' A V '' . PAGE SIX DAILY EAST OREGONIAN, PENDLETON, OREGON, WEDNESDAY EVENING, FEBRUARY 2. 1021. TEN PAGES e I s i Social HOKTESSER POK TKA A charming note of springtime was pparent in the U tor which Mrs. S. H. Forahaw, Miss Florence Forshaw. Mlm Alio Forshaw and Mis Jessie Korshaw were hosteHws yesterday aft ernoon at the home of the Mlssee For- hsw. Delicate Upnena ruses u were uwd in the living room, where the hostesses received the two hundred matrons and maids who called during Ihe afternoon. In the dining room, American Beauty roses centered the tahle and blended with the light cast by a softly shaded floor lamp. Mrs. P. J. Hegeman, Mrs. C. S. Ter- renin. Mr. H. S. Carfleld, Mrs. KranK Frasler. Mrs. (1. W. Phelps, Mrs. Fred i'.ennion. Mra. Raymond Hatch, -Mrs. O. Ij. Clark, Mrs. E. J. Sommervilie, Mrs. James Johns, Sr.. Mrs. Charles Bonncy and Mrs. P. U Idleman pre sided at the tea tahle during the after noon. Serving the guests were Mrs. J. P.. McCook, Mrs. H. W. Dickson, Miss .Sidney Commervllle, Miss Georgians Fietcher. Miss Gertrude McConnell, Mb Emily Carney and Miss Martna ... r . I ,.,(t-rt m.-li. liuoeman. wine , son in dainty white lingerie frock and bows of bine tulle, opened the door for the guests and received cards. WILL RESIDE AT ECO, EXE. Mr. and Mrs. J. L. Whitman, for mer Pendleton residents w ho have re oentlv made their home in Spokane. depnrted yesterday for Eugene where HOPP' UPSTAIRS SHOP OVER TAILOR orteel VSStK THE PENDLETON DRUG CO. THE REXALL IF CORN NEW CAR JUST RECEIVED GIVE YOUR CHICKENS A TREAT. IT IS THE BEST AND CHEAPEST FOOD FOR THEM NOW. ASK OUR PRICES "J 1IUFL0IM 0. Phone 1014 and Club News Mr. Whitman has been elected lo the faculty of the Vnlverslty of Oregon In the department of science. Mr. and Mrs. Whitman spent th week-end here as guests at the horn of the let ter's parents, .Mr. and Mrs. James nrtirton. They are making the trip by motor. BAZAAR is srecKss. A benefit given last night' by the members of the Neighbors of Wood crnft netted I4S.10. which will be used to help defray expenses of lodge members who will attend the La Ia Grande lodge meeting February 22. Preceding the bacaar, a business meeting was held. ROTAI. NEIGHBOR TO MEET. The Royal Neighbors of America, at their meeting last night, made plans for a social to be given February IS. The social will be held in Eagle-Woodman hall. SOCIETY WILL MEET. The Missionary Society '.of the Christian church will meet tomorrow- at 2 p. m. In the pastor's ; study. Friends as well as members are ln- vited to attend. RECOVERIXO AFTER ILLNESS. Friends of Mrs. Reuben Pettenglll will he glad to learn that she ,1s Im proving In healtn afier a serious 111- ness of the past few weeks. THE NEW SPRING FROCKS ARE BEING UNPACKED DAILY YOU'LL LIKE THE NEW PRICES COME IN AJND SEE THE ADVANCE SPRING STYLES HARDWARE CO, Clings Wonderfully ! FACE' POWDER JONTEEL gives the skin soft, velvety smoothness and beauty. Accept able to the most sensitive skin, because it is pure. And delightfully fragrant perfumed with Jonted, the costly new odor of 26 flowers. Try Face Powder JontecL STORE - 351 fc.VQAQEMEXT IS AXXOVNCRD The betrothal of Miss Sybil Farley and Frank liowmun was announced at a charming party last evening when Miss Farley's mother, Mrs. U. S. Far ley, enletlained at the Farley home. The guests spent the evening In ex amlnlng the carefully treasured con tents of the hope-chest, and Inter on. Joyed a dainty supper at a table cen tered by a fcewpie w ith bridal bouquet and veil, pink ribbon streamers held by the kewple ended at each place, here a cird was used to make known tha engagement. Pink and white kewpie place cqrds were used, and the same dainty coloring was seen In 'the oon Don favors presented to each guest. Besides . the. hostess and honor guests.-those present were Mrs. Oacai Cutler, Mrs! William Pierce, Mrs. neecner urton, Mrs, Morton Elder Mrs. L. V. Kingsbury, Mrs. Henry nenunckson. Miss Amanda Mumm Miss Vera Bullack, Miss Alma Kohr- man. Miss Margaret Joerger. Miss Eli sabeth Joerger, Miaa Lola Childreth nd Miss Thelma Childreth. MOTHERS ENTERTAIN AT DIXNER Eighth grade, pupils of the Lincoln school, were guests last night at a banquet given by their mothers at the Parish Hall of the Church of the Re deemer. A color scheme of red and purple, the class colors, was used, and a profusion of red carnations decked the table. Red and purple caps were used as favors, one being placed at each plate. Short talks were made by Joe Holaday and others, and the youngsters gave a vote of thanks for the dinner party. School songs were sung, with piano music by Mrs. Frank Hoyden. Following the banquet, the boys and girls were guests of John Greulloh and Guy Matlock at the mov ing picture show at the Alta theatre. MRS. MAGEE HONORED. . Mrs. J. W. Ma pee was honored re cently when members of her Degree of Honor membership campaign com mittee called as a surprise at her home. Sewing and music occupied the afternoon and refreshments were served ' Degree of Honor members present were Mrs. Frank King, Mrs. Everett Allen, Mrs. C. H. Conroy, VI is. J. G. McConnell, Mrs. M. C. Ross, Mrs. C. S. Farley, Mrs. E. L. Brown, Mrs. C. E. Williamson, Mrs. G. F. Powers, Mrs. William Anderson, nnd Mrs. Helen Belts. Mrs. William Ken nedy of Hlngham, Montana, was an additional guest. WILL VISIT CALIFORNIA Mrs. X. D. Swearingen left today for Portland on No. 17. She will Join Mrs. T. D. Taylor, and the two will leave on Saturday for California where they will visit sisters in Oakland and Los Angeles. They expect to return here in a month. HONORED BY DANCE. Mr. and Mrs. Oscar Bowman were honor guests at a dancing party given last night at the home of Mrs. Lula Dungan. After a few hours of danc ing the guests enjoyed a dainty lunch. RETCRX FROM PORTLAND Mrs. Will Isaac and son Billy have returned from Portland .where they visited at the home of Mrs. E. J. Tann Icr. Mrs. Tannler was formerly Miss Beryl Ralston of this city. CLCB WILL MEET The Thursday Afternoon Club will meet tomorrow afternoon at the coun ty library, with Mrs. E. T. Wade and Mrs. John Hailey as hostesses. MISS CARXET RETURNS Miss Emily Carney returned yester day from Walla Walla where Bhe spent a fortnight as the guest of Mrs. Era melt Estes of Walla Walla. LEAVE FOR SPOKANE Mr. and Mrs. Edwin Schiller left this afternoon on the Northern Pacific for a week's visit In Spokane with Mrs. Schiller's parents. RETURX FROM COAST Mrs.: William Reichart and small daughter have returned from the coast where they visited relatives. H LOS ANGELES, Feb. 2. (U. P.) Superstitious? Not the 13 who attend cd the celebration of the 13th anni versary of the marriage of Mr. and Mrs. Sydney Chaplin last night. Each of them walked under a ladder In en tering the Chaplin home, broke a small mirror before dinner, partook of 13 courses and offered a toast of 13 words Take Grovo'a Laxative Qtiiszmo tablets joc Be sure you get The genuine heart this signature D Pure Country ' Sausage FRESH THIS MORNING, POUND, 35c Garlic, pound ............. '...."...50c Mexican Peppers, pound .-.... .....75c Japanese Chili Peppers, pound .' 75c Organo Sage, pound ; ....65c, Cummin Seed, pound '. 75c Coriander Seed, pound .. 50c Celery Seed, pound $1.00 , Caraway Seed, pound $1.00 Bay leaves, pound , 50c Whole nutmeg, whole pepper, whole allspice, whole cinnamon, whole pickling spice, whole black and white mustard, whole cloves. Largest Stock Fmeat Quality Right Price Gray Bros. Grocery Co. ' THREE f HONES QUALITY LAVENDER CLUB WILL MEET Mrs. Tlllle Walters will be hostess tomorrow afternoon to the regular meeting of the Lavender Club at her home on West Court street. A. B. C. AVD1T (Contnueu from page 1.) months, or any service copies. As Witt be noted on October 1. there was an average of 384 subscribers In arrears, a total of 112 service copies and 81 un paid copies. Practically without ex- ception the accounts in arrears are good accounts, many of these being farmers who have taken the paper for years and they may be correctjy rated as paid circulation. The service copies and unpaid copies few In number, also go to bona fide readers and with me exception of a few relatives go to parties from whom service Is received In exchange. , Books Open to All As has been frequently stated In the past the circulation books of the East Oregonian are open to all. Any bust nessman or any competitor naa me privilege at any time of observing tne press run, questioning any empiu and of otherwise checking up on circu. lation statements in any manner de- Audit Bureau of Circulations Century Building, Chicago 1. 2. 3. 4. 5 Average Net Paid Quarter 4th 1919 2400 1st 1920 2434 2nd 1920 2510 7. 3rd 1920 2372 Population, City (Corporate 1920 Census, 7,387. Population Local Territory (Total City and Suburban) 25,000 Daily Average Circulation for Period Covered by Section 6, above DISTRIBUTION ' EVENING City Carriers (Regular) .:.....:...... 1282 Dealers and Ind. Carriers 59 Street Sales : 133 Counter Sales 5 Mail Subs 41 Total City , '. "Suburban ' Carriers (Regular) '. 94 Agts., Dlrs. and Ind. Carr 8 Mail Subs. (incl. R. F. D.) 524 Total Suburban Total Local (City and Sub'ri). Country Agents and Dealers ..... Mail Subs (incl. R. F. D.) Total Country Total Net Cash Paid ..... iJBulk Sales (Average) ..See Par. 22 (f) Total Net Paid (including bulk) Subscribers in Arrears over 6 months Subscribers in Arrears over 1 year ..... .Short Term Subscribers in Arrears Total Advertisers Employees . Correspondents ; City Employees R R. and P. 0. Employes Total Service Copies Advertising Agencies Exchanges Complimentary Sample Copies Office Use and Files Total Unpaid Copies Total Distribution "City" refers to corporate limits unleas exception Is made aa ahown In Para graph 16 (a.) "Suburban" Is tha local territory. Hee Par. It (b). "rtoKUlor Carrier" Is one whose route lists, showing names and addrensea or ' addresses only, of subscribers are on (lie In the publisher's office. An "Independent Carrier" is one whose route list, showtnic the names and addresnes of subscribers, are NOT on 'All copies sold in quantity and paid for by other than the recipient, whether annual or term subscriptions, or special one day aales shall be consid ered bulk saleK. ' . "Paid Subscriber" ' a aubscriber served 'by mall or carrier, who has paid not leKS than B0 per cent of either the rvgular advertised subscription price, or newstand price and -who Is not over one year In arrears; also short term and trial subscriptions not In arrears. A "Short Term Subscriber" la a subscriber who has paid for a period of leps' than one year. Copyright, "22 ifi Percentage o( Average Paid MOTOR TO WALLA WALLA, Mr. and Mrs. Wlllard uud, Mr. and Mrs. Charles Bond and Mr. end Mrs. It. E. Morse motored to Wlln Walla today on a combined business and pleasure trip. aired. This invitation Is always open to all people. For some years past the detailed audit by the Audit Bureau ot circulation has been provided adver tisers on request This policy will he continued and there Is no sound rea son why any fair minded person should be deceived by ridlculuous and like- oug cMma bv any0ne seeking to cast aOUDt upo u,, of the Cre, Ionian's circulation figures. No facts are conceaied regarding circulation and every effort Is made to pre sent the figures with honesty ana entire good faith. In supplying A. B. C. reports to advertisers the East Oregonian gives them the best service known, The A. B. C. Is a disinterest ed auditing organization and is intend ed primarily to serve advertisers. Prac tically all reputable newspapers In large cities and elsewhere use this audit. Membership In the A. B. C. Is open to any newspaper at a reasonable cost and It is becoming more and more the tendency of advertisers to give scant heed to anything but audited cir culation reporta Auditor's Report East Oregonian City Pendleton State Oregon Year Estab. 1875 Published every evening except Sundav . Report for twelve monftii end ing Sept. 30, 1920. Date Examined October, 1920. Limits) Last U. S. Census, 4,460 1520 . .v.. 1 230 231 2377 52 2429 113 121 150 31 . 50 16 9 6 .... 31 6 18 11 15 2813 112 81 3006 file In the publisher's office. 1914, by Audit llureau of Circulations! Form MAR G920 Circulation Sold In Bulk ether than to - THOMAS SHOP Mil. I UJT v. ' I Show the Spring Mr. Thomas Is now In New York whi re lio Is M-Ut'lbig , the season's' SfiiartcMt (iariiHiiW. They are arriv ing dally. Some of these are now on ill-play at most Interestingly low prices. I u . J ... For Thursday, Friday and Saturday We are offering the remaining stock of Allen Brand ' Minced Clams at . l, 3 FOR. ...'...65c 12 FOR $2.50 CASE (48 CANS) ......... $9.75 IlmnkricM Sausage, lb 45c Rulk Date, Ih. SOfl Oyster Cocktails in bottU-M. 20c Fancy Itixlildl Walnuts, lb, 4&c. Med. l'nincs, II llw. for. $1.00 Country Duller, 1 Urn. for., too XXXX Brand Evaporated Milk for Cooking. PER CAN 10c PER DOZEN $1.10 CASE (4 DOZ.) $4.40 Grand Clearance Sale OIL HEATERS AT GREATLY REDUCED PRICES. $12.00 LARGE OIL HEATER, NICKEL TRIM MED, $7.00. $11.00 LARGE OIL HEATER, BLACK ENAM EL FINISH, $6.00. $8.00 SMALL OIL HEATER, BLACK ENAMEL FINISH, $4.40. $21.50 VACENETTE CARPET CLEANER FOR $12.25. . OUR ENTIRE STOCK OF COTTON, COTTON FELT AND SILK FLOSS MATTRESSES 1-2 PRICE. FINE WILTON RUGS AT 1-2 THE FORMER PRICE. YOUR CHANCE TO SELECT FROM THE LARGEST AND MOST COMPLETE STOCK IN PENDLETON AT PRICES FROM $62.50 TO $116.50. JUST RECEIVED A NEW SHIPMENT OF AX MINSTER RUGS, ALL NEW AND BEAUTIFUL PATTERNS TO BE SOLD AT A GREAT REDUC TION UNDER THE OLD SALE. . ALL LEATHER ROCKERS 1-2 PRICE. LAMP SHADES 1-2 PRICE. PHONOGRAPHS AT 1-3 OFF. ALL RECORDS NET. Remember, our niMre stock on sale from one-third lo one half off, for a fi'w days only ami for eah only, except contract Kms1s, which are sold on terms If desired. , . SHE OCR WINNOWS CRAWFORD FURNITURE CO. OCT OF TOWN HCSrXKSS SOLICITED MAIL ORIH318 GIVE PIIOMPT 103 E. Court St. Pendleton, Ore. Phone 496 mi n I Smart Snappy Suits Way to Smartness . PRICES DURING THIS . COMK LOOK BUY SAVE ATTENTION i ! ! newsdealer. V