge held a banquet and business
meeting at the Masonic hail, Saturday
evening. One of the main events of
the evening being the conferring of
the third degree upon Charles Thorn
ton. A larger crowd than usual attended
the dance given by Coe's orchestra at
the City hall Friday evening. A large
auto party of Pendleton's young peo
ple were present; also a crowd from
Stanfield, Hermiston and adjoining
Mrs. Tom Thomas. Rcta and Orda
Thomas spent Saturda yln Pendleton.
Al Hiatt returned home Wednesday
from a short business trip to Portland
Miss Bessie Andrews of Athena
spent the week-end visiting at the
home of her parents, Mr. and Mrs. F.
W. Andrews.
George Mitchell was named a mem
ber of the Echo library board at a bus
iness meeting Wednesday evening, to
fill the vacancy caused by the death
of A. Longwell.
Mr. and Mrs. Charles Dallas are-tie-
ing congratulated upon the arrival of
a son Wednesday evening, February
February 2nd.
Mr. and Mrs. B. C. Hoffnagle of
Jacksonville, Michigan, are here vis
iting at the home of Mr. Hoffnagle's
brother. J. F. Hoffnagle.
Miss Mildred Winshlp of Athena
spent the week-end visiting with Mrs.
B. W. N'eely.
' Fred Buchanan of Butter creek was
l.i Sunday.
Mrs. J. P. Bell and Alden and Irene
Bell were visitors In Pendleton, Satur
da..'. F cv. EE. L. Molff entertained the
boys of his Sunday school class with
a party Friday evening, in the church
basement from 6:30 to 8.
Nan Crary, who has been very 111 for
the past two' weeks, is somewhat im
proved today.
Echo's purple Giant basketball (earn
will piny their first game of the sea
son with Hermlston's team at Hermis
ton this Friday evening.
Tho Echo Athfbtlc club will give
their first smoker of tho season In the
city hall Tuesday evening, February
Rth. The main event of the evening
Look These Over
Fresh Ranch Eggs, dozen '. . , . 50c
Best Creamery Butter, pound ............ 50c
Picnic Hams, very lean and meaty, lb. . . . , 24c
Golden Marshmallow Syrup, 1-2 gallon. ... 65c
Good Potatoes (medium size) sack ...... $1.75
Table Peaches and Apricots, 2 cans 45c, 6 cans
1.30. " , ;
Fancy Hawaiian Pineapple, large cans, 3
for $1.10, medium sized cans, 3 for 95c, small
cans 3 for 55c. .
Sanitary Grocery
221 East Court St
The Most in Value The Best in Quality
Phone 871
will be a wrestling; match between
Fred Markham of Echo vs. Harry
Groshen of Heppner,
The preliminaries to the main event
will be a four round boxing mutch be
tween Claud Tefft and Ralph Dorn, a
one-round wrestling match between
Clinton McCdnncll and G, , Jefferson,
ind a three round bout between Bubo
Thomas and Lee Ward.
Will Answer 'tyiicm Inns
At the close of MIhh Bessie Dwyer's
lecture, "Yesterday and Today In tho
I hlllpplnes," to be given next Satur
day at 7:30 p, m. In the library audi,
torium under "the auspices of , the
Woman's Club, she will answer ques
tlons regarding the tralcogue and the
commercial interests In the Philip,
pines. Miss Dwyer, besides the sched
uled lecture, has one entitled, ''Biff
Business in tho Philippines," which
she will give upon request. This lec
ture iAUaid to- be of special Interest to
business men, as it deals with Indus
tries of the Islands. '
L3LZ3 u
"After Every Meal"
till over the 'world people
use this goody
for Its
benefits, as
we!f as its
Keeps teeth
dean, breath
sweet, throat
LiMdpf and
yp- digestion.
'paws I ) I
: Still 5c
Sealed Tight Kept ' Right
Used Gars
Practically new 1920 Chevrolet.
Five Passenger Franklin.
Oregon Motor Garage
Phone 468