KEEP ABREAST OF DOINGS IN THE WORLD OF SPORT DAILY IN ARTICLES BY STAFF WRITERS AND TWO NEWS SERVICES ON THIS PAGE. TEN PAGES SECTION TWO PAGES 7 TO 10 TEN PAGES SECTION TWO PAGES 7 TO 10 :. . , ..a.T -HP Vsc ' v TL T ". ,' ' DAILY EAST OREGONIAN, PENDLETON, OREGON, WEDNESDAY EVENING, FEBRUARY 2,1921. , m - - " ' , " ' ' - "in . . .. - I . . . - falDDUNS AND MElCHOiR I "watchwomeit RAW I PIAYPPQ I lndR(ikVnr,JM J " 1 . 1 ,. UMULUMLL I LIU LIU , u vu icajlw iviv v TO FIGHT IN TOLEDO L. I wiiihidntruI' . j A . lift.. I B 1. B( .a 1 I LL UU U I I I IL ys 'ii M X4 ; 3 ;f :.r j ; if' ,K'sV 4 - V i 41 ' 1 I ; y u ,.. t 'It " I r ' V'i V TOLEDO, Ohio. Feb. 2. (A. P.) Tommy Ulubon of Ht. J'uul unl Tony Moloholr of CJiIouko, will m;ot In a 2-round boxing bunt hora on tliu nlBht of Ffbruury lu, It u announc ed today. Jt wu8 wild ulo (hut (llb l)on and Churli'y Wi'lm-rt yould bei-t here Fcbrui(i-y 17. NKW TOHK, Feb. 2. Duto for the five Kectlonul or none HhoothiK champlonHhlim of the American Bhoollng AHHoclutlon were tuinountod today an followi: Southern, at Atlunln, June 1-4; EaMern, at New Huven, July 2U-23; Great Lnkea, at Mlnneupolla, July 2; Prulrla. at Huron, 8. l).t AuriihI 7-10; Pacific Count, at Tacomu, Wanli., August 7-10, U. OF a RETAINS SHY KtTGENE, Ore., Fb. 2 Hy a unanl moua volo the athletic council of the University of Ore (ton thin afternoon decided to retain "Shy" Huntington a football coach for 1 u J 1. This aetlun was taken .after the council hud an nounced that an effort had been made to secure the ctvice of (ill Ifcibie. former coach ut University of Washington, now In charge of the tuad at Cornell, , but was unable to reach an agreement with him on the amount of salary. . . "Nibs" ITIce, assistant coach at the University of California, was also considered by the cauifcll. . CHICAGO, Feb. 2. Hubert K. Crowe, sine's attorney, toddy conduct ed a grand Jury Investigation Into reports that tho Indictments voted ;igiiltist eight Chicago American league baseball playurs and others for alleged complicity in the throwing of the ins world sines games, were to be pigeon-holed and tho men nevi brought to trial. Mr. Crowe reiterated statements that the case would be brought to trial as (illicitly us possibl All White tkix players have furnish ed bonds except "Chick" 'lumlil Claude Williams and Joe Jackson These men itir. Crowe said, would be treated "ax fugitives from Justice' they did not appear for trial. QIEBKC, Fob. 2 (A. P.l Possi bility of the Demnsey-Carpent c! championship fight being staged In Quebec province was discussed before the provincial legislature today. Jt developed that no application has beer. made for permission to Tiold It. Prigadbr-tiencral Smart of Mon treal, asked Premier Tascherean If the government Intended to prohibit the fight In the event no such application made and the promoters proceed without permission. "The eovernmeiit will examine this Point If It conies up," he replied. The Pennsylvania railroad hasn't a watchman moro efficient or careful than its "watchwo inan," Miss Isabel llarchltclle. Khe guards the dangerous grade rosslng al East Pittsburg. Pa. IS e has been there a year and the crossing hasn't had an accident. Hhe Is shown loading a schoolgirl h toix I lie track. OKIE HIGHWAY FROM GREAT LAKES TO END OF FLORIDA ASSURED XGW YORK. Feb. 2. Te Jtlckard sporting promoter, lust night Issued challenge to Ed Strnnglcr Lewis, world's wrestling champion, on behalf of Marin liestloa, who, he asserts, has been barred from ,' participation for "championship honors" and offers I" permit Lewis to use his favorite head hold In a fsnlsh contest. Itl'FFALO, N. Y., Feb. , llill I.renunn knocked our Pumlsman Dick HIc of Knglund In the second room lost night, liice was knocked down twice In the opening round and a ham right to tho Jaw finished him in the first minute of tho second. Tho men sre henv weights. J.VSPKK. Tenn.. Feb. 2. Comple tion of the Dixie highway which will provide a hard road from the Cirea! Lakes to tho extreme north end of Florida, Is ansored by the recent vote to Issue J i' 5 0,(100 In bonds by Marion county, and the headway on projects alc,ng the. highway planned by tlx iSenrgla highway department. The Marion county portion I'as been t'le line between the mirth and the nuth which prevented tourists from travel tnirrn-rOTrrfoTt- nvnr -ttie -nre 'hnrnughfare. Tennessee and the fed eral government will watch the nm Mint of Marlon county with 7510,000 I making a total "f ll.oon.nofl to be used on tne nignway in top couniy mo "ear. The section Is across the Cum Borland mountains through a sparsely ettled country. Here's genuine chewing calisfaction for you, hook ed up with real economy. A small chew of this c!as3 of tobacco lasts much long . cr than a big chew of the ordinary kind that's be cause the! full, rich, real tobacco taste lasts so long. Any man who uses the Ileal Tobacco Chew will tell you that. Put up in two styUs "W-B CUT is a long fine-cut tobacco RIGHT CUT is a short-cut tobacca 'Sees Daddy for' First Time r 'W "V rs . f-Ss. .....v. ''r I A c . : y w-' 1 La,,. .2. -.,,,1,11 -, i ' . 3aL.j 1 J , ... , ,.,, w, . I I . Unheard of Yalues to you but every day occurances to us. If you will only compare the quality and price of our goods with the other fellows, we will have you for a life customer. Men's fine ribbed cotton Union Suits, vaL $3.25, $1.95 Men's fine ribbed fleece Union Suits, val. $3.50. S-J Men's light weight wool Union, val. $a.00. . . . i.J- Men's heavy weight wool Unions, val. ?8.o0. . . $ i.-u Men's all wool Union Suits, vaL $10.00 $.- PANTS MEN'S PANTS PANTS Men's Dress Pants, value $8 to $12.. . $4.9; to $70 Men's Work Pants, all wool heavy, val. $8.o0. . $4.50 Men's Work Pants, val. $1.5C ' ' Men's extra heavy Khaki Pants, val. u.o0... ao B 32 Stores 745 Main St. HAVE C0L0RiN CHEEKS Be Better Looking Tske Olivj Tablets To have a rax, pirJt skin, bright eyes, no pimples, a losing of buoyaiary like childhood days, you must keep vour ldy free from poi-onous wa:tes. j. Edwards' Olive labiets (a vege table compound mixed with olive oii) cct on the liver and towels like calomel yet have no dangerous after elTecc Take one nightly and note results. They start the bile and overcome constipation. That's why millions of boxes are sold annually, 15r ar.d 3ar FRA.CESCA BL&A i j .Frj,nce,ca Bda is nine years old and she has Jn?.t Een hrr hddy for the first time in her life It was a happy meeting h?a Francesca arrlTsd at New York from Italy, and was greoa d by ber 'ather. a New Tcrker He left Italy before she was bom and came to America where be prospered. Now the rennited family is settlinc , Sows nere to 4ive. . - . - - - . QUALITY SERVICE SANITATION Prime Cuts of Beef Beef from choice, carefully fed stock any cut that you want and in any quantity. Every store has their pride and hobby ours is our beef. A trial order will convince you that it is unsurpassed elsewrfere. Pendleton Trading Co. . ' Phone 455 . MIf It's on the Market We Have It" Wll li TKillT ANTI-STI'.IKIX WASHINGTON", Kch. 1. William "irccn. secretory of tho I'nitcd Mint Workers of America, niipcarinp lola icfore the fenatc- committee consirtor nic'the Oaliter cool r"Btilatlon hill. sxpresKcd no opinion as to the nu-r-ts of the measure hut Intimated that orKanted labor would flulit Inclusion if any untl-stiike provisions He will continue tomorrow, when Sumiia' 'lompers has hcen nuked to appear. vii t, RKXTr.xt'K iMM)Ti.i-:f;:rit-. TACM.MA, Feh. .(. P.) Judge v. .1. Hiukett. of the loenl police court las announced that. In tho future he will sentence every person convicted f manufacturing or selllnK whiskey ti maximum terms in Jail. This action saw tiiken on the eve of a pulillc mass rm-ettnir called for Monday niRht to protest aealnst lax enforcement of the prohlhltlon laws !Uid to demand thut whiskey selliiiR he stopped. "Fines have enriched tho city treasury," Judxe Ilaeket said, "lint they have not stopped bootlcKRlnK. 1 believe thin 'all sentences will help clean up the whlskev traffic. SPRING SHOES FOR FAIR ONES ARE RIOTS OF COLOR JEWELS, RIBBONS, METALS SiniiMM Electric Heaters INSTANT WARMTH Bathroom, bedroom, every room". Attach any where to light circuit J. L. yAUGIIAN Plione ISt E. Court r russ i KOEITEN'S PRESCRIPTION DRUG STORE A. C. Koeppen & Bros. l'ho Drutr Sloi-e That Serves Von Host. Muokrole Worhs Without tho Blister Easier, Quicker ' . ; There s no renso in mixinj a rr.ess cf mustard, to End Viter when you can easily relieve pain, soreness or still tics", w iih a little clean, white Mustcrolc. Wustcrole is rv.cde cf pure oil of mustard and other helpful hreuento, combined in tho form of the resent white ointment It tokes the place ol rauctard plasiers, and will not blister. l.Iusteroie usuil! elves prompt relict fro:n caro throct, bronchi Js, tensi'.itis, croj, z'.il'x, crthnn, rcuralpia, headache conjcs'.ion, r'ev.. "y.rhrirma t!sm, lu.T.bao, pa-aa nd nehes of tho barlt or j.ilrts, cpn-.ins, tiro rnuscbs, bruises, chilblains, frosted fct.colils cf the chest ft often prevents pneumonia 35c and 65c jarr; l.ocpital sire $3.f) HY "MAKJOIIIE" (W ritten fop The I'nited l'ress.) N'KW YH:k, Feb. i. Spring shoes are moro elaborate and gorgeous than ever before, although such a pedal state seems almost impossible In view of the coiifectiohs of footgear ' that nave tripped about this past season. Shoe makers say that since, after loiiir years in the atempt, they have convinced womankind that shoes jnusi be as frafrilcly beautiful as gown or hat, they do not intend any sluing in; iieir propaant.u. ' sjirlng toot- veur showinns in manufacturer dis- J ,ilay ruoms'are a riot of colored kid! .md faliric, metal, jewels, ribbons and composition. Itray seems to be the bis choice in j color, us shoes follow suit and coot, nod blue and sray is the bin color fea-; tore in outer raiment for spnns;. There are many copper and red browns, however, a few blacks .and midnight bines, and the usual novelty combinations. Trimming run rampant. A swirl of patterned pcrf'trations with an u- ileriav of contrasting color ana laoric is the bis irimmiiics feature; For in stance, a pair of bronze kid Colonial pumps have an inch-wide band of oval periitiations about the entire shoe. White kid is used as the underlay aim white velvet bows flank the straps upon tho tonRuo. The revere effect is another now i.ote in footwear. Tirs style is shewn in bli'" Kid pumps, pipetl in white kid. with white straps that disappear un :ier the tum-l aCk n vers. tlray suide peifoiatcd with a wide ranire of patterns and underlaid Willi MARION HOPS TO IT liMli 1 As 1'laok I'alent leather is a style much In -the .foreground, and Muck patent leather, trimmed viih gay scarlet pip ings of velvet, sunn, or kid, is another K" "tng" novelty. Gay coloring and elaboration fs piven by patterned stitching that runs ovr strap, lonsti, tue, and bhtte top. Such a unirpte model is shown lnhick phtent leather with an intricate de sien in Kcarlet andtwhite stitching. A wide tongue fringed at both top and bottom completes the bizarreness ot the model. (tne-sidod effects given by mteiflaced straps or slashing are also very nobby. Floral patterns outlined in narrow leathers of gay color are a new sea son's hobby aiso. tveninir pumps adhere lo tin and Read This If Youi r Kidneys Need Help M"n and women past JU yesn ol se, and even younger, who work at confining, indoor occupationi sre usceptible to weakened, inactive or iluish kidney: that fail to properly cleanse and purify the blood. Symp toms of diseased kidneys are puffi ness under the eyes, sallow skin, floating specks, dry mouth, bilious- ! 1 ness. nervousnc-s. backsch;. rheu matic pains, swollen or stiff joints, sore muscles. Many bed ridden sufferers owe their condition to their failure to take heed of the tint warn ing of kidney trouble. . WANTS PEOPLE TO KNOW "I cannot praise your kidney pills pnfMih .'T the wonderful benefit I bay derived from thir use tor such a sVort while. Please publish this staletnent cs I w-nt the people of Rocfcy Mount and everywhere I- anovr of Mey Kidr-y Fills." Mra. A. G. Wtlli, R. r'. 0. S. Box 'A Rocky Mount. N. C. Foley Kidney Pills invigorate, rtren;hcn snd heal in active, weak end diseased kidneys and bladder. They help :j kidmys in their work of purifying the blood stream and crstinl, out poisonous waste. Clean blood makes possible St,nd rirculction. Wealthy Derres, atronf baek, clear bead, active b-ain. sound heart, satulactory digestion sod parfect health. cloth of itold or silver, although combination of sitin and metallic ib sf Is verv popular. Very narrow strips of the contrastim? material al ternate. A huge composition cr velvet flower takes the place of the old-tinis ih'nestone buckle. The vamp of the new shoes is med ii.m. The toe is somewhat rounded : and either the milttnrj- or Louis. hel is used.-' There seems to he a com promise between the American and French cut. ' BURNS Cover with wet hairing; soda ciierward apply gently 4m Two of the most homelike hotels n Portland located In the heart of the shopping and theater district All Oretron Elecric trains stop at the SKWAKI) HOTKL the House of Cheer. , Excellent dining- room in connection. THE HOTEL. CXR N KLIl'S. the I loose of W clctiie. la only two short blocks from the Se ward. Our brown busses meet all tre.lns. Ilates 11.50 and op. W .C. CIXBEHTSOX, Prop. J jk. a r- RUS Oew 1 7 Million Jan LW Veo.-fr Overbeck & Cooke Co. Pendleton, Walla Wslla, Portlsusd Metnlvr or Chloatm IVistrd of Trade. Private Wires to all Exchastrsss Stocks Eonds Grain Room Juilil Itldg. Phone tfW ASrOINleKl U.IOA XV ?3anjP" vaivcoo aNrtotiwoa jio vioueetf v ViTa -of- USED FORDS FORDS FORDS .$325.00 One 1919 Touring .......... $350.00 One 1918 Tourinjr . One 1918 Roadster One 1918 Roadster $225.00 $250.00 We have a few more good buys Priced from $125.00 up. Simpson Auto Co. Phone 40S 'Water and Johnson Sts. ..SeJOIXV M IMIO MPS ItvmaOa . Marlon. Ohio, is out to cash In in the fame the election of Hard ,ng brosjstht to the little city. Re produced' here is a "sticker" which tho business men. and citi lens are using on their letters n advertise Marion. The lelttrs aud border are in led. : v jt. -' tr ii4 CONROY'S CASH GROCERY You fan Do a Little Better at Conroys. BEST CREAMERY BUTTER, lb.. 50c SUGAR, SACK $9.65 Hills Blue Coffee, 1 lb. 33c; 3 lbs. $1.00 Gallon Blackberries, tin $1.20 Aunt Jemima' Buckwheat, pkg 15c Crepe Toilet Paper, 3 for 23c Van Camp's Pork and Beans, No. 2 tinst5 for 95c Quaker Oats, large package 40c Quaker Puff Wheat, each . . . 13c Peas, extra good quality, each 20c Sea Foam Washing Powder, large pkg. ,'0c Hills Bed and M. J. B. Coffee, 1 lb. 30c, 5 lbs. $2.40- Large Cans Tineapple, each 40c Pineapple, No. 2 tins, each 33c Van Camps Catsup, botHe ; . 30c