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About East Oregonian : E.O. (Pendleton, OR) 1888-current | View Entire Issue (Feb. 4, 1921)
THE EAST OREGONIAN IS THE ONLY INLAND EMPIRE NEWSPAPER GIVING ITS READERS THE BENEFIT OF DAILY TELEGRAPHIC NEWS REPORTS FROM BOTH THE ASSOCIATED PRESS AND UNITED PRESS DAILY EDITION DAILY EDITION Number Of coplci printed of yesterday's (i 1 1 v The Riat Oregonlno t Kintern Ore. gon's greatest newspaper slid a soil Inn fores (lives to the. advertiser wf mien Ihe gimrnnt-cd paid circulation In Pendleton ami Umatilla county of ny oilier newspaper. 3284 . f This paper l n member (if nnd nudlted I by tho Audit liuieiiu of 'lrculut Urta. 1 .. COUNTY OFFICIAL PAPER CITY OFFICIAL PAPER VOL. 32 DAILY EAST OREGONIAN, PENDLETON, OREGON, FRIDAY EVENING, FEBRUARY 4 1921. NO. 9742 1 i. i:j roufi mum. FOR W -CO Mandate to Be ' .proved By Council of League of Na ticns, Provides Eritith Shall , Have Tax Right. TO ESTABLISHADVISORS AS AID TO IMMIGRATION England Takes Full Cctntrcl of All Concessions to Foreign ers, Arabic, English and He. brew to Be Spoken. I.O.NTMIX, Fob. 4.l'. I'. Foun dations fur a Jewish nation In Pales tine were laid In a llrltlsh inundate made public today.. The terms, which mo suujcct to approval by council ii ino Ia'iikiio of Xiulous February 2'" provide: llrltlsh right to levy upon Palestine for support of troops. Es tablishment of a Jewish advisory council to facilitate ImnilKrutlon. make Palestine u Jewish elate. No discrimination against ' national of nny country. Practically full power to HrltiHli control of nil cnneesslnim foreigners. No pt cjudK o ncalnst mm. Jes; English. Arabic and H..i.i-..u. . bo tho official languages, liraft pro. vhlcs that Jlrilaln will . responsible for making Palestine a lot l ion;, I home P'ran Jewish peoples without prejud icing the rllit of iwm-Jewa "with the widest measure of self-government condiment with the prevailing condl tlons." llrltain la also to , "entrust 'd wllh control of Palestine's foreign affair and responsibility for its holv lllH'." BRITAIN ADVISES RUSS AND RUMANIAN PEACE I.OXHox, l-vh. 4. fA.'l'.) Itu. niHHlu U advltiMl by the BrillHh etivcrn. inent t,. ,.:, r lot,, ,.,.,. n.-Kotlatlonii with Soviet JlUhla, Nnyn a iliwow dlw Patch. It ii. I, l that great I rltuln ha? offered to rv n meditator. RftDOES t'lIlfAOt.. J.-,.),, .j-. ..)n effort to halt nmusulinir of Ibpior from Canada Into tho rolled HtateR, Frank Klchard.ion. federal prohibition naent for thl dlMtrii t. left for Iictroii. Home report Htated that torpedoes were owd to nhoot whbtkoy ntToaH tho Ilru!t river fr..m tho Canadlcn Hide. WAKtliyiTOX, Feb. 4. (A. P.) Vnleellrig persons are usiiiK ' postage lino" regulations to nialin rerlplems ot their letters pay part of the freight on the missives, as well as read 'em. There Ih evidence, the Postal Pullelln Bald today, of depositing "short paid" mater for flrt class transmission with the Intention of "having- I ho ad dressee pay the deficiency," and post masters are directed to argue with "patrons" who favor the practice and report them to Ihe department If It Is continued thereafter. BRITA SMOKELESS SMOKER, DECREE . OF STATE FIRE MARSHAL FOR LEGION BOXING CARD A smokeless smoker is the edict that testants, An Indoor fight, with smoke lias gone out from the slate fire mar. laden air, la hound to be slowed up shal's office for the American legion Jack Doluh. iron, -hi,, .Lee ..i.i i.i,... boxing card that will be held in (he Oregon theater Saturday .night. On account of fire hazard In Ihe old build ing absolutely no smoking will be al lowed, tho legion rnmntil!ce announc ed today. A second Important con slderalioti Is that of air for the con- Weather Peporled by Major J.oe Mooi house. Weather observer. . Maximum. 4 4. Minimum. 8a. Paronieler, US "' Rainfall, 62 Inches. rr-r THE Weather forecast Tonight and Satun.ay rain. '"iji""1" - j $225,000 WILL SOON , ' BEREADYFOR STARTING 4j:iM,KA YSTORAGEPROJECTf , 1 1 i When the. Hunilry civil bill ihuwk the hoiiw, dome tlitu Iwtween now and March i It will carry the wim of uiiii for Kluitliiif work on tho McKay riKctvoir near reiidlelon. The bill h.i ulreadv passed the Iioiihc after nr rutlny by tho upproprialionN cominllre and it In coiiMldercd totally unlikely that tlio Kt nali) will alter the houno action. Ill a 'phone Intervley with the Fan creKoiiliip today l. il. Hetillllnir, pro t engineer at JlermlHlon, nald that, ine ;ja,uiiip Contnlneil In the bill pro. vldcH for the inirchaHe of right of way, !noltiiiin i-em-'rvolr Kite, the puri.haM of equipment for work on the dam and the Htab(Kbinent of ramp pn pa latory to work, It Ih eetttnatrd thif or!i will require u ear and by thai time It la hoped fo have n larue apprt. prlHtlon ploMdin-f for eooxlruction of I the dam which will tost approximate!; t -.oao.fiaa, 1 be money for the rcKcrvoIr ( oniei from Ihu reclamation fund and Ih not directly appropriated by commas However tho house coininlllee paoeex on the variotiH iteun of expenditure and hencn tho final paxsage of the! miiilrv civil 1,MI by bolh houe Is neooHwary t make tho money avail- HlllC. I J lie McKay reservoir will htore r.(l.- (itiifacro feet tifwater for tho pronto t'on of addllbouil irrigation In the v.ewt end of thin county. The prelect la officially -known aa the iU Kuv Storaitn project. P.I'TTK, Mont., Feb. 4. (A. P.)-i Inlernal revenuo laics, amounting to 114 I, Mini were assessed In Initio In I Mil against liquor that was seized In this lonelily, according to statistics The total assessment for the stale o! .Montana was about ami. mm. It i iai! which would indicate that about one half of the ll'iuor tlolatora of the state we r arrested In (tulle. j:eveau ujtenu .h r hav iateo i "fv'T, inar a rr m portion ot tm assessment cannot bn collected been ore tho law violators apprehended hsiri nilo or no properly thai could be con (Iseated. The assesynicnts lnclirdo alfo penaliies for making luiuor Illegally. I'rolflbitlon enforcement offici-rs, II is staled, have confiscated 50 auto mobiles, used by nllexrd whisky run rcrs, hilvlng a total valuation of J'0,- UllO. PAN-AMERICAN MEN PREPARE FOR S. A. TRADE WAHHINIiTON, Feb. 4. (A. P.) -The permanent committee on com munications, formed on recommenda tion of the second Pan-American fipan cial conference, held its first meeting today al the department of commerce uii u'-iegaics irom coum America and Kurope present. j Secretary Alexander, chairman of (he committee announced that five sub commiltecH had been organized to ileal wilh ocean transportation, ship and Insurance documentation, railroad transportation, radio, cable, communi cations and postal facilities. IIH I III l!S ( I T WAtiKK SI'OKAXIC, Feb. 4. IA. P.) The .Muster tluilders Association today an nounced a wage reduction of $1.01) a day for craftsmen and laborers, in keeping wllh its reputation, the lesion will ring , the first gong at o clock sharp. At that minute Youni. Kempsoy, pf Portland, and F.arl New iiuist, of Pendleton, light heavy wemiiis, will shake hands and star! their eight-round mill. The commit tie promises to run off the 2S roiiutb of boxing in trip hammer fashion sc that tlie fans will be on their ivii: home ere midnight arrives. r rankle .Murphy. Johnnie Fiske ant'. 1'ube Herman arrived here on No. 2-1 this morning, all looking lit. All threi bens won their bouts in a smoker nl alem Tuesday night and not a one carries a scratch urn bruise. Herman clever 1 1 S-ponndor, Is not on the pro gram for tomorrow flight but canio II) front Ihe Rose City to help spar with l.l.s friends today. Itempsey Is expect led here this evening. I Murphy and Fiske were busy this ! meruit shaking hands with mnn 'trends they made last summei when they boxed here. Since thai Itlmo both men havo had a lot of eiv gagemenls and have improved con s'derablv In form. They are rated to , day among the best of the men on the const in their resins-five clauses, Allison and Xewuiilst have beef worklntf out here most of this week tiol are readv for their men. Itcgan who will meet Fiske, Is in great shap end Is confident that he will give Johnny the balllo of his yotng life HARDING WILL CALL DISARMAMENT MEETING WAMIINfVrOX, Feb. 4. (A. I.) The Inlernational conference to din ci hh dh-Mi mainent will be called by the I niled MalCH, Chairman HutUr. of tho I hou, naval committee, raid when the! comniltleo met to hear tho vien-H of ! prominent naval olficers. lie Indicat-j cd that he thought the call would Ijm 1 lulled after the inauijurallon of Hard, i Iiib with whom he exmferrei ruccnllyj at Marlon. , i IT II if TO HEAR JEWETT HERE FEBRUARY 17 Gecrge C. Jewett Will Address i Umatilla Farmers cn Wheat! Astcqiaticn Dutiness in i Neighboring Stale. Giorge C. Jewett, manager of the I Washington Wheal (".rowers Associa- j tion, will uildrcss fl'matllla county wheal farmers at a spiK-lal meeting' in j Pendleton February 17, held under the ai.spices of the Farm Bureau. The association which Jlr. Jewett represents has 1 J.iui'i.uiHI bushels of wheat signed up under a six year con tract and expects to have at least 15. loia.aoa bushels by JI arch 15. A sitn i'ar organization know n as the Oregon Wheat (".rowels has been formed li- ihis slate and farmers In Morrow ami .-Herman counties ore signing agree ments s-H their wheat through the or ganization for the next six yearn. rhre hundred thousand bushels were signed it a meetmss In Mora. Hherman county. last .Sat irday. I'mat ilia county far mers are anxious to hear Mr. Jewett's t.tlk on tho Wellington association, j lie Is a former banker and is therefore rijll fitted to discuss thfe fiiitinc:ng and re;,s-m for oi iniz ng a 'l aoria- U'Ul. At Hie .'innuai meeting iff toe county Farm 1'ureau h'eld hero recent ly. J. t'nlhy, who repn.-ented the organisation in the formation of the Wheat ('.rowers' Assee'ation, reported. "he contract was read and discussed vinl Hie fa: mors showtd keen Interest1 ,ii Ihe propi sltion. j The Fmttilia county faun Pureau Is; not proTiiptin? or advocating the: WI.e .i ('.rowers' As'i'Ctation but is I niere V orovnlll'g II1C means l"r teoios iu fimuTH together to learji what i hey can of this big movement, r .ir-i this big movement. Far-1 I., ihw ,-,iontl seem to be willin I i to let it be tried out before signing. Manv of them hope it will succeed but feel that It h is a'ained suffieh nt fiao to make a good experiment and are loath to sign up until Ihe big wheal , producing states have got down to a' contract basis. i A big attendance Is expected at the i meeting in Pendleton. In Iditio'iMn lo Mr. Jewett. bankcl - 1.... l...n -iskoo . a prominent larniri oa.- - ,o participale In the discussion, -vo.iues. i.uiiiig ini icw rural scnoois lUcnipt will be made lo secure signa-; ures for a contract or to lake nny for- ; r.uil action In resnrd to m i''"""' oi.ijoruy oi he meeilnfi Is pu.ely of an education il nature. IF THE "ovecoATS wAy OWrf ' Mil h l Amies' haT5 iC A f Big slash 7) jATTCRf i(y SINNOTT FAVORS THC3. THOMPSON FOR LOCAL. POSTMASTER In the event thai the irenent merit ayKtem of nmkiiii pot offlco uppointmentH Ih set anldu by the new ( adnilnlatration to lako office March 4, 1921, 1 human ThoitipKon of 1'endlcton will have Ihe endorsement of CoiiKreHKtuan 'N. J. Sinnott for the appoint moirt. Thin new has been received from .Mr. by various local friendx. roHtmaHter I... IS. Cronln waa named under the civil m rvice rules and apparently will con tinue to hold olflce In event the4.p the doorway of a Mouth aide houwe Hardin udminlHU-atlon does not return to thn coolls ayateia of naniliuj poRtinaalera. The Port land pinlmaflter U in the same category. . 4 ALIEN AGGRESSION TO EE TRI-STATE TOPIC OLY-MI'IA, Feb. 4. .(A. P.iA joint conference of Oregon, AVashlng- Iton and Idaho lawmakers consider alien attereaxinn in the northwest was urged by tioverrior Olcott (if i irego.i. ; in a message transmitted to the legis- lature here by (lovcrnor Hart. It is ! expected antl-JapaneFe land laws will I be the principal subject considered by the conference. ' . ., . CIL COMPANY MAKES THIRD 50c REDUCTION INDKI'EXDKXCK. Kana.. Feb. 4. (V. p.i Crude oil dropped $ a barrel when the Prairie pipe l.lne company announced another CO cent cut. Th'.s makes Ihe third 50 cent reduction in t"ti days, resulting In a discontinuance of drilling. MEASURES OFOEFEffSE AGAINST BOLSHEVEKI DISCUSSED BY EXPERTS Pcles and J"rerch Meet for Joint Consideration of Alli ance to Combat Scviet Mili , tary Drive on Pet; - PAP.IS, Feb. 4. nr. p.) The! ! b;rhe:n Polish authorities are diseiiss-l I ing wilh French miiitary experts the j measures of defense against the bol- shevikl. The Tolisll officials said they hoped for a military alliance to prow j " tx,n -"'-cis'ons between I'resi ' dents Pilndslfl and Mill roa ine Polish foreign miisi-r, .revealed his country's plans in this, irllarded slalemeul- "Wo eo eomo tr. p,.rid ... n,,n-- ..ii0A t.i. France. The Soviets are tired of fight ing. They know what it will cost, but if they do attack us they'll find we're prepared. If they attack Rumania, I hey will discover they are attacking Poland.' . TI At'HC.ItS Ill-.TTEIl I'AIO. K KG IN A. S-'us.. Feb. 4. Teachers the rural schools of Saskatchewan grain men aiv!;:ire betler paid now than ever before. eeoi'il I n i? lo the latest rottr-eil for. " . ' " .ai.t as nign as st.a.M.. wnite la-t year! lull out ol 52H paid this aalary and , higher, I cascw a free j ,'ii e fuel war furnished cottase Willi i pro bled. S I G NSJi E A NJMV H AT JH E Y SHIRTS , CUT IH -tVALf (S '0 oi U yfYV QUIET WARNINGS TELL OF BIG DUBLIN COUP TO BE SPRUNG SOON DWELLING OF WEALTHY CHICAGO NEGRO BOMBED ClllC.UiO, Feb. 4. f('. '.)The' polke, ur Heart hinjc for the orcupanta of "i automobile who hurled n luimli n1 injured four people. The eiplo iif .i wm heard for mil-. The hou. ; ia occupied by a weiilthy negro. Tho ! I ,. .u - . . i -I,.... ' . i " r ,f '? "' " hi" - ( o .,-j-eu u.v me aueged encroacn- jmei;t of negroea Into the fashionable 'south Hide residential district. I HIS (NTRODUCES ELEVEN fit BIllS If SENATE Measures Exempt Road Con tractors from Eight Hour - Law Restrictions; give Right to Pave Streets in Towns MAI.KM, Feb. 4. (A. Pj Kl?en bills embodying legislation requested , by the slate high way coiiiin.ssloa were introduced In the senate today. They included the bills exempting jnign.vay conlt actors from restrictions I of the eight hour law, providing a j f.fty-fifty maintenance agreement be i tween comities and state, providing I protection to contractors ot state highway construction without the ne- cess.ty of purchasing surety bonds, SiVIhb the commission authority to pave streets that are part of a state highway through small towns, giving the rignt to ell bonds at par. making the cunimisHion a final arbiter In se lection of a state road ar.d re piiring the; obtaining of permission of the commission before a highway may be relocated or surface of a highway cut for public utility service or to cut trees aloni; a highway. Ti e free text book bill ws,s made A s efiul order a UK-'n aft er the majority report waa presented farorintr .passage. I.Vsnlutes HllnliiiK. KALE.M. Feb. 4. (P. P.) The house passed a bill regulating . hunt lug, fishing and trappinp. with only two dissenting votes. Tho amend ments proMde it will be lawful to ',' L " " Huv',"er H cu uoo exenipi w om- ' " oo.oeia ui lisueis license fees. ltciicu- Highway IIrIiI. Tne senate et a stage for renewal of the Roosevelt highway fight when Vinton moved to recall the bill from the house for further consideration. The motion was tabled due to the ab sence ot Senator Hall, one of the au thors of the bill. Sentiment in the senate seems to be shifting against the I bill, members who voted for it in a J belief the house would kill it having i repented of their action in the face j of their' present fear the bill might I gct through the lower house. Thv) dilate siient considerable time diaeusin the fro text book bill, post- ,,,., a(.,t until the afternoon, ContiiiiiPrl on pee s. S A Y. UAt)tS' SKIRTS HALY Off IH'Iil.I.V, Feb. .4- fA. I'.) Quiet WarnlngH were circulated that a great coup will be attempted In Dublin aoon by tho republican army. The nature of the "big show" was not diacloaod. 1 he military (scoffed at the rumors, but the patrols wero Increased and every lorry that was sent into the streets carried a hoKtaite, cha'lned and pad- locked to tho seat. I)espitc this car" i tho number o, attacks have Inereaa- OPPONENTS TO TARIFF BILL CAUGHT NAPPING WAe-HlNOTONT, J--eb. .4 (!.'. P.) - Tho senators favorlnsr the emergency ti.riff bill caught their opponents nap- l ing arid secured the adoption of two amendments before their opponents o scoiercu wnat was atoot. me tho 3S,ono.OiiO,004 demanded by tha amendment increawd the house provl- allies, as they have not been afneo th sion for a 30 cent tariff on wheat to 1 early days of the war, tho nation la VI cents, the other, related to rice. j ready to take reckless action. Under Tho amendments were adopted with ( consideration are plana for only nine senators In tho chamber. An alliance with Russian Soviets. The senate met an hour earlier than (,,. ... , --. 1V, .,,, usual and after a minor measure was, d sposed of the tariff bill was taken' VP- When Senator Harrison woke, up j t" what had happened, he balked furs j iher action by calling for a quorum Another attempt Tnay be made today j to reach an agreement to vote either February 15 or 16. John Sharp Wil Pams, however, suid he hadn't changed his mind alsmt blocking tho agree ment. Other senators predicted Wil liams will be placated before lor.g. U. S. LAWN TENNIS XKW YORK. Feb. 4. (A. P.) The ii:iniial nicotine; of the United Slates Lawn Tennis association, to be i held here Saturday, will be preceded j rmany finds herself, were the state bv a conference of the executive com- I n' news; aper. Most of these rrlttee this evening. Reports and ! urE"'' action. All reiterated the decUi lecommendationa will be prepared. I ration that "Rermany won't pay.1 Interest in Saturday's meeting w li;11"'' firmly the unionists are lengued renter mi the - rwvsals cone.rnin3 ' :'n the forcer oniir:ler.Is n r.s how. award of championship for 1S21 and i ! declarations of their leaders. "Ap ihe nronnsed amendment to the am- i provini Christian Schmidt's declara- atiur rule to discontinue uuing play ers names on tenns racquets. Iievelopments regarding the liavis cup will be reported and reports de r.p the work for 1520 will be pre- S'."lf d. DANIEL WEBSTER TO . HAVE STATUE IN ATHENS WEPSTER. Mass.. Feb. 4 (A. P.) - A movement to raise a fund to erect j statue of Iinniel Webster in Athens! in commemoration of the lO'Kh anni-l versary of Greek independence was announced tndav from this town nam- ed in honor ot the statesman. 1 :onstant Pantos, a local merchant. who is national terasurer of the Epirstic Union said it was a speech delivered by Webster in the senate January 19, '1924. that brought about the recognition of Creece as a tree na tion by the United States after Greece ha I thrown off the Turkish yoke of 4 00 years in 1S21. IXIOTltM.I, CI I-FS CWMMITTEK I.1KKI.Y Wll. Ml "FT M.VIil It S XEW YOUK. Feb. 4. (A. P.) The annual meeting of the intercollegiate football rules committee probably will be held here March a. according to . tentative arrangements announced to day. SENA TOR JOSEPH BELIE VED READY TO HELP IN MOVE TO DEVELOP UMATILLA RAPIDS Senator George W. Joseph, author , meive, Marshall X. lana of the Ore of the hydro electric commission bill i gun Journal and others, in the present legislature, will be j Aside from these men a host or among the notables arriving in Pen-; others from various points ' In the dleton tomorrow mormiip to attend i northwest will be in attendance. Ev tho meeting of the Umatilla liapuls (.r. ra;lro;ia- operating In the north Power Site Association. Mr. Joseph , .,,st win ,,ave representative here as is represented as comtng as a friend ; m a!sl, thp ,- j. engineer corps and of the move ami agreeable to so am-i .he reePinooi.oi ending his bill as to call for an in vestigation o the Umatilla rapids site. Aiiie from St-cator Joseph iher legislators to arrive will be Senator Koy W. Ritrer. president of the sen ate and members of the sub-commit-o e of the joint w ays and means com- """ niutec. The men will Inspect the', Eastern tireaon S'ate Hospital in ad-1 jdiiion to atendlr.g the power confer-j I Senator-elect R. X.. Stanfield today tioufffil his brother m law. lr. David j I-'. Hill, tluit he expects to Uavo for ! ;YnH'!t':i this rvtn-nc l attend the mtvlmir iomnrrv. . The ir'enee of j die sw.Atur-eleet ;ts sroutiy desired jand tin npv.: 4.f Irs iuteTUHHi to eomt ' was k reeled xh joy i the local eom j 'ni:te. i 1'romir.ent in the l'01''ln dtlea- lion to arrhe tomorrow will be .1. P. i ' rai.ay represviitiuives and tha o'Prien, general manager of the o W . ! tl veronient as the amount due for In IS. & X., W. I., Thompson. Whitney L. 'reased mail payments awurdeil during Poles. I.. T Merwin general manager j geri ' ny, '' er. 1?; he Xi.r'.hwest Electric company, hn H. l-ew's. former state engineer.1 11. A. Rands, prominent consulting en-. giner. P. Heiherton. general manager! mail transportation by inlsuul carrl"rf ot the Portland Chamber ot Com-also was asked. III DESPERATION ALL CLASSES 111 . HE Laborers, Capitalists, Ccmmu rists, and EclsheviJcs Join in Denouncing Allied Demand for $55,C00,0C0. AI I fArVPF WITH PIK SOVIETS MAY RESULT Several Plans mre Advanced, One of Which Is to Unite With Reds, Whole Nation It Ready for Reckless Action. UKUI.IX, Feb. 4. fBy Carl I. jtJroat. I P. Staff Correspondent.) is d'jsnerate. With all j Germany classes united in opposition to paying that the reparation demanded will wrec k the country, thereby damaging the allies. The throwing up of hands and bid-i dirt the allies do what they will. AUTed demands are denounced from j street corners, in street cars and in gatherings of small groups. Union leaders and capitalists have agreed with the communists., while Pernard Dernburg declared the "Ger mans have a firm will to defend their honor." Christian Schmidt, head of the food industry of unionists, was stating "who ever drives us to despair, must share In the conseiuences." Tho "Ited Flas," a bolshevik organ, asserted: "An alliance with Russia is the only way out for tho Oerman worker." "This is not a threat of because we communists know the working cla. wront draw the aword except when that ts the only exit."' 'ndicstive of the ferment in which tin, Pcrr.ard Otto, chairman of the textile workc-s, said: "Accomplish ment of the allied aims would mean slavery' for Germans," RETAIL BUYING SHOWS RETURN TO PF.OSPERITY CHICAGO, Feb. 3. (C. P.) P.etah merchants have cleaned their shelve of surplus stocks, ar.d have again be gun to buy heavily, preparing for the active buying season this spring, ac- Pan-p"""" " - ."'". ' ', prosperity has returned. DISCOURAGED OWNER BLOWS BALKY FLIVVER CAR TO SMITHEREENS HAZKLHl'RST. Miss.. Feb. 4. (A. P i Pecoming discouraged with his efforts to uw an empty car behind l-s more pretentious touring car, Ed Mayers of Crystal Springs, according to reports today, exploded seven sticks ot dvnamite under the-"f!ivver." The meeting convenes at 10 o'clock In the Elks lodge room and will be tit session most of tho day except for a recess for luncheon to be served by the Pendleton Commercial Association. The attraction for the evening will t.o lh I . " e".. cinuxr anu 1 '$55,570,000 DEFICIT IN U. S. MAIL MONEYS WASHINGTON'. Feb. 4. (A. P.i ! A deficluecy appropriation of $65,571),. i "-oi for the traiisportatlnti of the nralla Iwas asKed fiom congress today by postm.nter r.enonil liurleson. Thlw s'.iin. he reported, has been agreed on 'h -b niontim ot federal control ol railroads. Another deflck-ncy approprlutlon of J 1.:ifi-'f,"'"i for "star route" or contract GERMANY