DAILY EAST OREOONIAN, PENDLETON, OREGON, SATURDAY EVENING, FEBRUARY 5, 1021. TWELVE PAGES rr OUTBURSTS OF EVERETT TRUE Leuor PAGE TWELVE an SipQfill' Look These Over Fresh Ranch Epgs, dozen 50c Host Creamery butter, pound 50c Ticnic Hams, very lean and meaty, lb. 2 Ic Golden Marsfunaliow Syrup, 1-2 gallon 65c Good Potatoes (medium size) sack $1.75 Table Teaches and Apricots, 2 cans 45c, 6 cans 1.30. Fancy Hawaiian Pineapple, large cans, 3 for $1.10, medium sized cans, 3 for 95c, small cans 3 for 55c. The ' Sanitary Grocery 221 East Court St The Most in Value The Best in Quality Phone 871 0 Seattle. I'cod Kaiigf Ml. 00 to $.17.00. . ' SEATTLE. Feb. 5.- rity delivery: Electric Heaters INSTANT WARMTH Bathroom, bedroom, every room. Attach any where to light circuit J. L VAUGHAN Phone 131 aoa E. Court feed Scratch feed $58 per ton; baby scratch feed 1; feed wheat 164: all grain chop $48; oats $48; rolled oats $49; gpi-outlng oats $51; rolled barley $47; clipped barley $52; milled feed $39; bran $37; whole corn $40; crack ed corn $4 2. j Hay Alfalfa $27 per ton; double compressed alfalfa $33; ditto timothy j$38; eastern Washington mixed $34; straw $20; Puget Sound $31. Tuc stupc You erv3 H- HS'S Hcite roR.co-iceia ,0l', ... i ! r.mter Firm iEesh Weak NEW TORK, Feb. 5. Butter firm. : cr; creamery higher than extras 46 H !$M7c; creamery extras 46c; creamery firsts 41 45c. I Eggs weak; fresh gathered extras firsts 64; fresh gathered firsts !1H I 53o. i Cheese steadier, unchanged. Dr. Lynn K. Blakeslee Chronic and Nervous Diseases and Diseases of Women. X-Ray Electric ' ' Therapeutics. Temple Bldg. Room 11 ! Phone 41 3HICHESTCR S PIL1 .1 M TiiKni.itnMnRtt.iii. I4fc.l A.k ywav DruilKM i-rnr-rr-m ui wn rtMY . FUIa i. Redj W.14 nutlk I bom. eemled wife I' jo Rlboora. Vv . J i & wtwnr. wy r jomv r PfBIAM'Cf lilCNI) PiU-S (J J sari b ixciKSTs afjwwjs f Silver Lining Without clouds there would he no silver lining. The gray skies of bu4ncss will cisappcar, and siinsliino i will again ircvalL The worst of tlie strain is over, for Uic signs of relaxing tension are more and more evident. , Foremost business experts eiuim that this year will develop order, stability and prosperity the country over. Your banking business is invited " TheAmerfcanlfaiional Bank Pendletoa. Oregon. 'Strongest Sank in Gastern Oregon" NllilllllilllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllUIIIIIUIIIIIIIIIllIlllllllIIIHHIllllllIIIIIIIII!:- I Dining Room Furniture i Many beautiful sets to choose from in light or dark S Oak, Fumed, Mahogany and walnut woods made in William and Mary, Queen Anne and Cromwellian De- 5 E signs. I Cruikshank & Hampton I "QUALITY COUNTS" 5 121-28 E. Webb Phone 548 1 Vuur Old IHirniture taken In exchange aw part payment on new. j DAILY MARKET NEWS, LOCAL AND GENERAL Including Pendleton Prices and Associated Press Reports OF HOPEFUL CHARACTER KEEN IN LAST 2 WEEKS NEW TORK, Feb. 5. The stock market resumed its reactionary trend at the outset of todays session, but soon reversed its course, mainly on short covering and closed with a ma jority of gains, some of material pro portions. News of the day was of a more hiipeful character, embracing the reassuring statement of Governor Harding of the federal reserve board, better commercial advices and a court decision granting a two fare rate to one of the Brooklyn trolley lines. Kneouragt'inent 1-YIt. Encouragement was felt in Industri al circles at the progress reported ir the proposed sale of 400.000.000 pounds of copper to foreign interests although metal shares made only cas ual response to this development. Monetary conditions also were bet ter. Call loans renewed Into the com ing week at 8 per cent, holding at thai figure throughout the day. In con trast to recent late advices at 9 per cent. i Foreign Exchange Iull. Following the usual course, oils steel, shippings and several of the bet ter known rails comprised the bulk of the day's moderate offerings, Mexi can and Pan-American ePtroleums Crucible. Atlantic Gulf and Reading and Southern Pacific closed at gains of 1 to 1 1-2 points, but Northern Pa cific recently the strongest feature, re acted. Sears Roebuck led the special ties, advancing 2 5-8 points. Sales amounted to 550,000 shares. Dullness ruled in the foreign ex change market, sterling and most con tinental bills easing, with the excep tion of remittances to Holland and Spain. The Shanghai rate also fell back on bar silver ! decline In Lon don. . lUmds Desultory. Dealings in bonds wero desultory, most rails reflecting the heavy trend of stocks. .Liberty issues wero Irreg ular but closed mostly at gains. Total sales, par value, $10,35.000. Old U. S. 2s were off 3-4 per cent on calls and the coup. 4k 1-4 per font. POSTO.V, Feb. 5. The Commercial Bulletin today said:' "Business in the wool markets dur ing tho past week has been hardly so keen as during the preceding fortnight, iitnough some 'demand is in evidence, more especially for fine and fine med ium domestic wools at ubout the, rates previously prevailing. The govern ment caused considerable resentment an the part of buyers by cancelling the .vool auction scheduled for Thursday with only 2t hours' notice and without explanation. "The manufacturing situation is wunoui material change, weavers spinners and combers reporting very moderate business at steady rates. The emergency tariff bill is generally be lieved to be a dead Issue." Scoured basis: Texas Fine li months, 70080; fine eight months 55f&60. California Northern 78 80; mid dle county 75; southern 55. Oregon Eastern No. l staple 80 S5; eastern clothing 6080; valley No. l, 65. Territory Fine staple choice 85 ? 3D; half bjood combing 75ift 80; 8-8 blood combing 53W66; quarter blood combing 40i43. Fine and fine med ium clothing 65 70. Pulled: Delaine 85g90; AA 80 85; A su pers 5515 65. Mohairs Best combing 3032; best carding 25 27. The break has ' come. For sometime prices paid for your farm products have been low. It is but natural for you to want lower prices on the farm imple ments used in producing your crops. Announcement is made by the Oliver Chilled Plow Works of a general price reduction in their lines that brings prices to the basis of 1918. They are the first to make this reduction and are taking the loss that the move brings for there has been little reduction in la bor or material as their contribution in hastening a return to normal condi tions. This is your opportunity to secure new, up-to-date Oliver quality implements that will help you produce a full crop, and get them at a price in line with the reduced prices on your farm products. Sturgis & Storie PENDLETON WALLA WALLA Ml Cattle Vneven, Imlrrtonc Weak KANSAS CITV, Feb. 5. Cattle 900; all classes uneven, but mostly steady. undertone decidedly weak; late on beet steer und she stock; steer sales 6.25 W .i0; prime heavy cows 6.00; fairly good heifers 2.25; other sales she stock 4.25'ft '5,75; desirablo venlers mostly lO.OOffi 10.50; good 3.00 to 400 pound calves 5.00 tjp 6.25. Sheep 1,300; steady; bulk fat ewes 4.00ft 4. 50i lambs fully 25c lower; 75 pound feri iamb 9.00. Quality PRINTING at Reasonable Prices East Oregonian Printing Department BUIGI 6 7" -V .Y-W '1L . AlTlieSi'jn 01 Ih!j-ecocK." AT THE SIGN OF THE ii mm iui ii ib m hi mwa HEAT IS THE SOUL OF "PEACOCK" COAL Phone 173 Smythe-Lonergan Co. Quality Quantity Service gTyUSINESS men and professional men, in choos 9 JLJ ing a car, place dependability first. That is why so much of the important work of the day is entrusted to Buick. . . 7 For those call where time is important and get ting there essential, Buick can be depended upon for swift, sure transportation. You will find among the new Buick Twenty One Models the car which exactly suits your business needs and the needs of your family. The mechanical excellence of the car you choose ii backed by a nation-wide authorized Buick Service. : v Price, of the New Nineteen Twenty One Buick Series j Uoie Twcwy Or Forty Fnur, tbrte ptamfCT ttf Mo4l TwrMr OW'Konr Fire, Arc (MMraref car Model Twenty One-P.njr Six, four pswtnfer COQff. MmM TwrMr On-Foff Brrfn, dre BMaenfer tedui Mwlel Twenty One-Fed) ifht, loor patMeneer eoupfl Model Twenty One-Font Nine, leren FtMenter ear Model TweMy ene-Fifty! irren pntmifer aedaa I M. 11,1. ' M Oregon Motor Garage, Inc. Phone 468 119, 121 W. Court WHEN BETTER AUTOMOBILES ARE BUILT, BUICK WILL BUILD THEM - jjuuiunitiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiuiiirfiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiu .5