THE EAST OREGONIANJS THE ONLY INLAND EMPIRE NEWSPAPER GIVING ITS READERS THE BENEFIT OF DAILY TELEGRAPHIC NEWS REPORTS FROM BOTH THE ASSOCIATED PRESS AND UNITED PRESS JDAILEDITION Nuabr of eopie, ermud of yUrday Unlly 3,309 Thl pper U mmber of and audited fT ln Audit JUureu of Circulation. DAILY EDITION Tha Sunt fronlnn ta Raafera Ore gon' ralet nww,pitpc .and aa nlllnn fore ! to tha fltir over twice thft iruaranteert pnut orci latinn In Pendleton and f matlil aoua ty of any other sawayaper. i COUNTY OFFICIAL PAPER CITY OFFICIAL PAPEH VOL. 32 Ill CAPITA! -I ARHR Olin i mmin i orVW COMMERCIAL SHOWDOWN L C. SCHARPF 111 WAGE 4E! i Lines Begin 'to Tighten as Uni on Rail Leaders Face Re . quest of Owners to Abro gate National Agreement and Take Wage Cut. A. F. OF L. PREPARES ANSWER FOR U. S. BOARD Belief Held by Laborites That if Reduction is Granted Re sult Will be Followed by De- ' crease in Other Union Crafts. CHICACiO, Feb. J. (f. p.) Mottle Jlnea between capital and union labor 'are drawn tight hert today. Faced by the requeat of railroad ownem for tha abrogation of na(lona) agreements nnd wage reduclona, union roll leader are putting the ftnlahing toiirhen to the annwer "they will present tomorrow before the United State railroad labor board. Though the matter at Htake la onlv between railroad ownera nnd employee Indication are that thl will be a "bis ahowdown" between capital and labor. , Should the railroade aucceed In forc ing a reduction, it U believed It will be followed by reductJoni) in nearly ever craft. Should the railroad employe iiialtaln a aucceaaful aland, ' other union are expected to aland flat against d cut In wage. HOREMANS BEATS CULTER IN CHAMPION BILLIARDS NEW YlirtK, Feb. 2. Edonard 1 foreman. Belgian billiard champion, led Albert Ciller o'. New Tork, 0 lo J75. last night at the end of the firm day' play of a 3.400 point match at 11.2 balk line, billiard. Horemana won the afternoon blnon. 400 te 111, and averaged 21 8-14 to Cutler' 24 t-lS. The Ilelgian had high run of ICS and 7 and Cutler 44 and SS. The foreigner ran out the! planned to place mo Itt till locally, evening block In ten Inning. 400 toll he Commercial Association by vole 114. Cutler' average via 18 4-10. endorsed the how and urged people of High run: H. 24. Hnremana 67, 80: Culler CIXJTmB MOVK Kill 8 WASHIXOTON. Feb. 2. (V. P.) Attempt to halt the aenate debate on the Fordney emergency tariff bill through the cloture rule fulled, 86-35. To pass the eloture needed two- third vote. A. B. C AUDIT SHOWS EAST OREGONIAN'S CIRCULATION, ROOKS ARF flPFU TO All vvvihs Complete Circulation Data Always Available to Advertisers; Auditor's Report Based on Average Figures for One Year; Circulation is Growing and Now Higher Than When Last Audit Was Made. Iitate of Oregon, ' Umatilla County . 1, J. M. Dunning, beln? first duly sworn, say: that 1 am n,ov, nnd alme June lt. 18J0, have been the Circula tion Manager- of "Kast Oregnnlan" newspaper, published In Pendleton, Oregon, and have been connected with that newspaper In It circulation de partment, for about three and one half jears. I know that the average total dally distribution of the said Knst ore finnian newspaper for, the lost four month, via: October, November and December, 1820, and January 1921. ha been 8187 and the gross average rteported by Major Moorhouae offltf'al observer. Maximum, 52. Minimum, 83. Hnrometer, 29.60.. THE WEATHER FORECAST Tonight and Thursday luio i.r hiiow. MANDS FOR I;. H. STURG1S NEW PRESIDENT Jnmca IT. Blurgla, prominent loenl bulniKH man und farmer will be the new prealdent nf the I'cndlelon Com mercial Aaanrlutlon, taking office the first of March. L, C. Scharpf. oiiahler of the American National Hank, win! oe vice premnenu isutn tnese men were elected by accllamatlon lax! even ing Rt a largely mended and cnthuaia tlc meeting of the club. Hy motion the cluh requested the new president to neect tho board of manager for the lemming year. Ovation for Ithlcy Trior to the election of Mown- Stur gin and Hcharpf nil ovation wan tender ed Iho retiring prin.dcnt, J. It. Iiuley who wa offered a reelection, hi nomination oeing made hy Put l,oner- una. Mr. Hale announced however that he could not accept for another lei m. Wheat Hill In I-'jiilorwil One of the Important nctiona taken l.iMt evening wa lb endorefcincnt of the eenale bill, Introduced by Senator Hoy V. Hltner providing for the Port- lnd exfiort grading wyalem on wheat instead of the federal grade now In line. It wa explained by i. It. Thomp. i:on that great Injustic e i now working on Or-gon farmei who rale wheat that I aold for export. For export a teat of M pound per bushel prevail on No. 1 wheal wherea under the fed eral grade a 60 pound test Is provid ed. Thl meana that oft club wheal which rarely test 0 pounds I xold on un unfair basis- The farmer must take a dockage under tho federal test wherea the exporter profit by the arrangement since he can sell a lower grade of wheat a No. 1 In the export market,. At the present time wheat testing less than 60 pound is docked three cent per bushel and the purpose of the bill before the legislature I to correct thl by providing a slidln scale so that wheat may be wild on a basia of II true value. t.VlOO for e.raln Show The statu of the Northwest Oram and Hay exhibit t ho held here an nually during Hound-l'p week was ex plained by .lames H. Sturgis and Freo Hennlon. The report Indicate, the show will be handled upon n big scale and with a single exception will be thr one big grain and hay show of the country. A stock subscription of I50OO to start the show is desired and It M I thl county to aid In providing the financial backing. About (liarlluble Siiliwriptlona Varlon charatlbl subscriptions In voked attention from the association. A communication from tho Astoria Chamber of Commerce called atten tion' to duplication In orphanages In Portland ami the burden on generous people In being asked .repeatedly to nni. uil.ii iu nuL dally press run for tho soma period has heen 335S. J. M. Dl'N.N'lNG. Subscribed nnd sworn to before m this 2nd, day of February, 1!I21. ('HAS. H. CAUTKIt. Notary Public for Oregon. My cum mlaalnn expire Oct. 7, 1923. In view f tho fact an attempt ha been mado hy a competitor to question tho accuracy of the East Oregonian Irculution figure the detailed alien or's report by the Audit Bureau of Circulations for the year ending Sep- emln r 8", 1K20 la published below, i'hls Information is given by the East Vegonian in accord with it policy ot vbsoliite frankness on the subject of Ircitlatfon, Clrcnlallon Is Incrfasing Attention Is hereby called to Cie act rfi it the auditor's report, shown clow, glvrs average figure for the 12 ni nths ending October 1. Hence the "eport does not show the full present I lay circulation und press run a the irciilatlon has been steadily Increas ng. The overage total destrlbutlon 'or the year ending October 1 Is listeo n the A. H. C. report sit 3(H)6 whereas it that time the figure were mntcrlal V higher. The snmo Is true now a hown hy the press run figures for Monday-S.SriH. A compilation made today by the circulation department shows that duv- 'ht the past four months the average dally destrlbntion has heen 3187 copies. Audit Very i:nctlng An will he een by a glance at the A. C. statement the bureau is very e--t'lnir In Its rules. The bureau does i HM hk net cash paid subscribers my short t'me s'lbscrier In arrears, -V ulis. rit eis In arrears over six iCuiiuuued vn pas (.) DAILY EAST OBEGONIAN, $55,000,00 ASSOCIATION; VICE PRESIDENT Kii(fi5i-t.'il that tho loRlslaturo ho aken to lnvcntiK,ito the alluution and to pro vino male aid for guch work. The plan wag endorsed here hint evening. A report wa made hv Dr. vr. v.. rtn: den and H. J. Warner regarding a new Plan for handling local rharltv v,..l mriiiit-n the office of the itrd CroM. J. N. Bcott, Armenian relief chair-. n an for the county, brought up the HUbject of further Armenian relief and Chlneae relief. The volmtary contribu tion of money for them pmpowK w.ik en iorai'd but all nuem lona nei inir.ln-.. lo drivca or. quotas wax referral tn nit n-w uuniiniHiraiiog. An chalrmHn of a committee, ni ! pointed lo invextlKale the local expruss sirvlro I'nt Ixmcrgan asked to he given further time and Ihla wax grained. The uxMOclatiun voted to allow a boya' club, the formation of which li pr'tpoKed by the Community Service organization, to have the une of two I billiard tablet, owned by ,the association and now In Morage, $ i Charles Hascall and Emos Adeff Indulge in Two Battles Over Limits of Their v Respective Grazing Grounds, One Re covering. Charb' Hascall l In St. Anthoii'0 hoepitul and Ktnos Adeff is In the county jail, today, .m the result of an argument over the boundary of "their respective hccp ranges, followed bv Iwo fights. Tti.Ilay. Adeff was r usted on-a charge of assault Willi - deadly weapoi with Intent to kill and l to oe taku'i lo Pilot Hock for ar raignment In II. e justice ; court. In cp i-v at tho 1 ospltal Ihis nHei-nor;r- d'sc loscd that I'.iscull is reoi enni- from bis wou'ids. Deputy Sheriff E. F. 11. HidRcway, who arrested Adeff at the John Hoss ranch on Hutjcn- Creek Inst evening, iiald today that it has not been proved whether either man used any weapon in their two rounds of battle. Adeff, he says, maintains that he broke Ibis call' nose and Injured his eye merelv by blows from his fist. Other re ports, the deputy says, arc that the men picked up whatever Implements at blind that were convenient und would serve the purpose. One of the combatants herds' sheep for K. C3. Warner and the other for .lohn Hoss. An argument Is alleged to hav ensued over the boundaries of the respective ranges, which led to a f;ght. Hascall, the story goes, was worsted in (he firt encounter, which was slopped by Mr. Warner, ljiter, the deputy says, Hascall returned to lettlo account with Adeff with the result that he was In need of hospilal treatment when the contestants were :ie pa rated. In petting to the scene of the frncas last evening the deputy sheriff lost a part of the engine from his auto and va obliged to walk .throe miles to the Warner home ranch where another machine' was commandeered for Oie I remainder of the trip to the Hoss ranch. The country covered is to the south and west of Pilot Hock and the officer was delayed several hours by llls accident. WILL ASK WILSON FOR WASHINGTON, Feb. 2. (T IM The house appropriations committee reported favorably on a resolution of Representative Gould, calling upon Wilson for a complete detailed state ment of expenditure of, the two na tional defense funds of a hundred mit- PUTS ONE IN JAIL AND Hons and fifty millions allowed hiin yet been completed but speakers al vluring the war. The president's pre- ready arranged for include John H. vlous statements, the committee said, j Lew is of Portland. Vice President ire incomplete, lEurltng of the Milwaukee road; Col. TO COMBAT U. S. TARIFF HUKNOS AIliES, Feb. 2. .(U. IM Argentine has taken the first step against tho proposed American re strictive tariff bill. Simultaneously, Uepuly Saccone forecast what may be In effect a world-wide tariff war. Saccnne's measure, which could be In- troiUicrd Immediately upon rvnponln tho Argentine congress May 1, uhottld tho Fordney tariff lull n pi?nod In iiw Tnited StnUs, provide s n 40 per cent t.triff on Importiit'mis of koihIh from all count, le- which have increased or,,.,, whllrnwn UUlWt rrmlU rumiK .ieai.-u uuuva on niSvNunv . , PENDLETON, OREGON, WEDNESDAY EVENING, FEBRUARY 2, 1921? 0,000 ID CIVILIZATION OR WARS MUST END, MVS PFRSHINfl - 1 General Before Naval Commit tee Declares Governments May Have Two Choices, Dis- .. armament or Destruction ol World's Advance. AGREEMENT MUST FIRST BE REACHED BY POWERS Scoffs at Idea That Germany Has Hidden Strength and Maintains That War Be tween U. S. and Britain In conceivable. WASHIXOTON. Feb. 2 (f. P.) Fnless progress can be made toward ending world wars, we've reached a point where civilization may destroy Itself, General Pershing told the houtse naval affairs committee. Pendilng added, however, "Until an agreement ha been reached among all the great power, the United States must continue its mnal and army pro gram." Fershing favored efforts to bring about a meeting of the great power to disarmament and said he has high hope that such a meeting will be successful. If Harding calls a disarmament conference, all powers will respond, he added. Pershing made light of reports that Germany ha heavy hidden strength, and raid it is unlikely she could start another war aoon. "War between the United States and England is hardlv conceivable," he Slid. "With that les son before us, the armament reduc tion meeting of nation ought to be en tered into very hopefully." War Appropriation Continue. WASHINGTON, Feb. 2, (V. P.) Appropriations of ninety millions to continue the building of naval dread naughls ami other armament during the next fiscal year was recommended In the naval appropriation hill, report ed to the house. The total carried by tho bill is more than 1385,000.000. Compared with appropriations of the preeent year, it Is a decrease of nearly $38,000,000 and is 82S4.000.000 less than navy officials requested . Haltlcfbip Program Included. Appropriation for the . continuance of battleship construction were in cluded despite the fact that resolu tions for disarmament, conferences and naval construction holidays are pending in both houses. Construction appropriation is to continue the build ing program of 1816, callig for 158 vessels, which, when completed, are expected to make the American navv equal to any in the world. Wi Big Power Meeting Saturday Will Draw Many Notables to City, Judge Phelps To' Be Chairman of Day. P.y. action of tho Pendleton Com mercial Association last evening a luncheon will be tendareA to outside people attending the Umatilla ruplds power site meeting here Saturday. Pat l.oncnran is in charge of nils part of the program. It is the hold the luncheon "in the Elks dining room. The power association is to hold its meeting in tho Elks lodgi room. At tho meeting SatunUry the session will be called to order by I). C. Hrow niil, temporary chairman. Judge O. W. Phelps is plated as chairman of the day. The detailed program has not Cavanuugh of the 1 . S. Engineer de partment, Portland; Senator Gcorg W. Joseph. Portland; Judge S. A l.oweil of Pendleton, and W. 1. Hen nelt, former stale hank superintend, out and now vice president of the In land Empire Hank of Pendleton. Practically every railroad- in the west is to have officials at Iho meet ing. Though not operating In this im mediate section .the Chicago, Milwau kee St. Paul road I officials to the meeting. Indications point to a large attend I a nee at the meeting. wiTunu wv Mgroit rr.miiTs WASHlXfiTt N. Feb. 2. if. V.) All permits lo deal in liquor ln wholesale uiiantitles, except those held ' hv manufactui era and drueulstR mnsi 1 , ( ,it,01ey general Ixaucd at re- .nueoi ui Dcviviaij .jiousioh. EfllTV CAUSES MIRTH IB IlCf . . a. . I H 111! MAiiHIAGE TO AID RUMANIA . ST Ei, 1 I . r f f I S ' r J J The marriage of Princess Marin of whose engagement la just announced, will increase Rumanian influence in the l'alkans. This Picture shows the newiv mra.i ... .,,!, . royal Kuman'an mirriase I set for .May 6, when Princess Elizabeth, Queen fcarle' eldeat daughter, is to wed Crown Prince Oorte of Greece. BRITISH AND BOLSHEVEKl SOLDIERS MEET IN BATTLE, TWELVE RUSSIANS KILLED TEH'EHAN, Persia, Feb. 2. Brit ish and the bolshevik! met In a bat tle Sunday, according to military ad vices received here. The Hritipli out posts on the northwestern Irontier of Persia were attacked by the bolshevl ki advance guards. . The llritish then counter-attacked, killing 12 and cap turing 27. There were no British casualties. WHEAT MARKET CLOSES AT HIGHER PRICE TODAY Wheat closed at a higher figure to day than thai apparent yesterday, the March grain closing ut 1.57 and the May at 1.46 J5-S. Yesterday the May closed at $1.55 and the March at $1.42 3-t. Following; are the quotations receiv ed by Overbeck & Cooke, local brokers: Wheat. ! Open. Hitih. Low. Close. 'March 1.57 1.53 1.55 1.S7 May 1.45 1.49 1.45 1.46 Corn. May .44 .66 .64 .5H July ,tiVi .67 ' .CG V .67 f Hits. May .41 .41-4 .4 It ,4l-H July .41, .41$, .4SH Uyc. May 1.30 1.34 V .1.30 'i 1.32 July l.U ' 1.14M. 1.11 l.Elii iiirloy May .GO Foreign l'.c!iaii! 3.S5. London Paris, .0710. Berlin, .0101. Hnme. .0367. Vienna, .0031 N, Y. money 9. Canada, 11 -S discount. "(From Ovcrheck & Cooke Co.) Wheat: As Indicated early, there was a market change in seniment oerniKht and in consequence buying met less opposition. The buying, however, appeared lo be for short account and as there was noth ing constructti e in the general news, the advance brought out renewed selling pressure and the market clos ed with a weak lone. There was some talk of nn export demand but no bus iness confirmed and tho decline of 3c in gulf wheat premiums did not tud5 v:tte an urgent inquiry. The otreme high point today was reached on-buying induced by the publication hy Hroomliail of the Argentine duties, which the trade construed as mean ing a miper tax of about 14c a bushel, hiit whicli turned out to be the regu lar duty charged from month to month ami was really 3-4c tower than the Janmry tax, Shortly before the close, rumors from the seaboard had that the ArKentme sending two (government would probably not im 1 pose a super tax on wheat exports for the time being. Should this prove ttue, tho market will. In all probabil ity soek a lower level to meet Argen tine competition. KIIIX AI'I'KISS SENTKXClTl. I.OS ANGKl.K'S. Kcb; 2. (IT. p.) Calmly, w iih arms folded. Floyd and Aithnr purr fmr.n,i l-i.i...'...n Mr!t, r.ladys Witherell, faced J.,dKe W ood and were sentenced to terms of ten years to lilu in Sail yuentm. Pun,n,io r- ... Another important 7 CENT TABLE" SUGAR POSSIBILITY RESULTING FROM WHOLESALE CUTS I 4" NEW TOnK, Feb. (U. -P.l Seven cent susar for the ta ble is a possibility, wholesale dealers here declared. The ap proach to pre-war prices has followed the wholesale reduc tions announced hy the Federal company, American Sagar He fining Co., Pennsylvania. Sjiear Refining Co.. Revere and Na tional companies. The- prices range from $6.85 set by the Fed eral to $7.25 announced by the Pennsylvania. The causes for the reductions, the sugar men said, was the same that reduced prices in other lines liquida tion to meet indebtedness, com petition, surplus ar.,1 lack of buying poweri TOpVI GLiRDANE BY USE OF LEFT HOOK TO JAW mi Ex-City Marshal Foils Bandit by "Putting Up His Dukes" j in Manner Totally Unexpect-! l ed by Assailant. An attempt to hold up Tom Gurdane, former city marshal, was foiled by a left hook to the jaw of the would-be tick-up man at 6:30 last evening, -ielivered by Mr. Gurdane. He took Ui his heels and made for the light, leav in his victim lyin on the ground In ! rar of tho l-urroughs coal sheds in the railroad yards. Two men lurking in the darkness were seen by Mr. Gurdane as he took a cut across the lt to make a grocery delivery. (,no wt'tit behind some box cars but; the other walked directly in front of Mr. Hurdane and thrusting a Pistol at his face ordered him to "put ip yer dukes." Mr. Gurdane. think ing he was the victim of a joker, was -'low to comply. The man, small In sbUure. but rather gruff of voire, shov ed tho gun. almost to the tip of Mr. ' lUrdnno'a nose and repeated the or- b?r with an oath. Quick as a flash, Mr, Gurdane, "put ap his dukes." One struck the bad man on the jaw and stunned him and the other lowered thn gun. Mr. Gur dane then turned and double timed to the light. The supposed accomplice did mt come to h;s pal's assistance. FINDINGS OF INQUIRY I ON BALLOON FLIGHT ! TO BE MADE PUBLIC, tVASUlNCTOX. Keb. I.-rteaolo. WASHIXHTOX. Fe'i. I. (A. IM Jtlon for an inveilii:atlon of Amerl The report of the court of inquiry or- ean n. tlviile In Mllwriu. Ilultl anil dered by Seoreiary Daniels to Inveati-. Santo Iximinao were ordered favor sale the 'albon flltht of l ieutenant ably reported by the aenata foreljsn af. Farrell, lieutenants Hinton and Kloor faira comnilllee, from Uoekawav, X. Y.. to Moose Par-j tory, out., has been received at the, lMtiiM'y- illard Heht 1'w.lptNml navv de T'liient. Thn findings ar. , l.tiH AXtiKI.KH, Feb. 2. (A. It. row In the hands of Judge Advocate. .The fifteen round biMit hetweon Jack Oeneral Clark and Secretary laniei IVnioscv nmi i..m. u- &f s,id they would oroi.abiy be made oub. jlic within a few t'aya. NO. 0740 GERMANS LAUGH IN DERISION AT ALLIES' DEflD Scorn Sweeps Reichstag When Foreign Minister Von Sim- ' mons Goes Before Body to Explain Nature of Decree. FLAT REFUSALT0 PAY VAST SUM IS IMMINENT Declare a Forcible Collection of Customs Might Lead to Arm ed Clashes, if Such a Course is Contemplated by Allies. PARIS. Feb. 2. -(By John DeGanf. U. P. Staff Correspondent.) Germany i laughing In the face of the allies jiaughinj la dervislon at the demand" for Indemnity of 155.000.000,000. The .! "re faCed W"h TrtutaX ,0 !th"' huKe um. In that event, aeixure of German port and forcibly collected customs are contemplated. Thl la ad mitted, might lead to armed clashes. Berlin dispatches atiid derisive laughter swept the Reichstag when Foreign Minister Von Simon address ed that body and made known the na ture of the allies' demands. Von Sim ' n made it pretty clear that Germany will reply that she cannot pay nj such sum. France, according to officials, wotiM like to occupy German fort and place garrisons in important German cltie to enforce payment, but It is elievedj Britain would hardly support such a. move. . t 1TEREST GROWS l ' i; ORE. THEATRE MFETINBS . Meeting In Oregon theatre are t , growing In interest and aftendance. , 4, Evangelist Harding Bpoke last even- j ing to a well filled house on "Xo Man, 4, i Cared for My Soul" It wa to ay th ,! least a very stirring and Inspiring dia- course that would be of profit to every I Christian. i ' , Evangelist Fleming will speak to 4 ' night with special ainging by Prof. Shank and wife. Through the courtesy., of 8. F. Bowman of the Warren Music House 4 the evangelists are providing a special musical treat for the audience eaoh evening while the crowds are 'gather in:! In. Mr. Bowman has donated a I new Edison for the use of the con j mittee in this meeting and some ppe- eial selections- will be rendered on it each evening. J "These services are free to all, and j are for the spiritual betterment of our j city, says Rev. J. T. La Rose, pastor of . tho Nazarene church. IIOSTOX NATIONALS PLAY . GALVESTON. Teva..Feb. (A. ' I- The Boston National will play 16 games on Galveston island durin i'heir training here, it was announced " r RATES ARE INCREASED Water users are asking th why of Increaiei1 rates on their February bills result of a misunderstanding which crept Into the stories In Pen dleton papers last month regarding" the date of change in water rates here. The story as given to the Kast Orego nian by a commission director and the engineer, was underuod to have fix ed the date of change at March I. The commission, however. Is billing the new rates on account now being collected. Trior to today, no one connected with tho water commission notified the East Oregonian of any error In the report. The additional 50 cent charge for users of the minimum haa tieen added to all bills now payable, however, and clerks In the water office are required to do more than ft little explaining. TO INVESTIGATE U. S. . u in Srm York' h k irf.,...- Itostponed Dcmpary announced todny.